
Shen - Warrior's Way

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [04:18] <Shen> "Lost something." Shen said. He was leaning up against the side of the house, cooling off his frustration at the doctor.
  2. [04:18] <~Deedles> "No, was looking for you infact." Taishin admits as he turns towards the Storm Dragon.
  3. [04:21] <Shen> "What can I do for you?" he asked nonchelantly, though curiousity seeped through. He twisting his head to look fully at the man.
  4. [04:22] <~Deedles> "I wanted to talk to you before I leave." Taishin tells him as he goes to leans against the wall beside Shen. "About Ming."
  5. [04:23] <Shen> "I guessed as much." he nodded. "Did you speak with her?"
  6. [04:24] <~Deedles> "Yeah..." He nods too. "She's scared, can't say I blame her."
  7. [04:26] <Shen> "She's worried about you." he shrugged. "She cares a lot for you so its only natural. I tried easing her mind but she still needs to find her focus."
  8. [04:28] <~Deedles> "She worries about everyone." Taishin chuckles before smiling faintly "Blossom... She's not as fragile as she seems. She will find her focus."
  9. [04:30] <Shen> He chuckled at that. "She worries especially for you." he corrected, nodding again, "I know she will, now that everything has truly begun for her she will find it. Probably sooner rather than later."
  10. [04:32] <~Deedles> "I'll be fine, which I told her when she spoke to me. What matters is that she's safe, not just for her sake, but for everyone's." He said, folding his arms as he looked up at the starry sky. "Just... Keep her safe, okay?" he looks at Shen with a somber, somewhat sad, expression.
  11. [04:35] <Shen> "I told her the same." he laughed quietly and shrugged, watching the man as he sobers. "We both know that I will give my life to ensure her safety. I wouldn't be able to return home holding such shame and sadness. Nor would I want too."
  12. [04:37] <~Deedles> "I know, that's why I'm asking you." Taishin says as he averts his gaze again "Jian is a good man, and so is Yoshihiro. You all obviously have your hearts in the right place, but you... While we are very different you and I are similar, and you're a Storm Dragon. I'm simply asking that you do for her what I cannot." it seems to pain him to ask.
  13. [04:39] <Shen> "Yet." he corrected the man. "what you cannot do yet." Shen pushed himself off the wall and turned to him. "I have a feeling her resolve will greatly revolve around you and what you represent. She will create a much better world for us all because of it."
  14. [04:42] <~Deedles> Taishin shakes his head with a sad, yet proud, smile. "Maybe so, but she can stand on her own two feet, she doesn't need me like I do her."
  15. [04:43] <Shen> "What do you mean?" he frowns, asking curiously about the last part of the sentence.
  16. [04:45] <~Deedles> Taishin raises a hand to place above his heart. "She gives me a reason to resist the bloodlust, and while I know she cares for and loves me... It is not the same."
  17. [04:50] <Shen> Shen nodded at that, understanding what the man meant, but still unsure. "She can stand on her own two feet, no doubt, but that will not change her feelings towards you. The only difference I see is the way that both powers are used."
  18. [04:51] <~Deedles> Taishin studies him for a moment "How do you mean?" he asks
  19. [04:53] <Shen> "She gives you reason to resist your bloodlust. She sobers your heart. For her, she uses the thought of protecting you, repaying what you have done for her, to stand on her own two feet and become what she is meant to be." Shen rested one of his shoulders back up against the wall. "As a Warrior, that type of resolve is the same."
  20. [04:58] <~Deedles> Taishin looks thoughtful as he nods, smiling slightly "You do have a point there." he agrees as he pushes off the wall, looking up at the sky. "She will do just fine..." he says, holding back a sigh.
  21. [05:00] <Shen> "I believe the same, hoping is not enough for me now." He says, feeling much calmer now after punching the doctor.
  22. [05:03] <~Deedles> "Hope isn't enough for either, not where she is concerned." He nods as he turns back to look at Shen. "I'm certain she'll be safe with you three."
  23. [05:06] <Shen> He nods in appreciation at the gesture. "The only thing she'll suffer is maybe sore feet from the trip. We'll likely travel back to the mountain as quickly as possible rather than risk hanging around Jinlong for Toolong, but we're still to make the plans home."
  24. [05:09] <~Deedles> "Horse would be fastest, but not certain how wise it would be. Ming can't ride, and even if she could ride with someone it would wear out the horse... unless it was mine." Taishin scratches his stubble in thought "Boat would also go quick, taking the river south of Jinlong." he continues to muse.
  25. [05:10] <Shen> "South by boat is probable, Reisuki has a lot of experience with sailing." he states in agreement. "That's how we got here from Haizhou. We'll need to find a bigger boat, mind."
  26. [05:13] <~Deedles> Taishin looks thoughtful before he shrugs "Think Hayato owns a boat." he says "If he doesn't then you could buy one, or steal one."
  27. [05:14] <Shen> "We'll get one either way, I'll discuss it with the others later."
  28. [05:15] <~Deedles> "Yeah, for now we should probably head inside." Taishin sniffs the air "Think dinners is being made."
  29. [05:16] <Shen> "That drunk better of made some dumplings." he grins to himself.
  30. [05:17] <~Deedles> "... Dumplings?" Taishin slowly breaks into a faint grin "I like dumplings." he admits as they head for the door.
  31. [05:19] <Shen> "The eat them all, you die where you stand." he muses lightly as he follows Taishin into the house.
  32. [05:20] <~Deedles> Taishin laughs "Don't worry, food is one of the sacred things in these world."
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