
#50tomahawks of grey

Apr 6th, 2017
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  1. WEll, well, well.... I mean, just, christ in a fucking basket, Donald, you arrogant tiny fingered masochist son of a bitch, I knew you'd find a way to reignite that lost flame that was keep you and Putin between the sheets for days on end! I just never thought it'd be in the way of launch 50 Tomahawk missile at a bare bones base. What was this? A show of strength? A weak willed attempt at distracting the collective U.S. Psyche away from Russia!?
  3. Oh, how the tiny fingered have fallen, how the micro phallus'd man in the White House has become stained red with the blood of embarrassment! I have to admit, you launching 50 of those bad boys was an impressive headline to read, I thought to myelf, as I sipped some cognac by a roaring fire place, sitting spread eagled in a pleather chair, a monocle on my face, superglued there for reasons of rage, regret, and a John Lennon bet gone horrid, "Trump, you've finally earned some modicum of respect!" But then I watched further and further on down thel ine and I couldn't understand what a twat waste you still are! A bare bones base? Really? for all the shit you've t alked about wanting the Syrnia Refugees to fuck off out of the Uited States, you sure love to place what you'd no doubt call your large number of metapeni into the faces of useless objects.
  5. Trump, you lack luster, blunder fucking, drumpf dumping, cum dumpster of bad ideas and what might've been the origin of brain damaged people getting it on, what the hell are you thinking acting without congressional approval? you've already got four strikes against you, and if this were baseball, you'd be out and a half, but now you've got five strikes aimed squarely at that block of rotten ham you call at a head. Strikes to impeach you, though in a fictional sense, five strikes to the face with a large purple dilldo duct taped to a baseball bat for this monumental fuck up!
  7. the Syrian people need a place to escape to, they dont like the situation theyre in, they loathe it! thats why theyre trying to get into the U.S. because they knew for a god damned fact that shit would go down, and you, like the fucked up Dorian Grey that you truly are, had to take a page out of '50 shades of missile launches' and go all kinds of nuts. I mean, let me give you credit where it's due, you learned how to press a button and make the fire crackers go into the air, yay! tomahawks are no firecrackers, but they ain't no tweets either. These are explosive ordinance, with a dab-whip-nae-nae flight pattern that'd make the harlem shake look like a string of chinese firecrackers on a New Years day. Why not go after the more vital of the syrian Air bases? Or eve, hell, the god damned house of Assad himself, with all fifty missiles aimed right at his fucking head!
  9. no, that'd be too much? Or would you rather the missiles just be like a fish wrapped in a news paper? Because, you know, you have connections to the mob. By the way, your acting fucking sucks, this was one of those times where we needed to see that fire, that plasma bolt of rage, anger, and hatred spew from your fat, super anus lipped head, that shit you used to spin on the campaign trail in regards to this, but no- you still wound up looking like a stupid, little boy who just got whooped. If I want to be wooed to sleep by whispering words that might make even the late Michael Jackson shriek with joy, I'd have listened to the dead people on the dead channels from an old abandoned T.V.
  11. You sounded like a fucking box of crackers being crushed by the worlds stealthiest ssteam roller. Who ever the fuck the osund guy was at Mar a Lago, needs to be congratulated on making your video clip, which, I've got to say was shot with all the grace of a god damned Terrorist VHS. Half your words were garbled as fuck, the other half were all to clear, and it scared the shit out of three of our dogs. I mean, they're little dogs, but what the fuck are you expecting?
  13. the point being, Trump, is that you're going to get your ass fired, much sooner than you'd've liked, I mean, you're getting impeached anyways what with the investigation of the Russians interfering with the election, and implanting your dumb, Russian Ranch dressing fucked ass into the position of them ost powerful person on earth, and the best you could do was launch Tomahawks? Why not a nuke? Why not go all the way to the psycho ball and go out of favor with a healthy green glow? Why not tell the world that you aren't to be fucked with? That you, unlike the pussies before you, have the insanity to fucking nuke the world if it means that you finally get to say that being president is EASIER than expected?
  15. Because you're still the biggest fucking pussy there is, and to be honest, the faster and more frequently you continually fuck up, the happier I'll be. The right answer to the question is that you reopen up immigration to the Syrian Refugees who are currently trying to get the fuck away from assad. You yourself pointed out the beautiful babies and kids were killed in the gas attack, so why not open up immigration especially for the beautiful babies and kids trapped with the psychotic idiot Assad?
  17. Why not do the right thing for once in your most fucked up of presidencies, and I've been paying really close attention to the news, and when you have all them ajor News Channels agreeing that you are a fucked up human being, who should'vel ost the election? Even Fox news was like, "Slow your fucking roll you fat orange faced escaped oompa loompa!" Then, you KNOW for a fact that you are fucking up royally. Look, the american people are finally seeing, not just them, the entire PLANET itself, seeing passed your idiot fables, and your charm, and now, you're just the angry ,sexist, racist, motherfucker behind the podium trying to take out as much of your pent up childhood anger because you're daddy loved his money more then you and you're too god damned scared to drink yourself to death out of a fucking sense of Justice.
  19. You're the president of these United States of America, no one said for how long.
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