
Kelsey's birthday surprises

Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey walked into the Cafe with Connor holding his hand as they walked up to the counter. She greeted the waitress there with a smile, and requested a special birthday sundae for herself. // Connor piped up, Jumping on his toes, "Don't forget the candle in it too!"
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad followed the two into the cafe, his arms filled with wrapped presents because he insisted on bringing them with him so Kelsey could open them at exactly midnight when her birthday began. He had Connors as well as his own, setting them down on top of the counter in a stacked pile before dropping into a stool and ordering himself his usual sugar free chocolate sundae. "Can you stick a candle in a sundae?" // Adam pulled his truck into the parking lot of the cafe, killing the engine and slipping out, moving around to the passenger seat of the vehicle to open Hayley's door for her, offering a hand to help her down. "After thinking about it, I'm fairly confident y'all are going to win."-
  3. Covet: [I have Eli coming in next post btw!]
  4. Tsaaq: "I think so too sometimes but then I talk to the other victims and I get paranoid that no one believes us again." Hayley sighed. She hopped down and kept holding onto her hand. "Thank you." She said. "What do you want besides coffee?" She asked him as they approached the doors.
  5. Tsaaq: ((It's cool!))
  6. Covet: "Yes, you just have to blow it out quickly." Kelsey said with a grin, "What do you want so I can order it and you can find a booth to set all that in." She told him then looked at Connor. "Go with Dad and I'll be over after I pay, Okay Kiddo?" She said to him // "Okay Momma!" He said and ran off to pick out the booth they'd be sitting in. // Eli pulled up to the Cafe and turned the enginie of his Rover off, glancing over at Bliss. "I think tonight needs to be a happy face pancake night, what about you, My Love?" He asked her with a smile
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Brad reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, setting a few bills down on the counter and pushing them toward Kelsey. "Just the sundae is good." He picked up all the gifts and headed over to Connor, setting everything down on the table. "You excited Little Man?" // "You shouldn't be paranoid. You should be confident." Holding her hand, he walked her into the cafe, holding the door open for her and making his way up to the counter. "I'm thinking maybe a grilled chicken salad. What about you?"-
  8. Tsaaq: She sputtered her lips. "I know! But I get doubtful. I don't know." She said with a shrug. "A salad sounds good but I think I want a sandwich." She looked around the diner and smiled. "Oh look, Kelsey, Brad and the little guy." // Bliss nodded her head in agreement. "I definitely need those. I'm starved. And this week has given me a migraine. Luckily I have you to come home to and cuddle up with at night." She nuzzled his neck.
  9. Covet: Kelsey paid for their sundaes and turned around to see Hayley and Adam, "Hi guys, I didn't hear you come in behind us!" She went to give Hayley a hug and gave Adam a wave. "What are you guys up to, aside from the obvious?" // Connor climbed in the booth standing on the seat, leaning against the back with his arms spread out, "Duh, she's gonna be so surprised." he had a mild attitude, but it was a cute one, not an annoying one. Probably learned that from Brad. Turning his head he saw Hayley and Adam, "Hi Pretty Hayley and Adam!" // Eli leaned into her as she nuzzled his neck and pressed a kiss to her head, "I'm sorry. Maybe I can give you a back rub tonight before bed? Would that help too?" He asked her leaning back so he could open up the door and climb out, so he could walk around and open her door for her.
  10. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Oh yeah, she definitely is." Brad said with a smirk because he was into being a cocky little shit with Connor. He turned to look behind him over to Kelsey at the counter standing with Hayley and Adam, giving them a wave. // "Sandwiches are always good." Adam spoke with a nod, smiling to Kelsey when she stepped over to them. "I guess we're quiet little mice when we come in." He started to laugh, giving a shrug. "Just getting some late dinner. Are y'all doing the same?"-
  11. Tsaaq: "I know. I love sandwiches." She whispered. "Hey Connor." Hayley waved at him then went to greet Kelsey and Bradley. "Mice are so cute. Let's get some mice." She murmured. "We should all sit together if we can help it?" Hayley suggested. // She inhaled deeply and went to turn and kiss his lips. "Yes... And perhaps a few other things to relax me?" Bliss suggested. She walked into the depot cafe and she grinned when seeing the group. "Hello everyone! Oh my goodness. This is perfect."
  12. Covet: Kelsey nodded, "Sure, if you don't mind us doing midnight birthday gifts. Bradley insisted I open them tonight." She told them as she sat down in the booth, scooching her son over so he was between her and Brad. // "It's her birthday, she's getting old." Connor said with a nod. "Do you wanna help us sing happy birthday?" // Eli looked at her, "I might be able to come up with an idea or two." He stuck his tongue out in an adorable, yet suggestive way as he opened up the door for her and they walked in. "Wow, Party at the cafe, there's even.. presents?" He said seeing the stack on the table. Giving Bliss a light pat on the bottom he spoke, "I'll get our pancakes ordered and join you all in just a moment."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Heyyyy okay, okay." Brad said with a laugh, slipping his hand playfully over Connor's mouth to try to stifle him. "We're not going to use those words in that order today." He smirked and looked at Kelsey, pushing the stack of gifts toward her. "Go on birthday girl. Why don't you open a couple while we wait for birthday sundaes." // "I don't think mice would go over well with everyone at the house, Halo." Adam spoke with a smile, walking over to the booth to sit down across from Brad, Kelsey, and Connor. "Sure, we would love to help you sing happy birthday."-
  14. Tsaaq: "Hell, I'd love to." Hayley answered Connor with a smile. "Not if we kept them in a cage. We cold get a white one and a gray one and name them salt and pepper." She said with a giggle. She put her hands up in the air. "Bliss! Eli!" She shouted. "We're going to tell Kels happy birthday!" She went down to sit with them. "Did you bring her a present?" She asked Adam hurriedly. // "That was what I had in mind." She whispered to him. "Oh goodness... I feel so unprepared." Bliss sighed. She nodded to Eli and kissed his cheek. "Hurry." She said. "Kelsey!" She cheered while waving at her and going in to hug her.
  15. Covet: "Bliss! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Kelsey put her hands up, "No presents necessary, from anyone. Singing is more than enough, so long as you promise that you'll be at the party tomorrow night? Just a little intimate get together, that Brad put together." She watched as Brad pushed the presents over to her, "Okay, just a couple, cause the Sundae's are going to be here soon." // Connor was practically forcing the presents in front of her with Brad, "More people!" He grinned waving at Bliss when she joined them, then at Eli as he walked up too. // "Hey everyone." Eli said as he joined them, waving at Connor, then looked around so he could pull a couple of chairs up to the booth for him and Bliss. "Here you are, My Love. I hear a happy birthday is in order, I shall sing my very best." [Eli no.. just mouth the words...]
  16. Alexithymiaa: (Oh Kelsey no. That is NOT what he did....)
  17. Covet: [Of course not, because Brad doesn't listen. Ever XD]
  18. Alexithymiaa: (He means welll, but yeah thats kind of the point of his birthday gifts)
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Brad stuck Connor's gifts in front of Kelsey first, giving Connor a little pat on the back. "Connor picked both of these out himself. Open them up." He tried to ignore Kelsey's comment because he didnt throw her a party like that. // Adam winced because he hadnt even known it was Kelseys birthday until they walked in, shaking his head very gently at Hayley. "I... don't. I'm sorry. But we'll definitely be there to celebrate your birthday at your party tomorrow night."-
  20. Tsaaq: "Yes, we'll all be there. It'll be fun and we'll party super hard and stuff." Hayley said. She leaned back over to Adam once more. "We'll buy something for her tomorrow before we get there." She said with a nod. // "Oh goodness yes we'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Bliss answered. She went to put her hand on Eli's cheek. "So sweet." She smiled cause who cared about horrible singing he was the best man ever in her eyes. "And thank you." She said as she took her seat.
  21. Covet: "Good, I know it's last minute, I usually just do my birthday with my family, and it's a quiet thing, especially with.. well.. other more important things happening." She said, skated around the kidnapping, "But I'm turning twenty one, and you can't just have a quiet family get together for a twenty first. It's like a rule or something." Kelsey told them. She opened up the gifts from her son and saw the adorable oversized cat plushie, then opened up the delicate silver necklace that had a hanging cat pendant on it. "Awww, I love them, thank you kiddo." She told Connor and gave him a hug. // "You can put the stuffed animal on my bed at night, if Dad sleeps in your bed." Connor said, because clearly that's what was important here. // Eli looked a little excited, "I think a little bit of a party would do everyone some good. Let loose and just enjoy something fun." He put his arm around the back of Bliss's chair and watched as Kelsey opened up her gifts.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Uhh....." Brad kind of trailed off as they continued to talk about this little party that was definitely not happening. He picked up the envelope he had on the table for her, passing it over. "I think you should probably open my gift, Kels..." He smiled awkwardly at Hayley, Adam, Bliss, and Eli, grabbing for the badly wrapped box to pull it in front of him so he could give that to her next. // "That sounds like fun." Adam spoke with a nod, cooing a bit at Connor's presents for Kelsey because that's adorable.-
  23. Tsaaq: "Awwww." Hayley cooed as she watched Kelsey opened her present from Connor. She glanced down at the box Brad had. "See Adam, nobody's that good at wrapping presents." // "I agree. We need to let loose. This case has been taking up so much of our time." She said before she watched Kelsey open gifts.
  24. Covet: "I didn't think of it like that, but I definitely agree with you guys there." She said to Eli and Bliss, then laughed at Hayley's comment about gift wrapping, because of course this bitch was a pro at that, Santa's official helpers are expected to be good at that shit. She opened up the envelope from Brad and pulled out the tickets to the Backstreet boys concert, as well as the hotel reservation for Vegas, "Oh my goodness Bradley... You didn't!" She told him, "My mom is going to be so jealous! Thank you..." She leaned over to give him a kiss, to which Connor pushed her back. // "You still have one more present before you get to do that Momma." He told her because ugh parental PDA GOSH. // Eli chuckled watching everyone just enjoying the good times because shit had been so shitty lately.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -He started to laugh, gesturing toward the reservation in her hand. "Their villa is all private, just like you wanted. And what better way to turn twenty one than by partying in Vegas?" Brad asked, sliding the square box over to her. "And then this is just something so that everyone in Vegas knows you're the birthday b-... girl." He coughed, glancing down at Connor. // Adam flushed and looked down at his hands. "Wrapping gifts is hard..." He mumbled with a bit of shame before looking to Brad because bad wrappers have to stick together.-
  26. Tsaaq: She shook her head at him. "They wrap gifts for free at some places. There's no shame in using that." She nudged him then kissed his cheek. // "Oh my, that sounds like so much fun Kelsey! You're going to have a such a great time!" Bliss exclaimed.
  27. Covet: "I couldn't agree more. This is perfect!" Kelsey told him then took the box from him, taking out the tiara, then looked over at him as he correctd himself. "Right.. girl...mhhm." She laughed and smiled, "Thank you, and I will be thinking of you all while I'm there, well.. not all the time I'm there, but You'll be with me in spirit at the appropriate times." // Connor was just cheering and happy, because everyone else was, thankfully missing all the inuendos and shit. "Momma you have a princess crown now!" // Eli watched, " Don't have too much fun down there, but if you get into any trouble and need to call someone to bail you out, let us know." He gave a laugh, not really knowing how much trouble you could get into because he'd only been to Vegas when he wasn't old enough to do ANYTHING, for a convention.
  28. Alexithymiaa: (Eli you nerd.)
  29. Covet: [Forever]
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I'm glad you like it." He leaned over and gave her a kiss over the top of Connor's head before addressing everyone. "Sorry, the party kind of just is Vegas itself. But you're all more than welcome to come party out there and celebrate. There will be plenty of partying going on." // "There kind of is..." Adam spoke in a low voice to avoid being heard by anyone else. "Wow, Vegas. Don't have too much fun otherwise you're going to end up like that guy from that movie... what's it called?" He asked, turning his attention to Hayley.-
  31. Tsaaq: "There's like, a lot of movies about Vegas." Hayey began to laugh because her boyfriend was silly. "Viva Las Vegas? Mars Attacks? Show Girls? Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas? Casino? Ocean's Eleven?" She started to list. // "I'm partial to shopping and not particular the casino but either way? It'll be so much fun I'm sure." Bliss said. "And that is a beautiful tiara."
  32. Covet: "If any of you want to join us for the party, that's apparently now in Vegas, I will happily pay your way to come with us. I didn't realize that's where he was planning this." Kelsey said as she saw the foods and shit coming for them. // Connor was happy because candle, and ice cream and singing was going to happen and he was going to stay up late and enjoy it.. only to pass out in like.. 15 minutes from all of this. // Eli shook his head, "Nonsense you don't need to cover for us, I'll make sure Bliss and I can get down there to help you celebrate, if you'd like." he said turning to Bliss.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "No way, the birthday girl isnt paying for anything. This is on me. Anyone that wants to come with us, I've got you." Brad said easily, his eyes focusing on the incoming sundae with the candle in it, beginning to sing. // "Oh uh... none of those. It'll come to me eventually." Adam said as he slipped his arm around Hayley's shoulders, joining in the singing of the birthday song.-
  34. Tsaaq: "Oh my crap! Yes! Let's go to Vegas!" Hayley said before they started singing happy burthdaiiii and I'm sleepy af and i can't see.
  35. Covet: And they all partied through the weekend until Sunday the end! Cept Connor.. because he's 4. He partied with the nanny. Ninja turtles and popcorn...AND NO PEOPLE MAKING OUT TO RUIN HIS MOVIES.
  36. Alexithymiaa: (Shut up Connor)
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