

Apr 20th, 2013
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  1. Consider this a sequel to those Cakelestia fics. Contains anon, fatness and butts.
  3. >You've been summoned to Canterlot's royal palace
  4. >The guards hurriedly shoo you in, towards Princess Celestia's private chambers
  5. >You have no clue why you're here, you haven't done anything wrong, but a summons is a summons
  6. >You arrive at the doors to her quarters, and ease them open themselves
  7. >And struggle to keep your jaw from hitting the floor
  8. >An enormous sunbutt is sprawled on the large bed before you
  9. >Her fat, round middle bulges towards you, squeezed between her forelegs and her very rounded flanks
  10. >She greets you with a smile on her chubby face
  11. >A large chocolate cake is on the bed before her
  12. >"Welcome Anon, you're just in time to join us!"
  14. >"Y-you wanted to see me, princess?"
  15. >"Why yes, Anon!" she replies pleasantly. Twilight's told me all about you in her letters."
  16. >Oh god Twilight what have you told her
  17. >"I've been indulging my sweet tooth a bit lately," Celestia remarks, glancing at the cake while absentmindedly poking her belly with a hoof
  18. >"And while this cake is delicious, I find it would taste even better with some company..."
  19. >Is she suggesting what you think she's suggesting?
  20. >"So, Anon," Celestia says in a low voice, "would you care to join me?"
  21. >Oh god she is
  22. >You walk towards the embiggened princess and give a little (nervous) bow
  23. >"Princess Celestia, it would be an honor."
  24. >She smiles radiantly as you clamber onto the bed beside her fattened body
  26. >"Oh anon, this cake is so delicious. Would you...feed it to me?"
  27. >She blushes as you twinge at her request
  28. >You cannot believe your luck, sunbutt's gotten herself all chubby and wants you to feed her cake
  29. >"I'm sorry, am I being too forward? It's just...magic is only so exciting and..."
  30. >You silence her by grabbing a slice of cake in your bare hand and lifting it towards her mouth
  31. >Fuck silverware, you know where this is going
  32. >Celestia promptly devours the dessert, biting off moist mouthfuls from the slice in your hand
  33. >She's visibly delighted by the fudgy flavor
  34. >You begin stroking her belly with one hand, while feeding the princess handfuls of cake with the other
  35. >Her middle is exceedingly squishy, your hand sinking into her warm flab
  36. >The princess coos happily as you continue massaging her middle
  37. >Your other hand is covered in messy chocolate from holding pieces of the fudgy dessert
  38. >Celestia notices, and leans forward to lick the fudge and crumbs from your hand
  39. >You struggle to keep your boner under control while the pony princess seductively licks and sucks your fingers clean
  41. >With half of the cake devoured, Celestia pauses, rolling off her side
  42. >Her gut pools outwards as she rolls onto her fattened middle
  43. >You move closer down to sunbutt's flanks; if you're going too fast, she sure isn't complaining
  44. >The princess shivers, wings twitching as you run your fingers down her back
  45. >You move to prod and massage her plump rear
  46. >It's impressively proportioned, two white globes padded with inches of fat
  47. >You notice something tied around her butt
  48. >It's a pair of thin, pink panties that appear many sizes too small
  49. >The fabric is stretched taut, and digs deeply into the alicorn's flanks
  50. >"And what's this?" you ask, tugging at the tense fabric, noting that the threads are starting to give
  51. >"Oh," Celestia blushes deeply, "well I borrowed it from Princess Cadance's wardrobe, and I thought a human might like them..."
  52. >Well, she was certainly right about that
  53. >You give those panties another twang and watch her soft flesh ripple
  55. >"Do you like my flanks, anon?"
  56. >Celestia slowly rises on her hooves, struggling to lift her jiggling hindquarters
  57. >Suddenly she rears back, pushing her massive butt towards you
  58. >You fall back onto the pillows as the princess' butt squashes against your lower body
  59. >There's a loud 'RRRIIIIIIPP' as Celestia's panties tear away, unable to constrain her expanded bottom
  60. >Celestia looks back worriedly; "oh Anon, are you alright?"
  61. >"Yeah!" you gasp, struggling to breathe under her weight
  62. >Your taut cock is enveloped between her squishy, warm cheeks
  63. >Her warmth is making you sweat and you think your legs are falling asleep
  64. >You attempt to push the alicorn off of you, your hands sinking far into her cushy, pillowy flab
  65. >The princess slowly pulls herself off you, collapsing forward onto her belly
  66. >"I'm so sorry, Anon!" Celestia cries, her pudgy face profusely red
  67. >"S'alright," you groan, recovering your breath
  68. >You pluck threads of the ruined panties off Celestia's plumpened ass
  69. >"Let's just take it a little slower; finish your cake."
  71. >You continue massaging Celestia's body, slowly squeezing and kneading her rear
  72. >The princess slowly begins levitating over and devouring what's left of the cake
  73. >At this point your boner is begging you to get on with it
  74. >You knead apart the alicorn's rump, eventually revealing her wet, swollen marehood
  75. >Celestia murmurs to herself as you massage and probe her
  76. >She suddenly gasps as you attempt to enter her, sinking your cock as far as you can past her bloated rump
  77. >You slowly begin thrusting, prompting her to groan and shudder while stuffing herself with her remaining dessert
  78. >Celestia buries her face in the cake, sloppily devouring it as you rut her from behind
  79. >You pull on the base of her tail for leverage to push yourself deeper into her
  80. >The soft flesh of her ass keeps your cock from fully entering her eager marehood
  81. >You move your hands outward, grabbing handfuls of doughy flesh
  82. >Finally you reach across her cutie marks and grip her flabby hips
  83. >Celestia moans as you force yourself into her, finally filling her waiting vagina
  85. >You really have to pump hard to please the fattened princess
  86. >Celestia's jiggling and rolling across the bed with each thrust, her mane and tail flowing every which way
  87. >She's frantically lapping up the last lumps of cake, her face coated in fudge and crumbs
  88. >"Umph...oomph...ungh...ooh!" she cries through mouthfuls of dessert
  89. >All this motion is intoxicating, you thrust faster and harder into her flab
  90. >You feel yourself peaking, and with one last push you come hard into the alicorn princess
  91. >Her eager marehood milks your cock for every drop
  92. >Celestia's hooves go limp and she cries in ecstacy, her head pressed against the empty cake tray
  93. >The alicorn finally releases you and you collapse against her massive, heaving rump
  95. >You slowly recover and pry yourself off the soft alicorn's back
  96. >The princess groans again as she rolls to her side, then onto her back
  97. >Her forehooves stroke her swollen middle
  98. >"Th-thank you, Anon," Celestia pants. "That was...delightful..."
  99. >"Do you need any help, princess?" you ask, pulling on your clothes
  100. >" thank you," she replies. "I'm...full..." as she presses her middle for emphasis
  101. >She rolls back onto her side, ruffling her wings and shifting her luminescent mane
  102. >You begin collecting your clothes
  103. >As you finish dressing you hear snoring from the bed
  104. >Subutt's passed out amidst the crumbs of her dessert, cradling her heaving middle
  105. >"Princess Celestia..." you begin to say
  106. >"...I'll show myself out."
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