
Prologue C: Danger Zone

Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. [21:17] <~Radio_GM> ---The Coltifornia Campaign, Group 80---
  2. [21:17] <~Radio_GM> ---Prologue C: Danger_Zone---
  3. [21:18] <~Radio_GM> Risks! Action! Terror! And most of all, /fun/! What better reasons to head out into the West? There’s fun a-plenty, and risks to take, and a good time to be had by you. Yes, you! You know what you want from this place, and you know how you’re gonna get it. You aren’t making any bones about it, no sir!
  4. [21:18] <~Radio_GM> So your travels have taken you onto the snowy paths of the Sierra Neighvada mountains, near the shores of Lake Horseshoe. The aptly-named lake does resemble a horseshoe in the valley of the mountains, albeit an enormous one. It is long and wide, even when taking the short way across.
  5. [21:18] <~Radio_GM> The mountain trails are cold and slippery, but that doesn’t bother somepony like you, right? Right! Onward you go, to whatever awesome things this place has to offer you.
  6. [21:21] * Danger_Zone definitely isn't bothered by cold and slippery mountain trails! She's a pegasus, and proud of it! Wings are THE way to go when traveling. Even with a destination in mind, she can't help but keep an eye out for anything that looks even remotely interesting. After all, if the reason you're traveling is for fun, then why skip over the fun things along the way?
  7. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> Well, the weather certainly is chilly, but you don't mind that much, don't you? You don't notice anything out of the ordinary, the path edging along the edge of Lake Horseshoe.
  8. [21:27] * Danger_Zone doesn't give the results of her quick survey a second thought. It's been a bit of a boring trip overall, and she's eager to reach her destination. She keeps up a quick flying pace, and presses onward through the cold air!
  9. [21:30] <~Radio_GM> You suddenly hear a faint sound from below as you fly onward. You can't really tell what it is from up this high.
  10. [21:34] * Danger_Zone slows when she hears the sound, casting her glance below her and sweeping around to fly lower, to try and figure out what that noise was.
  11. [21:35] <~Radio_GM> You can hear it more clearly now. It's...a cat meowing? Yes, indeed, you can see it there, in front of you. It's a cat, a black cat with yellow eyes, eyeing you as you fly above, meowing at you.
  12. [21:41] * Danger_Zone almost laughs. She almost stopped for a cat? That would have been a travesty of a time waster! "No offense, kitty, but I've got places to go, fun to have!" With that, she turns back to follow the path once again.
  13. [21:43] <~Radio_GM> Just before you take off, though, the cat simply lunges forward and leaps onto your back, There it sits, unwilling to move.
  14. [21:44] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  15. [21:46] * Danger_Zone is more than a little surprised. "Hey! Get off me!" She gives her wings a few forceful flaps in an effort to dislodge the cat.
  16. [21:47] <~Radio_GM> The cat refuses to move. Every time you try to dislodge the creature, he manages to cling on.
  17. [21:47] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  18. [21:50] * Danger_Zone gives the cat a glare. "You wanna play hardball? Fine, I can play that game..." She drops to the ground and rolls quickly, then jumps straight into the air as she finishes, without even waiting to see what happens to the cat.
  19. [21:51] <~Radio_GM> For a brief moment, you feel the pressure on your back diminish as you roll, but as soon as you're upright and in the air, there it is again, sitting on your back.
  20. [21:51] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  21. [21:51] <~Radio_GM> The cat now reaches forward and rubs its nose against your coat.
  22. [21:53] * Danger_Zone bristles a bit in annoyance. "Fine then, kitty. You want a ride? You'd better hope you can hold on. Ready? No? Too bad!" She starts flying down the path at top speed. She'll give this cat the ride of its 9 lives!
  23. [21:55] <~Radio_GM> The cat simply sits up nonchalantly on her back, stretching. What is this? The cat isn't even bothering to cling to your back, but there it sits, as you keep speeding away.
  24. [21:55] <~Radio_GM> "Meow!"
  25. [21:56] <~Radio_GM> You suddenly feel lightheaded, as black cloud seems to envelope you. Your vision fades, as the curious sensation of being wrapped tightly in cloth overtakes your body. There is a burst of violet light, and then you suddenly find yourself on the floor of someplace dark and cold. You cannot see what is around you.
  26. [21:56] <~Radio_GM> The cat is nowhere to be found.
  27. [21:59] * Danger_Zone feels disoriented. She gives her wings a couple of flaps out of reflex before she realizes that she's no longer in the air. Confused, she looks around to try and get her bearings.
  28. [22:01] <~Radio_GM> You find yourself in one looks like a cavern. Along the lengths of this cavern, though, are wooden support beams that seem to support the weight of the rock above. Below you is a track, like that used on railroads, that runs off in both directions. Every 20 feet are so are old electric lights that flicker every now and then, along the length of the tunnel.
  29. [22:02] <~Radio_GM> You can choose to either backtrack, or go forward in the direction you are facing.
  30. [22:06] * Danger_Zone has no idea which way is 'out', so she might as well go forward for at least a little ways to get a better idea of where she is, and the layout.
  31. [22:13] <~Radio_GM> The tunnel goes on for a ways, twisting about, though there is no variation in the pattern of wooden beams, lights, and tracks until about 4 minutes worth of trotting, at which point you come to a fork in the path. There is a sign with two arrows, on pointing to the path that points left and the other to the one that points right. A green circle is stenciled on the one pointing left, a red X on the one pointing right. But as you approach, you hear something familiar. Too familiar.
  32. [22:13] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  33. [22:13] <~Radio_GM> It's the cat meowing, and you're sure it's the same one. It's coming from the path marked with a red X.
  34. [22:13] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  35. [22:14] <~Radio_GM> The cat meows again. Is that urgency you hear? Whatever it is, the cat continues to meow from the X-marked path, as if it's urging you to follow.
  36. [22:17] * Danger_Zone scowls and trots down the X-path. That cat has the answers to her situation, she just knows it. It... brought her here, or something. It's something to cling to at least! "You'd better hope I get out of here in one piece, kitty!"
  37. [22:20] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  38. [22:20] <~Radio_GM> The cat's calling comes from farther and farther away. It seems to be moving away from you."
  39. [22:22] * Danger_Zone picks up the pace. Trotting isn't fast enough, so she resorts to flying. The tunnel may be a little cramped, but she can fly low enough.
  40. [22:29] <~Radio_GM> Yes you can! You fly onward, traversing great distance as you go, the cat's calling urging you on. As you fly, you become more and more aware of a loud sound rumbling down that long, long, long passageway, until it practically grows into a roar that fills your ears. And yet you can still hear the cat call to you, beckoning you forth. But you have a real good eye, even in the dim light, and as you fly this fast you can see ahead of you a large set of metal bars blocking your pathway, with no way to squeeze between them. You stop well in time to avoid crashing into them.
  41. [22:31] <~Radio_GM> That ambient roaring, rushing sound reveals itself to be a gushing, torrential cascade of water rushing past the path, several feet ahead of the bars. You can't see how far the water goes, but the spray is bone-chilling. A small sign is placed directly in the center of the metal bars with a simple message: "DANGER! SWIFT CURRENT." To push the point forward, beneath is a small graphic of a stick-figure pony drowning in waves.
  42. [22:31] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  43. [22:31] <~Radio_GM> Somehow, you can still hear that cat's call echoing over the sound of rushing water. There's no doubt about it; it's coming from behind the bars and past the water.
  44. [22:36] * Danger_Zone is not very happy. This cat is her best chance at getting out of here, and now her path is blocked. Luckily for her, she's well-equipped to deal with it! She puts a good deal of distance between herself and the bars, before aiming her grenade rifle toward them. "You'd better be worth my time, kitty, for all the trouble I'm going through to find you!" She fires!
  45. [22:41] <~Radio_GM> Boom goes the rifle, and BOOM goes the grenade! Somehow, in the narrow confines, you miss your target, hitting the rocky ceiling instead. Rocks scatter about around you, the ground rumbling, but you manage not to be hurt y any of the sharp rock flying about.
  46. [22:43] * Danger_Zone mutters a quiet "Son of a..." before kicking the reloading lever to prepare for another shot. It's not like she has much else to get through. Aim, and... fire!
  47. [22:45] <~Radio_GM> Boom goes the rifle again! And the bars come tumbling down with sound of clanging metal and rumbling rock. Why are you not going deaf from all these explosions in such a narrow space? Because you're too awesome for that, that's why! Or, at least, that's what you likely are telling yourself.
  48. [22:45] <~Radio_GM> Your way is unbarred now. You have to get across that large expanse of rushing, cold water now.
  49. [22:46] * Danger_Zone is definitely too awesome for that. That, and she's used to the sound of things exploding wherever she goes. She reloads again and heads through the bars. Crossing the water should be as simple as flying over!
  50. [22:50] <~Radio_GM> And down you go! But it's not as simple as you thought it would be, since many sharp rocks block your way to the other side. The first one you pass with effortless ease, maneuvering around the rock in a style that would make the Wonderbolts proud. The other rocks you manage to pass with ease - but then, disaster strikes! One large rock somehow misses your keen eyes as you crash right into it, dazed. Before you know it, you've fallen backward into the frigid water.
  51. [22:51] <~Radio_GM> The water is freezing cold, and the current is tumultuous. Try as you might to fly away, the current won't let you get a firm grasp on the air.
  52. [22:54] * Danger_Zone switches tactics, once she realizes she won't be able to get back into the air like this. She focuses on keeping her head above water, and tries to get to the shore. She should have been close, right? At least, she /thinks/ she was close. It's hard to be entirely sure what she remembers seeing right now.
  53. [22:57] <~Radio_GM> The current is strong, the water cold... how, oh how will you find your way out?
  54. [21:33] <~Radio_GM> After a rather unfortunate encounter with a rock, you’ve found yourself in deep water. Literally. Very cold water at that, as you find yourself tumbling about in bone-chilling water, head over hoof. You struggle to keep your head above water, and the current continues to drag you under where your wings are of little help. Can you extricate yourself from this mess?
  55. [21:39] * Danger_Zone is trying as best she can to swim her way to the near shore, despite the fast current.
  56. [21:43] <~Radio_GM> You swim valiantly towards the direction of what is (hopefully) the other side - and you manage to latch onto a patch of rock! Sweet success! You're still surrounded by water, but at least you've got a hoofhold on something! But then a spray of water pushes you off the slippery rock, and you're forced deep under the water once more.
  57. [21:43] <~Radio_GM> The cold temperature of the water does not go unnoticed, as it begins to chill you to the very core.
  58. [21:50] * Danger_Zone fights for the surface once she realizes she's been swept under again. The rushing water is very disorienting, and the cold isn't making things any easier. All she can do for now is try and keep her head above water, and keep trying to grab onto something, or make it to the shore.
  59. [21:55] <~Radio_GM> Your attempts are futile, as you fail to latch on to any of the remaining rocks around you, the current overpowering your strength.
  60. [21:55] <~Radio_GM> You begin to shiver and shudder uncontrollably, even beneath the rushing water.
  61. [22:10] * Danger_Zone is getting a little worried. This water chills to the bone, and it's getting harder to move with any precision or speed. She's tried all the obvious ways out of her situation, so now all that's left is something a little... crazy. With a strong resolve, she starts to swim with the current, using it to build up speed. She puts everything she has into it, using both her legs and her wings to propel herself faster yet. Once she's reached enough speed, she dives her way under... then up, using the speed and momentum to try and get enough air to be able to escape the water.
  62. [22:14] <~Radio_GM> The water is cold, the current swift... but there you go, with the speed to maneuver your way out. You burst out of the water with a loud *kersplash!* and find yourself out of the current and in the air. You are still shivering but at last you are free of the water!
  63. [22:16] * Danger_Zone flaps like a madmare! There's no way she's going to let herself get pulled under again. The first thing in her mind is to make sure she's safely flying, more than anything else.
  64. [22:17] <~Radio_GM> You are aloft. Shivering and bitterly cold, but aloft.
  65. [22:19] * Danger_Zone gives a sigh of relief once she knows for sure that she's stable. Next on the list is to try and figure out just how far the current's taken her. Is there even a shore in sight anymore? Where is she?
  66. [22:28] <~Radio_GM> You face the direction that you're /fairly/ certain is the right way...but then briliance strikes. You recall the direction the water was running when you were facing the bars from the tunnel - the water had been running from right to left. In the direction you are facing now, the water is running from left to right. You're pretty sure - no, you're certain - that the other way is the right way.
  67. [22:32] * Danger_Zone turns and heads the correct way. "I swear... when I get out of here, I'm dropping that cat from as high as I can fly."
  68. [22:34] <~Radio_GM> As you fly in that direction you hear the one sound in this world that could confirm that you are going in the right direction.
  69. [22:34] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  70. [22:35] <~Radio_GM> As you approach, you can see a small, glowing light. It doesn't look at all unlike a fire.
  71. [22:37] * Danger_Zone heads off in the direction of the light. First, she needs to find that cat. From there, everything else should be simple.
  72. [22:42] <~Radio_GM> The light does glimmer like fire, and as you approach you can see the opposite bank. And there it is, sitting on the edge. The cat is watching you, holding something in its mouth. Whatever it is, it seems to be the source of the light.
  73. [22:45] * Danger_Zone lands next to the cat. It feels good to be on solid ground again after that mess! She looks to the cat, and whatever it has in its mouth.
  74. [22:49] <~Radio_GM> The object reveals itself to be an amulet of some kind. It is a gold chain, on which is hung a golden facet, in which lies a gem made of what seems almost like crystalline fire. It gives off that mystical glow, a pleasant warmth emanating from it that seems to draw the chill from your bones. It would fit quite nicely around your neck.
  75. [22:49] <~Radio_GM> The cat drops the amulet and pushes it towards you with a paw, as though it wants you to have it.
  76. [22:49] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  77. [22:53] * Danger_Zone eyes the amulet a little cautiously. This cat is bad news, and she's not sure if she should accept anything it wants to give her. It /does/ seem like it's helping against the cold though... After a few moments of thought, she puts the amulet around her neck. If worse comes to worst, she can always take it off. "Alright, kitty. I want out. So whatever you did to bring me here? Un-do it!"
  78. [22:58] <~Radio_GM> At once, as soon as you wear it, you feel a pleasant warming sensation run through your body, dispelling your shivers from your bout with the underground river. You feel more energetic now, as a mystical energy seems to course through the fibers of your being.
  79. [22:58] <~Radio_GM> The cat simply curls its tail and tilts its head at you.
  80. [22:58] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  81. [22:58] <~Radio_GM> With that, the cat gets up and begins to walk further down the tunnel.
  82. [23:00] <~Radio_GM> You do notice that, in spite of the brilliantly shining gem in the center, there seems to be grooves surrounding it into which gems of a similar size could be placed.
  83. [23:04] * Danger_Zone only gives the amulet a quick examination. A bigger priority is following the cat! She can't lose track of it now that she's found it again.
  84. [23:05] <~Radio_GM> The cat leads you onward and onward, on a path that seems to slope upwards, higher and higher. Occasionally, it turns around and looks at you briefly, before continuing on its way. You can see another light up ahead, one more like the ambient light of day and not that of a flame or electrical light.
  85. [23:07] * Danger_Zone trots on ahead toward the light. Sunlight! Can it be?
  86. [23:12] <~Radio_GM> The cat meets you at the end of the tunnel. After briefly rubbing against your leg fondly, the cat continues onward ahead on the path and into the light outside. It leads to the peak of what seems to be a high peak. You cannot see what is above or below, the whole area suffused with fog.
  87. [23:12] <~Radio_GM> The path before you now slants upwards to a small plateau at the very top of the mountain surrounded by high cliffs on either side. You can make out the figure of a figure standing silently atop the plateau.
  88. [23:12] <~Radio_GM> The cat adeptly makes his way up the plateau and greets the figure with a soft meow. The cat nudges his head against the figure’s side. The figure’s ears swivel behind him, and as he gently pats the cat he now turns to you, revealing himself as a stallion.
  89. [23:12] <~Radio_GM> He’s a unicorn, far younger than you might have expected; he appears to be late in his adolescent years. His red coat is surprisingly well-maintained for a wasteland pony, even if his mane is a bit on the scruffy side. Said mane is crimson, with black highlights running along its edges.
  90. [23:12] <~Radio_GM> He wears, almost incongruously, a hoofball cap and a leather vest, a pistol holstered to his foreleg, a strange amulet hanging from a chain around his neck. A cutie mark of a flame graces his flanks. The red stallion gives off a strange aura of confidence, perhaps even boldness, even though his eyes are not visible from under the brim of his cap.
  91. [23:13] <~Radio_GM> The stallion says nothing. Instead, he seems to appraise you cautiously from under his cap brim.
  92. [23:13] <~Radio_GM> "......"
  93. [23:22] <~Radio_GM> The stallion turns to look at you more clearly, his eyes still not visible from under the cap. He doesn't answer, but he turns to the cat, who curls by his hoof. The cat sits, looking rather pleased with itself.
  94. [23:22] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  95. [23:23] * Danger_Zone only gives the very briefest of glances to the cat, before looking right back to the Stallion. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"
  96. [23:28] <~Radio_GM> The stallion raises his head slightly, and his mouth opens a bit as though he is about to speak, when a piercing howl suddenly cuts across the silence. The stallion looks upwards in alarm, as a large pack of large, doglike creatures with glowing red eyes becomes visible on the edges of the cliffs to his sides. At once, they leap down in front of both of you, approaching as they snarl viciously.
  97. [23:28] <~Radio_GM> The stallion is quick to react, though, and he immediately sinks into a combat stance, his horn burning – literally – with a bright flame. By now, even more timberwolves have shown up, surrounding you, the silent red stallion, and the cat in a ring.
  98. [23:30] <~Radio_GM> You recognize these creatures as redwood timberwolves, indigenous to the western areas of Coltifornia. How did you know this? Only you know!
  99. [23:31] <~Radio_GM> You find yourself positioned with the stallion on one side of you, his horn still aflame. On your other side is the cat from before. The cat’s teeth are bared in a menacing expression as it glares at the timberwolves, as if daring them to come closer.
  100. [23:31] <~Radio_GM> The stallion turns to you and gives a silent nod, briefly revealing his eyes to be a deep sapphire in stark contrast with his other colors, before turning back to the timberwolves with a small grin of determination. The meaning is clear. You’re in this together now.
  101. [23:39] <~Radio_GM> The cat's hair seems to stand on end as it suddenly disappears before your very eyes. It reappears in midair, slashing viciously at one timberwolf, before disappearing and reappearing behind another and slashing once again. The timberwolves yelp and back away with whimpers of pain, as the cat reappears by the unicorn's side, hissing viciously.
  102. [23:54] <~Radio_GM> Kaboom! The force of your grenades makes the timberwolves yelp with surprise and horror as two of their wounded comrades are felled by the force of the blow. The other two limp about, snarling, their woodlike flesh singed and burning. The cat was caught at the very edge of the blast, rolling several feet, but gets back to its feet at once with a hiss at the timberwolves.
  103. [23:55] <~Radio_GM> The unicorn briefly looks at you, looking rather impressed.
  104. [23:57] <~Radio_GM> The remaining two timberwolves rise to their paws as they try to charge and attack. One tries to run towards the unicorn, as the other aims at the cat. The one aiming for the unicorn misses, as he leaps backwards with his horn aflame. The one aiming for the cat is evidently confused and disoriented from the force of your grenades, as he lunges forth and hurts his own comrade in his confusion.
  105. [23:58] * Danger_Zone smirks. Heavy firepower wins again!
  106. [00:01] <~Radio_GM> The cat leaps upward to attack again, disappearing into thin air as it leaps and strikes a vicious blow at the first timberwolf's head. With a final whimper, that one slumps to the ground. The cat leaps off of the wolf's head and disappears once more to viciously slash at the final one, landing a particularly sharp blow that staves in its skull. That one falls too, as the cat disappears once more and lands gracefully beside the unicorn. All is quiet now.
  107. [00:07] * Danger_Zone gives a few more glances around before dropping down to land once more next to the unicorn. "Hah! Could that have been any easier?" She turns to the cat though, more than a little curious. "You really ARE something special, aren't you, kitty?"
  108. [00:08] <~Radio_GM> "Meow."
  109. [00:08] <~Radio_GM> The unicorn makes no reply, just looking at you curiously.
  110. [00:12] * Danger_Zone gives the cat a bit of a rough petting before extending her wings. "Well, if that's all, then I think it's time for me to fly on out of here!" She eyes the stallion. "I hate wasting time. And I hate when ponies waste /my/ time."
  111. [00:14] <~Radio_GM> The stallion just stands silently, before turning his head and pointing with a hoof in a direction behind him, as though directing you to fly there. Then he turns back to you, and for the first time, he speaks.
  112. [00:15] <~Radio_GM> ”That was awesome.”
  113. [00:15] <~Radio_GM> The cat leaps over and nuzzles his leg. The unicorn’s horn glows, and with that he is gone.
  114. [00:15] <~Radio_GM> The cat, too, disappears with him, laving you alone on the plateau.
  115. [00:17] * Danger_Zone smirks, and takes to the sky, flying off toward where the stallion pointed. Of course it was awesome. /I'm/ the one who did it!
  116. [00:19] <~Radio_GM> You fly on, leaving the trail behind. Behind you, somewhere to your right, you can see the faint outline of Lake Horseshoe. You fly on for several hours, until evening begins to approach. You can see but a lone, large area below you that is lit with lights. Perhaps this is a good place to stay the night.
  117. [00:24] * Danger_Zone gives a little yawn, and starts to fly downward toward the lit area. Not a bad day, all things considering.
  118. [00:25] <~Radio_GM> Down, down you go, until you land at the entrance. Here, perhaps, is the turning point of what will prove to be, as you hoped, the most fun of your life.
  119. [00:25] <~Radio_GM> ---End Prologue C---
  120. [00:28] <~Radio_GM> ---Danger_Zone has finished the quest, “Trial by Fire and Water”.
  121. [00:28] <~Radio_GM> ---Danger_Zone has reached Level 3!---
  122. [00:29] <~Radio_GM> ---Danger_Zone has gained the quest trait, “Wings of Fire.” You are reckless to a fault, but you know what it is to live life in the fast lane, and you can really dish it out when it matters, especially where explosives are involved! Gain 3 automatically to all Initiative rolls. Your prowess with explosives, moreover, can be as much of a bane as it can be a boon, considering your brash nature. AoE radius for all explosive weapons that you use increase by 10%.
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