Guest User


a guest
Aug 11th, 2017
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  1. <?php
  3. /**
  4. * Description of class auth
  5. * Used for session based login
  6. * Depends on user class roles
  7. * @property string $strUserName Username from POST var
  8. * @property string $strPassword Password from POST var
  9. * @property bool $iRemember Bool to set remember me cookie
  10. * @property bool $strRemoteAddr IP address
  11. * @property int $iTimeOutSeconds Number of session keep alive seconds
  12. * @property string $doLogout GET var with logout action
  13. * @property int $iUserID Users ID
  14. * @property object $user User Object
  15. *
  16. */
  17. class auth
  18. {
  19. public $strUserName;
  20. public $strPassword;
  21. public $iRemember;
  22. public $strRemoteAddr;
  23. public $strErrMessage;
  24. public $iTimeOutSeconds;
  25. public $doLogout;
  26. public $iUserID;
  27. public $user;
  28. public $loginWin;
  29. public $iShowLoginForm;
  30. public $errorMessage;
  32. /* Error Constants */
  33. const ERR_NOUSERFOUND = 1;
  34. const ERR_NOSESSIONFOUND = 2;
  35. const ERR_NOACCESS = 3;
  37. /**
  38. * Class Constructor
  39. * Set defaults
  40. * Sets strUserName, strPassword, iRemember & doLogout to watch POST & GET vars
  41. * Call method athentificate
  42. * @global type $db
  43. */
  44. public function __construct()
  45. {
  46. global $db;
  47. $this->db = $db;
  48. session_start();
  49. $this->strUserName = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "username", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
  50. $this->strPassword = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "password", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
  51. $this->iRemember = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "remember", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
  52. $this->strRemoteAddr = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "REMOTE_ADDR", FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
  53. $this->doLogout = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "action", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
  54. $this->iTimeOutSeconds = 3600;
  55. $this->iUserID = 0;
  56. $this->iShowLoginForm = 1;
  57. $this->loginWin = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../public_html//login.php";
  58. $this->user = new user();
  59. $this->errorMessage = "";
  60. }
  62. /**
  63. * Method Authentificate
  64. * If GET["action"] = logout run method logout
  65. * If set strUserName & strPassword run method initUser
  66. * Else run method getSession
  67. */
  68. public function authentificate()
  69. {
  70. if ($this->doLogout === "logout") {
  71. $this->logout();
  72. }
  73. if ($this->strUserName && $this->strPassword) {
  74. $this->errorMessage = $this->initUser();
  75. } else {
  76. if (!$this->getSession()) {
  77. if ($this->iShowLoginForm) {
  78. echo $this->loginform();
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. }
  84. /**
  85. * Method Initialize User
  86. * Selects user from username & password
  87. * If true - insert session into usersession and call user object
  88. * (User Obj sets roles)
  89. */
  91. private function initUser()
  92. {
  93. //md5
  94. $params = array($this->strUserName, $this->strPassword);
  95. $strSelectUser = "SELECT iUserID FROM user " .
  96. "WHERE vcUserName = ? " .
  97. "AND vcPassword = ? " .
  98. "AND iSuspended = 0 " .
  99. "AND iDeleted = 0";
  101. if ($this->iUserID = $this->db->_fetch_value($strSelectUser, $params)) {
  102. $params = array(
  103. session_id(),
  104. $this->iUserID,
  105. $this->strRemoteAddr,
  106. 1,
  107. time(),
  108. time()
  109. );
  112. $strInsertSession = "INSERT INTO usersession (" .
  113. "vcSessionID," .
  114. "iUserID," .
  115. "iIpAddress, " .
  116. "iIsLoggedIn, " .
  117. "daLoginCreated, " .
  118. "daLastAction) " .
  119. "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
  120. $this->db->_query($strInsertSession, $params);
  121. $this->user->getUser($this->iUserID);
  122. header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
  123. } else {
  124. if ($this->iShowLoginForm) {
  125. echo $this->loginform(self::ERR_NOUSERFOUND);
  126. } else {
  127. return $this->getError(self::ERR_NOUSERFOUND);
  128. }
  129. }
  130. if ($this->iRemember) {
  131. setcookie('vcUserName', $this->strUserName, time() + (86400 * 365), "/");
  132. setcookie('vcPassword', $this->strPassword, time() + (86400 * 365), "/");
  133. } else {
  134. setcookie('vcUserName', '', time() - 3600, "/");
  135. setcookie('vcPassword', '', time() - 3600, "/");
  136. unset($_COOKIE["vcUserName"]);
  137. unset($_COOKIE["vcPassword"]);
  138. }
  139. }
  141. /**
  142. * Method Get Session
  143. * Checks if db usersession has a session id matching value
  144. * If true check if session is outdates
  145. * If true - insert session into usersession and call user object
  146. * (User Obj sets roles)
  147. * @return int $iUserID Returns the users ID
  148. */
  149. private
  150. function getSession()
  151. {
  152. $params = array(session_id());
  153. $strSelectSession = "SELECT iUserID, daLastAction FROM usersession " .
  154. "WHERE vcSessionID = ? " .
  155. "AND iIsLoggedIn = 1";
  157. $row = $this->db->_fetch_array($strSelectSession, $params);
  159. if (count($row) > 0) {
  160. $row = call_user_func_array("array_merge", $row);
  161. if ($row["daLastAction"] > time() - ($this->iTimeOutSeconds)) {
  162. $this->iUserID = $row["iUserID"];
  163. $this->user->getUser($this->iUserID);
  164. $this->updateSession();
  165. return $this->iUserID;
  166. } else {
  167. $this->logout();
  168. }
  169. }
  170. }
  172. /**
  173. * Method Update Session
  174. * Updates daLastAction in the current session
  175. */
  176. private
  177. function updateSession()
  178. {
  179. $params = array(session_id());
  180. $strUpdate = "UPDATE usersession " .
  181. "SET daLastAction = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() " .
  182. "WHERE vcSessionID = ?";
  183. $this->db->_query($strUpdate, $params);
  184. }
  186. /**
  187. * Method Logout
  188. * Updates usersession iIsLoggedIn to false
  189. * Destroys current session and resets session id
  190. */
  191. private function logout()
  192. {
  193. $params = array(session_id());
  194. $strSessionUpdate = "UPDATE usersession SET iIsLoggedIn = 0 WHERE vcSessionID = ?";
  195. $this->db->_query($strSessionUpdate, $params);
  196. session_unset();
  197. session_destroy();
  198. session_start();
  199. session_regenerate_id();
  200. }
  202. /**
  203. * Method Login Form
  204. * Calls output buffer for rendering login form
  205. * Includes a clean php file with login form html and css
  206. * Get error messages and replaces error codes if any errors
  207. * @param int $errCode
  208. * @return string Returns full html of login window
  209. */
  210. public function loginform($errCode = 0)
  211. {
  212. ob_start();
  213. include_once $this->loginWin;
  214. $strBuffer = ob_get_clean();
  215. $strErrorMsg = self::getError($errCode);
  216. $strContent = str_replace("@ERRORMSG@", $strErrorMsg, $strBuffer);
  217. return $strContent;
  218. }
  220. /**
  221. * Method Check Session
  222. * Checks if db usersession has a session id matching value
  223. * @return bool Returns true or false
  224. */
  225. public
  226. function checkSession()
  227. {
  228. $params = array(session_id());
  229. $strSelectSession = "SELECT iUserID, daLastAction FROM usersession " .
  230. "WHERE vcSessionID = ? " .
  231. "AND iIsLoggedIn = 1";
  232. $row = $this->db->_fetch_array($strSelectSession, $params);
  233. if (count($row) > 0) {
  234. $row = call_user_func_array("array_merge", $row);
  235. if ($row["daLastAction"] > time() - ($this->iTimeOutSeconds)) {
  236. return TRUE;
  237. } else {
  238. return FALSE;
  239. }
  240. }
  241. }
  243. /**
  244. * Method getError
  245. * Switches error constants to a string message
  246. * @param int $int
  247. * @return string Returns a string with error message
  248. */
  249. private
  250. function getError($int)
  251. {
  252. switch ($int) {
  253. default:
  254. $strErr = '';
  255. break;
  256. case self::ERR_NOUSERFOUND:
  257. $strErr = "Brugernavn eller password er forkert!";
  258. break;
  259. case self::ERR_NOSESSIONFOUND:
  260. $strErr = "Bad Session!";
  261. break;
  262. case self::ERR_NOACCESS:
  263. $strErr = "Du har ikke rettigheder til at se dette indhold!";
  264. break;
  265. }
  266. return $strErr;
  267. }
  269. }
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