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Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. 0:53:55.903 ConEmu 150513[64] log[1]
  2. 0:53:55.903 Startup info
  3. OsVer: 10.0.10240.x64, Product: 1, SP: 0.0, Suite: 0x100, SM_SERVERR2: 0
  4. CSDVersion: , ReactOS: 0 (), Rsrv: 0
  5. DBCS: 0, WINE: 0, PE: 0, Remote: 0, ACP: 1252, OEMCP: 850, Admin: 0
  6. Desktop: Winsta0\Default; BPP: 32
  7. Title: C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe
  8. Size: {0,0},{0,0}
  9. Flags: 0x00000401, ShowWindow: 1, ConHWnd: 0x00000000
  10. Handles: 0x00000000, 0x00010001, 0x00000000
  11. Active HKL: 0x0000000004070407
  12. GetKeyboardLayoutList: 0x0000000004070407
  13. CmdLine: "C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe" /log
  14. ExecMod: C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe
  15. WorkDir: C:\Program Files\ConEmu
  16. PathEnv: C:\redacted
  17. ConFont: 0 Lucida Console 00 Consolas
  18. CMD's AutoRuns: {not defined}
  19. Foreground: x000905D0 {0,0}-{1920,1080} 'WorkerW' -
  20. Cursor: {609,984}
  21. Display: bpp=32, planes=1, align=1, vrefr=60, shade=x00000000, rast=x00007E99, dpi=120x120, per-mon-dpi=1
  22. Monitors (dpi: WholeDesktop, Effective, Angular, RAW):
  23. 00010001: {0,0}-{1920,1080} (1920x1080), Working: {0,0}-{1920,1030} (1920x1030), dpi: {120,120};{120,120};{125,125};{176,176} `\\.\DISPLAY1` <<== Primary
  24. Modules:
  25. 0000000140000000-0000000140242FFF 243000 C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe
  26. 00007FFE4A8F0000-00007FFE4AAB0FFF 1C1000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  27. 00007FFE49150000-00007FFE491FCFFF AD000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL
  28. 00007FFE475E0000-00007FFE477BCFFF 1DD000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
  29. 00007FFE48440000-00007FFE4858DFFF 14E000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
  30. 00007FFE48FC0000-00007FFE49145FFF 186000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
  31. 00007FFE48390000-00007FFE48435FFF A6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
  32. 00007FFE48C70000-00007FFE48D0CFFF 9D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
  33. 00007FFE4A740000-00007FFE4A79AFFF 5B000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sechost.dll
  34. 00007FFE48590000-00007FFE486B5FFF 126000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
  35. 00007FFE49200000-00007FFE4A721FFF 1522000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
  36. 00007FFE47990000-00007FFE47FB8FFF 629000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\
  37. 00007FFE48820000-00007FFE48A9BFFF 27C000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\combase.dll
  38. 00007FFE47FC0000-00007FFE48010FFF 51000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll
  39. 00007FFE473B0000-00007FFE473BEFFF F000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel.appcore.dll
  40. 00007FFE47870000-00007FFE47922FFF B3000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shcore.dll
  41. 00007FFE47340000-00007FFE47389FFF 4A000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\powrprof.dll
  42. 00007FFE47390000-00007FFE473A2FFF 13000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\profapi.dll
  43. 00007FFE4A7A0000-00007FFE4A8E0FFF 141000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
  44. 00007FFE48AA0000-00007FFE48B76FFF D7000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMDLG32.dll
  45. 00007FFE48D20000-00007FFE48DDDFFF BE000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
  46. 00007FFE3D630000-00007FFE3D639FFF A000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
  47. 00007FFE37700000-00007FFE37973FFF 274000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll
  48. 00007FFE37570000-00007FFE37586FFF 17000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NETAPI32.dll
  49. 00007FFE37430000-00007FFE37452FFF 23000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
  50. 00007FFE46550000-00007FFE46575FFF 26000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll
  51. 00007FFE45080000-00007FFE45095FFF 16000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wkscli.dll
  52. 00007FFE465A0000-00007FFE465ABFFF C000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\netutils.dll
  53. 00007FFE356E0000-00007FFE3570BFFF 2C000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll
  54. 00007FFE47590000-00007FFE475D3FFF 44000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cfgmgr32.dll
  55. 00007FFE47250000-00007FFE47277FFF 28000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll
  56. 00007FFE450A0000-00007FFE450B7FFF 18000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SAMCLI.DLL
  57. 00007FFE45CB0000-00007FFE45CD6FFF 27000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
  58. 00007FFE48350000-00007FFE48385FFF 36000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL
  59. 00007FFE486C0000-00007FFE4881BFFF 15C000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
  60. 00007FFE45B80000-00007FFE45C15FFF 96000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
  61. 00007FFE43B10000-00007FFE43B31FFF 22000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll
  62. 0:53:55.905 Settings::LoadSettings
  63. 0:53:55.990 Loaded pos: {952,0}, size: {95,42}
  64. 0:53:56.133 DPI initialized to {120,120}
  65. 0:53:56.137 SettingsLoaded
  66. 0:53:56.137 Registering local fonts
  67. 0:53:56.139 Main font was created Face='Consolas' lfHeight=22 lfWidth=10 use-dpi=1 dpi=120 zoom=10000
  68. 0:53:56.139 gpConEmu->Init
  69. 0:53:56.139 Using default ConEmu icon
  70. 0:53:56.139 gpConEmu->CreateMainWindow
  71. 0:53:56.139 Current display logical DPI=120
  72. 0:53:56.139 Creating main window. Parent=x00000000 X=952 Y=0 W=968 H=1022 style=x06CF0000 exStyle=x00040000 Mode=wmMaximized
  73. 0:53:56.141 OnCreate: hWnd=x002A1CF8, x=952, y=0, cx=968, cy=1022, style=x06CF0000, exStyle=x00040100
  74. 0:53:56.143 Creating IconList for size {20x20} SysIcon size is {20x20}
  75. 0:53:56.150 Creating tab font name='Segoe UI' height=-16
  76. 0:53:56.153 Created tab height=29
  77. 0:53:56.156 Creating toolbar for size 19 px
  78. 0:53:56.159 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  79. 0:53:56.159 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  80. 0:53:56.161 Transparency: WS_EX_LAYERED was already disabled
  81. 0:53:56.165 PostCreate.1.begin (LeaveOnClose=0, HideOnClose=0)
  82. 0:53:56.165 StoreLayoutName(0,x00000407,0x0000000004070407)
  83. 0:53:56.166 SetWindowMode(wmMaximized) begin
  84. 0:53:56.166 SetWindowMode(wmMaximized)
  85. 0:53:56.167 DpiChanged(Int): dpi={120,120}, rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} (1938x1048) {SuggestedRect was dropped}
  86. 0:53:56.169 Application activating
  87. 0:53:56.169 Foreground state changed (WM_ACTIVATEAPP): State=x01 HWND=x002A1CF8 PID=0 OldHWND=x00000000 OldState=x00
  88. 0:53:56.169 WM_ACTIVATEAPP.Activate(FromTID=2352)
  89. 0:53:56.169 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  90. 0:53:56.169 RegisterHotKey(ID=513, VK=32, MOD=xB) - OK, Code=0
  91. 0:53:56.169 RegisterHotKey(ID=514, VK=90, MOD=x8) - FAILED, Code=1409
  92. 0:53:56.170 CConEmuMain::RegisterHooks() succeeded
  93. 0:53:56.170 CFrameHolder::OnNcActivate(1,x0)
  94. 0:53:56.171 Window was activated somehow
  95. 0:53:56.171 WM_ACTIVATE(From=0x00000000)
  96. 0:53:56.171 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  97. 0:53:56.174 WM_SETFOCUS(From=0x00000000)
  98. 0:53:56.174 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  99. 0:53:56.175 DpiNotChanged(Int): dpi={120,120}, rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} (1938x1048) {SuggestedRect was dropped}
  100. 0:53:56.175 WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED.end: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  101. 0:53:56.182 OnSize(false).3
  102. 0:53:56.182 SetWindowMode done
  103. 0:53:56.182 SetWindowMode(1312) end: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  104. 0:53:56.182 Transparency: WS_EX_LAYERED was already disabled
  105. 0:53:56.182 PostCreate.1.end: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  106. 0:53:56.182 Message 'TaskbarButtonCreated' was received, reapplying icon properties
  107. 0:53:56.182 PostCreate.2.begin (LeaveOnClose=0, HideOnClose=0)
  108. 0:53:56.182 RegisterHotKey(ID=4097, Ctrl+ΓΆ, VK=192, MOD=x2) - OK, Code=0
  109. 0:53:56.182 RegisterHotKey(ID=4100, Win+Ctrl+Alt+Enter, VK=13, MOD=xB) - OK, Code=0
  110. 0:53:56.183 CheckConsoleFontFast(`NULL`,`Lucida Console`) = 0
  111. 0:53:56.187 InitInterface()
  112. 0:53:56.188 File download requested ''
  113. 0:53:56.188 Open internet
  114. 0:53:56.198 Creating console group using task {Zsh::Msys2-64}
  115. 0:53:56.199 Internet opened x00CC0004
  116. 0:53:56.199 Set protocol version (1.1)
  117. 0:53:56.199 Current internet receive timeout: 30000 ms
  118. 0:53:56.199 Set internet receive timeout: 30000 ms
  119. 0:53:56.199 Current internet data receive timeout: 30000 ms
  120. 0:53:56.199 Set internet data receive timeout: 30000 ms
  121. 0:53:56.199 Connecting to server (3)
  122. 0:53:56.199 InetCallback for handle x00CC0004: Handle x00CC0008 created
  123. 0:53:56.199 Connect opened x00CC0008
  124. 0:53:56.199 Opening request with flags x84000000
  125. 0:53:56.199 InetCallback for handle x00CC0008: Handle x00CC000C created
  126. 0:53:56.199 Http file opened x00CC000C
  127. 0:53:56.199 Sending request
  128. 0:53:56.200 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Detecting Proxy
  129. 0:53:56.200 VCon(0x00000000).OnSize(1920x946)
  130. 0:53:56.200 VCon(0x00000000).OnMove(0x29)
  131. 0:53:56.201 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Initializing ConEmu (2)
  132. 0:53:56.201 setGuiWndPID: PID=0, HWND=x00000000, Style=x00000000, ExStyle=x00000000, ''
  133. 0:53:56.201 CRealConsole::PreCreate, hView=x00290888, hBack=x00700750, Detached=0, AsAdmin=0, Cmd=set SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh & C:\msys64\usr\bin\zsh.exe -l -i
  134. 0:53:56.202 Icon `C:\msys64\usr\bin\zsh.exe` was loaded: {40x40} planes=1 bpp=32
  135. 0:53:56.205 Admin icon `C:\msys64\usr\bin\zsh.exe` was created: {20x20} planes=1 bpp=32
  136. 0:53:56.205 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Initializing ConEmu (4)
  137. 0:53:56.206 VCon[0] invalidate called
  138. 0:53:56.206 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Initializing ConEmu (5)
  139. 0:53:56.206 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Initializing RealConsole...
  140. 0:53:56.207 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  141. 0:53:56.207 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  142. 0:53:56.210 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Resolving Name
  143. 0:53:56.213 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  144. 0:53:56.213 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  145. 0:53:56.213 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  146. 0:53:56.213 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  147. 0:53:56.214 ShowView: Back=x00700750, DC=x00290888, ShowCMD=5
  148. 0:53:56.216 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 1 times, 5 pending
  149. 0:53:56.231 PostCreate.2.end: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  150. 0:53:56.231 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Preparing process startup line...
  151. 0:53:56.232 VCon[0] invalidate called
  152. 0:53:56.233 setGuiWndPID: PID=0, HWND=x00000000, Style=x00000000, ExStyle=x00000000, ''
  153. 0:53:56.237 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  154. 0:53:56.237 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  155. 0:53:56.237 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 2 times, 1 pending
  156. 0:53:56.239 CRealConsole::SetConStatus, hView=x00290888: Starting root process...
  157. 0:53:56.240 VCon[0] invalidate called
  158. 0:53:56.244 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 3 times, 1 pending
  159. 0:53:56.247 ServerPID=1860 was set for VCon1
  160. 0:53:56.262 ServerPID=1860 was set for VCon1
  161. 0:53:56.263 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  162. 0:53:56.264 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  163. 0:53:56.279 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Name Resolved
  164. 0:53:56.282 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Connecting to Server, family=13106, data=.235.43.133
  165. 0:53:56.297 VCon[0] invalidate called
  166. 0:53:56.297 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 4 times, 1 pending
  167. 0:53:56.324 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Connected to Server, family=13106, data=.235.43.133
  168. 0:53:56.324 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Sending request
  169. 0:53:56.324 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Request sent (118 bytes)
  170. 0:53:56.324 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Receiving Response
  171. 0:53:56.359 VCon[0] invalidate called
  172. 0:53:56.360 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 5 times, 1 pending
  173. 0:53:56.361 Surface created DIB(1986,-1012,32)=x49051BE6
  174. 0:53:56.361 OnConsoleResize: mouse.state=0x00000000, SizingToDo=0, IsSizing=0, LBtnPressed=0, PostUpdateWindowSize=0
  175. 0:53:56.374 VCon[0] invalidate called
  176. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Response Received (1024 bytes)
  177. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Request complete, Result=x00000001, Value=0
  178. 0:53:56.376 Async operation (BOOL) wait=0
  179. 0:53:56.376 Quering file info with flags x20000005
  180. 0:53:56.376 File length retrieved: 1644 bytes
  181. 0:53:56.376 Reading source
  182. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Receiving Response
  183. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Response Received (1101 bytes)
  184. 0:53:56.376 Retrieved 1644 bytes
  185. 0:53:56.376 Writing target file 1644 bytes
  186. 0:53:56.376 Reading source
  187. 0:53:56.376 Retrieved 0 bytes
  188. 0:53:56.376 Download finished, 1644 bytes retrieved
  189. 0:53:56.376 Close handle x00CC000C
  190. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC000C: Handle Closing x00cc000c
  191. 0:53:56.376 Async close handle x00CC000C wait result=0
  192. 0:53:56.376 Close handle x00CC0008
  193. 0:53:56.376 InetCallback for handle x00CC0008: Handle Closing x00cc0008
  194. 0:53:56.376 Async close handle x00CC0008 wait result=0
  195. 0:53:56.377 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 6 times, 1 pending
  196. 0:53:56.381 Close handle x00CC0004
  197. 0:53:56.386 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  198. 0:53:56.386 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  199. 0:53:56.407 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  200. 0:53:56.407 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  201. 0:53:56.408 VCon[0] invalidate called
  202. 0:53:56.411 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 7 times, 2 pending
  203. 0:53:56.449 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  204. 0:53:56.449 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  205. 0:53:56.449 VCon[0] invalidate called
  206. 0:53:56.454 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 8 times, 1 pending
  207. 0:53:56.605 VCon[0] invalidate called
  208. 0:53:56.605 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 9 times, 1 pending
  209. 0:53:56.918 VCon[0] invalidate called
  210. 0:53:56.918 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 10 times, 1 pending
  211. 0:53:56.941 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  212. 0:53:56.941 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  213. 0:53:56.941 VCon[0] invalidate called
  214. 0:53:56.942 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 11 times, 1 pending
  215. 0:53:56.955 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  216. 0:53:56.955 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  217. 0:53:57.225 VCon[0] invalidate called
  218. 0:53:57.225 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 12 times, 1 pending
  219. 0:53:57.232 Calling Taskbar_UpdateOverlay from timer
  220. 0:53:57.233 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  221. 0:53:57.234 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  222. 0:53:57.448 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  223. 0:53:57.448 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  224. 0:53:57.448 VCon[0] invalidate called
  225. 0:53:57.449 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  226. 0:53:57.449 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  227. 0:53:57.449 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 13 times, 1 pending
  228. 0:53:57.468 VCon[0] invalidate called
  229. 0:53:57.468 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 14 times, 1 pending
  230. 0:53:57.538 VCon[0] invalidate called
  231. 0:53:57.538 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 15 times, 1 pending
  232. 0:53:57.892 VCon[0] invalidate called
  233. 0:53:57.892 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 16 times, 1 pending
  234. 0:53:57.953 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  235. 0:53:57.953 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  236. 0:53:57.953 VCon[0] invalidate called
  237. 0:53:57.955 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 17 times, 1 pending
  238. 0:53:58.225 Calling Taskbar_UpdateOverlay from timer
  239. 0:53:58.225 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  240. 0:53:58.226 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  241. 0:53:58.420 VCon[0] invalidate called
  242. 0:53:58.420 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 18 times, 1 pending
  243. 0:53:58.949 VCon[0] invalidate called
  244. 0:53:58.949 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 19 times, 1 pending
  245. 0:53:59.229 Calling Taskbar_UpdateOverlay from timer
  246. 0:53:59.229 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  247. 0:53:59.230 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  248. 0:53:59.340 Session State (#1): WTS_SESSION_LOCK
  249. 0:53:59.356 VCon[0] invalidate called
  250. 0:53:59.357 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 20 times, 1 pending
  251. 0:53:59.358 Surface created DIB(1986,-924,32)=xF00523E4
  252. 0:53:59.358 OnConsoleResize: mouse.state=0x00000000, SizingToDo=0, IsSizing=0, LBtnPressed=0, PostUpdateWindowSize=0
  253. 0:53:59.359 VCon[0] invalidate called
  254. 0:53:59.402 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 21 times, 1 pending
  255. 0:53:59.406 VCon[0] invalidate called
  256. 0:53:59.414 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 22 times, 2 pending
  257. 0:53:59.609 CFrameHolder::OnNcActivate(0,x0)
  258. 0:53:59.609 Window was deactivated
  259. 0:53:59.609 Foreground state changed (WM_ACTIVATE): State=x00 HWND=x00000000 PID=0 OldHWND=x002A1CF8 OldState=x01
  260. 0:53:59.609 WM_ACTIVATE.WA_INACTIVE(To=0x00000000) OurFocus=0
  261. 0:53:59.609 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  262. 0:53:59.609 UnregisterHotKey(ID=513)
  263. 0:53:59.609 UnregisterHotKey(ID=514)
  264. 0:53:59.609 UnregisterHotKey(ID=515)
  265. 0:53:59.609 UnregisterHotKey(ID=516)
  266. 0:53:59.609 UnregisterHotKey(ID=517)
  267. 0:53:59.609 CConEmuMain::UnRegisterHooks() done
  268. 0:53:59.609 VCon[0] invalidate called
  269. 0:53:59.609 Application deactivating
  270. 0:53:59.609 WM_ACTIVATEAPP.Deactivate(ToTID=0) OurFocus=0
  271. 0:53:59.609 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  272. 0:53:59.610 WM_KILLFOCUS(To=0x00000000) OurFocus=0
  273. 0:53:59.610 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  274. 0:53:59.612 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 23 times, 1 pending
  275. 0:53:59.728 Foreground state changed (OnTimer_Main): State=x00 HWND=x001915FC PID=8476 OldHWND=x00000000 OldState=x00
  276. 0:54:00.229 Calling Taskbar_UpdateOverlay from timer
  277. 0:54:00.229 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  278. 0:54:00.230 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  279. 0:54:00.723 Foreground state changed (OnTimer_Main): State=x00 HWND=x00071C2E PID=4528 OldHWND=x001915FC OldState=x00
  280. 0:54:01.228 Calling Taskbar_UpdateOverlay from timer
  281. 0:54:01.229 Taskbar_UpdateOverlay executed with tab icon
  282. 0:54:01.231 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(ICON) succeeded code=x00000000
  283. 0:54:01.231 Timer for Taskbar_UpdateOverlay was stopped
  284. 0:54:02.728 Foreground state changed (OnTimer_Main): State=x00 HWND=x00000000 PID=0 OldHWND=x00071C2E OldState=x00
  285. 0:54:04.563 Session State (#1): WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK
  286. 0:54:04.724 Foreground state changed (OnTimer_Main): State=x00 HWND=x001915FC PID=8476 OldHWND=x00000000 OldState=x00
  287. 0:54:06.229 Activation by mouse
  288. 0:54:06.229 Foreground state changed (OnActivateByMouse): State=x00 HWND=x00000000 PID=0 OldHWND=x001915FC OldState=x00
  289. 0:54:06.231 WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED.end: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  290. 0:54:06.231 Application activating
  291. 0:54:06.231 Foreground state changed (WM_ACTIVATEAPP): State=x01 HWND=x002A1CF8 PID=0 OldHWND=x00000000 OldState=x00
  292. 0:54:06.231 WM_ACTIVATEAPP.Activate(FromTID=0)
  293. 0:54:06.231 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  294. 0:54:06.231 RegisterHotKey(ID=513, VK=32, MOD=xB) - OK, Code=0
  295. 0:54:06.231 RegisterHotKey(ID=514, VK=90, MOD=x8) - FAILED, Code=1409
  296. 0:54:06.231 CConEmuMain::RegisterHooks() succeeded
  297. 0:54:06.232 VCon[0] invalidate called
  298. 0:54:06.232 CFrameHolder::OnNcActivate(1,x0)
  299. 0:54:06.232 Window was activated somehow
  300. 0:54:06.232 WM_ACTIVATE(From=0x00000000)
  301. 0:54:06.232 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  302. 0:54:06.232 WM_SETFOCUS(From=0x00000000)
  303. 0:54:06.233 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to TRUE
  304. 0:54:06.344 OnSysCommand (61536(0xF060), 264063, 1) - WM_SYSCOMMAND
  305. 0:54:06.344 CVConGroup::OnScClose()
  306. 0:54:06.344 CVConGroup::OnScClose()
  307. 0:54:06.344 SaveSettingsOnExit: Visible Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  308. 0:54:06.410 287572125:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: Closing console window
  309. 0:54:06.413 VCon[0] WM_PAINT 24 times, 3 pending
  310. 0:54:06.434 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=4240: ProcessVConClosed - repost
  311. 0:54:06.434 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: OnVConClosed
  312. 0:54:06.434 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=5892: Server process was terminated, ExitCode=259
  313. 0:54:06.435 VCon[0] invalidate called
  314. 0:54:06.435 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=5892: StopSignal
  315. 0:54:06.435 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=5892: Leaving MonitorThread
  316. 0:54:06.437 SelectTab tab requested: Tab=1
  317. 0:54:06.437 SelectTabInt Tab=1 CurTab=1
  318. 0:54:06.438 CConEmuMain::OnAllVConClosed()
  319. 0:54:06.438 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: AllVConClosed
  320. 0:54:06.438 mp_TaskBar3->SetOverlayIcon(NULL) succeeded code=x00000000
  321. 0:54:06.438 isDestroyOnClose(0) {0,0,1} -> 1
  322. 0:54:06.438 CConEmuMain::Destroy()
  323. 0:54:06.439 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: ProcessVConClosed - done
  324. 0:54:06.440 287572156:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: Real server stopped
  325. 0:54:06.449 287572171:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: Real server stopped
  326. 0:54:06.449 287572171:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: Real server stopped
  327. 0:54:06.449 287572171:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: DestroyWindow
  328. 0:54:06.450 WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED.end: Hidden Maximized WindowMode=1312 Rect={-9,-9}-{1929,1039} Mon(x00010001)=({0,0}-{1920,1080}),({0,0}-{1920,1030})
  329. 0:54:06.453 CFrameHolder::OnNcActivate(0,x0)
  330. 0:54:06.453 Window was deactivated
  331. 0:54:06.453 Foreground state changed (WM_ACTIVATE): State=x00 HWND=x00000000 PID=0 OldHWND=x002A1CF8 OldState=x01
  332. 0:54:06.453 WM_ACTIVATE.WA_INACTIVE(To=0x00000000) OurFocus=0
  333. 0:54:06.453 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  334. 0:54:06.453 UnregisterHotKey(ID=513)
  335. 0:54:06.453 UnregisterHotKey(ID=514)
  336. 0:54:06.453 UnregisterHotKey(ID=515)
  337. 0:54:06.453 UnregisterHotKey(ID=516)
  338. 0:54:06.453 UnregisterHotKey(ID=517)
  339. 0:54:06.453 CConEmuMain::UnRegisterHooks() done
  340. 0:54:06.454 Application deactivating
  341. 0:54:06.454 Foreground state changed (WM_ACTIVATEAPP): State=x00 HWND=x000E0774 PID=4788 OldHWND=x00000000 OldState=x00
  342. 0:54:06.454 WM_ACTIVATEAPP.Deactivate(ToTID=5524) OurFocus=0
  343. 0:54:06.454 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  344. 0:54:06.455 WM_KILLFOCUS(To=0x00000000) OurFocus=0
  345. 0:54:06.455 mb_LastConEmuFocusState set to FALSE
  346. 0:54:06.455 WM_DESTROY: CConEmuMain
  347. 0:54:06.456 UnregisterHotKey(ID=4097)
  348. 0:54:06.456 UnregisterHotKey(ID=4100)
  349. 0:54:06.456 287572171:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: mp_GuiServer->StopPipeServer
  350. 0:54:06.457 287572187:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: mp_GuiServer->StopPipeServer - done
  351. 0:54:06.457 287572187:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: mp_GuiServerPID->StopPipeServer
  352. 0:54:06.457 287572187:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: mp_GuiServerPID->StopPipeServer - done
  353. 0:54:06.461 287572187:ConEmuG:PID=7872:TID=8396: MessageLoop terminated
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