
BossSystem | Skript

Jun 6th, 2022
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  1. #This skript is made by MightyTiger
  4. options:
  5. #names
  6. prefix: &9&lApolloBoxx
  7. shark: &9&lShark &bBoss
  8. devil: &4&lDevil &cBoss
  9. darkknight: &5&lDarkKnight &dboss
  10. sandstormer: &6SandStormer &eBoss
  12. #item drops
  13. sharkdrop: prismarine crystals named "&b&lShark Fragment"
  14. sharkdropname: &b&lShark Fragment
  15. devildrop: prismarine crystals named "&c&lA piece of the devil"
  16. devildropname: &c&lA piece of the devil
  17. darkknightdrop: prismarine crystals named "&d&lMagic bone"
  18. darkknightdropname: &d&lMagic bone
  19. sandstormerdrop: prismarine crystals named "&e&lA piece of sand"
  20. sandstormerdropname: &e&lA piece of sand
  22. #timers
  23. sharktimer: 10
  24. deviltimer: 10
  25. darkknighttimer: 10
  26. sandstormertimer: 10
  28. command /bosshelp:
  29. permission: help.bosses
  30. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  31. trigger:
  32. set {global.event.spawn} to player's position
  33. send "{@prefix} &8» &7Boss &bCommands."
  34. send "&bhelp &8» &7/bosshelp"
  35. send "&bbosslist &8» &7/bosslist"
  36. send "&blocation bosses &8» &7/setbosslocation <bossname>"
  37. send "&bopen gui &8» &7/bossgui"
  38. send "&benable a boss &8» &7/enableboss <bossname>"
  39. send "&bdisable a boss &8» &7/disableboss <bossname>"
  41. command /bosslist:
  42. permission: moblist.bosses
  43. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  44. trigger:
  45. set {global.event.spawn} to player's position
  46. send "{@prefix} &8» &7Boss &bList."
  47. send "&8- &7Shark"
  48. send "&8- &7Devil"
  49. send "&8- &7DarkKnight"
  50. send "&8- &7Sandstormer"
  52. command /bossgui:
  53. permission: gui.bosses
  54. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  55. trigger:
  56. set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&9&lBosses &bGUI"
  57. set slot 0 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  58. set slot 1 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  59. set slot 2 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7click here to &9&lEnable &bBosses"
  60. set slot 3 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  61. set slot 4 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  62. set slot 5 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  63. set slot 6 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7click here to &9&lDisable &bBosses"
  64. set slot 7 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  65. set slot 8 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  66. set slot 9 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  67. set slot 10 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  68. set slot 11 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  69. set slot 12 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  70. set slot 13 of {_gui} to blue concrete named "&7click here to Set the &9&lBoss &bLocations"
  71. set slot 14 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  72. set slot 15 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  73. set slot 16 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  74. set slot 17 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  75. set slot 18 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  76. set slot 19 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  77. set slot 20 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7click here for &9&lBoss &bHelp"
  78. set slot 21 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  79. set slot 22 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  80. set slot 23 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  81. set slot 24 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7click here to see the &9&lboss &bList"
  82. set slot 25 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  83. set slot 26 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  84. open {_gui} to player
  86. # MAIN GUI ------------------------------------------
  88. on inventory click:
  89. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  90. if index of event-slot = 20:
  91. cancel event
  92. make player execute command "/bosshelp"
  93. on inventory click:
  94. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  95. if index of event-slot = 24:
  96. cancel event
  97. make player execute command "/bosslist"
  98. on inventory click:
  99. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  100. if index of event-slot <= 26:
  101. cancel event
  103. # LOCATIONS GUI -------------------------------------
  105. on inventory click:
  106. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  107. if index of event-slot = 13:
  108. cancel event
  109. set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&9&lBoss &bLocations"
  110. set slot 0 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  111. set slot 1 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  112. set slot 2 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  113. set slot 3 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  114. set slot 4 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  115. set slot 5 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  116. set slot 6 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  117. set slot 7 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  118. set slot 8 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  119. set slot 9 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  120. set slot 10 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click here to set &9&lboss&7 location for &bShark"
  121. set slot 11 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click here to set &9&lboss&7 location for &bDevil"
  122. set slot 12 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click here to set &9&lboss&7 location for &bDarkknight"
  123. set slot 13 of {_gui} to blue concrete named "&7click here to go &9&lback"
  124. set slot 14 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click here to set &9&lboss&7 location for &bSandstormer"
  125. set slot 15 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  126. set slot 16 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  127. set slot 17 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  128. set slot 18 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  129. set slot 19 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  130. set slot 20 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  131. set slot 21 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  132. set slot 22 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  133. set slot 23 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  134. set slot 24 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  135. set slot 25 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  136. set slot 26 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  137. open {_gui} to player
  139. on inventory click:
  140. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  141. if index of event-slot = 10:
  142. cancel event
  143. make player execute command "/setbosslocation shark"
  144. on inventory click:
  145. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  146. if index of event-slot = 11:
  147. cancel event
  148. make player execute command "/setbosslocation devil"
  149. on inventory click:
  150. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  151. if index of event-slot = 12:
  152. cancel event
  153. make player execute command "/setbosslocation darkknight"
  154. on inventory click:
  155. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  156. if index of event-slot = 13:
  157. cancel event
  158. make player execute command "/bossgui"
  159. on inventory click:
  160. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  161. if index of event-slot = 14:
  162. cancel event
  163. make player execute command "/setbosslocation sandstormer"
  164. on inventory click:
  165. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  166. if index of event-slot = 15:
  167. cancel event
  168. on inventory click:
  169. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  170. if index of event-slot = 16:
  171. cancel event
  172. on inventory click:
  173. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bLocations":
  174. if index of event-slot <= 26:
  175. cancel event
  177. # ENABLE GUI ---------------------------------------
  179. on inventory click:
  180. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  181. if index of event-slot = 2:
  182. cancel event
  183. set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&9&lBoss &bEnable"
  184. set slot 0 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  185. set slot 1 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  186. set slot 2 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  187. set slot 3 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  188. set slot 4 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  189. set slot 5 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  190. set slot 6 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  191. set slot 7 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  192. set slot 8 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  193. set slot 9 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  194. set slot 10 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&lenable &7the &9&lboss &bShark"
  195. set slot 11 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&lenable &7the &9&lboss &bDevil"
  196. set slot 12 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&lenable &7the &9&lboss &bDarkknight"
  197. set slot 13 of {_gui} to blue concrete named "&7click here to go &9&lback"
  198. set slot 14 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&lenable &7the &9&lboss &bSandstormer"
  199. set slot 15 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  200. set slot 16 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  201. set slot 17 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  202. set slot 18 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  203. set slot 19 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  204. set slot 20 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  205. set slot 21 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  206. set slot 22 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  207. set slot 23 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  208. set slot 24 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  209. set slot 25 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  210. set slot 26 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  211. open {_gui} to player
  213. on inventory click:
  214. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  215. if index of event-slot = 10:
  216. cancel event
  217. make player execute command "/enableboss shark"
  218. on inventory click:
  219. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  220. if index of event-slot = 11:
  221. cancel event
  222. make player execute command "/enableboss devil"
  223. on inventory click:
  224. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  225. if index of event-slot = 12:
  226. cancel event
  227. make player execute command "/enableboss darkknight"
  228. on inventory click:
  229. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  230. if index of event-slot = 13:
  231. cancel event
  232. make player execute command "/bossgui"
  233. on inventory click:
  234. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  235. if index of event-slot = 14:
  236. cancel event
  237. make player execute command "/enableboss sandstormer"
  238. on inventory click:
  239. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  240. if index of event-slot = 15:
  241. cancel event
  242. on inventory click:
  243. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  244. if index of event-slot = 16:
  245. cancel event
  246. on inventory click:
  247. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bEnable":
  248. if index of event-slot <= 26:
  249. cancel event
  251. # DISABLE GUI --------------------------------------
  253. on inventory click:
  254. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBosses &bGUI":
  255. if index of event-slot = 6:
  256. cancel event
  257. set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&9&lBoss &bDisable"
  258. set slot 0 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  259. set slot 1 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  260. set slot 2 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  261. set slot 3 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  262. set slot 4 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  263. set slot 5 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  264. set slot 6 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  265. set slot 7 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  266. set slot 8 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  267. set slot 9 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  268. set slot 10 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&ldisable &7the &9&lboss &bShark"
  269. set slot 11 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&ldisable &7the &9&lboss &bDevil"
  270. set slot 12 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&ldisable &7the &9&lboss &bDarkknight"
  271. set slot 13 of {_gui} to blue concrete named "&7click here to go &9&lback"
  272. set slot 14 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&7Click to &9&ldisable &7the &9&lboss &bSandstormer"
  273. set slot 15 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  274. set slot 16 of {_gui} to light blue concrete named "&bSoon"
  275. set slot 17 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  276. set slot 18 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  277. set slot 19 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  278. set slot 20 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  279. set slot 21 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  280. set slot 22 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  281. set slot 23 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  282. set slot 24 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  283. set slot 25 of {_gui} to light blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  284. set slot 26 of {_gui} to blue stained glass pane named "&0?"
  285. open {_gui} to player
  287. on inventory click:
  288. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  289. if index of event-slot = 10:
  290. cancel event
  291. make player execute command "/disableboss shark"
  292. on inventory click:
  293. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  294. if index of event-slot = 11:
  295. cancel event
  296. make player execute command "/disableboss devil"
  297. on inventory click:
  298. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  299. if index of event-slot = 12:
  300. cancel event
  301. make player execute command "/disableboss darkknight"
  302. on inventory click:
  303. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  304. if index of event-slot = 13:
  305. cancel event
  306. make player execute command "/bossgui"
  307. on inventory click:
  308. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  309. if index of event-slot = 14:
  310. cancel event
  311. make player execute command "/disableboss sandstormer"
  312. on inventory click:
  313. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  314. if index of event-slot = 15:
  315. cancel event
  316. on inventory click:
  317. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  318. if index of event-slot = 16:
  319. cancel event
  320. on inventory click:
  321. if name of event-inventory is "&9&lBoss &bDisable":
  322. if index of event-slot <= 26:
  323. cancel event
  325. command /setbosslocation [<text>]:
  326. permission: setlocation.bosses
  327. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  328. trigger:
  329. if arg-1 is not set:
  330. send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
  331. else:
  332. if arg 1 is "shark":
  333. set {boss.shark.location} to player's position
  334. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@shark} &7has been set."
  335. else:
  336. if arg 1 is "devil":
  337. set {boss.devil.location} to player's position
  338. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@devil} &7has been set."
  339. else:
  340. if arg 1 is "darkknight":
  341. set {boss.darkknight.location} to player's position
  342. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@darkknight} &7has been set."
  343. else:
  344. if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
  345. set {boss.sandstormer.location} to player's position
  346. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@sandstormer} &7has been set."
  348. command /enableboss [<text>]:
  349. permission: enable.bosses
  350. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  351. trigger:
  352. if arg-1 is not set:
  353. send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
  354. else:
  355. if arg 1 is "shark":
  356. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@shark}&7 is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
  357. set {spawn.shark} to true
  358. else:
  359. if arg 1 is "devil":
  360. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@devil} &7is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
  361. set {spawn.devil} to true
  362. else:
  363. if arg 1 is "darkknight":
  364. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@darkknight}&7 is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
  365. set {spawn.darkknight} to true
  366. else:
  367. if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
  368. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@sandstormer} is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
  369. set {spawn.sandstormer} to true
  371. command /disableboss [<text>]:
  372. permission: enable.bosses
  373. permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
  374. trigger:
  375. if arg-1 is not set:
  376. send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
  377. else:
  378. if arg 1 is "shark":
  379. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@shark}&7 is now &bdisabled."
  380. set {spawn.shark} to false
  381. else:
  382. if arg 1 is "devil":
  383. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@devil}&7 is now &bdisabled."
  384. set {spawn.devil} to false
  385. else:
  386. if arg 1 is "darkknight":
  387. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@darkknight}&7 is now &bdisabled."
  388. set {spawn.darkknight} to false
  389. else:
  390. if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
  391. send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@sandstormer}&7 is now &bdisabled."
  392. set {spawn.sandstormer} to false
  394. set {b::shark} to zombie
  395. set {b::devil} to zombie
  396. set {b::darkknight} to zombie
  397. set {b::sandstormer} to zombie
  399. every {@sharktimer} minutes in "world":
  400. if {spawn.shark} is true:
  401. if {b::shark} = 1:
  402. spawn ("%{b::shark}%" parsed as entitytype) at {boss.shark.location}
  403. # helmet
  404. set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
  405. # chestplate
  406. set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
  407. dye {_chestplate} cyan
  408. set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
  409. # leggings
  410. set {_leggings} to leather leggings
  411. dye {_leggings} cyan
  412. set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
  413. # boots
  414. set {_boots} to leather boots
  415. dye {_boots} cyan
  416. set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
  417. set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
  418. set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
  419. set health of last spawned zombie to 40
  420. set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@shark}"
  421. apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
  422. set {b::shark} to 0
  423. stop
  425. every {@deviltimer} minutes in "world":
  426. if {spawn.devil} is true:
  427. if {b::devil} = 1:
  428. spawn ("%{b::devil}%" parsed as entitytype) at {boss.devil.location}
  429. # helmet
  430. set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
  431. # chestplate
  432. set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
  433. dye {_chestplate} red
  434. set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
  435. # leggings
  436. set {_leggings} to leather leggings
  437. dye {_leggings} red
  438. set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
  439. # boots
  440. set {_boots} to leather boots
  441. dye {_boots} red
  442. set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
  443. set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
  444. set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
  445. set health of last spawned zombie to 40
  446. set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@devil}"
  447. apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
  448. set {b::devil} to 0
  449. stop
  451. every {@darkknighttimer} minutes in "world":
  452. if {spawn.darkknight} is true:
  453. if {b::darkknight} = 1:
  454. spawn ("%{b::darkknight}%" parsed as entitytype) at {boss.darkknight.location}
  455. # helmet
  456. set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
  457. # chestplate
  458. set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
  459. dye {_chestplate} black
  460. set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
  461. # leggings
  462. set {_leggings} to leather leggings
  463. dye {_leggings} black
  464. set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
  465. # boots
  466. set {_boots} to leather boots
  467. dye {_boots} black
  468. set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
  469. set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
  470. set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
  471. set health of last spawned zombie to 40
  472. set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@darkknight}"
  473. apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
  474. set {b::darkknight} to 0
  475. stop
  477. every {@sandstormertimer} minutes in "world":
  478. if {spawn.sandstormer} is true:
  479. if {b::sandstormer} = 1:
  480. spawn ("%{b::sandstormer}%" parsed as entitytype) at {boss.sandstormer.location}
  481. # helmet
  482. set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
  483. # chestplate
  484. set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
  485. dye {_chestplate} yellow
  486. set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
  487. # leggings
  488. set {_leggings} to leather leggings
  489. dye {_leggings} yellow
  490. set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
  491. # boots
  492. set {_boots} to leather boots
  493. dye {_boots} yellow
  494. set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
  495. set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
  496. set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
  497. set health of last spawned zombie to 40
  498. set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@sandstormer}"
  499. apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
  500. set {b::sandstormer} to 0
  501. stop
  503. on death:
  504. if attacker is a player:
  505. if name of victim is "{@shark}":
  506. clear the drops
  507. set {_drop} to glowing {@sharkdrop}
  508. drop {_drop} at victim's location
  509. set {b::shark} to 1
  511. on death:
  512. if attacker is a player:
  513. if name of victim is "{@devil}":
  514. clear the drops
  515. set {_drop} to glowing {@devildrop}
  516. drop {_drop} at victim's location
  517. set {b::devil} to 1
  519. on death:
  520. if attacker is a player:
  521. if name of victim is "{@darkknight}":
  522. clear the drops
  523. set {_drop} to glowing {@darkknightdrop}
  524. drop {_drop} at victim's location
  525. set {b::darkknight} to 1
  527. on death:
  528. if attacker is a player:
  529. if name of victim is "{@sandstormer":
  530. clear the drops
  531. set {_drop} to glowing {@sandstormerdrop}
  532. drop {_drop} at victim's location
  533. set {b::sandstormer} to 1
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