
Lincoln and Liam's Sweet Surprise.

Aug 22nd, 2016
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  1. >Lincoln was lying on his bed reading his comics when he felt his bladder start to ache
  2. >"Whoa" Lincoln remarked "I shouldn't have had all that soda"
  3. >Lincoln quickly rushed to the bathroom, not bothering to put on his pants
  4. >after a good long relieving wizz, he started to head back to his room, when he suddenly heard some moaning coming from Liam's room
  5. >"The heck is that" thought Lincoln as he peeked through the slightly opened door
  6. >Liam was sitting on the bed, and on his knees in-front of him was Lynn
  7. >"Gee Lynn" Started Liam "I had my doubts at first, But you Really don't SUCK at this. Eh, Eh, Get it?"
  8. >"I would say that you are good at this because you have a dick, but that would be a PHALLUSY, HAHA!"
  9. >Lynn was too busy to pay attention to Liam's terrible jokes
  10. >"Here it comes little bro!" Liam pulled out and came all over Lynn's face
  11. >"I would explain myself *Huff* *Huff* But I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from, heh, cumming from."
  12. >"Hmm" Lincoln thought to himself "Maybe it's time to get Liam into the game"
  13. >Fast forward a few days
  14. >"Hey Liam" said Lincoln "What'cha up to?"
  15. >"Oh, Hey Linc!" Replied Liam "I was just brushing up on my ventriloquism, I'm afraid my act has been a bit WOODEN, heheheh"
  16. >Lincoln rolled his eyes
  17. >"So uh, I see you and Lynn have been spending some quality time together" remarked Lincoln
  18. >"Heh heh, I uh... I don't know what you mean Lincoln" replied Liam, pulling the collar of his Dummy nervously
  19. >"Oh I think you do" said Lincoln with a sly grin on his face "You really need to close the door when you do that, ya know"
  20. >"You uh, You're not going to tell anyone are you Linc?" Asked Liam, feeling backed into a corner
  21. >"Oh no, of-course not!" Replied Lincoln in a reassuring voice "In-fact, I wanna help you"
  23. >"Help me?" Questioned Liam "How?"
  24. >"Well, what if we played a joke on Lynn" replied Lincoln
  25. >"A joke? What kind of joke?" asked Lynn excitedly
  26. >"Well, what it the next time Lynn gave you a blowjob, something other than cum came out?"
  27. >"Something other than cum?" asked Liam confusedly "Like what?"
  28. >"How about....Chocolate milk!" replied Lincoln
  29. >"CHOCOLATE MILK!?" exclaimed Liam "Oh man, That'd be great! But how would we even get that to work?"
  30. >"You leave that to me" Said Lincoln "We'll meet here tomorrow an hour before you meet Lynn and set it up"
  31. >"Alright Linc, See you then!" replied Liam
  32. >Fast forward a day, 30 minutes before Lynn and Liam meet up again
  33. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  34. >"Who is it?" asked Liam
  35. >"It's me" replied Lincoln "I've got the stuff for the prank"
  36. >Liam let Lincoln in, Making sure to look around to see if anyone was following him
  37. >"Ok Linc" Started Liam excitedly "So, how do we do this?"
  38. >"Take off your pants and take a seat" Instructed Lincoln "I'll take care of the rest"
  39. >Liam sat on the bed
  40. >Lincoln reached into a small cooler and pulled out a bottle of lube, a flexible Silicon tube with a T on the end, and 2 syringes, each one attached to a clear rubber hose
  41. >one was full of Milk, The other was full of chocolate syrup
  42. >"So uh, what are you going to do?" Asked Liam
  43. >"Well first, we have to get you hard" replied Lincoln
  44. >"So do you want me to-aaah!"
  45. >Lincoln began to lick Liam's cock, making sure to get it nice and hard
  46. >"G-Geez Linc, Warn me when you're gonna do that" remarked Liam, His voice wavering and quiet
  47. >"Heh, sorry bout that" replied Lincoln as he began to lube up the tube attached to the milk filled syringe
  48. >"Deep breath Liam" Instructed Lincoln
  50. >Lincoln slowly inserted the tube eliciting a moan from Liam
  51. >"Geez Linc, This is almost TUBE weird, even for me" joked Liam
  52. >"Almost there Liam" replied Lincoln "Just a few more inches to the, Here we go"
  53. >The sound had reached Liam's bladder, and with one small push, it was in
  54. >"Hope you're ready Liam" said Lincoln "Here comes the milk"
  55. >With a firm push, Lincoln injected the milk into Liam's bladder
  56. >The sensation was better than Liam expected
  57. >"AAAH, AAAH SHITAAAAAAAH" Liam shouted
  58. >"Feels good?" Lincoln asked
  59. >"D-D-Dairy good" replied Liam, still reeling from this new sensation he was feeling
  60. >With the milk all in, Lincoln removed the tube from Liam's dick, and inserted the other one
  61. >"Alright Liam" started Lincoln "HERE COMES THE CHOCOLATE!"
  62. >Lincoln gave the plunger a heavy push, quickly injecting all the chocolate into Liam's bladder
  63. >"AAAAH, AAAAAHHGHHHHAAAAAA" Shouted Liam, too enthralled to even crack a joke
  64. >The chocolate syrup sat heavy in Liam's bladder, sinking to the bottom and pressing on the bladders walls
  65. >"*Huff* *Puff* Wow" Said Liam, breathing heavily "That was intense"
  66. >"Yeah, but..." said Lincoln
  67. >"Buh-But what?" asked Liam, not sure how much more he could take
  68. >"We still need to mix it" replied Lincoln
  69. >"Huh, How?" asked Liam
  70. >"With THIS!" exclaimed Lincoln, holding the flexible silicon rod
  71. >As Lincoln Lubed up the rod, Liam grew nervous
  72. >"Uh, Linc" started Liam "How uh, How is that going to mix the chocolate milk?"
  73. >"oh, you'll see" Replied Lincoln "You're going to love this"
  75. >As Lincoln inserted the rod, the T end scraped against the inside of Liam's urethra
  76. >"aah, AAAAH" cried Liam as the T snaked its way towards his bladder
  77. >"Easy does it Liam" said Lincoln "We don't want to blow our load yet"
  78. >As the Rod came to Liam's bladder, it stopped
  79. >"Huh, stuck is it?" asked Lincoln "Well, I think we need one...more....PUSH!"
  80. >With one final big push the T rod was inside Liam's bladder
  81. >"Ughhmmmmnnaaaa, it's *Huff* it's in" said Liam under heavy breath "N-Now what?"
  82. >"Now, We mix" Lincoln replied
  83. >Lincoln put his hands around the end of the Silicon rod like he was using a stick to start a fire, and began to rub his hands together, causing the rod to spin
  84. >"W-Whuh, What are YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!" Liam screamed as the T spun about through his bladder, mixing the chocolate sauce with the milk
  85. >"AAAALLLLLMOST THERE BRO!" Said Lincoln
  86. >After a good 2-3 minutes of stirring, Lincoln abruptly stopped
  87. >"There we go, That should do it" Said Lincoln as he pulled the rod out
  88. >"Now you just rest a few minutes, and get ready for Lynn, I'm gonna go read for a bit. Good Luck"
  89. >Lincoln went to his room and read some comics as he waited
  90. >*Thump Thump Thump Thump*
  91. >Lincoln could hear Lynn run up the stairs, having just gotten home from soccer practice
  92. >Lincoln cracked the door to see Lynn going to Liam's room
  93. >"Hey Lynn" said Liam "Ready for round two?"
  94. >Lynn closed the door as he went in
  95. >Lincoln crept out of his room to the door
  96. >He put His ear to the door
  97. >"MMMnnnn, aaah, that's so good Lynn, and here I thought I would have to Wonka by myself"
  98. >Lincoln couldn't help but roll his eyes at that one
  99. >"MMMnnn, Getting close, MMNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"
  100. >"WHAT THE FUCK!" Screamed Lynn
  101. >"What's the matter Lynn CHOCcing under pressure? HAHAHAHAH!"
  103. >"Jeeze Lynn, There's no need to shout" Replied Liam "It's gonna sound like a CACAOphony in here! HAHAHAHAHAAH Get it?"
  104. >"All according to plan" Said Lincoln to himself "Maybe next time I'll go with banana flavored syrup
  106. END
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