

Apr 16th, 2018
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  1. All scores:
  2. InfernalSolstice 11
  3. BearlyEvenAPun 10
  4. jamesfog 10
  5. MirandaCrocsgrove 10
  6. MrSwearword 10
  7. thenshecamelikeaaah 10
  8. theburningundead 9.5
  9. 1998tweety 9.4
  10. Nerdy_boy_chris 9
  11. nooodisaster 9
  12. rotating3Dtext 9
  13. 1317093 8
  14. CreepyMannequin 8
  15. DoctorWhoWhenHowWhy 8
  16. Hogwartsreject1912 8
  17. Maydaypvz 8
  18. MeanToBeIconic 8
  19. melodyllic_ 8
  20. patronsaintofaspies 8
  21. phch123 8
  22. saucymac 8
  23. Shipsinker22 8
  24. T’Challa1966 8
  25. tevinterimperium 8
  26. Wailordfan_ 8
  27. robbiec_ 7.9
  28. DrunkHurricane 7.5
  29. Raykel 7.5
  30. static_int_husp 7.5
  31. JunkyGS 7.3
  32. agentofscranton 7
  33. BlasiFeelsSwift 7
  34. borpo 7
  35. chipsi1 7
  36. Dracyoshi 7
  37. gannade 7
  38. ignitethephoenix 7
  39. kanyewestrep 7
  40. kyrgyzzephyr 7
  41. luckyboot 7
  42. neo999955 7
  43. theallu97 7
  44. therokinrolla 7
  45. VeganSquash 7
  46. whatareblackhole 7
  47. whatyourheartdesires 7
  48. 1313Harbor 6.5
  49. Banananaise 6.5
  50. IndigoAri 6.5
  51. skargardin 6.5
  52. stardustanddinos 6.5
  53. Bajuko 6
  54. Danielvonluchau 6
  55. dropthehammer11 6
  56. imasalesman 6
  57. KarenTheCockpitPilot 6
  58. milkywayradius 6
  59. sh-ether 6
  60. ValetGirls 6
  61. bwc222 5.5
  62. kappyko 5.5
  63. TragicKingdom1 5.5
  64. CandlePrince 5
  65. DraculaWeekend 5
  66. funfetti_donut 5
  67. Leixander 5
  68. piccprincess 5
  69. RandomRocketKat 5
  70. strawberryswing1 5
  72. wanderingimpromptu3 5
  73. chookyboy 4.2
  74. cloudbustingmp3 4.1
  75. Elitefourbrad 4
  76. jordnyan 4
  77. kromosol 3.5
  78. izeasklapaucius 3
  79. ScottishWhore 3
  80. ulikejazz 3
  81. acedino 2
  82. awryj 2
  83. letsallpoo 2
  84. twat_brained 2
  85. fifthchevron 1
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