
update.bat (ds)

Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. set desktopsave=1
  3. if not exist a:\ goto updatenow
  4. if "%cd%" equ "A:\" goto updatenow
  5. echo DELUX SHAVE was designed to be saved on a floppy disk.
  6. echo Would you like to save there?
  7. choice /c yn /n /m "Save to floppy (Y/N):"
  8. if %errorlevel% equ 1 set orgupdate=%cd%\update.bat
  9. if %errorlevel% equ 1 cd /d a:\ & set desktopsave=0
  10. echo Saving to %cd%...
  11. if %desktopsave% equ 1 cd /d %homedrive%\%homepath%\desktop
  12. :updatenow
  13. echo DELUX SHAVE is now downloading (or updating who knows?)...
  14. echo Attempting to update without internet access will cause DELUX SHAVE to be wiped...
  15. echo Starting download at: %date% %time%
  16. powershell -command "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'DS.bat')"
  17. if exist ds.bat del %orgupdate% & call ds.bat
  18. if not exist ds.bat echo Finished at: %date% %time% without downloading... & echo Try checking your internet connection and trying again.
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