
dickears shits the bed over being juped

Nov 6th, 2018
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  1. [12:21:44] <d[o_o]b> drop my nick or else
  2. [12:22:39] <nance> are you making threats?
  3. [12:22:57] <nance> i just want to see if having dicks for ears makes my hearing improve
  4. [12:22:59] <d[o_o]b> no im telling you to drop my nick
  5. [12:23:05] <d[o_o]b> stop playing games
  6. [12:23:08] <d[o_o]b> lol
  7. [12:23:22] <nance> you're the one that joins my channels and my friends channels spewing utter nonsense
  8. [12:23:37] <d[o_o]b> lol not true
  9. [12:23:48] <d[o_o]b> i was invited to a public channel by an oper
  10. [12:24:00] <nance> right but when you're joining #metoo
  11. [12:24:05] <nance> you're not being invited by an opper
  12. [12:24:06] <d[o_o]b> now stop the bs before u lose your nicks and chans all together
  13. [12:24:18] <nance> are you threatning to DDOS me?
  14. [12:24:21] <d[o_o]b> ok enough bs drop my nick nancy
  15. [12:24:27] <d[o_o]b> nope i dont ddos shit
  16. [12:24:35] <d[o_o]b> so sorry you got the wrong guy
  17. [12:24:40] <nance> so you're going to pay someone to do your dirty work instead?
  18. [12:24:58] <d[o_o]b> neh that's you
  19. [12:25:00] <d[o_o]b> not me
  20. [12:25:12] <d[o_o]b> i dont pay shit and dont have nobody do shit for me
  21. [12:25:22] <d[o_o]b> so once again you got the wrong guy
  22. [12:25:45] <d[o_o]b> im not vap0r or chrono or lulzy or eraser
  23. [12:25:55] <d[o_o]b> im a real mans man not a chimp
  24. [12:26:23] <nance> so how are you going to pwn all my nicks and chans?
  27. (efnet)
  28. 19:51 -!- Irssi: Starting query in efnet with d[o_o]b
  29. 19:51 <d[o_o]b> you are soooooooooooooo fukt
  30. 19:51 <d[o_o]b> you will learn the hard way like your dumb friends
  31. 19:51 <d[o_o]b> enjoy it while you can
  32. 19:51 <d[o_o]b> you're rekt good BYE
  33. Day changed to 07 Nov 2018
  35. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [14:04:31] <|d-_-b|> see your worthless jupe was all for nothing ya dumb fat hoe
  38. [14:04:59] <|d-_-b|> now dont cry to me when you get what you have coming ya fat turd.
  40. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. 20:54 -!- Irssi: Starting query in tele with d[o_o]b
  44. 20:54 <d[o_o]b> that's right don't respond becuse you will be very sorry for playing your games as will your friends when i get back home. TRUST ME on this.
  45. 21:26 -!- d[o_o]b is now known as |d-_-b|
  46. 21:26 <|d-_-b|> hope you like ur connex as its gonna go boom thanks for playing asshat. bye now
  47. 21:27 <|d-_-b|> all ur jupes and bs gaymes are futile you are a born loser. good riddens
  48. Day changed to 07 Nov 2018
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