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Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. Let's have some OC/Canon rantage. Okay, so I've been working on a Philippines OC and what I couldn't help but notice was the way some people have made Philippines OCs into Pairing Sues. Yeah okay.
  3. So Philippines went through stages of having other popular characters rule over them in history - the Spanish rule, the brief time with England, then America, then Japan, America again, you get it. No, they all not all head over heels in love with the Philippines. They are /not/. Yes, the Philippines has borrowed culture from those countries and others, no, she/he is not doing it out of love. She is not America's girlfriend, she is not super super tsundere for America and she is not omg kawaii fangirl for him either - seriously, Philippines were after their independence, what happened to the US-Filipino War? They don't have a sparkly clean history and it feels like people forget that. Yes, they have a friendship day. So does Poland and Hungary. And many other countries too. That does not mean they're in love. (I actually don't mind US/Philippines, IF DONE RIGHT, fyi)
  5. Spain colonised Philippines just like how he colonised many other nations across the world. Philippines is not his desu lover exception. I think they have more of a family type bond, if anything. But it's not a perfect family bond either. Oh yeah, and there was a revolution against Spain for the Philippines independence. Oooops, it's no lover's spat, I tell you. And England's control was super brief and no, it was not a love affair, no, it wasn't all </////3 and sobbu tears as Spain got the Philippines back from England. And the Japanese occupation during World War Two was no walk in the park. It wasn't fun fun times; how on earth would romance blossom there either?
  7. Then you got fangirls who insist that Germany wanted the Philippines too for whatever reason. Yeah, 'whatever reason', that was deliberate wording. Why? I see no reason for the Philippines and Germany to be romantically involved, even if they have crossed paths in history. Who else? Oh yeah, Romano and Russia. I think the only reason for Romano/Philippines is because they were both colonies of Spain's. And that's about it for the reasoning that I've seen. And who isn't Russia paired with? Apparently Russia and Philippines were paired by some because the Philippines is a sunny island and Russia would love to go there ALL THE DESU TIME..??
  9. STOP.
  11. /shakes head
  13. Yes, go ahead and have national pride in your country or feel pride in your OC nation, sure, whatever. But many many nations all around the world have interacted with one another - or what, is England in love with every nation he's ever colonised? No, clearly not. And I know this happens a lot with OC nations in general, but I've noticed it ever so strongly with Philippines OCs, especially because she's closely linked to the popular characters in fandom.
  15. And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind shipping my OC Philippines with characters in RPs or whatever. I just don't wish for her to be a Pairing Sue whore and depict her as having a sugoi nation harem, because no, that is not how I see the Philippines. Hell, I think she can have good relations with lots of countries, but there is honestly a way to go about this without making her a pairing sue and act as if the world are her suitors. .__.;; And that could apply to OC/Canons in general.
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