
Gateway Nation Bonuses

Aug 28th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. Artolia - Your experience in the far north cause you to tire slowly, so slowly that you seem to others to be unstoppable. You treat your level of exhaustion as if it were two levels lower than it is. Additionally, your travel pace is one step faster when determining distance traveled in a day.
  3. Dallmoor - Thanks to the great crafters and artisans of your country and the influence they wield, you grew up learning and studying how to use tools from a young age. Whenever you make an ability check using tools you are not proficient in add half your proficiency bonus to the check. You also add half your proficiency to any technology check.
  5. Themis - Negotiation, compromise, and honesty are hallmarks for those hailing from your country, and the world is aware of it (or has been made aware). Unless you've done something to cause them to think otherwise, people will treat you as friendly by default.
  7. Portalis - You're far more used to magic than most in the world, and because of that you have some small control over it. Whenever you roll a d20 to determine a magical effect you roll twice and choose one. In addition, if a magical item in your possession regains charges, it gains one additional charge.
  9. Kimura - The jungles of your homeland are dangerous, but also full of what seem to others strange delicacies. You can and have eaten almost everything your country has to offer, whether by choice or necessity. Even things that weren't always intended to be food. You can immediately identify ingredients in everything you eat, including poison. In addition your constitution means you can survive on nearly anything organic, and do not suffer from ingested poison or from diseases.
  11. Pelion - The largest and greatest relic of the Imperial Age sits within your country, and though the vast majority of Dulra remains as untouched as it has for millennia, relics have made their way out. Through countless trial and error and experience, you've been taught to quickly determine magical properties. At a glance, you can tell if an item is magical, and with a touch, know minor details about a magical item's abilities.
  13. Deinos - Tools are a luxury (or a liability) you can't always afford in the crime filled streets of Illyria. So you've learned to make do with what you can scrounge up. You can make any check that would normally require tools without tools, though it takes up to ten minutes longer. In addition, you don't suffer disadvantage from using improvised tools.
  15. Rakar - You're used to combat and fighting, and are quite used to bandaging yourself quickly on the fly. It might leave you with a lot of small scars, but you take each one as a lesson learned. When you roll hit dice to regain hitpoints, add your proficiency to the total.
  17. Hadano - Conscription is rule of law in Hadano, and though your training might be long behind you, you've fought in the field before and like all your countrymen, you're hard to keep down. When you make death saving throw, you succeed on an 8 or higher. In addition you gain 1hp on a roll of 19 or 20.
  19. Meran - No matter how fierce the weather or rough the terrain, you press ever onward. Your travel pace or in combat movement is not reduced by difficult terrain or poor weather unless the weather would prevent all travel.
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