
The Demon Lord's Sister (Oldest Greentext I made)

Mar 15th, 2018
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  1. >TFW you see all these guys living the high life with the Demon Lord and her daughters as butlers, husbands, harem-members, etc.
  2. >You're just the Demon Lord's Less Successful Twin's roommate.
  3. >TFW everyone else is living some kind of sappy, hugbox romance novel
  4. >You're standing there having a shouting match with a 7000-year-old sanitation engineer about whose turn it is to clean the toilet and who touched the fucking thermostat AGAIN.
  7. >>15082639
  8. >Rent day cometh.
  9. >Hours of arguing with each other and threats of calling the police from your neighbors.
  10. >Descends into angry sex.
  13. >She's hogging the bathroom again
  14. >You're both sweaty and unsanitary from your blue-collar jobs.
  15. >After 30 minutes of you banging on the bathroom door she opens it with her shirt half on and pants around her ankles.
  16. >You have another shouting match then and there for a few minutes before wrestling into the shower for more angry sex.
  18. >Mouse in the attic. She wants you to go take care of it.
  19. >She's a 7000 year old all powerful Demon Lord Lite she can go take care of it herself.
  20. >She doesn't appreciate being called Demon Lord LITE.
  21. >More shouting. Angry sex.
  22. >Doormouse comes down from the attic and goes find some other house to squat in because god damn you two are loud.
  24. >Game day. Superbowl dawg.
  25. >The new episode of Monstergirl General Hospital is also on.
  26. >Only one TV.
  27. >Arguing leads to a broken remote.
  28. >Further arguing descend into angry sex, on the coffee table.
  30. >Driving around in your shared car. Stop at a gas station to fill up and get snacks.
  31. >They don't have what she wants. Arguing with the cashier turns into arguing with you.
  32. >Angry anal in gas station bathroom.
  33. >She one hit K.O. a trucker on the way out for good measure.
  35. >Picking her up from work. She's not outside so you go into the building to see what's holding her up.
  36. >Cunt contractor anubis telling her how a monkey could do her job.
  37. >She did her job though so she's bearing it for the paycheck.
  38. >Gets the paper and turns to leave with you.
  39. >Inspecting the floor our unfortunate middle aged dog girl quips that 'and you missed a spot you failure'.
  40. >Not something you say to a Demon Lord Lite without getting knocked the fuck o- oh hey and down she goes.
  41. >Argue with her in the office building about how she needs all the employment she can get right now.
  42. >Angry sex on the spots she missed.
  44. >Friday night. 12 PM all's quiet.
  45. >You and her are sitting in the living room couch in the dark, dressed half assed, beer in hand enjoying the dull halftimes flickering glow of your CRT widescreen.
  46. >Demon Lord Actual is on the TV sharing a stage with Eros.
  47. >Giving a peace speech in some middle east country about how love and monsters and men are all the world needs and should be and other sappy crap.
  48. >Loud sigh from your immediate left. Turn to face her. She turns to face you.
  49. >Eyes lidded with exhaustion and resignation.
  50. >"I hate that perfect bitch and her perfect bitch life."
  51. >A second or two passes in silence
  52. >"Yeah.... me too."
  53. >Looking right at you, her eyes open a little more and her features relax.
  54. >New life surges just under the surface and a most profane moment of recognition and understanding passes between you two.
  55. >Everything clicks and falls into place as you both realize that within arms reach is the only person in this world who will ever truly understand you.
  56. >In one fluid motion you lean into each other and kiss.
  57. >Slowly, then again, then with tongue and loud moaning and groping and the ripping of clothes.
  58. >Goddamn you can't get these clothes off fast enough to violently mash your genitals together.
  59. >Fucking on the couch, fall to the floor, prop her up the TV and jizz all over her sister's face on the TV screen.
  60. >She stands up straight, turns around and jumps you.
  61. >You catch her and are fucking here standing while she has you in a leg lock around the waist.
  62. >More fucking while moving into the adjoining kitchenette.
  63. >Banging on the counter, rattling the dishes and shaking up the walls.
  64. >A loud knocking announces the now awake status of your neighbor.
  65. >Brit fag accent telling you through the wall what bong o'clock it is and to keep it down for the queen.
  66. "Shut the fuck up Nigel!"
  67. >Your response
  68. "I'mma fuck as loud as I want to you dirty CRUMPET STUFFER!"
  69. >Hers
  71. >Pause thrusting for a half second.
  72. >She turns to lock eyes with you.
  73. >Pull her in to a deep kiss and redouble your efforts to uproot the foundation.
  74. >It's not a perfect love, but goddamit she's yours and you wouldn't give her up for the world.
  78. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. In retrospect I think I just kinda wrote her as an angrier, hornier version of the Wife from Malcom in the Middle.
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