
FoulMouth's Flutterswear: The Princessening

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. >"...and I was *this* close to starting my sentence with 'Zigga, please!' but I don't think Zecora would have appreciated it."
  2. >You are creased up laughing.
  3. >You're stood at the back of a crowded room, awaiting the arrival of Princess Celestia.
  4. >Fluttershy is telling you about her trip into the Everfree.
  5. >"Even the trees in there look like they want to rape your ass!" She whispers to you.
  6. >'Stop! Stop I can't breathe!'
  7. >"What's the joke?" A bass-y, musical voice floats into your ear from right behind you, startling you.
  8. >'Mother of f...'
  9. >Fluttershy shoots you a look.
  10. >'...flying squirrels! Princess, I didn't see you there.'
  11. >She offers a gentle smile that melts your heart.
  12. >"So?" She prompts.
  13. >"Oh, princess, I was just telling Anon a joke I heard about... flying squirrels...?"
  14. >Celestia stares at you both.
  15. >"Really?"
  16. >'Yeah. It wasn't that funny, but Shy does such a good impression of a squirrel and it gets me every time.'
  17. >After more staring Fluttershy tries to do a squirrel impression while gently hovering a foot or so off the ground.
  18. >"Well, fair enough. Better get back to work." Celestia moves off.
  19. >"You dick." Fluttershy digs you in the ribs. You just laugh more.
  20. >Celestia has stopped almost exactly in front of you and is speaking to another pony. Fluttershy follows your eyeline to the marvellous sun-mark on the princess' flank.
  21. >"You wanna wreck dat, Anon?"
  22. >You spit your drink.
  23. >"tear up dat azz, zigga!" she whispers in a voice you fear is just loud enough for the princess to hear.
  24. >'Fluttershy shut the hell up!'
  25. >"What, you aren't getting any younger and I bet you haven't got your dick wet since you got here."
  26. >'Yeah, because I don't fancy fucking animals, thanks.Bestiality might be your idea of a Tuesday night in, but not for me thanks.'
  27. >"Faggot."
  28. >'Shy, sometimes I wish I'd never moved in with you.'
  29. >She looks shocked and suddenly very sad.
  30. >'No, no, I mean I wish I hadn't got you swearing so much. I dunno. I like being roommates though.'
  31. >"Quit being such a bitch, then, and tell me if you'd ruin the Princess' as..."
  32. >Celestia is staring at you both.
  33. >"As... king of ponyville to keep up the good work this year.' She finishes in a squeak. 'If you had a really good reason to, I mean."
  34. >'No. I wouldn't. That'd be rude.' You flatly state, trying to keep a straight face.
  35. >"Good. I gotta go a check on the... flying squirrels." and then she was gone.
  36. >'So, about that...' you begin.
  37. >"For the record, I have FANTASTIC hearing, Anon." Celestia twitches an ear.
  38. >You grab your collar and fan yourself a little.
  39. >'Is it hot in here?'
  40. >Celestia steps closer to you and lowers her voice even more.
  41. >You gulp.
  42. >"Answer the question you fucking faggot."
  43. >'Wait, what the fuck?'
  44. >"You wanna wreck this?" She shakes her ass a little. "Come on, what if I throw Luna into the mix, too?"
  45. >'Princess, I...'
  46. >"I'd fucking destroy Fluttershy, given the chance, too."
  47. >You are stunned.
  48. >Celestia laughs.
  49. >"I'm joking! Get the fuck out of here, Anon."
  50. >You just fucking bolt for the door.
  51. >'Shy, scrape the bear cum out of your ears and listen to this shit!'
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