

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. #KillerCaptains
  2. #By Winter
  3. #There is a few things to set up while doing this, please contact me on skype @ sketchypeanut if you need any help!
  4. #Setup Tutorial
  6. options:
  7. P: &8[&6KillerCaptains&8]&c
  8. Op: jdawgiscute.admin
  9. PM: &4You don't have the required permission to use this command.
  11. command /resetkillercap:
  12. permission: {@Op}
  13. permission message: {@PM}
  14. trigger:
  15. delete {slayees::*}
  16. delete {slayers::*}
  17. loop all players:
  18. add loop-player to {slayees::*}
  19. loop all players:
  20. set {killercap.%loop-player%.role} to "slayee"
  21. broadcast "{@P} reset!"
  22. stop
  23. delete {slayers::*}
  25. command /setkiller <integer> <player>:
  26. permission: {@Op}
  27. permission message: {@PM}
  28. trigger:
  29. #Set Captain
  30. set {_captain} to arg 2
  31. set {_captainnumber} to arg 1
  32. set {Captains::%{CaptainNumber}%} to {_captainnumber}
  33. set {Killer.KillerOf::%arg 1%} to {_captainnumber}
  34. add {_captain} to {Captain.%arg 2%::*}
  35. broadcast "{@P} %arg 2% is captain of %arg 1%!"
  37. #Add Captain
  38. set {_killer} to arg 2
  39. set {_teamnumber} to arg 1
  40. set {Teams.InTeam::%{_killer}%} to {_teamnumber}
  41. add {_killer} to {Team.%{_teamnumber}%::*}
  42. command "/scoreboard teams join UHC%{_teamnumber}% %{_killer}%"
  44. command /killcaptp:
  45. permission: {@Op}
  46. permission message: {@PM}
  47. trigger:
  48. loop all players:
  49. give loop-player a stone sword
  50. command sender command "/freeze"
  51. set {slay.inprogress} to true
  52. loop {slayees::*}:
  53. execute console command "warp slayeesspawn %loop-value%"
  54. loop {slayers::*}:
  55. execute console command "warp slayersspawn %loop-value%"
  57. command /killcapgo:
  58. permission: {@Op}
  59. permission message: {@PM}
  60. trigger:
  61. broadcast "{@P} will start in 10 seconds! Get ready to kill! (Or run!)"
  62. wait 5 seconds
  63. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  64. broadcast "{@P} 5..."
  65. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  66. wait a second
  67. broadcast "{@P} 4..."
  68. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  69. wait a second
  70. broadcast "{@P} 3..."
  71. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  72. wait a second
  73. command sender command "/freeze"
  74. broadcast "{@P} 2..."
  75. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  76. wait a second
  77. broadcast "{@P} 1..."
  78. command sender command "/playsoundkc note.harp"
  79. command sender command "killcapunfreeze"
  80. wait a second
  81. broadcast "{@P} GO! Slay, slay, slay!"
  82. command "/playsoundkc mob.wither.death"
  84. command /killcapunfreeze:
  85. permission: {@Op}
  86. permission message: {@PM}
  87. trigger:
  88. loop all players:
  89. command sender command "effect %loop-player% clear"
  91. on death of player:
  92. if {slay.inprogress} is true:
  93. victim is in "killercaptains"
  94. attacker is in "killercaptains"
  95. if {Killer.KillerOf::%attacker%} is set:
  96. set {_victim} to victim
  97. set {_team} to {Teams.InTeam::%{_victim}%}
  98. remove {_victim} from {Team.%{_Team}%::*}
  99. delete {Teams.InTeam::%{_victim}%}
  100. command "/scoreboard teams leave %{_victim}%"
  102. set {_victim} to victim
  103. set {_teamnumber} to {Killer.KillerOf::%attacker%}
  104. set {Teams.InTeam::%{_victim}%} to {_teamnumber}
  105. add {_victim} to {Team.%{_teamnumber}%::*}
  106. command "/scoreboard teams join UHC%{_teamnumber}% %{_victim}%
  107. set {ChosenPlayer.Dead::%victim%} to true
  109. on respawn:
  110. wait 5 ticksn
  111. {slay.inprogress} is true
  112. {ChosenPlayer.Dead::%player%} is true
  113. execute console command "/warp killercapains %player%"
  114. delete {ChosenPlayer.Dead::%player%}
  117. on damage of player:
  118. if {slay.inprogress} is true:
  119. if {Killer.KillerOf::%attacker%} is not set:
  120. cancel the event
  122. command /playsoundkc <text>:
  123. permission: {@Op}
  124. permission message: {@PM}
  125. trigger:
  126. loop all players:
  127. execute console command "playsound %arg 1% %loop-player%"
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