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a guest
Jun 25th, 2018
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  1.'s time to jump, it's time to play BattleBall!
  2. battleball.team_2_wins=Red Team wins!
  3. battleball.team_1_wins=Blue Team wins!
  4. battleball.leave_game=Leave game?
  5. battleball.stats.total_score=SCORE:
  6. battleball.lobby_game_start_countdown=%{seconds| 1 second|%% seconds} to start jumping!
  7. battleball.results.games_left=Free Games Left:
  8. battleball.results.get_more_game=Subscribe to VIP for unlimited play.
  9. now!
  10. battleball.instructions.4=Use the effects to get more points. But hurry because they can disappear!
  11. battleball.result.tie=Game Was A Tie!
  12. battleball.instructions.1=Jump to paint the floor.
  13. battleball.lobby_arena_queue_position in queue: %position%
  14. battleball.instructions.3=Make a square and the interior floor will be locked
  15. battleball.games_left=Your free game today:
  16. battleball.get_more_games=Get VIP for more games
  17. battleball.instructions.2=Jump three times in a tile and this will be locked.
  18. battleball.description=Go alone or in teams, but try to beat your rival putting the arena of your color!
  19. battleball.please_wait=Please wait (%seconds%)
  20. battleball.most_tiles=Most tiles painted
  21. battleball.lobby_waiting_for_more_players=Waiting for more players...
  22. battleball.loading_arena=Going to the arena...
  23. battleball.rematch=Rematch (%seconds%)
  24. To Play
  25. battleball.results.tiles=Tiles locked:
  26. battleball.exit.confirmation=If you leave, you will lose the game and gain no score. You cannot join a new game for two minutes.
  27. field
  28. Jumping
  29. Jumping
  30. battleball.instructions.back=Back
  31. battleball.most_jumps=Most Jumps
  32. battleball.exit.no_Cancel
  33. battleball.new_game=New game
  34. battleball.loading.title=Get Ready!
  35. battleball.exit.yes=Leave game
  36. battleball.results.jumps=Jumps:
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