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Jun 15th, 2020
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  1. > dotnet new "api" --help
  3. Usage: new [options]
  5. Options:
  6. -h, --help Displays help for this command.
  7. -l, --list Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
  8. -n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
  9. -o, --output Location to place the generated output.
  10. -i, --install Installs a source or a template pack.
  11. -u, --uninstall Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
  12. --nuget-source Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
  13. --type Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
  14. --dry-run Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
  15. --force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
  16. -lang, --language Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
  17. --update-check Check the currently installed template packs for updates.
  18. --update-apply Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.
  21. ASP.NET Core API Boxed (C#)
  22. Author: Muhammad Rehan Saeed (
  23. Options:
  24. -t|--title The name of the project which determines the assembly product name. If the Swagger feature is enabled, shows the title on the Swagger UI.
  25. string - Optional
  26. Default: Project Title
  28. -d|--description A description of the project which determines the assembly description. If the Swagger feature is enabled, shows the description on the Swagger UI.
  29. string - Optional
  30. Default: Project Description
  32. -au|--author The name of the author of the project which determines the assembly author, company and copyright information.
  33. string - Optional
  34. Default: Project Author
  36. -e|--editorconfig Add a .editorconfig file to set a fixed code style.
  37. bool - Optional
  38. Default: true
  40. -g|--git Add a .gitignore file to stop Git from checking in temporary files and a .gitattributes to use git LFS.
  41. bool - Optional
  42. Default: true
  44. -R|--ReadMe Add a markdown file describing the project.
  45. bool - Optional
  46. Default: true
  48. -twae|--treat-warnings-as-errors Treat warnings as errors.
  49. bool - Optional
  50. Default: true
  52. -s|--swagger Swagger is a format for describing the endpoints in your API and letting you try out your site using its user interface.
  53. bool - Optional
  54. Default: true
  56. -v|--versioning Enable API versioning to version API endpoints.
  57. bool - Optional
  58. Default: true
  60. -fh|--forwarded-headers If you use a load balancer, updates the request host and scheme using the X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers.
  61. bool - Optional
  62. Default: true
  64. -hf|--host-filtering A white-list of host names allowed by the Kestrel web server e.g. You don't need this if you are using a properly configured reverse proxy.
  65. bool - Optional
  66. Default: true
  68. -rp|--reverse-proxy The internet facing reverse proxy web server you want to use in front of the primary web server to host the site.
  69. None - Use Kestrel directly instead of a reverse proxy.
  70. IIS - A flexible, secure and manageable Web server for hosting anything on the Web using Windows Server. Select this option if you are deploying your site to Azure web apps.
  71. NGINX - A free, open-source, cross-platform high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy.
  72. Both - Support both reverse proxy web servers.
  73. Default: Both
  75. -cp|--cloud-provider Select which cloud provider you are using if any, to add cloud specific features.
  76. Azure - The Microsoft Azure cloud. Adds logging features that let you see logs in the Azure portal.
  77. None - No cloud provider is being used.
  78. Default: None
  80. -an|--analytics Monitor internal information about how your application is running, as well as external user information.
  81. Application Insights - Monitor internal information about how your application is running, as well as external user information using the Microsoft Azure cloud.
  82. None - Not using any analytics.
  83. Default: None
  85. -aik|--app-insights-key Your Application Insights instrumentation key e.g. 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555.
  86. string - Optional
  89. -he|--https-everywhere Use the HTTPS scheme and TLS security across the entire site, redirects HTTP to HTTPS and adds a Strict Transport Security (HSTS) HTTP header with preloading enabled.
  90. bool - Optional
  91. Default: true
  93. -hp|--hsts-preload Enable Strict Transport Security (HSTS) HTTP header with preloading.
  94. bool - Optional
  95. Default: false / (*) true
  97. -c|--cors Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX requests to another domain.
  98. bool - Optional
  99. Default: true
  101. -rc|--response-caching Response caching is allows the use of the [ResponseCache] attribute on your action methods. Cache settings (cache profiles) are stored in the configuration file and referred to by name.
  102. bool - Optional
  103. Default: true
  105. -rec|--response-compression Enables dynamic GZIP response compression of HTTP responses. Not enabled for HTTPS to avoid the BREACH security vulnerability.
  106. bool - Optional
  107. Default: true
  109. -xf|--xml-formatter Choose whether to use the XML input/output formatter and which serializer to use.
  110. DataContractSerializer - The default XML serializer you should use. Requires the use of [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes.
  111. XmlSerializer - The alternative XML serializer which is slower but gives more control. Uses the [XmlRoot], [XmlElement] and [XmlAttribute] attributes.
  112. None - No XML formatter.
  113. Default: None
  115. -hc|--health-check A health-check endpoint that returns the status of this API and its dependencies, giving an indication of its health.
  116. bool - Optional
  117. Default: true
  119. -rt|--robots-txt Adds a robots.txt file to tell search engines not to index this site.
  120. bool - Optional
  121. Default: true
  123. -st|--security-txt Adds a security.txt file to allow people to contact you if they find a security vulnerability.
  124. bool - Optional
  125. Default: true
  127. -ht|--humans-txt Adds a humans.txt file where you can tell the world who wrote the application. This file is a good place to thank your developers.
  128. bool - Optional
  129. Default: true
  131. -htp|--http-port Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.
  132. integer - Optional
  134. -p:hp|--https-port Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json.
  135. integer - Optional
  137. -it|--integration-test Adds an integration test project.
  138. bool - Optional
  139. Default: true
  141. -sc|--style-cop Adds and enforces StyleCop analysers. NOTE: You may need to sort using statements if you enable this due to limitations in the dotnet new templating engine.
  142. bool - Optional
  143. Default: false / (*) true
  145. -do|--docker Adds an optimised Dockerfile to add the ability build a Docker image.
  146. bool - Optional
  147. Default: true
  149. -nr|--no-restore Skips the execution of 'dotnet restore' on project creation.
  150. bool - Optional
  151. Default: false / (*) true
  153. -not|--no-open-todo Skips opening the to-do list for the project in a web browser.
  154. bool - Optional
  155. Default: false / (*) true
  158. * Indicates the value used if the switch is provided without a value.
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