
[FR] Day End of the world

Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. >Day Peachy keen in Equestria
  2. >You are Average, Average Joe Pony.
  3. >You have a swell life.
  4. >Swell job, loving wife, two foals, great keen friends.
  5. >Life is just swell.
  6. >”Honey, will you home late tonight? I know Mr. Boes wants you to have the Cake account by Monday...”
  7. >There she is, the mare of your dreams. Hair all done up, wearing that cute little apron and face done up like a doll.
  8. >You kiss your super wife and smile.
  9. “Ah, dear, you know I will try my darndest to be home tonight for you and the kids.”
  10. >You put on your hat and tighten your tie, today is going to be a swell day. You can feel it.
  11. >As you take your average walk through Ponyville to work, you notice that guy again.
  12. >Anonymous, unlike everyone else, he wasn't swell.
  13. >”The end is coming! We need to prepare! The end is coming! The Princesses are lying!”
  14. >He is flailing his bell and preaching the end of days, as he has done everyday for the past few months.
  15. >Oh hogwash! He is just an insane coot, trying to scare people into believing his lies about the Princesses not being all powerful. You are lucky you live in a town where no one is simple enough to believe such things.
  16. “Why don't you stop trying to scare folks and be a nice guy for once Anon! Why do you have to ruin such a peachy keen day?”
  17. >”Because I have seen the signs! Weather has been erratic and out of the Pegasi's control! Animals are fleeing Ponyville and heading who knows where! Then there's all the magical discharge coming from Canterlot.”
  18. >He points to Canterlot where magical bolts are shooting into the air and splashing the sky purple.
  19. “Ah, that's just the Princesses testing new magic spells and the after effects being a bit cooky. Why can't you just trust us when we say we know what's going on?”
  20. >He groans and shakes his head.
  21. >”Then shouldn't they stop and try to fix the effects of the spells? Why aren't they doing that, huh?”
  22. “The royal family has better things to do right now, they can't always focus on our problems boy-o.”
  23. >You continue on your way to work, done trying to explain things to this unswell fellow.
  26. >You are Anon.
  27. >You are doing what you have done everyday since you noticed the sudden change in Equestria; trying to warn the masses and prepare for whatever is coming.
  28. “The end is coming! Prepare for the worst! The end is coming! Think of your families!”
  29. >”Th-The end is coming! Make love to the ones you care about!”
  30. >You sigh and drop your head.
  31. “Fluttershy, stop.”
  32. >”The end is coming! Te-tell the people who want you your fetish! I-Is it pudding?”
  33. >You raise your head and look at Fluttershy. She is holding a bowl of chocolate pudding.
  34. >Once she see's you looking at her, she starts to rub it on her chest. Moving her hooves lower to lather the chocolate dessert on her haunches.
  35. “No. My fetish is not pudding.”
  36. >You take the bowl away from her and take a bit on your finger.
  37. >Delicious.
  38. >Just because it is not your fetish doesn't mean you don't like it.
  39. >”O-Oh... The end is coming, t-tell me your fetish?”
  40. >You groan and take another fingerful of pudding before continuing trying to sway the citizens of Ponyville.
  41. “The end is coming! Pre-... pare... to... whoa.”
  42. >The sky is now being covered in dark purple clouds, lightning running within them.
  43. >You drop your bell.
  44. “The end is here...”
  45. >Fluttershy is stepping closer to you, wrapping a hoof around your leg.
  46. >You pet the mare as Twilight and the rest of the elements come rushing to your side.
  47. >”Anon! What did you do?!?”
  48. “...Really? You think I did this? I fucking warned you this was going to happen!”
  49. >Rainbow gets in your face.
  50. >”Well then what is this?!”
  51. “I don-”
  52. >A loud chorus of voices rings from the clouds.
  54. >Large bolts of lightning strike the ground all over Ponyville, leaving giant skinless ponies that stand on their hindlegs behind.
  55. “Titans!?”
  56. >The giant ponies start running around. They crash into buildings, stomp on ponies, some even throw them into the air before catching them in their mouth.
  57. >One is doing that to that average looking pony who you were talking to.
  58. >”Well this day turned out to be a unsw-”
  59. >*CHOMP*
  60. >His hat goes flying and lands on your foot.
  61. “Run.”
  62. >You turn around and run, trying to find anywhere safe.
  63. >Fluttershy is still clinging to your leg, the rest of the elements are following you, and citizens of Ponyville are scattering like roaches trying to avoid death.
  64. >You stick to narrow alleys, the giants are too large to fit.
  65. >As you run, you pass by the school.
  66. >It is under attack by one of the giants, smashing the roof in to try and reach for the children inside.
  67. >The screams of foals fills the air, but what can you do?
  68. >Nothing. The ponies however...
  69. “Dash, Pinkie! Can you try and lead that thing away from the school?”
  70. >You look behind you to see Pinkie saluting. Rainbow Dash is nowhere to be seen though.
  72. >The rainbow maned Pegasaus is already on the attack, bucking the giant in the face.
  73. >It doesn't budge much and simply tries to bite Dash's foot off.
  74. >Pinkie pulls out her party cannon and aims it at the beast.
  75. >”Smile big guy!”
  76. >*BANG*
  77. >The cannon's ammo of party supplies hits the giant pony right across the cheek. This causes it to fall to it's side and bellow.
  78. >Ms. Cheerilee is taking this chance to evacuate the children.
  79. >With that dealt with, you continue to run.
  80. >You head into the Everfree forest, willing to try your chances there.
  83. “*Gasp, gasp, wheeze.* O-okay *cough* I think *wheeze* this is far... enough.”
  84. >You have been running nonstop, carrying a yellow weight the entire time.
  85. >”A-Are you sure?”
  86. >You nod and turn around to check on the rest of the girls.
  87. “Are *cough* you all...”
  88. >They aren't there.
  89. >Super, you're alone in the woods with Fluttershy and who knows how many man/pony eating titans.
  90. >You kick off Fluttershy and look for shelter.
  91. >”Wh-what do you think happened to the others?”
  92. “Don't... know... Fluttershy.”
  93. >Your breathing is heavy and deep, you need to catch your breath.
  94. >A cave is nearby.
  95. >You and Fluttershy walk into it.
  96. >You two settle in quietly.
  97. “...”
  98. >”...”
  99. >She starts to sniffle.
  100. >”Y-You were right... You were right about it all.”
  101. “I wasn't, I never would have guessed pony titans were going to attack.”
  102. >”B-But you were right about it being the end!”
  103. >She buries her head in your lap, sobbing.
  104. >”A-Anon, I don't want to die!”
  105. >You pet her head and sigh.
  106. “I don't either Fluttershy.”
  107. >She hics and whimpers.
  108. >You spend the next few minutes like this, comforting the scared mare.
  109. >*CRASH, CRASH*
  110. >Trees are falling outside.
  111. >Before you can react, one of the giant ponies is looking at you and Fluttershy. A creepy smile adorns it's face.
  112. >”Ahhhhh!”
  113. >You jump up and run into the deepest part of the cave.
  114. >The titan reaches in, almost grabbing you with your back against the wall.
  115. >”Anon, I don't want to die a virgin!”
  116. “Fluttershy, NO.”
  117. >She is now crying openly.
  118. >”Please Anon! J-Just give me this... this one kindness!”
  119. >You sigh and undress.
  120. >If you are going to die, you might as well give her a pity fuck.
  121. >You spend the last hours of your life
  122. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  124. >TRUE ENDING.
  125. >It is noon the next day.
  126. >You and Fluttershy are laying naked on the cave's floor.
  127. >Fluttershy is covered in your cum.
  128. >The titan has left.
  129. >”Ah think they're in here, Winona smells somthin'.”
  130. >You grumble and open your eyes.
  131. “A...J?”
  132. >”Anon! There ya are pard-NER?!?”
  133. >Applejack jumps back and covers her eyes.
  134. >”W-Whoahoho, looks like Fluttershy finally got the monkey dick!”
  135. >Rainbow Dash falls to the floor laughing,
  136. >”Girls! Relax, it's just a naked human, nothing we haven't seen before.... well, nothing I haven't.”
  137. >What did Twilight just say?”
  138. >You sigh and cover your manhood from the peanut gallery.
  139. “You all are still alive?”
  140. >”Yes darling. We all made it through this ordeal in one piece.”
  141. >You yawn and scratch your arm.
  142. “That's good I guess... Guess that means I'm alive too.”
  143. >You look to Fluttershy. She is sleeping soundly, curled up close to you.
  144. >Last night wasn't so bad, save for the near death experience and images of pony titans stuck in your head.
  145. “So, what happened?”
  146. >Pinkie Pie hops towards you and pulls out a button.
  147. >”Derpy happened! Press it Nonny.”
  148. >Why not?
  149. >You press it and a muffin appears on top of it.
  150. “... It's a button that makes muffins.”
  151. >”Muffin button!”
  152. >You smack your face with your palm and groan.
  153. “Okay, seriously, what happened?”
  154. >Twilight clears her throat.
  155. >”Well, it turns out that the -titans- as you call them, are allergic to muffins. One little crumb and -poof-. Gone.”
  156. “... Really... really? Fucking... I hate this world.”
  157. >You get dressed and pick Fluttershy up, carrying her on your back.
  158. >She whimpers and yawns.
  159. >”A-anon? Wh-what happened?”
  160. “Equestria proved how bullshit it is once again. Relax, everything worked out in the end. As usual!”
  161. >You stomp out of the cave, your pony posse following.
  162. >They called you insane.
  163. >They ridiculed you.
  164. >They pushed your spaghetti to the floor.
  165. >And when you were right, they fixed everything with muffins.
  166. >You hate this world so fucking much right now.
  167. >Fluttershy coos and curls up on your back.
  168. >One decent thing came out form all this though.
  169. >You found out you don't hate
  170. >Fucking Fluttershy.
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