Guest User


a guest
Oct 12th, 2020
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  1. event_date STRING NULLABLE
  2. event_timestamp INTEGER NULLABLE
  3. event_name STRING NULLABLE
  4. event_params RECORD REPEATED
  5. event_params. key STRING NULLABLE
  6. event_params. value RECORD NULLABLE
  7. event_params.value. string_value STRING NULLABLE
  8. event_params.value. int_value INTEGER NULLABLE
  9. event_params.value. float_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  10. event_params.value. double_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  11. event_previous_timestamp INTEGER NULLABLE
  12. event_value_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  13. event_bundle_sequence_id INTEGER NULLABLE
  14. event_server_timestamp_offset INTEGER NULLABLE
  15. user_id STRING NULLABLE
  16. user_pseudo_id STRING NULLABLE
  17. user_properties RECORD REPEATED
  18. user_properties. key STRING NULLABLE
  19. user_properties. value RECORD NULLABLE
  20. user_properties.value. string_value STRING NULLABLE
  21. user_properties.value. int_value INTEGER NULLABLE
  22. user_properties.value. float_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  23. user_properties.value. double_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  24. user_properties.value. set_timestamp_micros INTEGER NULLABLE
  25. user_first_touch_timestamp INTEGER NULLABLE
  26. user_ltv RECORD NULLABLE
  27. user_ltv. revenue FLOAT NULLABLE
  28. user_ltv. currency STRING NULLABLE
  29. device RECORD NULLABLE
  30. device. category STRING NULLABLE
  31. device. mobile_brand_name STRING NULLABLE
  32. device. mobile_model_name STRING NULLABLE
  33. device. mobile_marketing_name STRING NULLABLE
  34. device. mobile_os_hardware_model STRING NULLABLE
  35. device. operating_system STRING NULLABLE
  36. device. operating_system_version STRING NULLABLE
  37. device. vendor_id STRING NULLABLE
  38. device. advertising_id STRING NULLABLE
  39. device. language STRING NULLABLE
  40. device. is_limited_ad_tracking STRING NULLABLE
  41. device. time_zone_offset_seconds INTEGER NULLABLE
  42. device. browser STRING NULLABLE
  43. device. browser_version STRING NULLABLE
  44. device. web_info RECORD NULLABLE
  45. device.web_info. browser STRING NULLABLE
  46. device.web_info. browser_version STRING NULLABLE
  47. device.web_info. hostname STRING NULLABLE
  49. geo. continent STRING NULLABLE
  50. geo. country STRING NULLABLE
  51. geo. region STRING NULLABLE
  52. geo. city STRING NULLABLE
  53. geo. sub_continent STRING NULLABLE
  54. geo. metro STRING NULLABLE
  55. app_info RECORD NULLABLE
  56. app_info. id STRING NULLABLE
  57. app_info. version STRING NULLABLE
  58. app_info. install_store STRING NULLABLE
  59. app_info. firebase_app_id STRING NULLABLE
  60. app_info. install_source STRING NULLABLE
  61. traffic_source RECORD NULLABLE
  62. traffic_source. name STRING NULLABLE
  63. traffic_source. medium STRING NULLABLE
  64. traffic_source. source STRING NULLABLE
  65. stream_id STRING NULLABLE
  66. platform STRING NULLABLE
  67. event_dimensions RECORD NULLABLE
  68. event_dimensions. hostname STRING NULLABLE
  69. ecommerce RECORD NULLABLE
  70. ecommerce. total_item_quantity INTEGER NULLABLE
  71. ecommerce. purchase_revenue_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  72. ecommerce. purchase_revenue FLOAT NULLABLE
  73. ecommerce. refund_value_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  74. ecommerce. refund_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  75. ecommerce. shipping_value_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  76. ecommerce. shipping_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  77. ecommerce. tax_value_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  78. ecommerce. tax_value FLOAT NULLABLE
  79. ecommerce. unique_items INTEGER NULLABLE
  81. items. item_id STRING NULLABLE
  82. items. item_name STRING NULLABLE
  83. items. item_brand STRING NULLABLE
  84. items. item_variant STRING NULLABLE
  85. items. item_category STRING NULLABLE
  86. items. item_category2 STRING NULLABLE
  87. items. item_category3 STRING NULLABLE
  88. items. item_category4 STRING NULLABLE
  89. items. item_category5 STRING NULLABLE
  90. items. price_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  91. items. price FLOAT NULLABLE
  92. items. quantity INTEGER NULLABLE
  93. items. item_revenue_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  94. items. item_revenue FLOAT NULLABLE
  95. items. item_refund_in_usd FLOAT NULLABLE
  96. items. item_refund FLOAT NULLABLE
  97. items. coupon STRING NULLABLE
  98. items. affiliation STRING NULLABLE
  99. items. location_id STRING NULLABLE
  100. items. item_list_id STRING NULLABLE
  101. items. item_list_name STRING NULLABLE
  102. items. item_list_index STRING NULLABLE
  103. items. promotion_id STRING NULLABLE
  104. items. promotion_name STRING NULLABLE
  105. items. creative_name STRING NULLABLE
  106. items. creative_slot STRING NULLABLE
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