
Day 306.4 Talking SilverScript Wed Aug 23 2017

Aug 23rd, 2017
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  1. Day 306.4 Talking SilverScript Wed Aug 23 2017
  3. Day 306.4 Talking Intel With DC Insiders
  7. Transcript
  8. 0:02
  9. okay we're live we are live and I can't
  10. 0:09
  11. film anybody that's with me because they
  12. 0:13
  13. are both what I would say is gentlemen
  14. 0:19
  15. what I would it be accurate to say is
  16. 0:21
  17. you are DC insiders in terms of
  18. 0:24
  19. journalism yeah you know what's going on
  20. 0:30
  21. at Capitol Hill say it loud say it loud
  22. 0:37
  23. so people nobody has a full picture I'm
  24. 0:43
  25. not saying that Hartman's but as far as
  26. 0:48
  27. international trade mmm I think you guys
  28. 0:51
  29. would be considered experts to someone
  30. 0:55
  31. maybe a couple people maybe like our 10
  32. 0:59
  33. readers well so for all those who would
  34. 1:05
  35. destroy my character and attack me yes I
  36. 1:08
  37. have had a glass of wine that doesn't
  38. 1:10
  39. mean that I can't meet with people that
  40. 1:12
  41. are our DC insiders that are great
  42. 1:15
  43. journalists how do I say this other than
  44. 1:20
  45. let me let me try to angle into this
  46. 1:23
  47. very carefully so I don't expose your
  48. 1:25
  49. identities let's talk about
  50. 1:29
  51. international trade to mr. B can we say
  52. 1:36
  53. mr. B yeah mr. B so I'm gonna I'm gonna
  54. 1:39
  55. keep the camera on me because I don't
  56. 1:41
  57. want to expose mr. B but he talked a
  58. 1:43
  59. little bit about international trade and
  60. 1:45
  61. nuclear arms and and the whole depleted
  62. 1:49
  63. uranium trade and that's your beat right
  64. 1:51
  65. no okay
  66. 1:53
  67. well correct me bad so I focus on mostly
  68. 1:58
  69. customs right now Customs and Border
  70. 2:00
  71. Patrol Customs and Border Protection are
  72. 2:03
  73. partners and isn't there a new guy at
  74. 2:05
  75. Customs and Border Protection yet he
  76. 2:08
  77. nominated
  78. 2:09
  79. Padma Kalinin who's not gonna act
  80. 2:12
  81. commissioner right now and he was
  82. 2:14
  83. supposed to have his confirmation
  84. 2:15
  85. hearing a couple months ago but they
  86. 2:17
  87. pushed it back and you know hollandaise
  88. 2:18
  89. you called me I did let you know when we
  90. 2:22
  91. got introduced the outset and he's kind
  92. 2:26
  93. of in limbo right now but sort of been
  94. 2:28
  95. quiet around DC lately just with
  96. 2:30
  97. Congress out and whatnot
  98. 2:32
  99. although the NAFTA goshi a ssin just
  100. 2:34
  101. happened we'll see what happens with
  102. 2:35
  103. that Trump is kind of you know showing
  104. 2:39
  105. some signs that that he's not completely
  106. 2:41
  107. on board that speech last night in
  108. 2:44
  109. Phoenix saying he doesn't think we're
  110. 2:46
  111. gonna complete it doesn't thing we're
  112. 2:47
  113. gonna conclude the negotiation so yeah
  114. 2:49
  115. there's some stuff going going on are
  116. 2:51
  117. you talking about NAFTA now yeah NAFTA
  118. 2:53
  119. yeah sorry I made it all boring no no no
  120. 2:56
  121. no what you're saying is naff is in play
  122. 2:58
  123. it's in play it's it's in play to be and
  124. 3:00
  125. you're you're the reporter you are
  126. 3:02
  127. working in the congressional committees
  128. 3:03
  129. on a daily basis you know what's
  130. 3:06
  131. happening on the trade beat fairly
  132. 3:09
  133. fairly well yeah yeah yeah and so what
  134. 3:14
  135. you do is you go and you sit in the
  136. 3:16
  137. hotel lobby and you wait until somebody
  138. 3:19
  139. who knows what's going on it might be a
  140. 3:21
  141. Mexican negotiator who speaks loudly at
  142. 3:24
  143. the bar and you can overhear what he
  144. 3:26
  145. says and you can see that they're not
  146. 3:29
  147. too excited about the US proposals and
  148. 3:33
  149. then you talk to some stakeholders you
  150. 3:36
  151. talk to some people in Congress and they
  152. 3:39
  153. don't think things are going too well
  154. 3:41
  155. either and so you kind of get the
  156. 3:42
  157. impression that maybe this whole thing
  158. 3:44
  159. could blow up you know these
  160. 3:45
  161. renegotiations right so for 23 years
  162. 3:48
  163. they're attempting to renegotiate the
  164. 3:50
  165. 1994 NAFTA trade deal so that between US
  166. 3:56
  167. Canada Mexico sure so and you've been a
  168. 3:59
  169. beat reporter in trade for decades would
  170. 4:03
  171. you not say that is that is that give
  172. 4:06
  173. you away famous for outing people long
  174. 4:14
  175. enough to know better than to talk to
  176. 4:16
  177. you well let's see let's talk in town
  178. 4:21
  179. let's talk Intel I'm sorry
  180. 4:24
  181. let's talk Intel because you know Mossad
  182. 4:27
  183. and all that let's talk yeah so let's
  184. 4:32
  185. talk black orchestra and red orchestra
  186. 4:34
  187. and yeah I was just a little bit of what
  188. 4:38
  189. we were talking about before so I think
  190. 4:41
  191. Steve genic you know we're not aldo moro
  192. 4:44
  193. and torture about this yes come on give
  194. 4:48
  195. it up on Steve pajetta come on the real
  196. 4:50
  197. deal one you don't have talked about
  198. 4:52
  199. Gladio B yeah and so we were talking
  200. 4:56
  201. about for about Gladio a I guess you
  202. 4:58
  203. would call it right and so this is
  204. 4:59
  205. Madeleine Albright's dad right and this
  206. 5:02
  207. whole idea that it was uncovered in 1974
  208. 5:05
  209. when they had the Portuguese Revolution
  210. 5:07
  211. and the a Giunta press was was basically
  212. 5:11
  213. raided by revolutionaries and adjunct er
  214. 5:15
  215. at Inter agin ter editor and with Jane
  216. 5:20
  217. they discovered this this network of
  218. 5:23
  219. basically you know fascist network post
  220. 5:28
  221. Nazi fascist Network but of course it
  222. 5:30
  223. was still until right up into that
  224. 5:33
  225. moment it had been a fascist government
  226. 5:35
  227. in in Portugal and so they found these
  228. 5:38
  229. documents dealing with this as a
  230. 5:39
  231. blueprint for all over Europe not just
  232. 5:41
  233. Portugal right the strategy attention so
  234. 5:43
  235. they want to ratchet up the tension
  236. 5:44
  237. mataji of tension and then they want to
  238. 5:46
  239. you know introduce the old for violence
  240. 5:48
  241. as ultraviolence ultraviolence it droops
  242. 5:53
  243. droop so and in the case of Belgium for
  244. 5:56
  245. example they would go shoot up a
  246. 5:58
  247. supermarket and then these guys are such
  248. 6:00
  249. great special forces they wait till the
  250. 6:01
  251. cops come and get them big SWAT teams
  252. 6:03
  253. and they kill all of them - right these
  254. 6:05
  255. are like you know Jason Bourne guys so
  256. 6:08
  257. anyway so now it could be that we're in
  258. 6:11
  259. some kind of Gladio be here right this
  260. 6:13
  261. is this is what you're uncovering oh is
  262. 6:16
  263. that my is that my lead to cover Gladio
  264. 6:19
  265. be so I'm not going to do that because
  266. 6:23
  267. when I'm with really great journalists
  268. 6:26
  269. and people who really know the
  270. 6:27
  271. Washington beat I know like a nano set
  272. 6:32
  273. right compared to these guys who've got
  274. 6:35
  275. decades in
  276. 6:36
  277. this and you know I'll just say can I
  278. 6:41
  279. say mr. B like I learned more in five
  280. 6:48
  281. minutes about the Washington beat and
  282. 6:51
  283. and and trade reporting and and and
  284. 6:54
  285. NAFTA and whatnot sitting here you know
  286. 6:57
  287. twenty minutes with mr. B and and then
  288. 7:01
  289. and then what what name should I give
  290. 7:06
  291. you I think all my listeners are gonna
  292. 7:10
  293. want to know I'm gonna just say
  294. 7:11
  295. something French
  296. 7:14
  297. no is that too much of a giveaway no no
  298. 7:22
  299. es que salen um that the default the
  300. 7:27
  301. film deep trade deep trade deep trade
  302. 7:37
  303. this is deep trade everyone this is deep
  304. 7:39
  305. trade deep trade go ahead comedy tone
  306. 7:53
  307. comedy tone we were we were talking a
  308. 8:06
  309. little bit before about the
  310. 8:07
  311. assassination of aldo moro took place in
  312. 8:12
  313. 1978 and we would have to say that it is
  314. 8:17
  315. very likely that a man by the name of
  316. 8:18
  317. mario moretti was the author of this
  318. 8:22
  319. assassination you know this is the
  320. 8:24
  321. accusation of this is the paris school
  322. 8:26
  323. of language right this is the biggest
  324. 8:28
  325. CIA station in Europe at Aryan language
  326. 8:32
  327. the hyperion language school right so he
  328. 8:34
  329. was the liaison stipa genic how you
  330. 8:36
  331. doing super traffic mario moretti was
  332. 8:40
  333. the liaison to the high period language
  334. 8:42
  335. school knows that forefront sir is a
  336. 8:46
  337. great great book by the
  338. 8:49
  339. by English journalist living in Rome by
  340. 8:52
  341. the name of Philip willin to look called
  342. 8:55
  343. the puppet masters puppet master ship
  344. 8:58
  345. and very hard book to find these days
  346. 9:01
  347. but well worth the read and I think that
  348. 9:05
  349. when you look back on the 20th century
  350. 9:08
  351. what happened to Aldo Moro is something
  352. 9:12
  353. that's gonna be re-examined by
  354. 9:13
  355. historians for a long time to come now
  356. 9:16
  357. you're not saying we got we got a
  358. 9:20
  359. dogfight we got a dogfight we're gonna
  360. 9:21
  361. cut into the dogfight here okay shit I
  362. 9:26
  363. almost exposed my sorry no I didn't I
  364. 9:30
  365. did I did so so what you're saying I
  366. 9:36
  367. think what you're trying to in a very
  368. 9:38
  369. mild-mannered Clark Kent ish way you're
  370. 9:41
  371. trying to say is that stephen chanock
  372. 9:43
  373. may have been involved in the torture of
  374. 9:47
  375. maybe 10 to 20 individuals to find the
  376. 9:50
  377. roots of the red brigade in italy now I
  378. 9:56
  379. said that and Steve I don't want to say
  380. 9:59
  381. you're controlled opposition I don't
  382. 10:01
  383. want to say you're leading the Infowars
  384. 10:02
  385. controlled opposition I promised myself
  386. 10:05
  387. I wouldn't say you're leading the
  388. 10:06
  389. controlled opposition that's like Trump
  390. 10:10
  391. promised he wouldn't say those Arizona
  392. 10:11
  393. senators names and I wouldn't I wouldn't
  394. 10:15
  395. say that the control opposition was
  396. 10:17
  397. Deepa genic and Aldo Moro was tortured
  398. 10:19
  399. for 20 days now am I going to be
  400. 10:22
  401. tortured for 20 days probably because I
  402. 10:25
  403. said teeth steep for genic
  404. 10:27
  405. tortured Aldo Moro for 20 days but all
  406. 10:30
  407. amongst friends all in a day's work all
  408. 10:33
  409. amongst friends so now the black
  410. 10:36
  411. orchestra I think is a very interesting
  412. 10:39
  413. concept because you have the Nazi
  414. 10:43
  415. Germany kind of collapsing and then you
  416. 10:46
  417. have these guys exiling and OSS helping
  418. 10:49
  419. them exile and then planting them around
  420. 10:51
  421. Europe as Gladio
  422. 10:53
  423. North America South America I think it
  424. 10:56
  425. was extensive they couldn't possibly
  426. 10:58
  427. global I don't know how deep it went
  428. 11:00
  429. into Asia but but certainly in in Europe
  430. 11:03
  431. and the Americas yeah and I think this
  432. 11:06
  433. is well and the Portugal papers pretty
  434. 11:09
  435. much prove this it's kind of like the
  436. 11:10
  437. coin sell Pro papers proved that there
  438. 11:14
  439. was this infiltration strategy and every
  440. 11:16
  441. government judiciary politics etc for
  442. 11:22
  443. every country in Europe right so these
  444. 11:24
  445. were kind of the the commandos the
  446. 11:26
  447. Sharks troops but then also higher-level
  448. 11:29
  449. people that were were sent into
  450. 11:31
  451. infiltrate that's right and they were
  452. 11:34
  453. manufacturing passports and you know
  454. 11:36
  455. what they uncovered there was nothing
  456. 11:40
  457. short of amazing and and then what do we
  458. 11:44
  459. have four years later despite these
  460. 11:47
  461. discoveries the Gladio operations
  462. 11:50
  463. continued and you had the assassination
  464. 11:53
  465. aldo moro and then you had subsequent
  466. 11:54
  467. train bombings and it just went on and
  468. 11:58
  469. on it never stopped and and I think that
  470. 12:01
  471. when there was a European researcher who
  472. 12:04
  473. tried to press and and parliamentary in
  474. 12:07
  475. quests tried to press and they said that
  476. 12:09
  477. this went right up to to the highest
  478. 12:11
  479. levels of NATO they could never find out
  480. 12:14
  481. who made the decisions to do these some
  482. 12:17
  483. of these operations and of course you
  484. 12:19
  485. know tomorrow you know that that that
  486. 12:20
  487. that never was taken to NATO's footstep
  488. 12:24
  489. but other other terrorist incidents were
  490. 12:27
  491. you you could say Henry Kissinger I'm
  492. 12:31
  493. sorry mr. Kissinger I am sorry if I said
  494. 12:34
  495. the words Henry Kissinger out loud I
  496. 12:36
  497. apologize so anyway we're gonna leave
  498. 12:39
  499. that as it is right now I want to I want
  500. 12:43
  501. to reassure everyone I want to reassure
  502. 12:45
  503. everyone that the integrity the identity
  504. 12:48
  505. integrity of my to esteem journalists
  506. 12:53
  507. has been maintained and I'm sure that
  508. 12:57
  509. the death notices the death orders for
  510. 12:59
  511. the red teams are now in the offing for
  512. 13:02
  513. both of them down on the voice prints
  514. 13:06
  515. and I and I really liked you guys while
  516. 13:09
  517. you were here you know you guys were
  518. 13:11
  519. great but you know this is what I love
  520. 13:15
  521. about DC is that you can have these kind
  522. 13:18
  523. of off you know off the record off the
  524. 13:21
  525. books kind of meetings and you learn so
  526. 13:25
  527. much and the one thing you learned in DC
  528. 13:27
  529. is you don't know anything and you sit
  530. 13:29
  531. down with people who do and you learn so
  532. 13:32
  533. that's what I wanted to share with my
  534. 13:34
  535. audience tonight I'm sorry I couldn't
  536. 13:35
  537. film the people that were involved but
  538. 13:37
  539. let me assure you that these folks know
  540. 13:40
  541. what they're talking about and they have
  542. 13:41
  543. deep deep ties to intelligence community
  544. 13:45
  545. and will just keep bringing it to you
  546. 13:47
  547. over time thanks everybody and I at some
  548. 13:51
  549. day I'll bring these folks for it and
  550. 13:53
  551. they'll come this may be any all findit
  552. 13:57
  553. false a sip policy the same policy okay
  554. 14:00
  555. okay I there it is
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