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Noble Ascendance Commentary

a guest
Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. This song originated as a battle theme for Roxy, but as I moved along in the process, I thought "Hey, wouldn't it be cool to make some kind of medley for all of the alpha kids when they got their god tiers that would be pretty cool wouldn't it?" and started what at the time was the most ambitious song I made yet. The song starts off with the lull before the fucking explosion kills them all, and then kicks into sections for each of the alpha kids. (in the order Roxy, Dirk, Jake, and Jane, although both Jake and Jane's motifs weren't very clear looking back on it, considering I just stuck in the bit from Oppa Toby Style where Jake is fighting the Felt, and for Jane just... Ruins, not to mention their sections kind of run into each other) Afterward, there's a lull where wow look, all of the kids are together and it's cool as shit. (Believe it or not, this chiptune section was *meant* as a remix of Homestuck but uh, the melody got shifted and altered to the point where it's essentially unrecognizable) Then, there's the bit where )(ic comes in and ruins everything.
  3. It feels weird and banal to write that out honestly, but my process when making the medley was to make some kind of... story I suppose? I'm not really a fan of stuff that shoves in references for the sake of shoving in references, so pretty much every reference I put in here was meant to connect to the kids somehow. (Look fine Ruins only has a really tangential connection to Jane but I didn't listen to Volume 9 because I'm a bad person)
  5. This song was made when I was first really digging my teeth into making music, and I feel like it shows. Generally I feel like the production and instrumentation in this song has... a lot to be desired. Even so, making this taught me lots of things that I wouldn't have learned otherwise, and I'm glad I made it, even if I can't stand to listen to it.
  7. I tried to make another medley with this kind of format for the Cool and New Music Team recently, and it's essentially what I was trying to do with this song. (Although, with a different subject matter entirely) You can find it on the Greatest Hits 2 album, under the name Two Master Classes, A Knife Enthusiast, and A Green Dude Walk Into a Bar. Yes, I know it's a shitty name.
  9. (
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