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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  174. var data1 = [
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  181. [7, 85]
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  187. [4, 40],
  188. [5, 100],
  189. [6, 25],
  190. [7, 65]
  191. ],
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  194. [2, 20],
  195. [3, 60],
  196. [4, 90],
  197. [5, 80],
  198. [6, 10],
  199. [7, 5]
  200. ],
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  202. label: "Tokyo",
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  204. color: "#dbdddd"
  205. }, {
  206. label: "Seoul",
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  208. color: "#636c72"
  209. }, {
  210. label: "Beijing",
  211. data: data3,
  212. color: "#3e4a51"
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  220. fill: 1
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  257. }), $(".flot-chart")[0] && ($(".flot-chart").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
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  264. }).show()
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  266. }), $("<div class='flot-tooltip' class='chart-tooltip'></div>").appendTo("body"))
  267. }), $(document).ready(function() {
  268. for (var d1 = [], i = 0; 10 >= i; i += 1) d1.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  269. for (var d2 = [], i = 0; 20 >= i; i += 1) d2.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  270. for (var d3 = [], i = 0; 10 >= i; i += 1) d3.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  271. var options = {
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  273. shadowSize: 0,
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  277. monotonicFit: !0
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  293. ticks: !1
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  297. ticks: !1
  298. },
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  300. show: !1
  301. }
  302. };
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  304. data: d1,
  305. lines: {
  306. show: !0,
  307. fill: .98
  308. },
  309. label: "Product 1",
  310. stack: !0,
  311. color: "#1f292f"
  312. }, {
  313. data: d3,
  314. lines: {
  315. show: !0,
  316. fill: .98
  317. },
  318. label: "Product 2",
  319. stack: !0,
  320. color: "#dbdddd"
  321. }], options), $(".flot-chart")[0] && ($(".flot-chart").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
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  330. }), $("<div class='flot-tooltip' class='chart-tooltip'></div>").appendTo("body"))
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  335. y = prev + 10 * Math.random() - 5;
  336. 0 > y ? y = 0 : y > 90 && (y = 90), data.push(y)
  337. }
  338. for (var res = [], i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) res.push([i, data[i]]);
  339. return res
  340. }
  342. function update() {
  343. plot.setData([getRandomData()]), plot.draw(), setTimeout(update, updateInterval)
  344. }
  345. var data = [],
  346. totalPoints = 300,
  347. updateInterval = 30;
  348. if ($("#dynamic-chart")[0]) {
  349. var plot = $.plot("#dynamic-chart", [getRandomData()], {
  350. series: {
  351. label: "Server Process Data",
  352. lines: {
  353. show: !0,
  354. lineWidth: .2,
  355. fill: .6
  356. },
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  358. shadowSize: 0
  359. },
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  369. shadowSize: 0
  370. },
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  373. show: !0,
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  376. style: "normal",
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  378. },
  379. shadowSize: 0,
  380. min: 0,
  381. max: 250
  382. },
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  386. labelMargin: 10,
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  388. clickable: !0,
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  400. }
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  402. function getRandomData() {
  403. for (data.length > 0 && (data = data.slice(1)); data.length < totalPoints;) {
  404. var prev = data.length > 0 ? data[data.length - 1] : 50,
  405. y = prev + 10 * Math.random() - 5;
  406. 0 > y ? y = 0 : y > 90 && (y = 90), data.push(y)
  407. }
  408. for (var res = [], i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) res.push([i, data[i]]);
  409. return res
  410. }
  411. for (var data = [], totalPoints = 100, d1 = [], i = 0; 10 >= i; i += 1) d1.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  412. for (var d2 = [], i = 0; 20 >= i; i += 1) d2.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  413. for (var d3 = [], i = 0; 10 >= i; i += 1) d3.push([i, parseInt(30 * Math.random())]);
  414. var options = {
  415. series: {
  416. shadowSize: 0,
  417. lines: {
  418. show: !1,
  419. lineWidth: 0
  420. }
  421. },
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  424. labelMargin: 10,
  425. hoverable: !0,
  426. clickable: !0,
  427. mouseActiveRadius: 6
  428. },
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  430. tickDecimals: 0,
  431. ticks: !1
  432. },
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  434. tickDecimals: 0,
  435. ticks: !1
  436. },
  437. legend: {
  438. show: !1
  439. }
  440. };
  441. $("#line-chart")[0] && $.plot($("#line-chart"), [{
  442. data: d1,
  443. lines: {
  444. show: !0,
  445. fill: .98
  446. },
  447. label: "Product 1",
  448. stack: !0,
  449. color: "#1f292f"
  450. }, {
  451. data: d3,
  452. lines: {
  453. show: !0,
  454. fill: .98
  455. },
  456. label: "Product 2",
  457. stack: !0,
  458. color: "#dbdddd"
  459. }], options), $("#recent-items-chart")[0] && $.plot($("#recent-items-chart"), [{
  460. data: getRandomData(),
  461. lines: {
  462. show: !0,
  463. fill: .1
  464. },
  465. label: "Items",
  466. stack: !0,
  467. color: "#dbdddd"
  468. }], options), $(".flot-chart")[0] && ($(".flot-chart").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
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  473. top: item.pageY + 5,
  474. left: item.pageX + 5
  475. }).show()
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  478. }), $(document).ready(function() {
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  480. data: 1,
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  482. label: "Toyota"
  483. }, {
  484. data: 2,
  485. color: "#636c72",
  486. label: "Nissan"
  487. }, {
  488. data: 3,
  489. color: "#3e4a51",
  490. label: "Hyundai"
  491. }, {
  492. data: 4,
  493. color: "#1f292f",
  494. label: "Scion"
  495. }, {
  496. data: 4,
  497. color: "#ffffff",
  498. label: "Daihatsu"
  499. }];
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  504. stroke: {
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  506. }
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  727. }), $(".typeahead")[0]) {
  728. var statesArray = ["Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming"],
  729. states = new Bloodhound({
  730. datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
  731. queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
  732. local: statesArray
  733. });
  734. $(".typeahead").typeahead({
  735. hint: !0,
  736. highlight: !0,
  737. minLength: 1
  738. }, {
  739. name: "states",
  740. source: states
  741. })
  742. }
  743. });
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