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Jun 13th, 2011
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  3. Steam group: - join the Facepunch League of Legends group or be SQUARE.
  5. Free Champions - Week 48:
  7. Alistar
  8. Corki
  9. Gangplank
  10. Heimerdinger
  11. Janna
  12. Veigar
  13. Garen
  14. Galio
  15. Caitlyn
  16. Nocturne
  20. Latest Patch Notes:
  21. [release]New Skins in the Store
  22. Gothic Orianna
  23. Sewn Chaos Orianna
  25. Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork
  26. Clockwork Windup (Passive): Orianna’s autoattacks deal additional magic damage every hit, subsequent attacks on the same target within a few seconds will add more damage per hit. This bonus stacks up to three times.
  27. Attack: Orianna commands her ball to fly towards target location, dealing damage to targets hit but doing reduced damage for each additional target hit. Her ball remains behind at that location afterwards.
  28. Dissonance: Orianna commands her ball to emit a magnetic pulse, dealing damage to units around it. Afterwards, the ball leaves a field behind for a few seconds that speeds up allies and slows enemies.
  29. Protect
  30. (Passive): The allied champion the ball is attached to gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.
  31. (Active): Orianna commands her ball to fly to and attach onto an allied champion, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and shielding the allied champion when it arrives.
  32. Shockwave: Orianna commands her ball to emit a shockwave after a short delay, flinging affected enemies in the vicinity into the air a set distance towards, and possibly over, her ball.
  33. __________________________________________________ _____________________________
  34. New Items in the Store
  35. Frostfire Annie
  36. Wasteland Miss Fortune
  37. Summoner Name Change
  39. v1.36.14
  40. Summoners can now setup multiple mastery pages in their Summoner Profile to select from during Champion Selection, up to a maximum of 10.
  42. League of Legends
  43. Alistar
  44. Health per level reduced to 102 from 110
  45. Pulverize
  46. Ability power ratio reduced to .6 from .8
  47. Reduced the chance of failed knockups near terrain
  48. Headbutt
  49. Base damage reduced to 85/130/175/220/265 from 85/135/185/235/285
  50. Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from 1
  52. Annie
  53. Disintegrate
  54. Ability power ratio increased to .75 from .6
  55. Damage reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 80/125/170/215/260
  56. Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
  57. Incinerate
  58. Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .6
  59. Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 85/145/205/265/325
  60. Mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
  61. Summon: Tibbers
  62. Mana cost reduced to 125/175/225 from 150/200/250
  63. No longer gives experience on death
  64. Gold bounty increased to 50 from 15
  65. Now gains health per rank: 1200/1600/2000
  66. Now gains armor per rank: 30/50/70
  67. Now gains magic resist per rank: 25/45/65
  68. Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds
  69. Area-of-effect burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40/60/80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
  70. Restored old animation (skip hop run) to Annie
  72. Cho'Gath
  73. Reduced the chance of Rupture failing to knock up the target
  75. Galio
  76. Idol Of Durand's damage range now matches the taunt range
  78. Irelia
  79. Bladesurge damage reduced to 20/50/80/110/140 from 20/55/90/125/160
  80. Transcendent Blades
  81. Now heals for 10% vs minions, and 20% vs champions.
  82. Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
  83. Deals physical damage instead of magic damage.
  84. Scales with attack damage and ability power
  86. Kog'Maw
  87. Updated recommended items
  88. Caustic Spittle
  89. Cast range increased to 625 from 600
  90. Now lowers both magic resist and armor
  91. Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 17
  92. Living Artillery now scales with attack damage and ability power at a 0.5 ratio
  93. Void Ooze width increased slightly
  95. Rumble
  96. Junkyard Titan bonus damage on basic attacks no longer procs Rylais or works with Spell Vamp
  97. Flamespitter cooldown increased by 1 second
  98. Fixed a bug where Rumble's ultimate would display the wrong team indicator on some machines with low graphics settings
  100. Sivir
  101. Boomerang Blade
  102. Missile speed increased to 1350 from 1200
  103. Attack damage ratio increased to 1 from .95
  104. Base damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 75/120/165/210/255
  106. Vayne
  107. Movement speed reduced to 305 from 310
  108. Range decreased to 550 from 555
  109. Tumble mana cost increased to 40 from 35.
  110. Silver Bolts base damage reduced to 20/30/40/50/60 from 30/40/50/60/70
  111. Condemn base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/100/140/180/220
  113. Vladimir
  114. Transfusion heal reduced to 15/25/35/45/55 from 17.5/28.75/40/51.25/62.5
  116. Items
  117. Moonflair Spellblade combine cost lowered to 340 from 430
  118. Hextech Revolver's Spell Vamp component is now Unique
  120. General
  121. Only very long-range abilities such as Enchanted Crystal Arrow will cast using the minimap, other spells will no longer cast using the minimap.
  122. Cursor-cast spells, which cast at the location of your mouse cursor without requiring a left-click, will cast through parts of the UI (including the minimap) as though you were targeting the ground underneath
  123. The Havoc mastery now increases total physical and magic damage dealt by 4%, instead of increasing base physical and magic damage dealt by 5%
  124. [/release]
  126. What is League of Legends?
  128. If you're familiar with WC3, and/or the DotA series that spawned from it (DotA, DotA: Allstars, HoN, etc.), here's an article to get you started:
  130. For those not familiar with DotA, the gameplay of League of Legends can best be described as a session-based action RPG. The developers of LoL classify it in a new genre entirely, as a MOBA or “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena”. You start the game at level one, with a small amount of gold, and no items. As you play, you receive experience and gold. This allows you to level up and purchase items, which increases both the power of your champions abilities, as well as their core stats. The main goal of every match is to destroy the opposing team's "Nexus", a structure found at the heart of their base. To get there, you must first fight your way past hordes of computer controlled monsters, also known as minions, which continuously spawn from the enemy base. The base itself is protected by structures called turrets, which also must be destroyed. Whichever team destroys the other team's Nexus first, wins the game. It's truly a team oriented game, and you need to work together to succeed.
  132. Why should I play League of Legends over DotA?
  134. Automated matchmaking, to make finding a good game easy.
  135. The ability to reconnect to games if you have disconnected.
  136. Completely new and original playable champions.
  137. Client-server network model, with no host advantage.
  138. Advanced stat tracking.
  139. Built-in surrender functionality.
  140. A new in-game interface, with controls designed for this style of play.
  141. Account-level progression, adding out-of-game strategic depth and customization, known as the summoner system. This includes Runes and Masteries.
  142. Regular updates with many more features to come!
  143. An improved mini-map that shows your champion's pathing.
  144. Multiple maps, (Summoner's Rift, Summoner's Rift: Winter, Twisted Treeline, The Proving Grounds, Magma Chamber coming soon.)
  145. Features that make teaching the game to your friends easier, (game tutorial, bots, suggested items)
  146. Did I mention the game is [highlight]completely FREE?[/highlight]
  150. Yeah, that's right. You can play League of Legends without paying a single cent.
  152. Game Mechanics:
  154. Summoner Spells
  156. You are allowed the use of two Summoner Spells in any match of League of Legends. You can choose from a large variety prior to the start of a game. They are all unique, and can easily alter the game in your favor if you use them correctly.
  158. [img_thumb][/img_thumb]
  160. [img_thumb][/img_thumb]
  162. Masteries
  164. You can put up to 30 points, which are gained upon leveling up, into three categories of masteries - offense, defense, and utility. Some of the more advanced masteries require investment in lesser masteries. Summoner masteries are not set in stone; depending on the champion that you want to play, they may be changed to better suit your needs. You can even set them while selecting your champion before a match begins, so if your favorite champion is taken, you can change your masteries to better suit another. With the newest update to League of Legends, you can now save up to 10 mastery pages locally so you won't have to manually change them ever again.
  169. Runes
  171. Before queuing for a match, you can make use of "Runes" to increase your champion's power. There are four types of Runes that you can use: glyphs, marks, seals, and quintessences. Before a match begins, you can choose from one of up to nine different rune configurations you have previously set in your Runebook. This allows for maximum flexibility in choosing a Runebook that is best suited for whatever champion end up using. You CANNOT change these while selecting your champion, so choose wisely before entering the queue. Even if you are unsure of how you want to build your champion, you should always select a rune page before entering the game. Runes can only benefit your character, and are never detrimental.
  173. [img_thumb][/img_thumb]
  175. [img_thumb][/img_thumb]
  179. Here is the official list of all the champions in the game:
  183. Every champion has a role to play. Here's the general archetypes of champions found within the game:
  185. Assassins : These champions specialize in taking out other champions. They are usually pretty frail, but make up for this in increased mobility with blinks, teleports, jumps, and even stealth abilities. These champions (a la their namesake) get into the action, burst down an enemy, and walk right out.
  187. Tanks : They have the most health, the most armor, and the most magic resistance. These are the champions that initiate team fights and soak all the damage. They don't generally get as many kills as other champions, but they are great at getting assists. Some of them can force champions into attacking them, some of them can stun, while others have forms of "crowd control" that affect the entire enemy team.
  189. Fighters : These champions deal damage per second, or DPS. They rely on armor penetration, attack damage, and attack speed to get the job done. Some of them are tougher than others, and some of them have abilities which augment their attack speed, their attack damage, or even their movement speed.
  191. Mages : Mages are capable of extreme burst damage, and rely heavily on items that give them bonus magic penetration and ability power. Most of them are out of luck when their abilities are on cooldown.
  193. Support : These are the champions that support the team. They save the lives of their team mates, whilst simultaneously making life a living hell for the other team. They don't get many kills, but they do win games.
  197. Q: Is it difficult to unlock champions?
  199. Not really. For one thing, Riot selects ten new champions every week. For that week, the champions they selected are free to play. However, if you want to purchase a champion forever, you can use the Influence Points you earn while playing the game. Champions cost various amounts of I.P, from 450 I.P all the way up to 6300 I.P. Winning a game, on average, nets you a bit more than 100 I.P. If it's your first win of the day, it's usually around 250 I.P. Losing games even nets you around 70 I.P. The free champions give you a taste, whilst I.P is primarily used to unlock the champions you really liked when they were free.
  201. If you're lazy, you can also buy Riot Points with real money to unlock champions. Riot Points are also used to buy champion skins; you can't use I.P to buy those (that's how they make money and keep the game free). Riot is firm about "buying power", however, and you cannot buy runes with Riot Points.
  203. Q: My friend and I want to play in the same game. Can we?
  205. Of course! If you're new, you might want to stick with the practice mode before you move onto the normal or ranked mode. People in the normal and ranked modes know what they are doing, especially the players in the ranked mode. You and your friend can practice against bots and get a feel of the game itself in practice mode.
  207. Q: I'm amazing at DotA and everything else DotA related, why should I bother?
  209. LoL has had several competitive tournaments in the past. There are more coming up, so if you're seriously good and want to make some cash and win prizes, you can.
  211. Q: How do I sign up?
  213. Signing up is free. I'm going to give you two options, though. I would very much appreciate you signing up through my referral link. if you could give me a referral. Signing up with my link does benefit me in the end, but you don't have to use my link if you don't want to! Keep in mind, I only get credited if your account reaches level five. If you do sign-up with my link, and you like the game; please keep playing!
  215. Click here to sign up using my referral.
  217. Click here to sign up without my referral.
  219. Q: I'm signed up. Now what?
  221. Start off with the tutorial! It will teach you the basic controls, game play mechanics, and the objectives of the game.
  222. Once you have a good handle on that, start a practice game and add bots. Practice mode allows you to explore the map and try out new champion,s without having to worry about playing well. The Bots aren't very difficult to beat, so don't expect them to be on par with actual players.
  223. If you can handle the bots, and feel like you have a good handle on the game itself, try a practice game with actual players. Look in the lobby for games called "new players only" or "levels 1-5", etc.
  224. Look up character guides on the official forum and on Leaguecraft.
  225. When you feel like you're ready, join a Normal Game with solo queue. Don't get owned!
  229. Helpful Links
  231. - The main website.
  232. - Wiki-style website for LoL, lots of useful articles here.
  233. - Official forums.
  234. - Beginners guides to specific champions.
  235. - Huge LoL database, also has a ton of great champion builds.
  236. - A blog about LoL. Generally has leaked info about new champions and items.
  238. Terminology Section
  239. [code] Mechanics:
  240. ace = all of the enemy team is dead for the moment. Beware spawn times but now is an excellent time to push.
  241. aoe = area of effect, an ability which covers an area, rather than a single character.
  242. AP = Ability Power. The stat which boosts the effectiveness of abilities.
  243. aura = A 'passive' which applies not only to the hero who has it, but also to heroes within the given range for the aura. A shareable passive.
  244. bd/backdoor= To attack the enemies towers and base without the cover of your creeps there
  245. brush = The large grass in LoL which causes your hero to be hidden to people outside of the brush
  246. buff = Typically a temporary increase to some stat(s)
  247. carry = A character who, if played properly, wins late game fights for a team. Typically these heroes are weak early game and require a lot of farming.
  248. CC = crowd control. Moves that interfere with the other champions actions such as stun, fear, knockbacks/ups and blind.
  249. CD= Cool down, the time between using abilities.
  250. champion = The particular character that you as the summoner control
  251. dd = direct damage ability. Typically DDs are unavoidable: Click ability, click target, profit. For example: Annie's Q fireball.
  252. Disable = A Disable is a debuff that usually prevents some kind of action on the player. Stuns, roots, silences are all examples of disables
  253. DOT = Damage over time.
  254. dps = Damage per second. Also referes to characters who job it is to deal damage (As opposed to support and tanks)
  255. executed= killed by a tower with no enemy hero receiving credit for it
  256. Farm = Farming involves the amassing of gold for player. This is usually best done by killing a lot of creeps and killing them very quickly. Certain Heroes like Ashe and Tristana are great farmers: The first has a +gold passive, and the latter has an AOE passive.
  257. feed = A player who dies constantly feeds the other team (via the gold reward for killing someone). Being called a feeder is not a compliment. A player who is fed has a lot of kills.
  258. grass = see brush
  259. harass = to annoy the enemy with small bursts of non lethal damage, often forcing them to go heal or be set up for a gangk.
  260. hero = non-canon name for a champion
  261. humiliation = killed by a creep with no enemy hero receiving credit for it
  262. IAS = Increased Attack Speed
  263. juke, juking = When being chased, juking is to fool your pursuers. Typically this happens in the jungle. A successful juke could range from eluding the enemy by exploiting line of sight, or could simply cause the enemy to mistarget a spell.
  264. jungle = to attack neutral creeps, allowing for 2 solo lanes and better ganking.
  265. lane = the road like expanses that contain towers and lead to and from the bases
  266. last hit = Getting the very last hit, or killing blow.
  267. MR= Magic Resist. Works as armor against magic abilities, reducing the damage.
  268. ms = movement speed
  269. neutrals = The creep-enemies who live in the jungle
  270. neuts = neutrals
  271. passive = An ability which is not activated but helps a character. For example, Morgana's passive allows her to heal a small % of the damage her spells inflict. Passives usually apply only to the hero who has them.
  272. pbaoe = point blank area of affect. The area of effect is centered around the caster such as Nunu's Ultimate or any aura. (not widely used)
  273. Proc = refers to a weapon, item or ability activating with the "Chance on Hit" or "Chance on Use" effect (an ability or a spell). "Programmed Random OCcurence"
  274. Root = A debuff which prevents any movement by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
  275. Silence = A debuff which prevents any abilities being used by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
  276. skillshot = an ability that fires a projectile that can be dodged. For example: Morgana's cage, Ashe's ultimate arrow
  277. Snowball = an item that grows with kills, that can quickly become very dangerous unless kept in checked by death.
  278. Stun = A debuff which prevents any action by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
  279. summoner = Your representation in the game. Essentially you are the puppet master of your selected Champion and you have your own summoner abilities along with the champion's abilities.
  280. support = Characters who job it is to support other characters: Healers, buffers, etc
  281. tank = Character with a lot of HP and likely armor/resistance. Whose job is to initiate battles with the enemy players/turrets as to draw damage onto himself.
  282. tp - summoner spell teleport used to traverse the map "I'll tp back in"
  283. ult = ultimate ability. The R Ability.
  284. unique = In LoL certain auras/passive are unique, meaning they do not stack.
  287. Locations:
  288. top, mid, bottom = the lanes in LoL.
  289. river = The river which cuts across the map diagonally in Summoners Rift
  290. baron, nashor, worm = the big worm like boss that gives a noticeable buff to the whole team when killed. The big red skull on the minimap
  291. dragon = the powerful neutral creep that provides gold and experience to the entire team. Located on the river near the bottom lane
  292. jungle = The mass of trees and paths that exist between the lanes
  295. Chat:
  296. b = back, fall back, they're coming for you
  297. back = fall back, they're coming for you
  298. bait = to deliberately appear in a position to be easily ganged so as to lure 1 or more players to be gangked by your team "go bait them in to the jungle"
  299. base, basing = going back to base
  300. bp, pill, pilling = blue pilling, going back to base
  301. care = be careful, they may be coming for you
  302. d, defend = to sit at a tower and/or inhibitor and attempt to avoid confrontation while stopping the enemy from killing the objective "I'm gonna d mid"
  303. DD (alternative)= don't die. Also sometimes direct damage
  304. focus = To target a player. Meaning that as a team you all will all focus on a specified hero to kill first.
  305. gank = to go (often with more than one player) to try and kill an enemy, often by surprise "lets gank bottom" . An Ambush
  306. heal = either the summoner spell, a champion ability, or the act of returning to base to regenerate HP and mana "you should heal"
  307. Kite= to draw a hero away from a comfort zone such as tower or allies and into a gank, creepwave, or other painful situation
  308. lom = low on mana
  309. miss, mia = Missing, missing in action. Commonly used to describe when a hero is missing from a lane and may indicate to the team that a gank may happen.
  310. oom = out of mana
  311. pot = potion (sometimes elixirs too)
  312. push = to gather up a creep wave and attempt to destroy an enemy tower "I'm going to push bottom"
  313. QQ = meaning to tell some one to quit, often as a rage quit. Coincidentally depicts a set of crying eyes and has also come to mean "cry more"
  314. raqequit = To quit a game in anger (Being killed, losing)
  315. shop,buy = To go back to base to go shopping, can mean you should shop or they are shopping[/code]How to join the Facepunch chat room (NA/EU)
  317. 1. Press the two chat bubbles on the lower right. 2. Press the chat bubble with a + sign. 3. Type in "Facepunch". 4. Click on the gear in the chat window. 5. Set to auto join on start up. From now you will always be able to create matches with people from Facepunch.
  321. Facepunch Name - Summoner Name (NA/EU)
  323. (If you're not on the list, send me a PM with the information in this exact format. It'll make it easier for me to add you in.):
  324. [release]rilez - rilez (NA)
  325. Beardy - BeardyDuck (NA)
  326. Fkpuz Version 1 - MacLaren (NA)
  327. Crazy_Farmer - CrazyFarmer (NA)
  328. Nintendo-Guy - NintendoGuy (EU)
  329. Surefour - Surefour (NA)
  330. Pirate Jok3r - Pirage (NA)
  331. Godrek - Godrek (NA)
  332. odeyseuss - odeyseuss (NA)
  333. Sanjuaro - Sanjuaro (NA)
  334. A.C.I.D - Carecup (NA/EU)
  335. Atet - Atet (NA)
  336. NomadicNinja - General Mordin (NA)
  337. iBoss - Kim Jong Eeel (NA)
  338. Kurodragon - Kurodragon (NA)
  339. KingQ8 - ??? (NA)
  340. Xoniao - Zoniao (NA)
  341. Morkh - Morkh (NA)
  342. pvt.meh - Mehzuuu (NA)
  343. Blueridge - Noctellia (NA)
  344. FOOJE08 - Fooje (Australian but plays on NA(?))
  345. Quack - Rumnix (NA)
  346. KStyleAzure - azuucookie (NA)
  347. kookee - kookeeMons (NA)
  348. IMA SHAARK - Imashaark (?)
  349. LongJohnSilver - Nijel (EU)
  350. arfbarf - Artraira (NA)
  351. pal670 - matreox (EU)
  352. Thundermanz -dzonint (EU?)
  353. Hellghast - Raptorheimer (NA)
  354. Mathias - Lazarias (NA)
  355. GWeasel - GWeasel (NA)
  356. Pinsandneedles - RAX4 (NA)
  357. bobiniki - Bosak (?)
  358. lukepker - Lukepker (EU)
  359. Mcfuret - Mcfuret (?) (NA)
  360. Dave825 - Dave825 (NA)
  361. Namaste - Namasteh (NA)
  362. FlameCow - FlameCow13 (NA)
  363. Xain777 - Xanfall (NA)
  364. elevator13 - elevator13 (NA)
  365. fruityfruit - fruityfruit (NA)
  366. Fippe - PhantomFi (EU)
  367. Dwragon82997 - Dwragon (NA)
  368. Dryne - Sezyba (EU)
  369. NoShogun - NoShogun (NA)
  370. Jacklus2.0 - Jacklus (NA)
  371. bionic0n3 - Bionic03 (NA)
  372. ninjamonkey - negrosexmachine (NA)
  373. MightyHaku - Fishes (NA)
  374. Nitoliskus - Nitolisk (NA)
  375. MAspiderface - Spiderfacius (NA)
  376. themiki - akamejka (EU)
  377. Kasai - Kasai259 (NA)
  378. Phir3 - TURTLE343 (NA)
  379. cyanide101 - cyanide101 (NA)
  380. adamater - adamater (NA)
  381. Sexy.EXE - Corndogdude (NA)
  382. irgoto - iblessed (NA)
  383. Doom1337 - 1337doom (NA)
  384. Vazzan - Vazzle (EU)
  385. Meep Moop - Sodamaster (NA)
  386. yellobellee - yellobellee (NA)
  387. Inufin - Nunna (EU)
  388. ventnor - Caketown (EU)
  389. Banned? - TheDeathJester (NA)
  390. Programfiles - Program Filed (NA)
  391. Kendra - Shalaiyn (EU)
  392. Daniellynet - Daniellynet (NA)
  393. array1234 - glassman1 (NA)
  394. shortyish - shortyish (NA)
  395. monomon - soverigng (NA)
  396. SlanderMan - Slender Dan (NA)
  397. QuinnithXD - QuinnithXD (NA)
  398. FreeHat - FreeHat (NA)
  399. RudeMcRude - Orthar (NA)
  400. That_Crazy_Gman - thatcrazygman (EU)
  401. Winrance - LtWin (NA)
  402. Sam6420 - Sammeys (NA)
  403. Jack_Thompson - Jackie Thompson (NA)
  404. Veoto - Kainiss (NA)
  405. YSNP - Domira (NA)
  406. Aimer963-(NA)
  407. ashxu - (NA/EU)
  408. MegaMad - MegaMad (NA)
  409. Craftsman - Hadikon (EU)
  410. litestrike - danthegarbageman (NA)
  411. acfan - acfan (NA)
  412. Lintz - Kisentur (EU)
  413. Ninja_Blue- Ninjapocalypse - (NA)
  414. BiscuitCookie - BiscuitCookie (EU)
  415. cameleot - Elited Fish (EU)
  416. valiant - valiantNBD (NA)
  417. Swebonny - Swebonny (EU)
  418. killerkyogre - McBawbaggings (EU)
  419. PILLS HERE! - Supersoccerball (NA)
  420. suttles - Suttles the One(NA)
  421. Suppertime - TheOneTheOnlyNSC (NA)
  422. Azaer - Azaer (NA)
  423. aydin690 - itchysaurus rex (NA)
  424. Robiteck - Robiteck (NA)
  425. Bozthekiller - Bozthekiller (NA)
  426. Flubadoo - Flubadoo (NA)
  427. flyinghenchman - Douchlenne (NA)
  428. pawelte1 - Varnus II (EU)
  429. Blueplastic - The Urban (EU)
  430. MrEndangered - EndangeredHuman (EU)
  431. Vmonkey - Omnombeast (NA)
  432. JohnWallace - JWall (EU)
  433. Hanibal - DJmartinS (EU)
  434. jesse1412 - kill beiber (EU)
  435. Wanpis - Wanpis (EU)
  436. Dead snipe - DeadSnipe (EU)
  437. Mercenary- - CaliberNOR (EU)
  438. ChrisDom - ChrisDom (NA)
  439. Pnukup - Pnukup5 (EU)
  440. kozhell - zheljko (EU)
  441. Maragol - Mr snugglepants (EU)
  442. Agoat - Agoat944 (NA)
  443. eXiv2 - IG Zergy (EU)
  444. Ribeeto - Ribeeto (EU)
  445. Cree8ive - Cree8ive (EU)
  446. Rats808 - Rats808 (NA)
  447. WidelecSzatana - Sindri Myr II (EU)
  448. ManningQB18 - ManningQB18 (NA)
  449. BeanerBanditv2 - BeanerBandit (NA)
  450. ana-r3x3a - Mahola (NA)
  451. MobileSharkUnit - PanzerSharkUnit (EU)
  452. Kaelazun- Kelazun (EU)
  453. WarRage333 - WarRage333 (EU)
  454. Cousland - Flothers (NA)
  455. Inacio / Oicani Gonzales - Inacio the Playe (NA)
  456. Rainhorror - Rainhorror (NA)
  457. Neuquen - Potionem (NA)
  458. OIFYPortal-Life - PortalLife (NA)
  459. Dr. Scrake - mrscrake (EU)
  460. Leyr - Leyrr (EU)
  461. Stripez - LeagueOfLolcats (NA)
  462. Chamon - Chamonze (EU)
  463. QuestforOwnage - Destroyer King(NA)
  464. 30CALIB3R - 30CALIB3R (NA)
  465. Inv1ctus - Hank Marducas II (NA)
  466. Lazyboy0337 - Lazyboy0337 (NA)
  467. SirkMerrill - MADKILLA72 (NA)
  468. Usharn - Usharn (NA) [/release]
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