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Mar 10th, 2018
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  1. $ x11docker-gui --verbose
  2. x11docker-gui: created kaptain grammar:
  4. #! /usr/bin/kaptain
  5. start "Run GUI applications in docker images - x11docker 3.9.6" -> options buttons;
  6. options:beside -> frameleft frameright;
  7. frameleft -> choose_image_framed choose_xserver_framed appeareance_framed ;
  8. frameright -> choose_options stddevelline @fill;
  10. choose_image_framed:framed -> choose_image;
  11. choose_image "Choose docker image" -> logo_imageorexe dockerimage;
  12. logo_imageorexe:beside -> @icon("/home/jan/.cache/x11docker/x11docker-gui/x11docker.png..d7a9") imageorexe ;
  13. imageorexe -> image | exe | xonly;
  14. image:beside "Run docker image in segregated X server" -> "-- " security_dialog;
  15. exe "--exe: Start host application in another X server" -> "--exe -- ";
  16. xonly "--xonly: Only create new empty X server" -> "--xonly -- ";
  17. dockerimage "docker image [and command] to run:" -> @combow("",
  18. "x11docker/xfce ",
  19. "x11docker/lxde ",
  20. "x11docker/lxqt ",
  21. "x11docker/mate ",
  22. "x11docker/fluxbox ",
  23. "x11docker/lumina ",
  24. "x11docker/trinity ",
  25. "x11docker/lxde-wine ",
  26. "x11docker/xfce-wine-playonlinux ",
  27. "x11docker/plasma ",
  28. "x11docker/cde \ \" # (needs --hostnet)",
  29. "x11docker/deepin \ \" # (needs --dbus-system and --pulseaudio)",
  30. "x11docker/cinnamon \ \" # (needs --systemd or --dbus-system)",
  31. "x11docker/enlightenment \ \" # (needs --runit)"
  32. ,"lightworks:latest ","x11docker/kaptain:latest ","x11docker/lxde:latest ","ubuntu:latest ","nginx:latest ");
  34. choose_xserver_framed:framed -> choose_xserver;
  35. choose_xserver -> xserverbla xservercombo desktop gpu wm waylanddbus;
  36. xserverbla:beside "Choose X server" -> @fill xinfobutton xdependenciesbutton ;
  37. xservercombo -> s/(:.*$)/ / @combo(
  38. ": Automatically choose X server (regards --desktop, --gpu and --wayland)",
  39. "--xpra: Show container application windows on your main desktop",
  40. "--xephyr: Show container desktop in a window on your main desktop",
  41. "--xpra-xwayland: Like --xpra (allows --gpu)",
  42. "--weston-xwayland: Like --xephyr (allows --gpu)",
  43. "--hostdisplay: Share host X display :0 (Quite bad container isolation!)",
  44. "--xorg: Core Xorg server. (Switch with <CTRL><ALT><F1>...<F12>)",
  45. "--nxagent: Like --xpra; with --desktop like --xephyr. Experimental.",
  46. "--xwayland: Core Xwayland. (Needs running Wayland on host).",
  47. "--xdummy: Invisible X server Xdummy",
  48. "--xvfb: Invisible X server Xvfb",
  49. "--kwin-xwayland: Like --weston-xwayland, but using kwin_wayland",
  50. "--kwin: Wayland in KWin without X",
  51. "--weston: Wayland in Weston without X",
  52. "--hostwayland: Share host Wayland display without X",
  53. "--nothing: No X and no Wayland"
  54. );
  55. gpu "--gpu: Hardware acceleration for OpenGL (degrades container isolation)" -> "--gpu " | ! "";
  56. wm :beside "--wm: Host window manager to use" -> "--wm=\"" @combow("plasmashell","icewm","i3","","auto","none")="auto" "\" " | ! "" ;
  57. desktop "--desktop: Image contains a desktop environment" -> "--desktop " | ! "" ;
  58. waylanddbus:beside -> wayland dbus whydbus;
  59. wayland "--wayland: Create Wayland environment" -> "--wayland " | ! "" ;
  60. dbus "--dbus: Run with" -> "--dbus " | ! "" ;
  61. whydbus:dialog "dbus-launch" -> @text=" Some QT5 applications in Wayland need dbus-launch. \n Some GTK3 applications must run without it. \n �\\_(�-�)_/�" @close=" Close";
  63. appeareance_framed:framed -> sizefullscreen ;
  64. sizefullscreen " Appearance of new X server" -> sizefullscreenline scale rotate dpi outputcount;
  65. sizefullscreenline:beside -> size xfishtank fullscreen;
  66. size:beside "--size: virtual screen size" -> "--size \"" @combow("320x240","640x480","800x600","1024x768","1280x800","1280x1024","1400x1050","1680x1200","1920x1080")="800x600" "\" "| !"" ;
  67. fullscreen "--fullscreen" -> "--fullscreen " | ! "" ;
  68. xfishtank "--xfishtank" -> "--xfishtank " | ! "" ;
  69. scale:beside "--scale: zoom factor (Xpra, Xorg: all, Weston: full integer only)" -> "--scale=\"" @combow("0.25","0.5","0.75","0.9","1","1.25","1.5","2","2.5","3")="1.5" "\" " | ! "" ;
  70. rotate:beside "--rotate: rotation and mirroring (Xorg and Weston only)" -> "--rotate=\"" @combo("0","90","180","270","flipped","flipped-90","flipped-180","flipped-270")="180" "\" " | ! "" ;
  71. dpi:beside "--dpi: screen density / dots per inch (influences font size)" -> "--dpi=\"" @combow("36","48","60","72","84","96","120","150","256","300")="96" "\" " | ! "" ;
  72. outputcount:beside "--output-count: multiple displays (Weston, KWin, Xephyr)" -> "--output-count=\"" @combow("1","2","3","4")="2" "\" " | ! "" ;
  74. choose_options:framed -> choose_options_normal choose_options_hostfolders choose_options_advanced;
  75. choose_options_normal "Sound, clipboard and language" -> clipboard alsaline pulseaudio lang langenv;
  76. clipboard "--clipboard: Enable clipboard sharing (image clips: xpra only)" -> "--clipboard " | ! "";
  77. pulseaudio "--pulseaudio: Sound with pulseaudio (needs pulseaudio in image, too)" -> "--pulseaudio " | ! "";
  78. alsaline:beside -> alsa alsacard;
  79. alsa "--alsa: Sound with ALSA" -> "--alsa " | ! "" ;
  80. alsacard:beside "--env ALSA_CARD=" -> "--env ALSA_CARD=\"" @combow("USB camera at usb-0000:00:14.0-6, full speed","camera","Vimicro corp. Lenovo USB2.0 UVC Camera at usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.1, high speed","Camera","PCH","HDMI","") "\" " | ! "";
  81. lang:beside "--lang: Look for language utf8 locale, create it if missing" -> "--lang=\"" @combow("cs_CZ","aa_DJ","aa_ER","aa_ET","af_ZA","ak_GH","am_ET","an_ES","anp_IN","ar_AE","ar_BH","ar_DZ","ar_EG","ar_IN","ar_IQ","ar_JO","ar_KW","ar_LB","ar_LY","ar_MA","ar_OM","ar_QA","ar_SA","ar_SD","ar_SS","ar_SY","ar_TN","ar_YE","as_IN","ast_ES","ayc_PE","az_AZ","be_BY","bem_ZM","ber_DZ","ber_MA","bg_BG","bhb_IN","bho_IN","bn_BD","bn_IN","bo_CN","bo_IN","br_FR","brx_IN","bs_BA","byn_ER","C","ca_AD","ca_ES","ca_FR","ca_IT","ce_RU","chr_US","cmn_TW","crh_UA","csb_PL","cs_CZ","cv_RU","cy_GB","da_DK","de_AT","de_BE","de_CH","de_DE","de_IT","de_LI","de_LU","doi_IN","dv_MV","dz_BT","el_CY","el_GR","en_AG","en_AU","en_BW","en_CA","en_DK","en_GB","en_HK","en_IE","en_IL","en_IN","en_NG","en_NZ","en_PH","en_SG","en_US","en_ZA","en_ZM","en_ZW","eo","es_AR","es_BO","es_CL","es_CO","es_CR","es_CU","es_DO","es_EC","es_ES","es_GT","es_HN","es_MX","es_NI","es_PA","es_PE","es_PR","es_PY","es_SV","es_US","es_UY","es_VE","et_EE","eu_ES","eu_FR","fa_IR","ff_SN","fi_FI","fil_PH","fo_FO","fr_BE","fr_CA","fr_CH","fr_FR","fr_LU","fur_IT","fy_DE","fy_NL","ga_IE","gd_GB","gez_ER","gez_ET","gl_ES","gu_IN","gv_GB","hak_TW","ha_NG","he_IL","hi_IN","hne_IN","hr_HR","hsb_DE","ht_HT","hu_HU","hy_AM","ia_FR","id_ID","ig_NG","ik_CA","is_IS","it_CH","it_IT","iu_CA","ja_JP","ka_GE","kk_KZ","kl_GL","km_KH","kn_IN","kok_IN","ko_KR","ks_IN","ku_TR","kw_GB","ky_KG","lb_LU","lg_UG","li_BE","lij_IT","li_NL","ln_CD","lo_LA","lt_LT","lv_LV","lzh_TW","mag_IN","mai_IN","mg_MG","mhr_RU","mi_NZ","mk_MK","ml_IN","mni_IN","mn_MN","mr_IN","ms_MY","mt_MT","my_MM","nan_TW","nb_NO","nds_DE","nds_NL","ne_NP","nhn_MX","niu_NU","niu_NZ","nl_AW","nl_BE","nl_NL","nn_NO","nr_ZA","nso_ZA","oc_FR","om_ET","om_KE","or_IN","os_RU","pa_IN","pap_AW","pap_CW","pa_PK","pl_PL","POSIX","ps_AF","pt_BR","pt_PT","quz_PE","raj_IN","ro_RO","ru_RU","ru_UA","rw_RW","sa_IN","sat_IN","sc_IT","sd_IN","se_NO","sgs_LT","shs_CA","sid_ET","si_LK","sk_SK","sl_SI","so_DJ","so_ET","so_KE","so_SO","sq_AL","sq_MK","sr_ME","sr_RS","ss_ZA","st_ZA","sv_FI","sv_SE","sw_KE","sw_TZ","szl_PL","ta_IN","ta_LK","tcy_IN","te_IN","tg_TJ","the_NP","th_TH","ti_ER","ti_ET","tig_ER","tk_TM","tl_PH","tn_ZA","tr_CY","tr_TR","ts_ZA","tt_RU","ug_CN","uk_UA","unm_US","ur_IN","ur_PK","uz_UZ","ve_ZA","vi_VN","wa_BE","wae_CH","wal_ET","wo_SN","xh_ZA","yi_US","yo_NG","yue_HK","zh_CN","zh_HK","zh_SG","zh_TW","zu_ZA")="cs_CZ" "\" " | ! "" ;
  82. langenv:beside "Set language environment variable only: --env LANG=" -> "--env LANG=\"" @combow("cs_CZ.UTF-8","aa_DJ","aa_DJ.utf8","aa_DJ.UTF-8","aa_ER","aa_ER@saaho","aa_ET","af_ZA","af_ZA.utf8","af_ZA.UTF-8","ak_GH","am_ET","an_ES","an_ES.utf8","an_ES.UTF-8","anp_IN","ar_AE","ar_AE.utf8","ar_AE.UTF-8","ar_BH","ar_BH.utf8","ar_BH.UTF-8","ar_DZ","ar_DZ.utf8","ar_DZ.UTF-8","ar_EG","ar_EG.utf8","ar_EG.UTF-8","ar_IN","ar_IQ","ar_IQ.utf8","ar_IQ.UTF-8","ar_JO","ar_JO.utf8","ar_JO.UTF-8","ar_KW","ar_KW.utf8","ar_KW.UTF-8","ar_LB","ar_LB.utf8","ar_LB.UTF-8","ar_LY","ar_LY.utf8","ar_LY.UTF-8","ar_MA","ar_MA.utf8","ar_MA.UTF-8","ar_OM","ar_OM.utf8","ar_OM.UTF-8","ar_QA","ar_QA.utf8","ar_QA.UTF-8","ar_SA","ar_SA.utf8","ar_SA.UTF-8","ar_SD","ar_SD.utf8","ar_SD.UTF-8","ar_SS","ar_SY","ar_SY.utf8","ar_SY.UTF-8","ar_TN","ar_TN.utf8","ar_TN.UTF-8","ar_YE","ar_YE.utf8","ar_YE.UTF-8","as_IN","ast_ES","ast_ES.utf8","ast_ES.UTF-8","ayc_PE","az_AZ","be_BY","be_BY@latin","be_BY.utf8","be_BY.UTF-8","bem_ZM","ber_DZ","ber_MA","bg_BG","bg_BG.utf8","bg_BG.UTF-8","bhb_IN.utf8","bhb_IN.UTF-8","bho_IN","bn_BD","bn_IN","bo_CN","bo_IN","br_FR","br_FR@euro","br_FR.utf8","br_FR.UTF-8","brx_IN","bs_BA","bs_BA.utf8","bs_BA.UTF-8","byn_ER","C","ca_AD","ca_AD.utf8","ca_AD.UTF-8","ca_ES","ca_ES@euro","ca_ES.utf8","ca_ES.UTF-8","ca_ES.utf8@valencia","ca_ES@valencia","ca_FR","ca_FR.utf8","ca_FR.UTF-8","ca_IT","ca_IT.utf8","ca_IT.UTF-8","ce_RU","chr_US","cmn_TW","crh_UA","csb_PL","cs_CZ","cs_CZ.utf8","cs_CZ.UTF-8","C.UTF-8","cv_RU","cy_GB","cy_GB.utf8","cy_GB.UTF-8","da_DK","da_DK.utf8","da_DK.UTF-8","de_AT","de_AT@euro","de_AT.utf8","de_AT.UTF-8","de_BE","de_BE@euro","de_BE.utf8","de_BE.UTF-8","de_CH","de_CH.utf8","de_CH.UTF-8","de_DE","de_DE@euro","de_DE.utf8","de_DE.UTF-8","de_IT","de_IT.utf8","de_IT.UTF-8","de_LI.utf8","de_LI.UTF-8","de_LU","de_LU@euro","de_LU.utf8","de_LU.UTF-8","doi_IN","dv_MV","dz_BT","el_CY","el_CY.utf8","el_CY.UTF-8","el_GR","el_GR.utf8","el_GR.UTF-8","en_AG","en_AU","en_AU.utf8","en_AU.UTF-8","en_BW","en_BW.utf8","en_BW.UTF-8","en_CA","en_CA.utf8","en_CA.UTF-8","en_DK","en_DK.iso885915","en_DK.utf8","en_DK.UTF-8","en_GB","en_GB.iso885915","en_GB.utf8","en_GB.UTF-8","en_HK","en_HK.utf8","en_HK.UTF-8","en_IE","en_IE@euro","en_IE.utf8","en_IE.UTF-8","en_IL","en_IN","en_NG","en_NZ","en_NZ.utf8","en_NZ.UTF-8","en_PH","en_PH.utf8","en_PH.UTF-8","en_SG","en_SG.utf8","en_SG.UTF-8","en_US","en_US.iso885915","en_US.utf8","en_US.UTF-8","en_ZA","en_ZA.utf8","en_ZA.UTF-8","en_ZM","en_ZW","en_ZW.utf8","en_ZW.UTF-8","eo","es_AR","es_AR.utf8","es_AR.UTF-8","es_BO","es_BO.utf8","es_BO.UTF-8","es_CL","es_CL.utf8","es_CL.UTF-8","es_CO","es_CO.utf8","es_CO.UTF-8","es_CR","es_CR.utf8","es_CR.UTF-8","es_CU","es_DO","es_DO.utf8","es_DO.UTF-8","es_EC","es_EC.utf8","es_EC.UTF-8","es_ES","es_ES@euro","es_ES.utf8","es_ES.UTF-8","es_GT","es_GT.utf8","es_GT.UTF-8","es_HN","es_HN.utf8","es_HN.UTF-8","es_MX","es_MX.utf8","es_MX.UTF-8","es_NI","es_NI.utf8","es_NI.UTF-8","es_PA","es_PA.utf8","es_PA.UTF-8","es_PE","es_PE.utf8","es_PE.UTF-8","es_PR","es_PR.utf8","es_PR.UTF-8","es_PY","es_PY.utf8","es_PY.UTF-8","es_SV","es_SV.utf8","es_SV.UTF-8","es_US","es_US.utf8","es_US.UTF-8","es_UY","es_UY.utf8","es_UY.UTF-8","es_VE","es_VE.utf8","es_VE.UTF-8","et_EE","et_EE.iso885915","et_EE.utf8","et_EE.UTF-8","eu_ES","eu_ES@euro","eu_ES.utf8","eu_ES.UTF-8","eu_FR","eu_FR@euro","eu_FR.utf8","eu_FR.UTF-8","fa_IR","ff_SN","fi_FI","fi_FI@euro","fi_FI.utf8","fi_FI.UTF-8","fil_PH","fo_FO","fo_FO.utf8","fo_FO.UTF-8","fr_BE","fr_BE@euro","fr_BE.utf8","fr_BE.UTF-8","fr_CA","fr_CA.utf8","fr_CA.UTF-8","fr_CH","fr_CH.utf8","fr_CH.UTF-8","fr_FR","fr_FR@euro","fr_FR.utf8","fr_FR.UTF-8","fr_LU","fr_LU@euro","fr_LU.utf8","fr_LU.UTF-8","fur_IT","fy_DE","fy_NL","ga_IE","ga_IE@euro","ga_IE.utf8","ga_IE.UTF-8","gd_GB","gd_GB.utf8","gd_GB.UTF-8","gez_ER","gez_ER@abegede","gez_ET","gez_ET@abegede","gl_ES","gl_ES@euro","gl_ES.utf8","gl_ES.UTF-8","gu_IN","gv_GB","gv_GB.utf8","gv_GB.UTF-8","hak_TW","ha_NG","he_IL","he_IL.utf8","he_IL.UTF-8","hi_IN","hne_IN","hr_HR","hr_HR.utf8","hr_HR.UTF-8","hsb_DE","hsb_DE.utf8","hsb_DE.UTF-8","ht_HT","hu_HU","hu_HU.utf8","hu_HU.UTF-8","hy_AM","hy_AM.armscii8","ia_FR","id_ID","id_ID.utf8","id_ID.UTF-8","ig_NG","ik_CA","is_IS","is_IS.utf8","is_IS.UTF-8","it_CH","it_CH.utf8","it_CH.UTF-8","it_IT","it_IT@euro","it_IT.utf8","it_IT.UTF-8","iu_CA","ja_JP.eucjp","ja_JP.utf8","ja_JP.UTF-8","ka_GE","ka_GE.utf8","ka_GE.UTF-8","kk_KZ","kk_KZ.rk1048","kk_KZ.utf8","kk_KZ.UTF-8","kl_GL","kl_GL.utf8","kl_GL.UTF-8","km_KH","kn_IN","kok_IN","ko_KR.euckr","ko_KR.utf8","ko_KR.UTF-8","ks_IN","ks_IN@devanagari","ku_TR","ku_TR.utf8","ku_TR.UTF-8","kw_GB","kw_GB.utf8","kw_GB.UTF-8","ky_KG","lb_LU","lg_UG","lg_UG.utf8","lg_UG.UTF-8","li_BE","lij_IT","li_NL","ln_CD","lo_LA","lt_LT","lt_LT.utf8","lt_LT.UTF-8","lv_LV","lv_LV.utf8","lv_LV.UTF-8","lzh_TW","mag_IN","mai_IN","mg_MG","mg_MG.utf8","mg_MG.UTF-8","mhr_RU","mi_NZ","mi_NZ.utf8","mi_NZ.UTF-8","mk_MK","mk_MK.utf8","mk_MK.UTF-8","ml_IN","mni_IN","mn_MN","mr_IN","ms_MY","ms_MY.utf8","ms_MY.UTF-8","mt_MT","mt_MT.utf8","mt_MT.UTF-8","my_MM","nan_TW","nan_TW@latin","nb_NO","nb_NO.utf8","nb_NO.UTF-8","nds_DE","nds_NL","ne_NP","nhn_MX","niu_NU","niu_NZ","nl_AW","nl_BE","nl_BE@euro","nl_BE.utf8","nl_BE.UTF-8","nl_NL","nl_NL@euro","nl_NL.utf8","nl_NL.UTF-8","nn_NO","nn_NO.utf8","nn_NO.UTF-8","nr_ZA","nso_ZA","oc_FR","oc_FR.utf8","oc_FR.UTF-8","om_ET","om_KE","om_KE.utf8","om_KE.UTF-8","or_IN","os_RU","pa_IN","pap_AW","pap_CW","pa_PK","pl_PL","pl_PL.utf8","pl_PL.UTF-8","POSIX","ps_AF","pt_BR","pt_BR.utf8","pt_BR.UTF-8","pt_PT","pt_PT@euro","pt_PT.utf8","pt_PT.UTF-8","quz_PE","raj_IN","ro_RO","ro_RO.utf8","ro_RO.UTF-8","ru_RU","ru_RU.cp1251","ru_RU.koi8r","ru_RU.utf8","ru_RU.UTF-8","ru_UA","ru_UA.utf8","ru_UA.UTF-8","rw_RW","sa_IN","sat_IN","sc_IT","sd_IN","sd_IN@devanagari","se_NO","sgs_LT","shs_CA","sid_ET","si_LK","sk_SK","sk_SK.utf8","sk_SK.UTF-8","sl_SI","sl_SI.utf8","sl_SI.UTF-8","so_DJ","so_DJ.utf8","so_DJ.UTF-8","so_ET","so_KE","so_KE.utf8","so_KE.UTF-8","so_SO","so_SO.utf8","so_SO.UTF-8","sq_AL","sq_AL.utf8","sq_AL.UTF-8","sq_MK","sr_ME","sr_RS","sr_RS@latin","ss_ZA","st_ZA","st_ZA.utf8","st_ZA.UTF-8","sv_FI","sv_FI@euro","sv_FI.utf8","sv_FI.UTF-8","sv_SE","sv_SE.iso885915","sv_SE.utf8","sv_SE.UTF-8","sw_KE","sw_TZ","szl_PL","ta_IN","ta_LK","tcy_IN.utf8","tcy_IN.UTF-8","te_IN","tg_TJ","tg_TJ.utf8","tg_TJ.UTF-8","the_NP","th_TH","th_TH.utf8","th_TH.UTF-8","ti_ER","ti_ET","tig_ER","tk_TM","tl_PH","tl_PH.utf8","tl_PH.UTF-8","tn_ZA","tr_CY","tr_CY.utf8","tr_CY.UTF-8","tr_TR","tr_TR.utf8","tr_TR.UTF-8","ts_ZA","tt_RU","tt_RU@iqtelif","ug_CN","uk_UA","uk_UA.utf8","uk_UA.UTF-8","unm_US","ur_IN","ur_PK","uz_UZ","uz_UZ@cyrillic","uz_UZ.utf8","uz_UZ.UTF-8","ve_ZA","vi_VN","wa_BE","wa_BE@euro","wa_BE.utf8","wa_BE.UTF-8","wae_CH","wal_ET","wo_SN","xh_ZA","xh_ZA.utf8","xh_ZA.UTF-8","yi_US","yi_US.utf8","yi_US.UTF-8","yo_NG","yue_HK","zh_CN","zh_CN.gb18030","zh_CN.gbk","zh_CN.utf8","zh_CN.UTF-8","zh_HK","zh_HK.utf8","zh_HK.UTF-8","zh_SG","zh_SG.gbk","zh_SG.utf8","zh_SG.UTF-8","zh_TW","zh_TW.euctw","zh_TW.utf8","zh_TW.UTF-8","zu_ZA","zu_ZA.utf8","zu_ZA.UTF-8")="cs_CZ.UTF-8" "\" " | ! "" ;
  84. choose_options_hostfolders "Host directories to share" -> home homedir sharedir1 sharedir2;
  85. home "--home: Share a host folder in /home/jan/x11docker \n
  86. as /home/jan in container." -> "--home " | ! "";
  87. homedir "--homedir: Host directory to use as container home: " -> "--homedir=\"" @directory="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  88. sharedir1:beside "--sharedir: Share host folder:" -> "--sharedir=\"" @directory="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  89. sharedir2:beside "--sharedir: Share host folder:" -> "--sharedir=\"" @directory="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  91. choose_options_advanced "Advanced options"-> verbose noentrypoint nointernet initsystem dbusdaemon pw;
  92. verbose "--verbose: Be verbose (terminal output of logfiles)" -> "--verbose " | ! "" ;
  93. noentrypoint "--no-entrypoint: Disable ENTRYPOINT in image" -> "--no-entrypoint " | ! "" ;
  94. nointernet "--no-internet: Disable internet access for container" -> "--no-internet " | ! "" ;
  95. initsystem:beside " Run init system in container (default: --tini)" -> @combo( "--tini","--systemd ","--runit ","--openrc ","--no-init")="--systemd " | ! "" ;
  96. dbusdaemon "--dbus-system: Run dbus system daemon in container" -> "--dbus-system " | ! "" ;
  97. pw:beside "--pw: password prompt frontend" -> "--pw=\"" @combo("su","sudo","gksu","gksudo","lxsu","lxsudo","kdesu","kdesudo","beesu","pkexec","none")="sudo" "\" " | ! "" ;
  99. stddevelline:beside -> develdialog;
  100. develdialog:dialog "Developer options" -> developeroptions @close=" close";
  101. developeroptions:beside -> develleft develright;
  102. develleft:framed -> devenvironment devauth devvtdisplay devmisc;
  103. develright:framed -> devuserframe devcaps devrun devmisc2;
  104. develcollect -> devenvironment devauth devvtdisplay devmisc devuserframe devcaps devmisc2;
  105. devuserframe "User settings" -> user hostuser sudouser;
  106. user:beside "--user: Container user (name or uid)\n
  107. (default: same as host user)\n
  108. (a gid can be specified with user:gid)" -> "--user=\"" @string="jan" "\" " | ! "" ;
  109. hostuser:beside "--hostuser: run x11docker as user \n
  110. different from \$(logname)=jan:\n
  111. (x11docker must be started as root)" -> "--hostuser=\"" @string="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  112. sudouser "--sudouser: Allow su and sudo in container. Password: x11docker\n
  113. Severe reduction of container security!" -> "--sudouser " | ! "" ;
  114. devmisc "Miscellaneous" -> cachedir westonini keymap;
  115. devmisc2 "Miscellaneous" -> ps silent stdoutline;
  116. westonini "--westonini: Custom weston.ini (see man weston.ini)" -> "--westonini=\"" @infile="/usr/share/doc/weston/examples/weston.ini" "\" " | ! "";
  117. ps "--ps: Keep created container and cache files" -> "--ps " | ! "" ;
  118. cachedir:beside "--cachedir: Host cache folder: " -> "--cachedir=\"" @directory="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  119. silent "--silent: Do not show any messages" -> "--silent " | ! "" ;
  120. stdoutline:beside -> stdout stderr ;
  121. stdout "--stdout: show stdout of container" -> "--stdout " | ! "" ;
  122. stderr "--stderr " -> "--stderr " | ! "" ;
  123. keymap:beside "--keymap: XKB keyboard layout:" -> "--keymap \"" @combow("us","af","al","am","ara","at","au","az","ba","bd","be","bg","br","brai","bt","bw","by","ca","cd","cm","cn","cz","de","dk","dz","ee","epo","es","et","fi","fo","fr","gb","ge","gh","gn","gr","hr","hu","ch","id","ie","il","in","iq","ir","is","it","jp","ke","kg","kh","kr","kz","la","latam","lk","lt","lv","ma","mao","md","me","mk","ml","mm","mn","mt","mv","my","nec_vndr/jp","ng","nl","no","np","ph","pk","pl","pt","ro","rs","ru","se","si","sk","sn","sy","tg","th","tj","tm","tr","tw","tz","ua","us","uz","vn","za") "\" " | ! "";
  124. devauth "X authentication" -> untrusted trusted xhost noauth noxhost;
  125. untrusted "--untrusted: Create untrusted cookies restricting X access. \n
  126. Default for --hostdisplay." -> "--untrusted " | ! "" ;
  127. trusted "--trusted: Trusted cookies for --hostdisplay. Default for --gpu." -> "--trusted " | ! "" ;
  128. xhost:beside "--xhost: see \"man xhost\". Use with care" -> "--xhost=\"" @string="+SI:localuser:jan" "\" " | ! "" ;
  129. noauth "--no-auth: Disable cookie authentication on new X server." -> "--no-auth " | ! "" ;
  130. noxhost "--no-xhost: Disable any \"xhost +...\" access to host X server" -> "--no-xhost " | ! "" ;
  131. devenvironment "Environment" -> showenv sharewayland waylandenv setenvdialog;
  132. showenv "--showenv: Show environment variables for custom access \n
  133. to new X server. Default for --xdummy, --xvfb and --xonly." -> "--showenv " | ! "" ;
  134. sharewayland "--sharewayland: Share wayland socket and \$WAYLAND_DISPLAY.\n
  135. Default for --wayland, --weston, --kwin and --hostwayland." -> "--sharewayland " | ! "" ;
  136. waylandenv "--waylandenv: Set wayland toolkit environment variables.\n
  137. Default for --wayland, needed for QT5 in Wayland." -> "--waylandenv " | ! "" ;
  138. devvtdisplay "X display number and vt/tty, X extension XTEST" -> vt display xtest noxtest;
  139. vt :beside "--vt: virtual terminal/tty to use: \n
  140. (influences --xorg, --xpra, --xdummy)" -> "--vt=\"" @string="8" "\" " | ! "";
  141. display :beside "--display: display number to use: " -> "--display=\"" @string="1000" "\" " | ! "";
  142. xtest "--xtest: enable X extension XTEST. Default for --xdummy, --xvfb, --xpra" -> "--xtest " | ! "";
  143. noxtest "--no-xtest: disable X extension XTEST for --xdummy, --xvfb, --xpra" -> "--no-xtest " | ! "";
  144. devrun -> setcapsdialog dockeroptions ;
  145. dockeroptions "Custom options for \"docker run\" " -> @string="" ;
  146. devcaps "Container capabilities and namespaces" -> capdefault sysadmin sharecgroup ipc net;
  147. capdefault "--cap-default: Allow default container capabilities." -> "--cap-default " | ! "" ;
  148. sysadmin "--sys-admin: add capability SYS_ADMIN. Needed for older systemd \n
  149. versions like in debian 9 based images for --systemd." -> "--sys-admin " | ! "" ;
  150. sharecgroup "--sharecgroup: Share /sys/fs/cgroup. \n
  151. Default for --systemd, possible use with --openrc." -> "--sharecgroup " | ! "" ;
  152. ipc "--hostipc: Disable IPC namespacing. Allows MIT-SHM extension. \n
  153. Shares host interprocess communication and shared memory. " -> "--hostipc " | ! "" ;
  154. net "--hostnet: Disable network namespacing. \n
  155. Shares host network stack including dbus." -> "--hostnet " | ! "" ;
  157. setenvdialog:beside "--env: Set custom environment " -> envdialog ;
  158. envdialog:dialog "Environment variables" -> envdialogwaylandinfo envXDG envGTK envQT envQTegl envClutter envSDL envElementary1 envElementary2 envEvas
  159. envdialogothers envKWin envQT4shm envQT5deco envBWbackend envBWdisplay
  160. envCustom1 envCustom2 envCustom3 envCustom4 @close="close";
  161. envdialogwaylandinfo "These environment variables summon toolkits to use Wayland instead of X11" -> "";
  162. envXDG:beside -> "--env=\"" @string="XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland" "\" " | ! "" ;
  163. envGTK:beside "GTK3" -> "--env=\"" @string="GDK_BACKEND=wayland" "\" " | ! "" ;
  164. envQT:beside "QT5" -> "--env=\"" @string="QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland" "\" " | ! "" ;
  165. envQTegl:beside "QT5" -> "--env=\"" @string="QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl" "\" " | ! "" ;
  166. envClutter:beside "Clutter" -> "--env=\"" @string="CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland" "\" " | ! "" ;
  167. envSDL:beside "SDL" -> "--env=\"" @string="SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland" "\" " | ! "" ;
  168. envElementary1:beside "Elementary" -> "--env=\"" @string="ELM_DISPLAY=wl" "\" " | ! "" ;
  169. envElementary2:beside "Elementary" -> "--env=\"" @string="ELM_ACCEL=opengl" "\" " | ! "" ;
  170. envEvas:beside "Ecore_Evas" -> "--env=\"" @string="ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE=wayland_egl" "\" " | ! "" ;
  171. envdialogothers:beside "Other environment variable settings" -> "";
  172. envKWin:beside "KWin" -> "--env=\"" @string="KWIN_COMPOSE=Q" "\" " | ! "" ;
  173. envQT4shm:beside "QT4" -> "--env=\"" @string="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" "\" " | ! "" ;
  174. envQT5deco:beside "QT5" -> "--env=\"" @string="QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION=1" "\" " | ! "" ;
  175. envBWbackend:beside "GTK3" -> "--env=\"" @string="GDK_BACKEND=broadway" "\" " | ! "" ;
  176. envBWdisplay:beside "GTK3" -> "--env=\"" @string="BROADWAY_DISPLAY=:5" "\" " | ! "" ;
  177. envCustom1:beside "Custom" -> "--env=\"" @string="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  178. envCustom2:beside "Custom" -> "--env=\"" @string="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  179. envCustom3:beside "Custom" -> "--env=\"" @string="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  180. envCustom4:beside "Custom" -> "--env=\"" @string="" "\" " | ! "" ;
  182. setcapsdialog:beside "Add container capabilities:" -> capsdialog ;
  183. capsdialog:dialog "docker capabilities and privileges" -> capsreference capstable @close="close";
  184. capsreference " Add container capabilities degrading container isolation if needed. Use with care.\n\n
  185. x11docker disables all this capabilities per default with \"--cap-drop=ALL --security-opt=no-new-privileges\". \n\n
  186. Left column (SETPCAP till SETFCAP) contains capabilities normally enabled by docker per default.\n
  187. Middle and right column (SYS_MODULE till BLOCK_SUSPEND) contain capabilities disabled by docker per default.\n\n
  188. See \"man capabilities\" and docker run reference: " -> "" ;
  190. capstable:framed:beside -> capsleft capsmiddle capsright;
  191. capsleft -> drop_1 drop_2 drop_3 drop_4 drop_5 drop_6 drop_7 drop_8 drop_9 drop_10 drop_11 drop_12 drop_13 drop_14 ;
  192. drop_1:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SETPCAP" " " | ! "" ;
  193. drop_2:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="MKNOD" " " | ! "" ;
  194. drop_3:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="AUDIT_WRITE" " " | ! "" ;
  195. drop_4:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="CHOWN" " " | ! "" ;
  196. drop_5:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="NET_RAW" " " | ! "" ;
  197. drop_6:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="DAC_OVERRIDE" " " | ! "" ;
  198. drop_7:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="FOWNER" " " | ! "" ;
  199. drop_8:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="FSETID" " " | ! "" ;
  200. drop_9:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="KILL" " " | ! "" ;
  201. drop_10:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SETGID" " " | ! "" ;
  202. drop_11:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SETUID" " " | ! "" ;
  203. drop_12:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="NET_BIND_SERVICE" " " | ! "" ;
  204. drop_13:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_CHROOT" " " | ! "" ;
  205. drop_14:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SETFCAP" " " | ! "" ;
  206. capsmiddle -> add_1 add_2 add_3 add_4 add_5 add_6 add_7 add_8 add_9 add_10 add_11 add_12 add_13 add_14 ;
  207. add_1:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_MODULE" " " | ! "" ;
  208. add_2:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_RAWIO" " " | ! "" ;
  209. add_3:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_PACCT" " " | ! "" ;
  210. add_4:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_ADMIN" " " | ! "" ;
  211. add_5:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_NICE" " " | ! "" ;
  212. add_6:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_RESOURCE" " " | ! "" ;
  213. add_7:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_TIME" " " | ! "" ;
  214. add_8:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_TTY_CONFIG" " " | ! "" ;
  215. add_9:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="AUDIT_CONTROL" " " | ! "" ;
  216. add_10:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="MAC_OVERRIDE" " " | ! "" ;
  217. add_11:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="MAC_ADMIN" " " | ! "" ;
  218. add_12:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="NET_ADMIN" " " | ! "" ;
  219. add_13:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYSLOG" " " | ! "" ;
  220. add_14:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="DAC_READ_SEARCH" " " | ! "" ;
  221. capsright -> add_15 add_16 add_17 add_18 add_19 add_20 add_21 add_22 add_23 @fill device_1 device_2 device_3 device_4 @fill privileged;
  222. add_15:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="LINUX_IMMUTABLE" " " | ! "" ;
  223. add_16:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="NED_BROADCAST" " " | ! "" ;
  224. add_17:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="IPC_LOCK" " " | ! "" ;
  225. add_18:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="IPC_OWNER" " " | ! "" ;
  226. add_19:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_PTRACE" " " | ! "" ;
  227. add_20:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="SYS_BOOT" " " | ! "" ;
  228. add_21:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="LEASE" " " | ! "" ;
  229. add_22:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="WAKE_ALARM" " " | ! "" ;
  230. add_23:beside "--cap-add" -> "--cap-add=" @string="BLOCK_SUSPEND" " " | ! "" ;
  231. device_1:beside"--device" -> "--device=" @string="" " " | ! "" ;
  232. device_2:beside"--device" -> "--device=" @string="" " " | ! "" ;
  233. device_3:beside"--device" -> "--device=" @string="" " " | ! "" ;
  234. device_4:beside"--device" -> "--device=" @string="" " " | ! "" ;
  235. privileged "--privileged" -> "--privileged " | ! "" ;
  238. xinfobutton:dialog "X server info" -> xinfo @close=" close";
  239. xinfo:beside -> xinfo_option xinfotext xinfo_gpu;
  240. xinfo_option -> xinfo_option_title xinfo_option_auto
  241. xinfo_option_xpra xinfo_option_xephyr
  242. xinfo_option_xpraxwayland xinfo_option_westonxwayland
  243. xinfo_option_hostdisplay xinfo_option_xorg
  244. xinfo_option_nxagent
  245. xinfo_option_xwayland xinfo_option_xdummy
  246. xinfo_option_kwinxwayland xinfo_option_kwin
  247. xinfo_option_weston xinfo_option_wayland;
  248. xinfo_option_title -> @text(" X server");
  249. xinfo_option_auto -> @text(" --auto\n\n");
  250. xinfo_option_xpra -> @text(" --xpra\n\n\n");
  251. xinfo_option_xephyr -> @text(" --xephyr");
  252. xinfo_option_xorg -> @text(" --xorg\n");
  253. xinfo_option_hostdisplay -> @text(" --hostdisplay\n\n\n");
  254. xinfo_option_xpraxwayland -> @text(" --xpra-xwayland\n\n");
  255. xinfo_option_westonxwayland -> @text(" --weston-xwayland\n\n");
  256. xinfo_option_nxagent -> @text(" --nxagent\n\n");
  257. xinfo_option_xwayland -> @text(" --xwayland\n");
  258. xinfo_option_xdummy -> @text(" --xdummy\n --xvfb\n");
  259. xinfo_option_kwinxwayland -> @text(" --kwin-xwayland\n");
  260. xinfo_option_weston -> @text(" --weston\n");
  261. xinfo_option_kwin -> @text(" --kwin\n");
  262. xinfo_option_wayland -> @text(" --hostwayland\n");
  263. xinfotext -> xinfo_title xinfo_auto
  264. xinfo_xpra xinfo_xephyr
  265. xinfo_xpraxwayland xinfo_westonxwayland
  266. xinfo_hostdisplay xinfo_xorg
  267. xinfo_nxagent
  268. xinfo_xwayland xinfo_xdummy
  269. xinfo_kwinxwayland xinfo_kwin
  270. xinfo_weston xinfo_wayland;
  271. xinfo_title -> @text(" ");
  272. xinfo_auto -> @text(" Chooses an X server depending on installed dependencies and on given or missing options --desktop, --gpu and --wayland.\n
  273. --desktop indicates a desktop environment in image (instead of a single application).");
  274. xinfo_xpra -> @text(" Recommended to run single applications. Application window appears on host display. \n
  275. Best --clipboard support, picture clips are possible. Seamless scaling (0,5x, 1.5x, 3x ...) with option --scale is possible\n
  276. Along with option --desktop usefull for desktop environments, too (similar to --xephyr).");
  277. xinfo_xephyr -> @text(" Recommended to run desktop environments. Desktop appears in a window on host display. Low overhead, very fast.");
  278. xinfo_xorg -> @text(" Core X server. Switch between displays with keys [CTRL][ALT][F1]...[F12]. Runs ootb from console.");
  279. xinfo_hostdisplay -> @text(" Share host display :0 instead of running second X server. Attention: Low security, quite bad container isolation!\n
  280. Please look at button [Security info]. Use with trusted images only. To reduce risks and to avoid bad RAM access, \n
  281. untrusted cookies restricting X access are used. (Some applications will not work in untrusted mode). Least overhead.\n");
  282. xinfo_xpraxwayland -> @text(" Like --xpra, uses Xwayland in background. Additional to --xpra, GPU acceleration with option --gpu is possible.\n
  283. Along with option --desktop usefull for desktop environments, too (similar to --xephyr).");
  284. xinfo_westonxwayland -> @text(" Like --xephyr, Weston with Xwayland. Can run on X or Wayland in a window or on its own from console. \n
  285. GPU acceleration, scaling (2x, 3x, 4x ...) and display rotation (0�, 90�, 180�, 270�, flipped, flipped-90�, ...) are possible.");
  286. xinfo_nxagent -> @text(" Like --xpra, but faster startup. (but no graphical clipboard and no scaling). Quite fast, low overhead.\n
  287. Along with option --desktop like --xephyr, but better resizeable. Toggle fullscreen in desktop mode with [CTRL][ALT][SHIFT][F].");
  288. xinfo_xwayland -> @text(" Core Xwayland needs a Wayland environment to run in. Fullscreen display can be moved around with [META][LMB].\n");
  289. xinfo_xdummy:beside -> @text(" Invisible X server for custom access. Output of environment variables on stdout. \n
  290. With --gpu a setup with Weston, Xwayland and xdotool is used (instead of Xdummy or Xvfb).") xinfo_xdummy_network;
  291. xinfo_weston -> @text(" Weston without X to run pure Wayland applications. Runs in X, in Wayland or from console. Scaling and rotation is possible.");
  292. xinfo_kwinxwayland -> @text(" Like --weston-xwayland, but using Kwin instead of Weston. Runs in X, in Wayland or from console.");
  293. xinfo_kwin -> @text(" kwin_wayland without X to run pure Wayland applications. Runs in X, in Wayland or from console.");
  294. xinfo_wayland -> @text(" Shares host wayland socket without X to run pure Wayland applications. Needs a running Wayland compositor.");
  295. xinfo_gpu -> xinfo_gpu_title xinfo_gpu_auto
  296. xinfo_gpu_xpra xinfo_gpu_xephyr
  297. xinfo_gpu_xpraxwayland xinfo_gpu_westonxwayland
  298. xinfo_gpu_hostdisplay xinfo_gpu_xorg
  299. xinfo_gpu_nxagent
  300. xinfo_gpu_xwayland xinfo_gpu_xdummy
  301. xinfo_gpu_kwinxwayland xinfo_gpu_kwin
  302. xinfo_gpu_weston xinfo_gpu_wayland;
  303. xinfo_gpu_title -> @text(" --gpu ");
  304. xinfo_gpu_auto -> @text(" \n\n");
  305. xinfo_gpu_xpra -> @text(" no\n\n\n");
  306. xinfo_gpu_xephyr -> @text(" no\n");
  307. xinfo_gpu_xorg -> @text(" yes\n");
  308. xinfo_gpu_hostdisplay -> @text(" yes\n\n\n");
  309. xinfo_gpu_xpraxwayland -> @text(" yes\n\n");
  310. xinfo_gpu_westonxwayland -> @text(" yes\n\n");
  311. xinfo_gpu_nxagent -> @text(" no\n\n");
  312. xinfo_gpu_xwayland -> @text(" yes\n");
  313. xinfo_gpu_xdummy -> @text(" yes\n\n");
  314. xinfo_gpu_weston -> @text(" yes\n");
  315. xinfo_gpu_kwinxwayland -> @text(" yes\n");
  316. xinfo_gpu_kwin -> @text(" yes\n");
  317. xinfo_gpu_wayland -> @text(" yes\n");
  319. xinfo_xdummy_network:dialog "Network setup example" -> @text(" Sample setup for HTML5 web application:\n
  320. \n
  321. \ \ read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)\n
  322. \ \ echo \$Xenv\n
  323. \ \ export \$Xenv\n
  324. \ \ xpra start \$DISPLAY --use-display --html=on --bind-tcp=localhost:14500\n
  325. \n
  326. In your browser you can access the dockered application at address:\n
  327. \n
  328. \ \ http://localhost:14500\n
  329. \n
  330. Further infos at
  331. ")
  332. @text(" Sample setup for VNC\n
  333. \n
  334. \ \ read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)\n
  335. \ \ echo \$Xenv\n
  336. \ \ export \$Xenv\n
  337. \ \ x11vnc -localhost -noshm \n
  338. \n
  339. In another terminal, start VNC viewer with \n
  340. \n
  341. \ \ vncviewer localhost:0 \n
  342. \n
  343. See \"man x11vnc\" for many details and further infos.\n
  344. x11vnc option \"-noshm\" disables shared memory (MIT-SHM). \n
  345. To allow shared memory, use insecure x11docker option --ipc.
  346. ")
  348. @fill(" Sample setup to access dockered GUI applications over ssh:\n
  349. \n
  350. \ \ read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)\n
  351. \ \ echo \$Xenv\n
  352. \ \ export \$Xenv\n
  353. \ \ xhost +SI:localuser:\$USER\n
  354. \ \ xpra start ssh:\$DISPLAY --use-display --start-via-proxy=no\n
  355. \n
  356. In another terminal, you can connect with:\n
  357. \n
  358. \ \ xpra attach ssh:\$NEWDISPLAY # NEWDISPLAY must be same as DISPLAY in \$Xenv
  359. ")
  360. @fill(" To allow access for rest of world, read and\n
  361. make sure to take care of security, opening firewall and router ports and such stuff.\n
  362. In this case, do not use a host window manager with option --wm, it can be risky and is needless!\n
  363. \n
  364. For security and authentication, read xpra manpage and \n
  366. ") @close=" Close";
  368. xdependenciesbutton:dialog "Dependencies" -> xdependencies @text(" Other dependencies, some in image, too") xdependencies2 @close=" close";
  369. xdependencies:beside -> xdep_option xdep_host xdep_xrunning ;
  370. xdep_option -> xdep_option_title
  371. xdep_option_xpra xdep_option_xephyr
  372. xdep_option_xpraxwayland xdep_option_westonxwayland
  373. xdep_option_hostdisplay xdep_option_xorg
  374. xdep_option_nxagent
  375. xdep_option_xwayland xdep_option_xdummy xdep_option_xvfb
  376. xdep_option_wayland xdep_option_kwin
  377. xdep_option_weston ;
  378. xdep_option_title -> @text(" X server");
  379. xdep_option_xpra -> @text(" --xpra");
  380. xdep_option_xephyr -> @text(" --xephyr");
  381. xdep_option_xorg -> @text(" --xorg");
  382. xdep_option_hostdisplay -> @text(" --hostdisplay");
  383. xdep_option_xpraxwayland -> @text(" --xpra-xwayland");
  384. xdep_option_westonxwayland -> @text(" --weston-xwayland");
  385. xdep_option_nxagent -> @text(" --nxagent");
  386. xdep_option_xwayland -> @text(" --xwayland");
  387. xdep_option_xdummy -> @text(" --xdummy");
  388. xdep_option_xvfb -> @text(" --xvfb");
  389. xdep_option_weston -> @text(" --weston");
  390. xdep_option_kwin -> @text(" --kwin, --kwin-xwayland ");
  391. xdep_option_wayland -> @text(" --hostwayland");
  392. xdep_host -> xdep_host_title
  393. xdep_host_xpra xdep_host_xephyr
  394. xdep_host_xpraxwayland xdep_host_westonxwayland
  395. xdep_host_hostdisplay xdep_host_xorg
  396. xdep_host_nxagent
  397. xdep_host_xwayland xdep_host_xdummy xdep_host_xvfb
  398. xdep_host_wayland xdep_host_kwin
  399. xdep_host_weston ;
  400. xdep_host_title -> @text(" Dependencies on host");
  401. xdep_host_xpra -> @text(" xpra");
  402. xdep_host_xephyr -> @text(" Xephyr");
  403. xdep_host_xorg:beside -> @text(" - \ [ xerver-xorg-legacy ]") xdep_xorg_setupdialog;
  404. xdep_host_hostdisplay -> @text(" -");
  405. xdep_host_xpraxwayland -> @text(" Xwayland \ xpra \ [on X also: \ weston \ xdotool ]");
  406. xdep_host_westonxwayland -> @text(" Xwayland \ weston");
  407. xdep_host_nxagent -> @text(" nxagent");
  408. xdep_host_xwayland -> @text(" Xwayland");
  409. xdep_host_xdummy -> @text(" (dummy video driver for Xorg)");
  410. xdep_host_xvfb -> @text(" Xvfb");
  411. xdep_host_weston -> @text(" weston");
  412. xdep_host_kwin -> @text(" kwin Xwayland");
  413. xdep_host_wayland -> @text(" -");
  414. xdep_xrunning -> xdep_xrun_title
  415. xdep_xrun_xpra xdep_xrun_xephyr
  416. xdep_xrun_xpraxwayland xdep_xrun_westonxwayland
  417. xdep_xrun_hostdisplay xdep_xrun_xorg
  418. xdep_xrun_nxagent
  419. xdep_xrun_xwayland xdep_xrun_xdummy xdep_xrun_xvfb
  420. xdep_xrun_wayland xdep_xrun_kwin
  421. xdep_xrun_weston ;
  422. xdep_xrun_title -> @text(" Needs running X or Wayland on host");
  423. xdep_xrun_xpra -> @text(" X \ (or Xwayland on Wayland)");
  424. xdep_xrun_xephyr -> @text(" X \ (or Xwayland on Wayland)");
  425. xdep_xrun_xorg -> @text(" -");
  426. xdep_xrun_hostdisplay -> @text(" X \ (or Xwayland on Wayland)");
  427. xdep_xrun_xpraxwayland -> @text(" X \ (or Xwayland on Wayland)");
  428. xdep_xrun_westonxwayland -> @text(" -");
  429. xdep_xrun_nxagent -> @text(" X \ (or Xwayland on Wayland)");
  430. xdep_xrun_xwayland -> @text(" Wayland");
  431. xdep_xrun_xdummy -> @text(" -");
  432. xdep_xrun_xvfb -> @text(" -");
  433. xdep_xrun_weston -> @text(" -");
  434. xdep_xrun_kwin -> @text(" -");
  435. xdep_xrun_wayland -> @text(" Wayland");
  436. xdependencies2:beside -> xdep_options xdep_text ;
  437. xdep_options -> xdep_gpu xdep_xclip xdep_pulseaudio xdep_dbus;
  438. xdep_text -> xdep_gpu_text xdep_xclip_text xdep_pulseaudio_text xdep_dbus_text;
  439. xdep_xclip -> @text("--clipboard") ;
  440. xdep_xclip_text -> @text("Needs package xclip on host (except for options --xpra, --xpra-xwayland and --nxagent).") ;
  441. xdep_pulseaudio -> @text("--pulseaudio") ;
  442. xdep_pulseaudio_text -> @text("Needs package pulseaudio on host AND in image.") ;
  443. xdep_dbus -> @text("--dbus") ;
  444. xdep_dbus_text -> @text("Needs dbus-launch (debian: package dbus-x11) in image.") ;
  445. xdep_systemd -> @text("--systemd") ;
  446. xdep_systemd_text -> @text("Needs systemd in image") ;
  447. xdep_gpu -> @text("--gpu\n\n\n") ;
  448. xdep_gpu_text -> @text("Needs OpenGL dependencies (mesa) to be installed in image. For debian images: mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra,\n
  449. CentOS and fedora images: glx-utils mesa-dri-drivers, Arch Linux images: mesa-demos\n
  450. Works best with open source drivers on host. Closed source drivers need to be installed in image, too.");
  451. xdep_xorg_setupdialog:dialog "Setup" -> @text(" Option --xorg can be used out of the box on console tty1...tty6. \n
  452. \n
  453. To run a second Xorg server from within an already running X session, \n
  454. you have to edit file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.conf and replace line:\n
  455. \n
  456. \ \ allowed_users=console \n
  457. \n
  458. with lines:\n
  459. \n
  460. \ \ allowed_users=anybody \n
  461. \ \ needs_root_rights=yes \n
  462. \n
  463. On debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04 you need to install package xserver-xorg-legacy.
  464. ") @close=" close";
  466. help:dialog "Help" -> @text(
  467. " x11docker allows you to run GUI applications and desktop environments from inside of docker images. \n
  468. Its main purpose is to preserve container isolation while avoiding some X security leaks. \n
  469. Core concept is to run a segregated second X server and to reduce container privileges.\n
  470. \n
  471. Simplest use case: \n
  472. \ \ \ x11docker IMAGENAME [IMAGECOMMAND]\n
  473. \n
  474. Depending on chosen options, you can have high or low container isolation. \n
  475. Look at button [Security info] to see the differences. x11docker shows terminal messages if something is less secure.\n
  476. \n
  477. Automatically choosing an X server:\n
  478. If no X server option is chosen, x11docker looks for best match in dependencies to run a single application.\n
  479. If option --desktop is given, it looks for the best match to run a desktop environment.\n
  480. \n
  481. Single applications:\n
  482. With recommended option --xpra, the dockered applications will appear on your already running X display.\n
  483. You can also choose discouraged option --hostdisplay for this to have least overhead, but then you have quite \n
  484. bad container isolation, and some applications may fail. \n
  485. A faster startup than --xpra without drawbacks of --hostdisplay provides --nxagent.\n
  486. \n
  487. Desktop environments:\n
  488. For desktop environments in docker, --xephyr is recommended.\n
  489. \n
  490. GPU acceleration:\n
  491. With option --gpu you can get hardware acceleration for OpenGL graphics rendering. Single applications run best \n
  492. with --xpra-xwayland or --hostdisplay, desktop environments best with --weston-xwayland, --kwin-xwayland or --xorg.\n
  493. If GPU acceleration fails, check OpenGL dependencies in image. (Compare dialog button \"Dependencies\")\n
  494. If no X server option is specified, x11docker will choose the best possibility depending on installed dependencies.\n
  495. \n
  496. Wayland: \n
  497. If option --wayland is given, x11docker sets up a pure Wayland environment without X.\n
  498. You can specify your preferred Wayland compositor with --weston, --kwin or --hostwayland.\n
  499. QT5 applications often (always?) need option --dbus, GTK3 applications often fail with option --dbus.\n
  500. \n
  501. Troubleshooting:\n
  502. Run in terminal to see some messages. Activate option --verbose to see full logfile output.\n
  503. If the automatically chosen password prompt does not fit your setup, choose another one with option --pw.\n
  504. Some applications may not work well with --hostdisplay. Choose another X server option.\n
  505. \n
  506. x11docker and x11docker-gui are published under MIT licence. \n
  507. Please report issues and get further infos at github:\n
  508. Some example docker images can be found at
  509. ") helpbuttons;
  510. helpbuttons:beside -> MIT @close=" close" ;
  512. security_dialog:dialog " Security info " -> sec_info sec_degrading_title sec_degrading sec_developer sec_doesntmatter @close=" close";
  513. sec_info -> @text(" Main intention of x11docker is to allow running GUI applications in docker on X11 or Wayland while preserving container isolation. \n\n
  514. Most important part is to avoid common X security leaks, making keylogging and remote controlling of host applications impossible. \n
  515. This is given for all provided X servers (and Wayland compositors) except option --hostdisplay (see below).\n
  516. Core concept is to run a segregated second X server with its own authentication cookies.\n\n
  517. Hardening container security:\n
  518. Default user in container is same as host user to avoid root running GUI applications.\n
  519. All default docker container capabilities like user switching, chroot and setuid/setgid are disabled.\n
  520. Used docker options for container security hardening: \"--cap-drop=ALL --security-opt=no-new-privileges\"\n\n
  521. Weaknesses / ToDo:\n
  522. If docker daemon runs with --selinux-enabled, SELinux restrictions are degraded with label container_runtime_t to allow access to X unix socket.\n
  523. User namespace remapping has limited support and is disabled for options --home and --homedir.\n\n
  524. x11docker shows warnings in terminal if chosen options degrade container isolation.
  525. ") ;
  526. sec_degrading_title -> @text(" Most used options degrading container isolation:");
  527. sec_degrading:beside -> sec_deg_opt sec_deg_text;
  528. sec_deg_opt -> sec_hostdisplay_opt sec_gpu_opt sec_pulseaudio_opt sec_init_opt sec_capdefault_opt sec_sudouser_opt;
  529. sec_deg_text -> sec_hostdisplay_text sec_gpu_text sec_pulseaudio_text sec_init_text sec_capdefault_text sec_sudouser_text;
  530. sec_gpu_opt -> @text(" --gpu \n\n\n\n\n");
  531. sec_gpu_text -> @text(" Option --gpu allows hardware acceleration for dockered OpenGL applications. Access to GPU hardware can allow rootkits. \n
  532. Example rootkit:\n
  533. Although there is little known of real attacks, you should be aware of this. This affects X servers and Wayland compositors as well. \n
  534. Furthermore, container applications can grab video RAM content formerly drawn by host applications (palinopsia leak).\n\
  535. Attention: Enables insecure option --ipc and --trusted for --hostdisplay, therefore allowing keylogging and remote host control.");
  536. sec_hostdisplay_opt -> @text(" --hostdisplay \n\n\n");
  537. sec_hostdisplay_text -> @text(" Quite bad container isolation, but least overhead of all X server options. Use with trusted images only.\n
  538. Instead of creating a new segregated X server to avoid X security leaks, your host X server is shared with container. \n
  539. x11docker avoids keylogging and other attacks using untrusted cookies, but do not rely on this. \n");
  540. sec_pulseaudio_opt -> @text(" --pulseaudio \n --alsa\n");
  541. sec_pulseaudio_text -> @text(" With sound enabled, container applications can catch your audio output and also can hear everything you say \n
  542. if your computer has microphones. With option --alsa, container applications have immediate access to sound hardware.");
  543. sec_init_opt -> @text(" --systemd \n --runit \n --openrc");
  544. sec_init_text -> @text(" Init system options --systemd, --openrc and --runit allow some container capabilities, but mostly identical to default docker settings. \n
  545. --systemd additionally shares access to /sys/fs/cgroup. \n
  546. --runit and --openrc add non-default capability SYS_BOOT.\n");
  547. sec_capdefault_opt -> @text(" --cap-default ");
  548. sec_capdefault_text -> @text(" Allows default container capabilities; disables container security hardening by x11docker.");
  549. sec_sudouser_opt -> @text(" --sudouser ");
  550. sec_sudouser_text -> @text(" Allows sudo with password \"x11docker\" in container. Allows many capabilities. Outbreaking applications have no limits. ");
  551. sec_developer -> @text(" Some options in the \"Developer\" section degrade container isolation, especially those in part \"container capabilities\". Please install brain.exe");
  552. sec_doesntmatter -> @text(" If you do not care about container isolation at all, get a quite fast setup with \"x11docker --hostdisplay --gpu IMAGENAME\" ");
  554. MIT:dialog "MIT license" -> @text(
  555. " MIT License\n
  556. \n
  557. Copyright (c) 2015,2016,2017,2018 Martin Viereck\n
  558. \n
  559. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n
  560. of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n
  561. in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n
  562. to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n
  563. copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n
  564. furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n
  565. \n
  566. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n
  567. copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n
  568. \n
  575. SOFTWARE.") @close="close";
  577. x11docker_options -> choose_xserver sizefullscreen choose_options_normal choose_options_advanced choose_options_hostfolders develcollect imageorexe "\"" setcapsdialog dockeroptions "\" " "\""dockerimage "\"" ;
  578. x11docker -> "x11docker " x11docker_options;
  580. buttons :horizontal -> run runxterm preview desktop_starter orphanedcheck help @close="Cancel";
  581. old_run -> @fork(x11docker)=" Run";
  582. run -> @dump(x11docker)=" Run";
  583. preview -> @preview(x11docker,"monospace",900)="Preview command" ;
  584. desktop_starter -> @dump("xterm -e '","x11docker --starter ",x11docker_options,"'")="Create desktop starter";
  585. orphanedcheck -> @dump("xterm -hold -e 'pkexec x11docker "," --cleanup '")="Clean up";
  586. runxterm -> @dump("xterm -hold -e '",x11docker,"'")="Run in xterm";
  589. Error: Parse error on line 78
  590. Stuck __after__ the rule on line 77
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