
2016 4way Redux Guides

Feb 18th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Rubio:
  2. Runningmate: Kasich
  3. Visits: Most in Illinois, some in New Jersey
  4. 1. You don’t punch down in politics. Once this media coverage of him dies out, as soon as they start to focus on the real campaign in this election, his campaign dies too. I am focused on my actual opponent: Democrat Hillary Clinton. I have no comment on a child who is begging for our attention.
  5. 2. Not at all: John Kasich is a strong conservative who has served the great state of Ohio with pride and distinction as Governor, and I’m confident that he’ll do the same as this nation's second-in-command.
  6. 3. I’m very concerned about this episode. As President, I will definitely be looking into this entire situation some more, and I’d support congressional investigations on this issue.
  7. 4. You can’t help but hear the similarities between what Trump is saying, this idea of a stolen nomination, and now what the Bernie people are saying. It’s a very typical socialist notion, these supposedly stolen elections. Ever since 2000, it’s been the same game with them.
  8. 5. Logically, this is excellent news for us, but I’d still like to attack Sanders from time to time, only as an example of a dangerous communist that we have to defeat if we want to protect this great country.
  9. 6. A hodgepodge of parties that have never won an election in their collective existence: I can’t think of anything more befitting of Donald Trump. It’s a perfect match.
  10. 7. I was heartbroken to see this senseless tragedy strike our country, our state. Jeanette and I join all Floridians and all Americans in grieving for those who lost their lives and praying for those who were injured in this senseless act of hatred, violence and terror.
  11. 8. My heart still goes out to the brave and resilient people of France in this time of tragedy, and we have to work with France, and other countries, in our global fight against terrorism.
  12. 9. With my heritage and Trump’s weakness in that area, I think we have a shot at totally sweeping the southwest — we could even make some brief stops in California along with the traditional swing states to boast Congressional candidates.
  13. 10. This deal was a big mistake. We’re funding Iranian terrorists while they ignore the deal altogether. I was opposed to this deal as a senator, and I’ll be opposed to it as President.
  14. 11. I am personally opposed to abortion, and I support limits on the practice. However, I would support a rape and incest exception to abortion bans being drafted by some legislatures.
  15. 12. I’m obviously against moving our jobs to other countries, and TPP certainly needs reevaluation, but things like tariffs on China for the sake of it won't succeed; we need to focus on improving our economy instead.
  16. 13. I’m no elitist. My family escaped Cuba and lifted ourselves out of poverty — because that’s the promise of America. America is about the freedom to control your own destiny, and I’m the only candidate in the race who wants to uphold that.
  17. 14. Ted, we’re heavily considering you for the state department, but that’s because our goal is to pick whoever would be the best for the job. We’re considering many people in the cabinet.
  18. 15. I support strengthening our border security and keeping out illegal immigrants, to say anything else is absurd. Obama has acted illegally through executive orders on this issue to circumvent Congress. However, Trump’s comments on Mexicans are insulting to our many proud Mexican-Americans, and the Wall is obviously ridiculous.
  19. 16. Obviously, Trump shouldn't have been included, so why acknowledge him? Was he even at 15% in the polls? I’m going to completely avoid him during the debate, and not acknowledge his ridiculous attacks. I’m not going to take the bait when Trump blatantly cries for attention like a petulant child.
  20. 17. A lot of Americans have reasonable concerns about a cult member being second-in-line for the Presidency, especially when the President, god-forbid, would be a 75 year old perpetually angry socialist.
  21. 18. We’re going to utilize all of these new advertising technologies that you can use on sites like Facebook. You can target a potential voter to extreme levels, essentially being able to account for everything about someone when they see an ad. I think there’s a ton of potential there.
  22. 19. I would try my best to avoid unnecessary cuts to Medicare and Social Security, but the truth is that we’re spending money we don’t have. We need to end pork barrel spending and cut down earmarks if we want to keep our fiscal health in order, and that’s a start.
  23. 20. Ignore the minor candidates, and have a normal debate with Tim Kaine. That's all we need to do. That's what actual voters want, no the spectacle this election is on the verge of becoming.
  24. 21. I oppose ObamaCare and believe it has failed. It drove up premiums, took insurance away from people who were promised otherwise, and usurped state programs. I’d repeal it and replace it with a patient-centered approach that expands access to providers and lowers costs of care.
  25. 22. This is a non-issue that we addressed in the primaries. It didn't work for him then, clearly. You think it'll work now?
  26. 23. My parents were forced to leave Cuba after Fidel Castro’s regime came to power. I’ve seen the effects of socialism first hand. That’s what makes Sanders one of the my dangerous candidates for president out of the field. He is even more radical than Hillary Clinton, he’s essentially a communist. He is an American Fidel Castro.
  27. 24. I’m going to cut income taxes across the board, for all Americans. We’ll help the working class have more money, we’ll have business owners making more money, and it will all work out.
  28. 25. Any claims from Trump of this being some sort of ‘locker room talk’ is ridiculous. I’ve been in plenty of male locker rooms myself. False. What he has said, what he has done, is disgusting. That much is clear.
  29. 26. Many states in the south are too close for my liking. I want to sweep the place with advertisements, warnings of Hillary Clinton’s potential victory, and of Trump splitting the vote.
  30. 27. This is exactly what we’re talking about when I attack cronyism in Government. Telling the public one thing, but then promising elite corporate backers that she’ll still favor them once she’s in power.
  31. 28. I mean, if all this WikiLeak's stuff is coming from a hacker whose Russian, or something, I don't see the relevance. The public should be informed about all of this, no?
  32. 29. Thank goodness this came out before the election. I’ll say that, thank goodness.
  33. 30. Nevada is key, and we’ll make a stop there, but I think we can totally rally our Hispanic supporters in Los Angeles too. We have a shot. A huge shot in this so-called blue state.
  34. Improvements: THe next best states are Washington and Delaware. If you want to build upon this, visit them too, but expect it to require a lot of luck to win all these states at once. Nonetheless Rubio's ceiling should be 458.
  37. Clinton:
  38. Runningmate: Kaine
  39. Visits: Arkansas and Rhode Island, about equally. Maybe 1 or 2 Iowa visits as well.
  40. 1. Democrats know that, despite what Republicans want, we need to be united to uphold everything we’ve accomplished these past eight years. I know that some voters feel like they can just sit this election out — it couldn’t be further from the truth. If Marco Rubio wins, he will take your healthcare, he will cut Social Security and Medicare. We can’t afford as a country, or as a party, to forget the truth. We are stronger together.
  41. 2. Tim Kaine has immense experience as a bi-partisan Governor and United States Senator. If, god-forbid, someone else needs to step into the Presidency, he’d be my first choice.
  42. 3. Let's take a step back. George Bush and Dick Cheney lost over 20 million emails from their time in office. I have already turned over every relevant email from my time as Secretary of State. Anything else is a right-wing hit job.
  43. 4. Every election year you have these fringe candidates that run. Democrats remember what happened in 2000 when Ralph Nader siphoned off enough votes from Al Gore to elect George Bush. Think of the dark path that our nation took. The War in Iraq. Poor response to Hurricane Katrina. I hope Senator Sanders will be able to live with himself if he causes something similar.
  44. 5. The emergence of Donald Trump is one of the most worrying things we’ve seen in American politics for a long time — and I’m sure Marco feels the same way about Bernie Sanders. Let’s make a deal with his campaign: if he tries to draw attention away from Sanders, we’ll do the same with Trump.
  45. 6. I condemn the religious terrorism that led to this shooting in the strongest possible terms, that we must end. And my heart especially goes out to the Hispanic and LGBT communities that were affected by this terrible act of violence.
  46. 7. We need an experienced hand at the helm of the ship of state to deal with issues in Syria and to prevent terror attacks. Marco Rubio says our place in the world is slipping, when he could hardly stand up to Trump. Do you think he could stand up to ISIS?
  47. 8. The media wants to pretend that these traditionally conservative states in the South, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama, are a contest between Trump and Rubio. But Bernie doesn’t have a base in these states, where the Democratic base is predominantly black. If Trump and Rubio split the vote enough, we can win with a plurality.
  48. 9. Some other candidates have said that they will tear this deal up, should they win this election. That is dangerous and ill-conceived, and really shows how unfit they are to guild America's foregn policy.
  49. 10. We don’t need to address Trump and Bernie at all. With any luck, their constant negativity will only make them look immature compared to the real race between Rubio and I, one that I’ll win. We just need to attack Rubio in our ads. It’ll be easy enough: he keeps flubbing interview questions, and he’ll be a mess during the debate.
  50. 11. What many people don’t know is that Bernie Sanders was a hardliner on undocumented immigrants. There are these videos you can watch online of him on Fox News, railing against immigration. Remind you of anyone?
  51. 12. If it’s his policies that are winning them over, then let's continue to focus on the progressive stances that I’ve taken in the primary, particularly in regards to college affordability.
  52. 13. I want Barack Obama to be actively involved in our campaign. And more specifically, I want him to really campaign hard in the black belt, in many of these cities across the south with a high African American population. We actually have a shot here, and he’s our best bet at turning out these voters.
  53. 14. I was a supporter of this deal at first, but I'm very disappointed to see some of the provisions that made it into the final version. I unfortunately cannot support the TPP at this point.
  54. 15. I’m almost certainly going to be hit with attacks on all sides tonight, so I’m not going to take the bait. If I focus on policy, real concrete policy that affects real Americans, our campaign will look above the fray while the other three candidates take this race into the gutter.
  55. 16. We’ll continue our current investments online, and I’d like to call out the absurdity of Donald Trump’s use of Twitter. He treats the business of government like a joke because, quite frankly, he is one. It’d be funny, if it weren’t so depressing.
  56. 17. Not a thing. We’re going to be focusing on Bernie himself when we attack that campaign, if we do. We aren’t going to get lost in the weeds attacking a minor Vice Presidential candidate who’s about to destroy her own reputation tomorrow.
  57. 18. People like Marco Rubio rave about how important it is to lower the deficit. But when it comes to raising taxes on the 1% to pay for it, what happens? He’ll tell you no, because in the end, this is just another excuse to cut Americans Social Security and Medicare.
  58. 19. We must acknowledge the unique nature of this election, and of our opponent. This pledge might help reluctant moderates and far-left progressives support me for now, if they see an open primary coming in three years.
  59. 20. We all remember what happened to John McCain in 2008, when he went for a running mate who ‘wasn’t boring.’ Uncontroversial is good! Let’s keep it that way, and have Tim not get into any fights. Remain above the fray.
  60. 21. The best way to combat global warming is through the effort of American enterprise. Rubio and Trump think you can’t fight global warming without harming jobs, when it couldn’t be further from the truth. With the right incentives, I'm confident that we will find solutions to the problems of solar and wind energy, with minimal disruptions to existing jobs and businesses.
  61. 22. Have you seen that bizarre essay he wrote while he was in college? It’s way too graphic for me to repeat, but it’s horribly sexist and misogynistic, claiming that deep down women actually want to be sexually assaulted. It’s disgusting, and we can’t let this go unheard.
  62. 23. I was very sad when the public option was taken out of the Affordable Care Act. This is something we must fight for over the coming years, along with adequate funding and controls on prices. Universal access to healthcare is the goal.
  63. 24. As president, I will be a strong voice for unions. I will protect the right to organize. I will fight against right-to-work laws. Workers, and unions built this country, and they are a key part of our economy. I’m the only viable candidate saying that.
  64. 25. Like many women, I was sickened and appalled to see Donald Trump bragging about assault in casual conversation. Are these the values that we stand for in America, and that we want to teach our children?
  65. 26. Rubio has been targeting the southwest, and even Sanders had tried for a few states there. These are states that went to Obama in both years. We have to make sure we can hold them down if we want to win outright.
  66. 27. This is nothing compared to the lies and equivocation of Rubio, Trump, and Sanders. And furthermore, it's appalling that my opponents are so willing to throw aside all ideals and cooperate with the Russians, the moment it's convenient for them.
  67. 28. We have already implemented reforms to the DNC to prevent this in the future. And also, the idea that the nomination was "stolen" is absurd and unfactual, it's a lie that Bernie Sanders made up to help Republicans.
  68. 29. I am deeply concerned by Comey's decision to reopen a settled case, and I'm confident that there are no new revelations here. We're going to focus on our message during the closing stretch of this campaign.
  69. 30. We’ve been looking very closely into some of these southern states that Bernie is non-competitive in, and I do think we seriously could win here. Let’s go across the south, stopping in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, before finally ending the day in Charleston, South Carolina.
  70. Improvements: It's tough. Clinton can easily win Indiana if she sues Sanders' campaign but that gives you a massive nerf that you won't be able to overcome. The most promising state is Hawaii. So with extremely good RNG her ceiling is probably 453.
  73. Trump:
  74. Runningmate: Flynn
  75. Visits: About 4 in Georgia and Missouri each, the rest in New Mexico
  76. 1. The voters aren’t stupid. We’ve all seen the tremendous, tremendous fraud. It’s true, even more now. Steve, he was showing me these videos: buses from Utah, carrying thousands of these Rubio Apaches straight to the voting centers. Look, I send out a few tweets about this, and it’s all anyone will talk about for a month. We get the OAN, we get Newsmax on it, and it’ll already be over for Little Marco before the convention.
  77. 2. These smaller parties have been wanting a chance at this for years. These Reform guys, Ross Perot, they wanted me. Bad, but I was very busy. Conservative Party, Constitution. There are practically a million of these. But now, we reach out, we use their ballot lines, and we’ll be on all 50.
  78. 3. Michael, I call him 'The General.' He was incredibly smart on foreign policy, while I am very smart on the economy. Which you don't need 30 years in Government to do, by the way, because, we're going to go in there, and we will drain the swamp. We're going to clean house.
  79. 4. The exact same thing that everyone who runs for President is going to want, okay? What do you think? It’s to become President. I mean, it seems very clear. Because we won by millions of millions of votes. Everyone wants me. And we will win huge in November.
  80. 5.Our so-called FBI has been entirely designed to keep these establishment thugs out of prison. Crooked Hillary destroyed massive amounts of evidence, and yet the Republican Party, our agencies, will keep her free. I don’t believe a word that this guy is saying.
  81. 6. Why not? Why would I endorse Republicans, any of these guys who stole it from me, downballot? I can't trust them. I can't trust their judgement. Look, if you endorse Donald J. Trump I endorse you. That's how it works. That's how politics works.
  82. 7. This is a tremendous opportunity, George. I need you to look into this, and if you can get your hands on this, I mean, it’s over. We could spill it wide open. This is going to be incredible. But I’d rather this all go through you, being the expert, right?
  83. 8. Around the world we have Islamic terror striking at innocent lives, while the two-parties mock the idea of action. If this attack on the LGBT community, this vicious attack, isn't enough to make them wake up, then what is?
  84. 9. It’s a very dirty game. And both of them do it. Rubio and the RNC, they took it from me, and they took it from Crazy Bernie too. They want the Hillary/Rubio, they want the uniparty. I never have.
  85. 10. It’s a four-person race now. They say that’s never happened before, but you know what? I say it’s a one-person race. Me. We’re gonna win it and we’re gonna win big.
  86. 11. There are millions of illegal immigrants and gang members flooding across our Southern border, and Rubio, he only wants more. Obama did the DACA, and little Marco wants more. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, they’re seeing this. They know what’s happening. They want the wall.
  87. 12. Jeb, Marco, Kasich, these guys laughed when I said what needed to be done about terrorists flooding our country. A stoppage until we can figure out what the hell is going on. And we didn’t, and we’ve paid very dearly, in Orlando, Marco's own Orlando, and very soon elsewhere.
  88. 13. He’s going to fill his cabinet with Lyin’ Ted, Jeb, Scott Walker - remember him? They’re all getting a slice of the pie. My advisors are going to be the smartest people in the room, not a Senator in sight. Unless they endorsed me, of course.
  89. 14. I mean, George, we could really ruin Rubio with this. This Jesse guy, no way. Just lean into those superfans: they’d give a million to me if they could. But, we all saw what happened to Hillary with those emails. Tell them to pull the trigger, and we could help them out very strongly. We could have some people at state, I’ll say that, great people.
  90. 15. There are so many wonderful voters who we are missing out on if we go with your, and I'm sorry, but it's true, these sort-of crazy guys, church guys. Normal people care about the terrible invasion of immigration coming from the South, but this gay stuff, it polls very, very well, for the Democrats.
  91. 16. You gave Paul Ryan, in 2010, he said, they said ‘We’ll repeal it, give us the house, we’ll repeal it.’ Didn’t do a thing. 2014, they said ‘Give us the Senate, we need the Senate,’ didn’t repeal. They aren’t- if little Marco is sent to the White House, he won’t. He can’t. Donald J. Trump, me, I can. I will, I will repeal and replace.
  92. 17. I’m going to wing it. The primaries, it worked fine. We’re going to mix my very good plans with, y’know, my usual stuff.
  93. 18. We are going to get the hell out of these trade deals that have massacred our workers from Pittsburgh to Milwaukee. We're leaving TPP, and I will make one of the greatest deals in history with Mexico as soon as we drop NAFTA.
  94. 19. Wacky Tulsi is INSANE. Bernie Sanders is OLD and WONT LAST. She wants Bernie to DIE so she can run THIS WHOLE COUNTRY LIKE A CULT!
  95. 20. I know little Marco isn’t talking here. He bought a house with David Rivera, a complete crook and fraud. He couldn’t even use a company card — and he says Donald Trump doesn’t know economy?
  96. 21. Mike has done really great things in Iraq, and other areas for our incredible and powerful military, and it is really quite awful how people are treating him. And I think the military would agree, and I think these guys, they don't respect the military. Only for politics, I say, only for the politics.
  97. 22. I think we're going to have a few, really, really, incredible rallies in these swing states, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina. And I mean, even if we don't win it, right, it looks very good. If Rubio and Clinton think they have it then we come in. Very good.
  98. 23. I am very sorry of how I acted here. I’m wasn’t- wasn’t myself. But, look, a conversation from more than a decade ago? And I’m the only candidate who will make this country great? This is the future of America. We have to be smart.
  99. 24. We have this essay from Bernie that Roger gave me. Very sick stuff. Why aren’t the media talking about this? And his wife doing fraud, they’re mentioning me, but never him. We’re going to raise hell about that, and Hillary will certainly grab onto this too.
  100. 25. Shit. We’re not going to say a word about all of this, about me, Mike, alright? Not publicly, this could kill me if it gets out. No, no, no. Tell the FBI full cooperation. And make sure this doesn’t go to me. Work very hard, it goes to our staff, it goes to George and others. I had no role, no quid pro quo. You get it?
  101. 26. Democrats are up in arms, they are killing each other, over who's more socialist, communist. I mean, folks, this is insanity. And Rubio doesn't want to do anything. You have to pick the sane option here, people, it's me. Frankly.
  102. 27. You cannot be suprised by this, and anyone who says that they are, is a total and complete dummy. They were always doing this, on both sides, really. Both sides were doing this, and it is very sick.
  103. 28. Bernie Sanders was played, and I'm very sorry, but that's what happens when you run in the Democrat Party. They will steal it, and they will do the same in the Republican Party. They are universially stealing elections, and we both understood that.
  104. 29. I don't want to speculate on what kind of incriminating new evidence might be in these emails. I just want to focus on our Make America Great Again agenda during the closing stretch of this election.
  105. 30. Ohio, Indiana, and Missouri, these midwest states that, while very Republican, Republican swing-states, are tremendous fans of myself.
  106. Improvements: This is the only one where I don't see anything a whole lot. The next best state would be Virginia, which is still miles away and winning NM, MO and GA alone take really good RNG. I think 333 might be the ceiling here.
  109. Sanders:
  110. Runningmate: Kaptur
  111. Visits: Mostly Texas, some in New York. Consider visits in WV and the Dakotas too.
  112. 1. Our campaign won 29 states and amassed nearly fifteen million votes. There is a strong constituency for our platform that is not being represented in this race, and I feel confident we have the resources and momentum to continue this fight all the way to the White House in November. Ladies and gentlemen, our political revolution continues.
  113. 2. The honest answer is, we don’t. What we won’t do is turn down the opportunity for additional support, but working so closely with the Green Party has many drawbacks for the voting public, and we need a Democratic Congress behind us if we manage to win the White House in November.
  114. 3. Congresswoman, I understand your concerns. And I promise you this: we are going to use this campaign to enact real, Progressive change. We're already preforming well, but with you, it'll be even better. If you're not comfortable with the polling, in the future, feel free to leave. But we are going to make history this November. Make history with us, Marcy!
  115. 4. Donald Trump is a corrupt billionaire who stands for the 1% and Wall Street, and yet he is called a populist solely for his bigotry and his hatred of minorities. Make no mistake: he would be a President who stands for no one but himself.
  116. 5. This was a horrifying event, but what we shouldn’t, what we cannot do, is forget that the Muslim people did not commit this act. A single individual did. We cannot allow shootings like this to succeed, and to divide us, because if we listen to the rhetoric of people like Donald Trump, he is doing just that.
  117. 6. ISIS must be destroyed. We do not destroy it by doing what we did in Iraq and getting into perpetual warfare. I voted against the war in Iraq. In fact, Secretary Clinton voted for that war. What we do is work to put together a very effective coalition of Muslim nations who lead the effort on the ground supported by us through air support and training.
  118. 7. We have many of these celebrities who are vocal about their support of this campaign. This can continue to maintain the vast enthusiasm among the youth of this country for my candidacy. If we plan on continuing these ambitious fundraising numbers, we absolutely must continue to lean into that.
  119. 8. The unfortunate fact is, that while we certainly need immigration reform, illegal immigration drives wages down. While we will clearly position against these comments from Trump, I do believe that there is a segment of his pro-union voters that could be won over on this particular issue with a more realistic stance.
  120. 9. While we will not shrink for my policy plans on the issues, be it on healthcare, education, or otherwise. But I think it is important to emphasize here: in America, for years we have had socialism for the rich, and hard, rugged individualism for the rest of us. And the idea that being against that is radical, that is absurd.
  121. 10. While we performed rather poorly across the southwest during the primaries, I firmly believe that a four-candidate general is an entirely different ballgame. These states, Nevada, Colorado, California, perhaps even Texas — if we get someone like Chuck Rocha in there, I do think we could perform very well.
  122. 11. I am well aware of how the pharmaceutical companies and private health insurance companies feel about my proposed Medicare for All plan. And I say to them: whether you like it or not, the United States will join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.
  123. 12. What channels today's youth is outrage: outrage at how they’ve been taken for granted and ignored by the establishment for decades, and our campaign is calling it out. Let’s put out a new series of advertisements hitting Clinton and Rubio on this.
  124. 13. I think it’s outrageous that the networks put this issue on the back-burner compared to whatever Donald Trump has tweeted recently. Let’s do an event with several supportive climate scientists, lambasting the media while making clear what’s at risk here.
  125. 14. Of course I do. I’m standing by what I’ve been saying for 30 years, while the Clinton administration was spearheading NAFTA. It certainly is interesting that Clinton and Rubio have only come around on TPP this week. What’s changed?
  126. 15. I think that we have, certainly, made mistakes here, and I deeply want to rectify them. We're going to reshuffle our staff, incorporating more voices like Symone Sanders while making sure to repair the relationship between my upper advisors and our African-American outreach team.
  127. 16. Having been a Democrat in Ohio for years, she understands whats happening with Trump's support across the rust belt. We're going to send her on a tour of the midwest, preaching for unions and protectionism.
  128. 17. I will rail against how the establishment and the media have tried desperately to prevent this from being anything but a Rubio Vs. Clinton election, the debate commission included. That’s what will get our campaign attention, and once we start making headlines, our polling numbers start shifting.
  129. 18. I’m strongly opposed to any sort of dictatorship, be it in Cuba or otherwise. Meanwhile, you have Trump cozying up to figures like Vladimir Putin, while Rubio wants us to go in the opposite direction, invading Iran and wherever else. Why listen to them?
  130. 19. Why get bogged down addressing the issues of other elections? What those tilting towards me are worried about is issues like Medicare for All, and certainly not the deficit.
  131. 20. We’re being joined more and more by these national unions, who were with us in the primary, but were hesitant to re-endorse our campaign in the general. I believe the best thing we can do is encourage them to manage our turnout operations, while we divert our funds to other areas.
  132. 21. Marcy is more than experienced in these sorts of debates. We can have her and her staff do her own debate preparations. I know she'll come off great.
  133. 22. We must confront that comment head-on, with a speech detailing our policy on Syria. It's a quagmire of a quagmire, but my plan is not to commit to a reckless withdrawal, rather, to defeat ISIS with a coalition of nations, while diplomatically phasing out Assad, and addressing the humanitarian crisis
  134. 23. We’re going to talk to Merkley, we’re going to talk to many others, my fellow Vermont Senator, who endorsed just before the end of the primary, many Representatives — we need everyone who was on board in the primary to be with us now.
  135. 24. I am deeply sorry for this piece. It was a dumb attempt at dark satire in an alternative publication, and in no way reflects my record, or views, on women. It was intended to attack gender stereotypes of the '70s, but it looks as stupid today as it was then.
  136. 25. I will remind them that am their best shot at getting 5% of the popular vote and granting the Green Party federal funding. This is a simple numbers game, and with that alone, we’re helping them.
  137. 26. The idea that we might have a President of the United States on tape, basically bragging about sexually assaulting women, is deeply disgusting. He should drop out.
  138. 27. What we should be focusing on is my native Northeast, areas like Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, while conducting general operations across New England.
  139. 28. It is deeply unserious for Hillary Clinton’s supporters in the media to continuously assert that she’s the ‘most progressive candidate in America history,’ while she claims the opposite in private.
  140. 29. From time to time, we’re going to mention what happened in the primary, and yes, we’re going to talk about the manipulation of democracy that happened there. But only to support why I’m the right choice, not for the sake of it.
  141. 30. Well, I’d very much prefer to discuss the issues that are actually affecting the American people, rather than gossip and attacks. I think that’s what Americans are more concerned about.
  142. 31. We’re going to throw a massive rally in the heart of Brooklyn, with thousands of our supporters — our numbers here have shown that we can really make a splash here.
  143. Improvements: This one has by far the most potential. I lost West Virginia by only 200 votes and North Dakota is definitely in reach too. That make 331 definitely possible. If you wanna go real big consider putting about half your visits in New Jersey. Winning it and every other state would be very unlikely, because you have a whopping 7 unreliable states: NY, NJ, TX, OK, WV, SD, ND. But if all stars allign then 345 should be barely achievable.
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