3DS DeviceCert Dumping Tutorial (Updated)

Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. Step 1. If you haven't already, hack your 3DS to get arm9loaderhax, the guide for which can be found here:
  2. It's free and doesn't take long, and can be done on the latest firmware.
  3. Step 2. Install the latest commit of Reisyukaku's eShop Debugger, a built CIA can be found here:
  4. If you get a bunch of weirds symbols, use your browser's options to save the file. (On Google Chrome, you may have to click the three-dot icon next to the URL bar, then go to More Tools > Save Page As...)
  5. Step 3. Move this file to your SD card, turn on your 3DS, and install the CIA using FBI.
  6. Step 4. Quit FBI and open the new eShop Debugger icon on your 3DS.
  7. Step 5. Press B once eShop Debugger is done to dump your device certificate file.
  8. Step 6. Put your SD card back into your computer, and do what you want with it.
  9. If you have any questions or want to donate any certs to me, my email is inklingsarehо and my Skype is pоkemоnfan2000man.
  10. That should be about it, bye!
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