
Teraphim are Demons (Ekheim)

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. [17:58] "Remember, answers first, hostilities are to be decided."
  3. The search group dived deep into Theria's mountains. They couldn't just throw themselves down the deep ccrevice where Alya had been thrown, they couldn't even say for sure that's where she was.
  5. Instead, torches lit, they took paths and turns, jumping from high places until they eventually came across one of those they were looking for. Jumping down from the snow covered Cliff, he lands with a groan, his wounds hurting from the impact. Well, that was shitty.
  7. "Hah... Feuer."
  9. Calling for her as she enters his sight, he's mostly calm, his eyes then scanning the area behind her and the others around. A nod of acknowledgment being given to Sylas and Cadis.
  11. "I'll say this only once. Explain."
  13. He goes silent while taking a step forward to stand up in front of the group. No Therians, only Kalvorian Warriors and Silvain.
  14. (Cayden Arborea )
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [17:59] The group of them ended up at a cliff face. While not at all able to see the bottom he swears he could hear a set of voices. He hops down the ravine, to be met with Feuer, Sylas and another. Those musta been the voices he heard.
  19. No matter, he didn't care nor really understood all that was going on. So he continued act casual. "Sup, Feuer and Sylas. --Mind if ya tell us whats going on?" While his fellow clansmen might be hostile or not, he isn't.
  21. He speaks after Cayden but says the same thing just nicer.
  24. (Ekheim Theseus)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [18:01] Silvain would be standing in the back, behind Ekheim and Cayden. He gives Feuer a glare, his eyes looking... displeased? It's really hard to tell, but it's he still doesn't even know what the hell is happening.
  29. Thought, he does raise his voice, his thick, Magnolian accent present. "...Erm -- what the hell happened here?" His voice just normally sounded a bit harsh, thought.
  30. (Silvain Conquïc)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [18:03] So the group of Kalvorians, headed by Cayden went off to search for their sister Feuer, and the possibility of a corpse or an alive Ayla. At which point they would have to capture them both, or bring the corpse. Which made Luneth question what exactly kind of political bullshit they have gotten into. Which, while cheerfully playing a song, the melody was the kind of metal music that brings pain. Because he had multiple thoughts about this.
  35. If the Warlords were doing this kind of crap, they might as well war openly. This was stupid in his mind. This was dishonorable of Bastiel in his mind. But at the same time, he is conflicted due to his work with them. A Kalvorian doesn't take such things lightly. Which compliated things. So then what to do? He had an idea formed as they were reaching the area where Ayla was thrown off. But he had figured that Bastiel knew she was alive, because he wouldn't have sent them for just a corpse. In other words they were the executioners.
  37. Which slowly made his cheerful demeanor switch to his more furious, psychotic version. And at that point they have reached the site. No body. No ash. Nothing. For some reason a smirk spreads through his expression. Ah good. He was not wrong. Nothing there. He lets Cayden speak first though as he pulls a joint of reed and lights it up. His lyre put away for the moment. And yet his music seem to linger all around him. As if it was there already. After all he didn't really need the lyre, that just focused his spells with more power.
  39. His crimson like hues take in the rest of the scene, taking attention of Sylas and Cadis. All of them Kalvore. His grin spreads more as he prepared a contingency plan if this was as bad as he thought. Though the only situation was if Ayla was alive, it would be a bad ploy. But one he could keep up if required. Or at least until he figured how to remove the real problem to him. Bastiel.
  40. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [18:06] A smirk came to her face. Of course, her brethren. Her family. Of course they'd be the one's sent.
  45. "Ol' Bastiel lost his mind, seems. Killed his own general," She lied, "Tore the clothes righ' off 'er body, tried stickin' his dick in it, and when it was too tiny ta do anythin', threw the body right off the cliff. Ain't fuckin' right, what that one did - And he wanted her sister to die, at the bottom o' the cliff wit' her too."
  47. Feuer's face was of course, one that turned into immediate disgust. She spat. "I came down wit' Sylas here against Bastiel's orders. It's all my doin', I take full responsibility." Her grip on her rifle tightened, and it was clear that she was willing to fight it out.
  49. "This is the Way. Not comin' down here would've stained my honor, and the Kalvore name. So,"
  51. She paused, yellow eyes upon the Chief, "We fightin'?"
  52. (Feuer Altoir)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [18:07] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Allow me to talk."
  56. [18:12] Luneth is still in his pscyhotic version as his grin stays there. "Well normally we'd fight. Sure. But I figured Batiel was the issue as we got here. And I had figured there would be no corpse. Our magic is powerful. So. Whose to say if the corpse was turn to ashes? And blown to the winds."
  58. He gestures at the spot, "I'd say we play this one smart. Because this? This was not honor either. He knew she was alive. Or the word .capture Ayla. would have not gone past his lips. Why would it? And if he wanted to take her spot, he didn't do it honorably. So you tell me Cayden. The hall might have been his help, but do you think this was honorable in anyway? Recall what Lynette did."
  59. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [18:12] Silvain would look over at the two other two, one that he's never seen before. He gives Sylas a slight grin, as he slides between Ekheim and Cayden.
  64. His gaze returns back to Feuer. "...Where's the cavern that? I'll go and get the corpse. And, if you don't tell, I'll go into every cavern to find it then." His voice was bold, and firm. Almost un-moving, like a mountain.
  65. (Silvain Conquïc)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [18:12] Sylas was surprised to see the rest of the group tailing along behind them --was news really spread that quickly?
  70. He moved behind Feuer, but as they got closer, the other members of the Kalvore didn't seem too happy to see them. Was...something wrong with their actions?
  72. It was hard to tell.
  74. As Cayden questioned Feuer, he'd just stand there, looking between the day. His name wasn't called by the chief, so he'd remain silent.
  75. (Sylas Sieghart)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [18:18] Cadis was not unaware of the current situation. He got up breathing heavily and stood behind Feuer. His magic was nearly exhausted after that procedure so a fight was not the most ideal outcome. But whatever happens, he started this with them and knew what he was getting himself into.
  80. Whispering into her ear "I got your back." Cadis readied himself mentally
  81. (Cadis Entrama)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [18:27] Arms crossed, he listens to Feuer's explanation while keeping his thoughts to himself. A nod was given to Luneth, allowing them to speak first, and honestly, now he's glad that he did.
  86. When Silvain speaks though, he puts a hand on their shoulder.
  88. "There is no corpse to be found here, Silvain."
  90. A deep, thoughtful hum comes from behind the helmet.
  92. "I am being stern with what has happened, yes, however, this is not as difficult a decision as you guys might think it is. I now understand what has happened... if Ascelin was here, he would agree with me. The people Bastiel is making his right hand is an ally of Dornar, none of the two are honorable. Having stripped a Knight of her clothes when she was captured as well as branding her upon defeat."
  94. Taking a deep breath, many possibilities cross his mind.
  96. "Bastiel's rule is not for us, it will go against our Way. Even if ruthless, we do not actlike this..."
  98. "So... what are we to do... we have few options. We can arrange a deal with Bastiel, get him to forgive us for not bringing the corpse, pretend we put Feuer back in line."
  100. "Or... we can leave Theria."
  102. A small laugh comes from behind the helmet and the man pulls it out, red hair dirty with some grime and sweat as well as a beard. A wide grin on his face as he looks at each one of his comrades.
  104. "But there's also a third option... to kill Bastiel... I heard a bit of advice which was quite useful sometime ago..."
  106. "Fortune favors the bold."
  108. "Those who are not willing to take risks, will never get far. What do you guys say? As your Leader, I'm supposed to look out for what's best to the group. And I think allowing us all to make this decision together is for the best."
  110. [ ]
  111. (Cayden Arborea )
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [18:32] Silvain would glance up at Cayden, as even his words inspire victory inside of him. Something that was rare for somebody like him.
  116. A sly grin grows upon his face as Cayden removes his helmet. He hasn't seen him without his helmet in a quite while, his messy beard is surely not changed one bit, that is.
  118. Even if Cayden isn't the strongest warrior, he makes for a great leader. Strength isn't everything when it comes to leading a group of people. Voice also matters.
  120. Thought, the decision is hard, he ponders on it for a quick moment.
  122. "I -- ehm.... I don't know."
  123. (Silvain Conquïc)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [18:34] He looked over to Cayden as he spoke, surprised to see the sudden turn of events. In the moment, he thought that he were angry with the duo, but the options he presented didn't point in that direction.
  128. He folded his arms across his chest, wondering if the man was actually serious about killing Bastiel. Doing that was sure to have some effect on Theria --and it could be positive or negative.
  130. In one hand, his rule could come to an end and Cayden may be able to replace him as a Warlord; but on the other hand it may be seen as an act of rebellion and they'd have to fight the entirety of Theria on their own...In which case, he wouldn't prefer that.
  132. If he had anything to say, it'd be this.
  133. "Well whichever option you all choose, I'm not leaving Theria. This is the closest thing I have to home since leaving Sluthia. It is the home of my people, and my religion...thus I am staying."
  135. Whether it'd effect their decision or not as a group, it's where Sylas stood.
  136. (Sylas Sieghart)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [18:35] "My contingency plan was simple. We kill the dishonorable Bastiel. He just sent us thinking it would be an execution. He tried putting our blood against one of ours? I care not who he is, I could care less if they are 'blessed' dragon lord, war lord, queen, king, whatever. None of that matters to me. The Way is what matters to me and clearly he has no honor whatsoever."
  141. He flicks off the joint. "So what do you all want to do?"
  142. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [18:38] The fiery woman's hair ignited, her amber eyes glowing violently at the prospect. There it was. The real reason Cayden was leader - He saw opportunity. Knew when to strike while the iron was hot.
  147. "It's now or never." She spoke, steam venting violently from her backside. "We take 'im out. Dethrone the fucker. He's strong, but he ain't a match for all us. An' I got coin to rally the other mercs to us. We made our home here, let's not let this DISHONORABLE FUCK PUSH US OUT!"
  149. A roar of fire came from a fist shot skyward. "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!" The Rhoynish woman cried out, "THIS IS THE WAY! Let us fight, with everything we have, and take that bastard's throne right from under him!"
  150. (Feuer Altoir)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [18:41] Ekheim looked around the group as they all shared their words. He gave a nod. The man didn't trust Bastiel either, and it seemed like he may have missed a bit. No matter he is here and will make his choice.
  155. No corpse is gunna be found by the sounds of it. No doubt the man has already completely assumed we would come back with a body. If not then the whereabouts of the warlord.
  157. The man just bought a house in Theria but the atmosphere isn't to his liking. However he would prefer to not leave it, unless he absolutely has to.
  159. Killing… that is out of the question. The man won't take part in that.
  161. "None of these options are preferable in my opinion. --It seems like all of the choices are more favorable towards you all. I don't plan to leave Theria. No doubt the man will try and kill us if we come back empty handed. Lastly I will not allow any of you to kill him. No matter what he has done. This dishonorable deed. Horrible intrigue..."
  163. He shakes his head. "I say we capture him and weaken him. So that he won't be able to fight anymore. Where he can cause no trouble anymore and overthrow him..."
  164. (Ekheim Theseus)
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [18:44] After witnessing what Bastiel did on the cliff, Cadis knew he could not just sit this one out.
  169. "Allow me to join you in this battle. I for one would not miss him." He said jittering for battle.
  171. He got down on one knee, pledgin himself to this cause.
  173. "I will have your backs. This is I swear."
  174. (Cadis Entrama)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [18:45] Cymbal have intently listened in as everyone else has said their piece: With Feuer explaining her choice, with Luneth being the only one among them besides the chief that spoke his opinion out as well.
  179. And then, it came time for the chief to speak, giving his own thoughts on the matter. In fact, before coming here, he had expected that they'll probably have to fight to bring Alya back to Theria, dead or alive.
  181. Now, with Cayden speaking against it, and in fact, going one eighty decrees to the opposite direction? The masked bard finds himself in a dilemma. What is the right decision to make here?
  183. "This... Feels like either way, our decision may be clouded." Cymbal notes.
  184. "We were told that Bastiel had desecrated the body by ripping through her clothes. We all seen the remains of them. That? Is indeed a dishonor, an insult to the one who have fought and lost." He'll say, agreeing on that notion with Cayden and even Feuer.
  186. "But! . . We should not forget this: Alya has sold Theria out to Osrona the village of the forest, without even putting up a fight, bending to both's whims and demands. It is of that reason, that our chief has gotten hurt defending the mine for no reason." He'll say, and once he'll hear Feuer's comment? The black dots on his mask that are meant to symbol his eyes look directly towards her.
  188. "No. If we rely on numbers to try and win against him and take over, this would be against our ways, too. In fact, if you stepped in the fight between Bastiel and Alya before he attempted to tear through everything she had? You have disgraced what was meant to be a duel of leadership between two people of Theria." He'll say, and while he raised that topic?
  190. He'll turn to glance back at Cayden.
  191. "If we want to attain leadership by defeating, or killing Bastiel? We have to it OUR way, else we betray our own way. What's more, if we'll try to rely on numbers to beat him as a single foe? There will just be conflict from multiple people that won't accept it."
  192. (Cymbal Tenor)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [18:49] Cadis could not agree more, but was honor going to prevent something like this from happening again?
  197. "Bastiel NEEDS to be removed. By any means necessary. This isn't a play to win peoples heart but to spare them. I say we move. and quickly." Cadis said with frustration.
  198. (Cadis Entrama)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [18:54] "Cymbal and Ekheim bring interesting points."
  203. Luneth might be two personas in one, maybe he was insane. But stupid or crazy he was not.
  205. "Either way, it seems he did play an interesting hand into this." He goes silent for a moment, thinking as his crimson eyes look at the skies.
  207. "All right, seems like this is a situation with a catch twenty two. One or other action... Unless one performs an action that was unexpected..."
  209. Like flipping a coin and making it land on its edge.
  211. "All right. So then."
  213. His crimson hues look at the group, "So a dishonorable one... and one that seems to be a traitor? Hm... tricky. Let us consider all points then well. Because whatever we will do, we better commit entirely to it."
  214. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  215. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. [18:56] With a grin still on his face, he welcomes the stranger into his group of Warriors!
  219. "We can always use another brave warrior who's willing to walk towards Danger."
  221. Turning his attention to Ekheim and Cymbal, seeing their dissatisfaction, and arguments against his decision. He proceeded to try and calm them. Ekheim though... was the hardest, specially after the advice given to him by Dun.
  223. "If we do not kill him, at the very, we will need to find a way to make sure he won't be able to threaten us anymore. IF you can't find a means to that, Death, is what awaits the Dragon Lord."
  225. "None of the options look good for us, that much is undeniable, Cymbal, my friend. Alone, none of us might be strong enough... but there's a difference between being honorable, and being stupid..."
  227. Shaking his head, he took a deep breath before exhaling.
  229. "All I want is what is best for us. I do not wish us to leave Theria... but being forced out of here or into Bastiel's rule will only bring us dishonor with the Jobs he'll try to give us. He'll probably give me to Osrona for not finding Alya, make one of you the new leader, subjugate you or kick you all out."
  231. "We don't have a lot of options here... One of ours is already unwilling to leave their home."
  233. He refers to Sylas.
  235. "If you have a better idea, I'm willing to listen. I'm even willing to give myself to Osrona if you all think it'll allow you in there safely."
  236. (Cayden Arborea )
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [18:59] Silvain would speak up.
  241. The voice of the man who went mining for days upon days with terrible injuries. "I'm staying in Theria... Cayden.
  243. We came all the way here for this. For once -- I actually like, for how much I know about Kalvore, being smart is better than just one of us going after him."
  245. Silvain would raise his voice, probably for most, it's the first time they heard Silvain yell.
  247. "This is our home. We shall make it fit for us. The things we've done to get here are already enough for most people to die.
  249. That's something we won't do. Give up, fall over and die."
  250. (Silvain Conquïc)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. [19:01] Too much was going on now, and the young Drakanite's head would practically be spinning at all the points brought up. Truthfully, he just wanted things to go back to how they were before.
  255. "I...don't have much better idea, sadly. I don't agree with how he handled the ex-General, not by a longshot --but if she were actually a traitor and sold Theria out to its enemies then I feel like a death would be appropriate." he explained, keeping steady eye contact with Cayden.
  257. "In's hard for me --or maybe even all of us to come to a logical decision because we don't have the full story...or at least I don't anyway."
  258. (Sylas Sieghart)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [19:05] "Under no circumstances, are you give yourself to Osrona, you hear me?!" The masked bard exclaims firmly.
  263. "I do not want to leave Theria too, though at this rate? If we stay, we'll get many different challenges. People that disagree with our methods or decisions. People that will act dishonorably …" He'll pause, thinkin what may be the right option.
  265. "... If we come to challenge Bastiel, and his allies at once, though? We can perhaps strike two birds with one stone: We'll be able to fight, and hopefully detain both Bastiel and his allies, or at least attempt to prove our might against them. That way, we can also fight with numbers- Even if the numbers may be in our favor, this won't be just a one on one duel, but a battle between two opposing sides, maintaining our honor. This way, we can handle Bastiel while still holding to our believes. But... That is just one warlord out of dishonored ones..." He'll say, looking up and to his back, roughly to where Bastiel and Alya fought.
  267. "As for Alya? If we do this, and win? That does not mean Alya should be off the hook too. She should either remain out of Theria in exile, or only return after relinguishing any title she had. That is the way I say it, at least."
  268. (Cymbal Tenor)
  269. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  271. [19:07] Feuer Altoir says, "Aye, I can agree ta that, Cymbal. She had enough rope ta hang herself, just what the man did go too far."
  272. [19:07] While most everyone seems to be in some sort of agreement. The fact that Cayden wants to kill him is no surprise. Really if that didn't come from his mouth it would seep from Feuer's. He shakes his head. Being probably the only one in all of the clan who isn't a fan of killing.
  274. "I've heard that Energy magi could lock off mana circuits. Not sure how much truth that might hold. --You just do whatever you want. I will assist but I shall not spill blood during this." Clearly he holds distain in his voice. --He doesn't plan to preach his mentality. He never does nor will he ever. This is a warrior clan, their is a reason why he wasn't chosen to lead. This is one of said reasons.
  276. "Lets not waste any time then?"
  277. (Ekheim Theseus)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [19:07] A firm nod was given towards Cymbal, he was glad they had agreed. It sure made the man proud and confidente with all his comrades beside him.
  282. "Yes, let's go."
  283. (Cayden Arborea )
  284. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. [19:07] Sylas Sieghart says, "Mrm..."
  287. [19:07] Sylas Sieghart says, "<I don't like this..>"
  288. [19:07] Feuer is gonna FUCK SHIT UP.
  289. (Feuer Altoir)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [19:12] The teen sighed and followed the group along to do their business. There was just something about all of this that just didn't sit right with him. Did he really agree with the way they were handling all of this? After all, they still didn't know what exactly happened with Alya.
  294. Perhaps the best move is to just say that they didn't find her and just move on. With her gone there wasn't much harm, right?
  296. But...wait, maybe...just maybe there was another way out of this!
  297. "Feuer...can we talk for a second?"
  298. (Sylas Sieghart)
  299. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  301. [19:12] Feuer Altoir says, "Nope. We follow the Leader. The decision's made. This is the Way."
  302. [19:13] Scarlett Kurokaiyo asks, "Party?"
  303. [19:13] Feuer Altoir says, "'Bout ta be."
  304. [19:13] Scarlett Kurokaiyo says, "Hell yea."
  305. [19:13] Cadis Entrama says, "Hmph."
  306. [19:14] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  307. [19:15] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  308. [19:15] Jamey asks, "What's all this?"
  309. [19:15] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  310. [19:15] Feuer Altoir says, "The Way."
  311. [19:15] Archon says, "Looks like a group of soilders"
  312. [19:17] Jury says, "My."
  313. [19:17] Feuer Altoir says, "Showtime."
  314. [19:17] Jury says, "Look at all of them."
  315. [19:17] Jury says, "... Hmmm."
  316. [19:17] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  317. [19:18] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  318. [19:18] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  319. [19:18] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  320. [19:19] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  321. [19:19] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  322. [19:19] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  323. [19:19] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  324. [19:19] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  325. [19:19] Coming to stand in front of Bastiel, warriors and allies alongside him, the chains coiled around his arms fall to his sides, his hands tightly gripping them.
  327. "Bastiel. I've made my decision."
  329. He states to the man, a burst of flames coming from his body and extending to his unusual weapons.
  331. "Loyalty is life, for without one's Clan one has no purpose."
  333. "My loyalty is not with you."
  335. Nor was it with Alya, but he didn't voice it out. There was no need for fancy or long words, only action.
  336. (Cayden Arborea )
  337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. [19:19] Ashantae nods, patting the Dragonlord's shoulder.
  340. (Ashantae Shar)
  341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  343. [19:19] Ashantae Shar says, "Glory for Theria."
  344. [19:20] A flex was given of the steam-powered armor, venting wildly into the atmosphere - Followed by an explosion of fire that could be heard throughout all of Theria.
  346. "Oi! Bastiel, ya righ' cunt! The Kalvore here to FUCK you up!"
  348. The announcement from the Rhoynish woman made it clear - They'd chosen their path. She stood with her entire clan, the Kalvore out in force, armed to the teeth and clad in armor. Bastiel may have made a mistake in underestimating their loyalties, attempting to divide them.
  349. (Feuer Altoir)
  350. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. [19:20] Silvain would give Bastiel a glare, his sky-blue eyes almost slapping him with a wall of seriousness.
  354. Chains would wrap around his body quite quickly, covering his whole body in a sort of loosely-connected chainmail. He draws his sword, as he slams it onto the ground. A fragment of stone chips off of the ground and heads up into the air. This is war.
  356. "Our loyalty is within the way."
  357. (Silvain Conquïc)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [19:20] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Let him talk."
  361. [19:21] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  362. [19:21] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  363. [19:21] With his request to talk denied, Sylas would just shake his head and walk out into the square.
  365. It was hard to tell what exactly was about to happen...but Feuer really makes that clear when she announced that they were gonna beat Bastiel up.
  367. Sylas couldn't do anything but shake his head in this moment.
  368. "Senseless violence...that doesn't sound like the 'Way'." he mumbled. His eyes turned to Cymbal though, who seemed content on letting Bastiel talk first.
  370. This was a step in the right direction he thought.
  371. (Sylas Sieghart)
  372. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  374. [19:22] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  375. [19:22] Apep whispers something.
  376. [19:22] Apep whispers something.
  377. [19:22] Apep suddenly has her smile return, almost instantly.
  378. (Apep)
  379. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  381. [19:23] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  382. [19:23] The man followed into the town in search of Bastiel. Once they found him he looks over to his fellow clansmen as they state how they view things. So he did the same.
  384. "I suggest you surrender... since I believe this will end in a fight." He says calmly, and quite polite. Like he didn't want to fight him but it might happen.
  386. This is their way. Not his...
  387. (Ekheim Theseus)
  388. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390. [19:23] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  391. [19:23] Apep whispers something.
  392. [19:24] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  393. [19:24] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  394. [19:24] Cymbal stands together with the rest of his clan, holding his guitar with the help of a leather strap that is attached to it, and loops behind his back so that he'll be able to play it while standing up.
  396. He was just about to start making some fitting music as their chief formally declared his reasoning.
  398. Only for Feuere to start cursing out.
  399. "Feuer, I know you like cursing, but please. Don't ruin this moment. Death or alive, I want this to be a spectacle that would be remembered- AND CURSES DON'T HELP!" The masked bard suddenly shouts, a bit irritated at the usage of curses like this at this time of tension, ruining the build up for a good story.
  401. Well, at least in the eyes of this bard.
  402. (Cymbal Tenor)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [19:24] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  406. [19:24] Apep whispers something.
  407. [19:25] Dinant strolls on up, a drag from his smoke.
  408. (Dinant Cortet)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [19:25] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  412. [19:25] Apep whispers something.
  413. [19:25] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  414. [19:25] Cadis said nothing, allowing his blood aura to purge the snow from around him. The tyrant would be removed here and now. Along with his allies. And after, Cadis would hunt down anyone else hoping to fill this mans shoes. This fight would surely not be easy. But it would surely be worth it.
  415. (Cadis Entrama)
  416. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. [19:25] Dun would bark out in laughter as he clicked his teeth together with mirth, the jingling bells of the old priest's crimson cloak jumbling about as the elder pugilist shook his head lightly in amusement.
  420. "Senseless violence is the way of Theria, my children. It is what refines us as steel, ensures our spirits remain radiant and stoked with flame. The blood of many great warriors waters our snow and stone."
  422. The elder of the Pyrelight Temple would nod firmly, glancing over the mob with amusement as he shook his head lightly at the display.
  424. "However, they were slain in single combat in a grudge match, there was honor to it. A group jumping in the streets implies you gentlemen fear to face him on your lonesome."
  425. (Dun Task)
  426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  428. [19:25] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Oh no we are not going to /jump/ him. That has no honor either."
  429. [19:26] Dinant Cortet asks, "Havin' a old time brawl here, are we?"
  430. [19:26] Cadis Entrama says, "This man has no right to honor."
  431. [19:26] Ekheim Theseus says, "No one said we all are gunna fight him."
  432. [19:27] Archon says, "If your not gonna fight him what are you all going to do to him"
  433. [19:27] Luneth Veracrucis says, "No, but we are honorable. And thus we are not fighting him all of us. Only one person has that right. We are here to make sure nothing funny happens."
  434. [19:29] A passing glance is spared to Dun as he seemed to be all for someone fighting...just once it wasn't a group of them all at once --which he pretty much figured would happen.
  436. With multiple people jumping onto one man certainly there'd be some kind of uproar from those observing or even those who felt like it was wrong.
  437. "So then..." he started.
  439. If that were the case, who'd be the one fighting Bastiel?
  440. (Sylas Sieghart)
  441. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  443. [19:29] Dinant Cortet asks, "Who challenges who?"
  444. [19:30]
  445. "Very well."
  447. Betrayal was expected.
  449. "I should have known better than to trust such worms."
  451. Fire and flame erupts from him in a great geyser of heat. Smoke clouds the air like an acrid smog, debris filling the path. It's a sudden and deeply disorienting crack, where the air turns red and eardrums are threatened to be ruptured. By the time the smoke clears...
  453. Bastiel hovers above the crowd, great wings beating. The airs turn turbulent and uneven, and his eyes lid over. His breathing is steady and calm, his mind steadied. There is not a second's hesitation in his reaction to the horde's challenge.
  455. "For another who thought to challenge me, I'd jus' knock a few teeth out... But for yer lot- traitors who pledge and then reneg? I'll gut you. Burn ya to ash, and ensure no grave will be made for what's left."
  457. His right hand outstretches, gesturing towards Cayden.
  459. "Spare the rest of your people an untimely death. Have them bow before me and ask forgiveness of Gajrling's chosen now, or I shall see them met with the same fate as yourself."
  461. His tongue ran across his cracked, warped lips. There was not even a moment where he thought to turn back. The Therian way was to bash and burn until no one stands to oppose you- and in that sense, the infamous bandit lived up to that wholeheartedly and without reservation.
  463. "Mis'er Grunt," he says, looking over at Dinant - whose name he does not now.
  465. "Y'know what to do. Pick a target that looks fun and have your fill."
  467. (Bastiel)
  468. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  470. [19:30] Jamey says, "Another fight..."
  471. [19:31] Ashantae Shar says, "Normally, fights like this are not allowed in Theria..."
  472. [19:31] Ashantae Shar says, "But it seems times are changing..."
  473. [19:31] Ashantae Shar says, "Er, regressing."
  474. [19:31] Ashantae Shar says, "That is."
  475. [19:32] Jamey says, "Well..."
  476. [19:32] Bastiel also has a stick of 5 gum while he's at it.
  477. (Bastiel)
  478. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  480. [19:32] Archon looks at the man giving the speech.
  482. "uhhh well it sounds like he wants to kill you guys so yeah its another lynching in the middle of the town market great"
  483. (Archon)
  484. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  486. [19:32] this is how it feels to chew five gum
  487. (Silvain Conquïc)
  488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490. [19:35] A nod towards Bastiel.
  492. "Right on." Dinant spoke confidently, accompanied by a smirk. "To think- the one granted mercy comes for revenge? Truly pitiful- you've had your chance to strike. Now-- who's this little gang you've come with?" His uninterested gaze wafted over the group.
  494. A click of his blade as he unsheathed it, mana trickling throughout the steel. Or what he could muster- at least. Flame ignited it as a whole, turning the snow beneath him to a mere puddle, steam blowing away with the breeze.
  496. Another drag, his lips parting to speak, smoke exuding, "Who wishes harm against the proper leader? Each and everyone of you, a proper one on one duel. We'll see who has their way, no?" His smirk grew grim, beginning to bear teeth.
  497. (Dinant Cortet)
  498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  500. [19:35] Amun asks, "Damn, what the hell is going on?"
  501. [19:36] just grabbed his axe as he took a seat on the snow there wasn't much to see here the rules were pretty clear on treason and it seemed that this was one of those cases. He simple took up his axe and rest it on his shoulder as he watched what was about to happen.
  502. (Arthur)
  503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. [19:36] Dun Task says, "Times aren't changing Ashantae."
  506. [19:36] Dun Task says, "They're returning to how they were."
  507. [19:36] She looks to the woman then to her side, "O-Oh, I don't believe we've met, I am Jamey, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She'd give a small head bow, nothing extravagant, rather quaint but all the same a gesture of great respect, "Lyn brought me in, I come from Orsona. You're Ashantae, yes? The Shar Legacy leader, Dragonlord… I've heard quite a lot about you."
  508. (Jamey)
  509. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  511. [19:36] Dun Task says, "How they should be."
  512. [19:36] Dun Task exclaims, "HOW THERIA BECAME GREAT, AHAHAHAHAAH!"
  513. [19:36] Cadis Entrama says, "Ill take the big mouth."
  514. [19:36] "Traitors?" he questioned aloud, taking a step closer.
  516. "No one here's done anything worthy to be branded a traitor." he shot back, a slight glare forming.
  518. "Hell, we even went out there and fought for you...some of us getting injured in the process." Sylas included, noted by the bandages over his left ear. "According to the Elder, these kinds of fights are normal, but calling someone a traitor is over the line."
  519. (Sylas Sieghart)
  520. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522. [19:36] Cadis Entrama says, "With the fire."
  523. [19:36] Archon says, "So old amn your happy about everything going on nice"
  524. [19:36] Feuer Altoir asks, "Dinant, how much he payin'?"
  525. [19:37] Cymbal Tenor asks, "You sure about this? You aren't one of the kalvorians yet. You certain you want to take this fight?"
  526. [19:37] Jury's hidden irises settle ahead in quiet observation, the faint shape of a solidifying shadow teeming to life around her feet. "Ohh m~y."
  528. Its nebulous shape reaches out, as if to grasp at the heavens, and fans into a mosaic of dancing pirouettes that surround the young woman in swift profusion.
  530. "Ohooo, they're challenging you? Endearing. We'll see how the tides shift, then?" She cants her head, raven locks following suit with the subtle motion. Droplets of red slide down the tips of her tresses and pitter-patter into the snow below, crashing like verglas and scattering into crimson crystals.
  532. "I'm afraid this one behind me is a longtime acquaintance. You'll have to dance with me before you touch him.~"
  533. (Jury)
  534. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  536. [19:37] Dinant Cortet says, "Spit me a price bigger, and I'll think it over, hah."
  537. [19:37] Dinant Cortet says, "Good luck."
  538. [19:37] Cadis Entrama says, "Im sure."
  539. [19:37] Feuer Altoir says, "Five thousand."
  540. [19:37] Cadis Entrama says, "Im with you."
  541. [19:37] Dinant Cortet exclaims, "Make it twenty, yah? Gahhaaa!"
  542. [19:37] Cymbal Tenor says, "... Should have low balled at the start, Feuer."
  543. [19:38] Ashantae Shar asks, "You have?"
  544. [19:38] Ashantae Shar says, "Huh."
  545. [19:38] Feuer Altoir says, "Take it or leave it, Dinant."
  546. [19:38] After listening to Bastiel and Cayden, Luneth says, "I think you have it very wrong. See, we aren't here to gang up on you. That would have no honor. Nor are we renegating on our pledge either. But you want to do this with a ctach twenty two, correct? If we did do what you asked, does that mean you knew Ayla was alive and required her dead? Because our loyalty is also not to her. To our Way. And we have our code of honor."
  548. He doesn't release mana at all. He just takes a joint, and puts it on his lips.
  550. "Nor would I let you kill Cayden, over this."
  552. He blows the smoke up. "So I request that we handle this within the Laws of Theria. And from what I know, Bastiel, we are all mercenaries in this town. So why exactly are you wanting us to kneel before you? Is it not enough that you won? You got rid of Ayla. Congratulations, you are the Dragon Lord. That is what you wanted, right?"
  553. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  554. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  556. [19:39] Kasadya comes out of the Golden Flame's guild base, blunt in hand.
  557. (Kasadya Shar)
  558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. [19:39] Kasadya Shar says, "I may only have one kidney now, but hey... at least I got drugs."
  561. [19:39] Dun would cackle with glee as his hollow eye sockets ignited with luminescent, ethereal flame, the one armed priest taking a deep, contented breathe of the wintry mountain air as he took in the frenetic chaos of the moment.
  563. This was the Theria he had ruled long ago. One where people handled their problems not with theater and cheese, but violence and brute force. From the ashes rise stronger warriors still, and those were the ones that had preserved this nation's independence for years.
  565. "Let the blades ring out in noble, invigored clangor, the flames ignite in each of you. In the grace of the winged behemoth that watches mountain high above us, may your steel be true and blood hot as you engage in martial violence for the glory of Theria."
  566. (Dun Task)
  567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. [19:41] Archon looks to the old man concerned at how truly exited he is about all of this and how he seems to want this to escalate.
  571. "you really have a way with words don't you old man well I hope this is everything you hope and dream for."
  572. (Archon)
  573. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575. [19:41] Cymbal Tenor says, "Let me handle this would be grunt of him. I have my reason why I won't mind taking my chance against him."
  578. Rinn fucking bellows, shaking the very foundation of Theira. Not-canon Jesus Christ, kid.
  579. (Rinn)
  580. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  582. [19:41] Luneth Veracrucis says, "So do you want us to go the route of combat? Because none of us then will back out."
  583. [19:41] Kasadya Shar asks, "Mosh pit?"
  584. [19:42] Kasadya Shar says, "Mosh pit."
  585. [19:42] Kasadya Shar says, "Hell yeah."
  586. [19:42] Dun Task whispers something.
  587. [19:42] Kasadya Shar says, "I don't care who I'm fightin',"
  588. [19:42] Bastiel says, "Your leader was given a job. In exchange, I would defend him from the Osronan Queen - who explitly asked for his head."
  589. [19:42] Kasadya Shar says, "But it is someone."
  590. [19:42] Rinn whispers something.
  591. [19:42] Bastiel says, "He has chosen to oppose me after accepting it. Therefore, I am going to treat him the same way I do every traitor."
  592. [19:42] Amun whispers something.
  593. [19:42] Sylas Sieghart asks, "The Osronan queen...wants him dead?"
  594. [19:42] Bastiel says, "Yes. She requested his tribe be dealt with."
  595. [19:42] Sylas Sieghart says, "<Well, that'd be most Therians actually..>"
  596. [19:42] Archon whispers something.
  597. [19:42] Ekheim Theseus says, "..."
  598. [19:42] Silvain would look next to him, his sky-blue hues locking onto Dinant, before turning back towards the two.
  600. His hues feel like a mountain slamming into them, but only on the outside. The would give knots to any childish or untrained magi.
  602. "Kasadya. Welcome to join us.
  604. And yes, Sylas. They want us all dead."
  605. (Silvain Conquïc)
  606. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. [19:43] Amun whispers something.
  609. [19:43] Archon whispers something.
  610. [19:43] Kasadya Shar says, "Yo yo... No one's Lynching Bastiel."
  611. [19:43] Rinn whispers something.
  612. [19:43] Looking up towards the Dragon Lord. The simple Warrior refuses to bend the knee. He might be an idiot. quite a few times, he might not be the best leader, this might put his Clan in a dangerous position, but he would not back down from the resolution he had gathered to go through with this.
  614. "I refuse. If you want to make us bend the knee or kill any of us, you will have to force us yourself. Let's do this here and now then, no more need for words. And if you call that betrayal, I have nothing more to say, think what you want."
  616. His eyes then fall on Jury, the one standing on his way. His eyes narrow on the woman as she stands in his way.
  618. "Move."
  620. His flames burn brighter than ever, if no one tried to remove her from in front of him, he would have to face her first. Not that he was against it.
  621. (Cayden Arborea )
  622. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  624. [19:43] Kasadya Shar says, "Ya wanna fight him? Honor duel him."
  625. [19:43] Bastiel says, "I'm in no way intimidated by these people, Kasadya."
  626. [19:44] Bastiel says, "My allies will handle it."
  627. [19:44] Kasadya Shar says, "Don't jump up on him in a big group like a bunchof fucking PUSSIES."
  628. [19:44] Silvain Conquïc says, "...Shut up, Kasadya."
  629. [19:44] Cymbal Tenor says, "This is, -exactly- what Cayden is doing, Kasdya."
  630. [19:44] Silvain Conquïc says, "Whip my ass with your wings later."
  631. [19:44] Kasadya Shar says, "Dude don't you have like four broken limbs? Shut you bitch ass up."
  632. [19:45] Jamey whispers something.
  633. [19:45] Ashantae Shar says, "Kasadya."
  634. [19:45] Ashantae Shar says, "Behave."
  635. [19:45] Archon says, "Please don't whip eachothers asses with your wings"
  636. [19:45] Silvain Conquïc says, "......"
  637. [19:45] Rinn says, "Oh, YEAH. USE MY ARENA IF YOU WANNA GET BLOODY."
  638. [19:45] Rinn says, "I NEED THE EXPOSURE."
  639. [19:45] Scarlett Kurokaiyo says, "..."
  640. [19:45] Kasadya Shar says, "Ashe."
  641. [19:45] Kasadya Shar says, "My darling cousin."
  642. [19:45] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  643. [19:45] Jury says, "I guess I'll take that one, then."
  644. [19:45] Rinn exclaims, "C'MOOOOON!!"
  645. [19:45] Bastiel says, "Enjoy. We have our challengers."
  646. [19:45] Silvain Conquïc says, "The pain that comes from broken bones powers me, Kasadya."
  647. [19:46] Archon says, "I mean the dojo is meant for things like this"
  648. [19:46] Kasadya Shar says, "Dude you must be into some of that..."
  649. [19:46] Cadis cooly walks past Bastiel and whispers
  650. (Cadis Entrama)
  651. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  653. [19:46] Dun Task whispers something.
  654. [19:46] Kasadya Shar asks, "What did grandpa call it, Ashe?"
  655. [19:46] Dun Task whispers something.
  656. [19:46] Cadis Entrama says, "Sooner or later you willl die..."
  657. [19:46] Silvain Conquïc says, "Masochist."
  658. [19:46] The teen would shake his head, bringing an empty palm for his forehead.
  659. "What the Hel' happens when I'm asleep --how do you manage to get the Queen's attention." he questioned, though it was more to himself than anything.
  661. Surprisingly though, Bastiel made things more of an open invitation, now including the fire magi who had beaten Magne and some girl to his ranks to take his place in battle.
  663. "This is only gonna get bigger."
  664. (Sylas Sieghart)
  665. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  668. [19:48] Rinn visibly tantrums.
  669. (Rinn)
  670. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  672. [19:48] Luneth grins spread. "Ah so that is what you stated to do. Job's done. Now clear of it, and due to that, we don't owe you a thing. But none of us will bend the knee."
  674. And he states, "Honor duel eh? Shouldn't he have had that done with Ayla when he killed her? Crazy how that works. Sure. Honor duel it is. That is not against Theria's laws, right?"
  676. He looks over at Bastiel, "So then, honor duels is what you want, right?"
  677. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  678. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  681. [19:48] Rinn says, "I--"
  682. [19:48] Apep smugs at the ground-based peasants.
  683. (Apep)
  684. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686. [19:49] With a smile, Kasadya pulled out her staff, stamping it down upon the ground as her proud, Drakanite wings expanded out from her back. With the butt of the staff hitting the ground. She let off a thick grin.
  688. "May only those truthfully worthy of the Dragons' blessings prevail!"
  690. Her purple eyes began to glower. Growing excited from seeing such an intense, meaningful fight occur out infront of her.
  691. (Kasadya Shar)
  692. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  694. [19:49] Jamey whispers something.
  695. [19:49] Kasadya Shar says, "Ow... That hurt my wound.."
  696. [19:50] Jamey whispers something.
  697. [19:53] The High Lady of Myllenoris. Asta Hargrave. The Speaker of Spirits. The Chosen of Aschea, bearer of her Crown.
  699. She floats in, accompanied by two mighty-looking Teraphim. Herself, a stark contrast. A small, dainty woman of blue skin.
  701. "BASTIEEEEEEL!" she cries out, upon approaching the crowd.
  703. "You LOUT! Drunkard! Buffoon!"
  705. She holds a white flower in her hand. A fierce look in her slitted, cat-like, inhuman eyes. She doesn't even seem to care that there was a fight going on.
  707. "What's the meaning of your summons?! Here I am! What was so important you saw fit to insult me with the desecrated body of a flower?!"
  708. (Asta Hargrave)
  709. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  711. [19:54] Archon asks, "ewww he gave you a desicrated body of a flower but why though ?"
  712. [19:54] Rinn, most certainly, is throwing a big tantrum now in silence, in obedient respect to the honor duel off to the sidelines. Her wings tremble and flames rumble off of her in rolling billowing little spirals.
  714. She is heated. With no dog in the fight, still she does root for Bastiel, solely because the other fellow had lead them to some awful, clunky narrow space that they deemed more worthy than her arena. How dare he. She screamed at the top of her lungs, and he IGNORED it.
  716. When Bastiel firmly beats the man back, her fist clenches. It would be bad posture to root for a side, but still- there's a lot bubbling in the gut of this tiny dragon lass that she wants to bark out.
  718. But even angry, she understands the weight of the fight. So outside of spitting flames and vibrating intensely and radiating a potent heat? She is silent.
  719. (Rinn)
  720. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722. [19:54] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  723. [19:54] Ashantae shrugs.
  724. (Ashantae Shar)
  725. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  727. [19:54] Ashantae Shar whispers: Get over it or kill him yourself.
  728. [19:54] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  729. [19:56] Watching to see what would happen, as one foe meets another...
  731. She watched on then, a few tears in her eye, she thought briefly to Alya. The lessons promised, and the kindnesses. Without Lyn here too, this was very stressful. She wasn't sure if the other warlords were alright, and she was worried. Worried Leonaus led her a path of reckoning for having forsaken the church.
  733. She watches on then with a bloody rage, and for the the first time in her life a malicious hope. She hoped Lady Hagrave would do what is right, this may be a city of thieves, but Bastiel was a monster. No- A creature, something foul, that needed to be put down.
  735. He wasn't worthy to be called a "lord" in any capacity.
  736. (Jamey)
  737. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  739. [19:56] took a second as he made his way to a nice spot in the snow, craving out a little chair in the while bit from him to watch the rest of the match. Resting the axe on the ground as he watched the match well it was better than he was expecting it was something to see people try and kill each other. Might made right after all but the thing with this Hargrave royalty was weird.
  740. (Arthur)
  741. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  743. [19:57] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  744. [19:58] Sylas stood on the sidelines, watching now as the combatants took centerstage. There was no more debating, and nothing more could get in the battle.
  746. The two men fought, fire clashing against metal and while it looked close, it was hard to get a real feel for the battle. All he saw was that Bastiel managed to push Cayden back before telling him to surrender.
  748. "Mmph.."
  749. (Sylas Sieghart)
  750. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752. [19:58] Atlas G. Shar says, "There he is."
  753. [20:00] Jin Decleri whispers something.
  754. [20:00] Miura whispers something.
  755. [20:00] Ashantae Shar whispers: a coupe.
  756. [20:00] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  757. [20:00] Jin Decleri whispers something.
  758. [20:00] Ashantae Shar whispers: yes.
  759. [20:00] Miura whispers something.
  760. [20:00] The man didn't know of the pact that the two made with each other. However it seems that at this moment it doesn't matter. They're all to far into this to just back out. Cayden was in battle with him already. Merely Ekheim watched from the sidelines. Arms crossed, he spectated. No matter the outcome he could manage... probably.
  762. However seeing Cayden falter in the duel made him worry. Would he be okay in the end? If he lost... would he be able to escape? Would Ekheim be able to stop him from dying? These are things that rattle his mind. He only hopes his worries didn't come to fruition.
  763. (Ekheim Theseus)
  764. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  766. [20:01] Dun would settle upon the snow with an idle crunch of his sandals as the elder of Theria clicked his teeth together with glee, seeing the sparking clash and exchange of energy about the battlefield far differently than any of the youngsters with sight. To him, it was a grand theater of interweaving, infinite sorcery, a canvas being painted in real time by violence.
  768. Yet still, the crescendo was reached, and Bastiel made his statement of brutality well and clear as a warlord should. With a firm nod of approval for the frenetic chaos, the one armed priest would cross his remaining, caestus borne arm over his crimson cloak, nodding firmly in approval of the display.
  770. "Watch now, young ones, and remember this. This is Theria. A place where anyone can rise, anyone can fall. You will decide if you are ash, or a a grand flame."
  771. (Dun Task)
  772. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  774. [20:02] Explosion rattle the arena, Earth being overturned as the sounds of metal, claws and fire rages on.
  776. Even with being pushed down, his previous wounds caused by crystals worsening, starting to bleed once again under his armor, he refuses to give up.
  778. On their clash, he finds himself receiving an unexpected attack. There was no way he expected the opponent's blade to morph into a spear, and it easily found it's way in his stomach, piercing through his armor even if not getting very deep.
  780. The metal from his armor bending and coiling itself around the shaft of the weapon to stop it from going deeper on that moment.
  782. "I refuse..."
  784. His flames begin to burn brighter than ever as he finds himself fueled with the determination of even marching to his death if necessary.
  786. "You are not invecible, Bastiel!"
  788. A maddened laugh escapes the man as he finds himself lost in the excitement of battle, his chains moving to attack once again.
  789. (Cayden Arborea )
  790. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  792. [20:02] Kasadya begins to cackle like a giggle school girl at Dun's words.
  793. (Kasadya Shar)
  794. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  796. [20:03] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  797. [20:04] The scene in front of the trio is curious. A large gathering- and the proclamation that Theria was a place of opportunity. With that, explosions started flying, and it seems that two magicians had started going after each other.
  799. The sight of sparks flying, dirt being disrupted, wind shooting between the two...
  801. It's shocking to her.
  803. Until, of course, one of them falters, and the battle begins again from the start.
  805. "Wow..."
  806. (Red Alice XV)
  807. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  809. [20:04] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  810. [20:05] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  811. [20:05] Panas arrived in Theria... just to meet with fires and explosions all coming from the designated battlegrounds. Deadly and deafening. Seemed he would float here in time just to see the end of it however..! Tldr; exists.
  812. (Panas H. Sartorius)
  813. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  815. [20:05] Dun Task whispers something.
  816. [20:05] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  817. [20:05] Jin's eyes watched the two fighters dance between each other in the heat of battle.. To him it wasn't wrong in any shape or form. In his eyes he saw it as normal, a battle between men.
  819. A blank expression on his face as he sat down in the snow simply observing.
  820. (Jin Decleri)
  821. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  823. [20:05] "Anyone."
  825. Once she heard that anyone could rise, and anyone could fall, she leapt from her perch to get a closer view of the fight. She watched Bastiel go toe to toe with the other warrior, this was what she enjoyed, these were the fights that the Garjling was excited about right?
  827. A devious grin emerged as she watched the man come to defeat the one before him and then she stood there, firm, watching what become of his challenger. Her eyes did not move from the ever present high lady for some time until she realized she needed to know why this fight was going on.
  829. "What was this for.. what was the wager?" She asked those around her.
  831. Anyone was free to answer.
  832. (Ignis Brass)
  833. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  835. [20:07]
  836. The warrior-prophet hammers his fists together, each fist formed of scales almost as tough as steel. Explosives roll and rock from him like an ambient pulse, his body using the propulsion to shoot himself forward. He glides overhead, and drops down with his blade plunging down.
  838. The sharpened tip of his bow drives into the man's shoulderblade, carving through flesh and muscle. He twists till the man screams and drops his weapon, and then concludes the fight with a sharp twist into a spun-up kick into his belly. The warlord whoops, like a battle cry.
  840. "And this is why I, and I alone, am his hand! His claws! You, rat; you've got no fire in your belly. No faith in your heart. You're just a bloody fuckin' worm."
  842. Bastiel's staggered after the encounter.
  844. His opponent has the opportunity to flee. If he does not take it, it seems likely he will be killed. In a moment, the battle transitions to it's second half...
  847. (Bastiel)
  848. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  850. [20:08] Savael lifts his chin higher as he narrowed his eyes upon the battle.
  851. (Savael Elarian)
  852. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  854. [20:10] It seems that she won't be granted the formality of even a response.
  856. There's a furious, cold look on her face. She didn't care for the Therian customs of violence in the streets. The disregard for basic human decorum. The savagery of it all...
  858. It was sickening.
  860. It was...
  862. Exciting.
  864. "It seems we have to wait until the humans are done puffing their chests, dear Savael. Weiss."
  866. She sighs. Sits indignantly in the air, arms folded. Face pouty. An odd look for the walking, breathing will of a God.
  867. (Asta Hargrave)
  868. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  870. [20:10] Weiss Anam says, "It's the norm here. Good entertainment."
  871. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "It's not the norm."
  872. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Dangerous fights in the city are outlawed."
  873. [20:11] Jamey whispers something.
  874. [20:11] Luneth Veracrucis says, "But not honor duels."
  875. [20:11] Savael only nodded in response as he clasped both hands behind his waist. "I sense this is how they deal with their - indifferences," whispered the Teraphim.
  876. (Savael Elarian)
  877. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  879. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Not spars."
  880. [20:11] Amun asks, "What's happening now?"
  881. [20:11] Atlas G. Shar says, "Double what."
  882. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Honor duels are still not allowed."
  883. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Double revolt, Atlas."
  884. [20:11] Ignis Brass asks, "So I do my job now?"
  885. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Complicated."
  886. [20:11] Ashantae Shar says, "Not yet."
  887. [20:11] Atlas G. Shar says, "Tell me what I am missing out, Ash."
  888. [20:11] Asta shoots a quick glance behind her, toward Jamey. She offers a confused glare, and returns back to the fight ahead.
  889. (Asta Hargrave)
  890. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  892. [20:11] Kasadya Shar says, "A revolt. Against revolt."
  893. [20:11] Atlas G. Shar says, "But who."
  894. [20:12] Silvain Conquïc says, "Us."
  895. [20:12] Kasadya Shar says, "Bastiel sems to be wanting to claim authority."
  896. [20:12] Kasadya Shar says, "And.. killed Alya."
  897. [20:12] Rinn says, "Stupid ugly idiots chose a trashy unkept CREVICE to fight in over MY ARENA."
  898. [20:12] Kasadya Shar says, "And the rest? Are revolting against him."
  899. [20:12] Weiss Anam says, "Nice little divide you got going on, but 'us' doesn't really clear that up.."
  900. [20:12] He watched as the fight continued, and with each passing second Cayden's condition only got worse.
  902. in the end, a bow was jammed into his shoulder before being twisted and allowing things to be finished off with a final kick. Cayden flew off and almost immediately Feuer was facing off against some girl.
  904. Thankfully, it looks as if she's capable of handling the girl before her.
  905. 'This still isn't good..'
  906. (Sylas Sieghart)
  907. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  909. [20:12] Atlas G. Shar asks, "You are saying, Alya is no longer walking among us?"
  910. [20:13] A fiery fist would slam Jury across the floor. Feuer wiped a cut of blood from her cheek, grinning. "Ya ain't even KNOW what you're fightin' for. Ya ain't got NOTHIN' on me. No cause. No justice. No honor."
  912. She pumped her gauntlets again, steam bursting out as her hair ignited into flames. "I ain't gonna hold back on you just because ya chose the wrong side. Ya wanna protect him?"
  914. A colossal wave of fire began to brew behind the pyromancer. The supreme fire magi of the Kalvore was bringing her full force to bear, ruthlessness in every movement she made. "Ya gonna have ta stop me then."
  915. (Feuer Altoir)
  916. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  918. [20:13] Ashantae Shar says, "That is the word going about."
  919. [20:13] Kasadya was staring directly at Weiss. Grinning rather... Maliciously. Her Drakanite tail began to waggle.
  920. (Kasadya Shar)
  921. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  923. [20:13] Atlas G. Shar says, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
  924. [20:13] Luneth Veracrucis asks, "Bastiel killed Alya. No?"
  925. [20:13] Asta folds her arms. Looks at her companions. Shoots them a knowing look, and head-shake.
  926. (Asta Hargrave)
  927. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. [20:13] Weiss was even stronger than last time. He would finish the job for real this time if tempted.
  930. (Weiss Anam)
  931. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  933. [20:14] Ashantae Shar says, "Tragic.."
  934. [20:14] Luneth Veracrucis asks, "Ah so you don't know if she is dead. So what was the idea, have us kill our sister?"
  935. [20:14] Ashantae spoke in a way which was hard to tell if it was sarcasm or a true statement.
  936. (Ashantae Shar)
  937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  939. [20:14] Weiss 's sword was drawn and left to bar Kasadya from coming closer.
  940. (Weiss Anam)
  941. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  943. [20:15] Luneth speaks about it as he gestures at Feuer. "You sent us after Feuer, no?"
  944. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  945. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  947. [20:15] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  948. [20:15] Weiss Anam says, "You're lucky to live from that injury you demonspawn."
  949. [20:15] Ashantae Shar says, "Kasadya, if you cause trouble right now, especially with our foreign guests, I will put you in the dungeon myself."
  950. [20:15] Asta Hargrave says, "You said you killed it. Disappointing."
  951. [20:15] Kasadya Shar says, "No no... No no no... You see I ran the numbers."
  952. [20:15] Weiss Anam says, "Asta...they were still and bleeding out."
  953. [20:16] Kasadya Shar says, "I did extensive research..."
  954. [20:16] Weiss Anam says, "I left them to rot."
  955. [20:16] Dun Task says, "Dangerous fights not allowed in the city..."
  956. [20:16] Kasadya Shar says, "I was lied to."
  957. [20:16] Dun Task asks, "What are we, children?"
  958. [20:16] Dun Task asks, "This is the way of Theria?"
  959. [20:16] His already injured body is mercilessly beaten and bruised. New injuries former under the armor, and worsening his previous one. Maybe if he hadn't fought uselessly against that Teraphim earlier in the day, he could've made it... but that wasn't an excuse. He failed...
  961. He hadn't been able to go through with how he wanted to act, and was thus, defeated. His skills once again having proved to not be enough against the likes of Warlords.
  963. With pained scream, his chains escape his grasp when the weapon in his shoulder is twisted, but the flames on his body still burn bright. His body falls to the ground with that last kick.
  965. There was no dishonor in defeat... and he had proven himself to be at least a challenge... but there was no way he could be satisfied with that. He needed to grow strong...
  967. The moment he sees the Warlord staggering, his chance to escape appeared, and he took it, the chains that were still connected to his forearms attaching themselves to a rock on the Cliff and pulling him away too fast for the man to react due to the opening they had shown.
  968. (Cayden Arborea )
  969. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. [20:16] Asta Hargrave says, "Some 'way', this is."
  972. [20:17] Savael Elarian says, "I advise we do not raise hostilities whilst we're here."
  973. [20:17] Dun Task says, "That's "the" way, miss."
  974. [20:17] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  975. [20:17] Dun Task says, "Don't forget it."
  976. [20:17] Ashantae Shar says, "It's not the way, Task."
  977. [20:17] Weiss Anam whispers something.
  978. [20:17] Ashantae Shar says, "It hasn't been for a long time."
  979. [20:17] Asta sharply looks away. You can almost hear the 'hmph!' Very anime.
  980. (Asta Hargrave)
  981. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  983. [20:17] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  984. [20:17] Dun Task says, "Then perhaps you have forgotten your way, Ashantae. Remember that you are a dragon."
  985. [20:17] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  986. [20:18] Dun Task says, "Not a mouse."
  987. [20:18] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  988. [20:18] Savael briefly looked at the elder, as an almost indecipherable smile crossed his lips. And then he looked away.
  989. (Savael Elarian)
  990. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  992. [20:18] Weiss Anam says, "To the cliff."
  993. [20:18] Ashantae Shar says, "Dragons fight wisely, I thought by now you'd know that given they took the city from you."
  994. [20:18] "She did not went there to recue her." Luneth starts to grin now. "See? You wanted to make us fight. Feuer only cared about what you did, which was dishonorable in her eyes. But she didn't rescue anyone." He puts another joint on his lips.
  996. "Either way, we don't bend the knee. We are combatants to the end. And we live by a code of honor. So you wanted to punish someone just for insulting you? Because you just said it yourself."
  997. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  998. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000. [20:20] Dun Task says, "Took? Given freely, in my retirement. I reigned fifteen good years before I turned fifty."
  1001. [20:21] Dun Task says, "Learn your history before you give me mouth, girl."
  1002. [20:21] Jury is tossed across the square in a cloud of flames.
  1003. (Jury)
  1004. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1006. [20:21] Asta glares at the fight. So savage.
  1007. (Asta Hargrave)
  1008. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1010. [20:21] Ashantae Shar says, "Given... It's easy to say that now..."
  1011. [20:21] Miura says, "Wow. . ."
  1012. [20:21] Jury says, "Guuuh.~"
  1013. [20:21] Mora Erda says, "That's gotta hurt."
  1014. [20:22] Feuer emerged victorious, the pyromancer moving back towards the ongoing battles. It would seem the first round of brutalities were coming to a close. But just what would emerge with the finale?
  1015. (Feuer Altoir)
  1016. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1018. [20:22] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1019. [20:23] The two women moved around the battlefield with little grace --especially on Feuer's behalf. She darted around the icy floor, firing off spell after spell in hopes that they landed --which luckily for her they did.
  1021. Eventually with enough repeated attacks and burns, the opposing girl was knocked down and unable to continue...but that only begged the question of what would happen next?
  1023. Would she be facing off against Bastiel now? Or were they all to run..
  1024. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1025. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1027. [20:23] Atlas G. Shar whispers something.
  1028. [20:23] Atlas G. Shar whispers something.
  1029. [20:23] Watching from the sidelines, Cymbal saw the fight between Cayden and Bastiel from start to finish, one's own metal and fire against the explosive force of a dragon man.
  1031. He watched as Cayden used all of his strength try and hold Bastiel at bay, blasting at him with every power he has left- Only for Bastiel to power through it, his body absorbing the blows. the blows to give him enough to get close and pierce his bow through the shouldebone of his chief.
  1033. But... In that fight, during that defeat, he saw a chance to escape before the final blow was stuck, and Cayden took it, using his chains to pull himself away down the cliffs.
  1035. And to ensure will be able to track him, or see where he goes? Cymbal takes the chance to take out his guitar with both hands, and with a chord, causes a tornado across the snow floor, lifting it up and raising it as a puffy cloud where Cayden made his escape attempt, giving him cover!
  1036. (Cymbal Tenor)
  1037. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1039. [20:23] Dun Task says, "Mmm...were I in my prime, I would have punched a hole through your chest for such attitude. But, age has granted me patience, and I accept your ignorance child."
  1040. [20:24] Asta Hargrave says, "In Myllenoris, they would not disrespect an Elder like this..."
  1041. [20:24] Asta Hargrave says, "Fascinating."
  1042. [20:24] At least one of the fights went the clan's way. While everyone is hashing it out at each other the seemingly out of place Kalvorian doesn't aim to fight anyone. Unless they were to walk up to him. He purely watches for the moment.
  1044. "This is quite the clusterfuck." He mutters to himself.
  1045. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1046. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1048. [20:24] Ashantae Shar says, "I respect Dun, please don't mistake that. I just have my own ideas about how Theria was taken."
  1049. [20:24] A scorched Jury ambles up to the armored figure separate from the masses on the western side of the cliff.
  1051. "So do you... Come here often...?"
  1052. (Jury)
  1053. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1055. [20:25] Luneth Veracrucis says, "And we wouldn't if he had not forced a catch twenty two. He wanted us to pretty much kill our sister. There is no capture. ANd none of Kalvore will fight with their own brothers. "
  1056. [20:25] Cymbal Tenor asks, "Wait a second... Sylvain, I said I'll fight him! Why are you stepping in instead?"
  1057. [20:26] Bastiel says, "Y'dumbfuck. How many times I gotta repeat myself? Wasn' killin nobody."
  1058. [20:26] Bastiel says, "But now I am."
  1059. [20:26] Bastiel rubs his belly.
  1060. (Bastiel)
  1061. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1063. [20:26] Asta Hargrave says, "What an obscene gesture."
  1064. [20:26] Rinn says, "I'm fighting everybody who's already fought or fighting here. Literally EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU."
  1065. [20:26] Jamey whispers something.
  1066. [20:27] Rinn says, "GOD."
  1067. [20:27] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1068. [20:27] Dun Task says, "NO FEAR RINN."
  1069. [20:27] Dun Task says, "NO FEAR."
  1070. [20:27] Jamey whispers something.
  1071. [20:27] Weiss Anam asks, "Asta can I?"
  1072. [20:27] Red Alice XV says, ". . ."
  1073. [20:27] Archon says, "Oh my"
  1074. [20:27] Luneth Veracrucis asks, "No Bastiel, I know THAT. But you wanted us to bring her in chains. For insulting you? Seriously?"
  1075. [20:27] Asta Hargrave says, "If you wish to show these humans the terror of a Teraphim, you may."
  1076. [20:27] Asta Hargrave says, "Perhaps a bit of intercultural exchange would be nice."
  1077. [20:27] Asta Hargrave says, "Progressive."
  1078. [20:27] Ashantae Shar says, "Educative."
  1079. [20:27] Archon says, "Progressive for who "
  1080. [20:28] Ashantae Shar says, "Warmongers."
  1081. [20:28] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1082. [20:28] Archon says, "I feel like we destory culture with intermixing"
  1083. [20:29] Silvain's cold, dead-stare would pierce through Dinant with each glare he gives him. The loud, presenting voice that was hidden inside of him wakes up, almost like a lion's roar.
  1085. Chainmail would form all along his body, acting as a basic set of armour. THen, a set of stones gets laid over top of it.
  1087. His chains would be tipped with large chunks of stone, perfect for breaking off and giving their victim's shrapnel.
  1089. He would sniff the air, the smell of blood awakening the true Silvain. He looks like a savage dog at this point.
  1091. "A lion in it's cage is awaken. The sleeping lion strikes it's prey with their teeth, tasting the blood."
  1092. (Silvain Conquïc)
  1093. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095. [20:29] Bastiel exclaims, "Aite, now beat th'fuck out of him and make him look stupid for sayin' that gay shit. Show me the money, Dinant!"
  1096. [20:29] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1097. [20:29] Asta Hargrave says, "Disparaging against the differently-sexual. Fascinating..."
  1098. [20:30] Jamey whispers something.
  1099. [20:30] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1100. [20:30] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1101. [20:30] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1102. [20:30] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1103. [20:30] Jamey whispers something.
  1104. [20:30] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1105. [20:30] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1106. [20:31] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1107. [20:31] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1108. [20:31] Jamey whispers something.
  1109. [20:31] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1110. [20:32] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1111. [20:32] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1112. [20:33] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1113. [20:34] Jamey whispers something.
  1114. [20:34] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1115. [20:34] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1116. [20:34] Asta turns away. Clearly, some kind of mischivious smile on her face.
  1117. (Asta Hargrave)
  1118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1120. [20:34] Sadly, it looked like Dinant had the advantage in their battle, being able to push through Silvain's binding chains with multiple waves of fire. That seemed to be the common trend really; fire just being overwhelming for those who don't know how to deal with it.
  1122. The dirty Magnolian was forced back at this time...meanwhile Cayden had left Theria already. What was even happening at this point.
  1123. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1126. [20:35] The first bout ended with a bang- the duo both lunging at eachother to clash. Roars filled the air from Dinant's blade, encrusted with a scorching fire- a temperature far too hot to touch. Flames around him left a trail of destruction behind as he ran around, nimbly dodging his metal attacks.
  1128. As Silvain shot forwards a metal trident, Dinant would duck, throwing himself forwards with a flurry of slashes and stabs- Silvains clothes quickly riddled with cuts, skin searing. The scent of metal wafted throughout the air-- Silvain's cauterized wounds.
  1130. "..gaaahhaha!" Dinant shouted, teeth gleefully showing as he cackled, an odd ill-like look in his eyes. He enjoyed this?
  1132. "..annotha one, fucca! C'mere, laddy!"
  1133. (Dinant Cortet)
  1134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1136. [20:35] Bastiel whispers something.
  1137. [20:35] Jamey whispers something.
  1138. [20:35] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1139. [20:36] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1140. [20:36] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  1141. [20:36] Miura says, "Agh.. Jin, ask already."
  1142. [20:36] Miura says, "I'unno what we're watching..."
  1143. [20:36] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1144. [20:37] Jin Decleri says, "Not yet Miura.."
  1145. [20:37] Bastiel whispers something.
  1146. [20:38] Bastiel whispers something.
  1147. [20:39] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1148. [20:39] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  1149. [20:40] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1150. [20:40] Red Alice XV says, ". . ."
  1151. [20:40] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  1152. [20:40] Jin Decleri says, "Mr Dun.."
  1153. [20:40] The child was quietly crying, before she mumbled querying the woman, "Y-Your artifact, I-I'm an artificer I have read about it. The crown, c-can you really speak to spirits, c-can I talk to Alya one last... Time..? F-Forgive me being so bold, I-I just really... I miss her a great deal. If not I-I understand..."
  1155. She cried silently, letting her tears wash on the end of a piece of her robe she clinged too. It was comforting, and she was worried for many things, and in-grief of Alya's death. "I'm sorry" ,she apologized for mumbling and falling to emotions, "I don't mean to be so-" ,she took a deep inhale with a red face, "Forgive me if that isn't an option."
  1156. (Jamey)
  1157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1159. [20:40] Savael Elarian says, "It is impossible to talk to the dead, lest you travel to the realm of spirits."
  1160. [20:41] Bastiel whispers something.
  1161. [20:41] Bastiel whispers something.
  1162. [20:42] Asta doesn't turn to look at Jamey.
  1164. "You may not touch the Crown," she says. The jewel glimmers a strange hue of red in the sunlight, against the blinding-white reflective snow.
  1166. "For if you do."
  1168. Her smile widens.
  1170. "You will die."
  1172. She nods at Savael. "Also, you can't just talk to the dead. It is not that simple. I wouldn't expect you to understand. Being a human."
  1173. (Asta Hargrave)
  1174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1176. [20:42] Silvain touches the crown
  1177. (Silvain Conquïc)
  1178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1180. [20:42] Jamey asks, "What happens when you die?"
  1181. [20:43] Archon says, "Huh a crown that kills nice"
  1182. [20:43] Asta Hargrave says, "Your soul is sent to the stars for rebirth."
  1183. [20:43] Asta Hargrave says, "Of course."
  1184. [20:43] Dun Task asks, "Hmm, yes child?"
  1185. [20:43] Jamey says, "Does that mean..."
  1186. [20:43] Jin Decleri exclaims, "Would it be okay to pull you away for a little?.. I wanna talk in private!"
  1187. [20:43] It seemed like another loss to his clan was had. What was the score now... who knows? Is anyone really keeping track of it all. --The man just watched as Feuer stepped in once more getting into another fight. One that he believes she can win again.
  1189. He lets out a yawn.
  1190. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1193. [20:43] Jamey asks, "Alya will be back?"
  1194. [20:43] Asta Hargrave says, "Eventually, yes. As a baby."
  1195. [20:44] Asta Hargrave says, "Perhaps, however, on the complete opposite end of the world."
  1196. [20:44] Luneth Veracrucis says, "With no memory of who anyone is."
  1197. [20:44] Archon says, "Oh god now there gonna grab everybaby they see and ask if they are alya"
  1198. [20:44] Jamey says, "That's grim... But, I don't know..."
  1199. [20:44] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Sorry mate, she gone forever. Or at least the one you knew."
  1200. [20:44] Asta Hargrave says, "Come to Myllenoris, soon. We can... satiate, your curiosities."
  1201. [20:45] Jamey says, "I-I would love to..."
  1202. [20:45] Jury says, "Mmmn."
  1203. [20:45] Dun Task says, "Hmm, perhaps later child, I have a few meetings to handle first."
  1204. [20:45] Dun Task says, "But I can be found about the city."
  1205. [20:45] Merely watching as the battles came and went. She didn't really care nor did she really want to get involved in it because she was just kid who was working for coin.
  1207. Scar was too young to be getting in fights like these but she didn't really know exactly what was going on so she couldn't voice her own option if she wanted too.
  1209. (Scarlett Kurokaiyo)
  1210. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1212. [20:45] Jury says, "Baaastiel, come here for a moment."
  1213. [20:45] A far from close match- but a worthy opponent, for sure. Bravery or stupidity? One of them, or the latter.
  1215. Another wave of slashes as Dinant successfully evaded Silvain's barrage of moves, seemingly with ease.. The sand and metal he threw stood no chance against the raging heat that enshrouded him, metal instantly melting as it came close- along with the sand.. where did that go? The tough Conquic however, could stand the heat.
  1217. Though- that didn't mean he wasn't fatigued. Temperature slowly pressured him to give in with each step he took, utterly exhausting. He carried on however, sheer determination.
  1219. But with another lunge forward, a sly slash of his blade wrung about his torso, leaving a nasty mark, sizzling red and oozing with his maroon blood, slowly dripping down. A wave shot forward would send him tumbling backwards- lest he'd allow himself to be incinerated by it.
  1221. "..fuccaa, aha. Anyone else want the action?"
  1222. (Dinant Cortet)
  1223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1225. [20:45] Jamey exclaims, "B-But not until someone ends that horrid beasts' wake!"
  1226. [20:45] Glower. Fume.
  1228. "...I'm starting to think maybe this city is just full of stupid people- top to bottom. Trash."
  1230. Now she's fuming something quieter, but definitely souring her mood doubly. Watching this ongoing counter-revolution nonsense going on in the great outdoors and a narrow arena is just making her more and more irate by the second. Look at the DOZENS of people who've arrived, now. People who could be lining her walls, filling her benches, and witnessing this event in a place deserving or it, instead of these forgettable, ruined tiles.
  1232. She wasn't going to get over it, not anytime soon. Pouting and immaturity was warping into actual, genuine frustration and anger the longer that she watched these clashes continue.
  1233. (Rinn)
  1234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1236. [20:46] Jin Decleri says, "Mm.. I'll be back then."
  1237. [20:46] Archon says, "So does the crown allow you to see spirits or can you naturally see and talk to spirit sorry I wasen't paying much attention"
  1238. [20:46] Savael Elarian says, "Never seek for the dead, child. For those who seek it will fall to corruption."
  1239. [20:46] Jin Decleri says, "Let's go Miura, Alice."
  1240. [20:46] Asta Hargrave says, "You would not understand."
  1241. [20:46] Archon says, "I mean "
  1242. [20:46] Ignis Brass says, "Fight me."
  1243. [20:46] Archon says, "Doesen't hurt to try to understand"
  1244. [20:46] A sad lion walks off stage, as the lion leaves the stage.
  1246. The pain kept him up, as his chest bleeds, thought, not even he flinches one bit. He just lets it bleed. He would rest an arm on Cayden's shoulder, glancing up at him with a slight smile.
  1248. "...The lion on the inside felt good..... really good."
  1249. (Silvain Conquïc)
  1250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1252. [20:46] Jamey says, "Sometimes, people can know too much..."
  1253. [20:46] Asta Hargrave says, "If I have to wait longer to speak to the one I came here for..."
  1254. [20:46] Archon says, "Define wait longer cause this might be a while"
  1255. [20:47] Silvain Conquïc says, "like jamey having a cock"
  1256. [20:47] Silvain Conquïc says, "i know that because they showed me"
  1257. [20:47] Weiss Anam says, "Bastiel, cease these Semantics and speak to my High LAdy."
  1258. [20:47] Cymbal Tenor says, "Silvain, now is not the time for jokes, and that is coming from me."
  1259. [20:47] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1260. [20:47] Ignis Brass says, "Why his voice cracked.."
  1261. [20:47] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1262. [20:47] Jamey whispers something.
  1263. [20:47] The Dragonlord blended himself into the crowd eyeing the situation with a narrowed gaze. Raising his cigar to his lips he'd cast a glance to Bastiel before taking a long drag.
  1265. He was likely the least outspoken Dragaonlord, most of his business being conducted behind closed doors he didn't like to make a show of things.
  1267. Stepping forth from the shadows he'd place his hand loosely on Bastiel's shoulder and nod slowly, maintaining direct eye contact. The combined stench of liquor that emanated from the two would likely overwhelm a lesser man as the gesture was expressed.
  1269. They had much to discuss.
  1270. (Iliyas, Sarai)
  1271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273. [20:48] He grimaced a little as Silvain too, was defeated in combat. The lasting gash across his side that oozed with blood now --it was a painful sight to see.
  1275. The only thankful thing was that he was still alive, but even that seemed to be on a timer. Cayden was defeated, and Bastiel was still hanging around. In addition to that, several others from the southern forest village had arrived.
  1277. " a long day." That was the only thing he could think in this moment.
  1278. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1281. [20:48] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1282. [20:49] Dun would snicker in amusement at Rinn's consternation, patting the young drakan upon the shoulder as the blind man continued to enjoy the steady, frenetic chaos of the scene. He naturally couldn't see the fights himself, but the exchanges of energy sung a wondrous, ever shifting tune to the one armed, blind sage.
  1284. "Let this day be a lesson to you too Rinn. Advertise better. The more people know about the location of your fancy arena, the more likely they'll use it and spread the word! You've gotta be proactive before the fights happen."
  1286. The elder would nod, this was simple truth. The master trader Gendo Kurokaiyo himself had made it so.
  1287. (Dun Task)
  1288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290. [20:49] Jamey whispers something.
  1291. [20:49] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1292. [20:49] Rinn says, "I was SCREAMING and they IGNORED ME. So I'm going to BREAK THEIR NOSES so they don't IGNORE ME AGAIN."
  1293. [20:49] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1294. [20:49] Atlas G. Shar says, "."
  1295. [20:49] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1296. [20:50] Rinn says, "... But I'm going to respect the honor, first."
  1297. [20:50] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1298. [20:51] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1299. [20:51] Jury whispers something.
  1300. [20:51] Dun Task says, "As you do."
  1301. [20:51] Weiss Anam whispers something.
  1302. [20:51] Jury whispers something.
  1303. [20:51] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1304. [20:51] Archon looks at Rinn getting upset over the honor duel location.
  1306. "Rinn your place is pretty famous already im sure more and more people will come to fight there it just seems that they wanted to fight here instead maybe later we can spar again at the dojo and get others to join in."
  1307. (Archon)
  1308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1310. [20:51] Weiss Anam whispers something.
  1311. [20:51] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1312. [20:51] Amun whispers something.
  1313. [20:52] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1314. [20:52] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1315. [20:52] Archon whispers something.
  1316. [20:52] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1317. [20:52] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1318. [20:52] Jury whispers something.
  1319. [20:52] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1320. [20:52] Iliyas, Sarai whispers something.
  1321. [20:52] Jury whispers something.
  1322. [20:52] Weiss Anam whispers something.
  1323. [20:52]
  1324. "Fire, faith."
  1326. That wretched smoke and fire trails him like a second skin. The air ripples and distorts with each step, like there's an incredible force being displaced. Something larger than life there, just waiting to break through it's hide.
  1328. "Blood and soil."
  1330. He repeats that same solemn phrase once drunkenly invoked before the Council's speech. While at first the drunken musings of a weary man, it has became something deeply fundamental. Only four things in this life seemed to hold weight.
  1332. The binds of men?
  1334. No; they would betray him.
  1335. Mock him with these displays, even.
  1336. It was Ryujin that bore him upon his back.
  1338. And, perhaps, he had began to hate. He was an egomaniac; a selfish, entitled bastard who wanted everything and would never sacrifice a moment of his own. These conflicts were inevitable, in that regard.
  1340. And he enjoyed them. The bow Feuer forged is turned against her, great fire coming in waves and downpour. His eyes are closed; showboating, almost. Nothing else is present to stop him.
  1342. (Bastiel)
  1343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345. [20:52] Jury whispers something.
  1346. [20:52] Bastiel says, "Okay. Now you can die."
  1347. [20:52] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1348. [20:52] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1349. [20:52] Jamey says, "Wait..."
  1350. [20:52] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1351. [20:52] Jury whispers something.
  1352. [20:53] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1353. [20:53] Jury whispers something.
  1354. [20:53] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1355. [20:53] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1356. [20:54] Asta glares, and looks away.
  1357. (Asta Hargrave)
  1358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1360. [20:57] Weiss Anam whispers something.
  1361. [20:58] Jamey asks, "Bastiel... Lady Asta Hagrave, the Supreme Chanselor to Myllenoris is here to see you... Will you keep her waiting on your own invitation?"
  1362. [20:58] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1363. [20:58] Archon says, "He probably will"
  1364. [20:58] Jamey whispers something.
  1365. [20:58] Asta Hargrave whispers something.
  1366. [20:58] Ashantae Shar whispers something.
  1367. [20:58] Kasadya Shar says, "I wonder. Does anyone else wish to oppose Bastiel's motions."
  1368. [20:58] Asta Hargrave says, "I'll oppose anything if it means I am not left waiting in the cold."
  1369. [20:58] Jamey whispers something.
  1370. [20:59] Jury whispers something.
  1371. [20:59] Rinn says, "...You wouldn't be in the cold in the first place if everyone here wasn't an IDIOT."
  1372. [20:59] Gregorius Morgado exclaims, "Bah! The cold builds CHARACTER!"
  1373. [20:59] Archon whispers something.
  1374. [21:00] Rinn exclaims, "Yeah, MAYBE if your character isn't ALREADY ROCK SOLID, pansy!!!"
  1375. [21:01] Gregorius Morgado exclaims, "Then rise to become as hard as steel! There is no ceiling!"
  1376. [21:03] As the battles draw to a close, Luneth drinks from his flask.
  1378. "We fought. We did what we had to do. And now we are out. I only follow the Way and with that Cayden. I have no interest to remain."
  1380. Even if Feuer sustained a grievious injury, she would live and escape. So he says, "If you are of Kalvore, we are off. If not you may stay and bend the knee or whatever."
  1382. And he walks off unless stopped.
  1383. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  1384. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1386. [21:03] Kasadya Shar says, "Arcanium is a nice cieling."
  1387. [21:03]
  1388. He did enjoy it.
  1390. His monumental weight comes crashing down, sundering Feuer's well-placed but ultimately insufficient guard. She wasn't weak; Bastiel was simply far beyond the norm of Human and Drakanite capacity, rivalling most of the nation's greatest. And that broken guard gives opportunity.
  1392. The monster's left hand punches forward, once her arm had been sliced into lame limpness; his arrows and cuts targeting the stringy muscles in her limbs. The fire punches against her flesh, turning it a sickening shade of black. But it got worse-
  1394. And he steps in, driving his fist through her torso.
  1396. It tears through flesh, soft fats, and muscle tissue - cracking bones and ribs with ease. His claws turn her inside out, and strike at one of the wind-bags buried with. Her lung makes a little pop, like it's a balloon being deflated.
  1398. There's people around to saver her. Chances are it won't be fatal.
  1399. Bastiel rolls his neck, muscles popping and cracking.
  1401. "Alright," he yawns.
  1403. "I think I've proven my point."
  1404. "The rest of you gonna bow and accept me as Gajrling's prophet, or do I have more people I need to cut through?"
  1406. (Bastiel)
  1407. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1409. [21:04] Weiss Anam says, "Bastiel go talk to Asta."
  1410. [21:04] Archon whispers something.
  1411. [21:04] Silvain Conquïc says, ".....Cayden."
  1412. [21:04] Weiss Anam says, "I'm growing impatient. I'll deal with this."
  1413. [21:04] Silvain Conquïc says, "...I'm waiting for Domino."
  1414. [21:04] Jury whispers something.
  1415. [21:04] Jamey says, "You're no prophet..."
  1416. [21:04] Bastiel says, "I'm trying. You had bad timing. You see- when I sent the message, it was quiet."
  1417. [21:04] Feuer has finally lost before his eyes. It was a long time coming however he wished that this wasn't how this turned out. He really wanted to have seen her beat Bastiel. This whole thing is horribly stupid. Nevertheless here we are. Battling a ton of random people.
  1419. The man lets out a sigh as he steps forth. Since their fight was over, it seemed like it was his time. Even though he didn't want to fight this at all. --With all his clansman falling from the man too, it didn't ensue much confidence.
  1421. "I suppose I just make myself useful... --Hey Bastiel, mind if I fight you as well. Since your sorta trashing my whole clan." He says calmly as per usual. Like he doesn't fear the man's death threats. Even if he knew that they were most defiantly real.
  1422. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1423. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1425. [21:04] Weiss Anam says, "Let me. Handle it."
  1426. [21:04] Iliyas, Sarai says, "I wonder how many he'll cut through heh.."
  1427. [21:04] Bastiel says, "You know what? Go crazy. Whoever won't shut up and take their now position can play with you."
  1428. [21:04] Fucking intercepts Ekheim since he was first to want next.
  1429. (Weiss Anam)
  1430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1432. [21:04] Bastiel says, "Let's go speak, lady-love - my dearest, finest, most wise of allies."
  1433. [21:04] Luneth Veracrucis says, "I said to move Kalvoreians. He proved his point."
  1434. [21:05] One after the next, his comrades continued to fall. Cayden, Silvain and finally Feuer now. Bastiel cleaved through each of them with more or less relative ease.
  1436. It was disheartening to see really, and his words following his victory were chilling too.
  1438. Well, whatever happened today, Sylas knew one thing --that he wasn't leaving Theria. This place was his new home, it held his people and his religion.
  1439. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1440. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442. [21:05] Archon says, "Its cold out even with all the fire being thrown around"
  1443. [21:05] Weiss Anam says, "Savael, take care of Asta."
  1444. [21:05] Nodding towards Luneth, Cymbal agrees, taking the chance to create a tornado once more and make it swoop in the snow from the ground, raising it into the air so that it'll then fall down and form a puffy cloud of snow- An attempted cover to help all the other kalvorians, including Feuer, to escape.
  1446. "We are moving all, lets go!"
  1447. (Cymbal Tenor)
  1448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1450. [21:05] Savael Elarian whispers something.
  1451. [21:05] "I won't bow," the High Lady says, stepping forward.
  1453. "But if so much as ONE PERSON interrupts my talk with you, I will order one of my men to utterly destroy them." Her words spit coldly. She did not look like she was having a great time, standing in the cold. Watching the bloodbath.
  1455. She was reaching the end of her patience.
  1457. "I will have that talk."
  1459. "Now."
  1460. (Asta Hargrave)
  1461. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1463. [21:06] Bastiel offers a little flourish. This was the one and only circumstance in which someone could see him debasing himself to curtsy for another person. Caught simping.
  1464. (Bastiel)
  1465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1467. [21:06] Savael walks ever so slowly, yet the gracefulness of the Teraphim made it seem like he was gliding against the cobblestone.
  1468. (Savael Elarian)
  1469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1471. [21:06] Defeat, pain. The pyromancer had fought til her breath gave out - Literally. They had no option. Retreat it was. The wound she was dealt was severe, and any further combat would threaten her life. She clutched at her chest, and through pure, fiery wrath, leapt backwards, leaving a trail of flame in her retreat.
  1473. The Kalvore were held back from usurping Bastiel today, it seemed. But they were far from broken. They would doubtless encounter the crooked man again in the future.
  1474. (Feuer Altoir)
  1475. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1477. [21:06] Bastiel says, "Let's go to the palace."
  1478. [21:06] Weiss fell back and his body went ethereal for a moment. No one could tell where he went aside from his Kin. The Teraphim.
  1480. Appearing beside Ekheim, Weiss would jab a knee into their gut and push them away. Their opponent now in their face.
  1482. "I'll deal with you first then."
  1483. (Weiss Anam)
  1484. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1486. [21:09] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1487. [21:09] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1488. [21:09] Kasadya Shar whispers something.
  1489. [21:09] Archon says, "i don' suppose anyone here wants to buy some power x"
  1490. [21:10] Dun Task says, "Things are fizzling out, steadily."
  1491. [21:10] Tiernay chuckles beneath his breath, a smile adorning his once focused features as he turned to look away.
  1492. (Tiernay)
  1493. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1495. [21:10] Dun Task says, "But next time Rinn, you will get your chance to flex your arena."
  1496. [21:11] Rinn says, "I'm going to literally turn this entire area into a crater."
  1497. [21:11] Rinn says, "I'm going to make sure this spot is never anything but a hole to throw trash into."
  1498. [21:11] Gregorius Morgado exclaims, "An excellent display of force! I support this endeavor wholeheartedly!"
  1499. [21:11] Weiss Anam says, "Glad to know I have a fight after this one."
  1500. [21:11] Dun Task says, "Pffffffft."
  1501. [21:12] Rinn says, "I'll tear up every location that people wanna use to fight that isn't MY SPOT."
  1502. [21:12] Weiss Anam says, "I'll fight you in your spot next."
  1503. [21:12] Dun Task says, "As a warlord should. "
  1504. [21:12] Dun Task says, "It is their freedom to do so."
  1505. [21:12] Rinn says, "Shut up, guy I do not know or care about."
  1506. [21:12] Weiss Anam says, "Make me."
  1507. [21:13] Rinn says, "I'm not fighting in this TRASH SPOT."
  1508. [21:13] Archon says, "God we just had one massive battle could we avoid another"
  1509. [21:13] Rinn says, "I'd be LOWERING MYSELF."
  1510. [21:13] He squinted his eyes a little as Ekheim took the arena as well, though this time his opponent was a Teraphim.
  1512. "Wait...what're they doing here?" he questioned, only now noticing that Bastiel had left with one of them as well.
  1513. "This isn't going to end up well."
  1514. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1515. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1517. [21:13] Rinn says, "SO ENJOY IT."
  1518. [21:14] Arthur says, "Aint to sure da reason da be fighting now"
  1519. [21:15] "...errhh, gahhaa!"
  1521. Despite his cackle, the fights were starting to wear at Dinant. Cuts and scrapes littered his body. Even if it wasn't anything serious, fatigue settled in and ate away at the Cortet.
  1523. The duo clashed, flames shot everywhere, both of them fire magi. With a well placed fireball, he'd shoot it towards his opponents torso, throwing them backwards into the snow. Nothing too serious- a little mark left upon her chest.
  1525. "..fuccaa, mate. I didn't know a cutie like you had it in ya', gahhaa!" He'd walk away without another word, sheathing his blade. He was done- lest another challenger decided to approach- and lose. Again.
  1526. (Dinant Cortet)
  1527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1529. [21:15] As he steps up he is kneed in the chest. The man doesn't flinch even though he didn't expect it. Maybe he didn't feel it? Nevertheless his red hues looked into the Teraphim's eyes. He didn't show any expression. It was quite blank. "Oh... your wanting to fight in his stead? --I don't think this is needed. My clan just left me here."
  1531. "Bid much par te ara." He randomly speaks in an unknown tongue. He readies himself for a fight, a slight shroud of raw mana encased his form and a light shimmer was applied to his fists. If the man wants to fight he would let him attack first.
  1533. "Its this really needed?" He asked.
  1534. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1535. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1537. [21:18] Dun Task says, "This stone will become ash and glass, a monument to all their sins Rinn."
  1538. [21:19] Flames danced and she just couldn't handle the heat, her first fight with someone capable. Not someone close to her power or lying about it. This was fun, she whiffed a lot of abilities, he was fast, calculated, and down right vicious.
  1540. "Yea.. shut up pansy.. wait till I learn to throw a punch so I can toss this cruddy staff.."
  1542. She didn't like to use weapons, they felt unnatural, but this was what she wanted to try in order to get some fun from this engagement. She felt as if Dinant was crazy, after hearing he branded a child after all.
  1544. "When are you lot going out to hunt?"
  1546. Her chest was seared and her flesh and scales were a messed up but.. it'd heal. A section that looked unsightly in the middle of her chest appeared and she was just vexed. She grabbed a handful of snow and iced her torso for the time being.
  1547. (Ignis Brass)
  1548. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1550. [21:21] Dinant Cortet asks, "Brave of you to ask, I suppose you'd like to tag-along, huh?"
  1551. [21:21] Dinant Cortet says, "Soon enough."
  1552. [21:22] Ghostly pale blue eyes met the red of this human's. Weiss had his orders and he was already getting into it. Anyone wanting to still fight Bastiel would be handled by Weiss instead so that delagations could be made.
  1554. "It is. Time to put whatever resistance keeping my High Lady from speaking down. You and whoever else needs to see."
  1556. He jumped back and once again his body phase and appeared somewhere else. Yards away, the crowd would see Weiss manifest and walk slowly to start encircling Ekheim.
  1558. "Your clan wants to alleviate what leadership there is for themselves right? Well that would just create another issue and a new person for Lady Asta to speak to. I'll just keep the changes to a minimum while I'm here."
  1560. In a provoking manner, Weiss would once again phase in and out to warp next to Ekheim and use his sheathed blade to bluntly hit him across the chest. Then again he was some distance away walking.
  1562. "You should probably fight back or else...
  1564. You're gunna have a bad time friend."
  1565. (Weiss Anam)
  1566. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1568. [21:26] Amun whispers something.
  1569. [21:26] Ignis Brass says, "Yea, basically."
  1570. [21:27] Dun would briefly depart to check his stall and water his crops, as any dutiful priest should.
  1571. (Dun Task)
  1572. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574. [21:28] So this is what it was like to see a Teraphim fight up close. In all honesty, they seemed terrifying, but at the same time exciting to fight.
  1576. Weiss faded in and out of sight, teleporting around to lad blow after blow on Ekheim's form. The energy magi fought back, and fought hard, but at the moment it looked like he was just outmatched by the swordsman.
  1578. This was the kind of fight that made him want to jump in --but he wasn't that stupid. Just from seeing all of that he knew he wasn't close to being ready...yet.
  1579. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1580. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1582. [21:31] The teraphim forces him into a fight. Which is sorta sad really. It was clear that he wasn't really wanting to fight at all. While the man strikes into the hard tarnished body of Ekheim, he continues to not seem bothered. A barrage of large and small gashes are made across his already scarred body.
  1584. He seemed to be defending himself more than anything. --He catches a break when he catches the blade with his hand shrouded in a blue aura. Blood seeping out, still. Clearly the man he is fighting is much stronger.
  1586. "My clan wanted no such thing. He betrayed us... or rather that's what I was told. Hints why I see this as pointless."
  1588. The blue aura in his palm grows into a orb as he gets ready to strike and continue the unneeded fight.
  1589. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1590. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1592. [21:36] From what Weiss had learned; Theria was a near lawless land where might was right. So why not make that custom use here? He was tired and impatient having to watch people throw themselves at Bastiel. In order for his Lady to speak to the Warlord uninterrupted? He would play his role and make sure no one stood in the way.
  1594. The Hero of Myllinoris.
  1596. Phasing in and out between this realm and the other worldy. Sometimes he would leave his sword behind and toss it to the next location, only to intercept it and once again batter the man in his unrelenting attack.
  1598. "He betrayed you, that is your opinion. Yet others seem to think his takeover is warranted. This only goes to show me that you would continue to make strides against the man."
  1600. He pondered for a moment. Turning his head to the side to listen to the fragmented whispers of the spirits here in the mountain.
  1602. 'Savagery'
  1604. It was all he could make out, but he agreed with it. These people were definetly lawless, but Weiss would play their game.
  1606. "Even now, you ready yourself. So I accept your invitation."
  1608. Weiss would strike at the man once more!
  1609. (Weiss Anam)
  1610. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1612. [21:43] Even now, their second round went similarly to the first. Ekheim was fast, but it seems as though the Teraphim just had the advantage over him by being able to keep on the pressure.
  1614. Attack after attack, slash after slash, his onslaught knew no end and eventually he'd knock the Kalvorian back once again. At this rate, the entire clan would be put down in a single day, to various forces...
  1615. (Sylas Sieghart)
  1616. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618. [21:44] Rinn says, "This is boring and stupid. I'd literally rather go fish than watch this."
  1619. [21:44] Rinn storms off, STILL mad.
  1620. (Rinn)
  1621. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1623. [21:44] Atlas G. Shar asks, "...?"
  1624. [21:44] Atlas G. Shar says, "That was strange."
  1625. [21:47] He readied himself for another fight since it seemed like it was unavoidable. Which it defiantly was, it was like he was fighting a brick wall. Which ironically is what he is sorta like. Just he couldn't keep up with his fast attacks. 'How is he so fast and durable at the same time.' He could only wonder.
  1627. After he moved in to slam the orb into his opponents chest, attempting to master the ability once more. However it was much more unstable than before. This time he was getting pushed. So much so that the teraphim just simply mended his wounds right after the blow.
  1629. He lets out a gasp of air after the man teleports behind him and strikes him again. He was losing his stamina. He was losing again... It was like many years ago... He has no chance of winning.
  1631. "Not my opinion... A forged -one. It doesn't...-matter. --At motir bal akaanir, ibac cuyir te ara be a warrior" As he starts to struggle more, he starts talking in his native tongue more and more. As it felt natural to him.
  1633. "Ni won't norac daab"
  1635. The slaughter continues...
  1636. (Ekheim Theseus)
  1637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1639. [21:50] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Weiss Anam}
  1640. [21:50] ** Weiss Anam has inflicted an injury upon Ekheim Theseus. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  1641. [22:01] There was little left for Weiss to say. The spirits HaTeD the entities that inhabited this mountain for the last few centuries.
  1643. They told him this.
  1645. It was the Teraphim's duty to bring balance in Esshar. Such was Aschea's desire, which in turn became the Teraphim's dogma. This land was writhing with restless spirits on the brink of becoming Wraiths, so to appease them Weiss spilled the blood of Ekheim in a cruel fashion.
  1647. Phasing from underneath, Ekheim was kicked up into the air and Weiss's sword was thrown up with him. From below, Weiss quickly gathered massive amounts of mana and power from the spirits surrounding him. He glowed an ethereal blur and begun phasing at a rapid pace around Ekheim mid-air.
  1649. To and from back and forth, the energy magi found himself cut into over and over again as Weiss phased around him in the air. It was unrelenting.
  1651. Once he was finished, Weiss landed first and wisped his blade around to clean it of blood, then sheath it slowly. Only when Ekheim hit the ground would the audience hear the clink of Weiss's blade finishing it's sheath.
  1653. "Not without more delay, I will join my Lady Asta in delagations. Unless any of you have a problem with that? Come stop me." The Hero of Myllenoris made his claim before stepping away to the castle in view.
  1654. (Weiss Anam)
  1655. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1657. [22:02] Arthur says, "its there they still got fight in um"
  1658. [22:07] Arthur asks, "Aye your Sylas right? Ya mind giving ma a match?"
  1659. [22:09] The man was tossed around like a ragdoll. After he finally lost his energy. The brutality that the teraphim bared in his combat style made remember his past. As he was getting slashed to bits and pieces he stopped trying to fight. It was over. The man blankly stood there for a moment. Only to be tossed into the air and ran through like a blender.
  1661. The Clothes he wore torn and the neckless that showcased his dedication to his tribe destroyed. Falling on the ground next to his almost limp body. A coat of blood covered it. Making it hard to see.
  1663. He looks up to Weiss. "If... your done. Then go." Only pain was heard in his voice.
  1665. He laid there for a moment before he gets himself up. Heading home, for probably the last time... if not than one of the last times.
  1666. (Ekheim Theseus)
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