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Chat log Discussion 16/11/2018

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Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. momo: Let Kaiser be honest about why he wants him back. About why I wanted him back too.
  2. Door: Of course.
  3. Door: I would actually like to hear this.
  4. Kais: Let's think about this, you're all beating down on him, and he doesn't get to speak?
  5. Door: He can come in if he wants.
  6. Kuro: Of course not, but we haven't had the chance to heard otherwise.
  7. Door: He might be asleep though.
  8. Door: I do want to hear his side, naturally.
  9. Kuro: ... or something. v
  10. Door: But there's not much he can do to justify his actions.
  11. Balance: A moral argument. We are all entitled to speak our thoughts, no? He can do so as well.
  12. Requiem: It's 4:08 for them I believe, so they'd be asleep most likely.
  13. Door: And I've never said he couldn't.
  14. Door: Infact, I want him to do that.
  15. D3SU: He's more than welcome to defend himself.
  16. momo: We're dodging the question.
  17. D3SU: It'd help us understand him.
  18. Balance: Indeed.
  19. Kuro: But let's hear from Kaiser and Momo about Herp's possible promotion.
  20. Requiem: Yes, nobody said anything about him not being allowed to speak back. But yes, the question at hand.
  21. Requiem: Herp's reason for promotion.
  22. Kais: He cannot justify his actions to you, but you also have very strong ties to Skarner, who hates Herp.
  23. momo: Kaiser, why do we want him back, given all of this?
  24. Door: See, Kaiser. I disagree there.
  25. SpiderQuill: ...
  26. Door: I'm not against Herp because of Skarner.
  27. Door: I like Skarner, sure.
  28. Jars: can I speech yet?
  29. Door: But Kuro feels the same way, no?
  30. SpiderQuill: I'll "SILENCE!" the next one who speaks that isn't momo or kaiser.
  31. Door: And Kuro doesn't like Skarner at all.
  32. SpiderQuill:
  33. Kuro: I just find unethical.
  34. Door: But alright, continue.
  35. Kuro: And correct.
  36. Yuri has played a song: P3 ~ Blues in the Velvet Room.
  37. Kais: I trust him to be genuine to me, and work to create a better server in the long run.
  38. Kais: I have trusted him for so long.
  39. Kuro: Isn't that just bias?
  40. Balance: As I suspected. This is all about friendship.
  41. Door: vv
  42. momo: No, no and no.
  43. Funky: ...Well you also have to stop and look at it from his side. Everything he did... wasn't meant to be harmful. If anything a lot of what he did end up doing helped a lot... Just that he also did hurt. I really do think that he cares about CC.
  44. Jars: why don't you guys just put it do a staff vote or something
  45. Door: ...
  46. SpiderQuill: Momo, what's your take on this?
  47. Kais: I think that he cares too, I mean, I know he cares.
  48. momo: No no, and no and no. This isn't bias, or friendship.
  49. Kuro: Now pardon me, please, continue if you have more to say.
  50. Kuro: And that's what it sounds like, momo.
  51. Requiem: I'd like to reiterate a point earlier, that even if he was acting with good intentions in the end, that doesn't mean it justifies the actions he took.
  52. Door: I think all the staff have cared. But we don't see them coming back, right?
  53. Kuro: vvv
  54. Balance: Momo, can you actually say that? Kaiser is saying the opposite right next to you.
  55. SpiderQuill: This method of delivery won't get us a clear message any time soon...
  56. Rayfa: I feel like I've entered a land mine of an area. wew.
  57. Kuro: As I said.
  58. momo: Kaiser isn't saying the opposite.
  59. D3SU: Welcome.
  60. SpiderQuill: Please, let momo say anything before asking them more questions.
  61. Door: They kind of are, truthfully.
  62. Kuro: v
  63. Cosmos: Me too Rayfa, I have no clue whats going on.
  64. Kais: It's not just about caring, it's about actually being able to talk genuinely and bring up real disagreements, unlike staff before.
  65. Funky: The facts are very simple. But you need to add context to them. He didn't lie to Yuji... fully. And he told Skarner about everything... And Yuji was breaking a rule of the staff even if it was a small one.
  66. Funky: And Herp was most of the time very foward.
  67. Door: I didn't say that Yuji didn't break a rule.
  68. D3SU: Kaiser, apologies to interrupt after you've already been interrupted so much, but I do have something to say regarding this.
  69. momo: We're getting caught up in all the semantics
  70. Door: But I feel like lying and blackmail are a step higher than breaking that tiny rule.
  71. SpiderQuill: Can we hear what Momo has to say?
  72. SpiderQuill: Please.
  73. Door: But that's just my personal morals.
  74. Door: Don't consider that an argument.
  75. momo:
  76. D3SU: You can speak now.
  77. Kuro: v
  78. momo: Herp has been incredibly honest, trustable and caring with us, not as friends, but as a staff member working with higher-ups.
  79. momo: However, that honesty did NOT translate to everyone else.
  80. D3SU: That's what I was about to bring up, actually.
  81. momo: Kaiser ISN'T just saying that out of bias. It's that Herp didn't give that to everyone else.
  82. D3SU: I agree fully.
  83. Funky: Which is the problem here.
  84. momo: v
  85. Door: I mean, also, define "us"
  86. SpiderQuill: So Herp was nice to his superiors only?
  87. Door: Who did he show that to?
  88. Kuro: Okay, I have literally no idea of what you speak of.
  89. Door: And yeah, that sounds like Anon.
  90. Balance: So.... Herp was biased.
  91. Balance:
  92. Door: Just saying.
  93. D3SU: Kaise, you can trust Herp to the end of the world and back, but that doesn't mean the other staff can.
  94. momo: And...
  95. Door: And why should the community trust him.
  96. D3SU: Precisely.
  97. Door: And we KNOW he won't respect them, from what I've heard.
  98. SpiderQuill: Yes, Momo?
  99. momo: I'm not sure I trust Herp to trust the others, and be honest with them.
  100. SpiderQuill: Then he's not a good pick.
  101. Door: ...Might I make a point, momo?
  102. Kais: Alright, think about it on the flipside, am I supposed to work with people I wouldn't trust then?
  103. Door: If you have someone like Herp.
  104. momo: Th... Mm.
  105. Door: Who likes his surperiors.
  106. SpiderQuill: No, but I hardly think there's only one person you can trust.
  107. Door: And will be honest and real with them.
  108. Jars: I know I have very little say here but how about some kind of probational staff period?
  109. Door: That sounds like a yesman, Kaiser.
  110. momo: Rainy was someone we didn't trust. Someone that we thought didn't trust us, and didn't like us, etc.
  111. Door: Which is what people are accusing you of wanting.
  112. Kais: But he's not a yesman, I can trust him to disagree with me.
  113. Door: Now, I'm not doing the same, don't get me wrong.
  114. momo: But, that's only because we had a culture that prevented them from speaking their mind out of fear.
  115. D3SU: I think a small break would be nice after momo and Kaiser make one final point here to sum themselves up.
  116. Door: If you say so.
  117. Lexigiri: A little brief intermission would be nice.
  118. momo: O-Okay.
  119. momo: Um...
  120. Kuro:
  121. Jars: do I get to make my positivity speech then?
  122. Kuro: Okay...
  123. SpiderQuill: ...
  124. D3SU: Nearly there, Jars.
  125. Door: Poor Jars, lol.
  126. D3SU: v
  127. Door: Thanks for sticking in there bud.
  128. Door: <3
  129. Jars:
  130. Kusu: Poor guy.
  131. Kais: Probational staff period is a bad idea, by the way.
  132. Door: Yeah, that doesn't work.
  133. momo: Kaiser, Herp, Rainy, the community... We all want to fix things, but both halves have a hard time trusting the other.
  134. Door: They pretty much always get through.
  135. Door: I mean, it sounds like your whole goal is uniting us all, right momo?
  136. momo: And, by being deceptive, and not being transparent, and by backing out or lashing out when people aren't, the ideal we want, we're furthering that cycle.
  137. D3SU: That's Kaiser's goal as well. Hell, that's the staff's main objective right now.
  138. Door: Which I can respect, honestly, that's a good goal.
  139. Door: I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
  140. momo: v@D3SU very very hard.
  141. momo: Kaiser wants that.
  142. momo: Badly.
  143. D3SU: Indeed.
  144. Kuro: If I'm to be honest, the idea of reuniting a whole community... that's a bit farfetched.
  145. Door: But I feel like if that's your goal, having someone that doesn't respect or trust those below or on the same level as him.
  146. Door: Would be the worst pick possible.
  147. Kuro: Because people disagree, and distrust. And that's something hard to deal with.
  148. momo: ... And that is why I'm debating, Door.
  149. Funky: almost like i've been saying that we've should have been working on fixing the community view of the staff for the longest time now
  150. Door: Because I know Herp, he'll be a very vocal staff member.
  151. D3SU: Love ya, Funky. <3
  152. momo: Yes, I know, Funky. Wry. <3
  153. Door: And he'll be one of the leading staff, if I may.
  154. Balance: You and Kaiser would spend hours in a locked area discussing topics. Then you exit to suddenly spring a topic upon the Baristas. If you want unification in the staff as well, maybe fix that.
  155. Balance:
  156. Door: And he'll be a bad face for community communication.
  157. momo: True. We would.
  158. SpiderQuill: I love the self-interrupt, btw...
  159. Balance: Thanks, I try.
  160. D3SU: Herp was always quick to throw himself at work, much more so than most other staff members.
  161. SpiderQuill: <3
  162. momo: But, that's only because we felt isolated in the staff, like we couldn't bring up the issues we thought were concerning.
  163. D3SU: Herp'll have strong, leading opinions on any topic he's given.
  164. Kais: That's not entirely it momo.
  165. Door: Work isn't good or bad, he was doing bad work.
  166. SpiderQuill: Momo
  167. Door: There are bad people who have had strong leading opinions.
  168. momo:
  169. SpiderQuill: WHY exactly did you feel isolated?
  170. Door: Look at any dictator.
  171. Balance: Momo, you have told me that many times you tried to reach out to staff. Now you are telling me you have been pulling away.
  172. momo: I've tried to reach out, but...
  173. Funky: Yes, there was a lot of mistrust within the staff. And that's why I thought we either needed to be more open, which I tried to do, or cut down our numbers... which you did.
  174. Kais: Staff weren't willing to actually genuinely discuss, they'd rather go over tiny details and do endless surveys about them.
  175. SpiderQuill: Hmmm
  176. momo:
  177. Door: And so we return to the surveys.
  178. SpiderQuill: Is that why, Momo?
  179. Door: I knew this'd come up.
  180. Kais: That's why we spent so much time discussing between just the two of us.
  181. Balance: A survey sounds like they didn't trust that their word would be heard and respected.
  182. Kuro: v
  183. Balance: In a normal discussion.
  184. Dan: Errrr, well best of luck with the conversation. I'm gonna turn in for the night
  185. Lexigiri: Good night, Dan.
  186. Dan: See ya guys
  187. SpiderQuill: Wise choice, Dan.
  188. Balance: Night.
  189. Kuro: Bye.
  190. momo: That's also true. Kaiser and I felt like whatever concern we had would be drowned in bureaucracy. See you, Dan. <3
  191. Door: Alrighty Dan.
  192. D3SU: G'night, Dan.
  193. Requiem: Sleep well, Dan.
  194. Door: Sleep well
  195. D3SU: That's a bit ironic, considering that surveys wer momo's way to tackle these issues when they joined staff.
  196. Kais: Take care.
  197. Dan: *jumps into TV*
  198. Rayfa: Have a good one, Dan.
  199. momo: I know, I know, I know.
  200. Funky: You mean the one survey that happened asking about the staff feeling and view of the server. OR the one I did to get community feedback? Need I remind you that the survey idea was momo's idea.
  201. Funky: Or the two other that were about meetings.
  202. D3SU:
  203. momo:
  204. Rayfa:
  205. Funky: Which one?
  206. Kuro:
  207. Funky:
  208. SpiderQuill: Alright, so Momo made a bad choice. No need to throw her under the bus now.
  209. D3SU: We can poke a bit of fun every now and then, momo. We still love ya. <3
  210. momo: Everyone said they liked the survey in the survey though. Rainy argued for them just the other day!
  211. D3SU: Indeed.
  212. Balance: The only reason someone would resort to surveys is to get each and every staff members' opinion. And that would make each one "equal" on the ballot.
  213. momo:
  214. D3SU: Exactly.
  215. Balance: If they felt they were needed, they felt their opinions weren't equal.
  216. SpiderQuill: Guys... The fact that you use surveys, the mere fact that you do, proves one thing...
  217. SpiderQuill: You have unreachable, unavailable staff.
  218. Kais: Exactly.
  219. SpiderQuill: And that won't cut it.
  220. Funky: Well maybe it's because they liked them because they could get their ideas out there without having to actually go into an area and get talked over like we're doing now... didn't you have a whole group about that momo.
  221. D3SU: v
  222. momo: All good points. All three.
  223. SpiderQuill: If that's the case, Funky...
  224. Funky: Or how two of them were in problematic timezones.
  225. SpiderQuill: Then they shouldn't be staff. If they can't commit for whatever reason...
  226. D3SU: The fact wasn't that people couldn't be reached. It's that surveys were simply the most efficient way to get opinions out about things.
  227. SpiderQuill: Then I'm sorry, but that won't do.
  228. Door: >Doesn't live in America or Europe
  229. D3SU: With 10+ people in staff all at once, discussions got hectic quickly.
  230. Rayfa: Timezones affect everyone, really. I can imagine it was a cause for alot of things.
  231. Door: >Yeah you can't be staff
  232. Door: ???
  233. Door: That makes uh
  234. Door: No sense
  235. Balance: Well, timezones do exist. To manage people in other timezones.
  236. Door: v
  237. D3SU: Things were difficult to follow, and opinions and views got drowned out easily.
  238. Balance: You need staff in various timezones.
  239. SpiderQuill: I've been in servers where only people from a certain timezone where accepted into staff positions.
  240. HatKid II: ...So what's the occassion this time?
  241. Door: You NEED people in non EU or NA timezones
  242. Jars: everyone should just switch to swatch time
  243. Balance: That is dumb.
  244. SpiderQuill: And usually you'd have 2 groups.
  245. D3SU: That's very dumb.
  246. Door: To moderate for those in those timezones.
  247. Balance: Indeed.
  248. Door: Yeah, that's uh, very stupid.
  249. Funky: Spider... Spider... You don't understand. When you had people like Herp around... and Kaiser who they mostly didn't trust due to being close to Herp... then what do you do? I mean. From what I saw they still took part in talks.
  250. Requiem: I can actually attest to that, Desu. I was in an area once where several staff were discussing stuff (before they moved to staff room eventually), and it got pretty hectic and hard to follow
  251. Funky: They just weren't very good. But if that was the case then Cera wouldn't be part of the staff.
  252. Funky:
  253. D3SU: Yeah... Having so many people led to its own issues...
  254. Rayfa:
  255. SpiderQuill: I'm not sure I'm following you, Funky...
  256. Door: tl;dr
  257. Funky: I'm not either.
  258. Funky:
  259. Rayfa:
  260. SpiderQuill:
  261. Rayfa: Tjart
  262. Door: You can't talk if you're too afraid to.
  263. momo: ... Herp's culture made it very hard for people to genuinely speak against him.
  264. Rayfa: That's the most senisble thing I've heard yet.
  265. Door: I think is what he was saying.
  266. D3SU: v@Momo
  267. SpiderQuill: Culture?
  268. momo: We had a staff restructure.
  269. HatKid II: ...No answer? I see how it is. I guess this is part 2 to the morning discussion.
  270. momo: yesitishatty<3
  271. SpiderQuill: I didn't even know you were here, Hat xD
  272. Balance: Restructure? I think you mean Thanos-snap.
  273. D3SU: Herp also implicitly stood as a direct line to the higher-ups. Aka, the other managers and Owners.
  274. momo: No, not that, Balance.
  275. momo: The manager/owner one.
  276. Balance: Ah...
  277. momo: ALSO.
  278. momo: MAY I SAY.
  279. D3SU: Yes?
  280. Funky: I was the one who was like "hey guys, lets just undo all of herp stuff"
  281. momo: ... I made up with Rainy today. We're friends again.
  282. Balance: I heard.
  283. Rayfa:
  284. SpiderQuill: Congrats.
  285. Requiem: That they did.
  286. D3SU: It was very nice.
  287. Lexigiri: Dandy.
  288. Kuro: Cool beans.
  289. Door: Which is great and all, that doesn't solve our issues.
  290. D3SU: v
  291. Kuro: v
  292. Jars: spiderquill can we make up
  293. momo: They, um... They couldn't speak with me genuinely, because they were scared to.
  294. SpiderQuill: You get a Taka petting emote.
  295. momo: Again, because of the CULTURE.
  296. SpiderQuill: Oh?
  297. SpiderQuill: Yes, Jars?
  298. momo:
  299. Balance: Uh. No. That is because rainy is just weird.
  300. Kuro:
  301. Kuro: fair point
  302. Funky: Hey guys, it's almost like we can connect lines to thing
  303. Funky: things
  304. D3SU: W o w.
  305. momo:
  306. Funky: and that ends in a single point.
  307. Rayfa: Rainy talks to people through a randomized user discord bot with hamburger emojis.
  308. Balance:
  309. D3SU: Fuck being on staff, right Funky?
  310. Rayfa: I doubt culture was the issue.
  311. D3SU: omit
  312. Door: So, summarizing up our discussion about Herp. Since we seem to have gotten sidetracked.
  313. Balance: Rainy is lovable, shut it.
  314. D3SU: v
  315. Door: It seems Kaiser things he can be trusted.
  316. Rayfa: I never said I hated 'em.
  317. Door: thinks*
  318. SpiderQuill: Sidetracking in CC? You jest...
  319. Door: But nobody else does.
  320. Door: Like, nobody.
  321. Door:
  322. Funky: Hey man. I could write a small essay about the staff if I wanted to. But it wouldn't do nothing.
  323. momo: Let's not make this us vs. Kaiser, Door. It's not like that.
  324. Door: I mean.
  325. Funky: And how it's not only just herp. It was also momo.
  326. momo: It's not.
  327. Door: Does anybody here trust Herp?
  328. Door:
  329. SpiderQuill: This isn't US vs Anyone.
  330. momo: v
  331. Kuro:
  332. Funky: And Kaiser. And me. And Skarner.
  333. Jars: I don't not trust herp
  334. Door: I'm serious.
  335. momo: This is us trying to improve the server, together.
  336. Balance: >don't not
  337. SpiderQuill: This is US trying to make things work.
  338. Door: And I want to do that too.
  339. Door: And I'm seriously asking.
  340. SpiderQuill: Then don't demonise people.
  341. Door: How am I demonzing anyone?
  342. Kusu: I'm neutral, because I don't personally know Herp.
  343. SpiderQuill: It's a way of saying.
  344. momo: ... Herp has a fair amount he can be demonized for, to be fair.
  345. Door: I'm asking if anyone trusts Herp, based on their knowledge of him.
  346. Door: Kaiser does.
  347. Door: I don't, Kuro doesn't.
  348. Rayfa: You don't have to personally know someone in this regard. Just try to think of what had happened when he was in a place of respect.
  349. Door: If anyone does, feel free to chime in.
  350. Balance: Hey hey hey. See you how you are trying to silence Door? He has not been trying to make a personal attack. He is literally stating the facts.
  351. Rayfa: And if he was the cause of that happiness, Or just something else entierly.
  352. Jars: everyone has a fair amount they can be demonized for if you look in the right spots
  353. D3SU: I have to agree. Door's simply saying how it is. Bluntly, but how it is.
  354. momo: I apologize, Door, Balance. I just don't want Kaiser to feel attacked.
  355. Door: Kaiser wants people to talk genuinly to them.
  356. D3SU: Kaiser's a strong boi. He can stand up for himself.
  357. Door: I'm doing that, right?
  358. Rayfa: Pretty much. Yea.
  359. Kuro: He's not being attacked, it's alright to have a close friend as a staff, but you can't simply be that biased.
  360. Kais: Why not?
  361. Kais: Literally, why not?
  362. SpiderQuill:
  363. Kuro: Wasn't it said before?
  364. Kuro:
  365. SpiderQuill: You jest, right?
  366. momo: Why not, invite him back?
  367. Kuro: ^^^^
  368. Balance: Many times.
  369. Kuro: Like, many times.
  370. SpiderQuill: BEfore anything else...
  371. SpiderQuill: I have one question.
  372. D3SU: Yes?
  373. Kuro: He doesn't. Trust. Anyone. Below him. And that's a problem for the goal you strive for.
  374. Door: v
  375. Kuro: And yeah?
  376. SpiderQuill: In the end, did Herp blackmail Yuji yes or no?
  377. Door: Yes.
  378. D3SU: Yes.
  379. Requiem: Yes.
  380. Kuro: Ah huh.
  381. Balance: Kaiser, your views are falling upon yourself. Your relationship with Herp. You can trust him. He can trust you. We can't trust him. He can't trust us.
  382. Kuro: And that's it.
  383. Balance: You are being completely biased.
  384. SpiderQuill: Alright. I have only been moderator once in something else entirely... But there was a simple rule...
  385. Kais: Not completely.
  386. Kuro: It's nothing personal, really. But I won't accept having him as a staff if anything.
  387. SpiderQuill: If someone else from staff did something wrong, we were to inform a superior.
  388. SpiderQuill: We DIDN'T blackmail that person.
  389. Funky: Then I shall be one to argue for Herp. Because there seems to be one side present at the moment. Herp didn't Blackmail Yuji. He told the higher ups what happened and they told Yuji to not do it again. He didn't trick Yuji, there was actually a bet going on
  390. Funky: between him and Skarner. He just didn't say what on. He was honest with the higher ups... and didn't lie to the lower staff just didn't tell them anything.
  391. Rayfa:
  392. SpiderQuill: . . .
  393. Kuro:
  394. Jars: nice interupt
  395. D3SU: Therein lies an issue.
  396. Door: So he was keeping things FROM the staff?
  397. Kuro: v
  398. Door: If he'll keep things from the staff
  399. SpiderQuill: I feel as if Edgeworth has just updated the autopsy report...
  400. Door: Why won't he keep them from the community?
  401. D3SU: Again, Herp served the higher-ups. Not the staff at large.
  402. Balance: Well, he did tell Yuji he wasn't going to tell anyone.
  403. Door: Which is literally against what we want, no?
  404. Balance: So there lies a lie.
  405. Rayfa: As much as I can respect the Atempt, Funky. You're just saying an unpleasent event with sugar on top of it "from this prespective".
  406. Kais: So I need to bend over backwards just for you?
  407. Funky: Ah. But that was at the request of Skarner. Skarner never trusted anyone. Not even momo. They only two people he trusted was Herp and I.
  408. Door: D'aww, just for me?
  409. Rayfa:
  410. D3SU: Let the man play devil's advocate, geez.
  411. Rayfa: I object tot hat statement?
  412. Door: Who did you mean by that, Kais?
  413. Funky: And if you want evidence I can very well send you evidence.
  414. Jars: Face it anafunkin, we have the highground
  415. Kais: It was more general if anything.
  416. momo: ... I would like evidence he doesn't trust me, for personal reasons.
  417. Rayfa: I'd love to see that actually.
  418. Rayfa: Send it.
  419. Balance: Bend over backwards for the community? Sure.
  420. Door: I mean, isn't your job to make sure the community enjoys the server?
  421. Balance: That is what you are supposed to do.
  422. Balance: Indeed.
  423. Door: Yeah, you should be doing that, if you're hosting a server.
  424. Kais: But you do enjoy the server.
  425. Funky: Very well. Time to leak some sick DMs with my good pal.
  426. Rayfa:
  427. Door: I don't enjoy the shit going on with the staff.
  428. momo: You guys aren't just being honest. You're antagonizing him.
  429. Door: I won't enjoy it if I know Herp has a say in it.
  430. Kuro: Herp?
  431. Balance: Everyone has been complaining, if you haven't noticed.
  432. Kais: Because you so desperately want to be a part of it Door.
  433. SpiderQuill: SOME have been complaining.
  434. momo: You guys aren't handling this very tactfully.
  435. D3SU: Well, that's implicit in their argument, momo. They see Herp being re-promoted as a negative thing.
  436. Door: Ah, so that's what you think my angle is?
  437. D3SU: They can't help but say it that way.
  438. SpiderQuill: I agree with Momo. I wholeheartedly agree.
  439. Balance: Oh, woah woah woah. Personal attack incoming.
  440. Door: I mean, sure, I've been joking about it.
  441. Requiem: And some of the people that have been happy about this server, is because of stuff happening to the server, and the staff, being sugarcoated for people.
  442. SpiderQuill: This is getting out of hand.
  443. Kuro: Really, as to how things are looking right now, what other view you want us to have?
  444. D3SU: I agree, this should slow down.
  445. Madotsuki:
  446. Kuro: v
  447. momo: If you make Kaiser out to be an enemy because of their beliefs, they'll do the same reciprocally, and this won't get fixed.
  448. Lexigiri: I suggest an intermission.
  449. Door: I'm not attacking them for their beliefs.
  450. Funky: If you'd look in OOC.
  451. Jars: I think with as much controversy as there seems to be surrounding herp, bringing him back in the near future would be a mistake
  452. SpiderQuill: Door, can I ask you something that will sound harsh?
  453. Door: Of course.
  454. SpiderQuill: Can you chill for 2 minutes?
  455. Door: Mm?
  456. Kuro: And so needs everyone, really.
  457. SpiderQuill: True.
  458. momo: Hhhh.
  459. Lexigiri: That is why I am requesting an intermission.
  460. Funky: Anyways, Herp did what skarner asked him to do. Not tell the staff anything.
  461. momo: Okay. Break. Break time.
  462. Door: I don't like that idea, personally.
  463. Door: But ok.
  464. Lexigiri: We need to separate for a few minutes.
  465. Kuro: Granted.
  466. Madotsuki has played a song: Prelude ~ AA.
  467. Madotsuki:
  468. Balance: Break? Can we get snacks?
  469. D3SU: Good choice, Mado.
  470. momo: Yes.
  471. Lexigiri: You can get me later, Balance.
  472. Lexigiri: Omit
  473. Balance:
  474. Madotsuki: You're welcome.
  475. SpiderQuill:
  476. D3SU:
  477. momo:
  478. Rayfa: Random AA prelude inquisition.
  479. SpiderQuill: Jars, you left me hanging.
  480. Madotsuki: I hate to interrupt, but do you guys.. need a facilitator?
  481. Kuro: So what is this break for again.
  482. Kuro:
  483. Door: v
  484. Rayfa: Calming down.
  485. Jars: hanging for what?
  486. Door: I mean.
  487. Kuro: That we did.
  488. Lexigiri: I was going to suggest a brief separation.
  489. Door: We're gonna jump right in and be just as heated.
  490. Door: I want you to know that.
  491. Rayfa: Formulate an actual sentence that takes into accoutn what Momo/Kaiser would say for 10 seconds.
  492. Rayfa: Then we can go heated.
  493. SpiderQuill: You asked if we could get back to good terms or something along those lines, didn't you?
  494. Door: Say, Rayfa, I'm curious. What's your user? I just don't know and I'm a tad curious.
  495. Kuro: It's Wiso.
  496. Kuro: Also.
  497. Door: If you don't wanna say, tha-
  498. Door: Ah, alright.
  499. Kuro: Separation?
  500. D3SU: If I could ask you something real quick about the discussion so far, Kais?
  501. momo: Guys...
  502. momo: ...
  503. Rayfa: Yes?
  504. Lexigiri: I was going to suggest we [staff] move to the staff room simply to reconvene together.
  505. Jars: I have told you a couple times I didn't care for you much, spider but I am willing to forgive
  506. Rayfa:
  507. Lexigiri: You, in turn, have privacy to discuss what has been said.
  508. Door: ...Isn't that uh.
  509. Rayfa: I don't think that's how that works, Jars.
  510. Kais: Sorry, I went to the bathroom.
  511. momo: No no, I... I think we should stay here, because of the announcement.
  512. D3SU: v
  513. Door: Literally against what the point of this is?
  514. Door: Yeah.
  515. Lexigiri: Fair, then.
  516. SpiderQuill: I agree with Rayfa.
  517. Door: You all have DMs, for that purpose, no?
  518. momo: Guuuuys...
  519. D3SU: A question for ya, Kais?
  520. Door: Mm?
  521. Kais: What is it?
  522. Kusu: What is it momo?
  523. D3SU: Do you feel that you've been unjustly targeted or attacked thus far in the discussion?
  524. Rayfa: "Yes".
  525. Kais: No, however.
  526. SpiderQuill: >PL goes into break.
  527. SpiderQuill: >Users keep arguing.
  528. D3SU: However...
  529. momo: v
  530. Door: This is just a question from D3SU to Kai, really.
  531. Balance: True.
  532. SpiderQuill: >Users keep arguing.²
  533. D3SU: I'm simply trying to gauge the discussion so far and how Kaiser feels about it.
  534. Kais: I don't see a solution to this that will satisfy you.
  535. Phoenix: Woah, there are a lot of people in here.
  536. SpiderQuill:
  537. D3SU: That's fair enough for now, I guess.
  538. Kais: Well, satisfy both of us rather.
  539. Kuro: I don't think there are good solutions for this problem, that'd satisfy both parties anyway.
  540. Kuro: Yeah.
  541. momo: Hhhh...
  542. Phoenix: What are you looking for players for?
  543. Rayfa: There is, I'm sure.
  544. Door: That's true. It's a choose one situation, and there's two choices.
  545. Kuro: And that is?
  546. SpiderQuill: Phoenix, check #Announcements in Discord.
  547. Door: And we have two parties going for different answers.
  548. Funky:
  549. momo: Guuuuys...
  550. Rayfa: That's not entirerly correct. Although it may appear as two, A third and a forth always pop up.
  551. D3SU: Yes, momo?
  552. Phoenix: Oh geez.
  553. Lexigiri: Momo would like to say something.
  554. momo:
  555. Kuro: We don't promote Herp, Kaiser is unsatifisfied, we promote Herp, community is unsatisfied. Unless you make Herp a different person, then granted.
  556. Kuro: And go ahead.
  557. Door: Is the decision not just to promote versus not promote Herp? And go ahead momo
  558. SpiderQuill: Yes, Momo?
  559. D3SU: v
  560. momo: You both agree.
  561. Kuro:
  562. D3SU: Explain.
  563. Door: Come again?
  564. Kuro: Let's... let them speak.
  565. momo: You both want a staff that can be genuinely open and beneficial to the server as a whole.
  566. momo: I, don't want that to be lost in the details.
  567. Door: That is what I want, yes.
  568. Kuro: Yes.
  569. D3SU: I don't think anyone's forgotten, but thanks for the concern. <3
  570. Funky: hey guys. if you don't shut up during break then I'm gonna pull out moe. and no one put momo wants that. I agree with momo. We should have this a little more... ordered.
  571. Door: I want Moe.
  572. SpiderQuill: "Capable" if I might add.
  573. D3SU: I want it.
  574. Rayfa:
  575. Funky:
  576. Balance: Give us moe Moe.
  577. D3SU: v
  578. momo:
  579. Rayfa:
  580. Phoenix: Alright, I'm all caught up. This is one hell of a thing to walk into.
  581. Rayfa: Don't tempt him.
  582. SpiderQuill: It is.
  583. Madotsuki: Hence the suggestion for a facilitator.
  584. Balance: Moemoe... Momo, please make that your user.
  585. SpiderQuill: What even is a "Facilitator"?
  586. Balance: Please.
  587. D3SU: What exactly would a--
  588. D3SU: Yeah, what he said.
  589. Door: Basically like a debate moderator, no?
  590. Jars: also I thought this was supposed to be about talking to kaiser and momo not discussing staff politics (mostly herp)
  591. SpiderQuill: . . .
  592. Phoenix: I saw Funky in here, is that the real Funky?
  593. Madotsuki: Or, at least for all of the people that aren't mods to live in the OOC...?
  594. Door: Jars, this is us asking for transparency.
  595. Rayfa: No, It's Funky in disguise.
  596. mommoe:
  597. Funky: No. I'm a fake Funky.
  598. SpiderQuill: I object to that notion, Mado.
  599. Madotsuki: It'd make it less hectic, for sure.
  600. Rayfa: Told you.
  601. Kuro: Then what's the point.
  602. Door: Oh hi there Moe.
  603. Balance: Frankly, I am ashamed.
  604. Madotsuki: Fair enough.
  605. Door: And yeah, v Kuro
  606. Phoenix: Well I have my suspicions, considering they typed like Rainy.
  607. Kuro:
  608. Rayfa:
  609. Balance:
  610. D3SU:
  611. Rayfa: Makes you really.
  612. Rayfa: :KLavier-snap:
  613. Funky: Phoenix who are you.
  614. Phoenix: What's everyone blanking at me for?
  615. Funky: Who are you.
  616. Rayfa: We're threatning you.
  617. Balance: *blonks*
  618. Kuro: Who knows.
  619. D3SU: *blinks..*
  620. Rayfa:
  621. Funky: I want to know.
  622. momo: Hhhh.
  623. Kuro: Anyway, breaks won't do us anything and we'll get all heated up anyway.
  624. Door: Anyways, are the staff done formulating their argument yet?
  625. Rayfa: Breaks are nice, actually.
  626. Kuro: So are we gonna stall this forever?
  627. Funky: I got this.
  628. SpiderQuill: Heated up? I've been chilling.
  629. Rayfa: INstead of spitting out something you might regret.
  630. D3SU: I'd like to reopen the discussion by reiterating both sides' positions, if I may?
  631. Kuro: Look at the speed of this chat and tell me if this is chilling.
  632. Rayfa: One second, D3SU.
  633. Door: D3SU actually seems pretty unbiased here.
  634. Door: I'm alright with that, go ahead bud.
  635. D3SU: Of course, Rayfa.
  636. Kuro: He does.
  637. SpiderQuill: Both sides? There are about 6 sides in this.
  638. Phoenix: Ah, no point in incognito mode anymore I guess.
  639. D3SU: Hush, Spider.
  640. Door: There's 2 actually.
  641. SpiderQuill:
  642. Kuro: Nah, there is 2.
  643. Kuro: Community.
  644. Kuro: Kaiser.
  645. Door: Unless a third is neutral, I suppose.
  646. Kuro: v
  647. Funky:
  648. Madotsuki:
  649. SpiderQuill: sigh....
  650. Balance: And then there is Balance.
  651. Balance:
  653. Door: I wouldn't say Community vs Kaiser
  654. SpiderQuill: The next one who demonises Kaiser or anyone really...
  655. D3SU: Momo, that's inherent in a debate.
  656. Door: I'd say Herp vs Not Herp
  657. Rayfa has played a song: PRELUDE.
  658. momo: i lITerALlY toLd YOU
  659. SpiderQuill: Is getting L'Belle
  660. D3SU: It can't be helped.
  661. Door: Which to be honest
  662. Kais: It's fine, it is inherent to a debate.
  663. momo: It CAN be help--
  664. Phoenix: I have a knack for walking into the worst scenarios...
  665. Door: Is Herp (Community) vs Not Herp (Kaiser)
  666. Door: Er
  667. Door: flip those
  668. SpiderQuill:
  669. Door:
  670. Balance:
  671. Door: I'm tired
  672. momo:
  673. Lexigiri:
  674. Door: Please send help
  675. Funky: I object. I'm on both sides.
  676. Phoenix: Let's spice things up. Anon, at your service.
  677. D3SU: Can I modcall for help?
  678. Door: I figured.
  679. Rayfa: Let's all take a moment to appreciate that there is no Fast Pre option in CC.
  680. Balance: Predicted.
  681. Door: Greetings Anon.
  682. Rayfa: But after that, PLease do begin, D3SU.
  683. Balance: Welcome.
  684. SpiderQuill: Door, I'm gonna bring L'Belle to help you...
  685. momo: I am also on both sides. With Funky.
  686. Rayfa: Also, Aloha, Anon.
  687. D3SU: Momo, you're bad.
  688. Rayfa: I agree.
  689. D3SU: Fix it.
  690. Kuro: Both sides?
  691. Madotsuki: Howdy do, Anon.
  692. momo: Fix what?
  693. Kuro:
  694. Funky: Nice one. Worse time to show up fam.
  695. SpiderQuill: Hi, Anon.
  696. Kuro: vv
  697. Kusu: Anon?
  698. Rayfa has played a song: Logic and Trick ~ PLvsPW (English).
  699. Door: Also, Spider, I like L'Belle, so.
  700. Phoenix: This is a bit of a mess, huh? You're right about that.
  701. D3SU: You can't just say "I support everyone." and get something done.
  702. SpiderQuill: Armstrong then.
  703. Kuro: vv
  704. momo: Also, Anon. ... Hello, I suppose.
  705. Door: Like him too
  706. SpiderQuill: Apollo
  707. Funky: D3SU, I don't support either. I understand both sides.
  708. momo: v
  709. Door: Him too, but, this could go on forever.
  710. SpiderQuill:
  711. Rayfa:
  712. Kuro: Then what do you want?
  713. Kuro: Really.
  714. Kuro:
  715. SpiderQuill: Blackq- Wait...
  716. D3SU: Then you need to apply your understanding and pick a side, Funky and momo.
  717. momo: I don't know. I'm hesitating on repromoting Herp.
  718. Phoenix: Woah, I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. I'm just saying hello.
  719. SpiderQuill: No, they don't?
  720. Kuro: Then think that through.
  721. D3SU: Good to see you again, Anon. <3
  722. Rayfa: There's no real reason to pick a side, is there?
  723. Kuro: And make a decision.
  724. Door: Well it's great to see you Anon, I got worried y'know?
  725. momo: I can't say the same, Anon.
  726. Phoenix: Yeah, yeah.
  727. D3SU: I mean, momo is a manager, so there's some pretty big incentive for them to take side.
  728. SpiderQuill: Alright hold on. Let's not turn this into black and white. There are no 2 distinct, clear-cut sides.
  729. Door: ...
  730. Kuro: Yeah, great seeing you Anon, we all missed you.
  731. Kuro: There is, you can read.
  732. Door: There kind of are though.
  733. Rayfa: Before everyone states the stature of this argument.
  734. Rayfa: I'd like to please hear D3SU in uncut peace.
  735. Kuro: Different arguments, but same side.
  736. D3SU: I'll just cut to the chase, then.
  737. Rayfa: What do you mean, Incentive?
  738. Funky: Everyone shut up for just a second.
  739. SpiderQuill: This is my country's politics all over again, and my country is corrupt as fuck.
  740. D3SU: Well, incentive isn't the right word.
  741. Door: For once, I agree with Funky.
  742. D3SU: But... they should have some kind of drive to decide, I guess.
  743. Door: Go ahead D3SU.
  744. Rayfa: Door.
  745. Rayfa: Shut up.
  746. Kuro:
  747. Funky: Shhh.
  748. Kuro: >
  749. Kuro: >>
  750. Door: Kek
  751. D3SU: They're a manger, and part of staff. They're one of the people explicitly participating in this decision.
  752. D3SU: *manager
  753. Funky: D3SU... Shut up, no one cares.
  754. D3SU: <3
  755. Rayfa:
  756. Funky: I'm shutting you down.
  757. SpiderQuill: . . .
  758. Phoenix: What I'm confused about is why Gunky's still here.
  759. Rayfa: Alright. Do you have an idea gainst that, Funky?
  760. Kuro: >
  761. Rayfa: Against, too.
  762. D3SU: Anywho, I'll just open the floor back up and restate the sides up to this point.
  763. Phoenix: And somehow even cuter than before.
  764. Funky:
  765. D3SU: Mado, if things get too crazy, shut us up, will ya?
  766. momo:
  767. SpiderQuill:
  768. Madotsuki: Ya'll, I've been hovering over basics of the case for 5000 years.
  769. Funky: you too anon
  770. Madotsuki: Pls.
  771. D3SU: Appreciated. <3
  772. Kusu: I'll assist.
  773. Rayfa: If you feel like you're not grasping what exactly is being said and why. State so, but don't make a fuss over it.
  774. SpiderQuill: I'll Silence into oblivion as much as needed.
  775. momo: Anon.
  776. D3SU: Now, to give Kaiser's side of things, once everyone is ready.
  777. Rayfa: Now, The floor is yours for a bit, D3SU. After Momo says some thing.
  778. Requiem:
  779. SpiderQuill: Just do it already :p
  780. Rayfa: Sp, Just a moment.
  781. Phoenix: What's up?
  782. Madotsuki: Also I like how I am suddenly the resident newspaper smacker person, but alright.
  783. Madotsuki:
  784. D3SU: <3
  785. Madotsuki has played a song: The Basics of the Case ~ SOJ.
  786. momo: It'll take a long time for you to be able to take back what you said, if you ever wanted to.
  787. Rayfa: Seems about right.
  788. Madotsuki: D3S, if you would.
  789. D3SU: Indeed.
  790. Rayfa: ..A moment, please.
  791. Madotsuki:
  792. SpiderQuill: Wasn't Momo about to...
  793. Kuro:
  794. Phoenix: I don't intend to, I was checking out the server doe someone else.
  795. Madotsuki: Oh, whoops.
  796. Jars: I think you guys are taking this too seriously and getting caught up in too much drama
  797. Madotsuki: Gomen, momomm.
  798. SpiderQuill: Jars...
  799. Rayfa: I think you're objectively wrong.
  800. Door: v
  801. Phoenix: *for, even. I'm tired.
  802. momo:
  803. Rayfa: Right well, That conversation devovled.
  804. D3SU: So, is that settled?
  805. Rayfa: You can start, D3SU.
  806. D3SU: Momo?
  807. momo: Hm?
  808. D3SU: ...
  809. Rayfa:
  810. D3SU: I'll just start now.
  811. Jars: remember that these are real people that you are dealing with, and that they have feelings, don't treat this like a case
  812. SpiderQuill: For once I agree
  813. Door: We're not going to sugarcoat things.
  814. Rayfa: I will karate chop you, Jars and spider.
  815. Door: I'm going to be honest here.
  816. Lexigiri: Can you all be quiet?
  817. Rayfa: Go on, D3SU.
  818. Kuro: No. Don't fucking involve feelings in this kind of thing.
  819. Rayfa: Enough.
  820. D3SU: If I may.
  821. D3SU: Kaiser's take on things is that they feel they can trust Herp fully and that they'll contribute well to the staff team in the future.
  822. D3SU: The other side is that Herp cannot trust non-superior staff members or the community at large, and has undertaken unsavory methods in serving the higher-ups.
  823. D3SU: Or... the other side believes this to be the case, my apologies.
  824. D3SU: If I've left anything out, Kaiser, you're free to add it in for your side.
  825. Rayfa: Now. We've stated what we are able to talk about for a moment.
  826. Rayfa: Kaiser. You believe Herp has potential and actual help.
  827. Kais: Well a comment on the serving higher-ups-
  828. Kais: Right, I do.
  829. Rayfa: Well, Let's start by a simple.
  830. Rayfa: "Why?"
  831. Rayfa: What has he done GOOD in the past? Before we get to the bad.
  832. Kuro:
  833. Rayfa: Let's hear possible reasons why he'd help.
  834. Kuro: He said that.
  835. Kusu: Good point.
  836. Rayfa: We're already reiterating, and mado is new. Do a solid for me and say it again.
  837. D3SU: We've already been over this, and frankly, I agree with Kaiser in this regard. Herp is very productive and motivated.
  838. Kais: He provides genuine input and is very forward about things, if there's any sort of problem, he will bring it up.
  839. Rayfa: Can you present an example of when he did such a thing?
  840. SpiderQuill: So, in short... He does what all staff SHOULD do...
  841. Kuro: I believe Kaiser and I think everyone here does too.
  842. momo: He made every staff document we ended up using, provided every format, made things incredibly productive...
  843. Door: Key word, is made.
  844. SpiderQuill: . . .
  845. Door: And that's a point I'd like to bring up, D3SU.
  846. D3SU: Let's not jump ahead, Door.
  847. Door: Well, alright.
  848. Door: That's fair.
  849. D3SU: You'll have your chance in just a moment.
  850. Kusu: Would ne a shame if he was put to waste correct?
  851. Door: 'Course, course.
  852. Door: <3
  853. Kusu: be*
  854. Rayfa: So Herp was a good regulator of staff and he was most of the time straight forward enough for a productive degree.
  855. Rayfa: Did I get that right?
  856. Kais: I suppose, yes.
  857. D3SU: Is there anything else anyone would like to add regarding the positives here?
  858. SpiderQuill: I have one thing.
  859. D3SU: Go ahead.
  860. SpiderQuill: He basically did his job. That is what every memeber of staff should do.
  861. SpiderQuill: Isn't that right?
  862. Kais: Right.
  863. D3SU: Couldn't agree more.
  864. SpiderQuill: Good, so nothing groundbreaking.
  865. Kais: About 'serving the higher-ups'..
  866. D3SU: Yes?
  867. Kais: I genuinely believe he would do good being directed with the goal we have in mind now.
  868. Kuro:
  869. D3SU: A question for you, then.
  870. D3SU: Do you believe the management at the time negatively affected his disposition towards the other staff members?
  871. Kais: The management entailing the owners?
  872. D3SU: Yes.
  873. Kais: I think that was a big part of it, yes.
  874. Door: So you think it was Skarner's fault, yeah?
  875. D3SU: There is another part, then?
  876. Door: In short.
  877. Kais: That's not what I said.
  878. Kusu: Let's stay on topic. How would Herp feel about this right now?
  879. Door: Right, right. That genuinly came out right.
  880. Door: That wording just confused me a bit.
  881. Door: wrong*
  882. Door: WRONG*
  883. D3SU: That's not on topic at all, Kusu.
  884. Balance: May I ask something as well?
  885. Balance: "with the goal we have in mind now."
  886. Balance: What goal?
  887. Madotsuki has played a song: Investigation Opening ~ DD.
  888. Kusu: Or...not.
  889. Rayfa: Good question
  890. SpiderQuill: I was thinking the same thing.
  891. SpiderQuill: Glad someone brought it up.
  892. Rayfa: Let's find out.
  893. Kuro: They want to reunite the community as a whole.
  894. Kuro: They said that.
  895. Balance: Yes, bust someone needs to ask the obvious--
  896. SpiderQuill: Let them answer.
  897. Balance: No, I think it is something else.
  898. Balance: Something about management.
  899. SpiderQuill: . . .
  900. Kuro:
  901. Balance: Well?
  902. SpiderQuill: Can you guys chill for 20 seconds so they answer?
  903. Kais: What momo mentioned earlier, betterment of the server in the long run, and openness in staff.
  904. momo: I'll let them answer, but I think Kuro's right. Yes yes.
  905. Door: That sounds... really vague, honestly.
  906. Balance: ↕
  907. D3SU: It is vague, yes.
  908. SpiderQuill: That's the short version, I'm sure.
  909. Requiem: Yeah, we'd need a bit more elaboration.
  910. Balance: How are you achieving that?
  911. Nero:
  912. Funky: ...If I may. If they wanted to reunite the server as a whole... then they shouldn't have ran away from the problems they created.
  913. momo:
  914. D3SU: A solid point.
  915. momo: v
  916. Rayfa: A solid point, But maybe not the corrrect time.
  917. Funky: Bite me.
  918. Phoenix: If you're into that.
  919. SpiderQuill: Maybe I will.
  920. Door:
  921. SpiderQuill: God, that timing.
  922. Rayfa: In terms of leaving the server and or abdandoning ship mid-problem, Is a topic that is important, but not the current one.
  923. Kuro: I have a question.
  924. Kais: Okay, let me make this clear, I'm not aiming specifically to reunite the community, I'm willing to work with momo to let that happen.
  925. Balance: So then let me ask.
  926. Balance: What is your goal?
  927. SpiderQuill: . . .
  928. momo: Also, what, is the distinction?
  929. SpiderQuill: Didn't we go over this already?
  930. Door: We got the vaguest answer possible.
  931. Kuro: v
  932. Balance: Reuniting the community is Momo's goal.
  933. Balance: What is Kaiser's?
  934. SpiderQuill: I think this is seriously sidetracking us.
  935. Kuro: Nope.
  936. Door: No, this is importnat.
  937. Kuro: Continue.
  938. Rayfa: I think you're objectively wrong.
  939. Door: important*
  940. SpiderQuill: . . .
  941. Kais: I want a staff where can be communicated genuinely, where things don't get smothered in bureacracy.
  942. Balance: A friendly staff?
  943. Kuro:
  944. Funky:
  945. Phoenix:
  946. Kuro: I have a question.
  947. SpiderQuill: No, that sounds like an efficient staff.
  948. Funky: boy.
  949. Rayfa: Yes, Kuro.
  950. Rayfa: But please.
  951. Kusu: Why don't we combine these two goals together?
  952. Rayfa: Do think about the question before stating it.
  953. D3SU: If I may draw us back to the question I asked Kaiser initially regarding Herp's behavior to tie the loose end up and be done with it...
  954. Kuro: Yeah?
  955. Rayfa: :ONe_second:
  956. SpiderQuill: As I said, sidetracks.
  957. Kuro: Go ahead, D3SU.
  958. SpiderQuill: I'm with desu on this one.
  959. Funky: Kaiser you can't have that unless the community and the staff are one. The fact that you don't understand that says a lot.
  960. Rayfa:
  961. Kais: Then I may as well leave.
  962. Kuro: Oof.
  963. SpiderQuill: Hold the phone.
  964. Funky: ...Go for it fam.
  965. Rayfa:
  966. SpiderQuill: Funky, save the jabs for later.
  967. Funky: Never.
  968. SpiderQuill: >:c
  969. Rayfa: This is a shitty track on loop.
  970. Door: That was more like a half jab, honestly.
  971. Rayfa has played a song: Magic Logic ~ PLvsPW.
  972. Funky: Why beat around the bush?
  973. Door: But yeah. I get the point.
  974. D3SU: ...I'll cut to the chase.
  975. Rayfa: BEcause that's how you masturbate.
  976. Phoenix:
  977. Kusu: This is going on a bad end...
  978. Door:
  979. Kuro: Is it.
  980. Rayfa:
  981. Kuro: And yeah, D3SU?
  982. SpiderQuill: Rayfa...
  983. Balance: There is a clear divide we are dancing over.
  984. D3SU: Kaiser, your answer, admits that Herp will significantly alter his behavior to suit the higher-ups of the server.
  985. Kuro: True...
  986. Kais: Is there a problem with that?
  987. D3SU: Under Skarner and the rest at the time, he hid information and manipulated a fellow staff member on at least one occasion.
  988. D3SU: And you truly believe that he will work to his fullest towards the goal we now decide upon.
  989. D3SU: You are admiiting that our side of the debate is correct.
  990. Kais: Wrong.
  991. Balance:
  992. Kuro:
  993. Kuro: Come again?
  994. Frozen: I see I came at an interesting time.
  995. Kais: Your side of the debate is we don't promote Herp, my side is that we do.
  996. Kais: That's simply it.
  997. Kuro: Yeah.
  998. D3SU: The reasoning behind it.
  999. D3SU: Not the decision itself.
  1000. Kusu: Herp has his own choice. What we expect from him might differ from his point of view.
  1001. Balance:
  1002. Kuro: Exactly the problem.
  1003. SpiderQuill: Can I say that there's one thing that's being overlooked right now?
  1004. D3SU: Go right ahead.
  1005. SpiderQuill: And if I have 2 minutes, I can explain.
  1006. Rayfa: You got 10.
  1007. SpiderQuill: Let's say that Herp really does change his behaviour and is admitted into the staff.
  1008. SpiderQuill: Do you honestly think, Kaiser and Momo, that the rest of the players will accept him even if he does?
  1009. SpiderQuill: Look at all of what is happening right now.
  1010. Kuro:
  1011. SpiderQuill: Sooner or later, problem will arise.
  1012. D3SU: That's part of the issue our side is taking. You're not accounting for the rest of staff, Kaiser.
  1013. SpiderQuill: Be it genuine or not.
  1014. Balance: Spider, you aren't seeing the issue. Kaiser is wanting that.
  1015. Rayfa:
  1016. SpiderQuill: I am
  1017. Balance: Apparently not.
  1018. SpiderQuill: . . .
  1019. SpiderQuill: Then re-read what I said.
  1020. SpiderQuill: I can't be any clearer.
  1021. Balance: "Do you honestly think, Kaiser and Momo, that the rest of the players will accept him even if he does?"
  1022. Balance: Kaiser wants him to continue that behavior.
  1023. SpiderQuill: . . .
  1024. Kais:
  1025. Kuro: Ok Nagito Komaeda.
  1026. Rayfa:
  1027. SpiderQuill: Kaiser just said that herp agreed to change his behaviour.
  1028. Kais:
  1029. Rayfa: I don't really follow what you're getting at, Balance.
  1030. D3SU: v
  1031. Kuro: He's memeing.
  1032. Rayfa: Whants what, exactly?
  1033. Kuro:
  1034. Balance: Let me quote...
  1035. Balance: D3SU: Kaiser, your answer, admits that Herp will significantly alter his behavior to suit the higher-ups of the server.
  1036. Balance: Kais: Is there a problem with that?
  1037. Rayfa:
  1038. Balance: We don't want Herp to be biased towards the admins.
  1039. D3SU: v
  1040. Balance: And want him to change.
  1041. Balance: Kaiser doesn't want him to change.
  1042. Balance: Got it?
  1043. D3SU: I get you now.
  1044. Kuro: I see.
  1045. SpiderQuill: Be it for one reason or another, we're saying similar things.
  1046. SpiderQuill: The rest of the players won't be happy with that.
  1047. Rayfa: Alright. Do you have anything to say to this, Kaiser?
  1048. Kuro: Also, other point, if Herp has to alter his behaviour for the sake of the admins, wouldn't that mean he unsatisfaction?
  1049. Kuro: no
  1050. Rayfa:
  1051. Kuro: omit that he
  1052. Kuro:
  1053. D3SU: ...
  1054. SpiderQuill: Not sure if unsatisfaction, but being unfit at least.
  1055. Balance: Either way, Herp's behavior will be to one side's dismay.
  1056. D3SU: If you've anything to say, Kaiser, go ahead, please.
  1057. Kais: Nope, not really.
  1058. D3SU: Very well.
  1059. Kuro:
  1060. Rayfa: I'd like to say a few things on the topic myself, then.
  1061. D3SU: Go right ahead.
  1062. Balance: Go ahead, Wise Guy.
  1063. Balance has played a song: Logic and Trick ~ PLvsPW.
  1064. Rayfa: This is going to take you all a tad off-track at points, But I assure you, It's important to realize certain defentions.
  1065. Rayfa: First, Let's start with the most recent point, Which is Balance's.
  1066. Kais: Defentions?
  1067. Rayfa: Definitions.
  1068. Rayfa: Now there's a certain general consnesus that you have to all reach about the idea of "Change".
  1069. Rayfa: When we say Herp shall have to "Change". I don't particularly believe he would change fully and completely, or change his course of thinking when comitting actions.
  1070. Rayfa: I don't think anyone on this planet has the capability to fully change who they are.
  1071. Rayfa: Given that, I believe the change would be that Herp considers more into his actions. Such as elements brought up by Kusu or D3SU.
  1072. Rayfa: Before doing an action or talking to someone amidst a problem, Maybe he'd then consult Kaiser. Who is in a position where both trust each other.
  1073. Rayfa: I understand everyone's concerns about him being..well..
  1074. Rayfa: A producer of generally unwise desicisons.
  1075. Rayfa: ANd he's messed up, Probably. Alot of times.
  1076. Rayfa: I can't confirm nor deny the accusations of black mailing. But what I can say is about right now.
  1077. Rayfa: When you want "HErp to change". You said that Kaiser doesn't want him to change.
  1078. Rayfa: Tell me what would be the ideal "Herp changing" is to you.
  1079. Rayfa: What would he have to change in order for you to accept that he changed?
  1080. SpiderQuill: May I re-state my earlier point? It doesn't matter. The playerbase wouldn't be happy with that.
  1081. SpiderQuill: Even if he became the "perfect" Herp.
  1082. Rayfa: The concerns of the player base are natural, but they are not ever lasting.
  1083. Rayfa: You can't just keep holding a grudge against someone.
  1084. Kais: As long as the staff does their job, the playerbase shouldn't even care.
  1085. Rayfa: Life doesn't work like that.
  1086. Rayfa: And.. Debatable, Kais, But besides the point.
  1087. SpiderQuill: That shortsightedness is worrisome in staff members...
  1088. Rayfa: My question to you, Balance.
  1089. Balance: Alright.
  1090. Kuro: Hold my towel... Why shouldn't the playerbase care if the staff does their job?
  1091. Balance: To treat each staff member as equally, while respecting the difference in roles. To subdue lower-ranked individuals to help the higher-ups is underhanded and revolting. That is why those below him did not trust him. If he respected each one equally, he
  1092. Rayfa: Kuro. I'll get to that, But not right now.
  1093. SpiderQuill: I see Kuro gets it.
  1094. Balance: he wouldn't need to make these biased choices.
  1095. Balance: Done?
  1096. Door: And what does "the staff doing their job" mean?
  1097. momo: ...
  1098. Balance: Door, not now.
  1099. SpiderQuill: Also... Wiso, you just said that you don't believe in people changing.
  1100. SpiderQuill: This is wasting time.
  1101. Door: Right right, sorry.
  1102. Rayfa: I said I don't believe in people fully changing.
  1103. Rayfa: Not changing.
  1104. SpiderQuill: . . .
  1105. SpiderQuill: Am I on crazy pills?
  1106. Kuro: Okay.
  1107. Kuro: momo.
  1108. Kuro: are you fine?
  1109. D3SU: v
  1110. Rayfa:
  1111. Kuro: This has happened earlier and if need be you can take sometime to cool off.
  1112. Rayfa: Do you?
  1113. D3SU: I can't speak for the others here, of course, but I think Balance summarized our side of things very well.
  1114. Rayfa: Such is why.
  1115. Rayfa: We're going to talk about all points you all have in mind, Under one simple thing.
  1116. momo: No. I'm not fine.
  1117. Kuro: ...
  1118. Kuro: Alright.
  1119. Rayfa: Don't randomly jump in. If you have to REALLY state it. Know that we'll listen.
  1120. Kuro: Let's uh, not harm anyone here if anything.
  1121. Rayfa: Just use common sense in timing.
  1122. momo: It has to do with Anon, not the discussion. Though, the discussion is souring Kaiser, and not helping.
  1123. Kuro:
  1124. Balance: I... see...
  1125. Rayfa: Well, You should've probably expected that.
  1126. SpiderQuill: Wiso...
  1127. D3SU: I have to agree there.
  1128. momo: ...
  1129. D3SU: That's why I wanted to check on Kaiser earlier on.
  1130. Rayfa: Let's begin by addressing Balance's points first, Then we can head over to Kuro and the other's concerns.
  1131. Requiem:
  1132. Rayfa: Is everyone okay with that?
  1133. SpiderQuill: Let's begin by addressing Momo's state.
  1134. Rayfa:
  1135. SpiderQuill: Momo, how are we continuing?
  1136. SpiderQuill: If we are at all.
  1137. D3SU: I don't think Kuro's question holds any relevance here yet, should we continue.
  1138. Kuro: v
  1139. momo: If you guys can't genuinely reach out to Kaiser, this will have been a failure.
  1140. D3SU: Isn't that what this is, momo?
  1141. momo: Is it, anymore?
  1142. Rayfa: It takes time and effort to reach out. Just pleae have patience.
  1143. momo: ... Sorry.
  1144. Rayfa: As you say.
  1145. Rayfa: Now.
  1146. Door: My internet just dipped, dunno how long I'll be back for.
  1147. D3SU: I think we should ask if Kaiser is still okay with this. He's the one this is about, really.
  1148. Door: My bad all
  1149. Kuro: v
  1150. SpiderQuill: Momo is right. This is pointless.
  1151. D3SU: Are you still well, Kaiser?
  1152. Rayfa: Alright then.
  1153. SpiderQuill: This has been so sidetracked...
  1154. Kuro: Not really.
  1155. SpiderQuill: And jumped all over so many times...
  1156. Kais: Sure, I'll have to go in a few hours because of an exam.
  1157. Rayfa: As much as I appreciate your input, Spider, I hardly doubt anyone agrees with you right now.
  1158. SpiderQuill: That now it is a collaborative brainstorm of "Here's how I would fix things."
  1159. Rayfa: And that's not a bad thing.
  1160. D3SU: I have to agree with Spider, actually.
  1161. SpiderQuill: At this point?
  1162. D3SU: It's not relevant.
  1163. SpiderQuill: Look at Kaiser.
  1164. SpiderQuill: Look at Momo
  1165. SpiderQuill: This is not helping at all
  1166. D3SU: Well...
  1167. Kuro: What we want here is not win the debate.
  1168. Requiem: We're slowly but surely ironing things out. Even if we have been getting, per se, sidetracked. Let's see this through.
  1169. SpiderQuill: If anything, I'm getting pissy at you, Wiso...
  1170. Rayfa: I understand your concerns for the others. And their state. But it is as said. This is a debate, not an argument nor magical cure.
  1171. momo: Kaiser's lying. He's not well.
  1172. Rayfa:
  1173. Kuro:
  1174. SpiderQuill: And I don't want that. I don't want to get pissy at anyone.
  1175. Kais: The purpose of a debate is the victory of one side.
  1176. Requiem: Otherwise, if we decide it's pointless now, then it really will be a waste.
  1177. SpiderQuill: That is not debate, Kais, that's war.
  1178. Requiem: And no, that is not a purpose of a debate.
  1179. D3SU: v
  1180. SpiderQuill: War doesn't help.
  1181. SpiderQuill: So let's stop this.
  1182. Lexigiri: Not everything has to be done in one day, ladies and gentlemen.
  1183. SpiderQuill: Exactly.
  1184. Balance: This is no battle. Battles leave ruin. We are trying to build.
  1185. D3SU: Debate is each side putting its ideas forward and understanding the other side.
  1186. SpiderQuill: THIS. IS. RUINING. US.
  1187. Kusu: And what will we achieve out of that victory?
  1188. Door: You all are overreacting, Jesus.
  1189. D3SU: v
  1190. Requiem: A debate isn't simply about achieving victory. It's about hearing both sides, and coming to a consesus on how things should be... if I worded that okay.
  1191. Door: This is a debate over an online anime chatroom.
  1192. D3SU has played a song: PEOPLE THEMES.
  1193. Requiem: After going through all the motions
  1194. Door: Let's put this into perspective.
  1195. Rayfa: My PLVPW suite.
  1196. SpiderQuill: Well, this is AO after all. Some overreacting is mandatory.
  1197. D3SU: Excuse me for a second, people.
  1198. Door: Some of us have work tomorrow. Some of us have school.
  1199. D3SU: Shut up, please.
  1200. Door: Yes, D3SU?
  1201. Door:
  1202. SpiderQuill: Door, no one is holdin-
  1203. Kuro:
  1204. SpiderQuill:
  1205. Kusu: Damn it! Calm down!
  1206. Balance:
  1207. D3SU: ...Thank you, Kusu.
  1208. D3SU: Now.
  1209. D3SU: Kaiser says he's fine.
  1210. D3SU: I believe him.
  1211. D3SU: Because I trust him.
  1212. D3SU: And I believe that he's strong enough to take all of this.
  1213. D3SU: He's my friend and a fellow staff member.
  1214. D3SU: Momo may be freaking out about this, but she freaks out over a lot of stuff along this vein anyways.
  1215. D3SU: With a little time, she'll be better and come to herself.
  1216. D3SU: And she'll be productive because of it.
  1217. D3SU: Now.
  1218. D3SU: Kaiser.
  1219. momo: ... Sorry. Still being furious with Anon.
  1220. D3SU: That's perfectly okay. <3
  1221. SpiderQuill: No apologies needed, Momo.
  1222. Lexigiri: I must leave now.
  1223. Rayfa: Have a good one, Lex.
  1224. D3SU: Be well, Lex. <3
  1225. SpiderQuill: Bye, Lex.
  1226. Lexigiri: One more message for you all before I do go.
  1227. Requiem: Take care, Lex.
  1228. Rayfa:
  1229. Nero:
  1230. Kusu: <3
  1231. Lexigiri: Although I may not have much say in all of this, be reminded that we all love Case Cafe.
  1232. Nero: V
  1233. Lexigiri: I especially do. I've had great memories here.
  1234. Door: ...I want to believe that Lexi.
  1235. Lexigiri: Please. Let's not forget the purpose of us reconvening together.
  1236. Lexigiri: Make room for fruitful discussion.
  1237. Lexigiri: That's all I ask.
  1238. Lexigiri: Thank you and goodnight.
  1239. Door: That's the goal, is it not?
  1240. Door: G'night Lexi.
  1241. Rayfa: Alright then.
  1242. D3SU: G'night, Lex.
  1243. D3SU: We all love this place, and the whole reason we're here making asses of ourselves is because we care. We care about this place and, hopefully, the people in it.
  1244. D3SU: Now, Kaiser.
  1245. Kais: Yes?
  1246. D3SU: Are you well? Honestly.
  1247. Nero:
  1248. D3SU: Momo doesn't think you are.
  1249. momo: ...
  1250. Kais: I'm not unwell, but they were right that it was somewhat souring me.
  1251. SpiderQuill: Unsurprisingly.
  1252. Rayfa: Quite.
  1253. D3SU: I can understand that. It's kind of to be expected.
  1254. Kais: Right, expectable of a debate.
  1255. Door: Look man, it's 12:30 AM EST. If you wanna hop out, we can. I ain't gonna judge you for real.
  1256. Rayfa: It seems theres alot of hands on deck.
  1257. Door: If you wanna keep going, we can.
  1258. Kais: It's 6 AM here.
  1259. D3SU: Kaiser.
  1260. Kais: Almost 7.
  1261. Door: Yeah man, you make the call here.
  1262. D3SU: Sleep.
  1263. D3SU: Okay?
  1264. Rayfa: I have no buissness debating with people who don't want to be here. Nor someone who may leave mid-debate.
  1265. Kais: I uh.. actually already slept.
  1266. Kuro: You have an exam in about a few hours and you're souring yourself in here?
  1267. D3SU: Oh.
  1268. Kais: My sleeping schedule is really messed up.
  1269. Lateik: I have sleep, wake up, and go to class.
  1270. Kuro: Understandable.
  1271. SpiderQuill: You have an exam and you're worrying about a dumb AO server?
  1272. SpiderQuill: Mate, go relax before your exam.
  1273. Lateik: Why are you people still here?
  1274. Kais: Oh don't worry, it's actually just a resit.
  1275. Rayfa: To suffer.
  1276. Balance: As it being almost midnight here, my time is quite limited. Classes tomorrow.
  1277. Kuro: Oh, alright.
  1278. Kusu: phooooooos!
  1279. Rayfa: Then it looks like this'l have to continue another day.
  1280. Requiem: So I'd like to make a proposition with this in mind. Should we resume this tomorrow, at a more convenient time?
  1281. Requiem: Well, "tomorrow" for some
  1282. Kais:
  1283. SpiderQuill: I would like to make a counter-proposition.
  1284. D3SU: Yes?
  1285. Requiem: Today for a few others.
  1286. SpiderQuill: Can we find a more efficient way to do this?
  1287. D3SU: vvvvv
  1288. SpiderQuill: Please?
  1289. Rayfa: I have a plan in mind.
  1290. D3SU: I think you should just let me, momo, Kaiser, and the other staff handle that.
  1291. D3SU: We'll think of something.
  1292. SpiderQuill: Agreed.
  1293. Door: Can I disagree with that?
  1294. Rayfa: Well, You could always take a suggestion.
  1295. SpiderQuill:
  1296. D3SU: Well, of course.
  1297. D3SU: And yes, Door?
  1298. Door: Here's my thoughts, real quick.
  1299. Door: There's three groups here.
  1300. momo: I am furious, for a multitude of reasons.
  1301. Door: The Cafe Managers, the Baristas, the Community.
  1302. Kuro: Understandably.
  1303. Door: If you only have two of the groups involved, there's a huge lack of input.
  1304. Door: I think not allowing the community to discuss this would be a poor idea.
  1305. Door: But that's just me, personally.
  1306. SpiderQuill: Door, you're putting the horse in front of the cart.
  1307. SpiderQuill: The staff will find a way to discuss.
  1308. Door: That is historiclaly where it goes.
  1309. Rayfa: If I may.
  1310. SpiderQuill: That's what they'll handle.
  1311. SpiderQuill: Oh fuck.
  1312. Rayfa:
  1313. SpiderQuill: I screwed the analogy
  1314. Kuro:
  1315. Rayfa:
  1316. Door: You did.
  1317. SpiderQuill: Well, you get the point.
  1318. Rayfa: Nice.
  1319. Kusu:
  1320. D3SU:
  1321. Kuro:
  1322. Rayfa: Anyway.
  1323. SpiderQuill: Allow me to emote
  1324. Lateik:
  1325. Rayfa: I'd suggest you take this time we leave here today to figure out what exactly that you feel uncomfortable about, Be it staff or server. And then once we actually get back. We can have them all be listed in an orderly fashion and be handled properly, With o
  1326. Rayfa: - without community involvement, as long as there's atleast stated reason.
  1327. D3SU: That's not at all relevant to the discussion, Wiso. I appreciate the forethought, but that's definitely the cart in front there.
  1328. Rayfa: I believe that's more useful than it is a taboo.
  1329. SpiderQuill: That sounds like bureaucracy hell...
  1330. D3SU: v
  1331. Door: So, Wiso, you don't want community involvement, you claim?
  1332. SpiderQuill: . . .
  1333. Rayfa: I never stated as such.
  1334. Rayfa: I simply said that if it has to be, There should be stated reason.
  1335. SpiderQuill: Can you two get off of each other's throat?
  1336. Door: I see, I see.
  1337. Door: I'm not on his throat, just trying to figure out what he means.
  1338. SpiderQuill: Good. D3su?
  1339. Rayfa: I don't believe, either, You should be picking and choosing in sentences.
  1340. Door: We come in here to debate, and you think we all hate each other.
  1341. Door: Lmao
  1342. SpiderQuill: Yeah, yeah. D3SU! Go on.
  1343. Rayfa: The idea is that you figure out what you want to say.
  1344. Rayfa: Before piling on each other.
  1345. D3SU: I guess we're closing this up soon, so does anyone have any final thoughts for us staff boys to carry away with us?
  1346. Kuro: No.
  1347. Balance: Yes, I do.
  1348. D3SU: Please, share.
  1349. Kusu: What's the deal with airline food?
  1350. Kusu: omit
  1351. Rayfa:
  1352. Requiem:
  1353. SpiderQuill: Kusu, please
  1354. Rayfa has played a song: Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin ~ Ethnic Music.
  1355. Rayfa has played a song: PRELUDE.
  1356. Kusu: Right, right.
  1357. Kuro:
  1358. Balance: Gg, m8s. Go get that bread. Adjourned.
  1359. Balance has played a song: Naive People.
  1360. Rayfa:
  1361. Requiem:
  1362. Nero: ...
  1363. SpiderQuill: ...
  1364. Kuro:
  1365. Rayfa:
  1366. Rayfa has played a song: Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin ~ Ethnic Music.
  1367. SpiderQuill: I have a real thought.
  1368. SpiderQuill has played a song: PRELUDE.
  1369. Nero: *Slaps balance*
  1370. Lateik: Get the fuck to sleep.
  1371. Rayfa:
  1372. D3SU: Thanks, Balance. That was incredibly productive.
  1373. Kusu: We needed some comedic relief ya know?
  1374. Balance: Thanks.
  1375. D3SU: Yes, Spider?
  1376. Door: Comedic relief?
  1377. Door has played a song: 221B Baker Street ~ DGS.
  1378. Rayfa: Shut up, DOor.
  1379. Kuro:
  1380. Lateik: With that, packing bag.
  1381. SpiderQuill: It's simple, and I hope it doesn't spark another debate right now...
  1382. D3SU: Door, I will ban you myself.
  1383. Kuro: I ALREADY GAVE YOU
  1384. Door: Thanks Wiso, love you too
  1385. Door: <3
  1386. Rayfa: <3.
  1387. Kuro:
  1388. D3SU: Go on, Spider.
  1389. D3SU has played a song: PEOPLE THEMES.
  1390. Kuro: v
  1391. momo: I will be going to PL2 to stew.
  1392. SpiderQuill: No matter if Herp changes or not... The community would have a hard time believing it.
  1393. Requiem: Alright, please take care momo.
  1394. SpiderQuill: So I think that putting him into staff right now would be a bad move.
  1395. momo: Thank you.
  1396. Rayfa: I can't tell if you weren't listening, Or just really trying to prove something.
  1397. SpiderQuill: Perhaps in future, once the community can witness this change.
  1398. Nero: See you momo, take care..
  1399. D3SU: Yes, the other Baristas will likely be in a similar position, should he be re-promoted.
  1400. SpiderQuill: Glad to see my point wasn't lost in you, D3SU.
  1401. D3SU: Thank you for the perspective, Spider.
  1402. SpiderQuill: <3
  1403. D3SU: <3
  1404. D3SU: Anything else?
  1405. Kusu: We could use some newer Baristas, since we're missing a few.
  1406. Rayfa:
  1407. Rayfa: I.
  1408. Rayfa: Object.
  1409. SpiderQuill: Oh boy...
  1410. Phoenix: So, did Kaiser and momo leave?
  1411. D3SU: I also object.
  1412. Nero: V
  1413. D3SU: And I'm not sure.
  1414. Requiem: There's no such thing as "slots", when it comes to admin positions.
  1415. D3SU: Kaiser is still here.
  1416. Rayfa: Kaiser is still here.
  1417. SpiderQuill: Momo went to PL2, right?
  1418. Rayfa: Yes.
  1419. D3SU: Yep.
  1420. Requiem: We don't always have to recruit back to the same number if it's not necessary.
  1421. D3SU: v
  1422. SpiderQuill: There you go.
  1423. Rayfa: Listen.
  1424. D3SU: Listening...
  1425. Rayfa: What I want to say, If ever so vaguely to cut to the point.
  1426. Door: Actually, D3SU. I do have this to ask when you grab a second. After Wiso finishes.
  1427. D3SU: Of course.
  1428. Rayfa: I understand how people feel about Herp. If you're thinking that I'm going to be completely fine myself, You'd be wrong.
  1429. Rayfa: I don't need to state why, But he's done some things I'd like to punch him for.
  1430. Rayfa: That doesn't mean I'm going to hold it on him forever.
  1431. Rayfa: Nor that I'm going to sulk about it.
  1432. Rayfa: I could care less who the admin is.
  1433. Rayfa: If you're going to sit here and say that you "Feel" badly towards someone.
  1434. Rayfa: Look inside yourself and pretend that someone was you.
  1435. Rayfa: Maybe you'll realize emotions can do many things, But productivity is rarely one of them.
  1436. Rayfa: I'm not saying Herp is productive.
  1437. D3SU: I mean, I am, but...
  1438. Rayfa: But I'm saying that's a chance we can take without the whole world fucking impoading.
  1439. Rayfa: Even if he fucks up, Then it's setllted.
  1440. Rayfa: he fucks up, He goes and never comes back.
  1441. Rayfa: If he doesn't. We win.
  1442. Door: We thought that the first time, Wiso.
  1443. Rayfa: There is no scenario where we lose or get mad.
  1444. Door: And now he's coming back.
  1445. SpiderQuill: So... "Give Herp a 2nd chance" is your pitch?
  1446. Door: So.
  1447. Rayfa: Oh please.
  1448. Door: Mm?
  1449. Lucy: Save the rebuttals for the honeymoon, you two.
  1450. Lucy: We want to sleep.
  1451. D3SU: v
  1452. Rayfa: Do you think I have no experince with people with shitty opinions and descions?
  1453. Door: I get to go on a honeymoon with Wiso?!
  1454. Door: Hell yeah!
  1455. Rayfa: I've had to deal with a 3x comeback of scorption to finally get it over with.
  1456. Balance: Irrelevant. Shut.
  1457. D3SU: The sarcasm on that Lucy sprite was lovely.
  1458. Balance:
  1459. Door: Oh, you mean after you blackmailed him?
  1460. SpiderQuill: ...
  1461. Balance: Door.
  1462. Asougi:
  1463. Door: Balance.
  1464. Rayfa: I blackmailed scorpion. That's a first.
  1465. SpiderQuill: D3SU, go on.
  1466. Rayfa:
  1467. Kusu: ...
  1468. Balance: I will legitinately turn on you if you don't shut.
  1469. D3SU: Let's just call it here, yeah?
  1470. Asougi: v
  1471. Rayfa: I'll finish what I was saying, If you don't mind./
  1472. Balance:
  1473. SpiderQuill: I do mind.
  1474. Rayfa: Then listen and be mad about it.
  1475. SpiderQuill: You not see my emote?
  1476. SpiderQuill: :3
  1477. Rayfa:
  1478. Rayfa: uwu
  1479. Kusu: Blackmail my ass! End this already!
  1480. Rayfa: ahem.
  1481. Balance:
  1482. Asougi:
  1483. Rayfa: I'm trying here, Sheesh.
  1484. SpiderQuill: I won't blackmail that!
  1485. Balance: SHUSH!
  1486. Asougi: I want that blackmail.
  1487. D3SU: owo
  1488. Nero:
  1489. D3SU:
  1490. Asougi:
  1491. Rayfa: I'm saying that I know what it feels like to have smoene have a dangeorus "Second chance".
  1492. Rayfa: If so, You believe that it is useless, Door.
  1493. Asougi: shut up wiso lol
  1494. Rayfa:
  1495. Balance:
  1496. Requiem:
  1497. Rayfa:
  1498. Nero:
  1499. Rayfa: *ahem*
  1500. Rayfa: If you feel as such. And don't want to allow it.
  1501. D3SU: The problem here is that reintroducing Herp at all would leave an impression on the community.
  1502. Rayfa: I'm aware.
  1503. SpiderQuill: My point exactly.
  1504. Nero: .....
  1505. Rayfa: It's been a problem ciruclating before.
  1506. Rayfa: Doing so now will cause an image of the staff.
  1507. D3SU:
  1508. SpiderQuill: Let Herp show us this change he is willing to make, if he does. Then consider him for staff.
  1509. SpiderQuill: Easy.
  1510. Rayfa: I understand that. Trust me on that aspect.
  1511. D3SU: I agree with Spider.
  1512. Rayfa: There you go. You're brainstorming a solution.
  1513. D3SU: What.
  1514. SpiderQuill:
  1515. Balance: Seriously. My disappointment is immeasurable. "Any closing arguments?" Let's go over morality 101 for the souless.
  1516. Balance:
  1517. Rayfa:
  1518. Rayfa: Yeah.
  1519. D3SU: You're very welcome. <3
  1520. SpiderQuill: Morality 101 for the soulless is too good a phrase to just let go like that.
  1521. D3SU: Alright, kids. Show's over. Scram.
  1522. Balance: D3SU.
  1523. Door: Guess I don't get my question then?
  1524. Door: Sad
  1525. Rayfa: We can continue this debate on another day. But I'd like you to furthere develop your point about "Proving change".
  1526. D3SU: Oh, right. Sorry, Door.
  1527. Balance: Wait until next time, Trapdoor-
  1528. Rayfa: I'll eagerly await it next time.
  1529. SpiderQuill: . . .
  1530. Balance: NO!
  1531. Door: Lmao, no worries.
  1532. Door: Nah, this is quick
  1533. Balance: N O!
  1534. Rayfa: Alright now ban door.
  1535. Door: And actually had to do with the purpose of this.
  1536. D3SU: S u f f e r .
  1537. Balance:
  1538. Rayfa:
  1539. Door: If Herp doesn't get in, theoretically.
  1540. Requiem: I've been keeping up with the whole argument, pardon me for not having much input.
  1541. Door: Are you guys gonna consider another staff?
  1542. D3SU: It's alright, Req. <3
  1543. Door: This is just my curiosity.
  1544. SpiderQuill: Requiem, that's the best choice.
  1545. Balance: Probably not, really.
  1546. Requiem: I felt it was best I took a more observational stance with how it was going.
  1547. D3SU: What do you mean, "another staff"?
  1548. SpiderQuill: Door wants to self pitch himself.
  1549. SpiderQuill: Or herself.
  1550. Rayfa: He means another staff member tha tisn't herp.
  1551. Balance: A new member. Like from applications.
  1552. Door: Like, instead of Herp it'll be [blank]
  1553. Rayfa:
  1554. Kusu: [God damn it Door...]
  1555. Rayfa: Hint hint
  1556. Rayfa:
  1557. Door: And that's not what I'm doing, Spider.
  1558. Rayfa: Or is it.
  1559. Rayfa:
  1560. Door: I've said there's better people than me.
  1561. SpiderQuill: Door wants to do a shameless pl-
  1562. Door:
  1563. D3SU: We are indeed looking for new staff members from the applications.
  1564. Door: Right right, cool.
  1565. D3SU: And that's members plural.
  1566. Kusu: Y-Yay.
  1567. D3SU: So, yes. Even if Herp did get in, there would be more.
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