
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The Queen of Beasts]

Apr 6th, 2013
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  1. [14:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> The clanking of steel fills the air.
  2. [14:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> In the palace courtyard Aldeas' spars with a half dozen young squires.
  3. [14:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> Each of the young men, fully armed and armored are torn between the elation of being allowed to spar with the king.... and the humiliation of being mercilessly pummuled by a boy 2-3 years younger than them wielding nothing but a stick.
  4. [14:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Ahahahahaha~ Is that all you gents can do? Perhaps I should get Lucia out here to show you all how it's done!"
  5. [14:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Please... I'm hardly a fighter." Lucia says as she walks out into the courtyard.
  6. [14:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> She rubs Aldeas' chest with the towel she's holding as a maid passes tea around to the boys.
  7. [14:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Look at that, they actually have you in a sweat." She says as she towels off the boy king.
  8. [14:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And only 6v1 as well! The prospects are quite impressive this year."
  9. [14:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas laughs at his own joke as Lucia shakes her head.
  10. [14:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> The knights look on with slight jealousy as the beautiful young queen lovingly wipes sweat from the shirtless king.
  11. [14:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> The messenger runs out into the courtyard stumbling over her own feet.
  12. [14:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "YOUR MAJESTY! SOMETHING IS COMING!"
  13. [14:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Calm down girl... you're going to hurt yourself." aldeas says as he catches the stumbling messenger.
  14. [14:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> The freckles girl blushes and stands up straight with a salute.
  15. [14:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> [INTERMISSION]
  19. [14:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  20. [14:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What is 'coming' exactly." Lucia asks.
  21. [14:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A beast, it's moving unbelievably fast.... like the wind. Reports say tornados trail behind it as it runs."
  22. [14:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas laughs.
  23. [14:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> It seems another of our guests has arrived.
  24. [14:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Where is it now?" Aldeas' asks as he leaps onto the courtyard wall.
  25. [14:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "R-rapidly approaching the outer gates.
  26. [14:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I see.... then perhaps I shall go meet her."
  27. [14:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas leaps from the wall and lands into a full sprint as he races towards the outer wall of the city.
  28. [14:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> The common folk all clap and cheer as the king runs through the streets.
  29. [14:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> As he shoots past a fruit cart the king snatches an apple, leaving a single gold coin flipping in the air behind him.
  30. [14:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> The speed at which he runs is... to say the least, inhuman.
  31. [14:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> Even a hourse at full gallop likely couldn't keep up.
  32. [14:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> After crossing the entire city and finishing his apple Aldeas leaps with all his might over the 40ft high front gate of the city walls and lands with a crash on the outside right as a swirling vortex of tornado force wind comes to a halt.
  33. [14:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Less than a foot apart, Aldeas look up from his kneeling position at the stunned girl on all fours across from him.
  34. [14:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> A werewolf with ghost white fur and ice blue eyes.... her clothing consisting of little more than a bra and panties of polar bear fur.
  35. [14:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her long white hair tied in a high tight ponytail and her sharp fangs visible in her gaping mouth as she's completely dumbfounded by the sudden obstacle.
  36. [14:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Greetings my lady." Aldeas says as she rights himself to a standing position.
  37. [14:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You are.... the King?" The wolf girl asks as she stands up straight.
  38. [14:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I am... and you must be the lovely Freya, Queen of Beasts. I've heard tales of your speed and beauty but none compare to the real thing... in either aspect."
  39. [14:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas smile.
  40. [14:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A charmer I see." The wolf girl asks in a gruff voice.
  41. [14:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her raspy voice contrasts sharply with her stunning features.
  42. [14:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her body is well defined and her skin is flawless, the image of physical perfection.
  43. [14:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I wasn't expecting to be greeted at the gates, by the king.... let alone without an army behind him."
  44. [14:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Armys are for fighting. Not peace talks." The young king replies.
  45. [14:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You came alone as well I see."
  46. [14:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A true leader always heads the charge... I would have come alone regardless of your intentions."
  47. [14:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And I'm sure it would have been a glorious battle, perhaps we can have some friendly sparring sometime?" Aldeas says with a hearty laugh.
  48. [14:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You are a brave man to face me alone, and now you even challenge me to a competition of skill.... I must say I'm impressed. In many ways."
  49. [14:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're certainly not like your cowardly father."
  50. [14:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I will take that as the highest of compliments." Aldeas says.
  51. [14:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If you really seek peace with the beast races I will take you up on your offer, and observe how you rule. I must admit I've developed a personal interest in you as well." Freya says as her tail wags slightly.
  52. [14:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A personal interest?" Aldeas smirks.
  53. [14:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You seem like you would make a fun mate." Freya says bluntly.
  54. [14:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas doubles over in laughter as he kicks the gate.
  55. [14:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> The force of his kick shakes the massive structure and the guards on the other side begin turning the huge wheel to open it.
  56. [14:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm sure my wife would have something to say in regards to that." Aldeas says.
  57. [14:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Well, she'd better be ready to fight over you."
  58. [14:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> Freya smiles and follows Aldeas into the city.
  59. [14:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  62. [15:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  63. [15:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> The people stare and a few cower as Freya and Aldeas walk through the streets.
  64. [15:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I see your people know when to mind their heads."
  65. [15:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The fear they feel towards you will fade with time... and hopefully be replaced with respect, and even admiration. That's part of my goal."
  66. [15:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A sweet dream, but do you think they'll actually be able to-" Freya stumbles over ball left in the street.
  67. [15:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> As she falls she roars a roar that shudders the windows through the entire city.
  68. [15:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> The people around her cower and flee quickly into their homes.
  69. [15:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas picks up the ball and offers his hand to Freya.
  70. [15:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> She ignores him and stand on her own.
  71. [15:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> Prideful.
  72. [15:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What is this?..." She say as she takes the ball from Aldeas.
  73. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's a ball, children play with it."
  74. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "....?" freya examines the ball carefully.
  75. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How?" she asks.
  76. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Excuse me?" Aldeas says with a puzzled grin.
  77. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How do they... play with this? What does it do?"
  78. [15:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Nothing... they play catch."
  79. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas takes the ball and backs away from Freya.
  80. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her throws the ball at her and she catches it.
  81. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "?"
  82. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "???"
  83. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> She stands qith a confused expression.
  84. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Throw it back." Aldeas says with a smile.
  85. [15:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> Freya tosses the ball.
  86. [15:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas takes a step back and kicks the ball into the air juggling it with his feet.
  87. [15:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "O-Ooooh!" Freya says as she watches the ball.... her tail wags side to side as she shakes her wide hips excitedly.
  88. [15:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> With a headbutt Aldeas sends the ball towards her and Freya attempts to catch it.
  89. [15:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> It slips from her fingers and rolls down the street.
  90. [15:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> With all the energy and enthusiasm of a child she chases after the ball.
  91. [15:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> When she catches it she quickly runs back towards Aldeas and hands him the ball excitedly.
  92. [15:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Do it again!" She says energetically as he laughs.
  93. [15:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This is more like 'fetch' than 'catch'....." Aldeas says feeling a bit guilty as he throws the ball as hard as he can.
  94. [15:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> Freya ricochettes between building running with all her might after the ball.
  95. [15:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Is it really alright for a queen to be behaving like that?" aldeas says to himself as he watches her bounding after the ball on all fours.
  96. [15:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> As Freya reaches the ball a child steps forward and picks it up.
  97. [15:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> The childs mother freezes with fear too scared to even step forward to grab her.
  98. [15:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Um... Ms. Doggy, are you a monster?" the girl asks.
  99. [15:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> Freya tilts her head.
  100. [15:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Give me that ball girl." she says insistently.
  101. [15:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This?" the human girl says as she hold sup the ball.
  102. [15:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yes.... give it to me." Freya insists as she points at it and wags her tail.
  103. [15:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "D-do as she says Katy..." the girls mother says nervously.
  104. [15:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Are all monsters like you Ms. Doggy?" The human girl says as she looks down.
  105. [15:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Because I think you're pretty and nice!" the girl says as she tosses the ball.
  106. [15:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> It rolls away and Freya chases after it picking it up when it comes to a stop.
  107. [15:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Ehehehe...." The young girl giggles as her mother pulls her back into the house.
  108. [15:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Freya looks back at the girl and then down at the ball in her hands.
  109. [15:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "....." She stands and walks slowly back to Aldeas who she hands the ball.
  110. [15:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Again?" He asks with a smile.
  111. [15:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No.... We have bussiness to attend to. Take me to this palace of your." Freya says as she looks up with a serious expression.
  112. [15:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Is something wrong?" Aldeas asks as he walks towards the palace with Freya in tow.
  113. [15:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The children.... aren't afraid. Only their parents."
  114. [15:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It.... makes me think your dream might not be as silly as I had thought."
  115. [15:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "To that child.... I was not the bloodthirsty creature from your tales... I was just..."
  116. [15:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A cute doggy?" Aldeas asks happily.
  117. [15:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yes." Freya says with a blush. "Being seen in that light isn't so bad..."
  118. [15:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> The two enter the throne room and Lucia sits in her throne waiting.
  119. [15:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Welcome to our home Queen Freya." Lucia asks with a smile.
  120. [15:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Ooooh! Another child!" Freya grabs the ball from Aldeas and runs at Lucia causing her to flinch.
  121. [15:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Do you want to play... uh... 'fetch' little girl?" Freya asks excitedly as she wags her tail.
  122. [15:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Who are you calling a little girl!?" Lucia asks as she turns red.
  123. [15:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas collapses into a heap and holds his ribs as he laughs himself to tears.
  124. [15:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lucia ends up getting roped into playing fetch with Freya for the majority of the day.... does that mean she wins the fight over Aldeas?
  125. [15:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> Who knows... Freya seems to have better things on her mind than mating anyway... for now.
  126. [15:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Queen of Beasts - End]
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