
So Pyramids are a way to enhance life all around it's uniqu

Aug 22nd, 2018
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  1. Ahhh.. Nice connection to Tesla. He intrinsically knew about this because he was exposed to a rather large focal device called the Bosnian Pyramid. You can not hear this unless you have perfect hearing but you can sense the energy and flow via your Ear canal & Pineal gland. Tesla was only trying to reproduce the humm he was feeling/hearing.
  4. You have stumbled onto the biggest secret of the Ancients. They were very very interested in the position of our world in the Galaxy for a reason. They were tracking our position as it moved towards the Current Sun. In the historical writings they talked about the best Sun. A Sun of peace and fulfillment. A Sun that provided bounties of food and scientific exploration but something happened. Our Sun at that time was on a smaller hydrogen rich plasma Flow from the center of our Galaxy. This flow was connected to a much larger flow via twisted Birkeland currents flowing in the plasma conduit we call our Galactic Arm. Part of the same main branch of currents from the galactic center but at some point started to twist around a larger current pulling it towards the larger flow and wrapping around it. Eventually we wrapped around the branch of our current star the Sun. The Sun is the main tap to the branch we currently are wrapped around and we are magnetically trapped in our current Sun's field. Our Sun has two fields. One Magnetic and one Electric. The magnetic field is conservative and dissipates a good amount of the energy the Sun is radiating from the plasma stream it is on. But as with all Plasma there are two kinds. One magnetic reactive and the other is electric reactive. The electric field of our planet spreads outwards flowing like the Sun's solar wind. Pyramids concentrate the potential of the base of the pyramid which usually has water flowing beneath it because they draw it up from the ground like a steady pump. This attaches the pyramid electrically with the ground much lower then we could dig.
  7. Tesla figured out these things when he was researching (reading everything he could find) while resting below his discharges. He felt better able to study that way and could have been enhancing his ability see anything in his mind and run it and optimize it. He then would draw it out and give it to his professional builders to fabricate. After awhile they stopped asking why he wanted something that wouldn't work and just built his directions. Many devices worked as drawn by Tesla.
  10. What the Pyramid is for, is to condition the area around it by giving the chaotic flows of plasma to our vacuum of plasma inside of our planet. It is gravity. When you give the plasma a focused path to ground it creates a bubble around the Pyramid of Fair weather and enhanced healthier life. If you live further out from the Pyramid you would pilgrimage to the tunnels beneath the Pyramid and get healed as you do. This is due to the negative electric field below the Pyramid as it builds up.
  13. The electrical field at any point above ground is positive. At ground it is neutral and below ground it is negative. The core's potential value is a mirror image of the Ionosphere value. If the Ionosphere is at 365Kv then the central point within our planet is at -365Kv and the ground is at 0. A clue as to how this works is to look up the Fair weather Potential or , is the metric to figure out that the ionosphere radiates inwards from the ionosphere down to the Earth. As it radiates into our atmosphere it reduces in voltage potential. A gradient of 100v/m is the standard measurement of the e-field from the ground which is the ground plane between the - value underground to the + value above the ground. When you raise the ground into a shape that focuses the grounds - potential you will suck in the plasma which conducts the ionosphere's potential towards the ground. This has to do with the density difference of plasma coming from our Sun's solar wind stream. Since matter displaces the plasma, the more matter that is in the atmosphere the less the plasma is there and the more that it wants to be there. Like water flowing down a drain this same mechanic can be used here to describe the flow to the ground. The ground presents a vacuum to the plasma hitting us from the solar wind. The flow rate has to be the same but the nozzle like effect that matter presents to the plasma causes it to pinch and increase in energy. Just like water flowing through a hose and being restricted at the end and it raises it's force. Plasma has one constant and that is the pressure is conserved. If you try to pass the same amount of water through a smaller hole it has to conserve the flow rate. if one ounce of water flows through a pipe then once ounce has to flow out. No matter how small the outlet is it must maintain the one ounce flow rate.
  15. This is kind what is happening in our Sun. There is a very large supply of hydrogen coming from the center of our Galaxy in a stream. That stream self compressed via the magnetic field surrounding that flow. Usually this causes a z pinch of the stream and it radiates a fair amount of electric field. This attracts more plasma from the stream and along with that plasma is attached Hydrogen Pairs or H2. The plasma is bound between the hydrogen pairs in the form of a plasma double layer. Once the stream is pinched enough the hydrogen gets compressed into liquid metallic hydrogen. When this happens a star is born. Matter is then attracted around the newly formed z-pinch and a solar system is born. The electric field of the Sun is so vast it spans to our heliosphere around our solar system.
  18. So Pyramids are a way to enhance life all around it's unique form. It attracts any chaotic plasma surges and safely shorts it to the ground. This does a multitude of things in the effected area around the pyramids. All of which this man is rediscovering.
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