
Kissy x Yawiz fanfic.

Nov 14th, 2016
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  1. The Rabbit.
  3. A Kissy x Yawiz fanfic.
  5. "Oh Look, It's a little bunny rabit!", Kissy said excitedly, pointing to a bunny running across the garden. "Can we take it home?" she joyfully asked.
  6. "Well, I don't think it would like us very much" said Yawiz in a less than pleased voice. "Aww, Please? Pretty pretty please? I'll take very good care of it!",
  7. Kissy jofully proclaimed. "Well, Alright, But I'm not going to be responsible for it", Yawiz answered to her in a rather unenthusiastic voice. Kissy jumped with joy.
  9. Kissy Picked the little bunny rabbit up in her hands, And took it back inside. Yawiz had a rather odd grin in his face, Despite being rather displeased with the
  10. rabbit being brought into the house. Kissy brought the rabbit into her bedroom and set it on the bed, She brought some carrots and lettuce from the fridge and sat
  11. the bunny down on her bed. She whispered to the bunny, "You're going to the be best bunny I've ever had, I'll name you Joy, Because that's how I felt when I first
  12. found you".
  14. Joy twitched her nose, As kissy placed her inside a cardboard box.
  16. Behind her bedroom Door, Yawiz noticed the bond between her and joy, but he didn't like that.
  18. It is late at night, Yawiz is watching TV and Kissy is fast asleep.
  20. Yawiz grabs a small bottle of sleepy syrup from the medicine cabinet and places a few drops onto a washcloth. He quietly creeps into Kissy's room. And gently places
  21. the cloth over Kissy's mouth. Kissy was now fast asleep, Yawiz grabbed another towel from the kitchen and tied kissy's hands around the headboard, He then grabs yet
  22. another cloth and ties it around Kissy's feet and the legs of the bed, She gently grabs the Bunny and places it onto her chest, He slowly slits Joy's neck and feels
  23. the cold blood rushing down his fingers, He silently snaps it's neck and force feeds it some lettuce. The rabbit does not have the vocal chords, So it is unable
  24. to scream in pain and agony like she would be doing. He wakes Kissy, She looks down and sees the bunny on her chest, It's fur is covered in red blood and it's eyes
  25. are dead.
  27. Yawiz tells kissy, "Good morning Kissy" with a very large smirk on his face. Kissy immediately mumbles "Wh-at did you d-do to my bunny". Yawiz happily whispers in
  28. Kissy's ear, "I put her out of her misery, But it's still alive". Kissy wriggles around to try and help Joy, but she then realizes that her hands and legs are tied.
  30. Yawiz opens up his pants to reveal his hardening member, Becoming very erect. He opens up the Bunny's neck and has some more blood gush onto his hand. he rubs the
  31. blood all over his now erect penis. Kissy now has a balled up cloth in her mouth, To prevent her from speaking, She is screaming in frustration as she watches
  32. Yawiz crack off the bunny's head, Her heart is still beating. He now takes the decapitated rabbit head and smears the remaining blood on his member. He then
  33. begins to breath heavily as a stream of ejaculate is released from his penis, Some splattered over Kissy's face.
  35. Yawiz brings her pants down to her ankles, To expose her smooth vagina, Yawiz takes the cloth out of Kissy's mouth, And whispers, "Look, It's my little rabbit
  36. friend". There are still drops of blood dripping into Kissy's mouth, Mixing with Yawiz's ejaculate. Kissy, with all the fear in her eyes and tears gushing down her
  37. face, She shouts "No, Please don't, It doesn't feel good". Yawiz now has the biggest grin on his face, While fondling his balls with one hand, He now begins to stuff
  38. the rabbits head into Kissy's vagina. Kissy screams on top of her lungs but Yawiz doesn't care.
  40. As Kissy is hopelessly screaming in pain, Yawiz tells her happily, "I'll be right back!", He grabs a large carrot and a bucket of ice cubes.
  42. Yawiz stuffs the ice cubes into Kissy's mouth. She screams and cries, But Yawiz doesn't care. Yawiz now takes the carrot and stuffs it inside of Kissy's anus.
  43. Her anus rips and some blood is released onto the carrot. Yawiz takes one of the ice cubes out of her mouth and rubs it around the rim of her vagina, Kissy then
  44. forcefully swallows some of the ice cubes.She then takes the rabbits body, Ribs off the legs, arms and tail, And stuff them into Kissy mouth. Tears are gushing down
  45. Kissy's face like a waterfall. She can feel drops of blood from the rabbit's body gushing into her throat as she then forcefully swallows all the rabbit's parts.
  47. Yawiz now removes the carrot from Kissy's anus, covered in blood, and stuffs it down her throat, He whispers "Eat the carrot sweety, And you'll get a special treat".
  48. Kissy had enough, But she swallows the carrot, Worried on what would happen next.
  50. Yawiz's member is now inside kissy mouth, Kissy begins to insert some ice cubes into his anus. And Kissy is sucking Yawiz's very erect cock. He begins to moan loudly
  51. As more Ice cubes are placed inside his anus. Screaming with joy, He ejaculates into Kissy's mouth.
  53. Yawiz then falls asleep ontop of Kissy, As does she aswell.
  55. The next morning, Yawiz wakes up and sees the Rabbits body on the bed, With some blood leaked onto the mattress around it. Kissy then wakes up, With the rabbits
  56. Body infront of her face. And she smiles at Yawiz, as he smiles back at her. Kissy said "I had a great time last night", "As did I" said Yawiz in a relieved whisper.
  58. They both take the rabbit body in their hands. Kissy puts one end into her mouth, Yawiz puts the other end. And they begin to eat the Rabbit's body. Bite by bite.
  60. As they both take their final swallows, Both their mouths dripping with blood, Yawiz whispered, "Let's go searching for rabbits in our garden more often".
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