
Second Portion, working on little teeth latching neck piece.

May 9th, 2016
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  1. He is a bit sweaty but happy with the results, and Hendrix seems to be pleased with everything that has occurred thus far! He grins as his hair is ruffled by his cousin.
  3. "What's an app-renti-ce do I get to do this more?!" he broke down the word carefully as he was taught by Atticus the Third, he may not know the meaning of a particular word indeed but his pronounciation was one forged from a year of solid diction practice. If being an apprentice meant doing more of this then he would be happy to help Hendrix more on projects like this! It was way too amazing!
  5. His eyes shone with excitement as Hendrix went on to explain the need to 'cool' items. He hopped down from the earthen steps Hendrix had made and watched his cousin. Hendrix took a few steps back from the anvil and underneath it seemed to be the actual forge. A small rectangular entrance had been built for placing items needing cooling, ducts on the side for air to enter and leave.
  7. Hendrix explained that it was important to never let something cool down all at once, the shape had to be allowed time to harden and adjust. A set of tongs were grabbed, though he was not aware of what the tools were for. It seemed Hendri used them to grab things that he could not reach with bare hands to avoid burns! More interesting things!
  9. Hendrix explained that magical fire was a lot more harder to gauge than normal and natural flames, he nodded his head. Absorbing as much information as he could.
  11. "Is it better to use magic flames?!?!" he asked wondering if there was a reason behind the usage of different flames.
  12. (Hassan Falco)
  13. Situational.
  15. It was really all about what one wanted to do with smithing, and the materials used. "Yes, and no, Hassan." Time also had a part to play; the molding of materials could, and di vary -- with some of the more durable requiring hours of intense work, as well as a steady flow of magical power, and finesse with one's hands as they tinkered about.
  17. Not wishing to explain this all, he'd keep it short. As he raises back up towards the table, another piece of Mithril is taken- smaller than the last, measuring at about nine inches, and no wider than three; heated immediately this time, in the palm of his hand.
  19. "Size, and make-up." He says showing what he was doing to Hassan, the heat controlled, no fire sprouted, yet it's closeness would let him know what was at work there; ever-increasing, and as it did- the mithril seeming to warp in his hand as he subtlely, but most assuredly- forcibly curves it as he sees fit.
  21. "They matter, and will allow you gauge what is necesserary; magical heat is destructive, and if not careful-" Instead of finishing, he just shows him! The Mithril suddenly collapses in on itself -- snapped in two! Right before the Falco's eyes, Hendrix now holding too pieces of jagged, and ruined metals.
  23. "You can ruin your creations like so."
  24. (Hendrix Este)
  25. He listened as Hendrix explained, saying that yes and no was the answer though no doubt there was deeper meaning behind this. Hendrix stated size and makeup as well, showing him a piece of mithril, that slowly warped in his hands. His eyes widened it was like watching the process all over again but minimized in Hendrix hands'.
  27. When he explained the need to be careful the mithril collapsed in on itself with a snap right before his eyes! There was nothing left but two jagged pieces, ruined metals befor him.
  29. "Oh. . ." he stated in amazement, it was a partial answer to his question and no doubt future looks into it would reveal more as he learned and grow. For now he was satisfied nad smiled.
  31. "It's like magic with metal pieces!" he said happily.
  32. (Hassan Falco)
  33. Nodding along, he seeming to get it. The Mithril pieces are stowed away in his pocket, the Smith set to toss them later. Now. He actually grabs a mithril chunk that he planned to use.
  35. The shape reminiscent of the last- the same process of heating, yet it was a steady build up, and he had moved back to the anvil at this point, letting it rest there.
  37. The next part requiring detail; the hammer is stowed, and replaced by a smaller one, a chisel of a some sort that he leaves at the ready as he prep to begin. "There is also detail to worry about when using magic, Hassan." Squinted eye, he angles himself as he tilts, and cranes his neck for a better look at the mithril as it begins to take to the heat.
  39. A light tap-tap on it's surface, movement coming from it, and that warranting another that chips off small fragments!
  40. (Hendrix Este)
  41. Kesi Este: <*Special bebble delivery via Atticus express*>
  42. watches Hendrix go through stowing away the mithril pieces, before grabbing a huge chunk that he planned to use. The shape reminded him of prior, ones and he examined it as Hendrix brought it back to rest on the anvil.
  44. It seemed the next phase was starting. He stared on as the hammer was stowed replaced by an even smaller one. Hendrix began to speak of detailing, and this would be the part where and when magic usage occurred that it was important. A quick tap on the surface, and a chip fell from the ore in small fragments.
  46. He watched carefully fascinated by everything that was occuring. So what was the next step, he watched carefully. What was going to happen now?
  47. (Hassan Falco)
  48. Nothing serious this time though.
  50. This part would be a quick one- the Este bringing the chisel down over specific parts; spaced apart by centimeters from each other -- indents that would hold, and it providing the appearance of 'teeth'. Squared, and perfectly aligned in accordance to the one next to time, he does this across the length of it first of all.
  52. "Grab me one of the pieces of iron over there, Hassan." Pointing toward it momentarily, his eyes never leaving the Mithril, and yet he was able to pinpoint where he had left the other materials.
  54. As he has him do that, the chisel is dropped! Both hands on the metal now as they had been when he showed Hassan one of the follies of over estimating the durability of some minerals, and metals. With that considered, the heat is lowered; a hand that added pressured -- maintained, and strength measuring with monstrous grip is used to slowly bend the mithril.
  56. A circular appearance the goal; he seeks to close it on itself, the Este focused on this, and as Kesi appears- his son brought by Atticus from above. In the middle of forging, so there wasn't a major reaction yet upon seeing the child!
  58. But still, it might have provided a surge of energy as he worries about the sudden appearance?? Hastily, he curves it, and let's both points remain there -- heat focused here, and so they remain forcibly welded.
  59. (Hendrix Este)
  60. As he brought the chisel down on specific parts Hassan watched, soon the indentation appeared to be something akin to 'teeth'. Perfectly alinged in accordance to the one next to it, when Hendrix asked for a piece of Iron he scrambled to get it. Remembering the look of the specific ore from earlier, Hendrix was absorbed in his work.
  62. He watched as the chisel was dropped, and everything seemed maintained and controlled. Not as many sparks forming and flying. Atticus brought a small child down to the forge, yet Hendrix remained focused on his goal. It wasn't serious but no doubt each move made by the blacksmith was crucial. Hastily Hendrix seemed to curve something, and then forcibly welded a few things together.
  64. He was not aware of the technical terms associated with what his pirate cousin was doing but no doubt the end results would be amazing! He was excited to do more things but the little warlock grew hungry. How long had they been down here? Time had been lost to him for a moment,
  66. "I'm hungry. . . " he stated glancing around. Nothing to eat or munch on down here, and it seemed Hendrix was almost done.
  67. (Hassan Falco)
  68. Kesi Este: <*bebble squeals as Atticus waits for a chance to hand off the child*>
  69. As Time Drifts...
  73. He was getting tired. With Hassan's hunger, his own also arising, and so this portion of the work he done- finished quickly. With the Mithril connected, and the aforementioned Iron, he sets out with a very specific plan here.
  75. The Iron, a simple metal, and easily worked -- fire is what he bathes it in suddenly; above the forge, on top of the Anvil, the smith wastes no expense as he pretty much attempts to cremate the material.
  77. Magical fire used where a slow, and natural fire would require time, and even with that considered- the pull, and twisting of 'time' is experienced by those present. Hendrix's cognitive display of ability allowing for a hastening of the process, and as such- a fine puddle in the center of middle of the Iron is formed in moments!
  79. What might have taken hours was reduced to minutes, and the circular teeth made of mithril are then housed. In it's center; liquified iron being what it is submerged in -- a bonding of materials, that is done for the purpose of complimenting the flexible, yet fragile nature of the Mithril on it's own.
  80. (Hendrix Este)
  81. Hendrix Este: <Makes Atticus wait before taking baby!>
  82. Hendrix completed the process rather quickly, and his stomach growled, he was very hungry. Much he also wanted to take care of including more magic practice but first and foremost the young child definitately needed some form of sustenance.
  84. He paused for a moment looking at the baby in Atticus' arms.
  86. "Huh? Whose baby?" he asked no one in particular though the question could have easily been addressed to Atticus or Hendrix. The child walked over and looked the small kid up and down for a moment, Atticus was holding him rather firmly.
  88. His stomach growled again reminding him of the hunger within that he had yet to satiate. He sighed,
  90. "I want to eat alot of stuff! Hendrix that was hard!" he states though he did not do much in comparison to the work the blacksmith had done to create multiple tools.
  91. (Hassan Falco)
  92. Hendrix Este: Mine. <Wipes sweat from brow before taking Kesi, having finished for the time being- the Mithril encased in Iron goop juice is left sitting aside on the anvil, next to what remains of the liquid iron.>
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