
03.25 zahhual death

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [00:00:38] JaDrako Kumo says, "Oh no."
  2. [00:01:29] Dmex asks, "...Do you ever just... realize that you're always older than you've ever been?"
  3. [00:01:29] LOOC - Lance: ( Am I allowed to move through here or is something going on?)
  4. [00:01:29] Dmex stares vacantly down at her hands.
  5. (Dmex)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [00:01:29] JaDrako Kumo says, "That was deep..."
  9. [00:03:12] Atro Gwyn says, "Yes. Time skipped a year and no one noticed because it was never brought up, so we aged by 1 year fasted due to the spires tampering with seasons."
  10. [00:03:12] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (omit)
  11. [00:03:12] Kayeliun says, "I think we spent that entire year inside our house."
  12. [00:04:03] Atro Gwyn says, "I suppose humans hibernate too."
  13. [00:04:54] Dmex says, "I've spent several weeks inside my house without moving, before."
  14. [00:04:54] Dmex says, "Comforting."
  15. [00:05:45] Dmex says, "...Maybe I should do that again sometime."
  16. [00:06:36] Kayeliun says, "It's pretty relaxing."
  17. [00:10:01] Nizhoni perks up, looking to Dmex. She had never spoke to the woman, but she knew from hearing things that she was an important figure within Ezmara. The eye mask, as well as the silver hair gave her away. The Atl warrior approached the Ezmaran Warchief, passing her a sheet of paper.
  19. "I found this on Atl grounds, nothing important, but your name was on it and it's pretty funny so I figured it might interest you."
  20. (Nizhoni )
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [00:13:26] Dmex snatches the paper when it's offered to her, scanning along beneath each word with a single finger to help herself along.
  25. "...Well that's... completely baffling."
  27. For a moment, she seems ready to pass the note back to Nizhoni, but hesitates - and with a single crack of her wrist, a flare arrives and reduces it to ash.
  29. "I don't know how he came to this conclusion. I simply made him silent."
  30. (Dmex)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [00:14:17] Kayeliun asks, "What'd it say?"
  34. [00:14:17] Dmex says, "Oh."
  35. [00:14:17] Dmex says, "Malachai's claiming that I used magic to turn him into an obedient, mute slave or something."
  36. [00:14:17] Dmex says, "For... exactly a year, which he knows somehow."
  37. [00:14:17] Dmex says, "And, apparently, I made such an obvious gap in this thralling that he was still capable of writing a letter describing it."
  38. [00:15:08] Kayeliun says, "Funny."
  39. [00:15:08] Kayeliun asks, "He's Atl, isn't he?"
  40. [00:15:08] Dmex rolls her eyes, but realizes the mask kind of. Makes that impossible to see.
  41. (Dmex)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [00:15:08] Dmex says, "Yes."
  45. [00:15:08] Dmex says, "Somehow."
  46. [00:15:08] Kayeliun says, "He almost seems too stupid to be anything else."
  47. [00:15:08] JaDrako Kumo says, "Oof..."
  48. [00:16:00] Dmex says, "...As if I'd even want him as a slave."
  49. [00:16:00] Dmex says, "I just wanted him to shut up, so I stole his voice."
  50. [00:16:00] JaDrako Kumo says, "That malaguy dude is super weird like weirder than me."
  51. [00:19:24] Kayeliun says, "He's mostly just kind of an idiot."
  52. [00:19:24] Kayeliun says, "You're...."
  53. [00:20:16] Kayeliun looks over at JaDrako.
  54. (Kayeliun)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [00:20:16] Kayeliun says, "...not that."
  58. [00:20:16] Dmex says, "He's idiotic to a degree that's proven dangerous."
  59. [00:20:16] Dmex says, "He's "accidentally" killed people, and had Xomac cover for him."
  60. [00:21:07] Kayeliun says, "What a surprise."
  61. [00:21:07] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Didnt he kill a guy fresh off the boat?"
  62. [00:21:07] Dmex says, "Yes, that too."
  63. [00:21:58] Dmex says, "He's clutched cursed objects desperately to his chest, despite all warnings telling him otherwise."
  64. [00:21:58] Dmex says, "He's a rat. A brain-damaged rat, who I silenced."
  65. [00:21:58] Kayeliun says, "Maybe you should have killed him instead."
  66. [00:21:58] Dmex says, "Thought about it."
  67. [00:21:58] Dmex says, "Effigy wanted me to."
  68. [00:23:40] Kayeliun says, "Guess he's got a lot of good ideas."
  69. [00:23:40] Kayeliun says, "...can you tell him to actually fucking visit? I need to talk to him."
  70. [00:23:40] Dmex asks, "Oh. Talk?"
  71. [00:23:40] Kayeliun says, "Yeah. Just talk."
  72. [00:23:40] Dmex asks, "Any details...? Subjects?"
  73. [00:24:32] Kayeliun says, "He promised me something and has yet to deliver."
  74. [00:24:32] Kayeliun says, "'s nothing, er...."
  75. [00:24:32] Dmex asks, "Someone's heaad?"
  76. [00:24:32] LOOC - Dmex: (head*)
  77. [00:24:32] Kayeliun quickly takes the half-comatose Atro's hand.
  78. (Kayeliun)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [00:24:32] Kayeliun shakes it as though to make a point.
  82. (Kayeliun)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [00:26:14] Kayeliun says, "...and kind of someone's head, but more a general thing."
  86. [00:26:14] Dmex asks, "Just... a long list of dead?"
  87. [00:26:14] Kayeliun says, "Yeah."
  88. [00:26:14] Kayeliun says, "Yeah...."
  89. [00:26:14] Dmex says, "Him and I talk a lot about that."
  90. [00:26:14] Kayeliun says, "Well he hasn't exactly made progress on it."
  91. [00:27:05] Dmex says, "His attention's been elsewhere."
  92. [00:27:05] Kayeliun says, "...yeah, I've noticed."
  93. [00:29:39] Dmex says, "...Me, mostly."
  94. [00:31:21] Xitlalli says, "Well, I don't see 'er. Hm."
  95. [00:31:21] Kayeliun says, "Yeah."
  96. [00:31:21] Kayeliun says, "That's great and all, but I do need to talk to him."
  97. [00:32:12] Dmex says, "Understood. I'll make sure to send him your way."
  98. [00:32:12] Dmex says, "Maybe after I beat him again in another spar."
  99. [00:33:04] Kayeliun says, "Pff. He used to brag about how tough he was, too...."
  100. [00:33:04] Kayeliun says, "Though I guess you aren't exactly weak."
  101. [00:33:55] JaDrako Kumo says, "I Beat him up a couple times back when avalon was still up."
  102. [00:34:46] Kayeliun says, "He begged for his life by bragging that he was Avalon's strongest."
  103. [00:34:46] Kayeliun says, "...which might be true, considering they're dead now."
  104. [00:36:28] Dmex says, "He's skilled. Which just isn't enough against me, I'm afraid."
  105. [00:37:20] Kayeliun says, "Right."
  106. [00:37:20] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Mage legs, activate.))
  107. [00:37:20] LOOC - Zahhual: ((WEW LADS))
  108. [00:37:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (im more agile than u)
  109. [00:37:20] LOOC - Dmex: (lowest possible pursue...)
  110. [00:37:20] LOOC - Dmex: (i cry)
  111. [00:38:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (>2869 pursue)
  112. [00:38:11] LOOC - Zahhual: ((pursue me daddy dmex))
  113. [00:38:11] LOOC - Dmex: (:smirk:)
  114. [00:41:36] LOOC - Zahhual: ((It's like, 2.4ish months to a day, right, but obviously exact time doesn't matter))
  115. [00:42:27] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Ritual was. . tuesday night? Four days. Okay, best part of a year then.))
  116. [00:46:43] LOOC - Dmex: (...also brb)
  117. [00:47:34] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Brief hold up!))
  118. [00:48:25] LOOC - Kayeliun: ((ok i've got stuff in the morning so i'm gonna log
  119. [00:49:16] LOOC - Dmex: (i live again)
  120. [00:49:16] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oh shit our numbers are dwindling for this intense upcoming boss battle)
  121. [00:51:50] LOOC - Zahhual: ((>boss battle >implying i could beat dmex or atro 1v1))
  122. [00:51:50] LOOC - Zahhual: ((baka))
  123. [00:51:50] LOOC - Dmex: (:smirk:)
  124. [00:51:50] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Forgive slow, don't wait on my post if y'all were RPing. Gonna be a tad slow due to nerves, ha.))
  125. [00:51:50] LOOC - Xitlalli: (it's okay Zahhual)
  126. [00:51:50] LOOC - Xitlalli: (you can do this)
  127. [00:52:41] LOOC - Xitlalli: (we're right behind you)
  128. [00:52:41] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I'd stand more of a chance against y'all fuckers if these gauntlets worked. B) ))
  129. [00:52:41] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Yee 4 arm mom )
  130. [00:52:41] LOOC - Xitlalli: (just murder... atro... first)
  131. [00:53:32] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  132. [00:53:32] Oyaotl whispers something.
  133. [00:53:32] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Also i didnt have enough stone
  134. [00:54:24] LOOC - Oyaotl: { did u go minin recently?
  135. [00:54:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( We need like 300 more and then ellenore can make it.
  136. [00:54:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Leo was dealing with waifu stuff all day so i couldnt get to him.
  137. [00:55:15] LOOC - Oyaotl: { lets go minin
  138. [00:55:15] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Do you not see 4 arms rping thot
  139. [00:56:06] LOOC - Oyaotl: { o.
  140. [00:56:06] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I should enlazar you rn
  141. [00:56:57] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Jk i luv <3
  142. [00:58:40] Something uncomfortable begins to pulse at the very edge of hearing, something distinctly unsettling in the previously quiet night- the slow beat of a drum, so gradual and delayed that it seems more like a heartbeat than any sort of actual percussion. Perhaps, at first, it's too quiet to consciously make out, or too low to be picked up audibly, only felt.
  144. But the familiar sensation of malevolence that begins to weigh heavily in the air makes it clear just who's coming.
  146. It had been months since the swamp Shaman had shown up anywhere, let alone the Cruxati square- not even the swamps, as uncomfortable as they'd grown to become, seemed to house Zahhual often in recent times. Months since anybody, at least any Gehennan, had actually seen her.
  148. Which proves to be for the best, really.
  150. The Shaman's return is hardly a pretty sight- and not only due to having the furs of a recently skinned deer draped over her shoulders as some replacement for the missing mantle below, the feathered garb she usually wears unfortunately missing. Given that a few colourful feathers dot the deerskin, it seems likely that it isn't in one piece.
  152. No, far less pleasant is that it seems as though Zahhual's in a similar boat to Navi, Masika, and Kamo, an unfortunate fourth to the corrupted, degrading quartet. Her lower arms gradually fade in colour, the fingertips being the darkest point, a deep purplish-black and razor sharp. From behind her mask- namely pouring from the eyeholes of her mask -ooze thick gouts of greyish-black, wisps of foul, gaseous substances rising from behind and drifting up and away in the wind. Her fingertips, too, ooze thickly with the smoke.
  154. But not even that is all. For the gauntlets that used to encase her upper arms to the elbow are so vastly different. The runes that once wound around their surface seem brighter, more plentiful. Twin crystals are embedded into them, afoul purple, one in the back of each hand.
  155. Much like Zahhual, they radiate their own miasma- and feel awful to be close to, like twin crimes against nature, something utterly wrong in the world. Whatever's the case with them, purple blood wells up from beneath Zahhual's elbows, oozing thickly over purple-stained arcanium.
  157. She lurches into view, hesitation and caution visible even in her spooky state. The mask turns and observes, but nothing is said.
  158. (Zahhual)
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. [01:05:29] Where he stood, Atro seems to simply exist, standing like a statue; eyes dead blue without life, breathing dim, and posture stiff and upright.
  163. There was so much wrong in Gehenna, and he seemed a part.
  165. As tucked away within there's corruption infecting, but not the cause.
  167. The approach of dark brings his eyes to turn, a miasma coating, familiar, yet now far more vulnerable to its effect. Wincing at the sight of the corrupt woman - even worse than before.
  169. Atro stared distantly, taking in the sight, and seeming almost uncaring to his dull blue eyes. "So you've gone further? Dragging others into it again?" he utters in a cold listless voice.
  171. Shifting forward there's no action, he wasn't given an order.
  172. (Atro Gwyn)
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. [01:11:28] Funny, Xitlalli swore she could feel something; it was not comforting in the slightest and it seemed to be getting worse and worse as time progressed and by then, she could feel it properly. It would be defined, the pounding of drums, slowly! Though it wasn't to the rhythm of a dance persay, no, it was more organic to Xitlalli's person.
  177. Thump-Thump.
  179. Xitlalli's heart however took on a gradually faster beating, trying to outpace the horrid sensation given to her; it was an effort subconsciously to beat whatever was wading in, a sense of utter malevolence, heavy and oppressive.
  181. "W-What.", upon her heel, she spun as to face the source; what she was about to see, caused her mind to ask many a question, though none were to be answered immediately.
  183. It'd be her teacher, the one she hadn't seen in a year? Maybe almost a year and a couple of months; it was hard to tell, yet Xitlalli cared little for time right now. What she cared about was the fact that the woman who taught her what she knew, was standing right there infront of her, infront of all of them within the Cruxati square!
  185. "Zahhual? Zahhual!", a cry for attention if anything, as the young dancer moved here and there, not making an attempt to truly close the gap as it were; the tall shamanic woman seemed off, and different somehow and this wasn't just by appearance alone.
  187. Was this what Navi spoke of, of what Hatsune also spoke of; it was a shame Xitlalli understood so little and that she had been told so little as well.
  189. "Uh, Zahhual? Are you okay? We've missed you. I. I've missed you. What happened?"
  191. As of right now, Xitlalli was struggling to maintain her composure; she was not making an idle dance, she hadn't the stomach for it, thanks to that miasma radiating out from their stonewalled form. Yet, logical sense was notheeded; the woman was fixated on following her heart, for the moment, her desires to do what she had wanted.
  193. "I've a gift, I wanted to give you. Ah-ah... Jeez."
  195. The dancer was about to allow the words 'you look rough', to slip out of her gob, though she found herself frozen and like that of a brick lodged within her throat.
  196. (Xitlalli)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [01:13:10] The dreadful presence was felt as Zahhual approached her appearance was even more menacing than before.
  201. JaDrako had seen Zahhual before she was about peace and what not but this was a lot more extreme than before.
  203. JaDrako eyes the new gauntlets they seem to be the product from all the crazy shit that happened.
  205. "Zahhual...?" She was the same but different and JaDrako was actually scared for once. he rested his hand on his katanas and took a deep breath
  206. (JaDrako Kumo)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [01:18:17] Lotlhuitl had been staring off into the distance, leaning against the temple wall. Her mind was thousands of kilometres away. Daydreaming. Her expression was ashen, hands balling into fists. Green eyes staring off towards the jungle, out into the middle distance.
  211. Drumbeats. Thump. Thump.
  213. The steady sound brought her back into herself. The youthful Nagual woman had blinked, dark eyelashes a flutter for a second, as she straightened. As her gaze once more focused on what was before her.
  215. The Cruxati courtyard.
  217. Lotlhuitl inhaled sharply, standing straight. Malevolence, tugging on her injured soul. The hair at the nape of her neck stood on end. Her tail subtly bristling.
  219. Zahhual.
  221. The Nagual's ears had perked up, her green eyes focusing on the mask-wearing woman. But that only lasted but half a moment. The prickling feeling at her skin intensified.
  223. Zahhual was bleeding. Injured? Radiating some terrible energy. The more.. primal, primitive part of Lotlhuitl's mind actually had her shudder. Visibly shiver. The Nagual's green eyes had widened, her lips parting as her mind blanked.
  225. Xitlalli spoke. Greeted Zahhual. Spoke of gifts. Lotlhuitl looked to the dancer. So. Xitlalli had not found Zahhual. This was the first time she was seeing her, too.
  227. In truth, Lotlhuitl had something to give to the shamanistic figure (or was terror more apt?) too. But. Not being exactly a woman of many words at the best of times, she remained silent.. though. She did step forward, jewellery making subtle sounds as metal shifted against metal (jingle, jangle, jingle). And kept sort of awkward tension in her limbs as she regarded both Xitlalli and Zahhual.
  229. Waiting.
  230. (Lotlhuitl)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [01:23:24] Hatsune stepped out of the temple when she heard distant, beating drums- It was familiar. It was the noise she'd rushed to the edge of the Huli River to meet. It was the noise she'd stirred from meditation to greet. It was the noise that met her every day- At least until the Shaman's disappearance. She'd know it anywhere and in any form...
  235. She froze for a moment in the doorway as she stared at the Shaman. The mermaid's face was a mask of exotic features that obfuscated any show of emotions. Finned ears fanned out wide, and her cheeks went sallow as muscles meant to aid her in unhinging her jaw slackened. Whatever that appearance meant to non-Sirenia was a mystery.
  237. But that pause did not last, and she lurched forward toward the shaman.
  239. "I thought you were gone..."
  241. Her monotonous voice trailed off as she took glacial steps forward. The mermaid was never one for quick or sudden movements, but she seemed slower still now than ever before.
  243. "I thought you would not ever be back. Zahhual... Can you speak?"
  244. (Hatsune Panic)
  245. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. [01:26:49] LOOC - Dmex: (iii'm sorry i'm suddenly busy over here, please don't expect much out of me)
  248. [01:26:49] LOOC - Dmex: (--i'll dive behind a tree even)
  249. [01:30:14] Another glance is shot around the Cruxati courtyard, the leering glare of her mask turning, its inhuman visage perhaps more fitting now than ever before. Her lower hands twitch, shudder, fingers clenching and unclenching, wisps of smoke rising from them almost as thickly as from her eye holes.
  251. And yet, scant few of those present seem to actually garner her attention. Only the three that approached her, in fact. That stare lingers warily upon Lotlhuitl, then Hatsune, and finally upon Xitlalli.
  253. Hoarse and deep, perhaps lacking in a touch of its usual power, her voice rings out- it's almost like she hasn't spoken in a long time, unsurprisingly.
  254. But there's a touch of struggle to it, a touch of a lisp- albeit minor -that suggests that there's more to it than merely not speaking in quite sometime.
  256. Her gauntlets thrum and quiver with vibrations as her lower arms reach out towards Xitlalli.
  258. "You have for me an offering? I demand it."
  259. (Zahhual)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [01:33:39] Rothraim stares at the crowd of people.
  263. (Rothraim)
  264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. [01:34:30] Xoconan whispers: "What the fuck did I miss."
  267. [01:36:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... Zahhual returns, Xoconan.
  268. [01:38:46] Xitlalli on occasion glanced over her shoulder, watching as the crowd gathered up. It'd seem that things might be taking a turn for the worst, or rather fear was present in other people --not just her own sorry self.
  270. "Yes, I do, Zahhual, I.", the young dancer felt weary and distressed; why wasn't her teacher acting like her usual self, more to the point what had they even done to themselves. Those were the questions she kept on asking as her right foot moved.
  272. Then her left and in due time she slowly with a bouncing stride made her way infront of the Shaman, to which Xitlalli found at this range, her muscles began aching, her entire body starting to tremble too. But...
  274. This is what she desired to do, to give her gift to Zahhual, well one of them at the very least.
  276. So without further ado, her expression twisting from it's neutral state to a more panick-etched slate! The lithe hands of Xitlalli reached over to her side; a leather satchel, rather bulky it was concealed the 'offering'.
  278. "H..Here it is.", tugging and pulling, in time it'd be revealed; a new mask for Zahhual, it was almost like that of a direct copy. The only discernible difference being of the fact that it was noticeably cleaner perhaps and that the painting wasn't chipped or aged.
  280. "A new mask, do you like it?", struggling to even lift the thing, her arms shivering uncontrollably, the young dancing runescribe lifted up the mask towards Zahhual, ready for them to take it off her.
  281. (Xitlalli)
  282. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  284. [01:39:37] LOOC - Xitlalli: (it should fit, if not then eee)
  285. [01:50:43] Lotlhuitl was.. tense.
  287. Xoconan was to her side. She had been so focused on Zahhual's entrance that she hadn't even noticed Xoco shift up to her, until the female-presenting warrior had leant in and whispered to her.
  289. The Nagual with the blue-black hair watched as Xitlalli presented Zahhual her offering. A new mask. Lotlhuitl had inspected it previously; in her opinion it was excellent craftsmanship. But. Zahhual might think differently?
  291. Her tail flicked.
  293. "I too, have an offering, Zahhual," Lotlhuitl breathed, taking a hesitant half step forward. And then she gathered her courage, and joined Xitlalli. The tall, willowy Nagual audibly jingled as she moved, weighed down by jewellery. Gold. Silvers. Bronzes. Bone. Feathers. Yeah. She looked good, or at least, so she thought.
  295. This was possibly one of those bad ideas. She perhaps could have chosen a better moment. One in which she couldn't possibly be perceived as trying to steal the limelight. But oh well! She was doing it now. Lotlhuitl was owning it.
  297. Head held high, suppressing a shiver, the Nagual retrieved a small suede pouch from within a pocket, and from within produced a delicate charm, inlaid with runes. A carved figure of a panther, created years ago. Made from bone, obsidian, glass beads, twine. The work of a child.
  299. Perhaps Zahhual would recognise it. Perhaps not.
  301. "You told me to give this to you once the war was over."
  303. Lotlhuitl stood by Xitlalli, giving her dancer friend a sideways glance as she struggled with the weight of the mask.
  304. (Lotlhuitl)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [01:54:08] LOOC - Zahhual: ((This is v slow and I'm a slow typer, gonna pretype a li'l.))
  308. [01:54:08] Hatsune's lurching movements came to a stop as the call for an offering was made and met. She stood behind Xitlalli and Lotlhuitl, and the look on her face was-
  310. Impossible to read. Finned ears drooped, her cheeks puffed, but that meant nothing to most land dwellers. Still, she couldn't help but make a forlorn object out of herself standing on the fringe of the event and staring in. She made no noise, and if she wasn't seen walking a moment ago she might easily have been mistaken as a statue.
  311. (Hatsune Panic)
  312. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. [01:54:59] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Never a bad idea. Pretype is best type.))
  315. [01:54:59] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Hatsune you making me cri )
  316. [01:54:59] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( ;-;
  317. [01:54:59] Oyaotl whispers something.
  318. [02:02:40] You learnt the spell Hemorrhage.
  319. [02:04:22] The Archon was oblivious to whatever sensation of dread held the tongues of the Gehennans when faced with Zahhual instead he simply floated over to her since she had been someone he was looking forward to speaking too for a while. Especially with the interesting news he received moving closer after all the 'offerings' where handed over Rothraim simply spoke clearly and plainly while hovering above the ground.
  321. " Ah shaman its been sometime since we last spoke. I wish to speak to you about matters and get your opinion on them will you come to speak with me once you are done with whatever human ritual this might be?"
  323. Feeling a bit of an abrasive magic flowing from her he fixated his eyes onto her form. Deadly magic flowed through her unlike anything he had witnessed before. It was hard to discern her from human or demon at this point. Whatever mask she wore the eyes of an Archon could clearly view the corruption bleeding from her soul.
  325. A depraved knowing grin sprawled across the creatures face however he choose not to speak about what he knew.
  326. (Rothraim)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. [02:08:38] And even so, the Shaman's attention seems to remain on the prospect of offerings more than anything else, selfish, wanting, demanding. But at least for the moment, pacified by the concept of receiving. The fingertips of all four hands twitch and shudder with vibration, the Shaman's mask turning this way and that, indecisive over which offering to deal with first, like picking which present under the tree to unwrap.
  331. But only the desire to gain remains in that indecisiveness, none of the childish excitement, none of the glee. Just maliciousness, greed- of the non-wrathxal variety -and hunger.
  333. First, her upper hands rise as the lower pair reach out. In unison, the gauntlets come to rest upon her mask as the blackened flesh of the bare hands grips the mask, made with love as it may be, in Xitlalli's own grip.
  335. Slowly but surely, the former rises. Burgundy hair cascades free, but- but most of her facial features prove to be obscured regardless. It seems as though that thick, unnatural smoke pours from a multitude of places- her eyes, completely hidden away, nothing but a faint, deep-red smouldering behind the smoke. From behind her lips in great gouts following every breath. Even from her nose, in lighter wisps.
  337. For a moment, she seems to consider Xitlalli- then the mask in her upper hands.
  339. "This was given to me on my fifth birthday. It is my first. It has been my only. Repaired and repainted. Mother would be ashamed."
  341. Without the ceremony one might expect from Zahhual, a performer at heart, she seizes the second mask from Xitlalli's own grip. There's a long moment where the Shaman looks over the offering, turns it in her hands, before lifting it to replace the prior mask. .
  342. A mask that's quite carelessly dumped into Xitlalli's own hands.
  344. "Your offering is. . enough."
  346. As swiftly as she says that, the fallen Shaman turns towards Lotlhuitl. Again, the charm is given a solid moment of consideration. Again it's looked over, and again one of those lower hands reaches out to grab it, to turn it over upon blackened palm.
  348. "I remember this. ."
  349. (Zahhual)
  350. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. [02:09:29] LOOC - Zahhual: ((fuck))
  353. [02:09:29] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Gonna have to figure out a way to fix the spoop gas. .))
  354. [02:10:20] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Anyway, this uh. This is a shirt, mechanically. Because hood layering. But we can fix things with an icon swap. .))
  355. [02:11:12] LOOC - Xitlalli: (should work)
  356. [02:11:12] LOOC - Zahhual: ((That's. Not what I meant but--))
  357. [02:11:12] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oh)
  358. [02:12:03] LOOC - Xitlalli: (you changed the overlay underlay of that hum)
  359. [02:12:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (spooks)
  360. [02:12:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im shook)
  361. [02:12:54] LOOC - Zahhual: ((What I was ACTUALLY trying to do was give you the old mask, tho.))
  362. [02:14:36] Glasya notices abnormal - even for here - Gehennan fuckery and perhaps widely decides to skirt the edges of the square to go about her business elsewhere.
  363. (Glasya Labolas)
  364. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. [02:20:35] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im gonna pretype)
  367. [02:21:26] Xitlalli noticed the shuddering and the twitching, her gaze fixated on her teacher. A part of her was happy that her 'offering' moreso gift was being accepted and with it, came a trade of sorts. Without warning or any sort of ceremony from the Shaman, one mask would rise up, the other lowered down.
  369. And with a heavy-handed, careless action, the dancer found herself staggering back momentarily.
  371. "W-Wha... U... Oh.", she was in shock; to have her teacher's old mask, a gift from her teacher's mother! Something she was going to treasure, surely, but for now that wasn't the thing on her mind. Xitlalli came here to give not just one gift, but two.
  373. Sliding the mask of old away into her satchel, the dancer looked up once more.
  375. A shiver ran down her spine and on impulse, Xitlalli spoke rapidly; her nerves were catching up to her as she did this.
  377. "I had but. One other. Offering.", she says, "Uh...Uh... Hm.", yet as soon as she was about to say it; her mind froze once more. Legs tensed up, arms quaked and her eyes blinked here and there, expression turning worried.
  379. Was it a good idea? No, probably not, but she had to, she wanted to put what else she had learned into practice and she had yearned for Zahhual's attention once more. Unfortunately to one spectator in the crowd, she wouldn't live up to her expectations just yet, but...
  381. "I'll offer, comfort for old times sake, for all that you taught me. The last offering, I give to you."
  383. Something a bit childish, maybe immature, such an offering; to half-heartedly spread arms in the guise of asking for a single and simple hug. Nothing more, nothing less.
  384. (Xitlalli)
  385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. [02:24:51] Rothraim became bored of watching this ritual instead he watched and waited for something of interest to happen but it seemed like it wouldn't occur. Or perhaps the woman was ignoring him? Whatever was going on he simply turned to leave.
  389. "Well find me once you are done with this I grow tired."
  390. (Rothraim)
  391. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. [02:30:49] LOOC - Xitlalli: (finally... free...)
  394. [02:34:14] Lotlhuitl stood, silent, watching the exchange between Xitlalli and Zahhual with a decidedly neutral expression. The hair at the nape of her neck hadn't stopped prickling. She might have said there was something about Zahhual that set her senses on edge. But that was an understatement. Lotlhuitl thought just about everything about Zahhual was alarming. But.. she had nothing to fear. Only one who made an enemy of the spirits should fear Zahhual, surely. And no Gehennan --
  396. The words of the wraith-like creature which had attacked Cruxati cut into her mind. The Spirits are angry, it had said.
  398. Lotlhuitl swallowed. Gaze suddenly dropping from the smoking figure before her. To look at Xitlalli. Watching the old mask be dumped into her dancer friend's arms. Well, that was relieving. Lotlhuitl was glad that Zahhual had liked it.
  400. But there wasn't time to consider this. Zahhual addressed her, and the Nagual straightened. Emerald green gaze tracing up Zahhual's form. Looking her dead in the eyes. A.. force of habit which Lotlhuitl might have regretted.
  402. The youthful woman did not resist as Zahhaul plucked the charm from her outstretched palm. No flinching, either. She wrapped her tail around herself, almost biting her bottom lip as the anticipation about what Zahhual would say inwardly threatened to make her her melt with anxiety.
  404. She remembered it.
  406. Lotlhuitl exhaled. Nodded. "I.. thought you should have it. I had faith, in the Spirits, in Gehenna, and in you." Well. Now she felt awkward. The end of the youthful Nagual's tail (tail still wrapped around her waist!) rapidly twitched as she suppressed a groan at how twee and sentimental she was being.
  408. Though, it could have been worse.
  410. She could have just offered Zahhual a hug.
  412. Lotlhuitl blinked. Sloowly. Her dark eyelashes rising and falling as her attention was pulled from between Zahhual and Xitlalli.
  414. The Nagual took a half step backwards, giving the two some space.
  415. (Lotlhuitl)
  416. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. [02:35:05] Hatsune stared and watched the procession of gifts given. Wide, blue eyes did not blink as the shaman was handed items of importance and meaning that were practically discarded as mere objects. She tore her eyes away and looked down to the stonework, and then up to the sky.
  420. "All of my pain today..."
  422. "...Was happiness yesterday."
  424. "That was always the deal."
  426. The ball of water that whirled around the mermaid's shoulders continued on its whimsical orbit. If she could cry, it was impossible to tell if she was doing so at the moment. Her cheeks and eyes were persistently and stubbornly moist.
  428. But she did not move from that spot. She did not lurch forward and hide herself away.
  430. She just stood still.
  431. (Hatsune Panic)
  432. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  434. [02:35:56] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Or hide herself*))
  435. [02:39:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I hafta make dinner brb)
  436. [02:40:12] Clumsily a bandaged hand would outstretch itself towards the merwoman, snagging a clammy and moistened hold upon the webbed hand. Gentle, coaxing, shepherding tugs followed suit. “Come,” Oyaotl softly insisted, hoping to peel the two apart and allow Hatsune a moment alone to vent this sudden build up of emotions.
  437. (Oyaotl)
  438. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  440. [02:43:37] With the charm backlit by firelight from Zahhual's perspective, the fallen Shaman lifts the homemade trinket up to eye level with her mask, evidently to get a closer look. But with offerings gained and trinkets accepted, the offered hug goes entirely unnoticed- or perhaps simply ignored. Really, it could be either, given the Shaman's lack of peripheral vision in that mask.
  442. "Panther, form of Ixchel. Nagual, your offering blasphemes. I shall wear it 'til my final breath."
  444. And yet, the Shaman doesn't attempt to give it back or release it. No, she instead slips the charm over her wrist regardless, evidently intending to keep it.
  446. But, eventually, the prospect of Xitlalli's words bringing another offering draws Zahhual's attention, warped form turning to stare down upon her. Expectantly. Waiting for material gain.
  447. (Zahhual)
  448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  450. [02:44:28] Xoconan whispers: "This potion's gonna wear off soon- I'm curious what you'll think."
  451. [02:45:20] Glasya scoots back across. She'd get cliff notes later.
  452. (Glasya Labolas)
  453. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. [02:45:20] Xoconan casually plants a hand on top of Lotlhuitls head.
  456. (Xoconan)
  457. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  459. [02:47:02] A beautiful moment ending with a hug, a smile appeared in the face of Yareth, that was really good to see that are such a feelings between master and apprentice, but as his eyes turned to Hatsune, his expression changed, he could notice her suffer.
  461. ~~What happened..? What should I do..?~~
  463. Hatsune is really important to him, but he feels that he could not help, but he wanted to, in the end, just silence had remained, but it really had broke the moment for him, now Yareth is looking down, to his own feets, feeling ashamed because of his silence. ~~I'm a fool...~~
  464. (Yareth Ehécatl)
  465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467. [02:49:36] The dancer's face crunched up into a slurry of emotions; mostly confusion as she peered over at Lothuitl, then over to Hatsune and Oyaotl. Was everything so minor to Zahhual or were they not considering these 'offerings' as much as gifts, but actual things to be taken greedily and selfishly without regard for those granting such things.
  469. With that, Xitlalli gulped, her eyes flickering from left to right worriedly as she tried to figure out what to do, what to say --what was the point of voicing one's words here? Her teacher might not hear her with her meek and mumbling voice that just wasn't as great as it should be!
  471. Steeling herself, expecting consequence to be drummed up as a result of her next set of actions! The dancer stepped forward, only to proceed to hug the Shaman in a brief and meek fashion; Xitlalli was genuinely scared for once, this is not how she remembered Zahhual at all, not with this foreboding miasma and sensation of dread and horribleness washing over each and every person here.
  473. One foot after the other, staggering on the stone, the arms which had reached around Zahhual's bulky form if permitted, were to be withdrawn just as fast.
  475. That'd be the last and final offering, that Xitlalli was to give.
  476. (Xitlalli)
  477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479. [02:55:34] The hand that wrapped around hers found it limp and unresponsive, and a threatened to topple the mermaid onto the floor. While her legs seemed to remember that they do in fact bend, any fine motor control past that did not seem to be happening at the witch's urging. She watched the hug play out-
  481. And she spoke back to Oyaotl in a droning monotone. "We can't go. We need to be here. She might try to leave. We need to make sure she doesn't leave. She might get hurt if I'm not here to make sure she does not get hurt."
  483. Despite her words, she didn't move much at all to make that happen. She just stared and stood still. No extra emotions surfaced on her face or in her body language. That ball of water continued to whirl on its orbit.
  484. (Hatsune Panic)
  485. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. [02:58:08] "Blasphemy?" Lotlhuitl was shocked. "I.. I intended no such--" Wait. Zahhual was going to wear it?
  489. The tension within the Nagual did not lessen. If anything, Lotlhuitl's long, willowy limbs looked.. well, even more ready to spring into action. Her tail twitched. Bristling subtly. Her ears twitched. And confusion, for a second, reigned across her delicate features.
  491. "Thank you, Zahhual." Lotlhuitl found herself saying, in lieu of anything vastly more useful (such as the million questions which had sprung to mind). She didn't understand. But. Perhaps it was better that way.
  493. The Nagual inclined her head towards the shaman, a bow of sorts, fist raising in a sign of respect.
  495. And that was it. Completed. It was done. The task Zahhual had asked of her so long ago.
  497. Xoconan again whispered to her. Lotlhuitl straightened, accidentally finding herself leaning into Xoconan's personalspace. She.. felt the female-presenting warrior's warmth at her back. Against her skin. The tension eased for a second, ears flicking backwards as she listened to Xoconan. As she whispered in return. Though! That hand! The Nagual looked visibly shocked as Xoconan planted it atop her head. Her tail bristled further, twitching at her waist. And then it was thrashing about, batting against Xoconan.
  499. How embarrassing.
  501. "Believe me, Xoconan. My opinion of you will not change." Lotlhuitl answered the female-presenting warrior's whisper, her voice low. Quiet. Expression deadpan.
  503. And, with a certain degree of awkwardness, she raised a hand to attempt to gently entwine her fingers with Xoconan's.. and to remove the hand from her head. Though, notably, if the action was successful, she didn't intend on letting go..
  504. (Lotlhuitl)
  505. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. [03:02:24] There's no attempt to stop the embrace, but similarly no intent to return it, just yet. Indeed, there's little reaction beyond a slight tilt of the Shaman's head and a slight bristling of her spine.
  508. It certainly isn't quite so pleasant being that close to the Shaman, however- between her malevolence, the gauntlets, and the sense of some grand crime against nature, that moment of contact assuredly isn't the most pleasant.
  510. "Duty has failed."
  512. The Shaman's mask sharply turns, its leering design snapping towards Hatsune.
  514. "You won't prevent me from doing a thing. I will bring back countless of our enemies for death. You will take care of the children."
  515. (Zahhual)
  516. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  518. [03:09:13] It would have been a wise move on Xitlalli's part to... Not withdraw quickly but rather recoil! Yet she did not do this, not yet, she was deliberately slow on the draw her, though her intent was to withdraw from such embrace. After all, all that choking and horrific miasma was catching up to her and the malevolence which was beginning to weigh down heavily upon her frame was noticed.
  520. All thanks to Xitlalli making contact with Zahhual with such a comforting gesture; although that was the intention, it'd seem that in her view, she had failed to comfort what she deemed as a soul in need.
  522. A wince flashed onto her face, and a second later, Xitlalli if permitted began to withdraw; the moment of contact was far from pleasant but, she did not want to insult the older woman. That woman being Zahhual who had taught her plenty and for the most part kept her on a steady path, least until now.
  524. "Hn... Gah."
  525. (Xitlalli)
  526. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. [03:15:12] She allowed her hand to be tugged free with a smirk, despite the swirling emotions in her head. Well, not emotions, so much as odd flashes of memories not her own. By the spirits, *that* was getting all too old.
  530. A frown crossed her face to Zahhual, other hand flexing lightly. A sigh followed, before she slowly stepped back, tugging Lotlhuitl along with her.
  532. She leaned over to whisper, but made her stance apparent - staying the hell out of whatever drama might be brewing.
  534. She had enough of it without adding others.
  535. (Xoconan)
  536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. [03:15:12] Xoconan whispers: "Stand back from your tutor."
  539. [03:18:36] "Zahhual-"
  541. "-Everything wrong that has happened has happened because I listened to you when I should have told you what was right when you were acting this way."
  543. The words strained their way out of the mermaid. Even as she spoke, she didn't move forward to apprehend the Shaman or to stop her. She turned her eyes back to Zahhual and stared. On her featureless, blank face was nothing for the Shaman or anyone watching to use to determine her state of mind.
  545. "Nagging self doubt..."
  547. She leaned forward, as if trying to take a step but forgetting, momentarily, how her feet worked. Oyaotl's hand being held was the only thing that stopped her from falling straight to the floor.
  549. "Well now- I need to do this."
  550. (Hatsune Panic)
  551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  553. [03:30:33] Thump. Thump.
  554. The drums, in their foul mockery of a heartbeat, begin to swiften.
  556. All four of her shoulders roll, the freshly-skinned deer fur draped over her shoulders shifting unpleasantly with the motion of her form. Powerful muscles tense. Gauntlets begin to vibrate rapidly in response to the steadily increasing sound magic.
  557. Arcanium claws click against themselves, fingers clenching and unclenching.
  559. "You will not- You will not get in my way."
  561. Slowly but surely, the drums break free of their foul throbbing. A tune begins to form, tense and fast-paced, violent and increasingly thunderous. Within moments, any shred of calm begins to fall away like slow-cooked meat from the bone, revealing harsh anger, building fury below. Warped, inhuman- even more so now. For now longer is a mere half of Zahhual so twisted.
  563. The stone below shakes, darkened skin beginning to slick with purple.
  565. "I will meet any who get in my way with a swift death, Hatsune! You will not leave our children motherless. My duty has failed! My breaking of the cycle has failed! All there is left is to slaughter the adversaries of Gehenna!"
  566. (Zahhual)
  567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. [03:30:33] Lotlhuitl allowed herself to be tugged away, her attention still on Zahhual et al, even as her hand gripped Xoconan's. Her grip was tight. Tension still remaining in her limbs as she observed the scene unfolding before her.
  571. "Fine." Lotlhuitl muttered, her words intended only for the woman holding her hand. The only thing keeping her focused here, right now, was, largely, anger. One terse word, spoken to indicate that she would move away. Would do as Xoconan had bidden. She plainly didn't like it.
  573. Her anger threatened to bubble to the surface. There were many sources. Anger that Jianghu abused the peace they had been offered. Anger that she had not yet been able to free herself. Anger at Hatsune, who seemed to think so little of her. Anger at her situation.
  575. But.. there was something else. Xoconan's hand in hers. A very real thing. And she had to admit, despite herself, that very real thing was not so terrible.
  577. The Nagual's grip tightened, she giving Xoconan's hand a squeeze. As she leant in. A whisper offered to Xoconan.
  579. (Lotlhuitl)
  580. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  582. [03:31:24] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh.. whoops..)
  583. [03:31:24] Lotlhuitl and then her attention snapped to Zahhual. Her grip tightened once more.
  584. (Lotlhuitl)
  585. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  587. [03:32:16] Xoconan whispers: "Fucks sake..."
  588. [03:33:07] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... we can't let them fight. Zahhual has returned. Strange, but.. returned. We can't.. we can't let this..
  589. [03:33:07] Xoconan whispers: "Zahhual has many crimes to answer for."
  590. [03:33:58] Xoconan whispers: "Because of her, several Gehennans were cursed. Kamo, Navi, and Masika."
  591. [03:33:58] Xoconan whispers: "She stole an empowered spire shard from the Ezmaran tribe and used it for her own weapon."
  592. [03:33:58] Xoconan whispers: "Resulting in the curse."
  593. [03:34:49] Lotlhuitl whispers: she.. she must have had good reason, Xoconan.
  594. [03:34:49] Xoconan whispers: "She had good reason to use a spire shard on her own gauntlets?"
  595. [03:34:49] Xoconan whispers: "Reasons don't mean good actions."
  596. [03:34:49] Xoconan whispers: "Her actions were selfish and actively harmed Gehenna."
  597. [03:35:40] Xoconan whispers: "The Ezmarans are angry, and the only thing keeping Karma and Maiya out of this is the promise that Cruxati would handle it instead."
  598. [03:38:14] Staggering backwards, the dancer felt the sicking drumming! It wasn't like the drums of before which called to both one's soul and the Spirits around them. No, this was something far worse, something much more sinister and Xitlalli.
  600. She hated that.
  602. "Wha-What.", so much so, she was beginning to crack under all this malevolent, all this dread that was pressing down n her like a ton of weight.
  604. This. This is not the Zahhual she wanted, not what she desired, no, the teacher she once knew and wished to grant a third gift to, was no longer there; they still were but not quite, they had changed and were twisted beyond Xitlalli's comprehension.
  606. For that, she'd be left longing for something always out of reach.
  608. "Wha-What did you do, Zahhual? Why are you doing this? This isn't what I wanted! This isn't what we all wanted from you.", a slight bit of selfishness slipped out of Xitlalli's lips there, only to be covered up just as quickly as her slip-up.
  610. Though she'd say no more, aiming to back away as the drums broke free, becoming violent. Aggressive. War-like.
  612. Zahhual's wrath was building and Xitlalli wanted not to be on the receiving end.
  613. (Xitlalli)
  614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  616. [03:40:48] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I think Raven fell asleep. Awk.))
  617. [03:40:48] LOOC - Oyaotl: { cute
  618. [03:40:48] LOOC - Oyaotl: { uwa
  619. [03:40:48] LOOC - Xitlalli: (hoh nuh)
  620. [03:40:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (uwa..)
  621. [03:41:39] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I'm gonna miss the uwas. I'm tearing up, ngl.))
  622. [03:41:39] LOOC - Zahhual: ((This was something Hatsune's said frequently. In context with this it hurts. ))
  623. [03:43:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: Are you sure that is why they don't act?
  624. [03:43:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I don't believe Zahhual acted selfishly. I can't.
  625. [03:44:12] Xoconan whispers: "There was a meeting between the Ezmarans and Cruxati."
  626. [03:44:12] Xoconan whispers: "I was there."
  627. [03:44:12] Xoconan whispers: "Karma was furious, or as furious as he'd display."
  628. [03:44:12] Xoconan whispers: "They want Zahhual captured and detained for details on her ritual."
  629. [03:45:04] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Awk awk awk))
  630. [03:45:04] LOOC - Xoconan: (tfw Raven falls asleep in an emotional scene)
  631. [03:45:04] LOOC - Xitlalli: (mfw hen i make another typo)
  632. [03:45:55] LOOC - Xitlalli: (mfw when ialso make a typo in looc referring to typos)
  633. [03:45:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hen..)
  634. [03:45:55] LOOC - Xitlalli: (sickening*)
  635. [03:45:55] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I'm just gonna))
  636. [03:51:53] The drums grow yet more cacophonous. The vibrations begin to wear stone tiles below Zahhual's feet to dust. The blood drools from her form like spittle from the jaws of a rabid beast.
  638. She always had seemed inhuman in combat, effective or otherwise. The masked visage, inhuman. The fluidity of her movement. The blood. The whirling dance. The unnatural durability of her form. The pounding drums. Bloodlust ill-befitting her kindness. A Shamanic terror.
  639. Then, later, her form warped. Even outside of combat, humanity waned, both physically and mentally. Even spiritually. Perhaps at that point, Zahhual in combat was the thing on Agartha most resembling the Wraiths from back home.
  641. It seems almost prophetic, now. It seems as though it has all reached a culmination- this peak of an overturned mountain that Zahhual has descended to. With wispy fog oozing from behind that mask, it's clear that the same Wraithlike changes that had warped the others have indeed reached Zahhual too.
  642. Fitting, really.
  644. But there's no expected violence. No lashing out just yet, even as fury builds. No, instead the fallen Shaman turns on the spot, stalking off eastwards once more.
  645. (Zahhual)
  646. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  648. [03:51:53] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Slide on out of AFK land. .))
  649. [03:52:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (Byyyeee ;-;7)
  650. [03:53:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (T-T)
  651. [03:53:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (tfw you're leaving for a good reason)
  652. [03:53:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (but I wanna stop you because IC reasons)
  653. [03:56:09] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i might as well sneak out another post why not)
  654. [03:59:34] A long frown crossed her features. Hatsune seemed immobile, but Xoconan was far from it. Disconnected from her emotions, she hadn't lost her range of motion. Just a connection to them.
  656. Feet pushed her of the wall to take a step, and another onto thin air, as she was lifted into the air.
  658. "Zahhual." A single word spoken forcefully, as her hand released Lotlhuitls, the genderbent warrior floating closer. Another foul presence to brave. Just like Effigy, like the strange Lich-being they'd faced so recently, like Xomac. She was getting tired of them all, it felt clichéd.
  660. "You owe much to Gehenna with your recent actions." The staff gifted to her by that very shaman came to her hands, violet energy snapping at the crown. "Including a way to fix the three cursed by your ritual."
  661. (Xoconan)
  662. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. [04:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (Your body shifts back to its original state! (Genderswap Potion has worn off))
  665. [04:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (i'm a guy again rip)
  666. [04:00:25] Xoconan very suddenly reverts to a male form.
  667. (Xoconan)
  668. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  670. [04:01:16] The drums carried on, growing harsher! The tiles around the square becoming damaged and worn by the vibrations; it was a destructive sight truly.
  672. But it was with Zahhual's departure that Xitlalli grew saddened, her eyes flittering down to the ground, to watch the broken up tiles, where Zahhual had stood throughout the entire ordeal! Only to become lost in thought as she continued to stare, vacantly.
  674. It wasn't the malevolent which Zahhual had produced from their form that caught Xitlalli's mind, but moreso their behaviour. How they took gifts and actions of both friendship and affection as simple offerings; as if they didn't mean much past the materialistic value.
  676. It was that which Xitlalli dwelled on for a moment; her offering of the mask was acceptable, the hug was not.
  678. "I don-", and then another voice spoke out, someone young that sounded as if they were challenging Zahhual? Or demanding something from them; all Xitlalli could do in this instance was shift her eyes to them, peering at them blankly.
  680. She knew that their words were likely to be ignored, or most likely given a reaction that wasn't intended.
  681. (Xitlalli)
  682. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  684. [04:07:15] Lotlhuitl followed Xoconan. Her expression ashen, shocked. Eyes wide, unblinking, staring at Zahhual.
  686. She was clearly still processing something. Xoconan had just given her a wealth of information in a short time, and she wasn't sure what to make of any of it.
  688. "Please." Lotlhuitl said, shifting forward once more. Please what? Please don't fight? Yeah.. That was it. "Please stay, Zahhual." Lotlhuitl said, her voice lacking much of the cold edge it usually possessed.
  690. Why did she feel like someone had punched her in the gut? Oof. Right in the emotions. Seeing Zahhual like this, it felt almost like seeing a parental figure in decline.
  691. (Lotlhuitl)
  692. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  694. [04:08:06] LOOC - Xoconan: (How was Zahhual mom to everyone *except* me?)
  695. [04:08:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ur lame)
  696. [04:08:06] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Called someone else mom, lost my interest.....................))
  697. [04:08:06] LOOC - Xitlalli: (yeah my mom isn't here, so zahhual had to take over)
  698. [04:08:57] LOOC - Xitlalli: (besides ur mom is in the crowd)
  699. [04:08:57] LOOC - Oyaotl: { *dabs*
  700. [04:09:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (xitlalli getting naked..)
  701. [04:11:31] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Better not be friendly fire abuse.))
  702. [04:11:31] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i have a ghost blade now)
  703. [04:11:31] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Get in an RPB or stop.))
  704. [04:11:31] LOOC - Oyaotl: { SHIT
  705. [04:11:31] LOOC - Oyaotl: { my mic button
  706. [04:11:31] LOOC - Oyaotl: { is 3
  707. [04:11:31] LOOC - Oyaotl: { oops
  708. [04:11:31] LOOC - Xoconan: (are u in a call)
  709. [04:11:31] LOOC - Xoconan: (wtf)
  710. [04:12:22] LOOC - Oyaotl: { no fun allowed
  711. [04:12:22] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ye im in call
  712. [04:13:13] LOOC - Xoconan: (I finally have a real profile omg)
  713. [04:14:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nice..)
  714. [04:14:04] LOOC - Xoconan: (fuk off)
  715. [04:14:04] LOOC - Oyaotl: { son ill get the
  716. [04:14:04] LOOC - Oyaotl: { 1st aid kit
  717. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { zahhual u call 911
  718. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (>18, a man now)
  719. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (geeeeeeeet outta here)
  720. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { son is 18
  721. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { nice..........
  722. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (technically he was a woman)
  723. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (so it's not inaccurate)
  724. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { i have waited 7 years for this.................
  725. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { now move out of my house
  726. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { get ur own
  727. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (rekt)
  728. [04:14:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (what the fuck)
  729. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { I have raised u
  730. [04:14:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { now ur a man
  731. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { get a job
  732. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xitlalli: (she has reared u)
  733. [04:15:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (now it is time to provide for mama)
  734. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { quit freeloadin off mom
  735. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xoconan: (okay fine)
  736. [04:15:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (in her old age)
  737. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xoconan: (No more hand holding or sitting in moms lap)
  738. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xitlalli: (:hut: somewhere else)
  739. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xoconan: (i am infact too old now)
  740. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { wow
  741. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ok lets not get hasty
  742. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xoconan: (too old to live at home)
  743. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ok lets not get hasty
  744. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ok lets not get hasty
  745. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ok lets not get hasty
  746. [04:15:47] LOOC - Xoconan: (too old to sit in moms lap)
  747. [04:15:47] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ok lets not get hasty
  748. [04:17:29] LOOC - Xoconan: (Hyperthonk)
  749. [04:17:29] LOOC - Oyaotl: { he was just thinking
  750. [04:17:29] LOOC - Zahhual: ((You heard the man.))
  751. [04:17:29] LOOC - Oyaotl: { actually he was just sayin
  752. [04:17:29] LOOC - Oyaotl: { what ya'll were thinkin
  753. [04:17:29] LOOC - Oyaotl: { xoco
  754. [04:20:03] "I gave Gehenna my lifetime. I gave Gehenna my health. My body. My mind. My spirit."
  756. Building. The volume of her speech keeps building, from merely loud enough to be heard over the drums, to thunderous, the courtyard shaking under the force of her sound magic. Bellowing, screeching, voice still plainly hoarse.
  757. The blood only spills more swiftly. The wisps of smoke plume more thickly.
  759. "My heart! My love! My devotion! Time away from my loved ones, time away from my children! Years of suffering, years of torment!"
  761. The Shaman turns towards Xoconan, sharply so. Every inch of her powerful form shakes with furious tension.
  763. "I damned myself to torment again and again for you people and for the homeland that squanders our work! I pulled myself from the jaws of death for our duty!I gave away my humanity to better protect everything we worked towards!"
  765. More swiftly now, the stone beneath her feet cracks with every step. Spectral hands rise over her shoulders, the twitching totem of hands, limbs, torsos beginning to form. .
  767. "I sacrificed everything I was, everything I had, everything I could have had or could have been for you people! I- I've always been a sacrifice, you damned ungrateful child! You should- you should- you should be leaving offerings at my feet! I-"
  769. Deranged, mad, utterly humourless, the Shaman lets loose a low chuckle- but it's one of sheer despair, of loss. The rumbling, terrified laugh of one convinced that all is about to end.
  771. "I cannot undo what has been done! If you knew our ways- if any of you did -you would realise! Do you think our homeland has suffered for no reason? Do you think we had a fix that we chose not to use!? Our duty has failed! My duty has failed! I sought only to forge a way for us to cleanse us of anything in the way of duty, but-
  773. Nothing you could even try to force from me in your misguided pursuit of debt could do a thing. Only swiftness. Only burning the Jiangs to the ground, and leaving no opposition!"
  774. (Zahhual)
  775. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  777. [04:25:10] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i hope nadrew put in those tags)
  778. [04:26:52] The dancer took a step away as the build up of volume continued. The Shaman she knew simply spilling out her reasons for what had happened; was this going to become of her, was this the result of a lifetime of serving the Spirits and Gehenna?
  780. Such a thing worried Xitlalli, without a doubt.
  782. "Y-You've taught me.", like a mouse, lacking presence, Xitlalli squeaked!
  784. She could not capture Zahhual's attention when she was like this, no matter how much she wanted to. No matter how much she wished for Zahhual to not go down this path, it was decidedly set in stone and that, that was both frustrating and upsetting.
  786. A worried glance was given to Oyaotl and Hatsune and perhaps any other villagers within the square watching this scene.
  787. (Xitlalli)
  788. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  790. [04:29:26] The frown only deepened, but the young man did not budge an inch. His clothes hung looser now, but sparked with the tell-tale signs of an enchantment. Even scant, he was not unprotected.
  792. His eyes took in the totem, a long breath taken in the face of Zahhual and the corruption that radiated from her. Hatsune seemed absent, perhaps unconscious. He was in no position to determine that.
  794. "You heard Hatsune, Zahhual." Xoconan spoke with the ease of cold ice, violet sparks forming in response to her own totem of hands and limbs. "You will not leave. You will relay the details of your ritual, in the hopes that Navi, Masika, and Kamohaoli can be cleansed of their curse with its contents.
  796. You will answer for the theft of the Ezmaran spire shard, given to you for safe-keeping, not for your own use."
  798. His eyes closed for a long, fateful moment, before opening again. "I will leave you no offerings. If you want them, go take the position of pretender god from Xomac, and turn his cult to your own. I've given my life to Gehenna, fought in a war you were noticeably absent from, and now, when we've finally started forging towards peace, you seek a war?"
  800. His lips curled into a sneer. "I don't think so."
  801. (Xoconan)
  802. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  805. [04:30:17] LOOC - Xoconan: (I KNOW)
  806. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (THIS IS LIKE, THE WORST POSSIBLE TIMING)
  807. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xitlalli: (LIKE WHAT?)
  808. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (but my IC won't just let you walk away)
  809. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (>:(
  810. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xitlalli: (*touches child and child becom darkness*)
  811. [04:31:08] LOOC - Zahhual: ((No, like cap 2 deadly.))
  812. [04:31:08] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oof)
  813. [04:32:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (i'm waiting for it)
  814. [04:32:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (i'm ready to fight for my life before I hit 200)
  815. [04:32:00] LOOC - Zahhual: ((It doesn't feel right to do the death scene with Hatsune fuckin' AFK there.))
  816. [04:32:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (I KNOW)
  817. [04:39:40]
  818. {LOAD GAME}
  820. [04:40:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (uh.. soz..)
  821. [04:40:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (dodgy internet..)
  822. [04:40:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Did I miss anything?)
  823. [04:40:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ugh, fuck. My post got deleted. :s)
  824. [04:44:48] This. This was something else.
  826. Lotlhuitl's gaze had widened, the Nagual staring. Transfixed. Like she couldn't tear herself away. Her hands shook, suddenly clenched into fists. She wasn't a coward. She wasn't afraid.
  828. "You.. you don't have to do this!" Lotlhuitl cried, her expression not unlike a kicked puppy.
  830. (Lotlhuitl)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [04:53:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (So we all agree to dismiss scene until Hatsune returns)
  834. [04:53:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (Presumably tomorrow)
  835. [04:55:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okiedokes)
  836. [04:55:02] LOOC - Zahhual: ((ye))
  837. [04:55:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (So, thankfully admins don't read logs anymore)
  838. [04:55:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'll just RP as if it's before this scene)
  839. [04:55:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (until tomorrow)
  840. [05:12:06] {Item} You picked up Lax Essence.Dropped by Nizhoni . .
  841. [05:12:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (o-oh
  842. [05:12:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (um.. is this someone's..)
  843. [05:13:48] Lotlhuitl found a strange random potion on the ground. Picked it up. Muttered about littering.
  844. (Lotlhuitl)
  845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. [05:14:40] Xoconan whispers: "Aaand I'm male now."
  848. [05:14:40] Xoconan whispers: "I'm sure you're disappointed."
  849. [05:14:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Nnn.."
  850. [05:14:40] Lotlhuitl tail flicks, looking mildly unamused.
  851. (Lotlhuitl)
  852. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  854. [05:15:31] Lotlhuitl whispers: You're still a brat, though.
  855. [05:16:22] Xoconan reaches out to grab Lotlhuitls wrist and hand.
  856. (Xoconan)
  857. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  859. [05:16:22] Xoconan whispers: "Enough of one to stop you from holding my hand?"
  860. [05:17:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (-dies-)
  861. [05:18:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (kill me.)
  862. [05:18:04] Lotlhuitl stiffened, ears flicking back. A blush sprung to her cheeks.
  863. (Lotlhuitl)
  864. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  866. [05:18:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I.."
  867. [05:18:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. suppose not."
  868. [05:20:38] Xoconan grips a little tighter.
  869. (Xoconan)
  870. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  872. [05:20:38] Xoconan whispers: "Then I guess it's not a problem, is it?"
  873. [05:22:20] Lotlhuitl squeezed Xoconan's hand, finally looking him in the eyes. Silent.
  874. (Lotlhuitl)
  875. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  877. [05:26:36] Xoconan looks back placidly.
  878. (Xoconan)
  879. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  881. [05:26:36] Xoconan whispers: "Is there a problem?"
  882. [05:28:19] Lotlhuitl continued to squeeze his hand. Either she was seeking an unusual amount of comfort from Xoconan, or she was trying to break his hand.
  883. (Lotlhuitl)
  884. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. [05:29:10] Lotlhuitl whispers: I don't know. Maybe. I'm not.. good at this, Xoconan.
  887. [05:29:10] Lotlhuitl whispers: This is all really unfamiliar to me. Feels.. strange.
  888. [05:30:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: I've been thinking a lot about what you said. About.. Agatha. About saving Gehenna. About.. war.
  889. [05:30:52] Xoconan whispers: "Mm, I'm not exactly new to this kinda thing either."
  890. [05:30:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (ER)
  891. [05:31:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (replace not exactly with pretty)
  892. [05:31:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (I fucked up there)
  893. [05:31:44] Lotlhuitl tilted her head.
  894. (Lotlhuitl)
  895. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  897. [05:31:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  898. [05:31:44] Lotlhuitl whispers: So you don't think I'm silly?
  899. [05:32:35] Xoconan whispers: "Listen, I'm just acting how I want."
  900. [05:32:35] Xoconan whispers: "I'm *doing* what I want to do."
  901. [05:33:26] Lotlhuitl whispers: And.. this is what you want?
  902. [05:33:26] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'm what you want?
  903. [05:33:26] Lotlhuitl was somewhat bemused at that.
  904. (Lotlhuitl)
  905. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  907. [05:33:26] Xoconan whispers: "Is that so hard to believe?"
  908. [05:34:17] Lotlhuitl whispers: Perhaps.
  909. [05:34:17] Lotlhuitl whispers: It is not something I have thought about before.
  910. [05:34:17] Xoconan whispers: "Do you really think I'm going through everything I am just for some act of good?"
  911. [05:35:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... I.. I mean.
  912. [05:35:08] Xoconan whispers: "You caught my interest that day on the tower, enough for me to bring you..."
  913. [05:35:08] Xoconan slowly pulls Lotl against himself with a push of gravity.
  914. (Xoconan)
  915. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  917. [05:35:08] Xoconan whispers: "Closer."
  918. [05:36:00] Lotlhuitl exhaled sharply, eyes widening. But she didn't pull away.
  919. (Lotlhuitl)
  920. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  922. [05:37:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: Perhaps.. perhaps I do think all of this is just some great act of heroism. I certainly can't say that I feel I've brought you anything but stress.
  923. [05:37:42] Xoconan chuckles.
  924. (Xoconan)
  925. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  927. [05:37:42] Xoconan whispers: "I am... Not a heroic person."
  928. [05:38:33] Xoconan whispers: "I'm pretty selfish, actually."
  929. [05:38:33] Lotlhuitl whispers: No?
  930. [05:38:33] Xoconan whispers: "I take what I want... And when I can't take it..."
  931. [05:38:33] Xoconan whispers: "Well, you should know."
  932. [05:38:33] Xoconan whispers: "I fight for it."
  933. [05:39:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: What is this.. are we both trying to convince the other that we're more terrible?
  934. [05:39:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xoconan.. I.. I know you're not perfect. You're infuriating.
  935. [05:39:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: But I.. I like you.
  936. [05:40:16] Lotlhuitl frowned, before leaning her head against his shoulder.
  937. (Lotlhuitl)
  938. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  940. [05:40:16] Lotlhuitl whispers: Maybe even more than like you.
  941. [05:40:16] Xoconan whispers: "Haha, if this is a contest then I imagine bodies will start piling up."
  942. [05:41:07] Lotlhuitl looked bemused, her frown fading.
  943. (Lotlhuitl)
  944. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  946. [05:41:07] Xoconan whispers: "You wanna go somewhere more private than the arena to talk?"
  947. [05:41:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha.."
  948. [05:41:58] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know, it's so.. romantic. All the blood splatter. The fae sitting in the corner, watching us.."
  949. [05:42:49] Paprika does a tiny wave.
  950. (Paprika)
  951. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  953. [05:43:40] Lotlhuitl hadn't been entirely serious, but at Paprika's wave her expression NOTICIABLY turned embarassed.
  954. (Lotlhuitl)
  955. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  957. [05:43:40] Xoconan says, "Nice of you to keep quiet by the way."
  958. [05:43:40] Xoconan says, "I'd keep doing that."
  959. [05:43:40] Xoconan says, "I'd hate to have more fairy dust to give Maiya."
  960. [05:43:40] Xoconan appears to be joking.
  961. (Xoconan)
  962. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  964. [05:44:32] Paprika says, "What you two humans do with each other is none of my business, fear not."
  965. [05:44:32] Paprika says, "Do... Enjoy yourselves."
  966. [05:44:32] Lotlhuitl wondered what part was a joke.
  967. (Lotlhuitl)
  968. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  970. [05:45:23] Xoconan plops into his chair.
  971. (Xoconan)
  972. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  974. [05:46:14] Lotlhuitl stood, awkward and serious by his side. A hand reaching out to brush at his shoulder.
  975. (Lotlhuitl)
  976. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  978. [05:47:05] Xoconan says, "You can sit on the bed, if you prefer."
  979. [05:47:56] Xoconan asks, "Anyway, we can convince each other that we're terrible all we want, can't we?"
  980. [05:47:56] Xoconan says, "But the thing is... I don't care how imperfect you are, that's not really what I like about you."
  981. [05:47:56] Lotlhuitl sat.
  982. (Lotlhuitl)
  983. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  985. [05:47:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (click the bed)
  986. [05:48:48] Lotlhuitl says, "<*was looking beet red, distinctly uncomfortable with the mere concept that Xoconan might be about to flatter her. "
  987. [05:50:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. suppose I have many admirable traits."
  988. [05:51:21] Xoconan says, "Personally, I like your fire the most."
  989. [05:52:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "My fire?"
  990. [05:52:12] Lotlhuitl bemused.
  991. (Lotlhuitl)
  992. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  994. [05:52:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (er)
  995. [05:52:12] Lotlhuitl was bemused.
  996. (Lotlhuitl)
  997. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  999. [05:53:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, that's interesting. I thought you were going to say, my hair.. or my excellent taste in fashion."
  1000. [05:53:04] Xoconan says, "Yeah. You don't let yourself be walked on, challenged or insulted."
  1001. [05:53:55] Lotlhuitl blinked, biting her bottom lip.
  1002. (Lotlhuitl)
  1003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005. [05:54:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Well.. I mean, I try. It's important to me."
  1006. [05:54:46] Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees."
  1007. [05:54:46] Xoconan says, "So what you're saying is, never make you kneel."
  1008. [05:55:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I'd.. well. Once upon a time I would have that I would have rather died."
  1009. [05:55:37] Xoconan asks, "And now?"
  1010. [05:56:28] Lotlhuitl says, "But in truth? I.. decided that if people were so set on humiliating me, that it would be better to live until I can have revenge."
  1011. [05:56:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I know I am weak, Xoconan. I know I have angered some powerful people. But. I don't care. "
  1012. [05:57:20] Lotlhuitl asks, "Why?"
  1013. [05:57:20] Lotlhuitl asks, "Are you worried that you have humiliated me?"
  1014. [05:58:11] Xoconan says, "I figured taking you as my slave would've done that enough- and if you'll recall, you've already promised to kill me."
  1015. [05:58:11] Xoconan says, "I'm not worried about a thing."
  1016. [05:58:11] Lotlhuitl says, "I have promised to kill you."
  1017. [05:59:02] Lotlhuitl reached out, aiming to trace a finger across his collarbone.. and against his neck.
  1018. (Lotlhuitl)
  1019. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1021. [05:59:02] Lotlhuitl says, "I will not forget what I have promised. "
  1022. [06:01:36] Xoconan asks, "But until then... What would you say to being at my side?"
  1023. [06:01:36] Lotlhuitl asks, "What do you mean?"
  1024. [06:02:27] Lotlhuitl genuine confusion, fingers gently stroking against Xoconan's bare flesh.
  1025. (Lotlhuitl)
  1026. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1028. [06:02:27] Xoconan says, "I don't recall stuttering."
  1029. [06:02:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aah I keep forgetting words m bad)
  1030. [06:04:09] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  1031. [06:05:00] Lotlhuitl says, "<*blinked, withdrawing her hand.*> "
  1032. [06:05:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan, I don't know what to say."
  1033. [06:05:52] Lotlhuitl says, "I already am at your side."
  1034. [06:05:52] Xoconan says, "Mm, not really. You're under me, at the moment."
  1035. [06:05:52] Xoconan says, "A slave... To be like this forever would, well... It's not what I want from you."
  1036. [06:06:43] Xoconan says, "And I know it's not what you want."
  1037. [06:06:43] Lotlhuitl says, "It is not."
  1038. [06:06:43] Xoconan gets up, shifting over to the bed.
  1039. (Xoconan)
  1040. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1042. [06:06:43] Lotlhuitl didn't move..
  1043. (Lotlhuitl)
  1044. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046. [06:07:34] Lotlhuitl says, "I want much more from life than that."
  1047. [06:07:34] Lotlhuitl says, "And I want more from you."
  1048. [06:08:25] Xoconan asks, "So what do you want from me?"
  1049. [06:08:25] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. want you to be mine, Xoconan."
  1050. [06:09:16] Xoconan says, "That has so many meanings, you know."
  1051. [06:09:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Hah.."
  1052. [06:10:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I want to be your equal. I want to weather life's difficulties with you. "
  1053. [06:10:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. want.. our dreams to be ours, not.. mine.. or yours. "
  1054. [06:11:50] Xoconan says, "Mmm."
  1055. [06:12:41] Xoconan says, "You know, I wouldn't ask my equal to fight me to become free, or to gather something for me."
  1056. [06:12:41] Xoconan whispers: "You're not just trying to get out of that, are you?"
  1057. [06:12:41] Xoconan appears completely serious.
  1058. (Xoconan)
  1059. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1061. [06:12:41] Lotlhuitl says, "<*blinked.*> "
  1062. [06:13:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. am many things, Xoconan. But I am no liar.
  1063. [06:13:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: Perhaps to my own detriment. People do not often like hearing the truth.
  1064. [06:14:24] Lotlhuitl stiffened, a certain glimmer of emotional agony briefly playing across her face.
  1065. (Lotlhuitl)
  1066. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1068. [06:14:24] Lotlhuitl stood.
  1069. (Lotlhuitl)
  1070. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1072. [06:16:06] Xoconan says, "So tell me the truth then. If I go any further, I need to know that."
  1073. [06:16:06] Lotlhuitl says, "The truth? You're.. I.. feel so worried that you're just toying with me, now."
  1074. [06:16:06] Xoconan says, "Then let me dispel that."
  1075. [06:16:57] Xoconan says, "I don't toy with people, I don't need to."
  1076. [06:16:57] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I adore you, Xoconan. "
  1077. [06:16:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Love, even."
  1078. [06:17:48] Lotlhuitl says, "You're strong, and fierce. You do what has to be done."
  1079. [06:20:22] Xoconan reaches out to pull Lotlhuitl back down to the bed.
  1080. (Xoconan)
  1081. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1083. [06:25:29] Lotlhuitl fell back onto the bed, providing minimal resistance. Her heart was beating harder in her chest than it ever had before. She felt.. sick. Vulnerable. "I.. I normally.. I've never.." She stammered, wrapping her arms around Xoconan. Anxiety fluttered in the pit of her stomach.
  1085. She didn't do this. Emotions. She just didn't do them.
  1087. She leant her head against his chest, breath playing out against his skin. She had wrapped her arms around him, all but grabbing him in a death grip.
  1089. Why was he silent?
  1091. Too used to suppressing her emotions, too used to drawing on her anger for strength, the Nagual's ears had pinned back. Her anxious expression shifting into actual anger.
  1093. "If.. If you don't.. if you don't feel the same. Just say so."
  1094. (Lotlhuitl)
  1095. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1097. [06:34:52] For a long moment, he said nothing, instead pulling her tightly against himself, almost protectively. His face was neutral, and if one examined him, they might eventually figure out why.
  1099. He was at a loss for words.
  1101. Lips curled upwards into a smile, and his grip tightened, arms moving to scoop the Nagual into his lap. Over six foot, he was a tall man, clearly muscled.
  1103. "It's not that- I just..." He paused again. "I never thought about what I'd say in a situation like this. What I'd do." A hand came up to gently rub one of her ears, eyes closing.
  1105. "I want you, it's why I've pushed you so hard. How could I fall for someone beneath me? It's why I strove to make you mine, to free you." He began, eyes still closed. "But I couldn't just release you... I didn't think you'd accept it, that you'd want just simple freedom bought for you, that it would ruin your own self-worth.
  1107. But I did fall. Even as you are, I want you. By my side, against the world, against whatever may come, I want *you*." His hands gripped tighter.
  1108. (Xoconan)
  1109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1111. [06:46:49] Her anger dissipated almost instantly. Lotlhuitl let out a soft "oh," burying her face against his chest once more as she visibly deflated. Without anger, there was only.. well. Vulnerability. "Oh..." she breathed again, feeling his fingers stroking against her ear. Her ear flicked, though, notably, she did not attempt to jerk out of his grasp as she clung to Xoconan even tighter.
  1113. "I.. I don't want it just bought for me." Lotlhuitl admitted, tilting her face so as to peer up at Xoconan. "It's just.. I'm.. I'm not.. I don't want you to think me so easily tamed, Xoconan. And.. I respect you. I want you, but more than that: I want to be worthy of you."
  1115. Her voice, her expression, Lotlhuitl was entirely earnest. She meant everything. Deeply.
  1119. (Lotlhuitl)
  1120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1122. [06:56:12] "I can still decide that, you know..." His hand went from her ear to her make of hair, stroking it gently, fingers sliding through the blued locks. "I can decide how worthy you are of me..." His words didn't carry a taunting gesture, as he pressed himself against her, or rather her against him.
  1124. "I could add a third condition to you becoming free." He smiled, opening his eyes to look down at her. "Could you guess what I might want?"
  1126. His smile widened.
  1127. (Xoconan)
  1128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1130. [07:05:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (what)
  1131. [07:05:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm slooow, sorryy)
  1132. [07:05:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (no, it's not that)
  1133. [07:05:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (take your time)
  1134. [07:05:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm confused at this)
  1135. [07:14:08] Lotlhuitl relaxed against Xoconan as his hands shifted from her ears. Her hair was long, and silken. Fine, but thick and glossy. Feeling his hands stroking through her hair, the Nagual sighed, before leting out another soft little "oh," her willowy form twitching subtly atop Xoconan's, involuntarily.
  1137. She found herself nuzzling against him, soft cheek pressed against his chest as she stared up at him from beneath dark eyelashes. Her expression vulnerable. Longing.
  1139. "Nn," Lotlhuitl breathed, her cheeks flush with colour. She found herself tracing a circle against his chest, her gaze never leaving his. "Xoconan, I.. I can. But I want to hear you say it."
  1140. (Lotlhuitl)
  1141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143. [07:21:48] A hand wrapped around her waist, expression softening. It was something usually reserved for his family, in private environments, one he didn't let out normally.
  1145. "I couldn't stand with you as my slave. So I'll give you a chance to stand above it. I don't want you beneath me. Promise to stand beside me, as mine, and I'll do the same for you. As equals. I'll put myself behind you, and you'll do the same for me."
  1147. The hand stroking her hair came to cup her chin. "Does that explain it?"
  1148. (Xoconan)
  1149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1151. [07:31:12] Lotlhuitl nodded. The Nagual was trembling. Her lips parted, staring up at Xoconan with that steady look of utter vulnerability and longing. Of.. affection.
  1153. Chaste, and not without awkwardness, she found herself tilting her head and kissing the hand which cupped her chin. "Oh, Xoconan," was all she found herself able to say in response. At least, initially. The Nagual was... overwhelmed. Somewhat. Happy, but.. overwhelmed.
  1155. "Yes," she said. She looked at him from beneath dark eyelashes. Leant up, knocking the hand which cupped her chin aside. She was shivering. Bit her bottom lip. "Yes," she repeated, leaning in to kiss him against his jaw. And "yes," she said once more, before attempting to smudge that kiss against his lips.
  1156. (Lotlhuitl)
  1157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1159. [07:44:00] Hearing that yes from her, he grinned. There wasn't a response needed, she'd given hers, and by asking, he'd already told her his own desires.
  1161. His head moved down, not letting that second kiss land against jaw, but against his lips. He met it, expression very clearly pleased, like a hunter that'd landed his prey. Triumphant, a hungering look in his eyes.
  1163. "What's mine is yours and yours is mine, right?" He leaned back to speak, lips in a grin. "I think Valmasians usually do this with some kind of ring... But, you think we'll need one?"
  1164. (Xoconan)
  1165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1167. [07:55:05] Lotlhuitl's tail flicked, her hands snaking up to caress his hair, his skin. Despite herself, she'd laughed as he turned his face. Laughed against his lips, into his kiss. Laughed because she was happy.
  1169. She met his gaze, her face resting against his, nose to nose. "Hm," she breathed, momentarily breaking eye contact as she seemed to contemplate his question.
  1171. "Rings." She repeated, before flashing her hands at Xoconan. Adorned with rings. Looted from Avalon. Some of which from corpses. "Which one do you want?" She asked, bemused. Dimples at her cheeks as she beamed down at him, legs shifting so that she straddled him.
  1173. She straightened, sitting atop him. Stretched, arched her back. "Hmm. I mean, you already gave me this," Lotl said, brushing a hand against the sun medallion nestled at her cleavage. "Are you telling me that I need more shiny things?"
  1175. Lotlhuitl bit her bottom lip, still smiling as she looked down at him. Shifted her weight atop him. A blush at her cheeks. "Or do you still want me to find you Arcanium, hm? A wedding gift for my darling, with which we should carve our names into the history of Agartha itself?"
  1176. (Lotlhuitl)
  1177. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1179. [07:58:30] Lotlhuitl laughed once more, before leaning down to -tentatively!- kiss Xoconan again.
  1180. (Lotlhuitl)
  1181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1183. [07:59:21] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean.. you should know better than to ask me if I want shiny things, Xoconan. Of course I do. "
  1184. [08:10:27] He grinned at her questions, holding her tightly and pressing her into another kiss. He seemed hungry for the affection, to give it and receive it, though with the curse, he'd been almost... Needy, as of late, as if to prove he were real.
  1186. "Ah... It's not about the shiny thing, you know... Though if that's what you want, I'll find a way to cover you in so many that you'll sparkle in the dark of a cave." His forehead pressed against her, sanguine eyes staring into her own.
  1188. "It's the bond, two halves to a whole. If you have one end, and I have the other, even if we're separated, we're together." A hand came up to grip her own, fingers pressing together.
  1190. "It gives me an idea though... A surprise. I do still want it- and with it, I'll create a bond for us both. Something to last beyond our lives." His hand gripped tighter against her. "But for something shorter term... Is there anything you want?
  1192. Anything for my precious Nagual?"
  1193. (Xoconan)
  1194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1196. [08:24:57] Her hair hung over them both as he spoke.
  1198. So many she would sparkle in the dark of a cave? Oh, Lotlhuitl had smiled at that, a finger tracing beneath his jaw, tilting his face up to meet hers. Another kiss. Teasingly chaste, her soft lips brushing against his.
  1200. And then he explained. Two halves to a whole? Lotlhuitl's lips had parted. Another soft, "oh," breathed by the Nagual as she looked him dead in the eyes. Her forehead resting against his. Her hand squeezed his in response, fingers once more entwining with his fingers.
  1202. "Anything?" Lotlhuitl breathed. The word almost sounded dangerous, coming from her lips. A soft little "ah" passed her lips as she pressed her body against his. As she nuzzled her face against his neck. Placing kisses against his pulse.
  1204. And then she stilled, her expression growing serious. Tension once more in her limbs, as she lay against Xoconan, unmoving.
  1206. "Teach mehow to be strong, Xoconan. I.. it's not enough for me to ask you to punish those who have wronged me. I.. I need to do it myself. I want to step on them."
  1207. (Lotlhuitl)
  1208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1210. [08:39:28] "Teach you how to be strong...?" He echoed. For a moment, he pulled her off him, just enough to shift them, so that they were laying on their sides facing each other, bodies tightly pressed.
  1212. "That's hard to do, but doable. It's more than strength, I learned that. IT's knowing how to use it, when to use it." His face leaned in, lips drawing against her own neck, moving upwards against her cheek. "But I can teach you these things. How to fight. It'll be hard, but I'll do it."
  1214. He chuckled suddenly, pulling back from her face. "Hard to bite at your ears like this." He seemed amused as he held her.
  1215. (Xoconan)
  1216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1218. [08:49:42] Some part of her was surprised how comfortable she felt around Xoconan. Safe. Yet, also vulnerable. And some part of her would have been slightly embarrassed at the authentic display of affection that she was giving him. Her.. innate awkwardness making her tense and gasp as he shifted her, hair sliding across his body, his face. Until she gently shifted it out of the way, setting it out behind her.. silken blue-black length draped across the single bed.
  1220. "Mm," Lotlhuitl had breathed, biting her bottom lip as she felt first his breath, then his lips against her neck. She.. found herself lifting her chin, exposing her neck fully to him. The Nagual trembled. Hands grabbing fistfuls of Xoconan's cloak. "That's what I want." Lotlhuitl had reiterated, clinging to him. "I want you," she paused, looking at her lover - now, wasn't that a strange thought? - from beneath dark eyelashes. She continued, after squirming slightly, bottom lip once more bitten, "-to teach me how to fight."
  1222. Hard to bite at my ears?
  1224. Lotlhuitl had blinked, a blush rising to her cheeks at the same time as a frown pulled at her lips. But, truthfully, the frown wasn't.. really too committed. "Oh, so terrible for you," she breathed, her fuzzy ears pinning back, as if that could protect them.
  1225. (Lotlhuitl)
  1226. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1228. [19:05:48]
  1229. {LOAD GAME}
  1231. [19:14:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (want to RP?)
  1232. [19:14:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:P gonna assume Msimth is you)
  1233. [19:15:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (to do looc change OOC to say and hten just type in brackets )
  1234. [19:16:03] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (ohhh)
  1235. [19:16:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:D)
  1236. [19:16:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OOC is for global OOC)
  1237. [19:16:54] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (im trying to be a blacksmith)
  1238. [19:16:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (cool!)
  1239. [19:16:54] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (new to the game btw)
  1240. [19:18:36] Tubal-Cain says, "what in the world"
  1241. [19:19:28] Kaschei Coaxoch says, "Hello, Atro."
  1242. [19:19:28] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (sup)
  1243. [19:19:28] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Hello)
  1244. [19:19:28] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (you a big one aint ya)
  1245. [19:20:19] Atro stares forward with blank dull eyes.
  1246. (Atro Gwyn)
  1247. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1249. [19:20:19] Atro Gwyn says, "Hello."
  1250. [19:21:10] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (That I am. I am a large monster. Rawr.)
  1251. [19:22:01] Tubal-Cain exclaims, "be gone beast!"
  1252. [19:22:01] Glasya Labolas says, "... No."
  1253. [19:22:01] Glasya Labolas says, "Sorry darling, I'm here to stay~"
  1254. [19:22:01] Lotlhuitl sauntered down the main street of Cruxati.
  1256. The Nagual was tall. Draped in jewellery. Her hair long, straight. Tumbling down her bare shoulders. She had a sway in her step, which may have indicated a good mood, but other than that? Her expression was deadly serious.
  1258. As was her gaze. Green, and feline and predatory, she ended up looking down at a young, white-haired fellow. And then up at Glasya Labolas.
  1260. "Demon," she said, in lieu of greeting, towards Glasya. Her tone was.. respectful? Terse.
  1262. Her gaze trailed to the teenager. Expression neutral. " best watch your tongue."
  1263. (Lotlhuitl)
  1264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1266. [19:22:01] Glasya Labolas says, "Ah, it's okay dear, I'm used to it."
  1267. [19:22:52] Glasya Labolas says, "Like water off a duck's back."
  1268. [19:22:52] Glasya Labolas asks, "How are you doing Lotlhuitl dear?"
  1269. [19:23:44] Lotlhuitl says, "... yes, well. I'm not sure ducks are the most apt.."
  1270. [19:23:44] Glasya Labolas asks, "No...? And why do you think not?"
  1271. [19:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "You're a ten foot tall death machine."
  1272. [19:24:35] Glasya Labolas says, "... I'll have you know I've never killed a mortal..."
  1273. [19:24:35] Glasya seems to look from side to side, as if trying to remember whether that was true or not.
  1274. (Glasya Labolas)
  1275. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1277. [19:24:35] Glasya Labolas says, "... No, I simply haven't."
  1278. [19:25:26] Kaschei's expression shows hope for the morose gloom hanging over his companion. His hands fold patiently one over the other in front of him, his own ice-blue eyes leveled on the Elsyrean's troubled countenance.
  1280. He had to try. "I'm on a mission, Atro." He begins. His head rocks in a slow nod forward, as if to assert his purpose...
  1282. Steely resolve shows in his gaze. "I've come to help you take back your light." He states, before extending a hand forward to Atro.
  1284. He awaits their answer with a friendly grin and the glint of hope in his eyes.
  1285. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1288. [19:25:26] Glasya Labolas says, "And It's fifteen feet tall, darling~"
  1289. [19:25:26] Glasya giggles, covering her mouth.
  1290. (Glasya Labolas)
  1291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293. [19:25:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah, my apologies. <deadpan>"
  1294. [19:26:17] Lotlhuitl says, "There's always a first time."
  1295. [19:26:17] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (I'll wait on the YOUNG BLACKSMITHS ASPIRING DOT)
  1296. [19:26:17] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (WHAT SHALL HE WRITE? I WAIT WITH BATED BREATH)
  1297. [19:26:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yes, sorry -___-;;;)
  1298. [19:28:51] Tubal had an expression of confusion on his face. he thought to him self "what in the world is going on." He did not expect this friendly conversation.
  1300. (Tubal-Cain)
  1301. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303. [19:28:51] Tubal-Cain says, "this is a first"
  1304. [19:29:42] Tubal-Cain asks, "you dont wont to kill us all?"
  1305. [19:29:42] Glasya Labolas says, "Of course not dear, but the rest of my kind do for the most part~ I like to think more long term."
  1306. [19:30:33] Noxim Florus says, "...Is take step back, not break private space."
  1307. [19:30:33] Where Kaschei radiated energy and goodness, the opposite is present for Atro. Where it seems life is dim, and he looks toward the world as if utterly gray and hopeless.
  1309. But there before him was the Krausite that offered a helping hand, literally. Atro only stares at it, shaking his head. "That won't happen." He states listlessly.
  1311. "You aren't the cause. You aren't the trouble. You aren't a part of my failure." A swell to the corruption planted, he winces at the feeling. "This isn't your trouble, your problem. Look towards others that are in need. That require teaching, guidance. I cannot."
  1312. (Atro Gwyn)
  1313. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1315. [19:32:16] he should feel relieved after hiring that answer but the skepticism could still be seen in his eyes
  1316. (Tubal-Cain)
  1317. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319. [19:32:16] Tubal-Cain says, "so.. what brings you here"
  1320. [19:33:58] Lotlhuitl struck one hip out as she regarded Tubal-Cain and Glasya. Her right hip. Her right hand rested jauntily against it as she stood, silent for a moment. And then she gave a small shrug. Lotlhuitl subtly jingled from the movement, the sheer amount of metal she was wearing shifting and bumping against each other.
  1322. "Be calm, young man," was what she ended up saying. "What brings me here?" She blinked. "I am Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati. I.. belong here." Another blink. She looked at both Tubal-Cain and Glasya from beneath long, dark eyelashes. "I am on patrol."
  1324. Another shrug (jingle).
  1326. "Demon, I'm afraid I feel I am at a disadvantage. You know my name, and yet.. I have not been given yours in return."
  1327. (Lotlhuitl)
  1328. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1330. [19:36:32] Kaschei frowns at Atro's reply. He wanted to cry. He loved all his friends, especially the Elsyrean... because they had taught, helped and welcomed him when he was still but a helpless, homeless scribe with nowhere to be. A sob rises in his throat-
  1332. -but Kaschei chokes it out, and his eyes refuse to water with tears.
  1334. Atro was suffering: he needed Kaschei's strength! "All things are bigger than ourselves: do not try to own what has happened to you all for yourself." He replies, almost echoing the Elsyrean's previous words of wisdom...
  1336. His hand is still held-out for Atro. "You made a difference... you did not fail." He says, before there's an odd feeling in the air...
  1338. It's the opposite of what Arra'kor had done. Where the cheer of life was bleak, vibrance brightens in all the sounds and colors. Even the muggy, humid air becomes full and refreshing; a sense of peace asserts on all near Kaschei, a benevolent call to Order.
  1340. Tiny rocks and pebbles scattered about begin to float upwards where the gentle Arcane energies flow, all to Kaschei's bid. "Come with me. Let's figure this out together." He insists, unwilling to abandon a friend in need.
  1342. He would never abandon his friend...
  1343. No matter if they could not be saved-
  1345. -no matter if it would even condemn himself.
  1346. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1347. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1349. [19:37:23] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (I'll let him go first)
  1350. [19:38:14] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (lag)
  1351. [19:39:05] LOOC - Kaschei Coaxoch: (did you get my post?)
  1352. [19:39:05] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (yeah)
  1353. [19:39:05] LOOC - Kaschei Coaxoch: (also i'm having this weird thing in-game where I have to hit enter multiple times...)
  1354. [19:40:48] tubal examines the demons apparel and takes interest in the demons weapon. he asked "what is that blade called?"
  1356. (Tubal-Cain)
  1357. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1359. [19:40:48] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (I don't have a weapon, it's just the sprite
  1360. [19:40:48] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (What I look like is right click me, and then click the button on that menu to pull up my full description)
  1361. [19:41:39] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (oh dang)
  1362. [19:41:39] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (HTML code and all)
  1363. [19:42:30] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (ignor what i said)
  1364. [19:43:21] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (You can always say 'omit' or 'omit X thing' for future reference in LOOC)
  1365. [19:43:21] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (does it remove what i out in?)
  1366. [19:44:12] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (or it just lets ppl know to ingnor it)
  1367. [19:44:12] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (It doesn't actually remove it, it's just how we say things we want to remove.)
  1368. [19:44:12] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Yeah)
  1369. [19:44:12] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (kk)
  1370. [19:44:12] While his attention is towards the hand, it drops down towards the ground. It's hard to decipher the feelings of the Elsyrean as his gestures didn't change.
  1372. His suffering his own, not allowing others involved in it, Atro's head shakes, glancing back upwards to Kaschei without a change to his expression.
  1374. "It's not something you can fix. It's not something that will return. There is something that I cannot do, and for that and what followed, I can no longer connect. Until I can carry out such a dreaded task the arcane is lost to me, and I give my faith to others."
  1376. Falling silent he looks off to the side, the nagual briefly before looking back to Kaschei and the order that followed. Familiarity in the air, one that he abandoned, or it abandoned him?
  1378. "This isn't something to drag others in to. Go do what you can for the young, not I. My place won't change, for I'll never carry it out. Give your hope to the young."
  1379. (Atro Gwyn)
  1380. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1382. [19:45:04] Glasya was a massive amorphous mass of black ink and ichor covered in the top half by a ribcage and skeleton, two arms, the skeletal head of some sort of dog, deer, or maybe even horse. In the eye sockets burned balefire blue eyes. Her skull would shift like skin as she spoke, not to imitate speech, but to imitate expression.
  1384. "Perfectly understandable darling, I simply move around the squares and listen for speech. Names and such. I am Glasya, a pleasure to meet you face to face."
  1386. She pulls a hand in to cover her face from another fit of laughter.
  1388. "... Or face to skull in this instance. I do make it a habit not to commit undue violence and death. Bad for my health and business after all."
  1389. (Glasya Labolas)
  1390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392. [19:47:37] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Oh yes, feel free to ask any questions you might have)
  1393. [19:47:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (we're all very friendly :))
  1394. [19:47:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OOC anyway aha)
  1395. [19:47:37] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (EXCEPT CHANCE, HE'S A MEAN PLAYER STAY AWAY FROM HIM >:C )
  1396. [19:47:37] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Hehehehe)
  1397. [19:48:28] Kaschei glances to the Nagual with a confused look- but the situation is so dire for the blonde that his attention quickly snaps back to them. His ice-blue eyes widen and glower with intensity on the Elsyrean.
  1399. This was bad- no, it was horrible. His lips begin to pull back into a grimace- ... but he suppresses that expression to, because he could not dare share his own grief with a fallen comrade. "Then let me help you with that task, Atro-" He says, finally giving up all cares.
  1401. He just reaches down and tries to take both their hands, one for each of his own. "You taught me how to do this! You helped me when I was nothing." He says- ... his emotion breaks-through his nerves, and soon his eyes turn inflamed and glistening-wet.
  1403. Teardrops streak down his cheeks. "I love you like a brother! I can finally repay what you've done for me now, but you won't let me..." He says, his own face falling downcast like Atro's had been. Patters of wet tears splash down on the cobblestones below in a sad trickle while his eyelids nearly shut...
  1404. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1405. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1407. [19:49:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (Actually i am pure evil incarnate)
  1408. [19:49:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ur lovely..)
  1409. [19:49:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (very unfriendly, enemy of freedom)
  1410. [19:49:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oppressor of good will)
  1411. [19:49:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (some people pay for that, you know)
  1412. [19:49:20] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Shush Xitlalli or I'll come over there and hug you)
  1413. [19:51:02] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (im just trying to be the worlds best blacksmith no idea how to even start)
  1414. [19:51:02] LOOC - Xitlalli: (need to invest RPP into blacksmithing)
  1415. [19:51:02] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (You'll need RPP to spend, and then buy into the blacksmithing tree)
  1416. [19:51:02] LOOC - Xitlalli: (then work your way up from tier 5 or whatnot)
  1417. [19:51:02] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Find iron ore, then-
  1418. [19:51:02] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Yeah)
  1419. [19:51:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (ok somehow i made my skyrim game an unstable piece of poo poo, so no murderous memey rampages for me)
  1420. [19:52:44] Laughter.
  1422. Lotlhuitl winced. Her eyes momentarily gaining a glassy, far off look. It was with effort that she drew herself back into her own body, drew her attention back onto what was at hand. Instead of the intoxicating, terrible daydreams that she was currently plagued with.
  1424. The Nagual raised a bejewelled hand to her temple, gently massaging the side of her head for a second before remembering propriety. She gave a slight incline of her head, acknowledging Glasya. A demon who didn't delight in violence and death? Strange. "Glad to hear it, I suppose." Lotlhuitl wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if the gift horse was a strange skeletal creature with a horse's head that to look closely at would set shivers down her spine.
  1426. "Are you new in Argatha?" She asked the white haired lad, turning her attention to him. "What's your name? I haven't met you before."
  1427. (Lotlhuitl)
  1428. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1430. [19:53:36] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh, hello Xitlalli dear~"
  1431. [19:53:36] Xitlalli says, "Hi."
  1432. [19:54:27] Glasya strides past to come up in front of her. Glasya was getting tall.
  1433. (Glasya Labolas)
  1434. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1436. [19:54:27] Glasya Labolas asks, "How have you been, dear?"
  1437. [19:54:27] Lotlhuitl says, "<*acknowledged Xitlalli with a brief look, before waiting for Tubal-Cain's response!*> "
  1438. [19:55:18] Xitlalli says, "I've been. Fine, I suppose."
  1439. [19:56:09] Glasya Labolas says, "You should know that Jokor is dead. Very very dead."
  1440. [19:56:09] Atro's eyes remain on Kaschei, it's almost as if there's a glare to his dead eyes; as if something snapped in the conversation that drew out a form of anger.
  1442. "Let me clarify." His voices revives with hints of life and grimness. "I will not kill someone precious to me, even if they do not desire to change. Then for all that, I'd give up the arcane."
  1444. While keeping eye contact for a few seconds, his eyes fall back to the ground, the life that sparked seeming to be drowned out again. "And so you cannot help me. Do as I said, focus on the young."
  1445. (Atro Gwyn)
  1446. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1448. [19:56:09] Xitlalli asks, "Jokor died?"
  1449. [19:56:09] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "Yes!"
  1450. [19:56:09] Xitlalli says, "How did that happen, I wonder."
  1451. [19:56:09] Glasya Labolas says, "He tried to take Zyanya as a sex slave or something~"
  1452. [19:56:09] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "And then she stabbed him in the face!"
  1453. [19:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "... good riddance.."
  1454. [19:57:00] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "Also Zyanya has barred me from going back to Atl for a while!"
  1455. [19:57:00] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (is it cool if i respon in say?)
  1456. [19:57:00] Glasya speaks with a great deal of cheer regardless.
  1457. (Glasya Labolas)
  1458. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460. [19:57:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah thats fine)
  1461. [19:57:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (whatever you wanna do :) )
  1462. [19:57:52] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (should i use rp when i wan to show what im doing as i say somthing)
  1463. [19:57:52] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Yes, exactly.)
  1464. [19:57:52] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (kk)
  1465. [19:57:52] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (If it's just brief speaking without any change, it's usually good to white text)
  1466. [19:57:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (RP is for longer responses. When you use say, it doesn't show anything indicating you're typing.)
  1467. [19:57:52] Tubal-Cain says, "in fact i am new to this place"
  1468. [19:58:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (So if it's long, best to use RP. The RP box saves what you write!)
  1469. [19:58:43] Lotlhuitl says, "You look it."
  1470. [19:58:43] Tubal-Cain says, "im from a small village far away"
  1471. [19:58:43] Lotlhuitl asks, "Name?"
  1472. [19:58:43] Well that certainly went the way she wanted it; although now she couldn't drag his sorry hide to Xomac, that being said, she had spun quite the tale to the supposed 'God', so much so that Jokor was a dead man walking.
  1474. "It was only a matter of time, rather than how.", the dancer said, appearing rather distracted and disconnected, her eyes glancing on over to the trees, almost as if she was watching something unfold; another daydreaming instance thanks to that insufferable Spirit Rot.
  1476. "Told Xomac plenty about Jokor. He wished to punish him greatly."
  1478. "I guess words truly are the best way to get what you want!", a slight perk up there, Xitlalli nodding away at herself before she went silent.
  1479. (Xitlalli)
  1480. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1482. [19:58:43] Glasya Labolas says, "Indeed, darling~"
  1483. [19:59:34] Tubal-Cain says, "oh its Tubal.. Tubal cain is my full name"
  1484. [19:59:34] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1485. [19:59:34] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1486. [19:59:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm. "
  1487. [19:59:34] Tubal-Cain says, "i cam to make a neam formyslef"
  1488. [19:59:34] Glasya smiles with both her mouth and eyes.
  1489. (Glasya Labolas)
  1490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1492. [19:59:34] Kaschei releases Atro as he hears their cold, almost agitated answer. It was concise. It rang true. But he still looks confused and teary-eyed.
  1494. He frowns dearly. "Wh- ... what do you mean, 'kill'?" He asked with a bewildered expression. It all sounded like madness to him.
  1496. Was it so simple-? Had Atro only gone mad...?
  1498. He wanted to believe it- but the man's cold resolve and clear wits tell him otherwise. "I do not- you're not telling me everything." He says, a low frown and a look of utter grief on his face.
  1500. He didn't want to be alone. He'd thought Atro and Caprise would've brought light to Agartha on their own, carrying the weakling Kaschei was on the backs of their clothes! But, now he was alone...
  1502. Desperately alone, and all but begging for Atro to come back! "I'm alone in that church Atro. I don't know how to finish what you and Caprise started." He confides, ashamed and near despair himself.
  1503. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1504. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1506. [20:00:25] Lotlhuitl looked at the white-haired lad, as if committing the name to memory.
  1507. (Lotlhuitl)
  1508. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1510. [20:00:25] LOOC - Tubal-Cain: (name*)
  1511. [20:00:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Indeed."
  1512. [20:00:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Through honest work, I hope."
  1513. [20:00:25] Xitlalli says, "Hm, maybe, maybe."
  1514. [20:00:25] Xitlalli says, "Not sure why you listen to another on what you cannot do, it's a bit pointless to do that."
  1515. [20:01:16] Xitlalli says, "I mean, if anything last night taught me, is that to not follow what our heart says, is a crime within itself; Zahhual did something selfish but, I believe she did it as a matter of heart."
  1516. [20:01:16] Xitlalli says, "I wonder if you Agarthans have hearts."
  1517. [20:01:16] Lotlhuitl says, "There are multiple ways to make a name for oneself in Agartha. I hope you choose the path of fame, rather than infamy. "
  1518. [20:01:16] Glasya Labolas says, "..."
  1519. [20:01:16] Glasya Labolas says, "Yes."
  1520. [20:02:08] Xitlalli tilts her head from left to right, inspecting Glasya.
  1521. (Xitlalli)
  1522. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1524. [20:02:08] Glasya Labolas says, "It tells me to crush and consume you all rather violently..."
  1525. [20:02:08] Xitlalli says, "And yet you do not heed it? How strange."
  1526. [20:02:08] Glasya Labolas says, "Of course darling, you know as I do I'd gather a lot of attention that way."
  1527. [20:02:08] Glasya Labolas says, "A lot of /unwanted/ attention."
  1528. [20:02:59] Xitlalli says, "Nothing wrong with attention."
  1529. [20:02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "... Xitlalli, Zahhual... everything she did, she did out of duty. She.. said as much."
  1530. [20:02:59] Glasya Labolas says, "It is when you want to live for a long time, dear."
  1531. [20:02:59] Tubal-Cain says, "well i can only hope the lucky stars are y my side."
  1532. [20:03:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Indeed. <to Tubal>"
  1533. [20:03:50] Xitlalli says, "Not what the others are saying, Lotlhuitl, yet even then you have to put your heart in your duties, otherwise they're false."
  1534. [20:03:50] Glasya Labolas says, "... Anyway~"
  1535. [20:03:50] Lotlhuitl says, "... mmn.. yes. Well. I don't disagree with you, I guess."
  1536. [20:03:50] Glasya Labolas says, "There's a bit of a problem."
  1537. [20:03:50] Xitlalli asks, "A problem? For who? You?"
  1538. [20:03:50] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1539. [20:04:41] Glasya smiles, tittering.
  1540. (Glasya Labolas)
  1541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1543. [20:04:41] Lotlhuitl looked to Glasya at the mention of problems, her ears pricking up.
  1544. (Lotlhuitl)
  1545. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1547. [20:04:41] Xitlalli whispers something.
  1548. [20:04:41] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1549. [20:04:41] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1550. [20:05:32] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  1551. [20:05:32] Xitlalli squints at Glasya for a moment or two; she did not like to be played with.
  1552. (Xitlalli)
  1553. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1555. [20:05:32] Xitlalli says, "I already know what angle you are gunning for."
  1556. [20:05:32] Glasya Labolas says, "And which one is that, darling? I promise not to lie about what angle it is."
  1557. [20:05:32] Lotlhuitl folded her arms in front of her chest, stepping closer to the two.. either unaware, or uncaring, about intruding on personal space.
  1558. (Lotlhuitl)
  1559. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1561. [20:06:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: what problems..?
  1562. [20:06:24] Glasya Labolas says, "Ah it's alright Lotl~ I don't mind."
  1563. [20:06:24] Xitlalli says, "Yet even then, is not your problem, though I sense you wish to gain something."
  1564. [20:06:24] Glasya Labolas whispers: A large demon army has constructed a settlement in southern Valmasia with Karma's permission. They're already starting to mark citizens of Gehenna as future slaves.
  1565. [20:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "What."
  1566. [20:07:15] Glasya Labolas whispers: Indeed~ Look at Guatemoc, JaDrako, and now Meli!
  1567. [20:07:15] Lotlhuitl looked distinctly outraged!
  1568. (Lotlhuitl)
  1569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1571. [20:07:15] Glasya Labolas whispers: They've got three or four Archons at least at their disposal along with most of the Kaors.
  1572. [20:07:15] Glasya Labolas whispers: Not sure which ones though~ That's the problem.
  1573. [20:07:15] While in a poor state of mind, Atro wasn't blind.
  1575. He listened and watched, but his emotions a mess and speaking far more bluntly than ever before; as if it didn't matter what he said, he could speak his mind now.
  1577. Towards Kaschei, the Krausite that he met before, a peasant from boat, trying to offer help and find his own salvation, Atro's head shook. "You are not alone, I told you what to do. There are children, there are others that is your task to help. There are those wishing to learn order and it is now your task to teach."
  1579. His hand extends lazily towards Ezmara. "Where there is Noa, wishing to learn. Where there are those that wish to not have the effects of corruption harm the world. It's your turn for such a task. Your turn, for you touched the arcane, and I lost it."
  1580. (Atro Gwyn)
  1581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1583. [20:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Good grief."
  1584. [20:08:06] Tubal can feel the tension. he watches to see how this plays out.
  1586. (Tubal-Cain)
  1587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1589. [20:08:06] Xitlalli asks, "And why would you be telling us of this?"
  1590. [20:08:57] Xitlalli asks, "As I've said, this doesn't seem like an issue for you, you are of the same bark from the same tree, no?"
  1591. [20:08:57] Glasya Labolas whispers: Because I don't like them, I think they'll fail, they've banned me from their little club, and I honestly think you mortals are more boring, while they're IMMENSELY boring.
  1592. [20:08:57] Dmex asks, "Is there anything I should be aware of?"
  1593. [20:08:57] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (less boring*)
  1594. [20:08:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Mighty Spirit."
  1595. [20:08:57] Glasya Labolas asks, "That depends?"
  1596. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas asks, "Whom are you?"
  1597. [20:09:48] Dmex says, "Warchief of Ezmara."
  1598. [20:09:48] Xitlalli says, "That's Dmex, she's very nice."
  1599. [20:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Demon, please. Tell Dmex what you told me."
  1600. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas says, "Ah. Yes."
  1601. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas asks, "Ahem... Somewhere private?"
  1602. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "Like my house!"
  1603. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas says, "It's a lovely place."
  1604. [20:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Glasya. <Corrected herself.>"
  1605. [20:09:48] Dmex asks, "...Where exactly would that be?"
  1606. [20:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex, please. You need to hear this."
  1607. [20:09:48] Glasya Labolas asks, "Like, three houses down?"
  1608. [20:09:48] Glasya points to the east.
  1609. (Glasya Labolas)
  1610. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1612. [20:09:48] LOOC - Xitlalli: (kale)
  1613. [20:09:48] LOOC - Xitlalli: (u edgelord)
  1614. [20:10:40] LOOC - Somnus: (wot)
  1615. [20:10:40] Glasya Labolas says, "Right along dears~"
  1616. [20:10:40] Glasya Labolas says, "..."
  1617. [20:10:40] LOOC - Xitlalli: (gotye)
  1618. [20:10:40] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh goodness I forgot to clean up. Oh well..."
  1619. [20:10:40] LOOC - Somnus: (i'm lagging so bad)
  1620. [20:10:40] LOOC - Somnus: (were is the spawn place for gehenna
  1621. [20:10:40] Dmex lets out a long, exhausted sigh.
  1622. (Dmex)
  1623. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1625. [20:10:40] LOOC - Somnus: (i need to sell stuff..
  1626. [20:10:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (um, to the left?)
  1627. [20:10:40] Xitlalli grumbles for a moment, before sauntering off to the west.
  1628. (Xitlalli)
  1629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1632. [20:11:31] Xitlalli says, "I've things to do."
  1633. [20:11:31] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh well..."
  1634. [20:11:31] Glasya Labolas says, "Bye darling~"
  1635. [20:11:31] Glasya raises a hand to her face in mock shame.
  1636. (Glasya Labolas)
  1637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1639. [20:12:22] Glasya Labolas says, "So sorry for the mess... I'm a bit of an unkempt person at home..."
  1640. [20:12:22] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh right..."
  1641. [20:12:22] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "Demon army coming to enslave the continent!"
  1642. [20:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "... Glasya, we didn't come here to inspect your.. home."
  1643. [20:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes."
  1644. [20:12:22] Dmex says, "Right. I'm killing every single one of them involved."
  1645. [20:12:22] Glasya Labolas says, "Doesn't mean I can't be worried about appearing as a slob in front of important guests, dear."
  1646. [20:12:22] Dmex asks, "Any questions?"
  1647. [20:13:13] Glasya Labolas says, "... You may have a problem with that, Dmex dear..."
  1648. [20:13:13] Glasya Labolas says, "Seeing as those involved include several Archons."
  1649. [20:13:13] Dmex says, "I don't care."
  1650. [20:13:13] Glasya Labolas says, "... Darling I know you mean the best, but it's going to take a LOT of manpower to take those down quickly."
  1651. [20:13:13] Glasya Labolas says, "... And you'll want to run this by Karma."
  1652. [20:14:04] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Karma gave them permission!"
  1653. [20:14:04] Dmex says, "If Karma's nature towa-"
  1654. [20:14:04] Glasya Labolas says, "Yes..."
  1655. [20:14:04] Lotlhuitl was distinctly furious.
  1656. (Lotlhuitl)
  1657. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1659. [20:14:04] Glasya Labolas says, "To build a settlement."
  1660. [20:14:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you know of this, Dmex?"
  1661. [20:14:04] Glasya Labolas says, "And now they're starting to mark your citizens for... Demon things."
  1662. [20:14:04] Dmex gives an exhausted, pained groan.
  1663. (Dmex)
  1664. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1666. [20:14:04] Dmex asks, "Is Karma -actually- just... letting demons run around, enslaving citizens of Ezmara?"
  1667. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "I think they just gave permission for the settlement..."
  1668. [20:14:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "Honestly. Is there no depths to the idiocy that Karma will fall to?"
  1669. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "And hasn't kept on top of it."
  1670. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "But really..."
  1671. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO GIVE THEM THAT."
  1672. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "Honestly darlings, it's like you've never dealt with demons before..."
  1673. [20:14:56] Dmex says, "It's almost like Karma's braindead."
  1674. [20:14:56] Glasya Labolas says, "You should have started culling them the moment they suggested 'working together' in a settlement."
  1675. [20:15:47] Dmex says, "...I'll have to approach him, first."
  1676. [20:15:47] Lotlhuitl says, "Or a sin of Sloth."
  1677. [20:15:47] Dmex says, "That'd at least be an excuse, Lotlhuitl."
  1678. [20:15:47] Glasya Labolas asks, "Anyway, Dmex dear?"
  1679. [20:15:47] LOOC - Dmex: (i sure fucking wish shanal had an actual timezone so shit didn't just... happen and nobody could talk to him about it)
  1680. [20:15:47] LOOC - Dmex: (that'd be great.)
  1681. [20:16:38] Glasya Labolas says, "In return for this information, I don't really mind HOW Erenan Qi dies for his part in this... But I would prefer to drain him dry personally if that's possible~"
  1682. [20:16:38] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:()
  1683. [20:16:38] Glasya Labolas says, "Don't care so long as I get to see him suffer though."
  1684. [20:16:38] Dmex asks, "That's the massive feline one, correct?"
  1685. [20:16:38] Glasya Labolas says, "Yes indeed."
  1686. [20:16:38] Glasya Labolas says, "Glowing eyes."
  1687. [20:16:38] Dmex says, "Right."
  1688. [20:16:38] Glasya Labolas says, "Ripped off my wings and encroached on what was rightfully mine."
  1689. [20:16:38] Dmex asks, "Is there anything else I need to be aware of?"
  1690. [20:17:29] Glasya Labolas asks, "... Other than close to the entire population of demons isn't to be trusted...?"
  1691. [20:17:29] Glasya Labolas says, "No. Not really. Aside from their list of mortal victims so far."
  1692. [20:17:29] Dmex says, "I understand that, now."
  1693. [20:17:29] Lotlhuitl says, "They've taken prisoners."
  1694. [20:17:29] Dmex says, "And somehow, I know that Karma never, ever will."
  1695. [20:17:29] Glasya Labolas asks, "They have?"
  1696. [20:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. you said they took prisoners. Slaves."
  1697. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "I said they marked them for it."
  1698. [20:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Perhaps I misunderstood."
  1699. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "In the future."
  1700. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "Demon brands."
  1701. [20:18:20] Dmex says, "...I've heard enough of this."
  1702. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "Point is-"
  1703. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "Yes."
  1704. [20:18:20] Dmex says, "Evening."
  1705. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "Farewell Dmex darling~"
  1706. [20:18:20] Dmex says, "Time's grace."
  1707. [20:18:20] Glasya Labolas says, "Thanks for visiting."
  1708. [20:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Glasya."
  1709. [20:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "... you have a nice home."
  1710. [20:19:12] Lotlhuitl leaves.
  1711. (Lotlhuitl)
  1712. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1714. [20:19:12] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "Thank you, dear~!"
  1715. [20:19:12] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Thank you.."
  1716. [20:19:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex."
  1717. [20:19:12] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Spare change."
  1718. [20:19:12] Dmex says, "I have no idea who you are."
  1719. [20:19:12] Dmex says, "Go away."
  1720. [20:20:03] Lotlhuitl whispers: Cruxati needs to know this.
  1721. [20:20:03] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'm going to tell Atro. Xoconan.
  1722. [20:20:03] Kaschei Coaxoch says, "G-goodbye, Atro..."
  1723. [20:20:03] Senshi says, "Hrm, mmm. Gets me down, fellow brother without coin to juggle."
  1724. [20:20:03] Dmex says, "And I'll tell Kayeliun when I have a chance."
  1725. [20:20:03] The timid Krausite is slow to turn-away...
  1726. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1727. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1729. [20:20:03] Lotlhuitl whispers: Very well.
  1730. [20:20:54] Noxim Florus says, "Is not have need of coin. Why would? Is fine with just self."
  1731. [20:20:54] Lotlhuitl whispers: Time's grace, mighty Dmex. I.. am sorry that the overwhelming duty of dealing with Karma rests on you.
  1732. [20:20:54] Atro Gwyn says, "Farewell."
  1733. [20:20:54] Lotlhuitl tossed the beggar a coin.
  1734. (Lotlhuitl)
  1735. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1737. [20:20:54] {Item} Dropped a bag of 1 Coins.
  1738. [20:21:45] Senshi says, "Still, mad respect to you Noxim man, a good solid rock can get things done where coin can't."
  1739. [20:21:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan."
  1740. [20:21:45] Xoconan asks, "Hm?"
  1741. [20:22:36] It was hard to go, but there was naught to do: it would've been wholly worse to stay.
  1743. The Krausite's boots click across the ground. Their cadence is steady, at least.
  1745. And whispers are head on Kaschei's breath... "Kraus, show me your will." He quietly prays, as he departs to a daunting and lonesome task.
  1746. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  1747. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1749. [20:22:36] Noxim Florus says, "Is fair point."
  1750. [20:22:36] Senshi says, "Sometimes, the medley of clink-clank of coin can get my fellow Gehennans deaf in the ears, the only sound that sometimes they'll hear."
  1751. [20:23:28] Glasya Labolas says, "Lotl dear~"
  1752. [20:23:28] Glasya Labolas asks, "Where'd Dmex go?"
  1753. [20:23:28] Lotlhuitl says, "She went west. To Ezmara, I believe."
  1754. [20:23:28] Noxim Florus says, "Is sound like favorite jingle for dryad's ears. If know which dryad, Noxim talk of."
  1755. [20:23:28] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh good."
  1756. [20:24:19] Glasya Labolas says, "Because in Ezmara there's a massive public brawl from the Demons..."
  1757. [20:24:19] Glasya giggles at that. It was funny when she was right.
  1758. (Glasya Labolas)
  1759. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1761. [20:24:19] Glasya Labolas says, "Anyway, going back to watch that..."
  1762. [20:25:10] Noxim Florus asks, "...Oh. Is brawl of kin?"
  1763. [20:25:10] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim must see, is curious."
  1764. [20:25:10] Noxim Florus says, "Excuse Noxim."
  1765. [20:25:10] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Spare change.."
  1766. [20:26:01] Without a shred of hesitation, the enormous beast rose up to his feet, and quickly shambled off towards the Northwest- towards the Ezmaran Capital in the distance.
  1767. (Noxim Florus)
  1768. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1770. [20:26:01] Senshi says, "A brawl out in the sprawl. Seems like bad blood clouding the streets."
  1771. [20:26:01] Atro drops a few crowns in a bag.
  1772. (Atro Gwyn)
  1773. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1775. [20:26:01] Lotlhuitl was visibly agitated. Whatever trace of that good mood, evident about her earlier, was long gone. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. A scowl at her lips. Her tail was tightly wrapped around her waist.
  1777. The Nagual audibly jingled as she moved. Jewellery clinking as it shifted with her willowy form. There was an intense sort of tension in her limbs. And with Glasya words, she let out a stream of what one could assume were expletives beneath her breath.
  1779. She leant in to Xoconan, whispering something. Tension obvious. Angry.
  1781. Concerned.
  1782. (Lotlhuitl)
  1783. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1785. [20:26:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: Glasya says a demon army amasses. Permitted by Karma.
  1786. [20:26:52] Lotlhuitl says, "And they're apparently brawling in the streets in Ezmara. So. I'm going to go and defend Gehenna."
  1787. [20:26:52] Xoconan whispers: "And Kayeliun. They're forming a city of their kind to the north, where Avalon once lay."
  1788. [20:26:52] Lotlhuitl says, "What."
  1789. [20:26:52] Lotlhuitl asks, "And Kayeliun?"
  1790. [20:26:52] Lotlhuitl asks, "You knew of this?"
  1791. [20:27:44] Xoconan says, "Mhm."
  1792. [20:27:44] Lotlhuitl asks, "Has everyone gone mad..?"
  1793. [20:27:44] Xoconan says, "I'll remind you of one thing- this land was theirs."
  1794. [20:27:44] Xoconan says, "And personally, I'd rather have them living in their own place instead of inside our own cities."
  1795. [20:28:35] Atro stares at Xoconan and Lotlhuiti.
  1796. (Atro Gwyn)
  1797. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1799. [20:28:35] Lotlhuitl says, "They're... plotting to kidnap people."
  1800. [20:28:35] eyes light up he was merely shocked at how heavy the sack was. Lifting his head allowing a bit more of his facial features to be shown from underneath the hoodie. "Are you sure you want to be giving me this musch?" he questio ned as he gave the bag another toss in the air weightin its size.
  1802. "This gotta be atleast fifty coin pieces!"
  1803. (Elias Nel Domaio)
  1804. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1806. [20:28:35] Xoconan asks, "Huh?"
  1807. [20:28:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Branding them."
  1808. [20:28:35] Xoconan placidly glares back.
  1809. (Xoconan)
  1810. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1812. [20:28:35] Xoconan says, "If you wanna talk Atro, then say something."
  1813. [20:29:26] Atro just keeps staring, the wind blows.
  1814. (Atro Gwyn)
  1815. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1817. [20:30:17] Xoconan whispers: "Where'd you hear this?"
  1818. [20:30:17] Lotlhuitl whispers: The demon, Glasya.
  1819. [20:31:08] Xoconan whispers: "..."
  1820. [20:31:08] Xoconan whispers: "So I'll speak with this demon."
  1821. [20:31:08] Xoconan whispers: "Karma would not approve of Gehennans being kidnapped, nor would Kayeliun."
  1822. [20:31:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: She told me that Guatemoc, JaDrako and Meli have been marked by them.
  1823. [20:32:00] Xoconan whispers: "... Who the hell is Meli?"
  1824. [20:32:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: .. I'm not sure.
  1825. [20:32:00] Lotlhuitl shrugged.
  1826. (Lotlhuitl)
  1827. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1829. [20:32:00] Xoconan whispers: "Anyway, I'll get to the bottom of this."
  1830. [20:32:51] Lotlhuitl whispers: Surely *we'll* get to the bottom of it.
  1831. [20:32:51] Lotlhuitl glanced to Atro.
  1832. (Lotlhuitl)
  1833. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1835. [20:32:51] Xoconan whispers: "Then we'll do it together."
  1836. [20:32:51] Lotlhuitl says, "Atro. If you see Kayeliun, tell her that demon village she permitted? The demons there have started marking Gehennan citizens for capture. "
  1837. [20:33:42] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm going to Ezmara."
  1838. [20:33:42] Xoconan follows behind.
  1839. (Xoconan)
  1840. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1842. [20:34:33] {combat} Erenan Qi has been defeated by Aether! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1843. [20:34:33] {combat} Zyanya Tlaco has been defeated by JaDrako Kumo! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1844. [20:34:33] {combat} Toka has been defeated by JaDrako Kumo! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1845. [20:34:33] {combat} Faust Di Maria has been defeated by Kin-Zhen! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1846. [20:34:33] {combat} Aether has been defeated by JaDrako Kumo! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1847. [20:35:24] LOOC - Aether: (fucking lag e.e
  1848. [20:35:24] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (who did I temp?
  1849. [20:35:24] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (this JaDrako
  1850. [20:35:24] LOOC - Toka: (Me.)
  1851. [20:35:24] LOOC - Aether: (Fucking lag made us lose e.e
  1852. [20:35:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I fucking carried
  1854. [20:35:24] LOOC - Toka: (JaDrako lucky I lagged in the wall.)
  1855. [20:35:24] LOOC - Aether: (All there was is body blocking and shit e.e
  1856. [20:35:24] LOOC - Ravan: I would like to give my temp to someone else)
  1857. [20:35:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Im so sorry yall
  1858. [20:35:24] LOOC - Ravan: (Who wants to cause it?)
  1859. [20:35:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( This was so dumb
  1860. [20:35:24] LOOC - Toka: (You assisted them!)
  1861. [20:35:24] LOOC - Aether: (Why didn't we move it somewhere else?
  1862. [20:35:24] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Ik
  1863. [20:36:16] LOOC - Aether: (Because if it was an open plain?
  1864. [20:36:16] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (So toka, I temp'd you?
  1865. [20:36:16] LOOC - Aether: (We would've won.
  1866. [20:36:16] LOOC - Toka: (Yes. You temp'd me.)
  1867. [20:36:16] LOOC - Ravan: Who did I temp?)
  1868. [20:36:16] Xoconan says, "What in the fuck."
  1869. [20:36:16] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: i also got temped)
  1870. [20:36:16] LOOC - Aether: (You temp'd me
  1871. [20:36:16] LOOC - Toka: (We all did I think.)
  1872. [20:36:16] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Khin temp me also
  1873. [20:36:16] LOOC - Toka: (I was having to ko two people each time.)
  1874. [20:36:16] LOOC - Aether: (I want my rematch.
  1875. [20:37:07] Oyaotl says, "... Shouldn't 'ave woken up this morning."
  1876. [20:37:07] LOOC - Aether: (I couldn't do shit e.e
  1877. [20:37:07] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: my byond froze in that last round)
  1878. [20:37:07] Lotlhuitl arrives from the south, looking furious!
  1879. (Lotlhuitl)
  1880. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1882. [20:37:07] LOOC - Toka: (Well, what rpl are you Aether? I hope you're above 150. Would feel bad if you were under since I dragged you into a fight you didn't stand a chance in q-q)
  1883. [20:37:07] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I was trying to get them but the lag was to hard that my whip appear
  1884. [20:37:07] LOOC - Aether: (Ooh now. Don't worry about me. I beat people wo are 30+my rpl.
  1885. [20:37:07] LOOC - Aether: (Lol
  1886. [20:37:58] LOOC - Toka: (Mmm, ok q-q)
  1887. [20:37:58] LOOC - Aether: (I just was lagging and couldnt hit my hits
  1888. [20:37:58] LOOC - Aether: (thats why I'm mad
  1889. [20:37:58] LOOC - Aether: (Cause biggie over there would've been crushed .-.
  1890. [20:37:58] LOOC - Toka: (I didn't expect the Holy Ground fae of all things.0
  1891. [20:37:58] LOOC - Aether: (Looking at you Kin >:o
  1892. [20:37:58] A faint wisp of ethereal smoke slowly materialized atop the beast's form, trails of occultic energy gradually rising up from the various cracks riddling the demon's wooden husk.
  1894. With a steady hand, the monstrosity remained on the sidelines, his gaze settling on the sight of the warring figures in the midst of the Bazaar. Sure enough, there would be words to be spoken at some point- however, the beast remained an observer for now.
  1896. The demons would have their chance to explain, certainly.
  1897. (Noxim Florus)
  1898. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1900. [20:38:49] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (So no one got perm?
  1901. [20:38:49] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (yeah
  1902. [20:38:49] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (i just fought
  1903. [20:38:49] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: not that i see)
  1904. [20:38:49] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Wait until they do their narration before you go posting at them.))
  1905. [20:38:49] Xoconan whispers: "Mom, ten second recap please?"
  1906. [20:38:49] Xoconan whispers: "What the fuck did I miss?"
  1907. [20:39:40] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (this will be long
  1908. [20:39:40] Oyaotl whispers something.
  1909. [20:39:40] Erenan's assault, along his troupe's, is unrelenting. Three agarthans and a loyal vassal pair against four others of similar potency. Unbridled rage is released in waves of dark fire, liberated with the intensity of an inferno.
  1911. A particularly vicious striek is delivered to Aether's chest, ripping away skin, muscle, and shattering the formation of his ribcage. Claws are blotted with the crimson of his blood, dripping into the gaps of the pavement.
  1913. Rage. A roar. It rebounds across the square, the flare in his eyes lifting to unsightly degrees, pillar of fire emitted.
  1915. "You were received chance. Chance to not strain me. Chance to let go of my vassal, and yet, thou held her by force, mongrel."
  1917. The feline strafes forward, its immense paws splattered over the soil, spreading lightly through the substance of his tainted essence.
  1919. "Karma Vindict will know of your transgression and the violation of our accord. He will be told of your attempt to steal my valued serf.
  1921. And then, my brethren will know. AND THOU SHALL KNOW DOOM."
  1922. (Erenan Qi)
  1923. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1925. [20:39:40] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  1926. [20:39:40] LOOC - Ravan: (Who got my temp injury btw?)
  1927. [20:40:32] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I was injured by Kin I think
  1928. [20:40:32] Oyaotl whispers something.
  1929. [20:40:32] LOOC - Aether: (Lol. The puppy who i put down injuries me q.q
  1930. [20:40:32] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Aether by Jadrako
  1931. [20:40:32] Xoconan whispers: "... Toka seems to start more problems day by day."
  1932. [20:40:32] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1933. [20:40:32] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  1934. [20:40:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: She's an idiot.
  1935. [20:40:32] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1936. [20:41:23] Oyaotl whispers: Let's get our people outta there.
  1937. [20:41:23] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  1938. [20:41:23] Oyaotl whispers: When the dust has settled.
  1939. [20:41:23] LOOC - Erenan Qi: strike* oof)
  1940. [20:41:23] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1941. [20:41:23] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Kin just dont mess with my perfect arranged nails
  1942. [20:42:14] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1943. [20:42:14] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Tell me sir whats going on here..."
  1944. [20:42:14] Theres a laugh. One that isn't attempted to be filtered for once, ringing up to the sky and beyond. It's so very VERY funny to her.
  1946. "My my my~! Erenan-dear's all grown up, clawing his way through a public square once again. I wonder if he realizes he's hurting Gehennans in Gehennan territory over stealing away Gehennans to use as slaves~"
  1948. Another fit of laughter. It was just so hilarious to her. She even doubles over, clutching her 'stomach' area as the fit rocked her body.
  1949. (Glasya Labolas)
  1950. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1952. [20:42:14] Erenan Qi asks, "I see a sarradian, two foreigners and some woman of another tribe. What do you see, Glasya, foolish serpent?"
  1953. [20:43:05] LOOC - Aether: (o-o foreigners? META!
  1954. [20:43:05] Glasya Labolas says, "I see a worthless cat, darling~ The one front and center..."
  1955. [20:43:05] LOOC - Aether: (jk.
  1956. [20:43:05] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I love you Glasya lol
  1957. [20:43:05] Erenan Qi says, "I see a snake who has been returned to proper states. Wingless."
  1958. [20:43:05] Erenan Qi says, "Soon, headless."
  1959. [20:43:05] LOOC - Mila: (tfw erenan is a good guy
  1960. [20:43:56] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (no.)
  1961. [20:43:56] Noxim Florus says, "...Noxim recommends keeps claws to selves."
  1962. [20:43:56] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (... No.)
  1963. [20:43:56] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (He is a cat.. and a demon.
  1964. [20:43:56] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  1965. [20:43:56] Noxim Florus says, "Before Noxim helps kin with mouths."
  1966. [20:43:56] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Thats EVIL
  1967. [20:43:56] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (That is... the worst LOOC I've ever seen)
  1968. [20:43:56] LOOC - Mila: (what does the cat have to do with anything
  1969. [20:43:56] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  1970. [20:43:56] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Cats are evil Mila..
  1971. [20:43:56] LOOC - Mila: (.,..
  1972. [20:43:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (cats are evil creatures by nature, gosh)
  1973. [20:43:56] Xoconan takes a deep breath.
  1974. (Xoconan)
  1975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1977. [20:43:56] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1978. [20:43:56] Xoconan whispers: "If they start fighting, I'm physically dragging them both north to the Dreadwoods."
  1979. [20:43:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (why do you think all naguals are semi-evil? cat-like features! Conspiracy? I think not)
  1980. [20:44:48] Oyaotl whispers: As am I.
  1981. [20:44:48] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (So imagien a demon Cat..
  1982. [20:44:48] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  1983. [20:44:48] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (aaaaa
  1984. [20:44:48] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (why is my shit not posting
  1985. [20:45:39] Kin-Zhen made sure to target a single individual each fight, wanting to gather a taste of each sample of potential prey.
  1987. The first round, was Toka.
  1989. The second round, was Zyanya Tlaco.
  1991. The third round, was Faust Di Maria.
  1994. With the first round, Toka was brought to her knees to quiver in pain as a claw, coated in fire had sliced down her midsection. Deep inside the wound lay a curse, like many of Kin-Zhen's prior victims.
  1996. To the second round, seeing a cosmic aura drove Kin-Zhen the desire to simply want to devour this one. However, this prey was taken over by someone else.
  1998. The third, however, Faust Di Maria, was met with a never-ending flurry of fire and occult. To say it would have dazed him would be a best case scenario, but he too, fell at the claws of Kin-Zhen.
  2000. The beast was satisfied with the hunt, a small one, an exciting one, a large one. And so, letting the Tiger-like demon do the talking, Kin-Zhen simply joined Erenan in rank, unworldly.
  2002. Those three, orange eyes, continued to look over the crowd, however.
  2003. (Kin-Zhen)
  2004. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2006. [20:45:39] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (there
  2007. [20:45:39] LOOC - Ravan: Still have no idea who took my injury so whatevs)
  2008. [20:46:30] Holy shit! Everyone is fighting what the fuck!
  2010. The self proclaimed king Erenan leaped to attack toka and this started a chain of events that lead to everyone fighting.
  2012. A cosmic blast smacked JaDrako and from there he began fighting occult corruption along with fire scorched the ground, water beams everywhere this fight was an absolute mess.
  2014. The fight raged on with the demons and JaDrako being victorious
  2016. "This was so fucking dumb all over someone who was gonna go with him anyway i'm out." and with that JaDrako would run too Oya!
  2017. (JaDrako Kumo)
  2018. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2020. [20:46:30] Has his ass thrashed.
  2021. (Aether)
  2022. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2024. [20:46:30] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2025. [20:46:30] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I didnt udnerstand
  2026. [20:46:30] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (What happen to me..
  2027. [20:46:30] LOOC - Mila: (DRAKO LOL
  2028. [20:46:30] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2029. [20:47:21] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2030. [20:47:21] Xitlalli whispers something.
  2031. [20:48:12] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  2032. [20:48:12] Atro stares for whatever he can see on the slope.
  2033. (Atro Gwyn)
  2034. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2036. [20:48:12] Bursting into battle alongside the Yokai was Ravan! Their tiny body was releasing a resplendent light, white dirt falling off of its body as they pushed forth into the fray of things and then...Ran away after getting Toka in their sights and throwing forth a bundle of dirt at them where it'd fly like it had a mind of its own and cover the mans feet.
  2038. It was an intense situation for the Fae as he could tell that the man at one point took 'notice' of his little hijinks and came at him. Terrified at being ground up into dust Ravan fought back in the one way they could figure out how, firing off a concentrated beam of Holy energy into whoever was ahead of him!Seemingly doing the trick, though still being beaten down quite a bit the Fae floated onto a pile of rubble looking exhausted.
  2040. "We saved her from kidnapping!" Was all Ravan said before resting its tired body for a moment.
  2041. (Ravan)
  2042. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2044. [20:48:12] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2045. [20:48:12] Dmex whispers something.
  2046. [20:48:12] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2047. [20:48:12] Xitlalli whispers something.
  2048. [20:49:04] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2049. [20:49:04] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2050. [20:49:04] Faust stands as his body is surrounded of scars.. The boy look Jadrako and Erenan Qi.. He wasn't in conditions to keep fighting.. He just spoke..
  2052. "Save who... you doom her! The demon is controlling her... slaving her... a King that can't even fight without people to protect him.."
  2053. (Faust Di Maria)
  2054. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2056. [20:49:04] Dmex whispers something.
  2057. [20:49:04] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  2058. [20:49:04] Dmex whispers something.
  2059. [20:49:04] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  2060. [20:49:55] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2061. [20:49:55] Dmex whispers something.
  2062. [20:49:55] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2063. [20:49:55] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  2064. [20:49:55] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  2065. [20:49:55] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2066. [20:49:55] A set of bandaged fingertips would be brought to the side of JaDrako’s face, before hastily darting to the man’s earlobe. It would be tugged harshly, bringing his head within ear-shattering shouting range. “I’m gonna give ya’ more than a mere clip under the ear- you fuckin’ DUNCE.” She yelled, angrily.
  2068. Assuming no one stopped the furious one-eyed Witch, she would depart with her newfound captive.
  2069. (Oyaotl)
  2070. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2072. [20:49:55] Noxim Florus whispers something.
  2073. [20:49:55] Aether stands by Fausts side and raises his finger to silence him. They did the best they could. Perhaps if they had more space, the victory could've been in their hands.
  2074. (Aether)
  2075. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2077. [20:49:55] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (........not again.)
  2078. [20:49:55] LOOC - Oyaotl: { Leavin
  2079. [20:49:55] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2080. [20:49:55] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2081. [20:50:46] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2082. [20:50:46] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2083. [20:50:46] Dmex whispers something.
  2084. [20:50:46] Oyaotl asks, "Hatsu, are ya' comin'?"
  2085. [20:50:46] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (dont rape my husband
  2086. [20:50:46] Xitlalli stares at the commotion with a half-lidded gaze.
  2087. (Xitlalli)
  2088. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2090. [20:50:46] LOOC - Toka: (Pleae.)
  2091. [20:50:46] LOOC - Toka: (Wait for my rp.)
  2092. [20:50:46] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2093. [20:50:46] LOOC - Toka: (Since it is directed at JaDrako too.)
  2094. [20:50:46] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Fug
  2095. [20:50:46] Hatsune Panic says, "... No I am not coming. Everything is still chaotic up here, and without anyone trying to assert any form of order on it I at least have to make sure it does not turn into a trash fire."
  2096. [20:51:37] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2097. [20:51:37] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2098. [20:51:37] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Also i didnt give any injuries to be clear
  2099. [20:51:37] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (u still fought)
  2100. [20:51:37] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Ik
  2101. [20:51:37] LOOC - Xoconan: (fighting in a dangerous battle is still fighting with the intent to injure and maim)
  2102. [20:52:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (regardless of whether you inflicted one in the end or not)
  2103. [20:52:28] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2104. [20:52:28] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2105. [20:52:28] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2106. [20:52:28] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I wanted res but everyone wanted to danger
  2107. [20:52:28] LOOC - Oyaotl: { iktf
  2108. [20:52:28] Citlalli whispers something.
  2109. [20:52:28] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (nods to Xoconan
  2110. [20:52:28] Citlalli whispers something.
  2111. [20:52:28] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (gotta love dangerous checks tho
  2112. [20:52:28] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2113. [20:53:20] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2114. [20:53:20] Xitlalli whispers something.
  2115. [20:53:20] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2116. [20:53:20] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2117. [20:53:20] In truth, she had no stake in the battle. She simply saw an opportunity for exercise. The din and the chaos that erupted in the market was truly something to behold. Fire, darkness, and powers of all kinds coalesced into a singular explosion of potential. She could not see where she was fighting, or even who se was fighting, simply unleashing the entirety of her ability unto whoever was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end.
  2119. In the end, a brute claw collided against her ribs, cracking them within her. The claws ripped through her dress with little to no effort, and she was left struggling on the ground. Blood pooled beneath in its terrible sanguine form. Horrible pain gripped her body, toying with her nervous system. It was hard to compose herself, but she was still breathing and she was still alive.
  2121. Struggling to her feet, she held her staff in one hand and kept the other placed over the breathing wounds. Her chest moved to and fro, compensating for the extremepain that bothered her so deeply. She ignored the enormous crowd for the most part, as the fate of the slave and the demons concerned her little. It was an excuse for her to test herself, and now the testing was done: she had failed.
  2123. Laughing, she simply moved to a nearby wall, pressing herself against it. Loss was a new experience to her; within her tribe, she hardly ever tasted the dirt. A combination of shame and joy attacked her; she was trapped somewhere between dread and jubilation. For the time being, she simply watched, dismissing herself from the entire ordeal.
  2124. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  2125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2127. [20:53:20] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2128. [20:54:11] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2129. [20:54:11] JaDrako Kumo says, "Hatsu when things calm down i'll give you my side."
  2130. [20:54:11] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2131. [20:54:11] Hatsune Panic says, "JaDrako, actions speak louder than words ever might."
  2132. [20:54:11] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2133. [20:54:11] Oyaotl tugs harshly on his earlobe.
  2134. (Oyaotl)
  2135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2137. [20:54:11] Faust look towards Aether.. as he put his hand in his friend shoulder..
  2139. "Are.. you fine? We need to go.. heal.. in the house.... "
  2140. (Faust Di Maria)
  2141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2143. [20:54:11] Dmex whispers something.
  2144. [20:54:11] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2145. [20:54:11] Noxim Florus says, "Mmm...Is emotional situation."
  2146. [20:55:02] Dmex whispers something.
  2147. [20:55:02] taps the man shoulder.
  2148. (Elias Nel Domaio)
  2149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2151. [20:55:02] Dmex whispers something.
  2152. [20:55:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2153. [20:55:02] Maiya Vindict says, "What."
  2154. [20:55:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2155. [20:55:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2156. [20:55:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2157. [20:55:02] Dmex whispers something.
  2158. [20:55:02] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Excuse me sir."
  2159. [20:55:02] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2160. [20:55:02] Elias Nel Domaio says, "Whats going on here.."
  2161. [20:55:02] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2162. [20:55:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2163. [20:55:02] Maiya Vindict says, "Stupid shit."
  2164. [20:55:02] Dmex whispers something.
  2165. [20:55:02] Dmex whispers something.
  2166. [20:55:53] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2167. [20:55:53] Dmex whispers something.
  2168. [20:55:53] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2169. [20:55:53] Noxim Florus says, "Is correct! Is dumb battle, for dumb reasons. Yes."
  2170. [20:55:53] Dmex whispers something.
  2171. [20:55:53] Dmex whispers something.
  2172. [20:55:53] Mila says, "..."
  2173. [20:55:53] Hatsune Panic says, "Is that Maiya? Oh, good... Then I can leave. Ezmaran business and all, but I didn't want this entire marketplace to get trashed when no one was looking."
  2174. [20:55:53] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2175. [20:55:53] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "No worries!"
  2176. [20:55:53] Noxim Florus says, "Is thinking Dryad do good job preventing from break."
  2177. [20:55:53] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2178. [20:55:53] Dmex whispers something.
  2179. [20:55:53] Maiya Vindict says, "I'm not anything important."
  2180. [20:56:44] Xoconan pinches the bridge of his nose.
  2181. (Xoconan)
  2182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2184. [20:56:44] The dryad grins sheepishly, several hundred vines scooping up everything they could possibly hold.
  2185. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  2186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2188. [20:56:44] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2189. [20:56:44] Hatsune Panic says, "Oh, there's Adsila up there. I did not need here to begin with. And you're very important, Maiya."
  2190. [20:56:44] LOOC - Aether: (M?
  2191. [20:56:44] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (MAYBE we should wait for the post)
  2192. [20:56:44] Dmex whispers something.
  2193. [20:56:44] Noxim Florus says, "Wrong! You is Karma Chieftain mate."
  2194. [20:56:44] LOOC - Mila: (shut up
  2195. [20:56:44] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2196. [20:56:44] Noxim Florus says, "Is important, even if only by proxy. Yes."
  2197. [20:56:44] LOOC - Mila: (everyone shut up
  2198. [20:56:44] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (since yano. I already made the mistake of white texting amidt a dotting today.)
  2199. [20:56:44] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2200. [20:56:44] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2201. [20:56:44] Dmex whispers something.
  2202. [20:56:44] Dmex whispers something.
  2203. [20:56:44] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (amidst*)
  2204. [20:56:44] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I told you so we can leave
  2205. [20:56:44] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  2206. [20:56:44] Maiya grips his fists a bit too tight.
  2207. (Maiya Vindict)
  2208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2210. [20:56:44] LOOC - Aether: (Ooh.
  2211. [20:57:36] LOOC - Mila: (stop whispering, stop white texting, wait for toka
  2212. [20:57:36] Maiya Vindict says, "I'm only fucking important when people think that it FUCKING MATTERS, MIND YOU."
  2213. [20:57:36] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (WOAH WAIT
  2214. [20:57:36] Aether says, "Strange. I thought there was a honor system known as one on one battles."
  2215. [20:57:36] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (MAIYA IS A GUY
  2216. [20:57:36] LOOC - Aether: (ooh okay.
  2217. [20:57:36] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (AND KARMA IS A GIRL...
  2218. [20:57:36] Noxim Florus says, "...Ahh."
  2219. [20:57:36] LOOC - Mila: (they take turns fucking eachother
  2220. [20:57:36] Faust Di Maria says, "Not for a weak cat.."
  2221. [20:57:36] LOOC - Mila: (...
  2222. [20:57:36] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (I told you)
  2223. [20:57:36] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (To stop)
  2224. [20:57:36] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (Fucking)
  2225. [20:57:36] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (White-texting.)
  2226. [20:57:36] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (oh
  2227. [20:59:18] Toka was dashing around the marketplace, disappearing in bursts of lightning. Working to break down those she put her focus on. But, they could not keep up constantly with the Agarthans, and JaDrako.
  2229. The area would be left not all that stable from the battle that went on. They were close, and when she went to push JaDrako back, is when it went for the worse. JaDrako landing a heavy hit on her, staggering her and before she could move. The yokai was over her, she did not quiver in pain. The claw ripping from her shoulder to her midsection, body tensing up as she tried to minimize the pain, but to no avail. Lifeblood leaking rapidly from the injury.
  2231. Only when the curse began to burn, did she scream out in pain. It hurt a lot, and not only that. But she got many injured too, many injured from joining in to protect her from the attacking group.
  2233. Coughing up blood as she pressed her hands against the injury to stop the bleeding. Needless to say, that was a massive injury. But, when she found herself able to speak. She did. "You were scared to fight on your called for allies to fight for you. This is who you follow...JaDrako and Mila?!" Coughing a few times.
  2235. "You threaten me with your kind because you're scared to fight me on your own cat...funny..." She couldn't remain to talk anymore. She had to tend to her injuries. A glance to those who fought with her. One, people she could trust. And two, people she should watch for. People who she would have to repay for what they did. Pressurized wind beginning to press up against her wound as she would begin to try and make her way to her house.
  2236. (Toka)
  2237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2239. [20:59:18] Erenan Qi says, "You fought on equal numbers and yet you whine, sarradian."
  2240. [21:00:09] Maiya Vindict says, "Alright."
  2241. [21:00:09] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (after Atro posts, I'm posting.)
  2242. [21:00:09] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (aight.)
  2243. [21:00:09] Aether says, "You ganged up on her dog. We came as her back up."
  2244. [21:00:09] Mila exclaims, "She was trying to kidnap me!"
  2245. [21:00:09] Mila asks, "Does no one realize this?"
  2246. [21:00:09] Aether says, "Don't play the hypocrit."
  2247. [21:00:09] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (THE DOT)
  2248. [21:00:09] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (RESPECT THE HOLY DOT)
  2249. [21:00:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (Dots)
  2250. [21:00:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (Plural)
  2251. [21:01:00] Ravan exclaims, "I do!"
  2252. [21:01:00] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (guys.)
  2253. [21:01:00] LOOC - Mila: (im not waiting for them when i was here waiting to rp
  2254. [21:01:00] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Too many dots xD.. can we go?
  2255. [21:01:00] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Trying to establish post order on a scene of 10+ people is pointless.))
  2256. [21:01:00] LOOC - Ravan: (daww nothing about beating me up in the fights)
  2257. [21:01:00] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (Yeah, yeah)
  2258. [21:01:00] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((You're just gonna LOOC more than anyone whitetexts.))
  2259. [21:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah don't worry about post order..)
  2260. [21:01:00] Shifting through the crowd, the impassive Elsyrean with dead blue eyes stares at the two demons. In a aquick motion betraying the listlessness in his posture, his blade is drawn swiftly, a mythril weapon with orichalcum and blue mercury within. It's settled to his side, pointing towards the ground.
  2262. "Demons." he began, giving a dismissive wave to Noxim. "Not you." then looking forward again. "Demons. You have one chance to explain yourselves. Permission from Karma to do what exactly? Kidnap? Experiment? You'll speak and lower yourselves until Karma arrives. Remaining within the Ezmaran temple. Acting out will see death. Is that clear?"
  2264. While speaking such grim words his voice it tired. Yet hidden within the dull blue, there is a full intent to kill that which is before him - the two demons.
  2265. (Atro Gwyn)
  2266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2268. [21:01:00] LOOC - Ravan: (I saw you focusing me Toka qq)
  2269. [21:01:52] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Why no one focus Ja Drako.. it was our error
  2270. [21:01:52] LOOC - Mila: (doesnt matter anymore, stop complaining
  2271. [21:01:52] Kaschei looked concerned the moment he caught sight of Toka in the fighting. In truth, he did not follow the dispute- although he looks on the demons with mistrust. Their kind could do no good...
  2273. But, they were yet accepted in Gehenna. A consequence of using them as weapons of war. Kaschei bites his tongue and resists the urge to join the battle himself against the fiends- more fire won't extinguish the chaos unfolding.
  2275. By its end, he goes to intercept Toka and immediately pauses in front of here. "Show me where it hurts, Toka." He speaks, while a white-gold shroud of healing flame whips-up around him. It pushes forward, to envelop the Sarradian and engulf her wounds...
  2277. The healing fire could burn-away the smallest of her injuries and do much to comfort her worse wounds, the man focusing on helping the white-haired widow.
  2278. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  2279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2281. [21:01:52] Whilst the ongoing situation in the Bazaar continues to worsen, Noxim gradually turned his gaze towards Maiya, clearly holding some interest in the man, over the mess within Ezmaran outpost.
  2283. "If need someone to vent to about problems, Noxim will listen. Mate of Karma Chieftain." He rumbled, nodding once, before he returned his attention once more to the clusterfuck unfolding before him.
  2285. A brief nod served as his contribution, directed towards Atro's off-handed mention of the strange bark-covered demon.
  2286. (Noxim Florus)
  2287. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2289. [21:02:43] LOOC - Toka: (Gonna let everyone respond first Kaschei, in case there are other rps towards me and or even you.)
  2290. [21:02:43] Finally, someone moved to restore order. The young man kicked off from the ground, floating over towards Atro with his fists clenched, stave coming to his hands.
  2292. An unamused glance went around, not to just the demons, but everyone that had participated in the battle. He said nothing, not intruding upon Atro, but stood by his side with a clear intent as to where his loyalties stood.
  2293. (Xoconan)
  2294. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2296. [21:02:43] LOOC - Toka: (And as for you Ravan. Sorry was in IC tab. Uh.)
  2297. [21:02:43] LOOC - Toka: (I focused you since Marble Grasp is deadly in such fights. Sorry!)
  2298. [21:02:43] LOOC - Ravan: I know <3)
  2299. [21:03:34] LOOC - Ravan: You ate that Holy Beam tho in return)
  2300. [21:04:25] Mixed. That was her stance on these Demons, these Agarthans; on one hand her teacher seemed to not mind these things, on another they did what they desired, acted upon impulse! But on a third metaphorical hand, they were chaotic and their actions here today were certainly chaotic.
  2302. To that end, peering at them from a few feet away, Xitlalli aimed to move herself a fair distance from them; as to make some room.
  2304. Though if a fight was to break out, she was more than ready to toss her hand into the squabble.
  2305. (Xitlalli)
  2306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2308. [21:04:25] Lotlhuitl had wrapped her tail around herself. The end twitching, rapidly. Her ears pinned back. The Nagual with the blue-black hair looked furious. There was tension in her limbs.
  2310. "This is exactly what Glasya warned me about." Her voice was low, quiet. But not weak. No, a quiet sort of fury radiated from the Nagual. She spoke to Xoconan, following as he moved, standing next to him and to Atro.
  2312. She said nothing else. Merely glared.
  2313. (Lotlhuitl)
  2314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2316. [21:04:25] Magnolia assumes the Garuda stance!
  2317. [21:04:25] This was Gehenna.
  2319. A faction, where no mater the situation, demons were to blame. While onlookers stare, simply casting out negative opinions about the Yokai who simply protect their own kin, to protect one of their serfs from a kidnapping.
  2321. This was Gehenna, a façade of home, a façade of safety for the demons.
  2323. While Kin-Zhen spoke nil, letting the tiger formed Yokai do the speaking, confusion rang throughout the beasts body. The situation, blamed only on these two, and less so the ones who threatened murder, who threatened kidnapping, who threatened needless incarceration...
  2325. But Atro was not there. Should they explain, all should be well, right?
  2329. (Kin-Zhen)
  2330. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2332. [21:05:16] Erenan's head shifted itself downwise, attentive, flaring orbs of crimson focusing themselves upon Atro. A guttural rumble ran across the length of his gullet. His pride, his arrogance, his haughtiness-
  2334. It could not be appeased. It could not be satisfied. A glare around, acknowledgment of numbers. It was easy to know when he was overpowered.
  2336. The creature sat himself upon his hind, tail lazily swishing around, occasionally splattering its length upon the cobble.
  2338. "The sarradian attempted to steal my valued vassal from me-"
  2340. A paw is cast in to the air, a claw pointed at Mila, the nagual among the stalls.
  2342. "Against her will, mind thee. Grasping my subject by force, even as she squirmed, screamed and begged to be released.
  2344. I do not exaggerate, fair-skin. Such actions were indeed issue.
  2346. What shall I do when my trusted, loyal serfs are harmed? What shall I do when the sarradian threatened with locking her inside a cell?
  2348. She accuses me of enslaving her, for my brand remains upon the nagual's chest, one I incurred for she begged me. She wished to serve me, and I granted her the boon.
  2350. Remove the mark, if you so wish, and thou shall see-
  2352. I. Erenan Qi. Am a King of willing subjects."
  2353. (Erenan Qi)
  2354. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2356. [21:05:16] "They think that they have permission to do whatever the fuck they please, but that's NOT the case. Kayeliun and Karma gave ZARUMA, NOT you the okay-go-ahead to create your own little city."
  2358. The crack of lightning comes through the area as he comes, standing in front of Erenan now as he stares down with intense golden eyes.
  2360. "You have your filthy followers, but remember one thing. Throwing around his name as if it gives YOU the right to do ANYTHING in THIS TERRITORY is grounds for your neck getting carved."
  2362. The weapon at his shoulders is pulled free, slamming down against the stone tile of the market place.
  2364. "Pretender Lord. Pretender. Nothing. You are a Demon, you are an Agarthan. Yet, the only ones I've seen worthy of respect and proper dictation are Daevas, Calamity, and Zaruma."
  2366. A glance given over toward Mila.
  2368. "Claim what you truly are. You are no slave, lest you would come to us for help. You're someone who's not more than a mindless follower of a Yokai."
  2370. ...
  2372. "Demon. Agarthan. You are no King. You are nothing."
  2373. (Maiya Vindict)
  2374. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2376. [21:06:08] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (MAGGIE
  2377. [21:06:08] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Discord
  2378. [21:06:08] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: yokai lol )
  2379. [21:06:08] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: demon* )
  2380. [21:06:08] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (my b)
  2381. [21:06:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (... magnolia cookin' up a storm..)
  2382. [21:06:59] LOOC - Mila: (god maiya is hot
  2383. [21:06:59] Atro glances back to Dmex.
  2384. (Atro Gwyn)
  2385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2387. [21:07:50] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Master Maggie save me :(
  2388. [21:07:50] Atro Gwyn whispers: Maybe we weren't necessary. Maybe we are.
  2389. [21:07:50] Another snicker rose quickly.
  2391. "Nobody trust his word that Mila was 'willing'. Demons can ensnare minds even at the best of times with demonic essence... Hehehe, I'd know, I do it myself sometimes for fun~"
  2393. She suddenly stopped laughing. Her tone instantly dropped that nice sense of kindness or polite behavior.
  2395. (Glasya Labolas)
  2396. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2398. [21:07:50] JaDrako looks up from below at toka with Oyaotl still tugging at his ear he didn't want to fight and he tried to make them not fight but no one likes to listen to reason.
  2400. "Look I just think the demon is a cool dude and he is when you aren't provoking him, All you had to do was let the girl go, your lectures wont change her she likes being a vassal she likes the life that she lives she wants it, its what she asked for. You were just to caught up in trying to save someone who was already safe. This fight only happened because you were being stubborn."
  2402. Whoa shit that was a lot of words for this Trap at least he was pretty upset at the moment with all that was going on.
  2404. "This whole situation is just really annoying."
  2405. (JaDrako Kumo)
  2406. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2408. [21:07:50] Dmex whispers: I am always necessary.
  2409. [21:07:50] LOOC - Mila: (idk when i can jump in
  2410. [21:07:50] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (what)
  2411. [21:07:50] Dmex whispers: JaDrako is a pain.
  2412. [21:07:50] LOOC - Mila: (shut up maiya
  2413. [21:09:32] Atro Gwyn whispers: Foolish right now, placing too much trust in those demons.
  2414. [21:09:32] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2415. [21:09:32] Sitting on the side of the two demons the tiny Faes eyes were going between both sides. It was a bit confused at the time, why were so many people yelling and getting angry at the group that stopped people from kidnapping their friend? Yet they had a feeling that there was definitely a lot more to this situation than what met his very small eye.
  2417. Sending dust away from its body the fairy batted its wings and gloated up to the nearby wreckage of a bench. With a simple perch it took its place there and looked out at all the others, with a loud squeaky voice it said to nobody in particular, "Didn't we stop a kidnapping? Why the hostility?"
  2418. (Ravan)
  2419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2421. [21:09:32] Dmex whispers: I don't want a fight to break out here, again. Somewhere more open.
  2422. [21:10:24] Dmex whispers: Less of this.
  2423. [21:10:24] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2424. [21:10:24] Xoconan whispers: "I'm killing the next one to swing an attack."
  2425. [21:10:24] Xoconan whispers: "Regardless of area."
  2426. [21:11:15] "I can clear the woman of any taint or corruption," the mermaid claims quite suddenly, halting in her departure, "If you have any wish for that. Regardless-"
  2428. "Oh. Oyaotl, I will be staying for some time. If you wish to meet up, just tell me where to find you. Or- I'll be in the Cruxati square."
  2430. "Regardless, Maiya, in the chance that you require martial aid, I will be here to aid you in whatever choice or decision you make in how to handle this decision. Please, do not mind my presence in any other way."
  2432. She went to step over towards Maiya, and there she folded her hands over her lap. One set of webbed fingers folded over the other, and her crystal blue eyes did not blink. She gave a few short, hushed words to the Nagual, but otherwise she went quiet after that and stepped back right up next to Atro.
  2433. (Hatsune Panic)
  2434. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2436. [21:11:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i read that as marital aid)
  2437. [21:11:15] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  2438. [21:12:06] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((:fish:))
  2439. [21:12:06] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (I read that as Martial arts
  2440. [21:12:06] Aether whispers something.
  2441. [21:12:06] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2442. [21:12:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:eyes:)
  2443. [21:12:06] LOOC - Mila: (:lusty:
  2444. [21:12:57] Toka slowly turned to Kaschei. The wound stretched from her shoulder, down to her midsection on the front of her torso. A curse deep within it. The occultic energy didn't mix too well with the holy energy, causing her to wince and groan.
  2446. "You...can see...yourself..." She would let the male work, but she would not, or at least try to do her best not to scream out. The wound was pretty big, and not so pleasant. Burns on the edges from the flames of the demon.
  2447. (Toka)
  2448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2450. [21:12:57] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (Can Aether and me go?
  2451. [21:13:48] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (we are lit doing nothing..
  2452. [21:13:48] LOOC - Aether: (we're going to leave Toka?
  2453. [21:13:48] LOOC - Aether: (But then again, you got a point.
  2454. [21:13:48] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (She is with Kars
  2455. [21:13:48] Atro glances about, not knowing the person known as Mila, until Maiya glances towards said person.
  2457. "Then there is now some clarity." He mutters idly, shaking his head in a rigid motion, then pointing towards Mila. "Such a claim - you branded her though. It's easy to see that you have done something to her. That won't help your case."
  2459. His hand drops back to his side and eyes towards the demons again. "Did anyone give you permission to brand? Did anyone give you permission to take Gehennans as followers? Brand, addiction to essence." now he looks back to Glasya.
  2461. "Remove the mark and she'll be given treatment for her mind to clear and we hear some truth or idiocy. Reject my words, and you die."
  2462. (Atro Gwyn)
  2463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2465. [21:13:48] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: sorry guys my net crashed, if any1 rped at me)
  2466. [21:13:48] Iztla Coliqui says, ".."
  2467. [21:13:48] Iztla Coliqui says, "Looks like a party"
  2468. [21:14:40] Hue Coliqui says, "Quite."
  2469. [21:14:40] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Was that last paragraph directed at me?)
  2470. [21:14:40] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (As in, I heal it?)
  2471. [21:14:40] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Or were you referencing me in the addiction thing?)
  2472. [21:14:40] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (:eyes:)
  2473. [21:16:22] Erenan's eyes became half-lidded. Apprehension. Before a crowd- before a plethora of figures too remarkable, before authority equal to that of leadership- Internally, the creature cowered in despair. It mixed with anger, for he saw himself as wronged. A silent kind of rage, boiling and begging itself to be released through liberation.
  2475. And yet it was held down by a sense of self-preservation, albeit one that would be dampened by his own pride, and a proper response to Maiya's own insults. They were not made in the way of words, but the keeping of his eyes in the same height as the nagual's. Such vainglory, such pride, and yet the inability to issue it vocally.
  2477. Reassurance settles in, however, when the creature realizes that his accusations can be easily made true.
  2479. A single claw points itself to Mila's chest, streams of occult slowly sapped away from her figure, the faint, ominous haze drawn back to his digits. Yet, not entirely removed. Erenan would allow Atro to do his job.
  2481. "Go ahead, then. I have started the ritual.
  2483. But I won't be called a liar again, I am undeserving of thou insulting, of thou threatening.
  2485. I abide. A suzerain knows when to.
  2487. I have done my part. Incur your purification, and thou shall know she is completely sure. Then hear her words, and heed them. It shall be realized that my boon was nothing but requested."
  2488. (Erenan Qi)
  2489. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2491. [21:16:22] LOOC - Erenan Qi: pure*)
  2492. [21:17:13] Mila stepped forward, placing her hand to her chest and frowning as she glares daggers toward Atro,
  2493. "Firstly, I asked him to brand me. Secondly, I am not apart of any tribe. None. I am tribeless. I don't understand why I must have permission to be friends with a demon."
  2495. She folds her arms across her chest,
  2496. "Toka told me that she would put me in a cell and lecture me until I change my mind.. instead of being my friend. Instead of caring for my well-being.. she wouldn't release me until Erenan attacked her. I am here because Erenan protected me from being captured over my own personal choices that harm no one."
  2497. (Mila)
  2498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2500. [21:17:13] Seeing the wound- Kaschei grimaces, and his lips pull down in a wide frown. A horrid laceration tore across her torso with a heavy curse on it: left alone, it would've surely gone rotten and gangrenous with Occult miasma.
  2502. He nods and raises both hands skyward. For a moment, the sunlight seems a little brighter- almost visibly pulsing as a great wave of Solar mana descends to Kaschei's palms.
  2504. Rings of cascading sunlight envelop his hands as he lowers his head, eyes-shut, in focus. "Jieweihu, lend me your power..." He asks aloud, aware now of just who was on the other side of the Sun: the star that had lit his way from the start of his journey.
  2506. His holy flames go bright with a surge of sun-fires and solar mana! Reaching outwards, he almost sweeps Toka off her feet in the embrace of cascading sun-fires, blessed and radiant with a Holy light. They were hot- bright, too- but they could neither burn nor blind. These were benevolent fires...
  2508. The Occultic energy is sapped-at and slowly oblates into nothingness in the glow of Kaschei's blessed Holyfire. Mana from the sun courses into Toka, enervating the battered Sarradian to give her a charge of much-needed strength.
  2510. No doubt some pain would be involved- ... but that gash could shrink a little, and the fiery-hot touch of Kaschei's flame agitates her torment for a moment before gradually burning away her sensations of pain.
  2511. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  2512. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2514. [21:18:56] Faust look at them.. he didn't understand why the Gehennian didn't kill them..
  2516. "There little demon city is growing.. if the cats leaves this place they would become a problem in a future.. "
  2517. (Faust Di Maria)
  2518. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2520. [21:18:56] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (cat*
  2521. [21:19:47] Aether assumes the Vritra stance!
  2522. [21:19:47] Aether elbows Faust.
  2523. (Aether)
  2524. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2526. [21:19:47] Faust Di Maria assumes the Garuda stance!
  2527. [21:20:38] Aether whispers something.
  2528. [21:20:38] LOOC - Faust Di Maria: (lowkey maggie just abandon me here..
  2529. [21:20:38] Aether whispers something.
  2530. [21:20:38] Faust Di Maria whispers something.
  2531. [21:20:38] LOOC - Kaschei Coaxoch: (brb)
  2532. [21:20:38] Aether says, "Just a little hurt. Let's go.."
  2533. [21:21:29] Atro Gwyn whispers: Oh? So you recieve idiots like these from your homeland?
  2534. [21:22:20] Lotlhuitl facepalms..
  2535. (Lotlhuitl)
  2536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2538. [21:22:20] Mila says, "Just to let everyone know, this has nothing to do with demons or their city. She was /literally/ trying to pick me up and take me away."
  2539. [21:22:20] "As stated, the loyal fool, everyone."
  2541. A hand gestures toward Mila as wild eyes stared onwards. "However, you dare cower behind Tragedy in this time, Pretender King?" The inquiries come as he leans forward, a wild smile on his features.
  2543. "Do you claim vengeance? Upon us? Upon Gehenna? You were never given any permission to brand anyone. You use Karma's name as a shield, and then when that shield is torn away from you?"
  2545. ... His arms lift upwards, suggesting to the area around. The sword is lifted with ease along with the motion.
  2547. "WHAT SAY YOU NOW? Oh RIGHT. NOTHING. Quit fucking name dropping and thinking it'll get you the fuck ANYWHERE. Quit BRANDING people.
  2549. Or die."
  2550. (Maiya Vindict)
  2551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2553. [21:23:12] Mila says, "Leave him alone."
  2554. [21:23:12] Xoconan whispers: "Does that answer some of your concerns about them, Lotl?"
  2555. [21:23:12] Maiya Vindict asks, "Or what?"
  2556. [21:23:12] Mila says, "I didn't say or what. I said leave him alone because you're being rude and he did nothing wrong."
  2557. [21:23:12] Xoconan says, "The Kaor can fight his own battles."
  2558. [21:23:12] Maiya Vindict says, "Ahaha. Shut the fuck up."
  2559. [21:24:03] Mila says, ". . ."
  2560. [21:24:03] Lotlhuitl whispers: They're all idiots.
  2561. [21:24:03] Maiya Vindict asks, "You name drop what's mine and act as if it'll get you anywhere?"
  2562. [21:24:03] Maiya Vindict says, "Fuck off."
  2563. [21:24:03] Atro Gwyn whispers: Hatsune, remove the rest of the mark.
  2564. [21:24:03] Atro Gwyn whispers: If any remains, to be sure.
  2565. [21:24:54] Mila says, "<This person acts as if they are in charge of anything.. just because they are the mate of a chieftain? Disgusting.>"
  2566. [21:24:54] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (don't do <> thoughts aaaa...)
  2567. [21:24:54] Glasya stays silent. Not even laughing for once. She could easily interject something spiteful, but instead she stays silent and watches.
  2568. (Glasya Labolas)
  2569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2571. [21:24:54] LOOC - Xoconan: (I sure do love me some pawty thoughts)
  2572. [21:24:54] LOOC - Mila: (let me do what i want, dad
  2573. [21:24:54] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (i love pawt)
  2574. [21:24:54] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (say it out loud coward)
  2575. [21:24:54] LOOC - Mila: (why would i? i cant fight, you bitch boy
  2576. [21:24:54] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (thats what i thought thot)
  2577. [21:25:45] LOOC - Mila: (why dont you stop picking on a crafter ya?
  2578. [21:25:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (>.>)
  2579. [21:25:45] LOOC - Mila: (you're the thot
  2580. [21:25:45] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: ... )
  2581. [21:25:45] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (...crafter....)
  2582. [21:25:45] LOOC - Xoconan: (maiya's an alchemist you fuck)
  2583. [21:25:45] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (LOL)
  2584. [21:25:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (lmao)
  2585. [21:25:45] LOOC - Mila: (yes but shes 200+
  2586. [21:25:45] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Ah yes, the new stage)
  2587. [21:25:45] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (LMFAOOO)
  2588. [21:25:45] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (Passive Agressive LOOC Text)
  2589. [21:25:45] LOOC - Mila: (i literally made like... 2 days ago
  2590. [21:25:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (chill)
  2591. [21:25:45] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (Yo. Stop.)
  2592. [21:26:36] LOOC - Mila: (that genderbent thing started it with the whole "say it u coward"
  2593. [21:26:36] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (STOP
  2594. [21:26:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (chill...
  2595. [21:26:36] LOOC - Mila: (OK DAD
  2596. [21:27:28] Toka screamed out as the energy began to engulf her body. Nearly being engulfed off of her feet by Kaschei as he worked to heal her. And all she did, was rest against him. Unable to really move due to the pain. Her injury screaming out due to the occult.
  2598. But as time went on, the occultic energy was sapped from the wound. Maybe not fully, but it was handled for the most part. Leaving there to be little pain to be felt, and this is when she could relax into the healing. As that was the worst part.
  2600. The wound would slowly heal a bit, but what was the most important thing. Was the wound being sealed, that she stopped bleeding. Something she desperately needed.
  2602. "" A faint smile on her face, pushing to remain away just because she didn't want to make it painful for him to move her of anything. As the adrenaline was running to empty right now, as most of the conflict she was directly involvedin died out.
  2603. (Toka)
  2604. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2606. [21:29:10] Noxim slowly unfolded his arms, eyes settling upon the sight of the trio of kaor-class yokai. The self-titled King, the energetic serpent, and the newly ascended abomination. From behind the beast's mask, a thin frown briefly creased his lips. The demon's gradual disassociation to his form had only worsened over the past months, the spirit rot that afflicted him, fragmenting his thoughts at random.
  2608. Without warning, a vision flashed before the beast's eyes, his gaze clouding over briefly as the demon's clarity was muddled.
  2610. Pristine white steps greeted his bare feet, the rags of an humble man lay draped around his form, an attire fit for a modest soul, making their pilgrimage. The silhouette of a ivory temple greeted his sight, a huddled mass of men and women lay prostrated on the ground, towards the elegant marble arch leading further into the holy land. A smile creased his lips, as he walked over towards the crowd, dropped down to his knees, and joined them in worship.
  2612. Once again, Noxim stirred back to life, a satisfied expression now replacing his previous frown.
  2614. "Is not Noxim's place to say, but will hope that kin eventually finds out, there more to things than simply seeking thralls and picking fights. Yes."
  2615. (Noxim Florus)
  2616. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2618. [21:30:01] Silence, yet still.
  2620. No words nor sounds come from Kin-Zhen, it simply stands there, three eyes beading down at Maiya.
  2622. It would seem Erenan Qi's pride was slowly catching up with him.
  2623. (Kin-Zhen)
  2624. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2626. [21:30:01] Kaschei frowns and gently pats the Sarradian on the shoulder. He's got a sad look on his face. "You ought to get home, eat something, drink water and get rest before that Holy magic wears off." Advises the man.
  2628. He raises a palm for her attention. "You'll have a little energy for a bit- ... don't overestimate it, it won't last long." He warns, aware the solar mana he'd pushed through her would expire in minutes.
  2630. The man all but tries to shove her off then-! His palms are on her unharmed side, trying to gently nudge her in the direction of her home. "Come now, no time to waste..." He says, his eyes concerned and focused as they lay now on the path ahead.
  2631. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  2632. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2634. [21:30:01] Xoconan stares at Kin-Zhen, as if daring the demon to try something.
  2635. (Xoconan)
  2636. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2638. [21:30:52] Erenan remained completely static. Frozen. Flaring orbs of the bloodiest scarlet locked on Maiya all the while. He looked far less than a tiger- and more as a feline of a smaller port, fixated on an object of his unkempt attention.
  2640. Several moments passed, jaw remained clenched shut. Thought. The spinning of engines. The cogs of evolution and learnship. Assimilation, acknowledgment and progress.
  2642. How . . Quaint. At such a moment. For such calm to settle in. The creature's lips stretch and bend into positives into an unsightly smile, though it is oddly donned with . . genuineness.
  2644. A soft traction took over the tone of the tiger-like demon's voice, as smooth as silk, as resonating in waves of tenderness as would a diplomat, its speak as soft as it was contained.
  2646. A shocking change in mood and demeanor, outstandingly unforeseen, into machinations and motions of thought that would be, otherwise, completely shunned and despise by the creature.
  2648. "Yes. Thou art correct, oh nagual. Fate binds me to either abandon such manners or fall into precipitate demise, is it not so?"
  2650. A clash, a collision of voices booming inside the creature's voice, all done for control. Vainglory against the cowardice notion and seeking of survival. Scandalous.
  2651. (Erenan Qi)
  2652. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2654. [21:30:52] Hatsune leaned in close to Atro, finned ear flipping far out from her head to catch a whisper. She nodded and then drew away. Her crystal blue eyes swept around to Mila, and then she took a purposed step forward.
  2656. All of the occultism in the dreadwoods and from those there was suffocating, truly. It was nearly impossible for anyone who did not bask in occultism to handle the ambient nature of the land here or the presence of all of the powerful kaor. But the mermaid...
  2658. Exploded in bright, golden light that seemed to combat the haze and fog in the air. In her proximity, it tore away from her as if a breeze had come in. It spilled out from her body a great distance and wavered along its length, as if each beam were a deep ocean wave caught in the light of the sun. Small specks flocked to her, each one composed of silver or gold light and taking the shape of diminutive, spectral ocean life.
  2660. And so too came a powerful aura of peace and tranquility. It was a feeling of belonging, of being, a gentle urging that there was somewhere in the world that you could be happy and someone there who cared for you unconditionally. It pushed back at the occultic taint around her as well, and so she seemed like a tear in the dreadful land.
  2662. She lifted up one burning, gold-wreathed hand to Mila, and her voice sang in the air as if in harmony with the world around her.
  2664. "Take my hand and draw closer. Be cleansed of your misery and taint. Fooled by a demon, forced by a demon, or merely the one to follow a demon. We will know soon enough."
  2665. (Hatsune Panic)
  2666. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2668. [21:31:44] LOOC - Erenan Qi: (despised*)
  2669. [21:31:44] Atro Gwyn whispers: And so, to people that come to these lands, and care not for these tribes, and decide to take hands with the demons, ending up potential enemies.
  2670. [21:32:35] Atro Gwyn whispers: What should we do?
  2671. [21:32:35] Dmex whispers: I want to kill every single one of them.
  2672. [21:32:35] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (i'll let mila respond to hatsu)
  2673. [21:32:35] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2674. [21:36:00] The nagual stood, unphased. Nothing changed as she placed her hand upon the webbed one of Hatsune. She watched the mermaid do her magic with a half-lidded gaze, a frown upon her lips. All of this commotion just because she came to sell a few things. With a furrow of her brow, she glared to Maiya.
  2676. This was annoying.
  2678. "I feel no different, well, I feel a bit warmer. It is a nice feeling.. but I still wish to follow Erenan."
  2680. (Mila)
  2681. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2683. [21:36:51] Nochte whispers something.
  2684. [21:37:42] Dmex whispers: I don't particularly care about this single Nagual. The demons are still a threat.
  2685. [21:38:33] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2686. [21:38:33] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2687. [21:38:33] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2688. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (i need to ooc
  2689. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (appologies
  2690. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (i mean,
  2691. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (afk
  2692. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (not ooc
  2693. [21:38:33] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (hell im slow today.
  2694. [21:40:16] Raoni Vzier whispers something.
  2695. [21:40:16] Raoni Vzier says, ";W"
  2696. [21:40:16] LOOC - Magnolia : stike spam fixed, gg agi build lol)
  2697. [21:40:16] Raoni Vzier whispers something.
  2698. [21:40:16] Nochte whispers something.
  2699. [21:40:16] Nochte whispers something.
  2700. [21:41:07] Nochte whispers something.
  2701. [21:43:40] Maiya Vindict was a wild animal as a woman, but it only grew worse when Maiya Vindict was a man. The burning sensation of lightning crackling around his form, the gestures made-- all of them heavier, fueled by something that was particularly unhinged.
  2703. Though, thankfully, the hot lights around really helped tone him down. If not for Hatsune, perhaps it would've turned bloodied. The sway of the world always did seem to have a good amount of touch upon the Nagual.
  2705. The glare soon darts right back over toward Mila, returning whatever 'looks' the 'slave' wanted to give in full force. It was clear that he did not approve in the slightest.
  2707. "Have Zaruma come," the statement is plain as Maiya turns his attention back toward the Kaor. "...I won't deal with this bullshit from someone lower on the Agarthan chain. I'm certain he'll have better words for this in the grand scheme of things-- given that branding and otherwise is not something that will be tolerated in the slightest."
  2709. Then, back to Hatsune.
  2711. "It is as I've said before, to Dmex. There are those that genuinely follow Agarthans," -- Like Maiya had, or even has-- "...Then there are opportunists seeking protection and power. This one is a lost cause."
  2712. (Maiya Vindict)
  2713. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2715. [21:44:32] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2716. [21:46:14] Toka slowly nodded her head. A hand moving back to her injury once more before she made her way off to her home. Though, she remembered something. Whispering to Kaschei before heading off once more. She needed rest, that was for sure.
  2718. "Fine...thank you Kaschei..."
  2719. (Toka)
  2720. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2722. [21:47:05] LOOC - Oyaotl: { sorry to bother you kclab can u add ellenore to the gehenna guild
  2723. [21:47:56] Toka whispers something.
  2724. [21:47:56] LOOC - Oyaotl: { or atro if he can
  2725. [21:50:30]
  2726. {LOAD GAME}
  2728. [21:51:21] Atro Gwyn whispers: There are many idiots I suppose.
  2729. [21:51:21] Dmex whispers: I think I prefer you this way, Atro.
  2730. [21:51:21] Dmex whispers: Closer to me.
  2731. [21:52:12] Dmex whispers: - More similar. Better choice of words.
  2732. [21:52:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: That woman chooses.. she chooses this?
  2733. [21:53:04] Xoconan whispers: "The weak sometimes shackle themselves to the strong."
  2734. [21:53:04] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (wait who needs to be added to gehenna guild)
  2735. [21:53:04] "Her being purified means you are fine, but it also means that she took a spot on the boat here just to run away from her homeland that is dying to play with demons. She made an agreement to be a resource to mend a terrible wound in this world, and instead she has decided to shun all of her people."
  2737. "I am not trying to cast judgement on you, Demon, but it is very important that you remember the situation that everyone is in here. I understand that you are all busy playing your games and politics, but everyone here is trying to get something done. When someone just throws that into the trash pit, people get rather upset."
  2739. Where she'd touched the woman, that golden light flared up like two live wires being touched. What aura she shed was amplified and shot through the girl, and the remains of occultism and other corruption would be purged! Or at least, they'd be felt and she would know whether or not she needed to apply other and more extensive treatments to purge it.
  2741. And she dropped her hand back down to her side and then performed a short, quick, but shallow bow to Maiya.
  2743. "That is more than I had intended to speak. I apologize for being so verbose during this moment."
  2744. (Hatsune Panic)
  2745. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2747. [21:53:04] Xoconan whispers: "Protection, guidance..."
  2748. [21:53:04] LOOC - Oyaotl: { Thanks Kclaeb
  2749. [21:53:04] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Ellenore behind Oyaotl.))
  2750. [21:53:55] Lotlhuitl whispers: It's a demon.
  2751. [21:53:55] LOOC - Oyaotl: { ty
  2752. [21:53:55] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: ( i did it )
  2753. [21:53:55] Xoconan whispers: "Which would make it a very appealing and powerful master to the right mindset."
  2754. [21:54:46] Maiya Vindict says, "I'll leave the rest to Warchief Dmex."
  2755. [21:54:46] Atro Gwyn whispers: A problem though, we shouldn't let too many, even if no tribe, join the demons.
  2756. [21:54:46] Mila says, "I was born on Agartha."
  2757. [21:54:46] Atro Gwyn whispers: We don't need them having a large army nor Tragedy having more magi.
  2758. [21:54:46] Mila says, "So, I did not take any spot on any boat."
  2759. [21:55:37] Xoconan whispers: "I have a solution that would fix problems quickly. If you wish to align yourself with the demons, you leave here."
  2760. [21:55:37] Xoconan whispers: "You don't come back. If you wish your own city, you don't stay here too."
  2761. [21:56:28] Xoconan whispers: "The demons get their city and lose a recruiting ground for the impressionable."
  2762. [21:56:28] Maiya Vindict says, "Semantics. Thanks for the unnecessary clarification."
  2763. [21:57:20] Atro Gwyn whispers: Or betray a tribe, then many would have you executed.
  2764. [21:58:11] Mila says, "You're welcome."
  2765. [21:58:11] Lotlhuitl says, "I can't help feeling like we have failed this girl. "
  2766. [21:58:11] Xoconan whispers: "Betrayal would be dealt with on a tribe-by-tribe basis. Exile would be my first goto. If you wish to join the demons, you're not of Gehenna."
  2767. [21:58:11] Mila asks, "Do you even know who I am?"
  2768. [21:59:02] "Azure-haired one. I merely could not consider that the granting of my boon upon those who request it was such a sin, specially with so many of demonkin in your midst.
  2770. But if it shall appease to my dearest friends, permission shall be sought for the union of myself and my most beloved liegemen."
  2772. The creature finally relaxes upon its stance, slow, paced breaths laboring his chest outwards and recoiling its immense frame back in, patches of fur mildly scraped by the blades of the two foreigners whom he had fought, and particularly well-aimed slices of wind by Toka.
  2774. A paw waved into the air, a single claw beckoned for Mila's attention.
  2776. "That shall be enough, my loyal subject. Let this be settled with cleanliness."
  2778. The shift, the sway of his personality remained, boiling, as if a muffled aspect begged and urged to be let out, to then be smothered back into utter control.
  2779. (Erenan Qi)
  2780. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2782. [21:59:02] Lotlhuitl looked to Mila, end of her tail twitching. Lotlhuitl was talking about her, not to her.
  2783. (Lotlhuitl)
  2784. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2786. [21:59:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2787. [21:59:02] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  2788. [21:59:02] Xoconan whispers: "Alright, come here. I think things are wrapping up."
  2789. [21:59:53] Xoconan reaches out to tug Lotl closer to himself.
  2790. (Xoconan)
  2791. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2793. [21:59:53] Lotlhuitl despite protesting, allowed Xoconan to pull her close. How awkward..
  2794. (Lotlhuitl)
  2795. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2797. [21:59:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (Oh fuck, the super announcer is here)
  2798. [22:00:44] As his claw beckoned, she moved swiftly to his side in silence. She nods her head to him, bowing toward the others,
  2799. "Forgive me for creating such a ruckus!"
  2801. And with that, a forced smile.
  2802. (Mila)
  2803. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2805. [22:00:44] Maiya places his sword back upon his form, rolling his eyes momentarily as he stalks back to the temple.
  2806. (Maiya Vindict)
  2807. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2809. [22:02:27] Xoconan tugs Lotlhuitl away from the crowd.
  2810. (Xoconan)
  2811. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2813. [22:05:52] Heaving a long sigh, he found his comfy corner in the Cruxati square, so thankfully empty, pulling Lotlhuitl against himself without care for her own embarrassment.
  2815. "Idiocy, but at least people agree with us on it. I think after today, steps will be taken. I'll make sure of it, even." A hand came up to rub at the Naguals ears, his usual stress relief when combat wasn't an option.
  2817. He leaned in to whisper to her, face clearly irritated.
  2818. (Xoconan)
  2819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2821. [22:06:43] Xoconan whispers: "We'll deal with it. One step at a time, we'll deal with it."
  2822. [22:06:43] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  2823. [22:06:43] * Your RP modifier has expired.
  2824. [22:12:41] Lotlhuitl allowed Xoconan to tug her away. There was still tension in her limbs, but, now the source was completely different. Not anger, but.. embarrassment? Awkwardness? Her hand was within his. And then, back in the main courtyard of Cruxati, she was leaning against him. Tugged into his arms.
  2826. She.. only lightly resisted, visibly embarrassed by the public display of affection. And then she gave in. Released his hand to wrap her arms around him. Almost shy. "Nn," she breathed, screwing her nose up as his fingers brushed at her ears. Her gaze flicked up to look at him, tail released from her waist to flick back and forth.
  2828. But.. she wasn't really annoyed. Not really.
  2830. "It's a mess, Xoconan." Lotlhuitl finally responded. Her ear flicked at his fingers, a distinct shiver running down her spine. "A mess." She repeated, voice quiet. Breathy. And then she whispered to him.
  2831. (Lotlhuitl)
  2832. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2834. [22:12:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: But what is the first step, I wonder?
  2835. [22:12:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: That.. all was much more complex than I'd realised.
  2836. [22:18:40] Xoconan whispers: "I don't think Karma was aware of the extent - Maiya definitely wasn't."
  2837. [22:18:40] Xoconan whispers: "I've never seen her that furious."
  2838. [22:20:22] Lotlhuitl whispers: It was a good look.
  2839. [22:21:13] Xoconan whispers: "I'll talk to them both about it. I'd say we there, but..."
  2840. [22:21:13] Xoconan whispers: "You haven't exactly made friends of them."
  2841. [22:22:04] Lotlhuitl 's tail twitched, her expression turning wry.
  2842. (Lotlhuitl)
  2843. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2845. [22:22:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: I will.. keep my distance, if that is what you want.
  2846. [22:22:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'm not afraid of Karma or Maiya. I'm not afraid of anything.
  2847. [22:22:56] Xoconan whispers: "Speaking of..."
  2848. [22:22:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: And I stand by what I said. I don't regret it.
  2849. [22:22:56] Xoconan whispers: "Karma's banned you, kinda-sorta, from Ezmara."
  2850. [22:23:47] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2851. [22:23:47] Lotlhuitl says, "I see."
  2852. [22:23:47] Lotlhuitl says, "What do you mean, kinda-sorta."
  2853. [22:24:38] Lotlhuitl says, "Because, I'll be honest, Xoconan. None of this has changed my mind about him. "
  2854. [22:25:29] Hatsune Panic says, "Kaschei. Thank you for tending to Toka immediately."
  2855. [22:25:29] Noxim Florus says, "Is Noxim plan to one day have garden, with nice house. Mmm."
  2856. [22:25:29] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwa. That is a very good plan, Noxim."
  2857. [22:25:29] Xoconan whispers: "Kinda-Sorta means... I dunno."
  2858. [22:25:29] Lotlhuitl says, "... fine. I'll talk to him about it. If he wants me to grovel at his feet, well. I won't. "
  2859. [22:26:20] Xoconan whispers: "He said he doesn't want you in his territories if all you're going to do is rouse trouble."
  2860. [22:26:20] Xoconan whispers: "I'll go with you."
  2861. [22:26:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Rouse trouble? "
  2862. [22:27:12] Xoconan whispers: "Spewing toxicity around his warchiefs, trying to convince Effigy to dethrone him..."
  2863. [22:27:12] Xoconan whispers: "Ring a bell?"
  2864. [22:27:12] Xoconan has a wry grin on his face, as if he found the matter amusing.
  2865. (Xoconan)
  2866. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2868. [22:28:03] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Alright, got off dark souls for now.)
  2869. [22:28:03] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Good plan.))
  2870. [22:28:03] JaDrako switched his gaze to the floor
  2871. (JaDrako Kumo)
  2872. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2874. [22:28:03] Noxim Florus says, "So, is must ask Holy Man."
  2875. [22:28:03] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Oh, I thought you were going to go play, not getting off of it entirely.))
  2876. [22:28:03] Kaschei Coaxoch asks, "Hmn?"
  2877. [22:28:03] Hatsune sweeps her eyes to JaDrako.
  2878. (Hatsune Panic)
  2879. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2881. [22:28:03] Lotlhuitl was frowning, looking distinctly sullen.
  2882. (Lotlhuitl)
  2883. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2885. [22:28:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Nn.."
  2886. [22:28:54] Hatsune Panic asks, "Do you wish to talk, JaDrako?"
  2887. [22:28:54] Kaschei Coaxoch says, "No need to thank me, either, Hatsune. But I appreciate it- ...! Er, what I mean is, I'll always be there to help..."
  2888. [22:28:54] Noxim Florus asks, "Atro say words when speak with earlier? What mean by teach others? Is Holy Man holding same power?"
  2889. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl whispers: It's hardly -my- fault Necalli was an idiot.
  2890. [22:28:54] He seems awkward and distracted- a kind of stressed-out sort of tired.
  2891. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  2892. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2894. [22:28:54] JaDrako Kumo says, "I guess if you want."
  2895. [22:29:45] Lotlhuitl whispers: The man threatened me. Expected me to be cowed by that. When I recognised such threats for what they were. Weakness.
  2896. [22:29:45] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (osht I had two rewards while I wasn't looking.)
  2897. [22:29:45] Kaschei Coaxoch says, "Yeah, Atro lost his ability to use Arcane magic... won't tell me about the whole thing. I only discovered mine just about a year ago."
  2898. [22:29:45] Lotlhuitl whispers: The strong do. The weak threaten..
  2899. [22:29:45] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Woo, now I'm rpl 160)
  2900. [22:29:45] Kaschei Coaxoch says, "I don't know any other Order mages and it's tough being on my own."
  2901. [22:30:36] Lotlhuitl says, "I have been wronged by the Ezmarans. And this is how they attempt to fix things? "
  2902. [22:30:36] Noxim Florus says, "Ahh."
  2903. [22:30:36] Lotlhuitl says, "No. I have been wronged by Karma. Not by Ezmara. By Karma."
  2904. [22:30:36] Noxim Florus asks, "How is it Holy Man became order?"
  2905. [22:30:36] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim is curious, want know for personal reason."
  2906. [22:31:28] Hatsune Panic says, "I am asking if you wish to, JaDrako Kumo. Often, speaking your doubts and mind can help you reach resolution and clarity."
  2907. [22:31:28] Hatsune Panic says, "But I will not force you to, especially not now when you are vulnerable for you feel you've erred."
  2908. [22:31:28] Xoconan says, "We'll go talk to him- together."
  2909. [22:32:19] Lotlhuitl says, "... very well."
  2910. [22:32:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I assume he's not around tho)
  2911. [22:34:01] LOOC - Xoconan: (He is, but uh)
  2912. [22:34:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm sticking around Crux to finish the scene from last night)
  2913. [22:34:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ah. K)
  2914. [22:35:44] He shows the tree-monster a distracted look. He was paying attention to them... but he was plunged deep in the memories of what Noxim had asked for. Slowly, a smile crosses the ex-Valmasian's lips.
  2916. The brown-haired Krausite began with a pleasant sigh. "I felt out into the world. You feel your own mana circuits, first. And you try to feel... past them." He explains, focusing wholly on Noxim now.
  2918. His hands go out in front of him- fingers splayed, gesturing about, though it probably didn't help the demon to understand... "I thought about what was important to me, what I felt- I wanted to help people, but I never believed that I could." He explains first, before his head slightly angles down...
  2920. Kaschei's ice-blue eyes trace along the cobblestones. "... When Caprise died- and Atro kind of pulled away from the church- I felt like I had to do what they did. Before I knew it, I could use the Arcane." He says- making a perplexed frown.
  2922. "Maybe because it needed to happen- not just that I needed it, but maybe I'm needed..." He explains, also conveying that his understanding of the Arcane was still somewhat vague.
  2923. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  2924. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2926. [22:36:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... what are they doing.
  2927. [22:36:35] Xoconan whispers: "No clue."
  2928. [22:36:35] LOOC - Xoconan: (Hatsune, we hath a scene to finish)
  2929. [22:36:35] LOOC - Zahhual: ((All aboard the RP continuation train.))
  2930. [22:36:35] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Except not all. Obviously.))
  2931. [22:37:26] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Did Oyaotl wanna pass on it then? She's busy with her own thing.))
  2932. [22:37:26] LOOC - Xoconan: (She kinda wasn't really in it)
  2933. [22:39:08] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Hrm.))
  2934. [22:39:08] LOOC - Zahhual: ((This is a little bigger than the square, but similarly sized.))
  2935. [22:39:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (I think terrain makes up for size)
  2936. [22:39:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (Because jesus fuck that terrain)
  2937. [22:39:08] LOOC - Zahhual: ((You okay with it?))
  2938. [22:39:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (Works for me)
  2939. [22:40:00] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Lemme inject whilst we start up, I'm on the high side.))
  2940. [22:40:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (afk doorbell)
  2941. [22:41:42] LOOC - Xoconan: (Uh)
  2942. [22:41:42] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'll go through my logs)
  2943. [22:41:42] LOOC - Xoconan: (And DM them to you)
  2944. [22:45:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im back)
  2945. [22:45:58] LOOC - Xoconan: (
  2946. [22:48:32] Lotlhuitl continues having an expression like a kicked puppy, telling herself that she isn't frightened.
  2947. (Lotlhuitl)
  2948. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2950. [22:51:56] A part of her wanted to rush in and save Zahhual, yet on the other hand such a thing would be deemed as an act of betrayal to Gehenna!
  2952. But wasn't she betraying her teacher by simply cowering and glancing onwards with a worried expression.
  2954. Not like this. That'd be the only thought constantly whizzing around in her mind as she stood there, waiting for the next drum beat.
  2955. (Xitlalli)
  2956. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2958. [22:53:39] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Don't worry, that person wasn't a randomer.))
  2959. [22:54:30] LOOC - Xoconan: (Xitlalli?)
  2960. [22:54:30] LOOC - Xoconan: (I wouldn't have let her or Lotl follow if they hadn't been in the scene earlier)
  2961. [22:54:30] LOOC - Zahhual: ((A fairy behind a tree.))
  2962. [22:54:30] LOOC - Xoconan: (Oh)
  2963. [22:54:30] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I have them EAGLE EYES.))
  2964. [22:57:04] "We don't need to do this, no..."
  2966. The mermaid was almost fully still and nearly entirely silent until then, in a fugue of emotions washing over her despite her muted showing of them. She turned her eyes up from the ground and looked to Xoconan and Zahhual, staring at the two.
  2968. "I've copied down the runes she's used. I've seen the end result. I know her intention as she did what she did. She will be of no use finding a cure for Navi, Masika, and Kamohauli. She has nothing to offer us, I think."
  2970. "But she cannot go off to disrupt the peace with the Jianghese, not when this war is finally coming to a close. Not when the Demons are organizing. Not whenever Archons are rising one after another to fall beneath Tragedy's banner."
  2972. Time fuckery? Whatever time this was happening, the mermaid knew about that. No need to establish a continuity here, really.
  2974. The mermaid watched the two as they prepared to fight. She stared between them and shook her head slowly. Her body came to a pendulous motion with that, and as she moved she collected golden light at the edge of her skin. Like the first spark to a room full of gas, the light exploded out from her body after the first show of it, and with it came an aura to combat the Shaman's. Dread met peace. Sickness met comfort. Unease met belonging. There was a stormfront between them that threatened to tear the already fractured swamps apart.
  2975. All my grief...
  2976. "Zahhual, you are acting against the interests of the Gehennese. You are aiding the Atl of all things in your actions, likely inadvertently. You are endangering your children, your lover, your friends, and your home. The only way you can leave this place is if you turn your attention elsewhere- Westinstead of East. Go... Throw your life away there, and we will take the Core of the Spirit Beast to its native world and find a way to save you there..."
  2977. All my pain...
  2978. "But if you insist and persist- Then-..."
  2979. If she's too far lost to be saved...
  2980. "Why must every love on this continent be cursed to end in death between those lovers...?"
  2981. Then I will make it painless for her, at least...
  2982. She stood with Xoconan there... Or at least, she did not back away as Xitlalli did. Finned ears twitched, her cheeks went sallow, and whatever those exotic features were supposed to convey as far as emotions went was pathetically ill suited to the situation and the audience.
  2983. (Hatsune Panic)
  2984. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2986. [23:14:59] "Betrayers!"
  2988. It's clear that the Shaman's blood production is beginning to go into some sort of hemomantic overdrive- no longer content with being sweated from her pores in some slickness, it instead spurts and gushes, rapidly bursting from her person to splatter the surrounding stone, tiles below and temple walls alike.
  2990. More unnatural than ever before. More monstrous, more Wraithlike than ever before. Less human than ever before.
  2991. Reaching a boiling apex of anger, her voice proves to no longer be alone- like a deformed, incomplete degeneration of native telepathy, another voice joins hers, in the back of the mind. No, no- not another voice. Mere hissing, squirming, wailing empathy, an emotional suggestion instead of actual words.
  2993. "The Jiangs, the natives, I don't care which! I will slaughter every last enemy of Gehenna, every last enemy of Cruxati! I'll slaughter the easterners, their Qilin, Tragedy's natives, Atl, Ezmara! All will be ripped to shreds so that there's nothing in the way of our progress, in what little time we have to save the homeland! Our duty is failed! Wraiths on Agartha! All that can be done is salvage the spires!
  2995. And I'll tear the heads off of any of you who get in my way! I'll pin you to the walls like Omephog! I'll wear your skins like beast fur!"
  2997. All the while, that foul, twisted empathy screeches out along with her words, carried by defective telepathy and spiritual drumming. Deranged fury beyond anything a human could be capable of. Sorrow warped into a mockery of real, living emotion. Suffering, distress, terror, all swirled together with them both.
  2998. After all, a good part of what Zahhual has become spent more time suffering in death than she's spent living at all.
  3000. "I will drag every backstabber down into the eternity of torment that awaits me!"
  3001. (Zahhual)
  3002. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3004. [23:15:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (Deadly cap 6)
  3005. [23:15:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (let's do this)
  3006. [23:17:32] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Ha, lag doesn't seem too bad. Would clear up for the last fight.))
  3007. [23:17:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (the server respects u)
  3008. [23:20:06] Combat. He felt emphatic with Zahhuals fury - too emphatic. His own emotions, memories, felt blurred, twisted, and so her own emotions hit him doubly hard. The bloodlust became his own, twisted psyche feeding on his own hate that had been building - building ever since Hatsune had failed to kill Xomac.
  3010. Telaman crackled, his breath coming heavily in gouts. "You will do no such thing, Zahhual." Icy words leaked from his lips, as plasmic tendrils crackled violently around his form. The air compressed, a furious wind of heat blowing around him.
  3012. "I made a promise, to keep Gehenna together, to keep it from burning itself to the ground no matter what, Zahhual of the Cruxati. If you go against this- then there's one other alternative."
  3014. A sudden weight felt lifted off his chest, and for a long moment he was confused. The clarity struck him blindingly. Hate, hate for anyone that would dare fracture his home.
  3016. "Death. I sentence you to die, with approval from Chieftess Kayeliun of the Cruxati. If you have last words, I will hear them." He spoke as his staff came up, preparing for that moment to strike.
  3017. (Xoconan)
  3018. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3020. [23:22:40] "So far gone are you..."
  3022. "I am sorry, Xitlalli, Zasune, Navi..."
  3024. The mermaid clasped her hands over her breast and gave a short, shallow bow of her body down to Zahhual. The koi fish, sporting regal whiskers, joined the diminutive spectral ocean life that flocked to her. Shi, its name was. It was a grotesque name, truly. Translated, it meant 'corpse,' and in that translation it was much kinder than the word implied in its native tongue.
  3026. She spoke right after Xoconan, and her eyes were on Zahhual instead of the man who sentenced her lover- Wife- Mother of her two childre to death. Her eyes were on the twisted, malformed, suffering woman. The woman whose soul screamed to her through the connection she had to the lifestream.
  3028. "Zahhual, you have not failed. Where you've fallen, you've left behind you a grand work that will not be forgotten, and we will fix this final folly of yours- Of all of ours to let you come so far from grace. But..."
  3030. "Life is short and fleeting. You will undo all that you've ever worked to do before. We all love you, Zahhual. You will not be given that dishonor before death."
  3032. "Xoconan, please let me do it. I will make it painless."
  3033. (Hatsune Panic)
  3034. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3036. [23:23:31] To hear her teacher crying out such a word, betrayers! Struck at Xitlalli's heart, she didn't know if it was aimed at all of them but she couldn't help but think that in this very moment, she too was betraying Zahhual through inaction.
  3038. Blue eyes shot over to the towering Shaman, watching as purple blood shot out of her, in bursts, gushes and spurts. It wasn't a pretty sight and one which made Xitlalli recoil and shiver, but she'd watch, she was going to watch either her teacher becoming truly a monster and striking down the two which wished to stop her.
  3040. Or her teacher finally being slain; not by the natives, not by Jianghurens or Valmasians, but by her own people. Two outcomes, none were savoury in Xitlalli's mind.
  3042. This was not what the young dancer desired, far from it, this wasn't how she wished things to go; but here they were, it was happening despite Xitlalli's longing for a better solution.
  3044. "Stop, we can talk this out.", she utters ever so quietly, her hand reaching out to the trio; she lacked the means to grasp their attention, she couldn't pull their eyes away from eachother! The dancer couldn't make them focus on her being, on her words, they were too locked into place.
  3046. The play of violence was going to kick off, no matter what action she performed; it made Xitlalli burn up on the inside to a degree, being unable to make people want what she wanted and this was not the first time at all.
  3048. "Don't kill eacho- Who are yo-... Kayeliun when did she?!"
  3050. Yet it wasn't the fight which struck her most, but rather Xoconan's words; was he telling the truth, was Zahhual condemned to this fate?!
  3051. (Xitlalli)
  3052. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3054. [23:25:13] LOOC - Xoconan: (Lotl, can you step back to hug a wall please?)
  3055. [23:25:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (soz)
  3056. [23:26:56] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Wait for Lolt's just in case.))
  3057. [23:26:56] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Will need to do some brief respriting after death, because of stuff like this hat being a tight shirt.))
  3058. [23:28:38] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ah, sorry. I'm not going to interupt. I'm just.. trying to write something cool but failing aha.)
  3059. [23:29:29] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((You're cool))
  3060. [23:29:29] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((So everything you write is cool))
  3061. [23:29:29] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Gonna wait on Zahhual then.))
  3062. [23:30:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (idk about cool.. im very goofy..)
  3063. [23:31:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (provided you don't get deathboxed, I wanna do a regular 3 round restrained box)
  3064. [23:31:12] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I'll be deathboxing myself, but we'll see. I'm pretty uh. Well, we'll see if I'm even up to it.))
  3065. [23:31:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (Fair enough)
  3066. [23:32:03] LOOC - Cocinar: (Can I just go past to the cave?)
  3067. [23:32:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (yes)
  3068. [23:32:03] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Scene locked! Carry on.))
  3069. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: Tfw you find something, but then have to keep it a secret x-x
  3070. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Zahhual {War Chief}: Shush.
  3071. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: Holy Sh!t
  3072. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Zahhual {War Chief}: Why am I still warchief.
  3073. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: XDD
  3074. [23:34:36] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: Hmm.
  3075. [23:35:28] (Cruxati Tribe) Zahhual {War Chief}: Gonna leave guild! After dropping these mats.
  3076. [23:35:28] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: drop sum sweet rhymes DJ Zahhual
  3077. [23:35:28] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: sum sweet beats
  3078. [23:36:19] (Cruxati Tribe) Xitlalli {Citizen}: ;-;
  3079. [23:36:19] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: a WC is just an MC but upside down yo
  3080. [23:38:01] Lotlhuitl paced around the outskirts of the scene.. to stand in front of Xitlalli. Protectively. Her friend.
  3082. She felt the shaman's anger wash over her.
  3084. And like that, the expression of hurt, of pain. It was gone from her expression. Replaced with anger. A harsh spike of energy within herself. Anger, that Xoconan hadn't shared such information with her. Again. How many secrets would Xoconan keep from her?
  3086. Indeed, the glance she had given Xitalli at the dancer's words, the dancer's shock that Kayeliun had ordered such things, well. It was clear that it was a surprise to Lotlhuitl as well.
  3088. Her hands curled into fists. That her childhood hero had.. fallen. To this. Well. This was not how she would remember Zahhual.
  3090. Lolthuitl stood tall. By Xitlalli, intending on standing in front of the woman. To shield her from harm. Her stance protective.
  3092. "We.. we deserve better than this, Xitlalli. She's prepared to throw us all in front of a raging kaor, just to justify her own.. her own corruption." Lotlhuitl said to the dancer, voice low. Pained. "She's lost."
  3093. (Lotlhuitl)
  3094. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3096. [23:38:01] "I'll slaughter you all, as a Chieftess who has never kneeled! Uniter of the tribes! Builder of this home! The sacrifice who made you all as you are! Greater than the daughter who betrays me!
  3097. I will spare my children the shame of having a betrayer for a mother, better motherless!"
  3099. Even as her rage continues, the Shaman falls utterly limp, slumped forwards like a marionette with cut strings. She sways like a metronome to the rhythm of those earth-shattering drums. Blood bursts from her form like sun flares, erupting from beneath her gauntlets alongside foul gouts of wispy smoke.
  3101. "Betrayers! Kneel! Offer yourselves to me, backstabbers and slaves! Mere offerings! This crime will be suffered for! I'll rip- I'll bathe these tools in- I'll rend your-! I'll- I'll!"
  3103. Too much, it seems.
  3104. Descending into constant ranting and raving, even as she bursts into motion, the ex-Chieftess, the fallen Shaman and disgraced dancer whirls into vicious combat.
  3105. (Zahhual)
  3106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3108. [23:39:44] {combat} Zahhual has been defeated by Hatsune Panic! They're unable to continue fighting.
  3109. [23:39:44] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Dot or no dot? Zahhual's choice.))
  3110. [23:40:35] (Cruxati Tribe) Zahhual {War Chief}: ((Will do a brief one.))
  3111. [23:40:35] (Cruxati Tribe) Zahhual {War Chief}: nice
  3112. [23:40:35] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Will do a brief one.))
  3113. [23:40:35] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: nice..
  3114. [23:44:51] Whirling, careening over shattering stone, launching blood from her form in vicious arcs and striking with vicious, sonic strikes, the Shaman seems truly fallen to her bloodlust now, her nature building from the beginning of it all coming to a head- whilst she may be no match for two great warriors at once, it truly is like they're not fighting a human.
  3115. Once like a monster, then beyond. And now, the closest thing to fighting a Wraith one could achieve when just clashing with another human.
  3117. So far.
  3119. But still, her strength begins to fade in the face of injuries, even her durable form unable to weather it all. The drums become less thunderous and dazing. The totem vibrates from sight, dispelled. And still, she keeps mindlessly fighting, never a skilled warrior, only ever a wild powerhouse.
  3120. (Zahhual)
  3121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3123. [23:45:42] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: (aaa water)
  3124. [23:45:42] {combat} Zahhual has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  3125. [23:46:33] LOOC - Xoconan: (So what was the result?)
  3126. [23:46:33] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Not death, no injuries.))
  3127. [23:47:24] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Gogogo, do the slay.))
  3128. [23:47:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (yeah, deadly doesn't do injury)
  3129. [23:55:05] Fury.
  3131. He fought like a demon unchained himself, plasma wreathing his form over and over. Spikes of it would impale her weakening form, gouts would bathe over her and the battlefield. He'd spare nothing, not in a fight for his life. He weaved around her magic as much as possible, but still found himself bleeding from the ears, from the nose, his vision doubled from the cacophony, the blood, she used.
  3133. It wasn't enough. Maybe against just him, but not with Hatsune by his side, her magic keeping him in the fight, assaulting Zahhual by his side.
  3135. He flew forward, dashing around, catching a whip of crystalized blood across his chest, cutting open a heavy wound - not enough he told himself. Fuck the pain.
  3137. Another motion, and he just vanished in a flash of violet sparks, appearing almost directly above her. Time froze for a split second, just long enough for him to stare down at her, Telaman floating away...
  3139. His hand came down, hateful energy pooling within. Without touching, without visual buildup, the magic boomed down, crashing into Zahhual. Stuck between a rock and a force, she was brought to kneel, to her hands.
  3141. "Finish it, Hatsune." Xoconan's hand came to clutch at his chest, the young man floating down to stand on the stone, witnessing the woman's final moments.
  3142. (Xoconan)
  3143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3145. [23:56:48] LOOC - Zahhual: ((A naked man with neon green hair fighting crellus outside my house is not what I dreamed death to be like.))
  3146. [23:56:48] (Cruxati Tribe) Lotlhuitl {Warrior}: (ahaha)
  3147. [23:56:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahaha)
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