
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 9

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:00 PM - Mektons of Fun: Having arrived back at the gang's stronghold and gotten paid for your labors, you just completed a walkthrough of the place, taking careful note of the various details and appliances, searching for plan potential to help bust the little Usamimi girl out.
  2. 8:04 PM - Kari: Kari mulls a plan over in her mind as she checks out the hideout. Satisfied with her second sweep, she nibbles her lower lip for a moment before deciding to step out with a purchase in mind. Stepping past the guy closest to the door, she says, "I'm gonna go blow some of my cash. Be back, man." She figures a stun gun would be a useful tool to have right about now.
  3. 8:05 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Ey, wait up," Spinner holds out a hand to stop you. "Gonna need some contact info, just in case we need you. Didn't just hire you for nothing, y'know."
  4. 8:06 PM - Kari: "Oh yeah, no problem." Turning back around, Kari spills her comm number to Spinner, not having any other options. "All set?"
  5. 8:07 PM - Mektons of Fun: Programming the digits, he nods, satisfied. "Alright, we're good."
  6. 8:08 PM - Kari: "Cool. Be back soon, boss." With a smile and a nod, she turns back around to head out the door.
  7. 8:10 PM - Mektons of Fun: He gives you a disinterested wave as you depart, passing the barricade which is currently manned by Dick and one of the guys you've yet to be introduced to, though he was at least given notification of your presence, judging by his lack of reaction.
  8. 8:11 PM - Kari: Kari wanders off, passing through the tunnels to find a staircase to the upper levels. Once there, she rings up Widoia and cruises for a weapons shop. "Hey, Wids. You there?"
  9. 8:12 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Reading loud and clear, Kari. Your little friend showed up and told me everything."
  10. 8:14 PM - Kari: "Glad to hear it. I found what I was looking for. Think I should be fine, but a little more muscle wouldn't hurt if anyone's interested. Do you think that's possible, or is this just going to be me?"
  11. 8:18 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Are you asking me to come along? Or maybe you want..." you can practically hear her shudder. "Langio?"
  12. 8:19 PM - Kari: "Yeah. I think she'd be interested. She knows her stuff and she could prolly kick my ass. Do you think she'd be up for it?"
  13. 8:20 PM - Mektons of Fun: "I think you'll have to ask her yourself. Do you have a plan so soon? Little Jake here didn't show up very long ago."
  14. 8:26 PM - Kari: "Yeah. I don't really have the time to talk to her though. I'm picking up a little something for myself, then I'm going to rest up for a bit. She has time to think it over. I'll be resting for a few hours I think. And uh... tell her to be subtle at first. Last thing we need is her going overboard and scaring the shit out of them. They don't have a lot. Some humans, a slab of meat they call a human, a dryder, and a pyhua. Not much firepower either. Some pistols and a single rifle. All guys save for me, so the guys on watch might appreciate some company. I'll figure something out for that, since I doubt Langio's that type of gal."
  15. 8:28 PM - Mektons of Fun: "I'm preeeetty sure she's an equal opportunity d-dom..." Widoia trails off, coughing once. You can very well hear her blushing before she regains herself and continues. "Well... since it's you, I'll speak to her about it. When should I tell her to show up? And where?"
  16. 8:29 PM - Kari: Kari blushes a bit herself, coughing nervously in tune with Widoia. "Few hours. I'll send you my logcompass data. Sound good?"
  17. 8:31 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Sure thing, Kar. But I'm blaming you if she ties me up and I can't get any work done."
  18. 8:34 PM - Mektons of Fun: With your call concluded, you venture out of the lower levels to return upwards, browsing around the various stores for a nice self-defense or weapons shop. Luckily, whatever the galactic laws are in regards to weaponry, it's apparently pretty open. Hence why you can get away carrying a sword out in the open, you suspect. That or nobody wanted to bring it up...
  19. 8:35 PM - Kari: ".... I... o-okay... um... yeah... g-gotta run. L-Later." With that, Kari drops the call before it can get any more awkward. She's already blushing enough to cook eggs, and she needs a clear head for now.
  20. 8:38 PM - Mektons of Fun: An electronic bell chimes as the sliding glass doors open up, granting you access to the store. You see rows upon rows of various weapons, from your more "classic" swords and sheilds, to more modernized projectile rifles, accessories, ammunition types and even the odd energy weapon or two. It's a dazzling display of killing utensils. Apart from the obviously dangerous ones, there are a number of nonlethal models available as well, as you can tell by the labeled rows.
  21. 8:40 PM - Kari: Kari's already got her tool in mind, looking for the less-lethals section. With a quick sift through her options, she decides to snag a hand taser and bring it up to the front desk.
  22. 8:42 PM - Mektons of Fun: Behind the counter, you spot one of the birdpeople - Raz'ask, you recall. His wide beak opens curiosly as you place your purchase on the counter. "For protection, is it? An admirable tool. It can disable, but does not need to slay. That model in particular is their latest release."
  23. 8:44 PM - Kari: Kari nods to the person behind the counter, looking it over as she reaches for her credit chip. "Yeah. I've... never killed anyone in person... Pilot, y'know? I'd like to keep it that way if I can."
  24. 8:45 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Wise for your age. Many youth simply seek the largest barrel to fire the most damaging payload."
  25. 8:48 PM - Kari: "Heh... you think so?" Kari looks up at the bird, a soft smile on her face. "I guess that's one way to look at it. Guess the idea of killing someone just makes me feel a little sick. Hunting's one thing, you know? I.. I have a choice I guess. Making the one I think is right."
  26. 8:52 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Hunting animal is understandable to an extent. The obligation is to make use of all that you can from your prey. Hunting fellows of intelligence however, is unacceptable. Anyone can change their ways, better themselves, and advance the galaxy's understanding. The thug you slay in self defense could have one day become a brilliant inventor, should he realize the error of his ways. Animals are simply a part of the food chain, but we at the top should not hunt each other without meaning."
  27. 8:56 PM - Kari: "Yeah... I don't think I'm smart enough for all that, but... if nothing else there's a kid I have to worry about. If I have to keep her safe, I'd rather she not pick up bad habits from me, y'know? I mean, I feel sick about it too, so it's not all about her. Guess I just want to keep her from it. She's smart. Maybe she'll be one of those people that becomes someone great. I cut someone down right in front of her and I could rob her of that."
  28. 9:01 PM - Mektons of Fun: The Raz'ask nods sagely. "A logical argument by a logical individual, hoping for a brighter future. All of which I can approve of..." he checks the price tag on your purchase, tapping a claw against his beak. "$200 will cover the cost, for a hopeful individual like yourself."
  29. 9:03 PM - Kari: Kari nods handing him the chip. "Thank you, sir." She looks over the item as well, noticing the actual price. "Th-thank you very much," she adds, a bit more focussed this time. She blushes softly with a genuine smile spread across her lips.
  30. 9:05 PM - Mektons of Fun: Though his beak is incapable of smiling, you can feel a faint, kindly aura radiating from him that tickles you pink.
  31. 9:06 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Of course. Now go, for a better future. And good luck, yes?"
  32. 9:09 PM - Kari: "Ah?" Kari's eyes look up to his own, and she pauses for a second as a look of realization spreads across her face. She gives him a small nod with a short buzz of her wings. "Yeah~. Let's hope I don't need it." Turning on the spot, she trots over to the door, stopping halfway out to give the shopkeeper a wave. Hurrying back down to the hideout, new taser stowed on her belt sans pricetag, she still has the smile on her face from the kindly Raz'ask's gesture.
  33. 9:14 PM - Mektons of Fun: You make your way back through the halls and streets, coming to the alleys and eventually winding through the lower levels towards the Spinners' holdout. The guards are actually pretty alert as you approach before they recognize you, relaxing.
  34. 9:15 PM - Kari: "Hey, boys. Lookin for somethin?"
  35. 9:16 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Just keeping a - eheheh - /sharp/ watch," Dirk laughs at his own joke, digging his blade into the wall beside him.
  36. 9:17 PM - Kari: "Cute. Well try not to be too witty; You might scare off all the cute girls~." With a chuckle a little wave, Kari heads further down the hall. "So which bunk's mine?"
  37. 9:19 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Can always share mine," Dirk's "saner" friend says with a wink. "But uh... far room on the left. Middle one. We're gonna need more bunks at this rate..."
  38. 9:22 PM - Kari: "Yeah... I'll uh... keep that in mind. Thanks." Shaking her head as she walks, Kari heads into the directed room and plops herself down on the bed. She leans back, arms behind her head and stares at the ceiling. "Might as well get some rest for now," she muses under her breath. Kari figures she should wait for the others to get some sleep before mulling about much more.
  39. 9:26 PM - Mektons of Fun: And so you do. The room is, thankfully, unoccupied. So at the least you won't be leered at while you take your catnap.
  40. 9:29 PM - Mektons of Fun: A few hours later, and you blink yourself awake, gazing around wearily at the unfamiliar surroundings, a sensation which gives you the oddest deja vu of back when you first signed onto the Sylk Industries ship. Which was, now that you think about it, not that long ago at all.
  41. 9:30 PM - Mektons of Fun: To your left you spot Face, the man who's face was probably held against the pavement while he was dangled out of a speeding motor vehicle, snoring soundly. The bed to your right is unoccupied.
  42. 9:32 PM - Kari: Kari stretches just a bit, arching her back and letting a few joints pop. Settling back down on the mattress, she sits up and swings her legs off the bed in on movement. Taking the time to rub her eyes, she decides to wake herself up just a bit before moving on. With nothing else to really go on, she stands up and steps out into the hall, taking a look around to see who's still up.
  43. 9:34 PM - Mektons of Fun: The halls, from what you can see, are unoccupied. But echoing from the guardpost ahead you hear the sound of two voices, though what they're saying is indistinct and, most likely, meaningless. Putting a little thought to the matter, the oversized, empty mattress you just passed by is probably Spinner's, which likely means he's up.
  44. 9:37 PM - Kari: Kari runs a hand through her hair, still shaking off a bit of the grogginess from the nap. She decides to play it cool for now goes to check on the barricade.
  45. 9:40 PM - Mektons of Fun: You head through the fairly short hall, stopping at the barricade. The backs of Runner and Steak are what greet you. The two turn at the sounds of your arrival, and though Tank does not seem very happy to see you, he doesn't look like he's ready to facesmash you for blinking at him wrong. At least, no more than he did back at the bar.
  46. 9:40 PM - Mektons of Fun: Steak, not Tank
  47. 9:42 PM - Kari: Kari half expects the big lug to deck her, but when he does she eases up a bit. With a flick of her chin, her eyes move over the two. "Hey guys. What's up? Nightshift?"
  48. 9:45 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Yeah, nightshift," Runner says, flicking his blue-haired head as he leans against the wall, folding his arms. Steak grunts wordlessly.
  49. 9:46 PM - Kari: "Fun stuff. You seen the boss? I didn't see him in his bed, assuming that was his. Coulda been Stake's though for all I know."
  50. 9:49 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Funny," St(e/a)k(e) says, without a hint of amusement. Runner decides to answer your question, instead, "Yeah, he's in the back, working on some more of the silk for sale."
  51. 9:50 PM - Kari: Kari smirks despite Steak's attitude. "Cool. Thinkin I might ask him about makin a run to bring some girls back. What do you guys think?"
  52. 9:53 PM - Mektons of Fun: St(e/a)k(e) grunts wordlessly again. Runner, however, shrugs. "I'm sure if they're half as good as you, boss'd probably approve. 'Specially if they got a nice pair. Keep the guys quiet."
  53. 9:55 PM - Kari: "Heh. I hear ya. Maybe pick up a Dryder for the boss. Pretty sure he's not going to complain about that. Think I might grab a drink before I head out though. You guys want anything?"
  54. 9:56 PM - Mektons of Fun: "A beer will be fine. For me and the big guy; he wants one whether or not he'll say it to your face. He's just salty about getting his skull caved."
  55. 9:58 PM - Kari: Kari nods to the two of them. "Sounds good. Gonna rummage around then. Be back." With that, Kari steps off towards the mess, opening and closing the door behind her.
  56. 10:03 PM - Mektons of Fun: You duck into the kitchen, taking a quick look around. You don't spot the Pyhua, much to your relief, but sitting bored beside the girl is the one they call Dick. He is at least not doing anything weird or sexual or fucked up with either the girl or his dick, so that's a plus. He's just sitting behind the girl, twirling a pistol and looking bored and tired. From the cooking station behind the wall he's sitting against, you can hear a few noises and clatters. Dick looks up at probably the first interesting thing he's seen in hours.
  57. 10:04 PM - Mektons of Fun: He yawns loudly before saying, "Come here often?"
  58. 10:06 PM - Kari: "Heh. Just when I want to get something to drink," she says stepping closer towards him. "The guys out front wanted a beer if we've got 'em. Can you show me where they are?"
  59. 10:07 PM - Mektons of Fun: He cocks a thumb over his shoulder, pointing to the cooking station behind him. "Boss is inside though, probably making more silk. 'E won't mind if you grab a drink though."
  60. 10:10 PM - Kari: "Got'cha. Thanks, man." Not according to plan, but she rolls with it anyway. Stepping over towards the door, she steps through and lets it shut behind her, looking over the bossman. "Hey."
  61. 10:11 PM - Mektons of Fun: Inside the cooking area, you find Spinner lacing a thread stretched from his abdomen around a large metal crank, the thread's course taking it through a clear pool of red liquid that occasionally twinkles in the dim light.
  62. 10:12 PM - Mektons of Fun: "What're you doin' up? Best not be fucked up when we need you because you didn't sleep."
  63. 10:13 PM - Kari: "I'm good, boss. Took a nap, so I'm wired right now. Just grabbing a couple drinks. Is that alright?"
  64. 10:14 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Yeah, whatever. Just don't trip the thread, I got some laying out to dry." Indeed, as you approach his position near the fridges, you can see some faint red threads hanging across the room, and the smell of some powerful chemicals assaults your nose.
  65. 10:16 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes roam over the spread, stepping a bit closer. "Nice. So this is how it's made, huh? Never seen this done before. You mind if I watch as long as I don't mess you up?"
  66. 10:17 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Got a reason to watch? Not like you can make it yourself." He continues to work as he talks, slowly winding the crank and spooling the previously-white thread through the trough of liquid, occasionally flicking it.
  67. 10:19 PM - Kari: Kari takes a couple steps closer, looking over the scene. "Yeah, I guess. I was just never smart enough for this kind of thing. I like watching things get made, you know? The process. It's neat to me."
  68. 10:20 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Guess that makes you more interesting than the rest of the gang. Not the most conversational bunch outside their interests."
  69. 10:24 PM - Kari: "Maybe. They seem to not much much else on their minds other than my chest, so I'd believe it." Kari steps about as close as she can get to drider without risking bumping into him. Her eyes look over the operation, and over the product already made. "Thought about making a run to bring a couple of girls back. Keep the boys interested. I think I know a Dryder girl, real crazy in the sack kind, that might be interested in partying. What do you think?"
  70. 10:25 PM - Mektons of Fun: "A Dryder, eh? And you've been in the sack with her, have you?" He stops his work to glance slyly at you, grinning slightly before returning to his work. "Yeah, maybe another spider would be good to have around. Might keep the boys in line."
  71. 10:31 PM - Kari: "Oooh yeah. She's a handful," Kari says, smirking back with a bit of a blush. Her hand roams back to the taser, drawing it as quietly as she can while the dryder's thoughts are occupied. "Busty and beautiful and a total tease. Really helps you wind down." (10+8+3+2+7 = 30)
  72. 10:31 PM - Mektons of Fun: 12
  73. 10:37 PM - Mektons of Fun: "That so? I might like her after all, then. Bring her on board next chance you get." Creeping forwards with the taser now in hand, you peer over his shoulder before immediately lashing out, jabbing him in the neck with the prongs and sending a few thousand volts through his body. He convulses wildly, going limp immediately afterwards.
  74. 10:37 PM - Mektons of Fun: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL Luck for me, baby
  75. 10:38 PM - Kari: (9. 1 luck spent. 10.)
  76. 10:39 PM - Mektons of Fun: Slumping down, the thread leading from his rear goes taut from the sudden additional leverage, and the trough of liquid sloshes, very nearly tipping over as the crank with the thread laced around it wobbles. It produces a small squeak of metal-on-metal, but thankfully not a tremendous crash and splash that would have likely drawn attention.
  77. 10:43 PM - Kari: "Silky smooth~," Kari says, giggling to herself at her admittedly lame one-liner. Quickly grabbing up a couple beers in one hand, she steps out back into the kitchen area and gives Dick a nod as the door closes behind her. "Hey, man. Want one?"
  78. 10:45 PM - Mektons of Fun: He shrugs, holding out a hand. "May as well. Kid's out cold now, not like I need to keep a close eye."
  79. 10:46 PM - Kari: "Catch, man~." Kari tosses him the beer, intentionally throwing it a bit short so it'll hit the hit the ground and skid. "Aw, shit. Sorry, man."
  80. 10:46 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Thing better not pop when I open it," he grunts, leaning down to grab the fallen beer.
  81. 10:48 PM - Kari: (10+8+3+2+4 = 27)
  82. 10:51 PM - Mektons of Fun: You saunter cooly over, pricking him in the neck and sending the volts coursing through him. He tenses up as he's tased, twitching before dropping face-first onto the floor, foaming at the mouth.
  83. 10:54 PM - Kari: "Can't handle your booze, huh?" Leaning down, Kari drags the guy into the back room with Spinner before moving back to the girl. She checks the kitech door to make sure she doesn't have company before making sure the girl's okay. The little bunny looks asleep, but mostly healthy. With her hand over the girl's mouth, Kari gentle nudges her shoulder to try and wake her up.
  84. 10:54 PM - Kari: *the kitchen door
  85. 10:59 PM - Mektons of Fun: Her eyes blink, and she looks dazedly around, before her eyes widen at the sudden close contact of your hand. She screams, but it's muffled by your hand into a quiet murmur, her eyes flit to and fro, as her ears flop wildly.
  86. 11:01 PM - Kari: Kari holds her hand firmly over the girl's mouth, but does her best not to hurt her. "Shhh... Hey... calm down, okay? I'm not going to hurt you. You're Jake's sister, right?"
  87. 11:01 PM - Mektons of Fun: At the mention of her brother's name, she calms down, nodding behind your hand.
  88. 11:03 PM - Kari: With a soft smile, she removes her hand and places both on the girl's shoulders. "We're getting you out of here, okay? We need to be quick, or this could all go bad. My name's Kari. What's yours?"
  89. 11:03 PM - Mektons of Fun: "V-Valentine..."
  90. 11:05 PM - Kari: "Okay, Val. You're a big tough girl like your brother said, but I need you to be tough for just a little bit longer, okay? I'm going to untie you, and when I do, I need you to sneak out of the air vent on the wall over there. When you hear me talking to the guys outside, slip out okay?"
  91. 11:06 PM - Mektons of Fun: She nods, giving you a quiet, affirmative hum in response.
  92. 11:07 PM - Kari: Kari gives the girl a big smile as she rattles off the space dock with the Sylk Industries ship. Untying the girl's bonds, she continues. "If we get separated, go there. Ask for Widoia. She'll look after you. Otherwise, if you see me or another dryder in a grey coat, stay with us, okay?"
  93. 11:09 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Okay..." she murmurs, working her way towards the airvent. Just as she bends down to crawl in, the door to the kitchen slides open with a quiet hiss. Standing there is Dirk, his black hair matted in a bedhead as he yawns. Despite being in bedclothes, he still has four different blades on him. He blinks, his eyes scoping out around the area.
  94. 11:11 PM - Kari: Kari looks up in a bit of surprise, beers in hand as she's about to head out. "Oh hey, Dirk. Boss and Dick are in the back. Come back here and you can help me carry the beer out, alright?"
  95. 11:12 PM - Mektons of Fun: Roll Persuasion~
  96. 11:13 PM - Kari: (10+5+2+5 = 22)
  97. 11:14 PM - Mektons of Fun: Not even getting the chance to look around, you shove a beer into his hand and turn him right around, pushing him out before he can even protest. The door shuts behind the two of you as you walk towards the barricade.
  98. 11:17 PM - Kari: "Boss is gettin real excited to have a dryder girl coming by. Got one of my friends I think I can call on. What do you think?" Rounding the corner, Kari holds out the other beer for Stake. "Here ya go, man. What kind of girls do you like? I'll see if I can find one for ya while I'm out."
  99. 11:21 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Me?" St(e/a)k(e) questions, taking the beer and literally ripping the upper portion of the can off, rather than pulling the tab. He thinks with his usual unhappy face. "Probably ones big as me. Can't get into small chicks like you. It'd be like fucking a kid."
  100. 11:23 PM - Kari: Kari nods in amazement at the feat of strength. "Yeah, I'm gettin that. Well alright, I'll keep my eyes peeled, man. Maybe it'll help make up for the headache. See ya soon, guys." Strutting off through the door, Kari hangs a bit to the left, hoping to step out of sight of the door inconspicuously. Gesturing to Valentine to follow her, she picks up the pace.
  101. 11:28 PM - Mektons of Fun: You walk past the gang, strutting past and collecting Valentine from a nearby vent. "T-that was cool, lady... t-thanks."
  102. 11:28 PM - Kari is now Online.
  103. 11:30 PM - Kari: "No problem~. You can just call me Kari if you'd like." Offering the little girl her hand, Kari makes her way toward the ship. "Are you doing okay, Valentine?"
  104. 11:33 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Y-yeah... I'm okay, just tired." she yawns to punctuate the fact, rubbing her eyes.
  105. 11:36 PM - Kari: "I thought you might be," Kari quips with a giggle. "Well it's not too far away. When we get to the upper levels, I can carry you the rest of the way. Sound good?"
  106. 11:39 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Mmh..." she drones, yawning again. "I-is my brother okay? They hurt him really bad..."
  107. 11:41 PM - Kari: "Yeah. He's okay. He was pretty healthy actually if his running was any indication. Took my sword to fight for you as a matter of fact."
  108. 11:41 PM - Mektons of Fun: "H-he did? J-Jake did that for me?"
  109. 11:44 PM - Kari: "He sure did. Tough little guy. I had to talk him down, but he was determined to go through it."
  110. 11:46 PM - Mektons of Fun: "Wow... b-but why did you save me, miss Kari?"
  111. 11:48 PM - Kari: "Cause it was the right thing to do?" Kari says, giving the girl a genuine look of confusion. Laughing it off she shakes her head a bit. "Jake said you were in trouble. I know what it's like to have family to look after, and I was in a position to help. So I did."
  112. 11:51 PM - Mektons of Fun: She processes the information, almost unable to comprehend. "You did it, just because? Nobody's ever gone out of their way like that for us."
  113. 11:51 PM - Mektons of Fun: "I didn't think there were any nice grownups like you around..."
  114. 11:54 PM - Kari: "Really?" Kari seems a little offput by her remark. "That's... that's kinda awful...." She takes a moment or two to process it all before looking back to Val. "All I know is that if I didn't help, I'd be letting my sisters down. I doubt they'd hold it against me or anything, but I know that there'd be disappointment every time I talked to them. I don't think I'd be able to look at myself the same way either."
  115. 11:58 PM - Mektons of Fun: "You have sisters, too? I only ever had my big bro. What are they like?"
  116. 11:59 PM - Mektons of Fun: The two of you work your way carefully through the lower levels, dodging the occasional greaser and suffering the odd leery-eyed stare before you reach the staircase and make your way back to the upper levels. Val yawns hugely again, rubbing her head. "My head feels all fuzzy, too..."
  117. Tuesday, November 10, 2015
  118. 12:02 AM - Kari: Kari fills her in on the many facets and features of her sisters, silly nicknames excluded. Weathering the stares and other punks, she keeps her eyes peeled and her hand near her gun. "Probably from what the Pyhua did. I hope he didn't hurt you. I'll see about getting you to a doctor after you sleep some, okay?"
  119. 12:03 AM - Mektons of Fun: "'Kay... thanks, K...Kari."
  120. 12:05 AM - Kari: "No problem, Val. Here, lemme call my friends and I'll carry you the rest of the way, okay?" Cresting the top of the stairs, she sends out the call to Widoia and kneels down to pick up the sleepy rabbit. "Hey Widoia. We're in the clear. I haven't seen the Chief, so I guess she's with you?"
  121. 12:06 AM - Mektons of Fun: Your response is a muffled cheer followed by an equally muffled, barely-audiable negatory response.
  122. 12:08 AM - Kari: "Uh... Wids? I can barely hear you..." With tired passenger secured, Kari stands back up once more and heads off towards the ship. "I need you to speak up."
  123. 12:08 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Mm fmmne, dmmnt mmry."
  124. 12:10 AM - Kari: "Do you have food in your m-.....? Oh..." With face rapidly turning red, Kari stares blankly at her wrist comm. She's just that unsure of what to say to that.
  125. 12:10 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Mmeh."
  126. 12:11 AM - Mektons of Fun: Valentine looks on curiously, "Is she alright?"
  127. 12:12 AM - Kari: "Y-Yeah..! She's just fine, dear. She uh.... one of my friends just played a little prank on her. N-No worries."
  128. 12:13 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Oh. Okay the-" she yawns once again, blinking her watery eyes. "then... your friends sound silly."
  129. 12:16 AM - Kari: Kari winces at that notion, but tries to keep a straight face. "Oh yes. Very silly. Lots of laughs. I'm sure I'll get my fair share for asking her to help, unless Widoia made it sound like her idea."
  130. 12:22 AM - Mektons of Fun: She nods, being apparently too tired to talk as you lead her back to the ship. You find Jake waiting by the airlock, and he immediately runs towards Val, tears in his eyes as he practically pounces his sister, hugging her tightly. Surprised at first, she returns the gesture in kind, and before long you have two sobbing children in your airlock.
  131. 12:24 AM - Kari: Kari smiles brightly, cycling the airlock and letting the two enjoy their ruinion for the time being. With a happy little buzz of her wings, she leans against the wall and waits for them to be ready to move and talk.
  132. 12:26 AM - Mektons of Fun: The two, eventually, get themselves together. With their eyes rubbed raw, they look at you with their faces from tears.
  133. 12:29 AM - Kari: Kari kneels down before the two of them, giving them both a gentle smile. "I'm so glad the two of you are okay." She opens her arms wide, offering the two of them a hug.
  134. 12:32 AM - Mektons of Fun: They hug you right back, each offering their thanks, and promising to repay you in some fashion. It's mostly indecipherable gibberish between the two of them attempting to talk through broken, sob-wracked breaths though, but you get the gist. In that moment, a large Dryder with his brown-haired legs walks in, looking down at the scene with a slight smile. "Kari." He nods. "Mr. Silk said they can stay on the ship. At least 'till we leave the station."
  135. 12:33 AM - Mektons of Fun: Dematus folds his arms as he looks down, bald head shining in the airlock's light.
  136. 12:34 AM - Kari: She squeezes the kids tight, smiling bright and giggling as they mutter their thanks. "Dematus!" Kari exclaims with a smile. "Thanks for that. You want to help me show our guests to their room for now? I think little Valentine here could do with some sleep."
  137. 12:36 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Sure." He stomps over in his usual heavy-footed way, and the two kids cower slightly at his large, imposing form. Holding out his hands to each of them, the kids slowly take hold, at which point he yoinks them up and sits them on his shoulders. Shocked at first, they then begin laughing as he walks out. The two turn around, waving to you as Jake says, "Thank you so much, miss Kari! I promise I'll pay you back somehow!"
  138. 12:38 AM - Kari: "Don't worry about it, Jake~. Just happy I could help!" She stands there for a bit, watching them go down the halls. With her hand over her heart, she just smiles and basks in the feeling of having done good for a bit. Eventually though, she sighs and realizes she should probably find Widoia and let her out.
  139. 12:42 AM - Mektons of Fun: You proceed to Widoia's usual comm room, apprehension rising as you wonder just what you'll find. Entering the sliding door, you hold your breath, finding...
  140. 12:43 AM - Mektons of Fun: Widoia, hanging upside-down, gently swaying like a windchime from the ceiling. Her mircophone is still attached to her head, but her mouth is gagged with plenty of thread, and her limbs are completely bound. Her eyes light up as she sees you enter, though. "Mmri! Mmn uu mmt mm dmmn?"
  141. 12:45 AM - Kari: Kari's eye starts to twitch at the sight, and she takes a quick look around first before responding. "Y-Yeah. Just uh... give me a second." Hopping up and grabbing on, Kari inverts herself and tries to pull away Widoia's gag. "Oooone second~..."
  142. 12:46 AM - Mektons of Fun: You work your fingers under the gag, pulling it from her mouth as she breathes a sigh of relief, her face flush from having been gagged for however long. "Thanks, Kari~. You're a lifesaver. I owe you one!"
  143. 12:48 AM - Kari: With a little giggle, Kari pat's Widoia's head and rights herself once more. "Yeah, no problem! Sorry I asked you to do this. I never even saw the Chief though, so I guess she had better things to do. Just glad I didn't wind up needing the help." Fiddling with the bindings around Widoia's legs, she skews her lips with the effort. "Where 'is' she anyway?"
  144. 12:50 AM - Mektons of Fun: "You didn't see her? She went out and tailed you the whole time. She kept me posted on your work, that was really amazing stuff! From what I heard, anyway. You snuck that girl out and didn't even hurt anyone. You're... you're like, Wraith-levels of incredible!"
  145. 12:53 AM - Kari: Kari's eyes light up at the compliment. "Oh yeah? Heheh. Th-thanks, Wids~. Yeah, I never even saw her. But I guess if you thought I did that well, then she must better than to me to have tailed me... the... whole....way...."
  146. 12:54 AM - Mektons of Fun: "She probably would have intervened if things got messy, but it sounds like you took care of everything by yourself. I'll bet she was super impressed!" With your help, Widoia is eventually freed from the super-tough, stretchy threading. She stretches, raising her arms high and consequentially shoving her sizeable chest forwards quite a ways. She squeaks cutely as she strains. "So nice to finally be out of there."
  147. 12:55 AM - Mektons of Fun: y
  148. 12:55 AM - Mektons of Fun:
  149. 12:59 AM - Kari: Half expecting to get jumped by Langion, Kari's tense the whole time. When the bubbly spider starts to stretch, however, she starts to ease up a bit. "Y-You really think so? I... I think I'd kinda like having her be impressed. Would really mean something y'know?" Giggling at Widoia's high-pitched sounds, the rest of the edge starts to wane, and she smile softly. "I'm really glad to see you though, Widoia. Thanks for looking after Jake."
  150. 1:01 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Of course! Can't let a cute little rabbit like that run around alone when his sister's in danger. Though I guess we gotta figure out what to do with them tomorrow, since we're leaving then..." she ponders, tapping a finger against her chin. "Well, I guess we should leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow. You should get to sleep."
  151. 1:02 AM - Kari: "Yeah, I suppose so. No need to do it all in one day, right?" Eyes casting downward, a little smile sits on Kari's face. After a little bit, she looks right back up at the loveable spider and gives her a big hug. "I'll see you tomorrow, Wids~."
  152. 1:03 AM - Mektons of Fun: "See you Kar~." She waves, wiggling her fingers exaggeratedly as you leave, heading for your quarters. You walk in, arms raised, stretching in a position similar to Widoia just before.
  153. 1:04 AM - Mektons of Fun: Before you even realize what happened, the door to your quarters seals and clunks, indicating the manual bolt was sealed from inside the room. Then your hands are bound together, and you're roped up to the ceiling, dangling from your arms.
  154. 1:05 AM - Mektons of Fun: "I was wondering when you'd show up." That icy voice you'd recognize anywhere as Langio reaches your ears, and she lowers herself from the ceiling, face-to-face with you. She grins, baring her teeth.
  155. 1:07 AM - Kari: With panic shooting through her like ice-water in her veins, Kari yelps as she's forcibly hauled up to the ceiling. Face flushed and trembling furiously, she babbles out a response to the intimidating woman. "Ch-Ch-Chief!? W-... H-... Eep...!"
  156. 1:09 AM - Mektons of Fun: "I saw you, every step of the way. It was almost impressive." She tugs on the string around your wrists, and the thread tightens, sending you jolting around from the sudden tug. "Almost. So I figure a little... positive reinforcement, might be just what you needed."
  157. 1:09 AM - Mektons of Fun: She licks her lips, smile growing.
  158. 1:11 AM - Kari: Kari winces and whimpers softly from the tension in her wrists. "A-Alm-most...? What do I have t-to do to impress you, damnit!?" As aggressive as the statement could be, she practically whimpers it out through blush in a pleading manner.
  159. 1:12 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Oh? Are you arguing with /me/?" She pulls on the rope again, bringing her face so close to yours that your noses touch. She breathes heavily, obviously on purpose. Her hot breath washes across your face, smelling faintly of cinnamon.
  160. 1:15 AM - Kari: Kari siezes up again, the pain shooting through her. The heat in her cheeks almost matches the hot breath washing across her. Nibbling her lower lip, her eyes stare into Langio's as she mulls the question over. " I.. it... it was j-just a qu-question, Ma'am."
  161. 1:17 AM - Mektons of Fun: She backs away, idly inspecting one of her nails. "Well, for starters, we can see just how long you last." Clicking that particular nail against another, she seems satisfied, bringing it towards your shirt and dragging it downwards, tearing into it and exposing your cleavage.
  162. 1:19 AM - Kari: "L-Last...!?" Kari stares on in fear at just what that could mean. As her shirt tears open, the breathy design practically falling apart from just that. "Ah!? Wh-what are you d-doing!?" She brings her knees up, trying to cover her nearly exposed chest.
  163. 1:20 AM - Mektons of Fun: "Oh? No bra? Well, that makes this easy, doesn't it?" She brings her face into your chest, and you feel her hot, wet tongue drag across your exposed breasts, up towards your neck and peak at your chin, leaving behind a trail of saliva. "Mm. You really /are/ delicious."
  164. 1:23 AM - Kari: Kari fidgets and squirms against her bindings, only made worse when the lick comes. As it trails up her body, she arches her back and moans out. Her breathing is quite unsteady, and she pratically quakes from her suspension as she tries to piece together both what's going on and her feelings. "Y-You already t-took my first k-kiss! What else do you w-want!?"
  165. 1:25 AM - Mektons of Fun: "I think you know the answer to that very well, don't you? And I'm sure you're more than willing. Or am I wrong?" Running her hand down your back, she carresses your rear, circling around your left leg before running her hand up and down the length of your inner thigh. Her thumb occasionally brushes against your crotch with the motions.
  166. 1:27 AM - Kari: Kari flinches at Langio's movements, but the spider isn't wrong. She shudders and trembles, eyes fluttering with another quiet series of moans. "I... I d... I don't kn-know..."
  167. 1:31 AM - Mektons of Fun: "All you need to do to stop it is tell me no. And soon. Otherwise it might be just a little too late, don't you think?" She giggles, a sound like icicles piercing your ears. She begins moving, still carressing your thigh and increasing the frequency of her thumbing all the while. Working her abdomen, she laces several more threads up around the room, binding your two legs separately and spread apart. With your arms and legs bound to the ceiling, you're strung up much like a hammock. Satisfied with her work, she lowers herself completely onto you, straddling you... at least, as best as an eight-legged Dryder can to a small Kunchoren like yourself.
  168. 1:32 AM - Mektons of Fun: "I'm going to have a lot of fun with this." She puts a hand to her mouth, giggling in a manner entirely too feminine for someone like herself. "Better answer soon~."
  169. 1:35 AM - Kari: Kari finds herself completely unable to resist. She knows the answer even if she can't bring herself to say it quite yet. It's only once she's finally suspended that she finally relents. Tensing up with a shudder through her body as the weight of Langio's comes to rest on her, she nibbles her lower lip as her eyes lay themselves on the wicked woman. "O... okay~..." And with a little nod, she resigns herself to her fate, wings buzzing with anticipation and nervousness.
  170. 1:38 AM - Mektons of Fun: Her smile is at its absolute peak, her teeth completely exposed. "That's the answer I was looking for. You are going to please me in /so/ many ways..." her voice trails off as she drags her nail across your shirt, down to your naval and exposing your chest completely. "If you're a good girl, I may even return the favor."
  171. 1:38 AM - Mektons of Fun: With one final lick of her lips, Langio sets to work.
  172. 1:38 AM - Mektons of Fun: Fade to black.~
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