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Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. on rightclick:
  2. block is a sign
  3. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  4. line 2 of clicked block is "&6占領ポイント"
  5. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  6. set {_pointname} to line 3 of clicked block
  7. give player 5 emerald
  8. message "&a&lエメラルドを5つ入手。"
  9. broadcast "&6&l%Player%&7&lが&6&l%{_pointname}%&7&lを占領しました。"
  10. set line 2 to "&4%Player%が占領中"
  11. set {clickedblock::%{_pointname}%} to clicked block
  12. wait 90 seconds
  13. if line 2 of clicked block contain "が占領中":
  14. set line 2 to "&6占領ポイント"
  15. delete {clickedblock::%{_pointname}%}
  18. command /senryoudebug:
  19. permission: skript.admin
  20. permission message: You don't have permission to use this command.
  21. trigger:
  22. loop {clickedblock::*}:
  23. set line 2 of loop-value to "&6占領ポイント"
  24. message "success,%loop-index%"
  25. delete {clickedblock::%loop-index%}
  27. on death:
  28. loop {clickedblock::*}:
  29. line 2 of loop-value contain "%victim%"
  30. set line 2 of loop-value to "&6占領ポイント"
  31. delete {clickedblock::%loop-index%}
  38. command /senryoupointo <text>:
  39. permission: skript.admin
  40. permission message: You don't have permission to use this command.
  41. executable by: player
  42. aliases: ///s
  43. trigger:
  44. set line 1 of targeted block to "=========="
  45. set line 2 of targeted block to "&6占領ポイント"
  46. set line 3 of targeted block to "%arg%"
  47. set line 4 of targeted block to "=========="
  51. command /teamered <player>:
  52. executable by: console
  53. trigger:
  54. execute console command "/scoreboard teams leave %arg%"
  55. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Redteam %arg%"
  56. set {rteam.%arg%} to "red"
  57. message "あなたは赤チームになりました。" to arg
  58. set arg's tab list name to "&c%arg%"
  59. teleport arg to {spawn}
  61. command /teameblue <player>:
  62. executable by: console
  63. trigger:
  64. execute console command "/scoreboard teams leave %arg%"
  65. set arg's tab list name to "&9%arg%"
  66. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Blueteam %arg%"
  67. set {rteam.%arg%} to "blue"
  68. message "あなたは青チームになりました。" to arg
  69. teleport arg to {spawn}
  72. on damage:
  73. set {_team} to {rteam.%attacker%}
  74. if {rteam.%victim%} is {_team}:
  75. cancel event
  77. command /setpoint <text>:
  78. permission: skript.admin
  79. trigger:
  80. set {%arg%} to location of targeted block
  81. message "%arg%を%location of targeted block%に変更。"
  83. on right click:
  84. clicked block is sign
  85. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  86. line 2 of clicked block is "出撃"
  87. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  88. delete {nodamageflag.%player%}
  89. if {rteam.%player%} is "red":
  90. teleport player to {redspawn}
  91. if {rteam.%player%} is "blue":
  92. teleport player to {bluespawn}
  94. on damage:
  95. {nodamageflag.%victim%} is true
  96. cancel event
  97. if damage was caused by void:
  98. wait 10 ticks
  99. teleport victim to {spawn}
  100. stop
  102. on death:
  103. set {nodamageflag.%victim%} to true
  105. on first join:
  106. set {nodamageflag.%player%} to true
  109. on damage:
  110. {spawndelay.%victim%} is true
  111. delete {spawndelay.%victim%}
  112. execute console command "/effect %victim% clear"
  113. message "&6ダメージを受けたため/spawnコマンドをキャンセルします。" to victim
  116. command /spawn:
  117. trigger:
  118. if {nodamageflag.%player%} is not set:
  119. if {spawndelay.%player%} is true:
  120. message "&6連続でこのコマンドを使用することはできません。"
  121. else:
  122. set {spawndelay.%player%} to true
  123. message "&610秒後にテレポートします。"
  124. execute console command "/effect %player% minecraft:glowing 10 1"
  125. apply slow 10 to the player for 10 seconds
  126. message "&6(ダメージを受けるとキャンセルされます。)"
  127. wait 10 seconds
  128. if {spawndelay.%player%} is true:
  129. teleport player to {spawn}
  130. delete {spawndelay.%player%}
  131. set {nodamageflag.%player%} to true
  132. message "&6テレポートします。"
  133. else:
  134. teleport player to {spawn}
  135. message "&6テレポートします。"
  136. create a circle effect for player with id "LC" with particles CRIT with radius 1
  137. wait 2 seconds
  138. stop effect "LC"
  140. on death:
  141. if attacker is a player:
  142. set {_amout} to 0
  143. if victim is a player:
  144. give attacker 3 emerald
  145. message "&0%victim%を倒した!" to attacker
  146. add 1 to {playerkill::%attacker%}
  147. set {_amout} to {playerkill::%attacker%}
  148. add 1 to {player.%attacker%.killstreak}
  149. set {_amout} to {player.%attacker%.killstreak}
  150. wait a tick
  151. set {kdrait::%attacker%} to {playerkill::%attacker%}/{player.%attacker%.deathcount}
  152. set {kdraitp.%attacker%} to {playerkill::%attacker%}/({player.%attacker%.deathcount}+{playerkill::%attacker%}) * 100
  154. on death:
  155. victim is not in world "world_nether"
  156. if victim is a player:
  157. set {player.%victim%.killstreak} to 0
  158. add 1 to {player.%victim%.deathcount}
  159. wait a tick
  160. set {kdrait::%victim%} to {playerkill::%victim%}/{player.%victim%.deathcount}
  161. set {kdraitp.%victim%} to {playerkill::%victim%}/({player.%victim%.deathcount}+{playerkill::%victim%}) * 100
  163. command /kd [<offline player>]:
  164. trigger:
  165. if arg is set:
  166. message "&6&l=-=- %arg% -=-=-=-=-="
  167. message "&6Kills: %{playerkill::%arg%}%"
  168. message "&6Death: %{player.%arg%.deathcount}%"
  169. message "&6KD Ratio: %{kdrait::%arg%}% ( %{kdraitp.%arg%}% %)"
  170. message "&6Current KillStreak: %{player.%arg%.killstreak}%"
  171. message "&6&l=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
  172. else:
  173. message "&6=-=- Your status -=-=-=-=-="
  174. message "&6Kills: %{playerkill::%player%}%"
  175. message "&6Death: %{player.%player%.deathcount}%"
  176. message "&6KD Ratio: %{kdrait::%player%}% ( %{kdraitp.%player%}% %)"
  177. message "&6Current KillStreak: %{player.%player%.killstreak}%"
  178. message "&6&l=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
  182. command /setkd <offline player> <number> <number> [<number>]:
  183. permission: skript.admin
  184. trigger:
  185. set {playerkill::%arg-1%} to arg-2
  186. set {player.%arg-1%.deathcount} to arg-3
  187. if arg-4 is set:
  188. set {player.%arg-1%.killstreak} to arg-4
  189. set {kdrait::%arg-1%} to {playerkill::%arg-1%}/{player.%arg-1%.deathcount}
  190. set {kdraitp.%arg-1%} to {playerkill::%arg-1%}/({player.%arg-1%.deathcount}+{playerkill::%arg-1%}) * 100
  191. message "&3&l%arg-1%のキル数を%arg-2%にデス数を%arg-3%に変更しました。"
  194. on right click:
  195. clicked block is sign
  196. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  197. line 2 of clicked block is "赤チームに参加"
  198. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  199. execute console command "/teamered %player%"
  201. on right click:
  202. clicked block is sign
  203. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  204. line 2 of clicked block is "青チームに参加"
  205. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  206. execute console command "/teameblue %player%"
  208. on join:
  209. execute console command "/gamemode 2 %player%"
  210. set the maximum health of the player to 20
  211. stop effect "LC"
  212. heal the player
  214. command /ranking:
  215. trigger:
  216. loop {playerkill::*}:
  217. add 1 to {_size}
  218. if {} is not set:
  219. set {} to loop-index
  220. else:
  221. set {_n} to 0
  222. loop {_size} times:
  223. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  224. {{_n}%} is not set
  225. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  226. stop loop
  227. wait 1 tick
  228. set {_n} to size of {*}
  229. loop {*}:
  230. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  231. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  232. wait 1 tick
  233. set {_i} to 0
  234. message "&6=-=- Kill Ranking Top 10 =-=-=-=-=-=-="
  235. loop {*}:
  236. add 1 to {_topnumber}
  237. set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  238. message " &6%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &6Kill: %{playerkill::%loop-value%}% Death: %{player.%loop-value%.deathcount}% KD Ratio: %{kdrait::%loop-value%}% ( %{kdraitp.%loop-value%}% %)"
  239. add 1 to {_i}
  240. if {_topnumber} > 9:
  241. stop
  242. message "&6=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
  245. on join:
  246. if {rteam.%player%} is "red":
  247. set player's tab list name to "&c%player%"
  248. if {rteam.%player%} is "blue":
  249. set player's tab list name to "&9%player%"
  252. on death:
  253. if victim is a player:
  254. set {pkills.%victim%} to 0
  255. if attacker is a player:
  256. add 1 to {pkills.%attacker%}
  257. if {pkills.%attacker%} is 5:
  258. set {_amo} to {player.%attacker%.killstreak} * 5
  259. give attacker {_amo} of paper named "&9KillstreakTicket"
  260. message "&l&6キルストリーク報酬としてチケットを%{_amo}%枚入手。"
  261. broadcast "&l&6%attacker%が%{player.%attacker%.killstreak}%キルストリークを達成。"
  262. set {pkills.%attacker%} to 0
  265. every 30 seconds:
  266. loop all players in world "world_nether":
  267. loop all blocks in radius 7 around loop-player:
  268. loop-block is quartz ore
  269. block 2 meters above loop-block is air
  270. spawn 3 zombie 3 meters above loop-block
  272. on right click:
  273. player's tool is stick
  274. player is in world "world_nether"
  275. {fall.%player%} is less than 3
  276. block below location of player is air
  277. set {_tp} to targeted block
  278. if block 1 meters below targeted block is not air:
  279. set {_tp} to block 2 meters above targeted block
  280. if block 1 meters above targeted block is not air:
  281. set {_tp} to block 1 meters below targeted block
  282. teleport player to {_tp}
  283. apply blindness 1 to player for 2 seconds
  289. on left click:
  290. player's tool is stick
  291. player is in world "world_nether"
  292. if {fall.%player%} is not set:
  293. set {fall.%player%} to 3
  294. {fall.%player%} is more than 0
  295. if {fall.%player%} is 3:
  296. push player upwards at speed 2
  297. push player horizontally forwards at speed 0.6
  298. subtract 1 from {fall.%player%}
  299. wait 10 ticks
  300. push player upwards at speed 1.2
  301. push player horizontally forwards at speed 2.4
  302. else:
  303. block below location of player is air
  304. push player upwards at speed 1.2
  305. subtract 1 from {fall.%player%}
  306. push player forwards at speed 2.4
  307. while block below location of player is air:
  308. wait 3 ticks
  309. set {fall.%player%} to 3
  311. on damage:
  312. victim is in world "world_nether"
  313. attacker is zombie
  314. apply slow 5 to the victim for 4 seconds
  315. apply poison 2 to the victim for 4 seconds
  318. on damage of player:
  319. victim is in world "world_nether"
  320. attacker is player
  321. cancel event
  324. on damage:
  325. victim is in world "world_nether"
  326. damage was caused by fall
  327. cancel event
  330. on death of zombie:
  331. attacker is in world "world_nether"
  332. add 1 to {zombiekill.%attacker%}
  334. on death of player:
  335. victim is in world "world_nether"
  336. set {zombiekill.%attacker%} to 0
  337. delete {fallin.%victim%}
  338. delete {fall.%victim%}
  339. message "&6PVEポイントを失ってしまった。" to victim
  341. command /pvepoint:
  342. trigger:
  343. message "&6あなたはいま%{zombiekill.%player%}%ポイントを持っています。"
  345. on rightclick:
  346. block is a sign
  347. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  348. line 2 of clicked block is "PVEポイント交換"
  349. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  350. set {_point} to {zombiekill.%player%}
  351. set {zombiekill.%player%} to 0
  352. give player {_point} of paper named "&9PVETicket"
  353. message "&6PVEポイントを%{_point}%枚のPVEチケットに交換しました。"
  355. on rightclick:
  356. block is a sign
  357. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  358. line 2 of clicked block is "PVEへ"
  359. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  360. teleport player to {PVE}
  361. delete {nodamageflag.%player%}
  364. on rightclick:
  365. block is a sign
  366. line 1 of clicked block is "=========="
  367. line 2 of clicked block is "帰る"
  368. line 4 of clicked block is "=========="
  369. teleport player to {spawn}
  370. set {nodamageflag.%player%} to true
  372. on join:
  373. delete {fallin.%player%}
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