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a guest
Jun 16th, 2018
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text 55.82 KB | None | 0 0
  1. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  2. `@.eh_fram<
  3. ^<Htf<Ptv<
  4. 8_GLOti9t$
  5. GenuineIntel
  6. AuthenticAMD
  7. CyrixInstead
  8. NexGenDriven
  9. GenuineTMx86
  11. CentaurHauls
  12. RiseRiseRise
  13. SiS SiS SiS
  14. Geode by NSC
  15. libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
  16. __register_frame_info
  17. __deregister_frame_info
  18. access-token
  19. restricted
  20. background
  21. cpu-affinity
  22. cpu-priority
  23. donate-level
  24. huge-pages
  25. max-cpu-usage
  26. print-time
  27. retry-pause
  28. user-agent
  29. low_power_mode
  30. SIGHUP received, exiting
  31. SIGTERM received, exiting
  32. SIGINT received, exiting
  33. [01;33mpaused
  34. [0m, press
  35. [0m to resume
  36. paused, press 'r' to resume
  37. [01;32mresumed
  38. Ctrl+C received, exiting
  39. configuration saved to: "%s"
  40. XMRig 2.6.2
  41. built on May 6 2018 with GCC
  42. features: 32-bit AES
  43. libmicrohttpd/%s
  44. Unknown error.
  45. unable to open %s: %s
  46. %s<%d>: %s
  47. %s: unsupported non-option argument '%s'
  48. No valid configuration found. Exiting.
  49. The document is empty.
  50. The document root must not be followed by other values.
  51. Invalid value.
  52. Missing a name for object member.
  53. Missing a colon after a name of object member.
  54. Missing a comma or '}' after an object member.
  55. Missing a comma or ']' after an array element.
  56. Incorrect hex digit after \u escape in string.
  57. The surrogate pair in string is invalid.
  58. Invalid escape character in string.
  59. Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
  60. Invalid encoding in string.
  61. Number too big to be stored in double.
  62. Miss fraction part in number.
  63. Miss exponent in number.
  64. Terminate parsing due to Handler error.
  65. Unspecific syntax error.
  66. access-token
  67. restricted
  68. background
  69. cpu-affinity
  70. cpu-priority
  71. donate-level
  72. huge-pages
  73. max-cpu-usage
  74. print-time
  75. retry-pause
  76. user-agent
  77. api-access-token
  78. api-worker-id
  79. api-no-restricted
  80. no-huge-pages
  81. a:c:khBp:Px:r:R:s:t:T:o:u:O:v:Vl:S
  82. Usage: xmrig [OPTIONS]
  83. -a, --algo=ALGO specify the algorithm to use
  84. cryptonight
  85. cryptonight-lite
  86. cryptonight-heavy
  87. -o, --url=URL URL of mining server
  88. -O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
  89. -u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
  90. -p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
  91. --rig-id=ID rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  92. -t, --threads=N number of miner threads
  93. -v, --av=N algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  94. -k, --keepalive send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
  95. -r, --retries=N number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  96. -R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries (default: 5)
  97. --cpu-affinity set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
  98. --cpu-priority set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
  99. --no-huge-pages disable huge pages support
  100. --no-color disable colored output
  101. --variant algorithm PoW variant
  102. --donate-level=N donate level, default 5%% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
  103. --user-agent set custom user-agent string for pool
  104. -B, --background run the miner in the background
  105. -c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
  106. -l, --log-file=FILE log all output to a file
  107. --max-cpu-usage=N maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
  108. --safe safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
  109. --nicehash enable nicehash/xmrig-proxy support
  110. --print-time=N print hashrate report every N seconds
  111. --api-port=N port for the miner API
  112. --api-access-token=T access token for API
  113. --api-worker-id=ID custom worker-id for API
  114. --api-ipv6 enable IPv6 support for API
  115. --api-no-restricted enable full remote access (only if API token set)
  116. -h, --help display this help and exit
  117. -V, --version output version information and exit
  118. "%s" was changed, reloading configuration
  119. reloading failed
  120. cryptonight
  121. cryptonight/0
  122. cryptonight/1
  123. cryptonight/xtl
  124. cryptonight-lite
  125. cryptonight-lite/0
  126. cryptonight-lite/1
  127. cryptonight-lite/ipbc
  128. cn-lite/ipbc
  129. cryptonight-heavy
  130. [%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]%s %s%s
  131. [%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]
  132. {"id":%lld,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"keepalived","params":{"id":"%s"}}
  133. [%s:%u] getaddrinfo error: "%s"
  134. Unauthenticated
  135. your IP is banned
  136. IP Address currently banned
  137. Incompatible algorithm "%s" detected, reconnect
  138. Unknown/unsupported algorithm detected, reconnect
  139. [%s] duplicate job received, reconnect
  140. extensions
  141. [%s] error: "%s", code: %d
  142. [%s] unsupported method: "%s"
  143. [%s] login error code: %d
  144. [%s] DNS error: "%s"
  145. [%s] DNS error: "No IPv4 (A) or IPv6 (AAAA) records found"
  146. [%s] connect error: "%s"
  147. Unknown error.
  148. [%s] JSON decode failed
  149. [%s] JSON decode failed: "%s"
  150. [%s] read error: "%s"
  151. The document is empty.
  152. The document root must not be followed by other values.
  153. Invalid value.
  154. Missing a name for object member.
  155. Missing a colon after a name of object member.
  156. Missing a comma or '}' after an object member.
  157. Missing a comma or ']' after an array element.
  158. Incorrect hex digit after \u escape in string.
  159. The surrogate pair in string is invalid.
  160. Invalid escape character in string.
  161. Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
  162. Invalid encoding in string.
  163. Number too big to be stored in double.
  164. Miss fraction part in number.
  165. Miss exponent in number.
  166. Terminate parsing due to Handler error.
  167. Unspecific syntax error.
  168. 0000000000000000WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  169. stratum+tcp://
  171. cryptonightv7.
  173. [01;37muse pool
  174. [01;36m%s:%d
  175. use pool %s:%d %s
  176. dev donate started
  177. [01;31mrejected
  178. [0m (%lld/%lld) diff
  179. [01;30m(%llu ms)
  180. rejected (%lld/%lld) diff %u "%s" (%llu ms)
  181. [01;32maccepted
  182. [0m (%lld/%lld) diff
  183. [01;30m(%llu ms)
  184. accepted (%lld/%lld) diff %u (%llu ms)
  185. dev donate finished
  186. no active pools, stop mining
  187. [1;35mnew job
  188. [1;37m%s:%d
  189. new job from %s:%d diff %d algo %s
  191. 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD
  193. [01;32m *
  194. [01;37mVERSIONS:
  195. [01;36mXMRig/%s
  196. [01;37m libuv/%s%s
  197. * VERSIONS: XMRig/%s libuv/%s%s
  198. [01;32mavailable
  199. [01;31munavailable
  200. unavailable
  201. [01;32m *
  202. [01;37mTHREADS:
  203. [01;37m, %s, av=%d, %sdonate=%d%%%s
  204. * THREADS: %d, %s, av=%d, %sdonate=%d%%%s
  205. [01;32m *
  206. [01;37mTHREADS:
  207. [01;37m, %s, %sdonate=%d%%
  208. * THREADS: %d, %s, %sdonate=%d%%
  209. [01;32m *
  210. [01;37mAPI BIND:
  211. [01;36m%s:%d
  212. * API BIND: %s:%d
  213. gcc/%d.%d.%d
  214. [01;32m *
  215. [01;37mHUGE PAGES: %s
  216. * HUGE PAGES: %s
  217. [01;32m *
  218. [01;37mCPU: %s (%d) %sx64 %sAES-NI
  219. [01;32m *
  220. [01;37mCPU L2/L3: %.1f MB/%.1f MB
  221. * CPU: %s (%d) %sx64 %sAES-NI
  222. * CPU L2/L3: %.1f MB/%.1f MB
  223. , affinity=0x%llX
  224. [01;32m *
  225. [01;37mPOOL #%d:
  226. * POOL #%d: %s
  227. [01;32m *
  228. [01;37mCOMMANDS:
  229. [01;37mashrate,
  230. [01;37mause,
  231. [01;37mesume
  232. * COMMANDS: 'h' hashrate, 'p' pause, 'r' resume
  233. low_power_mode
  234. affine_to_cpu
  235. L&&jl66Z~??A
  236. jL&&Zl66A~??
  237. xxoJ%%r\..$8
  238. &jL&6Zl6?A~?
  239. =&&jL66Zl??A~
  240. [01;37mspeed
  241. [0m 2.5s/60s/15m
  242. [01;36m%s
  243. [22;36m%s %s
  244. [01;36mH/s
  245. [01;36m%s H/s
  246. speed 2.5s/60s/15m %s %s %s H/s max: %s H/s
  247. [1;32mREADY (CPU)
  248. [0m threads
  249. [1;36m%zu(%zu)
  250. [0m huge pages %s%zu/%zu %1.0f%%
  251. [0m memory
  252. [1;36m%zu.0 MB
  253. READY (CPU) threads %zu(%zu) huge pages %zu/%zu %f%% memory %zu.0 MB
  254. thread %zu error: "hash self-test failed".
  255. RtlGetVersion
  256. %s/%s (Windows NT %lu.%lu
  257. ) libuv/%s
  258. gcc/%d.%d.%d
  259. Unable to set affinity. Windows supports only affinity up to 63.
  260. SeLockMemoryPrivilege
  261. Huge pages support was successfully enabled, but reboot required to use it
  262. Sb*kA?AT?*
  263. tX4Fr.rh.46Aw-wl-6
  264. cB pP0P@0
  265. r\8Tl$lp$8W_
  266. connection
  267. donate_level
  268. diff_current
  269. shares_good
  270. shares_total
  271. hashes_total
  272. /1/threads
  273. u@HTTP Daemon failed to start.
  274. Authorization
  275. Content-Type
  276. application/json
  277. Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  278. Access-Control-Allow-Methods
  279. Access-Control-Allow-Headers
  280. [%c%c%c] %-8s %p
  281. Unknown system error %d
  282. Unknown system error
  308. argument list too long
  309. permission denied
  310. address already in use
  311. address not available
  312. address family not supported
  313. resource temporarily unavailable
  314. temporary failure
  315. bad ai_flags value
  316. invalid value for hints
  317. request canceled
  318. permanent failure
  319. ai_family not supported
  320. out of memory
  321. no address
  322. unknown node or service
  323. argument buffer overflow
  324. resolved protocol is unknown
  325. service not available for socket type
  326. socket type not supported
  327. connection already in progress
  328. bad file descriptor
  329. resource busy or locked
  330. operation canceled
  331. invalid Unicode character
  332. software caused connection abort
  333. connection refused
  334. connection reset by peer
  335. destination address required
  336. file already exists
  337. bad address in system call argument
  338. file too large
  339. host is unreachable
  340. interrupted system call
  341. invalid argument
  342. socket is already connected
  343. illegal operation on a directory
  344. too many symbolic links encountered
  345. too many open files
  346. message too long
  347. name too long
  348. network is down
  349. network is unreachable
  350. file table overflow
  351. no buffer space available
  352. no such device
  353. no such file or directory
  354. not enough memory
  355. machine is not on the network
  356. protocol not available
  357. no space left on device
  358. function not implemented
  359. socket is not connected
  360. not a directory
  361. directory not empty
  362. socket operation on non-socket
  363. operation not supported on socket
  364. operation not permitted
  365. broken pipe
  366. protocol error
  367. protocol not supported
  368. protocol wrong type for socket
  369. result too large
  370. read-only file system
  371. cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
  372. invalid seek
  373. no such process
  374. connection timed out
  375. text file is busy
  376. cross-device link not permitted
  377. unknown error
  378. end of file
  379. no such device or address
  380. too many links
  381. host is down
  382. remote I/O error
  383. src/uv-common.c
  384. src/win/async.c
  385. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  386. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  387. !(handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  388. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  389. handle->type == UV_ASYNC
  390. req->type == UV_WAKEUP
  391. GetQueuedCompletionStatus
  392. GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx
  393. src/win/core.c
  394. !loop->wq_async.async_sent
  395. !((&loop->wq_async)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  396. QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->wq) && "thread pool work queue not empty!"
  397. !uv__has_active_reqs(loop)
  398. src/win/req-inl.h
  399. ((uv_shutdown_t*) req)->handle->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE
  400. src/win/handle-inl.h
  401. Unknown error
  402. %s: (%d) %s
  403. uv__malloc
  404. src/win/fs-event.c
  405. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  406. is_path_dir ? pathw != NULL : pathw == NULL
  407. req->type == UV_FS_EVENT_REQ
  408. handle->req_pending
  409. handle->dir_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  410. !handle->req_pending
  411. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  412. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  413. src/win/fs.c
  414. uv__has_active_reqs(req->loop)
  415. req->result == 0
  416. r == target_len
  417. errno == EBADF
  418. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
  419. req->type == UV_FS
  420. uv__malloc
  421. !"bad uv_fs_type"
  422. r == (DWORD) pathw_len
  423. path_len == buf_sz - (pos - buf)
  424. new_path == NULL || path != NULL
  425. r == (DWORD) new_pathw_len
  426. _src/win/getaddrinfo.c
  427. req->retcode == 0
  428. cur_ptr + addrinfo_struct_len <= alloc_ptr + addrinfo_len
  429. cur_ptr + addrinfo_ptr->ai_addrlen <= alloc_ptr + addrinfo_len
  430. name_len > 0
  431. cur_ptr + name_len <= alloc_ptr + addrinfo_len
  432. cur_ptr <= alloc_ptr + addrinfo_len
  433. uv__has_active_reqs(req->loop)
  434. src/win/handle.c
  435. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  436. src/win/loop-watcher.c
  437. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  438. handle->type == UV_PREPARE
  439. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  440. handle->type == UV_CHECK
  441. handle->type == UV_IDLE
  442. src/win/pipe.c
  443. handle->type == UV_TIMER
  444. pipe->flags & UV_HANDLE_CONNECTION
  445. pipe->u.fd == -1 || pipe->u.fd > 2
  446. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_LISTENING
  447. req->pipeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  448. req->pipeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  449. req->type == UV_READ
  450. handle->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE
  451. hThread == handle->pipe.conn.readfile_thread
  452. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  453. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READING
  454. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READ_PENDING)
  455. handle->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  456. CreateEvent
  457. req->type == UV_WRITE
  458. req->write_buffer.base
  459. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_PIPESERVER)
  460. req != NULL
  461. handle != NULL
  462. !timed_out
  463. QueueUserWorkItem
  464. pipe->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE
  465. pipe->flags & UV_HANDLE_READ_PENDING
  466. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_NON_OVERLAPPED_PIPE)
  467. uv__malloc
  468. ((((handle)))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  469. ((handle))->activecnt > 0
  470. \\?\pipe\uv\%p-%lu
  471. ((handle))->activecnt >= 0
  472. uv__has_active_reqs((loop))
  473. handle->reqs_pending > 0
  474. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  475. handle->pipe.serv.accept_reqs
  476. (handle)->activecnt >= 0
  477. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  478. (((handle))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  479. (handle)->activecnt > 0
  480. handle->pipe.serv.accept_reqs[0].pipeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  481. avail >= sizeof(ipc_frame.header)
  482. bytes == sizeof(ipc_frame.header)
  483. ipc_frame.header.flags <= (UV_IPC_TCP_SERVER | UV_IPC_RAW_DATA | UV_IPC_TCP_CONNECTION)
  484. avail - sizeof(ipc_frame.header) >= sizeof(ipc_frame.socket_info_ex)
  485. bytes == sizeof(ipc_frame) - sizeof(ipc_frame.header)
  486. handle->pipe.conn.remaining_ipc_rawdata_bytes >= bytes
  487. handle->write_queue_size >= req->
  488. handle->stream.conn.write_reqs_pending > 0
  489. pipe->pipe.conn.eof_timer == NULL
  490. !(pipe->flags & UV_HANDLE_NON_OVERLAPPED_PIPE)
  491. pipe->pipe.conn.ipc_pid != -1
  492. src/win/poll.c
  493. handle->type == UV_POLL
  494. req->type == UV_POLL_REQ
  495. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  496. rfds.fd_count == 1
  497. rfds.fd_array[0] == handle->socket
  498. wfds.fd_count == 1
  499. wfds.fd_array[0] == handle->socket
  500. efds.fd_count == 1
  501. efds.fd_array[0] == handle->socket
  502. !(handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  503. (events & ~(UV_READABLE | UV_WRITABLE | UV_DISCONNECT)) == 0
  504. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  505. (events & ~(UV_READABLE | UV_WRITABLE)) == 0
  506. CreateEvent
  507. base_socket != 0 && base_socket != INVALID_SOCKET
  508. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  509. handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING
  510. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  511. handle->submitted_events_1 == 0
  512. handle->submitted_events_2 == 0
  513. src/win/process.c
  514. r == ws_len
  515. didTimeout == FALSE
  516. !process->exit_cb_pending
  517. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  518. CreateJobObjectW
  519. SetInformationJobObject
  520. env_len == ptr - dst_copy
  521. GetEnvironmentVariableW
  522. env_len == (ptr - dst)
  523. handle->exit_cb_pending
  524. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  525. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  526. UnregisterWaitEx
  527. !handle->exit_cb_pending
  528. handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING
  529. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  531. AssignProcessToJobObject
  532. RegisterWaitForSingleObject
  533. ((process)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  545. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  546. src/win/signal.c
  547. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  548. handle->type == UV_SIGNAL
  549. req->type == UV_SIGNAL_REQ
  550. dispatched_signum != 0
  551. handle->signum == 0
  552. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  553. handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING
  554. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  555. handle->pending_signum == 0
  556. src/win/stream.c
  557. (handle)->activecnt >= 0
  558. ((((handle)))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  559. ((handle))->activecnt > 0
  560. src/win/tcp.c
  561. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_LISTENING
  562. req->accept_socket == INVALID_SOCKET
  563. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READING
  564. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READ_PENDING)
  565. req->event_handle
  566. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_IPV6)
  567. req != NULL
  568. handle != NULL
  569. !timed_out
  570. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  571. socket != 0 && socket != INVALID_SOCKET
  572. ((handle))->activecnt >= 0
  573. uv__has_active_reqs((loop))
  574. handle->reqs_pending > 0
  575. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  576. backlog > 0
  577. (((handle))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  578. (handle)->activecnt > 0
  579. uv__malloc
  580. CreateEvent
  581. server->flags & UV_HANDLE_TCP_SINGLE_ACCEPT
  582. ((((handle)))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  583. ((handle))->activecnt > 0
  584. handle->type == UV_TCP
  585. (handle)->activecnt >= 0
  586. handle->write_queue_size >= req->
  587. (tcp)->activecnt >= 0
  588. !((tcp)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  589. CreateEvent
  590. src/win/thread.c
  591. result == WAIT_OBJECT_0
  592. WaitForSingleObject
  593. ReleaseSemaphore
  594. $tIsrc/win/timer.c
  595. new_time >= loop->time
  596. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  597. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  598. old == NULL
  599. handle->type == UV_TIMER
  600. zDsrc/win/tty.c
  601. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READING
  602. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READ_PENDING)
  603. handle->handle && handle->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  604. handle->tty.rd.read_line_buffer.base != NULL
  605. handle->tty.rd.read_line_buffer.len > 0
  606. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  607. !didTimeout
  608. handle->type == UV_TTY
  609. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_TTY_READABLE
  610. (handle)->activecnt >= 0
  611. handle->reqs_pending > 0
  612. (((handle))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  613. (handle)->activecnt > 0
  614. ((((handle)))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  615. ((handle))->activecnt > 0
  616. ((handle))->activecnt >= 0
  617. uv__has_active_reqs((loop))
  618. handle->u.fd == -1 || handle->u.fd > 2
  619. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  620. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_TTY_READABLE) || handle->tty.rd.read_raw_wait == NULL
  621. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  622. src/win/udp.c
  623. handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READING
  624. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_READ_PENDING)
  625. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_IPV6)
  626. !((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING)
  627. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  628. (((handle))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  629. (handle)->activecnt > 0
  630. (handle)->activecnt >= 0
  631. handle->type == UV_UDP
  632. handle->reqs_pending > 0
  633. handle->send_queue_size >= req->
  634. handle->send_queue_count >= 1
  635. ((handle))->activecnt >= 0
  636. uv__has_active_reqs((loop))
  637. 0 && "unexpected address family"
  638. ((((handle)))->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  639. ((handle))->activecnt > 0
  640. uv__malloc
  641. src/win/util.c
  642. process_title
  643. result_size == sppi_size
  644. HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\%d
  645. len > 0 && len < ARRAY_SIZE(key_name)
  646. ProcessorNameString
  648. len < MAX_ENV_VAR_LENGTH
  649. _ntdll.dll
  650. GetModuleHandleA
  651. RtlNtStatusToDosError
  652. GetProcAddress
  653. NtDeviceIoControlFile
  654. NtQueryInformationFile
  655. NtSetInformationFile
  656. NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
  657. NtQueryDirectoryFile
  658. NtQuerySystemInformation
  659. kernel32.dll
  660. GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx
  661. SetFileCompletionNotificationModes
  662. CreateSymbolicLinkW
  663. CancelIoEx
  664. InitializeConditionVariable
  665. SleepConditionVariableCS
  666. SleepConditionVariableSRW
  667. WakeAllConditionVariable
  668. WakeConditionVariable
  669. CancelSynchronousIo
  670. GetFinalPathNameByHandleW
  671. powrprof.dll
  672. PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification
  673. WSAStartup
  674. getsockopt
  675. closesocket
  676. src/fs-poll.c
  677. ctx->parent_handle != NULL
  678. ctx->parent_handle->poll_ctx == ctx
  679. ctx != NULL
  680. ((handle)->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING) == 0
  681. handle->flags & UV__HANDLE_CLOSING
  682. !(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)
  683. 0123456789ABCDEF
  684. 0123456789abcdef
  685. 0123456789
  686. %u.%u.%u.%u
  688. src/threadpool.c
  689. uv__has_active_reqs(req->loop)
  690. src/win/process-stdio.c
  691.>type == UV_NAMED_PIPE
  692. !(>flags & UV_HANDLE_CONNECTION)
  693. !(>flags & UV_HANDLE_PIPESERVER)
  695. Connection
  696. Keep-Alive
  697. Date: %3s, %02u %3s %04u %02u:%02u:%02u GMT
  698. Transfer-Encoding
  699. Content-Length
  700. Content-Length: %llu
  701. Not enough memory for write!
  702. T:/Bin-prep/mhd/src/libmicrohttpd-0.9.58/src/microhttpd/connection.c
  703. Received malformed line (no colon). Closing connection.
  704. Closing connection (application reported error generating data)
  705. Socket is unexpectedly disconnected when reading request.
  706. Connection socket is closed due to unexpected error when reading request.
  707. HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
  708. Failed to send data in request for %s.
  709. Connection was closed while sending response headers.
  710. Data offset exceeds limit
  711. Failed to send data in request for `%s'.
  712. Connection was closed while sending response body.
  713. Internal error
  714. Attempted to queue response on wrong thread!
  715. Attempted 'upgrade' connection on daemon without MHD_ALLOW_UPGRADE option!
  716. Application used invalid status code for 'upgrade' response!
  717. <html><head><title>Request malformed</title></head><body>Your HTTP request was syntactically incorrect.</body></html>
  718. Not enough memory in pool to parse cookies!
  719. <html><head><title>Request too big</title></head><body>Your HTTP header was too big for the memory constraints of this webserver.</body></html>
  720. Not enough memory in pool to allocate header record!
  721. Received HTTP 1.1 request without `Host' header.
  722. <html><head><title>&quot;Host:&quot; header required</title></head><body>In HTTP 1.1, requests must include a &quot;Host:&quot; header, and your HTTP 1.1 request lacked such a header.</body></html>
  723. Failed to parse `Content-Length' header. Closing connection.
  724. Application reported internal error, closing connection.
  725. 100-continue
  726. Received malformed HTTP request (bad chunked encoding). Closing connection.
  727. libmicrohttpd API violation
  728. WARNING: incomplete upload processing and connection not suspended may result in hung connection.
  729. Closing connection (failed to create response header)
  730. Closing connection (out of memory)
  731. Closing connection (application error generating response)
  732. Failed to signal end of connection via inter-thread communication channel
  733. <html><head><title>Internal server error</title></head><body>Please ask the developer of this Web server to carefully read the GNU libmicrohttpd documentation about connection management and blocking.</body></html>
  734. Error processing request (HTTP response code is %u (`%s')). Closing connection.
  735. Internal Server Error
  736. Not Implemented
  737. Bad Gateway
  738. Service Unavailable
  739. Gateway Timeout
  740. HTTP Version Not Supported
  741. Variant Also Negotiates
  742. Insufficient Storage
  743. Loop Detected
  744. Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
  745. Not Extended
  746. Network Authentication Required
  747. Bad Request
  748. Unauthorized
  749. Payment Required
  750. Method Not Allowed
  751. Not Acceptable
  752. Proxy Authentication Required
  753. Request Timeout
  754. Length Required
  755. Precondition Failed
  756. Payload Too Large
  757. URI Too Long
  758. Unsupported Media Type
  759. Range Not Satisfiable
  760. Expectation Failed
  761. Misdirected Request
  762. Unprocessable Entity
  763. Failed Dependency
  764. Unordered Collection
  765. Upgrade Required
  766. Precondition Required
  767. Too Many Requests
  768. Request Header Fields Too Large
  769. No Response
  770. Retry With
  771. Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
  772. Unavailable For Legal Reasons
  773. Multiple Choices
  774. Moved Permanently
  775. Not Modified
  776. Switch Proxy
  777. Temporary Redirect
  778. Permanent Redirect
  779. Non-Authoritative Information
  780. No Content
  781. Reset Content
  782. Partial Content
  783. Multi-Status
  784. Already Reported
  785. Switching Protocols
  786. Processing
  787. Failed to signal resume of connection via inter-thread communication channel.
  788. MHD_get_fdset2() called with except_fd_set set to NULL. Such behavior is unsupported.
  789. Fatal error in GNU libmicrohttpd %s:%u: %s
  790. Failed to find previously-added IP address
  791. T:/Bin-prep/mhd/src/libmicrohttpd-0.9.58/src/microhttpd/daemon.c
  792. Previously-added IP address had counter of zero
  793. Close socket failed.
  794. Failed to add IP connection count node
  795. Server reached connection limit. Closing inbound connection.
  796. Error allocating memory: %s
  797. Failed to create a thread: %s
  798. Failed to signal new connection via inter-thread communication channel.
  799. Failed to join a thread
  800. MHD_stop_daemon() called while we have suspended connections.
  801. Initiated daemon shutdown while "upgraded" connection was not closed.
  802. Failed to signal shutdown via inter-thread communication channel
  803. Error accepting connection: %s
  804. Hit process or system resource limit at FIRST connection. This is really bad as there is no sane way to proceed. Will try busy waiting for system resources to become magically available.
  805. Hit process or system resource limit at %u connections, temporarily suspending accept(). Consider setting a lower MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT.
  806. Failed to set nonblocking mode on incoming connection socket: %s
  807. Failed to set noninheritable mode on incoming connection socket.
  808. Failed to add FD to fd_set
  809. Error during select (%d): `%s'
  810. Cannot resume connections without enabling MHD_ALLOW_SUSPEND_RESUME!
  811. Failed to signal resume via inter-thread communication channel.
  812. Warning: Too large timeout value, ignored.
  813. Warning: Zero size, specified for thread pool size, is ignored. Thread pool is not used.
  814. Warning: "1", specified for thread pool size, is ignored. Thread pool is not used.
  815. Specified thread pool size (%u) too big
  816. MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE option is specified but MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD flag is not specified.
  817. Both MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE option and MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION flag are specified.
  818. MHD_OPTION_LISTEN_SOCKET specified for daemon with MHD_USE_NO_LISTEN_SOCKET flag set.
  819. Flag MHD_USE_PEDANTIC_CHECKS is ignored because another behavior is specified by MHD_OPTION_STRICT_CLIENT.
  820. MHD HTTPS option %d passed to MHD compiled without HTTPS support
  821. Invalid option %d! (Did you terminate the list with MHD_OPTION_END?)
  822. Cannot suspend connections without enabling MHD_ALLOW_SUSPEND_RESUME!
  823. Error: connection scheduled for "upgrade" cannot be suspended
  824. Failed to set nonblocking mode on new client socket: %s
  825. Failed to set noninheritable mode on new client socket.
  826. Illegal call to MHD_get_timeout
  827. Could not obtain daemon fdsets
  828. Could not add listen socket to fdset
  829. Could not add control inter-thread communication channel FD to fdset
  830. select failed: %s
  831. MHD_run_from_select() called with except_fd_set set to NULL. Such behavior is deprecated.
  832. Using MHD_quiesce_daemon in this mode requires MHD_USE_ITC
  833. Failed to signal quiesce via inter-thread communication channel
  834. failed to signal quiesce via inter-thread communication channel
  835. Failed to signal shutdown via inter-thread communication channel.
  836. Failed to destroy ITC.
  838. Failed to create inter-thread communication channel: %s
  839. Specified value for NC_SIZE too large
  840. Failed to allocate memory for nonce-nc map: %s
  841. MHD failed to initialize nonce-nc mutex
  842. MHD thread pooling only works with MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD
  843. Failed to create socket for listening: %s
  844. setsockopt failed: %s
  845. Failed to bind to port %u: %s
  846. Failed to listen for connections: %s
  847. Failed to get listen port number: %s
  848. Unknown address family!
  849. Failed to set nonblocking mode on listening socket: %s
  850. MHD failed to initialize IP connection limit mutex
  851. Failed to create listen thread: %s
  852. Failed to create worker inter-thread communication channel: %s
  853. MHD failed to initialize cleanup connection mutex
  854. Failed to create pool thread: %s
  855. Failed to initialize winsock
  856. Winsock version 2.2 is not available
  857. Specified event object handle is invalid
  858. Insufficient memory available
  859. One or more parameters are invalid
  860. Overlapped operation aborted
  861. Overlapped I/O event object not in signaled state
  862. Overlapped operations will complete later
  863. Interrupted function call
  864. File handle is not valid
  865. Permission denied
  866. Bad address
  867. Invalid argument
  868. Too many open files
  869. Resource temporarily unavailable
  870. Operation now in progress
  871. Operation already in progress
  872. Socket operation on nonsocket
  873. Destination address required
  874. Message too long
  875. Protocol wrong type for socket
  876. Bad protocol option
  877. Protocol not supported
  878. Socket type not supported
  879. Operation not supported
  880. Protocol family not supported
  881. Address family not supported by protocol family
  882. Address already in use
  883. Cannot assign requested address
  884. Network is down
  885. Network is unreachable
  886. Network dropped connection on reset
  887. Software caused connection abort
  888. Connection reset by peer
  889. No buffer space available
  890. Socket is already connected
  891. Socket is not connected
  892. Cannot send after socket shutdown
  893. Too many references
  894. Connection timed out
  895. Connection refused
  896. Cannot translate name
  897. Name too long
  898. Host is down
  899. No route to host
  900. Directory not empty
  901. Too many processes
  902. User quota exceeded
  903. Disk quota exceeded
  904. Stale file handle reference
  905. Item is remote
  906. Network subsystem is unavailable
  907. Winsock.dll version out of range
  908. Successful WSAStartup not yet performed
  909. Graceful shutdown in progress
  910. No more results
  911. Call has been canceled
  912. Procedure call table is invalid
  913. Service provider is invalid
  914. Service provider failed to initialize
  915. System call failure
  916. Service not found
  917. Class type not found
  918. Unknown winsock error
  919. Call was canceled
  920. Database query was refused
  921. Host not found
  922. Nonauthoritative host not found
  923. This is a nonrecoverable error
  924. Valid name, no data record of requested type
  925. QoS receivers
  926. QoS senders
  927. No QoS senders
  928. QoS no receivers
  929. QoS request confirmed
  930. QoS admission error
  931. QoS policy failure
  932. QoS bad style
  933. QoS bad object
  934. QoS traffic control error
  935. QoS generic error
  936. QoS service type error
  937. QoS flowspec error
  938. Invalid QoS provider buffer
  939. Invalid QoS filter style
  940. Invalid QoS filter type
  941. Incorrect QoS filter count
  942. Invalid QoS object length
  943. Incorrect QoS flow count
  944. Unrecognized QoS object
  945. Invalid QoS policy object
  946. Invalid QoS flow descriptor
  947. Invalid QoS provider-specific flowspec
  948. Invalid QoS provider-specific filterspec
  949. Invalid QoS shape discard mode object
  950. Invalid QoS shaping rate object
  951. Reserved policy QoS element type
  952. Invalid response for upgrade: application failed to set the 'Upgrade' header!
  953. Connection
  954. OPTERON_800
  955. Core(TM) [im][357]
  956. [ELXW]75##
  957. [ELXW]55##
  958. [ELXW]56##
  959. Pentium(R) M
  960. Pentium(R) Dual CPU
  961. Pentium(R) Dual-Core
  962. Pentium(R) D
  963. Genuine Intel(R) CPU
  964. Intel(R) Core(TM)
  965. CPU [N ][23]##
  966. CPU [ND][45]##
  967. CPU [ND]####
  968. Atom(TM) CPU
  978. pure virtual method called
  979. deleted virtual method called
  980. not enough space for format expansion (Please submit full bug report at
  981. 0123456789
  982. std::bad_alloc
  983. std::bad_cast
  984. std::bad_typeid
  985. __gnu_cxx::__concurrence_lock_error
  986. __gnu_cxx::__concurrence_unlock_error
  987. std::exception
  988. std::bad_exception
  989. terminate called recursively
  990. terminate called after throwing an instance of '
  991. terminate called without an active exception
  992. what():
  993. %s: __pos (which is %zu) > this->size() (which is %zu)
  994. basic_string::at: __n (which is %zu) >= this->size() (which is %zu)
  995. basic_string::copy
  996. basic_string::compare
  997. basic_string::_S_create
  998. basic_string::erase
  999. basic_string::_M_replace_aux
  1000. basic_string::insert
  1001. basic_string::replace
  1002. basic_string::assign
  1003. basic_string::append
  1004. basic_string::resize
  1005. basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
  1006. basic_string::basic_string
  1007. basic_string::substr
  1008. /dev/urandom
  1009. /dev/random
  1010. random_device::random_device(const std::string&)
  1011. basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
  1012. basic_string::_M_create
  1013. %s: __pos (which is %zu) > this->size() (which is %zu)
  1014. basic_string::at: __n (which is %zu) >= this->size() (which is %zu)
  1015. basic_string::erase
  1016. basic_string::_M_replace_aux
  1017. basic_string::insert
  1018. basic_string::replace
  1019. basic_string::_M_replace
  1020. basic_string::assign
  1021. basic_string::append
  1022. basic_string::copy
  1023. basic_string::compare
  1024. basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
  1025. basic_string::basic_string
  1026. string::string
  1027. basic_string::substr
  1028. (anonymous namespace)
  1029. string literal
  1030. decltype(auto)
  1031. {default arg#
  1032. vtable for
  1033. construction vtable for
  1034. typeinfo for
  1035. typeinfo name for
  1036. typeinfo fn for
  1037. non-virtual thunk to
  1038. virtual thunk to
  1039. covariant return thunk to
  1040. java Class for
  1041. guard variable for
  1042. TLS init function for
  1043. TLS wrapper function for
  1044. reference temporary #
  1045. hidden alias for
  1046. transaction clone for
  1047. non-transaction clone for
  1048. java resource
  1049. decltype (
  1050. global constructors keyed to
  1051. global destructors keyed to
  1052. {unnamed type#
  1053. transaction_safe
  1054. imaginary
  1055. __vector(
  1056. std::allocator
  1057. std::basic_string
  1058. basic_string
  1059. std::string
  1060. std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
  1061. std::istream
  1062. std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  1063. basic_istream
  1064. std::ostream
  1065. std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  1066. basic_ostream
  1067. std::iostream
  1068. std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  1069. basic_iostream
  1070. const_cast
  1071. dynamic_cast
  1072. operator""
  1073. reinterpret_cast
  1074. static_cast
  1075. signed char
  1076. long double
  1077. __float128
  1078. unsigned char
  1079. unsigned int
  1080. unsigned long
  1081. unsigned __int128
  1082. unsigned short
  1083. unsigned long long
  1084. decimal128
  1085. decltype(nullptr)
  1086. Unknown error
  1087. _matherr(): %s in %s(%g, %g) (retval=%g)
  1088. Argument domain error (DOMAIN)
  1089. Argument singularity (SIGN)
  1090. Overflow range error (OVERFLOW)
  1091. The result is too small to be represented (UNDERFLOW)
  1092. Total loss of significance (TLOSS)
  1093. Partial loss of significance (PLOSS)
  1094. Mingw-w64 runtime failure:
  1095. Address %p has no image-section
  1096. VirtualQuery failed for %d bytes at address %p
  1097. VirtualProtect failed with code 0x%x
  1098. Unknown pseudo relocation protocol version %d.
  1099. Unknown pseudo relocation bit size %d.
  1101. unknown option -- %s
  1102. unknown option -- %c
  1103. option doesn't take an argument -- %.*s
  1104. ambiguous option -- %.*s
  1105. option requires an argument -- %s
  1106. option requires an argument -- %c
  1107. Assertion failed!
  1108. Program: %ws
  1109. File: %ws, Line %u
  1110. Expression: %ws
  1111. MinGW Runtime Assertion
  1113. msvcrt.dll
  1114. _set_output_format
  1115. _get_output_format
  1116. msvcrt.dll
  1117. _gmtime32_s
  1118. msvcrt.dll
  1119. _localtime32_s
  1120. msvcrt.dll
  1121. ___lc_codepage_func
  1122. __lc_codepage
  1123. %p not found?!?!
  1124. Error cleaning up spin_keys for thread
  1125. once %p is %d
  1126. T%p %d V=%0X H=%p %s
  1127. ../mingw-w64/mingw-w64-libraries/winpthreads/src/rwlock.c
  1128. (((rwlock_t *)*rwl)->valid == LIFE_RWLOCK) && (((rwlock_t *)*rwl)->busy > 0)
  1129. Assertion failed: (%s), file %s, line %d
  1130. RWL%p %d %s
  1131. RWL%p %d V=%0X B=%d r=%ld w=%ld L=%p %s
  1132. C%p %d V=%0X w=%ld %s
  1133. N10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE
  1134. N10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
  1135. N10__cxxabiv119__foreign_exceptionE
  1136. N10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
  1137. N9__gnu_cxx24__concurrence_lock_errorE
  1138. N9__gnu_cxx26__concurrence_unlock_errorE
  1139. St10bad_typeid
  1140. St11logic_error
  1141. St11range_error
  1142. St12domain_error
  1143. St12length_error
  1144. St12out_of_range
  1145. St13bad_exception
  1146. St13runtime_error
  1147. St14overflow_error
  1148. St15underflow_error
  1149. St16invalid_argument
  1150. St8bad_cast
  1151. St9bad_alloc
  1152. St9exception
  1153. St9type_info
  1154. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""""""""""""""""
  1155. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""""""""""""""""
  1156. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""""""""""""""""
  1158. uuuuuuuubtnufruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  1159. 0123456789ABCDEF
  1160. uuuuuuuubtnufruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  1161. 0123456789ABCDEF
  1162. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""""""""""""""""00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899
  1163. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1164. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1165. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1166. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1167. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1168. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1169. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1170. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1171. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1172. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1173. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1174. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1175. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1176. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1177. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1178. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1179. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1180. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1181. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1182. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1183. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1184. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1185. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1186. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1187. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1188. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1189. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1190. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1191. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1192. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1193. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1194. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1195. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1196. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1197. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1198. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1199. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1200. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1201. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1202. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1203. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1204. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1205. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1206. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1207. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1208. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1209. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1210. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1211. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1212. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1213. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1214. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1215. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1216. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1217. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1218. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1219. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1220. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1221. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1222. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1223. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1224. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1225. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1226. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1227. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1228. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1229. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1230. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1231. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1232. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1233. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1234. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1235. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1236. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1237. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1238. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1239. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1240. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1241. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1242. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1243. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1244. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1245. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1246. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1247. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1248. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1249. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1250. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1251. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1252. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1253. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1254. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1255. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1256. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1257. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1258. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1259. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1260. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1261. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1262. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1263. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1264. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1265. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1266. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1267. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1268. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1269. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1270. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1271. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1272. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1273. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1274. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1275. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1276. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1277. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1278. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1279. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1280. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1281. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1282. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1283. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1284. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1285. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1286. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1287. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1288. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1289. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1290. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1291. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1292. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1293. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1294. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1295. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1296. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1297. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1298. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1299. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1300. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1301. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1302. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1303. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1304. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1305. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1306. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1307. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1308. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1309. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1310. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1311. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1312. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1313. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1314. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1315. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1316. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1317. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1318. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1319. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1320. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1321. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1322. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1323. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1324. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1325. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1326. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1327. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1328. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1329. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1330. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1331. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1332. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1333. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1334. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1335. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1336. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1337. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1338. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1339. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1340. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1341. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1342. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1343. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1344. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1345. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1346. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1347. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1348. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1349. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1350. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1351. GCC: (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.1.0
  1352. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1353. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1354. GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 7.2.0
  1355. MHD_add_connection
  1356. MHD_add_response_footer
  1357. MHD_add_response_header
  1358. MHD_create_response_for_upgrade
  1359. MHD_create_response_from_buffer
  1360. MHD_create_response_from_callback
  1361. MHD_create_response_from_data
  1362. MHD_create_response_from_fd
  1363. MHD_create_response_from_fd64
  1364. MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset
  1365. MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64
  1366. MHD_del_response_header
  1367. MHD_destroy_response
  1368. MHD_get_connection_info
  1369. MHD_get_connection_values
  1370. MHD_get_daemon_info
  1371. MHD_get_fdset
  1372. MHD_get_fdset2
  1373. MHD_get_reason_phrase_for
  1374. MHD_get_response_header
  1375. MHD_get_response_headers
  1376. MHD_get_timeout
  1377. MHD_get_version
  1378. MHD_http_unescape
  1379. MHD_is_feature_supported
  1380. MHD_lookup_connection_value
  1381. MHD_queue_response
  1382. MHD_quiesce_daemon
  1383. MHD_resume_connection
  1384. MHD_run_from_select
  1385. MHD_set_connection_option
  1386. MHD_set_connection_value
  1387. MHD_set_panic_func
  1388. MHD_set_response_options
  1389. MHD_start_daemon
  1390. MHD_start_daemon_va
  1391. MHD_stop_daemon
  1392. MHD_suspend_connection
  1393. MHD_upgrade_action
  1394. AdjustTokenPrivileges
  1395. CryptAcquireContextA
  1396. CryptGenRandom
  1397. CryptReleaseContext
  1398. GetTokenInformation
  1399. GetUserNameW
  1400. LookupPrivilegeValueW
  1401. LsaAddAccountRights
  1402. LsaOpenPolicy
  1403. OpenProcessToken
  1404. RegCloseKey
  1405. RegOpenKeyExW
  1406. RegQueryValueExW
  1407. GetAdaptersAddresses
  1408. AddVectoredExceptionHandler
  1409. AssignProcessToJobObject
  1410. CloseHandle
  1411. ConnectNamedPipe
  1412. CreateDirectoryW
  1413. CreateEventA
  1414. CreateFileA
  1415. CreateFileW
  1416. CreateHardLinkW
  1417. CreateIoCompletionPort
  1418. CreateJobObjectW
  1419. CreateNamedPipeA
  1420. CreateNamedPipeW
  1421. CreateProcessW
  1422. CreateSemaphoreA
  1423. CreateSemaphoreW
  1424. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
  1425. DebugBreak
  1426. DeleteCriticalSection
  1427. DeviceIoControl
  1428. DuplicateHandle
  1429. EnterCriticalSection
  1430. FileTimeToSystemTime
  1431. FillConsoleOutputAttribute
  1432. FillConsoleOutputCharacterW
  1433. FlushFileBuffers
  1434. FormatMessageA
  1435. FreeConsole
  1436. FreeLibrary
  1437. GetConsoleCursorInfo
  1438. GetConsoleMode
  1439. GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
  1440. GetConsoleTitleW
  1441. GetConsoleWindow
  1442. GetCurrentDirectoryW
  1443. GetCurrentProcess
  1444. GetCurrentProcessId
  1445. GetCurrentThread
  1446. GetCurrentThreadId
  1447. GetEnvironmentVariableW
  1448. GetExitCodeProcess
  1449. GetFileAttributesW
  1450. GetFileInformationByHandle
  1451. GetFileType
  1452. GetHandleInformation
  1453. GetLastError
  1454. GetLongPathNameW
  1455. GetModuleFileNameW
  1456. GetModuleHandleA
  1457. GetModuleHandleW
  1458. GetNamedPipeHandleStateA
  1459. GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents
  1460. GetProcAddress
  1461. GetProcessAffinityMask
  1462. GetProcessIoCounters
  1463. GetProcessTimes
  1464. GetQueuedCompletionStatus
  1465. GetShortPathNameW
  1466. GetStartupInfoA
  1467. GetStartupInfoW
  1468. GetStdHandle
  1469. GetSystemInfo
  1470. GetSystemTimeAdjustment
  1471. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  1472. GetTempPathW
  1473. GetThreadContext
  1474. GetThreadPriority
  1475. GetThreadTimes
  1476. GetTickCount
  1477. GlobalMemoryStatusEx
  1478. InitializeCriticalSection
  1479. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  1480. IsDBCSLeadByteEx
  1481. IsDebuggerPresent
  1482. LCMapStringW
  1483. LeaveCriticalSection
  1484. LoadLibraryA
  1485. LocalAlloc
  1486. MoveFileExW
  1487. MultiByteToWideChar
  1488. OpenProcess
  1489. OutputDebugStringA
  1490. PeekNamedPipe
  1491. PostQueuedCompletionStatus
  1492. Process32First
  1493. Process32Next
  1494. QueryPerformanceCounter
  1495. QueryPerformanceFrequency
  1496. QueueUserWorkItem
  1497. RaiseException
  1498. ReadConsoleInputW
  1499. ReadConsoleW
  1500. ReadDirectoryChangesW
  1501. RegisterWaitForSingleObject
  1502. ReleaseSemaphore
  1503. RemoveDirectoryW
  1504. RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler
  1505. ResetEvent
  1506. ResumeThread
  1507. SetConsoleCtrlHandler
  1508. SetConsoleCursorInfo
  1509. SetConsoleCursorPosition
  1510. SetConsoleMode
  1511. SetConsoleTextAttribute
  1512. SetConsoleTitleW
  1513. SetCurrentDirectoryW
  1514. SetEnvironmentVariableW
  1515. SetErrorMode
  1516. SetFilePointerEx
  1517. SetFileTime
  1518. SetHandleInformation
  1519. SetInformationJobObject
  1520. SetLastError
  1521. SetNamedPipeHandleState
  1522. SetPriorityClass
  1523. SetProcessAffinityMask
  1524. SetSystemTime
  1525. SetThreadAffinityMask
  1526. SetThreadContext
  1527. SetThreadPriority
  1528. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  1529. SuspendThread
  1530. SwitchToThread
  1531. TerminateProcess
  1532. TlsGetValue
  1533. TlsSetValue
  1534. TryEnterCriticalSection
  1535. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  1536. UnregisterWait
  1537. UnregisterWaitEx
  1538. VerSetConditionMask
  1539. VerifyVersionInfoA
  1540. VirtualAlloc
  1541. VirtualFree
  1542. VirtualProtect
  1543. VirtualQuery
  1544. WaitForMultipleObjects
  1545. WaitForSingleObject
  1546. WaitNamedPipeW
  1547. WideCharToMultiByte
  1548. WriteConsoleInputW
  1549. WriteConsoleW
  1550. __dllonexit
  1551. __doserrno
  1552. __getmainargs
  1553. __lconv_init
  1554. __mb_cur_max
  1555. __set_app_type
  1556. __setusermatherr
  1557. _aligned_free
  1558. _aligned_malloc
  1559. _amsg_exit
  1560. _beginthreadex
  1561. _endthreadex
  1562. _get_osfhandle
  1563. _open_osfhandle
  1564. _snwprintf
  1565. _vsnprintf
  1566. localeconv
  1567. GetProcessMemoryInfo
  1568. DispatchMessageA
  1569. GetMessageA
  1570. MapVirtualKeyW
  1571. MessageBoxW
  1572. SetWinEventHook
  1573. ShowWindow
  1574. TranslateMessage
  1575. GetUserProfileDirectoryW
  1576. FreeAddrInfoW
  1577. GetAddrInfoW
  1578. WSACleanup
  1579. WSADuplicateSocketW
  1580. WSAGetLastError
  1581. WSARecvFrom
  1582. WSASetLastError
  1583. WSASocketW
  1584. WSAStartup
  1585. __WSAFDIsSet
  1586. closesocket
  1587. gethostname
  1588. getpeername
  1589. getsockname
  1590. getsockopt
  1591. ioctlsocket
  1592. setsockopt
  1593. ADVAPI32.dll
  1595. KERNEL32.DLL
  1596. msvcrt.dll
  1597. USER32.dll
  1598. USERENV.dll
  1599. WS2_32.dll
  1601. StringFileInfo
  1602. CompanyName
  1604. FileDescription
  1605. XMRig CPU miner
  1606. FileVersion
  1607. LegalCopyright
  1608. Copyright (C) 2016-2018
  1609. OriginalFilename
  1610. ProductName
  1611. ProductVersion
  1612. VarFileInfo
  1613. Translation
  1614. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
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  1638. 1257892t46978580125789244697858012578924469
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