
Th nightmare is not over by diatomic.ge

Jan 14th, 2017
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  1. >"Oh, Glooooory!"
  2. >Your blood runs cold as the familiar voice breaks through your slumber.
  3. >I-it can't be.
  4. >"I know you're there, Glory!"
  5. >Your breathing speeds up as you begin to shake in your bed.
  6. >He can't be here.
  7. >You just have to ignore him.
  8. >Footsteps, slow and purposeful, grow closer and louder as you try to calm yourself.
  9. >He's not there.
  10. >He can't be.
  11. >Closing your eyes tightly, you force your body to relax, and slowly stop trembling.
  12. >Releasing a shaky breath, you open your eyes.
  13. >It ended years ago, but the nightmares still wake you up at night.
  14. >But you know you need to move on, and get on with your --
  15. >"Boo!"
  16. >You shriek as something grabs you, and you instinctively kick back as it releases you.
  17. >"Whoa there."
  18. >You freeze as you hit the bed.
  19. >This isn't a dream.
  20. >"After all this time, that's how you greet me?"
  21. >Heart pounding as the tremors start again, you slowly turn around, willing him away.
  22. >"Rather rude, Morning."
  23. >Chills run through your body as you see the tall silhouette standing beside your bed, his face barely illuminated by the moonlight streaming through your window.
  24. >"I thought we were friends."
  25. "A-Anon."
  26. >"That's my name, don't wear it out."
  27. >Your teeth chatter with the sudden cold as thoughts race through your mind.
  28. "B-but y-you can't be h-here! You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't..."
  29. >You softly repeat yourself, as if this mantra would somehow restore sense to the world.
  30. >"Oh? And why not, Glory? Why can't I visit my good friend?"
  31. >Your breath hitches as you see him smile, leaning over you.
  32. "B-because you're dead!"
  33. >He just stares at you with a smile.
  34. "Y-you died in the c-cold n-next to me because w-we couldn't afford blankets!"
  35. >Your words speed up as you hyperventilate.
  36. "A-and you inspired m-me to move on and f-fight destiny, a-and now I have a j-job and a h-house a-and a therapist who says these nightmares should go away!"
  37. >Your wavering voice grows more confident as you reassure yourself of all the things you've talked about in your sessions.
  38. "And that's why you can't be here, and you're not real! You inspired me, and you're just a manifestation of my guilt over letting my friend die in circumstances that --"
  39. >When his ice-cold finger presses itself to your muzzle, the words die in your throat.
  40. >"That's all well and good, dear Morning, but, you see, this is no nightmare."
  41. >The panic begins to rise again as a freezing hand grabs your back left hoof tightly.
  42. >"And though I left and you've moved on, that doesn't mean I've moved on."
  43. >The once-warm hand of your friend starts to drag you back as you frantically scramble to grab on to your warm bed, your nice curtains, anything.
  44. >"It doesn't mean... we've... moved on."
  45. >Dizzy as your heart races, you look around your rapidly retreating room in a panic, as the knots in the wooden walls seem to resolve into hundreds of pairs of eyes, staring at you.
  46. >"It's time to get back to work, Morning."
  47. >A sudden jerk sends you tumbling back as you flail for a moment, before landing on your face.
  48. >No longer feeling the icy hand on your hoof, you jump up as your heart stops at what you see.
  49. >Wet cardboard.
  50. "No..."
  51. >Rain leaking through a box.
  52. "I-it can't..."
  53. >A sign listing prices.
  54. "T-this..."
  55. >5 bits hoofjob
  56. "I-I..."
  57. >10 bits fulltime
  58. >A whimper escapes your mouth.
  59. >20 bits anything
  60. "I-I w-was f-free!"
  61. >Your weak legs drop you into the puddle slowly forming in your familiar home as you finally realize the truth.
  62. "I-I'll n-never be f-free..."
  63. >Your tears stream silently into the rain as thunder gently rumbles overhead.
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