
Jian - A Blessing

Dec 25th, 2013
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  1. [16:36] <Earthflame> Jian is by the side of the well, jacket and shirt discarded as he goes about the somewhat mucky job of cleaning his weapon. A small cloth bundle has unrolled into a cleaning kit, with soft and rough cloths, solvent and oil which he rigorously applies to the great, glimmering blade.
  2. [16:36] <Earthflame> In the sharp daylight, it is a strange thing, it's bright blade gleaming in the sun, but the dark blade seeming dull and shadowed regardless of how much polish is applied. Jian raises a hand to wipe his forehead before leaning in, working the cloth into the hinges of the great blade, ensuring the motion is smooth and seamless.
  3. [16:40] <~Deedles> Chiyoko had been looking for Jian to ask him some questions since both Yoshi and Shen had shifted the responsibility when she asked them, but upon finding him and seeing him cleaning his blade so intently she'd paused and just watched him for a bit before she cleared her throat to make her presence known. "Good day, Jian." she greeted him with a smile.
  4. [16:42] <Earthflame> He looks up at her with a slightly distracted smile. "Good day, Chiyoko. How are you?" He focuses on the bandages and bruises and frowns. "...Working hard, I see."
  5. [16:44] <~Deedles> Her smile widened "You guys are taking the time to teach me, the least I can do is try my hardest!" she told him as she took a couple of steps forward, closing some of the gap between them before she sat down.
  6. [16:45] <Earthflame> He nods, doing a final go over before putting the blade to one side... Where it hovers in the air, folding up and then angling itself towards the sun, presumably to dry better. "The price of strength is often pain and difficulty..." A hand moves to his chest, remembering the fractured rib, one of a long line of injuries in the recent past. Chiyoko can probably see the many scars across his
  7. [16:45] <Earthflame> chest and back, signs of the hard work it has taken to get to this stage.
  8. [16:51] <~Deedles> She studied him quietly, her eyes tracing over his many scars, one at the time. "Shen said the same. There are no shortcuts." her gaze shifted to his face as she smiled softly "You've obviously worked very hard..."
  9. [16:52] <Earthflame> "My earliest memory is of my mother training me..." He shakes his head, the braid brushing against his back. "But the future is what matters now. And yours seems as bright as your Chi."
  10. [16:57] <~Deedles> Chyoko laughed slightly "I hope so." she replied as she rested her arms on her crossed legs. "I want to be strong enough to protect my home."
  11. [16:59] <Earthflame> "Keep on as you are. Training yourself cannot teach you everything, but you still have much to gain."
  12. [17:03] <~Deedles> "Well, once you leave there won't be anyone else to teach me, so I will simply make do with what you've taught me." She said with a bright smile
  13. [17:04] <Earthflame> Jian pauses at that. "...No. There are others who could teach you. But you are not ready to learn their lessons, yet."
  14. [17:06] <~Deedles> "Oh?" Chiyoko looked at him curiously "Does it have something to do with where you three came from?" she wondered
  15. [17:06] <Earthflame> He nods. "Yes. One day, you will need to seek it, if you wish to learn more."
  16. [17:11] <~Deedles> "Need to seek it?" She seemed a bit confused at that "Though, speaking of which... I asked both Yoshi and Shen about where you three came from, and both of them told me to ask you." she told him while looking thoughtful
  17. [17:14] <Earthflame> "It is a hidden village, and for good reason. I will not tell you where it is, but even if I did it would not help you." He turns, looking into the distance for a moment. "It is defended, guarded and warded. If you are not meant to find it, you never will. If you are not strong enough, you may die, lost and alone in the mists..."
  18. [17:28] <~Deedles> "Wait ... a hidden village?" Chiyoko's eyes widen, the girl staring at him for a good few seconds before she points at him and exclaims "So the myths are true!" she looks like she couldn't decide if to be shocked or excited.
  19. [17:30] <Earthflame> "And a Secret one." He emphasises the word, eyes hard.
  20. [17:31] <~Deedles> She placed a hand over her mouth and nodded, still somewhat staring at him.
  21. [17:34] <Earthflame> "You still have a long way to go, Chiyoko. Work hard every day. Every morning, watch the sunrise and ask yourself if you feel stronger. Every night, gaze at the moon and ask the same question. If, between one full moon and the next, you feel you have not gotten at all stronger... That is when you reach your limit."
  22. [17:35] <~Deedles> "Is that when I should look for the village?" Chiyoko wondered, nerves mixing with her previous excitement.
  23. [17:39] <Earthflame> "That is when you begin your journey." He nods. "Rest until you feel strong, take supplies, and walk towards the mountains. Trust your feet, your wits and your Chi. The mists may test you, and you may well emerge stronger than you entered. Whether you will arrive on the first attempt... That, I do not know."
  24. [17:41] <~Deedles> "When that day comes I won't stop trying." She told him as she slowly began to smile again "Whatever may come I need to get stronger, so I hope the mists will find me worthy."
  25. [17:42] <Earthflame> He nods. "...You mention a myth. Could you repeat it to me?"
  26. [17:50] <~Deedles> "It's a tale of a hidden village where powerful martial artists live, fighting with the elements as their allies." Cihiyoko explains as she smiles faintly "My mother used to tell me the story all the time, I hoped it was real, but most think it's just that, a story, because they think that if it really existed then how could the world of fallen into such a state?"
  27. [17:51] <Earthflame> Jian pauses, closing his eyes and bowing his head. "...That is our shame."
  28. [17:54] <~Deedles> "So it is true then..." She smiled broadly as she said that, scooting a bit closer to him. "I don't think it's a shame." she told him honestly "Things aren't always as easy as people like making them out to be."
  29. [17:57] <Earthflame> "We could have done more... But, my family has not been there long." He glances around, speaking more quietly. "...My mother arrived herself, many years ago. She told me our family came from Jinlong.... I hope to return there. To discover my past."
  30. [18:00] <~Deedles> Chiyoko studied him for a moment while looking thoughtful "Do you know anything about your family? I don't know the Capitol very well, but my uncle, Hataru Rulong, owns a weapons shop there, he might be able to help you."
  31. [18:01] <Earthflame> "The only memento I have is this blade." He gestures to the floating disc of metal. "...But if your father knows weapons, he may be able to tell me something."
  32. [18:02] <Earthflame> *uncle
  33. [18:04] <~Deedles> "I think he certainly could. If he didn't sell it himself he can certainly tell you who did." Chiyoko said as she smiled warmly at him, reaching up to lay a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll find your family."
  34. [18:07] <Earthflame> He gives her a smile. "Thank you, Chiyoko. Although I doubt this was ever sold... As far as I know, it is unique." He gestures to it, the blades unfolding again, floating towards him as he runs his fingertips along the metal. "...It is mine, too."
  35. [18:12] <~Deedles> She looked thoughtful at that "An heirloom?" she asked softly
  36. [18:14] <Earthflame> He nods. "Yes... But, more than that. It is like..." He pauses, looking at her. "Focus your Chi in your eyes. At least, try to. Tell me what you see." Jian holds out one hand, wrapping fingers around the hilt of an invisible sword.
  37. [18:17] <~Deedles> Chiyoko tried to do as he asked while looking down at his hand and the yin yang sword.
  38. [18:18] <Earthflame> "This is my sword. This is my soul. And the blade I bear is mine as much as this."
  39. [18:20] <~Deedles> "Wow..." she looked at it in awe
  40. [18:23] <Earthflame> He smiles. "This my Chi. Not Metal Chi in the usual kind... Sword Chi. My mother has it too... I think my father must have. Chi much like it saturates the blade, and I am still coming to understand it's secrets..." Jian gives Chiyoko a smile. "It may seem like we are far ahead, but for Yoshi, Shen and I... Our paths have only just begun."
  41. [18:25] <~Deedles> Chiyoko nodded slowly as she looked at him "I guess so..." she seemed thoughtful "Sword is my soul... it sounds familiar, I must of heard that somewhere before." she said, grimacing as she added "But I can't for the life of me place it."
  42. [18:25] <Earthflame> ...This actually startles Jian. "...You've heard it before?!"
  43. [18:28] <~Deedles> She jumped slightly at his reaction, staring before she nodded. "Yeah... Somewhere. I'm not sure where... Might of been something a merchant said, or maybe my cousin... she says all manner of strange things I don't remember half of them." she blushed faintly as she rubbed the back of her head.
  44. [18:29] <Earthflame> "Those words... They're the first lesson my mother ever taught me. They have been my mantra for my entire life..." He seems rather shocked.
  45. [18:31] <~Deedles> "They are?" Chiyoko leaned back a bit as she pondered on that, trying to remember who and where she'd heard those words.
  46. [18:32] <Earthflame> Jian looks into the distance, mumbling to himself. "...I must get to Jinlong..."
  47. [18:35] <~Deedles> She smiled warmly at him "When you guys go I'll make sure you have plenty of supplies with you."
  48. [18:38] <Earthflame> He returns the smile. "Thank you Chiyoko... Thank you so much. It is not ours to know where our paths lead, but I dearly hope that they cross again some day."
  49. [18:41] <~Deedles> Chiyoko leaned in to give him a quick hug as her smile brightened "So do I! If I can get strong and help you guys with whatever your mission is... that would be the best thing I could ever imagine!" she told him sincerely as she sat back again, letting her arms rest on her lap again.
  50. [18:43] <Earthflame> He returns the hug, a little awkwardly, but with a sincere smile. "Trust in yourself and your Chi, Chiyoko. Follow your feet, and walk the path set before you."
  51. [18:49] <~Deedles> "I shall. You three have helped me get started, I'll walk the rest of the way on my own path, this I promise." She said as she pushed back some of her hair.
  52. [18:58] <Earthflame> "...Let me give you something to aid you." He raises a hand, muttering beneath his breath as he forms a rapid succession of hand symbols, focusing his chi upon her. "While you trust in your heart, and walk your path without regret, my blessing will be upon you."
  53. [19:03] <~Deedles> Chiyoko blinked, looking down on herself as he spoke "I do feel ... a bit different. In a good way, like, I have more faith in my path. Like that makes me strong." she mused, vocalizing her feelings.
  54. [19:04] <Earthflame> "The ways of a priest..." Jian smiles. "I pray that it brings you good fortune."
  55. [19:06] <~Deedles> "You three have brought me nothing but good fortune." Chiyoko told him, rather sweetly as she returned his smile.
  56. [19:08] <Earthflame> ...Jian blushes, a little bit, looking away a moment before speaking. "It is time those with the strength to use it for the good of others... I am glad we could help. But that is also why we must go so soon..."
  57. [19:09] <~Deedles> "I understand, I just I see you again, sometime. All three of you." She said honestly, averting her own gaze for a moment as she tried not to look sad.
  58. [19:18] <Earthflame> "Walk with faith and hope, Chiyoko. It is all we can do."
  59. [19:19] <~Deedles> "I shall..." She promised him softly
  60. [19:21] <Earthflame> He bows his head to her. "Then I think we will meet again, someday."
  61. [19:25] <~Deedles> Chiyoko slowly began getting to her feet, bowing at the waist to him "I'm sure we will, Jian." she agreed
  62. [19:29] <Earthflame> Jian keeps his head bowed a moment, before returning to work on his blade... It would likely be needed very soon.
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