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a guest
Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. Red Alert Mod at Version playtest-20140405-2
  2. Operating System: Windows (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
  3. Runtime Version: .NET CLR 2.0.50727.5466
  4. Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Out of sync in frame 2460: Blame Tick.
  5. Compare syncreport.log with other players.
  6. at OpenRA.Network.OrderManager.OutOfSync(Int32 frame, String blame)
  7. at OpenRA.Network.OrderManager.CheckSync(Byte[] packet)
  8. at OpenRA.Network.OrderManager.<TickImmediate>c__AnonStorey12.<>m__4(Int32 clientId, Byte[] packet)
  9. at OpenRA.Network.ReplayRecorderConnection.<Receive>c__AnonStorey1A.<>m__12(Int32 client, Byte[] data)
  10. at OpenRA.Network.EchoConnection.Receive(Action`2 packetFn)
  11. at OpenRA.Network.ReplayRecorderConnection.Receive(Action`2 packetFn)
  12. at OpenRA.Network.OrderManager.TickImmediate()
  13. at OpenRA.Sync.<CheckSyncUnchanged>c__AnonStorey34.<>m__69()
  14. at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged[T](World world, Func`1 fn)
  15. at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged(World world, Action fn)
  16. at OpenRA.Game.TickInner(OrderManager orderManager)
  17. at OpenRA.Game.Tick(OrderManager orderManager)
  18. at OpenRA.Game.Run()
  19. at OpenRA.Program.Run(String[] args)
  20. at OpenRA.Program.Main(String[] args)
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