
Ascii Batch Password Encryption v2.6 (Batch) [Updated]

Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. ::Ascii Password Encryption Via Batch ::
  3. ::Created by RU$$ [] ::
  4. ::Build Version 2.5 ::
  5. ::Built In Password Rules [No Triple Numbers] ::
  6. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  7. @Echo off
  9. @Goto Start
  11. :Start
  12. cls
  13. Set /p "MyPassword=Please Type A Password: "
  14. call :Decrypt "!MyPassword!"
  16. echo Congrats. You Managed To Crack My Password.
  17. echo(
  19. pause
  20. Rem | Your Code Goes Here.
  22. goto :eof
  24. :Decrypt
  25. cls
  26. set "UserInputPass=%~1"
  27. set "MaxNumber=0"
  28. Set "a=1" && Set "b=2" && Set "c=3" && Set "d=4" && Set "e=5" && Set "f=6" && Set "g=7" && Set "h=8" && Set "i=9" && Set "j=10" && Set "k=11" && Set "l=12"
  29. Set "m=13" && Set "n=14" && Set "o=15" && Set "p=16" && Set "q=17" && Set "r=18" && Set "s=19" && Set "t=20" && Set "u=21" && Set "v=22" && Set "w=23"
  30. Set "x=24" && Set "y=25" && Set "z=26"
  31. Set "A=1" && Set "B=2" && Set "C=3" && Set "D=4" && Set "E=5" && Set "F=6" && Set "G=7" && Set "H=8" && Set "I=9" && Set "J=10" && Set "K=11" && Set "L=12"
  32. Set "M=13" && Set "N=14" && Set "O=15" && Set "P=16" && Set "Q=17" && Set "R=18" && Set "S=19" && Set "T=20" && Set "U=21" && Set "V=22" && Set "W=23"
  33. Set "X=24" && Set "Y=25" && Set "Z=26"
  34. set "var=!UserInputPass!"
  35. :subString
  36. set nit=%var:~0,1%
  37. if "%nit%"=="" (
  38. Echo Key Is WRONG. Please Try Agian.
  39. echo(
  40. pause
  41. goto start
  42. ) else if "%nit%"==" " (
  43. set /a stringLength=%stringLength%+1
  44. ) else (
  45. set /a stringLength=%stringLength%+1
  46. )
  47. set var=%var:~1,1000%
  48. if "%var%"=="" (
  49. If "!nit!"=="0" (
  50. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  51. goto AntiExploit
  52. ) ELSE (
  53. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  54. )
  55. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!0"
  56. goto subString
  57. )
  58. If "!nit!"=="1" (
  59. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  60. goto AntiExploit
  61. ) ELSE (
  62. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  63. )
  64. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!1"
  65. goto subString
  66. )
  67. If "!nit!"=="2" (
  68. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  69. goto AntiExploit
  70. ) ELSE (
  71. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  72. )
  73. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!2"
  74. goto subString
  75. )
  76. If "!nit!"=="3" (
  77. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  78. goto AntiExploit
  79. ) ELSE (
  80. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  81. )
  82. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!3"
  83. goto subString
  84. )
  85. If "!nit!"=="4" (
  86. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  87. goto AntiExploit
  88. ) ELSE (
  89. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  90. )
  91. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!4"
  92. goto subString
  93. )
  94. If "!nit!"=="5" (
  95. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  96. goto AntiExploit
  97. ) ELSE (
  98. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  99. )
  100. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!5"
  101. goto subString
  102. )
  103. If "!nit!"=="6" (
  104. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  105. goto AntiExploit
  106. ) ELSE (
  107. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  108. )
  109. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!6"
  110. goto subString
  111. )
  112. If "!nit!"=="7" (
  113. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  114. goto AntiExploit
  115. ) ELSE (
  116. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  117. )
  118. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!7"
  119. goto subString
  120. )
  121. If "!nit!"=="8" (
  122. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  123. goto AntiExploit
  124. ) ELSE (
  125. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  126. )
  127. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!8"
  128. goto subString
  129. )
  130. If "!nit!"=="9" (
  131. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  132. goto AntiExploit
  133. ) ELSE (
  134. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  135. )
  136. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!9"
  137. goto subString
  138. )
  139. Set "MaxNumber=0"
  140. Set "NewPassword=!%nit%!"
  141. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!!NewPassword!"
  142. goto :CheckKey
  143. ) else (
  144. If "!nit!"=="0" (
  145. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  146. goto AntiExploit
  147. ) ELSE (
  148. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  149. )
  150. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!0"
  151. goto subString
  152. )
  153. If "!nit!"=="1" (
  154. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  155. goto AntiExploit
  156. ) ELSE (
  157. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  158. )
  159. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!1"
  160. goto subString
  161. )
  162. If "!nit!"=="2" (
  163. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  164. goto AntiExploit
  165. ) ELSE (
  166. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  167. )
  168. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!2"
  169. goto subString
  170. )
  171. If "!nit!"=="3" (
  172. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  173. goto AntiExploit
  174. ) ELSE (
  175. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  176. )
  177. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!3"
  178. goto subString
  179. )
  180. If "!nit!"=="4" (
  181. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  182. goto AntiExploit
  183. ) ELSE (
  184. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  185. )
  186. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!4"
  187. goto subString
  188. )
  189. If "!nit!"=="5" (
  190. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  191. goto AntiExploit
  192. ) ELSE (
  193. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  194. )
  195. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!5"
  196. goto subString
  197. )
  198. If "!nit!"=="6" (
  199. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  200. goto AntiExploit
  201. ) ELSE (
  202. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  203. )
  204. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!6"
  205. goto subString
  206. )
  207. If "!nit!"=="7" (
  208. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  209. goto AntiExploit
  210. ) ELSE (
  211. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  212. )
  213. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!7"
  214. goto subString
  215. )
  216. If "!nit!"=="8" (
  217. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  218. goto AntiExploit
  219. ) ELSE (
  220. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  221. )
  222. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!8"
  223. goto subString
  224. )
  225. If "!nit!"=="9" (
  226. If "!MaxNumber!"=="3" (
  227. goto AntiExploit
  228. ) ELSE (
  229. Set /a "MaxNumber=!MaxNumber!+1"
  230. )
  231. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!9"
  232. goto subString
  233. )
  234. Set "MaxNumber=0"
  235. Set "NewPassword=!%nit%!"
  236. Set "NewCryptedToken=!NewCryptedToken!!NewPassword!"
  237. goto subString
  238. )
  239. goto :EOF
  240. :AntiExploit
  241. Echo ERROR: You Cannot Use Numbers/Letters Three Times In Concession.
  242. echo(
  243. pause
  244. goto start
  245. :CheckKey
  246. Set "UserKey=!NewCryptedToken!"
  247. Set "FinalKey=20152123124135561714849910611151218137145152016201751811932082113225231241425426927182852913305311332233534183593614372238153912402241542134354414514464479481249550151185214"
  248. If "!UserKey!"=="!FinalKey!" (
  249. goto :eof
  250. ) ELSE (
  251. Echo Key Is WRONG. Please Try Agian.
  252. echo(
  253. pause
  254. goto start
  255. )
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