Partial Possession chapter 5

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. >Sooner than later, you are politely kicked out of the spa, and step outside
  2. >Oh right. The sun's out. You're uncomfortably warm and your eyes take a moment to adjust.
  3. "Hurry your white ass up, Celestia."
  4. >You mutter under your breath, and stop walking for a second
  5. 'Uh, sorry.'
  6. >Fluttershy hums and continues moving. Not a moment passes before Rainbow Dash descendes from above
  7. >"Hey, 'Shy! How're you holding up?"
  8. >"Oh, I'm doing just swell. How are you?"
  9. >"Glad to hear it! I'm fine! Just dandy!" Sanic says as she glances from side to side
  10. >"In fact!" She puts an arm around your shoulder. "I've got a gig to do! And uh, I kind of need help"
  11. >You sense a disturbance in the force. As if a thousand shy horses cried out silently
  12. >"G-gig?" Flutters asks
  13. >"Yeeah, no problem! So uh, Pinkie had a comedy show today, but she's off getting the ingredient, soo..."
  14. >She trails off and looks around, then leans in and whispers. "She asked me to fill in. I have no jokes."
  15. >Fluttershy was silent.
  16. "No worries, I've got this."
  17. >"No we don't!" She immedietly countered, stepping back
  18. >"Pleeease, Fluttershy!" Rainbow begged. "I can't go there and look stupid! Everyone will be there!"
  19. >"I won't do any better!" She starts shaking and brings her hooves up to her chest.
  20. "Rainbow, I don't think this is actually a good idea. I mean, I'll still do it, I just know it's stupid."
  21. >Sanic horse looks at you with pleading eyes. "Scootaloo will be there! I can't let her down like that!"
  22. >Flutters suddenly gains a glint of determination. "W-well...if it's for the children..."
  23. >Shit, she's actually doing it. Go you, Flutters.
  24. "Okay, we're going to need clothes that have pockets."
  25. >"Why?" Fluttershy immedietly asks.
  26. "There's no time. Rainbow, go ask Rarity for them. Flutters, we're going to need some pasta. Let's kick this shit."
  29. >It took nearly 5 minutes of talking about the intricate details of human humour, but she agreed to pasta-pockets
  30. >You don't actually plan to make a joke in the show about it, but it makes you laugh.
  31. >You realize most of your humour is things that make you laugh, and not others. Shit.
  32. >Either way, you find out Rarity was actually in the midst of making a suit for Pinkie. Green top, polkadot tie.
  33. >Nice. You smile confidently in the window of a shop, and it all looks completely out of place.
  34. >'I hope you know what you're doing...' You can feel the anxiety building up in your other half
  35. >implying you've ever made a plan in your life
  36. >That doesn't seem to help her, but you're looking forward to interacting with a lot of ponies at once.
  37. >As you start to shovel the spaghetti in to your pockets, you find there are several props already included
  38. >A deck of cards, 'peanut brittle' labelled "SNACK", and a list of more props to get. You don't have time to read that shit.
  39. >You have no idea how the bottle of peanut brittle fit in your pocket. You can't fit it back in.
  40. >It sucks being a quadraped. Now you have to walk on three legs to the stage.
  41. >Luckily, it isn't far, just in front of the town hall. Most townponies have taken their seats, and you walk backstage
  42. >Mayor Mare, Lyra and Bonbon, and Derpy are all there, helping set the place up.
  43. >"Where's Rainbow Dash?" The Mayor asks.
  44. "I'm filling in for her, she got caught up at work."
  45. >Sly
  46. >"The pegasai are all here!" Mare looks out from behind the curtain. "I can see Rainbow in the audience!"
  47. >Well, you tried.
  48. "She wussed out."
  49. >The Mayor stopped in place. "Oh. Well, alright. The show is just about ready! Break a leg!"
  50. >Wow. That's fucking horse-racist.
  51. >Fluttershy this entire time is hyperventilating. You mentally pat her on the head.
  52. "Look at it this way: what's the worst that could happen?"
  53. >"Fall off the stage and actually break a leg." She responds
  54. "Yeah, but then only you'll die."
  55. >She gulps
  58. >You move through the curtain, and wave. The crowd starts clapping at first, then confusedly dies off
  59. >What, you never seen a yellow horse before?
  60. >You look closer at the audience, ready to pick a single audience member to torture
  61. >You see a light blue mane on top of a blue head, with a horn poking out
  62. >FUCK, this is too good.
  63. "You there! Would you like to be the volunteer for Fluttershy's acclaimed Pegasus Magic Extravaganza!?"
  64. >The crowd cheers, and Trixie confusedly stands up, walking to the stage.
  65. "Welcome, welcome! Thank you for coming up!"
  66. >To the side, Derpy slides in a table full of more props. Perfect.
  67. >Trixie takes a small bow and nervously smiles, unsure of what is about to happen.
  68. >You hand her the shaking can of peanut brittle, the "SNACK" label starting to peel off.
  69. "Before we get started, I offer you a tribute of nourishment for your bravery in coming up on stage!"
  70. >Fluttershy is missing. You think she might have bluescreened. Ah well, you move to the table anyways.
  71. >Trixie raises a devious eyebrow, and grabs it telekinetically, pointing it to you and opening it
  72. >Peanut brittle falls to the stage, out of the compressed can. You both stare at it, wide eyed.
  73. >
  74. "The hell, man? I got that just for you."
  75. >You raise a hoof, pointing it to the mess.
  76. "Ah, nevermind, who am I to judge how you eat!"
  77. >The crowd laughs, and Trixie blushes slightly, offsetting her blue cheeks to a purpleish hue
  78. >You expected that to just be a corny classic to buy time. Better than expected, though.
  79. >You look at the table. It's full of junk that makes no sense without context.
  80. >You grab another deck from the table, and find it has a string through each card, holding them together
  81. >Uhhh, you don't know what trick this is. Time to improvise
  84. >You pull it from the table, holding the cards together and concealing the string, and walk to Trixie
  85. "Now, I have this deck! Look, it's an average deck, right?"
  86. >Trixie takes a glance at it and nods, playing along
  87. "Then explain this shit."
  88. >You twirl it above your head, the cards stretching back and fourth from the momentum
  89. >The string eventually snaps and they fall all over the stage, each and every way. The crowd laughs again.
  90. >Your confident smile widens again. Trixie herself puffs up her cheeks, holding back a giggle
  91. "Okay, now I have a deck that's actually regular."
  92. >You shuffle and hold the cards from the first deck, SOMEHOW, with them facing you, trying to memorize them
  93. "Pick any card, and I'll tell you what it is."
  94. >Trixie starts going for a card, and then stops, realizing the game. You laugh
  95. "I'll cheat if you let me! Alright, we'll do it the other way, but it doesn't always work."
  96. >You switch them around, and she picks a random card. Fuck, you can't remember that one. IMPROVISE
  97. "Memorize it, and then place it back in the deck, shuffle it any way you want."
  98. >She looks at it for a moment, then places it with the rest of the cards, picking them up and shuffling
  99. >She stops, and hands them back. Your grin doesn't falter, but a bit of sweat trickles down your brow
  100. >Fluttershy is nearly in tears at the back of your head, and you try to keep your cool, blinking them back
  101. >You make a gesture with your hoof over the deck
  102. "I have magically raised the card to the top, and I've even changed it!"
  103. >You pick the top card up, and look at it.
  104. "To the 2 of hearts!"
  105. >The crowd claps, and Trixie laughs, and you heave a big sigh of relief. You need to stop with this card shit.
  106. >The crowd might be really naive, but Trixie is starting to see through you.
  107. >You bow, and point a hoof to the magician next to you
  108. "Trixie, our volunteer, everybody! Now go back down and enjoy the show!"
  109. >They applaud and Trixie trots down back to her seat.
  114. >Okay, time to think of some material.
  115. >Fuck
  116. >You got nothing.
  117. >Nearly a minute passes, and Fluttershy finally takes the wheel
  118. >"Thank you everybody, now that my opening act is done, Rainbow Dash will take over!"
  119. >Rainbow's face falls, and Flutters runs you both off stage, behind the curtains
  120. >She collapses in a pile behind a crate and shivers
  121. 'Hey, don't worry Fluttershy, it's okay! We got some good ones in there!'
  122. >You try to comfort her, but she shakes her head
  123. >"No, YOU got some 'good ones' in there, and they made ME look like someone completely different!"
  124. >She placed her hooves over her eyes. "And then we just froze and looked like failures."
  125. 'I didn't know what to do either.'
  126. >Then tears started, and she sniffled. 'I know, I don't mean to blame you. I just feel so ashamed."
  127. >You kind of feel it too. As much as you try not to, those last few moments were very shameful
  128. >Plus you went back on your word to cut down on being rude.
  129. 'I'm sorry, Flutters. I shouldn't have gone overboard. Not when you'll have to take the hit. I'm really sorry.'
  130. >You both stay there for a while, sobbing quietly. You pull your arms around yourself in a weird kind of self hug
  131. >After a few more minutes, you can hear voices calling out backstage.
  132. >"Fluttershy? You back here?"
  133. >"Fluttershy! Darling, are you alright?"
  134. >Applejack and Rarity's calls cause your ears to perk up, and they come around the corner of the crate
  135. >"There you are! Oh, sweetie, please get up off the ground."
  136. >You stand up
  137. >Spaghetti falls out of your pockets on to the floor
  138. >You look down, and give a weak smile. Fluttershy rubs the tears out of her eyes and giggles softly
  139. >The shared giggle slowly turns in to a laugh, both Applejack and Rarity looking quizzically between the spaghetti and you
  140. >"I knew you were right, Anon. It did come in handy." She speaks, with the raspy voice of someone who just cried their heart out
  141. >A not-so-brief hug between the two friends and her later, the tears stopped flowing.
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