
First Person Point and Click Camera Changelog

Nov 18th, 2017
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  1. VERSION 1.1 Update!
  2. [Update] Compatible now with Unreal 4.18!
  3. [New!] By request, the system now supports a simple framework for footsteps during camera transitions! Supports multiple surface materials with no animation graph, and minimal editing in the blueprint! Enable the feature in the player pawn.
  4. [New!] Added support for Event Dispatchers and binded events.
  5. [Fix] Fixed temperamental hotboxes for rotating cameras. Now hovering your mouse just on the edge of a rotating box will now move your camera far more reliably!
  6. [Fix] Fixed a logic bug where the Y and Z limits for rotating cameras had been set backwards. They will now effect the appropriate directions.
  7. [Fix] Several moderate and minor typos and examples corrected in the documentation.
  8. [Fix] Removed some strange meshes and BP geometry that had somehow still remained from the very early days of the project.
  10. VERSION 1.0 Release!
  11. Full release onto the Unreal 4 Marketplace.
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