
fire the headcanons

Oct 16th, 2014
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  1. [10/15/2014 6:15:00 PM] Zora Sexbang: ah yes hello
  2. [10/15/2014 6:15:07 PM] Darby Vernon: I have arrived
  3. [10/15/2014 6:15:21 PM] Zora Sexbang: as i was saying yeah
  4. [10/15/2014 6:15:29 PM] Zora Sexbang: he's got blood powers
  5. [10/15/2014 6:15:37 PM] Zora Sexbang: so it's like the perfect connection
  6. [10/15/2014 6:15:57 PM] Darby Vernon: Yes it is
  7. [10/15/2014 6:16:11 PM] Zora Sexbang: but like, consider this:
  8. [10/15/2014 6:16:26 PM] Zora Sexbang: blood also represents unity
  9. [10/15/2014 6:16:44 PM] Zora Sexbang: and the sanguine rogue was either a Rogue or a Thief of blood
  10. [10/15/2014 6:17:02 PM] Zora Sexbang: if he was a rogue then thief isn't too much of a hop anyway
  11. [10/15/2014 6:17:13 PM] Zora Sexbang: stealing unity for one's own benefit
  12. [10/15/2014 6:17:31 PM] Zora Sexbang: consider what he did to cerphixen
  13. [10/15/2014 6:17:41 PM] Darby Vernon: Indeed, it works quite well
  14. [10/15/2014 6:18:46 PM] Zora Sexbang: driving the once peaceful existen mad, forcing the skrieni into hiding, murdering the spirit children and subjugating everyone else, he essentially stole the unity from a once stable and peaceful society
  15. [10/15/2014 6:19:41 PM] Zora Sexbang: mind controlling or kidnapping xephixirians and forcing them to work against their own
  16. [10/15/2014 6:19:52 PM] Zora Sexbang: it's like
  17. [10/15/2014 6:19:54 PM] Zora Sexbang: perfect
  18. [10/15/2014 6:20:02 PM] Zora Sexbang: why didn't i think of this before
  19. [10/15/2014 6:21:50 PM] Darby Vernon: I don’t know but it is perfect
  20. [10/15/2014 6:22:51 PM] Zora Sexbang: and would be one of the only 'original' deities' powersets to decidedly not get a new representative after him
  21. [10/15/2014 6:23:16 PM] Zora Sexbang: ...which may also be representative of what all went down before the beginning
  22. [10/15/2014 6:23:38 PM] Zora Sexbang: stealing unity... like betraying a family to take a universe for yourself?
  23. [10/15/2014 6:23:55 PM] Darby Vernon: Hot damn it’s like the claspects wrote themselves
  24. [10/15/2014 6:24:56 PM] Zora Sexbang: being directly responsible for the death of that family so that the last remaining member was unable to unite with the rest of the gods
  25. [10/15/2014 6:25:56 PM] Zora Sexbang: the pieces all fell perfectly into place and it is beautiful
  26. [10/15/2014 6:26:43 PM] Darby Vernon: It can’t get any more perfect
  27. [10/15/2014 6:29:12 PM] Zora Sexbang: by the fact that the other three traitors got their second chance in the form of three of the main gods of good it's gloriously perfect
  28. [10/15/2014 6:29:53 PM] Zora Sexbang: because in this light
  29. [10/15/2014 6:30:01 PM] Zora Sexbang: they may not have been as reprehensible
  30. [10/15/2014 6:30:35 PM] Darby Vernon: Interesting yes
  31. [10/15/2014 6:33:09 PM] Zora Sexbang: ...also worth noting is that the character the Rogue is calling back to i remember being a direct reference to the dad from mother 3
  32. [10/15/2014 6:33:25 PM] Zora Sexbang: which is pretty much directly responsible for the rift between those two and i
  33. [10/15/2014 6:33:35 PM] Zora Sexbang: so it's like
  34. [10/15/2014 6:33:36 PM] Zora Sexbang: meta
  35. [10/15/2014 6:33:41 PM] Darby Vernon: so much meta
  36. [10/15/2014 6:33:54 PM] Darby Vernon: I can barely comprehend how meta this all turned out to be.
  37. [10/15/2014 6:34:18 PM] Zora Sexbang: I'm sorry for calling you on when you had to go but I had to share this train of thought, dude.
  38. [10/15/2014 6:34:33 PM] Darby Vernon: Nah it’s fine. Fascinating really.
  39. [10/15/2014 6:35:32 PM] Zora Sexbang: Having the /one/ guy who I couldn't figure out what the hell he did ended up circling back around and making perfect sense
  40. [10/15/2014 6:35:50 PM] Zora Sexbang: That's it that's literally what he contributed to the universe
  41. [10/15/2014 6:36:03 PM] Zora Sexbang: Making it what it is by way of being a giant throbbing dick
  42. [10/15/2014 6:36:24 PM] Darby Vernon: And for that we thank you rogue
  43. [10/15/2014 6:36:34 PM] Zora Sexbang: ...Kind of.
  44. [10/15/2014 6:37:02 PM] Zora Sexbang: You still caused irrepairable trauma to an innocent girl and spawned a genocidal dictator god
  45. [10/15/2014 6:37:05 PM] Darby Vernon: Well I as an author thank you
  46. [10/15/2014 6:37:21 PM] Darby Vernon: All the people in the Xephixirverse would prefer you not
  47. [10/15/2014 6:37:27 PM] Zora Sexbang: yeah
  48. [10/15/2014 6:39:51 PM] Zora Sexbang: and likewise, the foreshadowing in yesterday's posts re: not getting to take her nan with her is also a fun one
  49. [10/15/2014 6:40:26 PM] Zora Sexbang: let me put it this way. in the end of arc the lost society fortress won't be the only one feeling those time rifts
  50. [10/15/2014 6:40:37 PM] Zora Sexbang: only place, rather
  51. [10/15/2014 6:41:15 PM] Darby Vernon: Okay I gotta leave in five minutes so make it short
  52. [10/15/2014 6:41:19 PM] Zora Sexbang: ye
  53. [10/15/2014 6:42:02 PM] Zora Sexbang: This one's pretty simple in that basically the timeline starts tearing itself a new asshole before the powers hit astra and both planets get something of a population boost
  54. [10/15/2014 6:42:34 PM] Zora Sexbang: people randomly being thrown through time holes from earth that was just before things went boom to the new universe
  55. [10/15/2014 6:43:13 PM] Zora Sexbang: possibly as they were about to go squish from all the meteors
  56. [10/15/2014 6:44:08 PM] Zora Sexbang: i figure it'd make sense given that time rifts were already happening
  57. [10/15/2014 6:44:22 PM] Darby Vernon: hm interesting yes...
  59. [...]
  61. [2:20:38 PM] Zora Sexbang: right so
  62. [2:20:49 PM] Zora Sexbang: i believe we forgot to continue that conversation
  63. [2:20:52 PM] Darby Vernon: Yes
  64. [2:21:13 PM] Darby Vernon: (of course I have to leave in 20 minutes so we have amazing timing on this conversation)
  65. [2:21:18 PM] Darby Vernon: but anyway
  66. [2:21:25 PM] Zora Sexbang: anyway
  67. [2:21:26 PM] Zora Sexbang: ah
  68. [2:21:31 PM] Zora Sexbang: let me find what the subject was
  69. [2:21:49 PM] Zora Sexbang: right the time rifts
  70. [2:21:56 PM] Darby Vernon: ye
  71. [2:22:07 PM] Zora Sexbang: that's what i figure is going to happen, anyway
  72. [2:22:10 PM] Zora Sexbang: what say you
  73. [2:22:28 PM] Darby Vernon: Let’s see… time rifts...
  74. [2:24:01 PM] Darby Vernon: Hm yes this could work. Were you thinking just, all of a sudden, WILD PORTAL APPEARED?
  75. [2:24:30 PM] Zora Sexbang: not even portals, they just kind of suddenly appear in various places on the planet
  76. [2:24:49 PM] Zora Sexbang: people might see small rifts but other than that
  77. [2:26:12 PM] Darby Vernon: And various people show up through this time rift?
  78. [2:27:09 PM] Zora Sexbang: yeah
  79. [2:27:15 PM] Zora Sexbang: thrown forward, i figure
  80. [2:27:37 PM] Zora Sexbang: since this is a huge event and the timeline is going all sorts of sideways for a few minutes there
  81. [2:29:28 PM] Zora Sexbang: spanning the time frame from the start of the game to the end of it, i figure
  82. [2:29:40 PM] Zora Sexbang: since it would be the timeline severing it's ties to it
  83. [2:29:47 PM] Zora Sexbang: or, well
  84. [2:29:50 PM] Zora Sexbang: its remaining tie
  85. [2:30:20 PM] Zora Sexbang: it's a time loop, you see
  86. [2:30:28 PM] Darby Vernon: Ah okay
  87. [2:30:40 PM] Zora Sexbang: or, the closing of a time loop
  88. [2:32:20 PM] Zora Sexbang: these people/consorts/imps/what have you all vanished with no explanation in the past through these rifts
  89. [2:32:42 PM] Zora Sexbang: it would be considered closing the open loops, then, for those rifts to be caused by this event
  90. [2:32:52 PM] Zora Sexbang: does that make sense
  91. [2:33:03 PM] Darby Vernon: Ye
  92. [2:33:07 PM] Zora Sexbang: okay good
  93. [2:33:46 PM] Zora Sexbang: it's not going to be all 7 billion people on the earth that was
  94. [2:34:04 PM] Zora Sexbang: trust me it's not
  95. [2:34:25 PM] Darby Vernon: Yeah I figured
  96. [2:34:37 PM] Zora Sexbang: but it's going to be a decent chunk of people that are just oops suddenly here
  97. [2:35:56 PM] Zora Sexbang: they're going to end up having interesting reactions to the inherent magic
  98. [2:36:09 PM] Zora Sexbang: like, any imps called forward are easily squished but like
  99. [2:36:16 PM] Zora Sexbang: disappeared consorts and whatnot
  100. [2:36:38 PM] Darby Vernon: Heh right
  101. [2:36:52 PM] Zora Sexbang: this is all my thoughts though
  102. [2:37:12 PM] Zora Sexbang: what do you think
  103. [2:37:41 PM] Darby Vernon: Actually this ties into what I want to do with Puritus so that’s good.
  104. [2:38:07 PM] Darby Vernon: He’s a bit… out of universe xenophobic I guess you could say.
  105. [2:38:15 PM] Zora Sexbang: Oh?
  106. [2:40:07 PM] Darby Vernon: Like, when he was still a new God, he was the God of Purity and assigned to be a sort of keeper of the world and keep it pure. Which eventually got to his head… He flipped when Ranthael told him about Zora’s origins, so I’m sure this little ordeal is going to be interesting for him.
  107. [2:41:29 PM] Zora Sexbang: To be fair that's gotta be interesting to hear for anyone.
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