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a guest
May 20th, 2018
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  1. #WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
  2. #uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
  3. #set_pass_admin YOUCANTSEEIT:D
  4. #if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
  5. #uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
  6. #set_pass_private
  7. #uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
  8. #set_server_name EU_cRPG_CTF
  9. #uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
  10. #set_welcome_message Welcome on CTF Server, enjoy your stay.
  11. #Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
  12. #Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
  13. set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 1
  14. #setting capture the flag (multiplayer_cf) mode
  15. set_mission multiplayer_cf
  16. #setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
  17. set_max_players 32 32
  18. set_num_bots_voteable 20
  19. set_map multi_scene_1
  20. add_map multi_scene_2
  21. add_map multi_scene_4
  22. add_map multi_scene_7
  23. add_map multi_scene_9
  24. add_map multi_scene_11
  25. add_map multi_scene_12
  26. #adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
  27. #adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
  28. add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
  29. add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
  30. add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
  31. add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
  32. add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
  33. add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
  34. set_randomize_factions 1
  35. #since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
  36. set_team_point_limit 10
  37. #if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
  38. set_upload_limit 100000000
  39. #if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
  40. set_port 7240
  41. #if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
  42. set_steam_port 7241
  43. set_server_log_folder Logs
  44. set_server_ban_list_file Logs\ban_list.txt
  45. start
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