

May 1st, 2014
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  1. ---[X] 1 Furthermore, the <em>broken spikes</em> from before is to be attached to a pressure plate- in other words, that 'wall' is now a pressure plate that triggers when one attempts to climb it, thus triggering a arrow trap from above and below (ie. shooting downwards & upwards respectively). It's also meant to be tied to a Fear spell tagged alongside the trigger- in turn also tied with a spike trap that spears upwards through gaps within the broken spikes. In the event of failure, it still blocks off return trip route.: (ReinZero)
  2. ---[X] 1 In addition, the ledge in the third room's sides is to be extended so a pair of kobolds can be <em>properly</em> hidden out of sight even when slacking, and they are to be manually overseen so they don't screw up again. The Fear spell is to remain intact under the same conditions as before. Oh and you know the section of that corridor that leads into the room after ascending? slippery floor it is. That is, slippery -backwards- which triggers a arrow trap positioned from behind that first forward at the person otherwise entering the ledge.: (ReinZero)
  3. ---[X] 1 Instead, a pressure plate is to be inserted <em>after</em> the immediate entry into the 3rd room's corridor... which triggers a spike trap from the <em>left</em> (from the doorway's perspective) while an arrow trap from the <em>right</em> fires as well.: (ReinZero)
  4. ---[X] 1 Leave the 1st room unchanged.: (ReinZero)
  5. [X] 2 Leave them the same, you still have the back three to kill that cheater: (Gnarker, Jiven)
  6. [X] 1 Modify them. (Describe modifications.): (ReinZero)
  7. [X] 9 Plan Fuck You Wizard: (Vanathor, ReinZero, dreadis, Nyrath, Heaven Canceler, Yzarc, BloodWitch1337, shadowward, Drakebane)
  8. [X] 1 Plan Pole in Wizard's Shiny Ass (aka Plan Fuck You Wizard): (kinglugia)
  9. ---[X] 1 Reload the Boulder in the 2nd room, <em>however</em> it is [/i] no longer connected to the pressure plates in room 2- except for the <em>last four</em> steps, but that's still 'physically' tied to the original pressure plate used previously. In other words, it requires <em>direct</em> pressure on one of those last four steps to trigger, while appearing completely harmless before then still.: (ReinZero)
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