
Creative CubTamer

Oct 31st, 2015
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  1. Staff Chat Channel:
  2. What is said in staff chat stays in staff chat. If we are discussing a player, upcoming possible changes, servers being reset, this is not to be discussed outside of staff chat. If you are unsure please ask an admin. If you are being harrassed by staff or players, screenshots do help or the time of day. Report the situation to an admin. You are not expected to have to like all the staff but you are expected to act professionally and try and get along. No badmouthing, being rude, talking about other staff members. If you have a concern talk to an admin.
  4. Chat:
  5. You are expected to enforce the rules regardless if they are a friend. You need to be friendly, helpful, mature and follow the chat rules that you are enforcing. Do not argue with or threaten players. If you are having a bad day and it is coming out in chat perhaps try one of our other servers for a break or log off until you are feeling better able to handle chat. CubTamer duties are as follows.
  6. - Greet new players in chat. You have use of colors, however avoid using italics, bold etc... Not always using the same message is nice since while it might not be noticed by the new player it stops the rest of the players from seeing the same msg over and over. Perhaps instead of Welcome to MineCats, Welcome to MineCats, Welcome To MineCats each time, use things like Hi CatTrap. Welcome to Creative, have fun!, Hello, Welcome!, CatTap, Welcome to our Creative Server!
  7. - Correct spam. Spam is for example, Come To My Plot, Come To My Plot, Come To My Plot, Come To My Plot over and over again without any or much break in the chat. Warn them, if they do it again mute them in that channel. You can also ask players to not repeat themselves as often if you see the same message on the screen more than 1x without having to scroll up. If chat is moving very quickly this is not a big deal.
  8. - Wrong use of channels or caps, bypassing. If a player says a sentence in all caps or says it in the wrong channel don't immediately say wrong channel or caps off. See if they realize their error and if they do it again you can correct them. While we don't have to give a warning for anything, we do so for most things to be nice. It is not necessary however to give a warning for offensive things said in chat. Use your judgement. The word Fuck, Shit, F*ck .. single words you can usually warn them once and mute the 2nd time. Things like YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, mute immediately. Muting is per channel unless they are clearly going to continue in every channel.
  9. -Advertising. Advertising is not someone saying I am going to Mineplex see ya. If they happen to still be online tell them not to mention other server names. If they continue mute them. Advertising is someone usually spamming something like COME TO PLAY.THISSERVER.COM, GIVING OUT OP ITEMS, PRISON, CREATIVE AND MORE!!!!! Mute them immediately in all channels if necessary and take a screenshot F2 and/or contact a moderator/admin. You can modreq with the screenshot or jump on irc if you cannot reach anyone so that they may be lobby banned.
  10. - Muting and forcing players to channels. If a player is clearly talking to someone in local you can either tell them to move to local or just put them in local or into a specific channel.
  11. /fl <name>
  12. /chforce in -s
  13. -Being afk for long periods. If you think you are going to be afk for quite awhile it is usually best to either go to one of our other servers that you are not staff on or log out as players will do /who to see which staff is on and if they see staff on but nobody helping in chat they will complain. It is better to have no staff on not helping than staff who are online but not helping.
  14. The following is acceptable in chat. Generally nothing to spammy. Usually about 5 words in caps in a sentence you could ask them to use less caps, unless it is an entire sentence.
  15. <<L()()K>> TOWNY ROLE PLAY. Come to /p h CatTrap
  16. <-----L()()K-----> COME TO /P H CATTRAP !!! Towny Role play.
  17. <--- L*O*O*K ---> COME QUICK!! /p h CatTrap, Towny ROLE PLAY NOW!
  18. The following is not acceptable in chat.
  20. <---------------------------------L()()K-----------------------------------> /P H CATTRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOWNY ROLE PLAY.
  21. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, Come to /p h CatTrap <------------- Towny roleplay!!!!!
  22. TOWNY ROLE PLAY <-------LOOK---------> /P H CATTRAP. HURRY!!!
  25. Thank you, we appreciate your help.
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