
Fire Emblem Quest: Part 3 Summary

Jul 16th, 2015
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  1. Part 3 Link:
  3. Part 3 Summary:
  5. -After Natalie informed her of Lambert's demise, Ellen spent most of the morning semi-catatonic.
  6. -Prince Garrus' personal guard, Ellen included, raided the headquarters of the Johalva bandits, planning to wipe them all out then and there. They were joined by Pegasus Knight Cheryl. Other than Cheryl, all the mounted units were around the perimeter of the former Outpost, hoping to prevent any unexpected reinforcements or anyone otherwise escaping. The Town Drunk was in charge of protecting the personal guard's camp itself, but no one really expected that to be attacked anyway, so he had a pretty easy time.
  7. -The vanguard that would enter the Outpost, consisting of Garrus himself, Cheryl, Mitchell, Robert, Jay, and Ellen, wound up getting into a rather nasty argument about the trustworthiness of Mitchell and his yet-to-be-identified informant. Jay calmed the situation down by slapping his friend Robert upside the head for making such a loud scene.
  8. -tl;dr that went smoothly, and inside the building Ellen encountered Stefyn, the myrmidon who she last saw fighting Lambert shortly before he died. He was cowering and unwilling to fight, but when his life was threatened, absolutely would. A critical strike on Ellen brought her down pretty much immediately, and she might have died then and there had Mitchell, a thief with the personal guard who is friends with Stefyn, not shown up to defuse the situation and call out his informant for taking lives in the name of the Johalva and providing a healing concoction for Ellen.
  9. -Ellen smartly left after that, heading to the roof with Garrus, Robert, Jay, and Cheryl. After cutting through some more bandits, she and Garrus teamed up to take on their leader, the berserker Tabat.
  10. -With clever moves and motivating each other, Garrus and Ellen were able to take down Tabat, and after that the rest of the bandits were cake.
  11. -Quidel (that apparently being the horse-archer's name) went off to tell his vaguely-defined tribe the good news. He should be back soon enough.
  12. -Mitchell convinced Garrus to let Stefyn join up, and after that the relevant survivors of Orsin village (Ellen, Natalie, Robert, Jay, and the Town Drunk) were all also offered positions in Garrus' entourage. All agreed to at least consider it, and travel to Rakche, the royal castle town in the heart of Johan (and thus the capital of Neir as a whole) with the group anyway. It's not like they have much future in what little's left of Orsin.
  14. Confirmed Party Members (as of end of thread 3):
  16. -Ellen (pre-Mercenary Trainee Class) The player character, a young woman raised in the village of Orsin. As vaguely-defined in personality as any earlygame quest protagonist.
  17. -Natalie/Nat (Cleric) Has a cold exterior despite being sensitive.
  18. -Town Drunk (name not known by Ellen) (Villager Class) A farmhand from the same town as Ellen, Nat, and Lambert. Has a lot of zeal, but might be a bit of a slimeball.
  19. -Biff and Byron (red and green cavaliers) Biff is enthusiastic and outgoing, Byron is collected and polite. Together they got Natalie and Ellen away from Orsin after Ellen was knocked unconscious.
  20. -Robert and Jay (Fighter Class) Robert is loud and rude, Jay is quiet and responsible.
  21. -Garrus (Axe Lord) The crown prince of Neir, son of King Drasma. Surprisingly timid and small-framed.
  22. -Yvette (Paladin) A middle-aged retainer for Prince Garrus. Often speaks in his place due to his timidness.
  23. -Mitchell (Thief/Outlaw Class) A former thief who seems to be friendly enough. Has friends in unsavory places.
  24. -Quidel (Horseman/Nomad Class) A member of a nomadic tribe that primarily exists in the Johan region, on good terms with the nation of Neir.
  25. -Cheryl (Pegasus Knight) A cheerful Pegasus Rider who often acts as a messenger for Garrus.
  26. -Stefyn (Myrmidon) A cowardly swordfighter who was tangled up in the Johalva bandits. Seems to genuinely want to reform, but Ellen absolutely despises him for killing Lambert.
  28. Names to keep in mind:
  29. -King Drasma (class unknown) The king of the nation of Neir, and thus the father of Prince Garrus. A warrior king who ordered his son and his small band to wipe out a notorious group of bandits.
  30. -Gorman (Mercenary Class?) The former captain of Orsin's local guard, replacing (and then being replaced by after he left) Lambert's father. He taught Ellen and Lambert how to fight with a sword, emphasizing a balance of all of one's physical traits. Universally considered the toughest guy in the town, he recently resigned from his post to become a mercenary. No one in town knows why, and none have heard from him since. The recent increase in bandit attacks on Orsin is attributed somewhat to his disappearance. Some five-ten years older than Ellen and Lambert. A tall, bronze, muscular fellow with dark, curly hair and a distinctly big nose (Ellen and her Orsin friends would know).
  32. Deceased units:
  33. -Lambert (Mercenary Class, died in thread 2) The son of the captain of Orsin village's guard. A talented swordsman who was found half-dead after a fight with a myrmidon with Stefyn (when he was with the Johalva). He died early the next morning despite the best efforts of Garrus' knights and Nat.
  35. Defeated bosses:
  36. -Tabat (Berserker, died in thread 3) The leader of the fearsome Johalva bandits, who terrorized Tarvos valley and most recently destroyed Orsin village. Garrus' father, King Drasma, tasked him with wiping this faction out. While alive, he personally oversaw the capture of Natalie and Ellen, and was the one who ordered Stefyn to kill Lambert. Personally killed by Ellen, with the aid of Prince Garrus, in the former outpost his group had taken over.
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