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  1. yourlycantbsrs [-2]Hi
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  4. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 5 hours ago
  5. What do you think posting like that is accomplishing? What's the point of trying to piss me off?
  6. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  7. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 5 hours ago
  8. I like it when the bacon is crisp at the edges but slightly soft in the middle, so when you tear into it your incisors slice through the flesh but then you've got to twist your head and tear with your canines. It reminds me that I've got canine teeth and only one stomach for a reason. And then the dopamine spikes because my brain knows that meat is fantastic.
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  10. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  11. Why are you doing this?
  12. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  13. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  14. Because I'm an arsehole who goes from subreddit to subreddit peddling my bullshit two-bit quasi-religion, preaching about what other people should eat as if that's the most important issue in the world.
  15. Wait. No I'm not.
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  17. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  18. There's nothing religious about veganism. It's based on secular ethical arguments.
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  20. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  21. Also, I'd say the unnecessary killing of trillions of animals who are mostly kept in awful conditions for their entire lives is a pretty serious issue. I'm stunned that more people don't think it is.
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  23. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  24. You know who else kills animals? Other animals. Murderous little bastards should be put in jail. Baleen whales are worse than the Holocaust! Think of the krill! Someone, please, please think of the krill!
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  26. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  27. "Here. I have some reading material for you. Have you considered letting Peter Singer into your life?"
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  29. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  30. Other animals aren't capable of moral thought or being convinced by reasoned arguments.
  31. Your comparison would get you laughed at by anyone who knows the first thing about these issues.
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  33. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  34. It's amazing the lengths people go to in order to avoid thinking and remain comfortable. Well, color me unsurprised by your attitude and behavior. Your replies are remarkably predictable and mundane. Bravo m
  35. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  36. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  37. Other animals aren't capable of moral thought or being convinced by reasoned arguments.
  38. Which is precisely why I am under no obligation not to kill them. There's no moral agency to protect
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  40. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  41. Why, it's almost like I don't take you seriously at all.
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  43. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  44. They are moral patients though. The fact that something isn't a moral agent doesn't imply you can treat it however you want. Are you against torturing animals? I hope so. What are your reasons for being against animal torture?
  45. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  46. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  47. That's all nice and everything, but it's all irrelevant.
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  49. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  50. You are welcome to can things irrelevant all you want, just be aware that it has no bearing on the facts of the matter.
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  52. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  53. It's kinda funny how you're so afraid of being inconsistent that you can't even explain why you think torturing animals is wrong. And if you don't think it's wrong, you probably need to take a good long look in the mirror.
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  55. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  56. Do you take yourself seriously? Or is this just a long troll? You seem like a Randroid, except instead of Rand Paul you worship at the altar of vegan utilitarianism. I'm not sure this isn't just performance art.
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  58. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 4 hours ago
  59. I never said anything of the kind. But please, feel free to beat that strawman to death. I heard he's racist.
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  61. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  62. I asked, you refused to respond, I speculated about your intentions. That's not a straw man. Keep throwing that word around, maybe someone won't notice that you've completely failed to explain your views.
  63. Why don't you answer the simple questions I ask? Are you okay with torturing animals? Why or why not?
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  65. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  66. The strawman also said he likes bacon.
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  68. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  69. Yeah just retreat into dumb jokes again, that's probably because you know you don't have good answers for such simple questions. Life must be hard when you struggle to justify seemingly obviously beliefs consistently
  70. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  71. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  72. You type a lot of bullshit that I can't be arsed reading. Meanwhile, that cheeky strawman slept with your mother.
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  74. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  75. Your insults make you sound like a child. Are you a child?
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  77. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  78. Also, is reading difficult for you?
  79. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  80. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  81. No, just discretionary.
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  83. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  84. Mom, the weird man with chicken feathers in his fly is talking to me again.
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  86. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  87. And you think you're a reliable judge if what is or isn't worth reading?
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  89. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 3 hours ago
  90. Yeah, more childish jokes. Quick, make light of the fact that you refuse to think hard about stuff!
  91. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  92. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 2 hours ago
  93. Who the fuck comes to subredditdramadrama to think hard?
  94. What's wrong with you?
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  96. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 2 hours ago
  97. Even if we weren't in there you'd still refuse to contemplate these issues. We're PMing now, not posting there.
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  99. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 2 hours ago
  100. So I suggest you're a two-bit still for a bullshit neoreligion and you PM me to proselytise further? Hahahaha.
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  102. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 2 hours ago
  103. Could you try to explain what's religious about veganism? I bet you can't!
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  105. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 2 hours ago
  106. You're proselytising.
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  108. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  109. You're right. But so are lots of people campaigning for worthy causes.
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  111. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  112. The actual worthy causes, you mean? Ha.
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  114. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  115. And why don't you think veganism is a worthy cause?
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  117. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  118. Why would I? I'm not obliged to accept it as a given, and then explain why I don't believe the incontrovertible truth.
  119. Again, you're positing it as if it's a religion. "Why don't you believe in our Lord and Saviour, veganism?"
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  121. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  122. Why would I?
  123. Because suffering is bad maybe? Because, well, if you know much about ethics, it's pretty obvious?
  124. Again, you're positing it as if it's a religion. "Why don't you believe in our Lord and Saviour, veganism?"
  125. Please recognize the difference between acting like a religious person and veganism being a religion. It's not a religion even if I try to convert people.
  126. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  127. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  128. Hahaha. "If you were already converted, you'd know why! Our Lord and Saviour, veganism, knows all and sees all! Let veganism into your heart!"
  129. You're sounding more and more cult-like by the message, dude. You don't even have the introspection to realise it.
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  131. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  132. I bet people campaigning for gay or civil rights sound the same way. Are they wrong? Should they stop?
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  134. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  135. Sapient animals are sapient.
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  137. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  138. Every time you ignore a question of mine, I can't help but think that you're afraid of answering it.
  139. You know that people campaigning for other worthy causes sound the same. That's why your dismissal of my arguments based upon the fact that I'm proselytizing is inconsistent.
  140. Let me ask you again just so I can watch you not answer it:
  141. Why is torturing animals wrong? Or is it not wrong?
  142. You're going to ignore this question. So much of what you've said has been remarkably mundane and predictable.
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  144. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  145. I simply don't give a fuck what you think.
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  147. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  148. I just looked at your history. You're a lawyer, eh? No wonder you can't help but frame this as a battle. No wonder you love drama so much. But framing discussions like battles is not how you learn. I can tell that you're at least halfway capable of understanding arguments in favor of veganism. If you think it's silly, you need to engage these arguments in order to have a justified belief.
  149. Let's say I thought X was legal. You said "but there's lots of case law about similar situations that you need to look into to make sure your belief is justified". What would you do if I said that I don't give a fuck? Would you think that my belief was justified? Would it actually be justified until I engaged the case law?
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  151. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  152. The longer you make your comments, the less I care to read them.
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  154. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  155. You are willfully ignorant.
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  157. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  158. Because I won't listen to a True Believer? Hahaha. I just think you're fucking nuts, dude.
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  160. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent an hour ago
  161. Because you actively ignore points that are made that directly counter your views.
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  163. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 57 minutes ago
  164. I'm not even reading them. I don't give a flying fuck what you think. I thought this was clear.
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  166. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 22 minutes ago
  167. It's not about what I think. It's about being justified. Do you care about having justified beliefs?
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  169. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 18 minutes ago
  170. Why the fuck would I feel the need to justify myself to you? I care so little about what you think I won't even read your comments, why would I want you as a moral arbiter. Are you slow?
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  172. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 16 minutes ago
  173. Again, it's not about me. I'm not the arbiter of morality, rationality is. Don't you care about being rational?
  174. Can you please stop acting like this is a fight between me and you? It's between you and rationality.
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  176. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 14 minutes ago
  177. Hahahahahaha. Holy fucking shit. You think your viewpoint is rationality?
  178. Holy fucking arrogance. You're on Tom Cruise's level. Scratch that, you're the new Jaden Smith.
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  180. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 13 minutes ago
  181. It's not merely my viewpoint. If I didn't exist, the arguments would still be out there and you'd probably still be intentionally ignoring then.
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  183. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 12 minutes ago
  184. Oh but it is, pet.
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  186. [–]from yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 10 minutes ago
  187. Listen to yourself.
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  189. [–]to yourlycantbsrs [-2] sent 7 minutes ago
  190. I see me trolling, yo' hatin', something something, i 'unno, I didn't even read!
  191. permalinkfull comments
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